The Fades s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

OK So The dead are walking the Earth.
They're angry.
They're fighting back They're doing a pretty good job of fighting back, mainly by eating human flesh, which allows them to touch.
But on the other side of the net, there's these these guys called the Angelics who are trying to stop these growing-powerful, eating-flesh dead people.
But they keep getting killed off by this Angelic-killing Fade guy.
He's bad, and not in a good way.
And something very strange may have just happened to him, but I'm not sure of the details.
As the bodies pile up and people disappear, in the ordinary world they're beginning to ask questions.
People like my dad, a police officer.
Sadly, they're asking the wrong questions, which is why my history teacher is under arrest for dead people's crimes.
Finally, there's my friend Paul, an Angelic, he's a pretty special Angelic.
In fact, he may be the best Angelic, not that that matters any more because, um, he got knocked over by a truck.
- Paul! - (TYRES SCREECH) A truck.
Oh, um who's seen my copy of, um, Wizard Of Oz? Hmm? Nanoo-nanoo.
Hello? Excuse me.
Excuse Jay? Jay! (WEEPS) He's going to be OK, isn't he? (BEEPING ECHOES) (HER BREATH QUIVERS) (GRUNTS) Unh! (GASPS) (MUFFLED) Hello? Hello? Hello? Son, hello.
Are you OK? (GRUNTS) Where's your clothes, son? (HE GRUNTS) Drugs, is it? (GRUNTS) We can get you some help.
- Ynh! - Jesus Christ! (THUMP) 21-down, eight letters.
"Blank Bound: The Incredible Journey.
" Anyone? PAUL: Homeward MAC: I'll give you a clue, it involves animals.
And it's not Ace Ventura, Dr Dolittle, Lassie or The Jungle Book.
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey.
Three-down, four letters.
1986 movie starring Grace Jones.
Slightly tricky.
Slightly culty.
I'm going to have to help you out on this one.
You guessed it, it's, um PAUL: Mum MAC: Vamp.
- Mum - We have a winner, and the winner is me.
What a lovely audience you are, - what a lovely audience - Mum! Ah! Gah! Meg, can we have a private word? Anything you want to say to me, you can say to them.
Paul is braindead.
We did everything we could.
I'm so sorry.
But I'm afraid we're going to have to discuss taking him off life support.
- (SCREAMING) - Quick.
Got her? Got her? Try and keep her under control! - (MOBILE RINGS) - Keep it quiet, please.
Phil, get that.
Yeah? Neil! Neil! It's some kid called Mac.
(SCREAMING CONTINUES) What do you want? Paul's been hurt.
There's been an accident.
You're honestly sitting there and saying that I killed my wife? That's the second time you've done that .
talked about her in the past tense.
Will you stop?! What changed your mind, Mark? My wife's divorcing me at the moment, so I know how hard that is.
That feeling of everything you've done together being spoiled.
That feeling of everything she's told you about yourself being lies.
No, she loved me.
I love you.
And I And you loved her back, of course you did.
But you couldn't live together.
Yes, it was difficult - So you killed her.
- Will you stop? I don't know what you've been doing here, Mark but you scare me.
How do you work? How have you done this? Are you here? Sarah? - You're here.
- (WHISPERS) Mark.
Ah! You not going in? They say his chances of survival are a million to one.
That's not very good odds, then, is it? No.
Until you consider there's 62 million people in this country.
That means if every single person in the UK was in the same coma, 62 of them would survive.
And I bet Paul, with your help, I bet on Paul definitely being one of them.
No, he's dead.
Worldwide, the population's 6.
91 billion and we're all citizens of the world so He's dead.
But they haven't turned the machines off yet, he still could come back to us.
I thought you were going to help him.
He's dead? How do you know? Because his Fade is standing right next to you.
Am I dead? Yeah.
I'm sorry Mac, but now that I've found him, we've got to go.
He's here? Can I say something? Yeah, let him.
Le let him.
I need him to know how sorry I am.
- It was my fault.
- No.
He was looking at me when a truck hit him.
Neil please Just say something.
He's not to blame.
Sounds like it was his fault to me.
They're not always bad things.
Oi! Put it back! Creepy fucker.
I told you this place would be a fucking goldmine.
Hey, li listen, we don't do refunds.
(GRUNTS) Who? (GRUNTS) Who? Paul.
Paul Roberts, AKA sports personality of the year.
He's in a coma.
Some loss! - (VOMITS) - Fucking freaks.
"This is Steve here.
I'm not here right now.
Leave us a message.
" Hi, Steven.
Remember that time you blew a raspberry on my twat and thought it was funny and I didn't speak to you for a week? This is worse.
Call me back.
We've been using this place for 20 years.
It was built as a bunker during World War II.
Left to rot, now it's ours.
While there's an Angelic killer on the loose, it's the safest place for us.
You know, you're not speaking too much and I'm not great at mind reading.
What, you sulking? Why did you bring me here? You said I'm no use to you now.
So why am I here? To prove a point.
The camera's not picking her up.
She seems to be changing.
This is organic matter.
Paul? (GROANS) - So he's really dead, then? - Yup.
He's really dead.
- You know what? It's a good thing.
- A good thing?! Because there's no relying on some sort of rescue package now.
OK? Superman is dead.
God is dead.
The Easter Bunny is dead.
That's what I prove? Yes, that's what you prove.
All right? This is now a war.
She's going to tell us how to win it.
Higgy, Maddy Where is he, Natalie? Where is he? - Stop! Stop, Neil! - Where's the Angelic killer?! Do it, go on.
Where is he? - (SCREAMS) - Where's the killer? Neil! Neil! Neil, Neil, Neil, Neil, Neil, Neil, what you doing with that knife? Shut up.
You had an opportunity, you, and you blew it.
OK, kid? We have a code, Neil! Fuck the code.
Do you understand how much shit we're in? Do you understand that there's going to come a tipping point soon, beyond which we won't be able to beat them.
Now, you can fight me if you want, but you're not going to convince me that this is not the right thing to do.
Do you want to fight me? - No.
- Right.
Then let go of my fucking hand.
This is wrong.
This is wrong.
Where do you think you're going? You're a Fade.
You can't open doors.
Yeah, well, he's not going alone, is he, Neil, eh? Phil Phil! Shit! Well, that sorted out the wheat from the chaff.
I'm going to ask you one more time before I use this.
Where is he, Natalie? Where's the Angelic killer? No? (NATALIE SCREAMS) - Paul! - Paul! - Let me out.
- No, just wait a minute.
Let me out! I don't want to be here! (SCREAMING) What's he even doing?! I don't know.
Whatever he feels is right.
- We can't stop him? - Yeah, well, maybe we can with your help.
You could be important.
I'm not important.
I'm dead.
- Leave me alone.
- Paul! Hello.
I thought you probably needed something to eat, so, um I brought you a sandwich.
Well, I brought you several because despite spending the last 17 years of my life in your house, I'm not sure of your filling preference.
I got a cheese ploughman's, which, um advertises that it has no mayonnaise like it's a good thing, spicy chicken and ham and pickle.
- I'm not hungry.
- Which is a response I anticipated.
I'd like to counter that with the notion that Paul wouldn't want you to make yourself ill.
You know? You should eat because he'd like you to.
Which one do you want? I'm truly indifferent.
My taste buds aren't up to much.
My mum smoked through pregnancy.
I always just mainly taste the bread.
I'll have the ham.
Good choice.
Please don't turn off the machines.
I'm here to beg you to not turn off the machines.
You're here to do what? I love him more than any other person in this world, which I know is not as much as you, but I do.
And I think it makes me the only person that can understand even a tenth of what you're going through.
We're not having a competition to see who loves Paul best.
This boy This boy is part of me.
- No, I know.
- And the doctor says turning off the machines will make things better for him.
Doctors can be wrong.
After what you've done, - you dare to come in here and - He was I was I'm sorry.
He ran into a road with his ears shut.
I know.
- I saw and - You were careless with him, Mac.
And that means it's my decision, not yours.
Steve? Oh, sorry.
I am John.
I am .
What? You can see me.
I can.
You're in my dreams.
Who are you? Wait! Agh! Agh! Unh! When I was a boy there were these sweets called Pontefract cakes.
What were you doing in my dream? - They were nice on their own, but - How can you see me? .
you put them on your mouth with a Mackintosh rosemary chocolate, which actually were my mother's favourite heaven, a heavenly mixture.
But .
that was 1932 and this is now.
And this chocolate is not bad.
19 32? Sorry.
Where are my manners? Are you Are you hungry? I'm starving.
I'm hungrier than starving.
I'm I'm famished.
I'm ravenous.
I'm food impoverished.
You were a boy in 1932? You're not much older than me! (SIZZLE) Huh! Shocking, isn't it? There was, of course, a a dead bit in between.
I died for a bit.
And now I live.
Let's walk.
I still don't get what you were doing in my dream.
Haven't you worked it out yet? Who I am? Fuck off.
It's you you tried to kill me.
Now here's the fun part - I can't kill you! You're a Fade now.
You can't touch, you can't feel, but you can be trapped.
Those doors are shut.
How are you going to open them, Paul? You could be stuck up here for a very long, lonely time.
Unless .
you can tell me what I need to know.
What do you need to know? I sent a young girl to follow you.
Her name's Natalie.
And I like her.
And I think damage is being done to her by your people.
(CHOKES) And I want her back.
She tried to kill me.
So did I.
So you want me to help a murderer find a murderer? F fuck you! You're one of those honourable types.
How modern! I'd rather spend forever up here than I wouldn't help you even if it cost me everything! Cost you everything? You don't know what everything means.
For nearly 70 years I watched my wife suffer while my Fade body rotted away from me.
You're a fucking child.
And I will not be lectured by you! I was one of the first.
Sicily, 1943.
Killed by a mortar.
One of many that year.
There was so much death, it's no wonder the ladder got broken.
And when it did, I, along with thousands, and possibly millions of others, became trapped in a world in which I couldn't touch.
I could only watch as my loved ones carry on without me.
And, while I watched, my body continued to age, and rot.
Not a nice situation.
I didn't deserve it.
None of us did.
(VOMITS) (GRUNTS) So you killed people .
to make it better? No, I didn't kill.
That's not how it started.
I was saved.
By my wife, as it happens.
(SPLUTTERS) We were married at 18.
At 20, I was sent to war and at 22, I didn't return.
I watched her marry again to a man that beat her.
I saw her give birth to children that didn't think that much of her.
And then .
when the cancer came .
I watched her choose dignity.
All I could do was watch.
I couldn't touch.
I couldn't cry out.
The pain of that first drop of blood on my face was excruciating.
But the thought of leaving her was even more excruciating, so I lay there took the pain.
Three days of her blood dripping on me.
Drying on me, enveloping me.
And it was that blood that saved me.
It burnt me.
And where it burnt me, I grew new skin.
Skin that I could feel with.
I found a way to be free.
But to be free .
you became a killer.
Don't even think what I did even starts to compare with what the Angelics did.
What did the Angelics do that was so bad? From the start, we begged them for help.
We said that there must be a way for them to reopen ascension.
That they had to reopen ascension.
So they met, they talked .
and they decided that interfering with ascension was beyond the Angelic remit.
We'd just have to learn to accept our pain.
They ref refused to help? We couldn't touch the living, but they became afraid of what we might do.
So they made guns tipped with organic matter to hurt us.
They herded us like cattle.
They became our prison guards.
This is my truth, Paul, and it is the truth, and I think you know it.
And I think what they're doing to Natalie right now proves it.
I tried to get them to let her go.
I can't help you.
They won't listen to me.
All I need you to do is take me there.
I won't hurt them, I won't kill them, I give you my word.
I'll just go in and get her out.
(WOMAN GROANS IN PAIN) The camera's picking her up.
So they can be seen.
She's becoming flesh.
(GROANS IN AGONY) Pre-ascension jitters? Forget about it.
You'll definitely ascend.
You come to see us? Argh.
Fuck! He'll be OK, right? He'll be fine.
Come on.
That's (GROANING) What have you been doing to her, Neil? Who are you here with? Phil and Alice come back, have they? Come crawling back? Higgy let me in.
(GASPS) Neil? What's going on? Paul, where's Higgy? Higgy! You stay and watch Natalie.
Paul, you come with me.
Neil, why don't you just let her go? (WHISPERS) Seriously, Neil, just let her go.
(GRUNTS AND RATTLES CHAINS) (GROANS WILDLY) (WHISPERS) Neil? What the MADDY: Neil? (DEEP RASP) Neil! Neil Someone's in, someone's in! Maddy! (SCREECHES) (MADDY SCREAMS) Maddy! (RAPID GUNFIRE) No! Fuck off! (NATALIE WAILS) Move over.
- It's OK, Maddy.
- Maddy? - Oh - (GROANING) No! Maddy! No.
She's dying.
She's going.
Come on, Maddy.
How did he get in? I'll give you three guesses.
You'll only need one.
(SOFTLY) Neil (WHISPERS) Neil Neil.
Neil, Neil! Oh, my No, no! - No! - (GUNSHOT) (SHOUTING DROWNED OUT BY SHOTS) Neil! No! Neil! - Arrrgh! - Higgy! Higgy! No! Get inside! In there! Go! Aaarrrrgh! You killed them.
(GIGGLES) You killed them.
Do you understand what I've just learned? I'm immortal.
This is better than I thought.
You killed them.
You you promised! I really hope you don't ascend.
You'll be a very useful member of my team.
(DOOR BANGS SHUT) Who is he? Who is he? That's your Angelic killer.
He promised he wouldn't hurt anyone.
He what? He pro he promised you?! Why? Why did you do this to us? Walk away from me, Paul, now.
Walk away from me! (MACHINE BEEPS) ANNA: I'm glad you fucked him.
In case you were worried.
Nice that he had a chance to you know, with a real girl.
And frankly, you're pretty good looking and you've got a great arse, so he probably did better than he should have done.
Which is good, cos .
now he's dead.
Are you OK, Anna? Sorry.
Stupid question.
I can't get this thought out of my head .
if Mum had the choice .
I'd be on that bed, not him.
That's not true.
Selfish bitch, aren't I? We got forensics back.
And? The teeth don't match.
Sorry, Sir.
It's not our man.
(DOOR OPENS) We're letting you go.
But I will be watching you.
Paul? Are you here? Paul? Are you here? If your ghost is here just give me a signal.
Shut the fuck up! What? Really? Oh, this is really OK.
I've got so many questions to ask you Well, let's start with who you are and what you're doing in this room.
I'm Mac, I'm Mac! I was looking for Paul's ghost and I have nowhere else to go.
It's the kid from the phone.
Sorry, we just didn't know who you were.
I know who you are.
You're wizards, right? You answered Neil's phone so that probably makes you wizards.
You're here to bring him back to life.
I knew it! I knew it! - Bollocks.
- When I cut myself he made it better.
He just did.
You did the same thing, but on a bigger scale.
He's back.
He's alive! We're here looking for Paul's Fade before he goes into ascension.
And we can't bring him back to life, all right? I mean, this life-and-death thing, it's a bit more complicated than a busted arm.
- I'm sorry.
- OK, so they're complicated, that means we can't even try? Because I'm heartbroken.
His girlfriend's heartbroken, his twin sister's heartbroken.
His mum It just doesn't seem fair.
Wait a minute did you say twin? What? What? (SHE PRESSES BUTTON ON MACHINE) (THUMP) And Paul says he's the one with magic powers.
Where have you been? Here there everywhere.
Well, it's good that you're back cos we've got an hour until they turn the machines off.
They're turning the machines off at 8 o'clock? Yes, weirdo.
They've been taking it in turns to say goodbye.
No, we're not.
What? Fuck goodbyes, I hate them.
I much prefer the French way au revoir - come back soon.
That's not what au revoir means.
I've met some really clever wizards.
What? I found an exhaust port.
We're going to save your brother's life.
What the fuck are you talking about? You know my favourite time? First thing in the morning.
I used to leave you in bed while I had a shower, and then when I came back into the bedroom, you'd always have fallen asleep again.
You'd wake me up by putting your cold, wet hand on my back.
I'd just watch you.
Just watch you sleep.
And you looked .
perfect, you just looked perfect.
Once again, I'm not sure if I'm talking to myself or (SIGHS) Actually the truth is if you are there .
I wish you weren't.
Cos I can't cope with knowing that you're there.
I can't cope with the idea that you're watching me and I can't see you.
Can't feel you.
I wanna touch you too.
It's like, knowing that you're there, it should fill me with joy, but it doesn't.
In fact, it's beginning to make me hate you.
So just fuck off.
Out of my life, please.
OK, baby.
(BEEPING) (BEEPING) Door was open.
You look like shit.
What happened here? Do you remember Natalie? Unlike you, I never remembered their names We had Natalie, and now she's gone.
It gets worse The Fade who killed you he's eaten flesh and taken human form.
They all can, Sarah.
It was him who did this.
You've got to get this cleared up.
I know.
Sarah, am I, um Am I a good man? You're a principled wanker who gets confused sometimes.
You're also one of the best men I know.
You were right, you know.
It's inevitable, this whole thing, there's nothing any of us can do.
Tonight I shot a man, and he came back to life How can we fight immortals? How can I help people? How can I be good? Well, if I was right .
you were right too even if the world is ending, even if they are inevitable .
we can't give up.
We've got to fight.
How? How can we fight them? By having one of our team on theirs.
It's time for me to It's time for me to eat, Neil.
Don't tell me you haven't considered it.
I never considered you'd want to do it.
- I don't.
But I will It's not going to be pleasant.
But it's the only way.
Thank you.
- Paul? - Paul? What are you doing here? Mac? Why have you got my sister? We're here to do a a sort of a .
a soul transplant - we're going to bring you back to life.
It's like a it's like a liver transplant.
We just take a piece and then just watch it grow.
- This is fucking stupid - No, no, no, no! We haven't got a lot of time, guys, please.
Please, please.
No, won't work.
I'm dead.
I'm done.
Yeah? Well, we disagree, so get over here and do as you're told, all right? I shouldn't even be here.
PAUL: You're not listening to me.
I got Maddy and Higgy killed PHIL: You know what, Paul? You're right.
- I'm not listening to you.
- MAC: Is he having doubts? Tell him there's no time for doubts.
I don't need to tell him anything - he can hear you.
He can hear us? MAC: Paul, this will work.
Listen - remember that time when we was 11 in sex ed class No time for fond memories, all right? Now, we need to do this and we need to do it now, so you get over here.
I just don't want to wait a moment more for Anna.
Never was there when I needed her.
What are you waiting for? PHIL: Reflection.
(BEEPING) Go ahead.
(HIGH-PITCHED BEEP) Oh! Oh! (SCREAMS) (SCREAMS) (LONG BEEP) You did everything you could.
And I failed.
We failed? Told you I'm cursed.
I'm sorry.
MAC: What do you mean "sorry"? - Paul? - Just tell Mac MAC: Do something, Paul - I need you! Tell him to try something else! I need him.
Paul? Paul? Paul! (LONG BEEP) (BEEPING) (IRREGULAR BEEPING) - MEG: What's wrong with him? - JAY: Doctor, what's happening? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! (FAST BEEPING) (IRREGULAR BEEPING) He moved.
He just moved.
- What? - What? Paul? - Where's he gone? - Paul! He's ascended? Well, whatever happened, it wasn't us.
What is this?! Someone make it stop.
My son.
My son's back.
My son is back.
My son is back.
My son is back.
Ah! I never knew you But now I'm haunted by your past How long will this last? I thought you loved me You say you love me Life's just a shadow that you cast.
Red Bee Media and APOLLO
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