The Following Events Are Based on a Pack of Lies (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

(upbeat music)
(woman) So lucky!
(women) She's so lucky!
(mouse clicks)
Hello there!
I'm Doctor Robert Chance.
Come in from the wild winds
of Oxfordshire
into Arathdoon!
This is Cheryl,
my lovely lady friend.
A.K.A CR Harker, the famous author.
Are you ready for the grand tour?
(Cheryl) This is where
all seven books were written.
(Rob) Dragons!
There's quite a few
of those around here.
We love dragons!
This is where the magic happens!
-(Cheryl) Rob
-What's down there, Cheryl?
That's the Mind Maze.
(Cheryl) I designed it myself.
I have a map of the whole thing
that I keep under lock and key.
(Rob) You've got the key,
I've got the secret.
So, why are we showing you around
our humble dwelling,
I hear you ask.
Because this house
And the reason
for this little vid
Yes, is this year's venue
for the Myths, Legends
and Fantasy Literary Ball.
I'm Doctor Robert Chance.
And we look forward
to welcoming you
creators, publishers,
artists, and fans
to this, our very own
fantasy land Arathdoon!
We hope you can make it.
(Rob) Darling, you were fabulous!
(Cheryl groans)
I hate being on camera.
(ominous music)
(Rob) Now listen to me,
you fucking lunatic.
You will leave me alone.
(Alice chokes)
-(Rob) Leave my fiancé alone.
And stop poking your nose
into my business.
(Alice gasps)
(Rob) You will drop this.
(Alice in a hoarse voice)
I knew it!
(indistinct whisper)
-(Benjy) I'm back!
Bill says you're not well.
How was it?
Oh, you sound rough!
(Benjy) Yeah, it was, er, great!
I now know
how to saw a lady in half.
Anyway, I just came to see
if you need anything.
Get some fresh air in the field?
(dishes clanking)
(door closes)
(voicemail beeps)
(automated voice) Voicemail
received Monday at 1:02pm.
(Juno over recording)
Alice, it's me.
I think the holiday should come
to an end now, don't you?
See you in the morning, I hope.
(automated voice)
Voicemail received Tuesday at
(Juno) Me again. Where are you?
This has gone beyond a joke.
(automated voice)
Voicemail received
(Juno over recording) It's me.
Do you actually want to be fired?
Now you listen to me,
you fucking lunatic.
(phone vibrates)
(Rob over phone) Hey, Alley Cat.
How's it going?
(Rob laughs menacingly)
I'm just in the neighbourhood
thought I'd give you a call.
I must say,
I do like your pink house.
It's so you.
And, oh, your little boy.
Isn't he a cutie?
Those gorgeous locks.
Anyway, just wondering
if you'd managed
to find my Filofax.
Cause you should probably
give it back now, don't you think?
You don't want people thinking
you're a crazy little bunny boiler!
(Rob laughs)
(Rob) Whatever the fuck it is
you are trying to do!
(phone rings)
(woman screaming over phone)
(kid screaming over phone)
(overlapping screaming)
(line disconnects)
(tense music)
(Rob sings opera music in French)
(Bill) I'm back!
Wait till you hear what
Oh, hello. Is Alice at work?
Very much not.
Where've you been
this early on a Wednesday morning?
I, er, just visiting a friend.
I need to talk to her.
(Benjy) Well, you better look
at this first.
Here. I found it in the bin.
I told you it wasn't flu.
(Bill) What, Juno let her go?
(Benjy) Yeah, and she said nothing.
There's more to this, isn't there?
(Bill) She's not well
-What's going on?
-Let me talk to her.
This is about him. Isn't it?
-What's happened?
-You take the lad to school.
Try not to worry.
(door opens)
(plate clinks)
I've just been
to see Joyce Ransome.
Not now, Dad.
She's happy to go on the record.
But you should hear
her story, love.
The things he's told her!
-What's happened with Juno?
-(Alice) She fired me.
(Bill) You can fix it though.
Talk to her.
What are you doing?
I'm trying to get hold of Kelly.
-(Bill) Why, what's going on?
-(Alice) Nothing.
Well, what happened at that party?
You said you changed your mind
about telling Cheryl Harker.
You said we needed more witnesses.
Yeah, well, I changed my mind
about everything.
But why?
-What's he done?
-(Alice) Nothing!
It's not him.
It's me.
I've made some
very poor decisions, Dad.
I've done it all wrong.
No, you haven't.
We've made progress.
We've got Joyce Ransome.
We've got Kelly.
(Bill) I've made contact
with an American
who I think might be connected.
And I've found records
for three potential Robert Grays
from East Dulwich online
and I've applied
for their birth certificates.
Could you take this
to the post for me?
-What's this?
-(Alice) Please, Dad.
Today. It's important.
What are you gonna be doing?
I'm going back to the beginning.
(Alice) There's someone I need
to apologise to.
What does that mean?
You would tell me, wouldn't you?
If something had happened?
(birds chirping)
(door opens)
Oh, darling, would you mind?
What do you think about Costa Rica?
In what sense?
-As a honeymoon destination.
-(scissors thud)
I need to show you something.
It's been bugging me
since the party.
That woman who introduced herself
as Juno Fish?
Turns out she really is Juno Fish,
I looked her up.
Erm, okay. And?
And my new friend
who rescued Goblin,
and made my dragon gown,
she's called Alice Newman,
and she's Juno Fish's assistant.
-I'm not sure I understand.
-Nor do I.
The point is, this isn't Juno Fish.
This is Alice Newman.
(sighs deeply)
I have never seen her
before in my life.
You've never see
You got into her van!
She came to the party!
-And said she was Juno Fish?
-No. What?
She came here
and said she was Juno Fish!
Are you feeling all right,
I'm not feeling all right.
I feel like I'm going mad!
Where are you going?
I'm going to speak to Alice Newman
and find out why she's been lying!
(ominous music)
There's something
I need to tell you.
(Claudia) I know you don't know me,
but I know him
and I know you can't trust him.
everything that matters
to you and destroy it.
Get away from him now
before it's too late.
You don't know
what he's capable of.
(voice echoes)
(bottle thuds)
I don't want a drink.
You might.
You are the most compassionate,
wonderful, intelligent woman I've
Just get on with it!
When I said I'd never been married,
that was a lie.
I don't talk about it
because it was an extremely
unhappy, toxic relationship
and I feel disloyal
discussing my ex-wife's
But suffice to say,
her actions left me with scars.
and physical.
I'm very sorry to hear that.
But how is that relevant to
Because it's
It's her.
What's her?
(Rob) She's Juno Fish.
Only she's not Juno Fish, is she?
She's my ex-wife!
Juno Fish is your ex-wife?
(Rob) Juno Fish is a prominent
homeware designer
that my ex-wife
has been impersonating
in order to stalk us.
My ex-wife, the woman
in that photograph,
is Alice Newman.
You just said that
you'd never seen her before.
-Because you caught me off guard.
-I'm very confused.
I have been so desperate
to tell you.
You tried to make me
think I was going mad!
-I think you misunderstood me.
-I don't think I did.
If I can just finish.
I used to think
trying to get the truth
out of him was like
trying to chase a mouse
round your skirting board,
you'd know, you were just
an inch away from having it
and suddenly, whoosh, he's off
in a totally different direction.
(Rob) Something happened
the other night.
At the party.
I confronted her.
Told her to keep away from you.
(doorbell rings)
And she assaulted me.
Juno assaulted you? Or not Juno.
(Cheryl) What did she do?
Did you report it to the police?
-(door opens)
-Would they believe me?
(Hilary) Sorry to interrupt.
Lola's here.
You said to pop round.
Did I?
I've got the paperwork you wanted
to speed up Lance's probate.
When did I ask for that?
Lo Look, can you, er,
wait in the other room?
I won't be a minute.
(door closes)
Why didn't you say something to me
the moment you saw her
or when she turned up at the party?
Because I'm scared of her,
all right?
I didn't tell you because I know
how you are about vulnerability,
and I didn't want you
to think any less of me.
How I am about vulnerability?
(Cheryl hesitates)
If you're scared, why did you
get into a car with her?
I wanted to keep her away from you.
(Rob) I didn't know
what she was planning.
Because she's been threatening me.
She said
that if I told you the truth
she would accuse me of
horrible lies.
(Rob) And I am in
an impossible situation
because of course, quite rightly,
the woman is always believed.
There's a connection, see,
between this kind of behaviour
and your common everyday
domestic violence.
The same false promises,
scare tactics, coercion.
And the victims
get the same response.
Why didn't you leave?
Why didn't you tell?
Why didn't you see
what was happening
before it was too late?
Sorry to drop in on you like this,
do you have a moment?
-No, not really.
-It is somewhat pressing.
Come in.
-Oh, hi, Priana. Erm
-(Priana) Someone's been shopping!
Actually Cheryl,
there is something pressing
I need to talk to you about,
and I've got another meeting
to get to, so
Give me two minutes, Lola.
How can I help?
I'm sure it's nothing
to worry about it's just
we've been trying
to make the payment
for the additional care.
And it's not going through.
Sorry? Not going through? Why?
They say there are no funds
in the Scholarship account.
-(discordant music)
-(doorbell rings)
-(Hilary) I'll get it.
Can you call the bank?
Yes, of of course, I, er
-(phone rings)
Sorry, let me It might be them.
-(woman over phone) Good morning.
-Is that Ms Harker?
-Yes, speaking.
My name is Jill and I'm calling
from Standwell
and Basic Life Insurance.
-Is now a good time to talk?
-No, it's not!
Please tell me it's not true.
Danni, hi! Are you okay?
No, I'm not okay.
(Danni) Why is there
a home gym in here?
I've only just seen on social media
that you're engaged!
What? What social media? Who?
Everyone's social media, Cee!
It's all over social media!
And the Ball.
Why's he doing it with you?
(suspenseful music)
It's just a video.
I agreed to that weeks ago.
Oh, my God. It is true!
Can't you see what's happening?
He's using you, Cee!
He's a Oh, he's a trumped-up,
manipulative twat!
I can't stand him! I just wanna
-Can you just
Sebastian wants an update.
I need to call him
as soon as possible.
Hang on!
-I'll be back.
(Cheryl) Rob!
-(Rob) Are you okay?
-No, I'm not okay!
I'm checking the Scholarship
fund account.
Priana says it's empty.
Does she? How odd. It can't be!
Oh, God.
It is empty. It's empty!
But you showed me the screenshot.
JD did the transfer?
Of course he did.
It's probably
just not showing up yet.
Perhaps some delay
with the security protocols.
What security protocols?
Oh, she's here. Yes.
I'm with her now, Sebastian.
Have you spoken to the bank?
I, er not yet.
-I just
-I'm so sorry, Cheryl,
I just really need you
to sign these papers.
(Lola) You did say it in your email
that it was urgent.
I didn't send an email!
Are you coming back?
(voice echoes)
What should I tell Sebastian?
(Lola) Sorry Cheryl,
you did send me an email.
-(Priana) Cheryl, he's waiting.
-Are you feeling all right
-(Danni) Cee?
-(Priana) Cheryl?
Do you want me to trim the hedges?
(Rob) Cheryl? Darling?
-(Danni) Cheryl?
Right! That's it! Go away!
All of you! I don't want you here!
(overlapping dialogue)
I can't do this right now!
I'm losing my mind!
Just get out!
Talk to me, sweetheart.
I'm really worried about you.
Where's the money, Rob?
It's there. I promise.
It just might not be visible.
Shouldn't it show up as incoming?
I'm sure it will.
As soon as the protocols
are complete.
I want to believe you.
I want to believe you
because the alternative is
But this outlandish story
about Juno
or whoever she is stalking me.
-And now the money,
-(sighs deeply)
I just can't think straight.
Well, to be fair,
she's stalking me.
-Is she?
So when she found my dog
was that just a coincidence?
Christ. I don't know.
Remember I did say
she'd kidnapped him?
Even before I knew who she was.
What does she want?
She wants me.
-(voicemail beeps)
-(Rob on recording) Hey, Alice.
-Where's my Filofax? Give it back.
-(voicemail beeps)
What you did to me at that party
was assault.
Alice, I've reported you
to the police.
-(voicemail beeps)
-(Rob over recording) Alice Newman.
Did the police come for you yet?
-(Alice sobbing)
-Hm? Hm?
(suspenseful music)
(lock clicking)
(Claudia) Do I know you?
I'm Alice
I just came to say, I-I've never
that night
when you tried to warn me
and the letter you wrote me.
I'm so sorry.
I thought you were mad.
But it's me.
I'm mad.
I'm a shit person
who makes shit choices and
I want you to know
that I will regret it
for the rest of my life.
Not listening to you.
Not believing you when you tried
to tell me what he was really like.
You better come in.
Still nothing showing?
What about security protocols?
Say, from an offshore account?
Don't worry, I can check again.
(Cheryl inhales deeply)
Oh, God!
(Claudia) Well, Alice Newman.
You've got balls,
going after him like that.
(Alice) I haven't got balls.
I'm an idiot.
I'm only sorry
I didn't come sooner.
I got carried away.
I was looking for justice.
Thinking I was some kind of
something I'm not.
But I've made everything worse.
(Alice) And now there's
other people in danger.
But it's not you, though. Is it?
But actually,
-it's sort of this
it's your kindness.
Your willingness to trust.
That's what he exploits.
(Claudia) He capitalises on crisis.
Your dad had just had that accident
when you met him, right?
Any crisis will do.
Individual or global.
That's the real cruelty
of what he does.
He gets you when you think
the worst has happened.
And then he tells you
he's got the answers
and he's the only one
who can fix it.
The crisis is real
but his solution is fake.
And you know what?
He's never gonna stop.
It's a bit of a shock seeing you
again after all this time.
(Claudia) But, I understand
why you're here.
Have a look at this.
He's your classic predator.
Take it from one who knows,
he'll keep on hunting.
Go on. Have a look.
It doesn't matter where we go,
he finds us in the end.
These are from Robbie?
(Claudia) That's from
a few weeks ago.
Postmarked Oxford.
But why?
I dared to have my own mind.
What about the police? Have they
They're very sympathetic.
But I can't prove it's him.
(Claudia) What did he do to you?
-(footsteps approach)
-Nothing! I just
Have we got any paint?
I wanna do a banner for the demo.
(Claudia) Zoe, love.
This lady's just leaving.
Will you give me a minute?
Time's running out.
(retreating footsteps)
She's been arrested
at four different climate protests.
Meanwhile, her father continues
to walk the earth, unchallenged.
One tiny speck of DNA
is his only input.
And, yeah.
I was pregnant when I came
to see you that night
but you never let me say.
(Alice) So sorry, Claudia.
Does he know?
He tried to make me get rid of her.
(Claudia) Thought it would
put you off marrying him.
As I say, I disobeyed him.
And he's never forgiven me.
(Sir Ralph) Ah, I hear
congratulations are in order!
I'm so pleased for you both.
-What's all this?
-Oh, It's just a
a minor financial blip.
It's nothing to worry about.
How are you, my dear? Eh?
-Floating on air?
I wanted to talk
to you about that night,
-the academy, the hostages.
-Hush, hush, hush, hush!
The walls have ears!
What did you, er,
want to talk about?
Rob and JD assured me
that the money
would be repaid by Friday,
but for some reason, the bank says
there's no sign of a transfer.
-And I'm feeling
-Do you need it right now?
My students need it.
-That money's not mine to lend!
-You did it to save lives.
(Cheryl) But I still need it back!
I am going to get it back?
They're watching us, you know.
The Russians. The Saudis. The CIA.
None of them
wants us to solve this.
Watch your backs.
-Why would they be watching us?
-It sounds silly, doesn't it?
I know, I mean, it sounds surreal.
But the stakes couldn't be higher.
But that night, was it real?
Did it really
What of course, it was real!
You mustn't question it!
Rob is like a son to me.
And he's a good man.
He has to be because
the cost to my foundation.
To the entire movement if he isn't.
No, no, no, no, it's unthinkable!
And to your scholarship.
No one will understand
why you used the
I don't have that kind of money.
Then you must find a way to get it.
Just pay the money back.
Because you trust Rob.
And you know his heart!
(man) All cleared, boss.
-(voicemail beeps)
-JD, it's Red Fox,
confirming that
phase seven is underway.
(suspenseful music)
(knocking on door)
(phone rings)
-Are you okay?
-(Kelly) I'm calling to say
please stop texting me.
It, it it's harassment.
-I've been worried about you!
-(Kelly) Look, please don't.
I'm I'm feeling more centred
than I have in ages.
And, erm, actually I'm
I'm on the way to the airport.
Bobby has bought me
a ticket to Koh Samui.
Bobby has?
(Kelly) Yeah, he's gonna come
and join me as soon as he can.
He wants us
to spend some time together.
Do some healing.
I guess I should be, erm,
thanking you really.
(Kelly) For bringing him
back into my orbit.
Kelly, no! Please.
Just let me You need to know
what he's capable of!
(ominous music)
(Goblin barks)
(Cheryl) Rob?
I'm sorry I got held up!
When my mom died,
I took to the road.
I said I'm gonna make
that fucker pay.
That was 10 years ago.
Every time I get close,
he just disappears.
(Rob over recording) You're through
to Doctor Robert Chance,
please leave a message.
(Rob over recording) You're through
to Doctor Robert Chance,
-please leave a message.
-(line beeps)
(Cheryl) It's me!
I thought we had dinner plans.
Where are you?
-(line beeps)
-Why aren't you responding
to my messages?
(line beeps)
(Cheryl) With everything
that's going on,
this really is the last thing
I need right now, okay?
-(line beeps)
-(Cheryl) Just call me back.
-(phone chimes)
-(Cheryl scoffs)
(sighing sharply)
(Cheryl) There are really
very few people
you can trust in this world.
Cheryl, I need to talk to you.
(phone rings, vibrates)
-(Rob) Cheryl? Cheryl, I need you.
-Did you post my parcel?
-No. And I'm not going to.
I'm not giving up.
We're this close.
-I'm scared, Dad.
-What of?
He's not gonna hurt you.
I won't let him.
I went to see Claudia Rose.
I needed to say, er l was sorry.
What for?
Because before I married Robbie,
she came to warn me.
And I still married him.
And I still let you invest
in his scheme.
And I think that's why I wanted
to catch him so badly.
deep down I've always known
it was my fault.
(Benjy) We got any loo roll?
What's going on here?
I thought you'd taken Josh
to your mum's.
Oh, did you?
Well, sorry I'm still here!
(Benjy) All right, you know what
I've had enough of this.
Tell me what's going on right now,
or I'll take Josh to my mum's
and I flipping
well won't come back!
-(doorbell rings)
-Don't answer that!
(Benjy) I'm gonna!
Alice Newman? Mind if we come in?
(officer) So, Alice.
We had a report
from a Mr Robert Chance.
(Bill) Saying what?
(officer) Mr Chance filed a report
of an altercation
between him and yourself
at the Dexter Club,
last Friday night.
Do you know what he might
have been referring to?
What's this?
(Benjy) What altercation?
Did you know about this?
(officer) All right, it's okay.
Well, after he made the reports
we checked on the CCTV
from the club, Alice.
(officer) His allegation was that
you had assaulted him,
but we don't think he was aware
of the camera at the time.
It clearly showed
he was the aggressor.
(officer) He's been arrested.
What did he do? Wh What is this?
You didn't tell your family, Alice?
(Bill) Why didn't you?
What's he been arrested for?
(officer) He's been arrested
on suspicion of ABH.
If he's charged,
the case will go to court.
ABH? What did he do?
I I don't understand.
We think we have enough evidence
to press charges
but it would be helpful if you
are willing to make a statement.
(officer) Would you be
comfortable with that?
Yeah, I I think I would be. Yep.
(officer) That's great.
Look, I know now's not a good time,
so we'll be in touch.
And as part of his bail conditions,
he'll be forbidden
to approach you
or contact you, but
He's getting bail?
We'll see ourselves out.
(door opens)
-(door closes)
-I should get Josh over to Mum's.
Are you coming back?
(heavy breaths)
I spoke to a financial advisor
before I invested in the scheme.
Hedgehunter they were called.
They told me,
in no uncertain terms,
not to give any money.
That it sounded like a scam.
(heavy breaths)
But I thought it worth the risk.
(Bill cries)
I should have told you.
But all the time
I've let you feel bad,
I let you go after him.
My baby
Oh, my baby!
My baby girl.
(tragic music)
(indistinct chatter)
She's crazy.
(Danni) He's a trumped-up,
manipulative twat!
Let me take care of you.
(Rob) She's setting me up.
She's a vicious bitter woman.
(Cheryl) And you'd think
they believe her?
You don't know Alice.
Thankfully my lawyer's pretty sure
it'll get thrown out of court.
-But it's a bureaucratic nightmare.
-You've got to go to court!
(Rob) Yeah, in two weeks.
I hope you'll come with me.
-(Rob) You are my fiancé.
Where's the money, Rob?
-The bail money?
-The scholarship money!
And don't give me any shit
about protocols!
Wow! Okay, well
clearly you're more concerned
with the money
than my psycho-ex
who wants to annihilate me,
or the fifteen people
who had their lives threatened.
But no problem.
I'll check in with JD.
-Ten people.
(Rob) Voicemail.
You know what?
I've just remembered.
He's in Islamabad.
I thought you spoke
to him this morning.
Well, I did.
Because he dialled in. But
that's okay,
I'll ask his secretary.
Ah, S Susie! How's it going?
Yeah, any chance
you can get hold of JD?
-(Rob laughs)
That's lovely.
Erm, it would be great.
(Alice) Thanks for meeting me.
You've been gone ages.
I've been driving around Oxford.
I thought if I see him,
I'm gonna drive
my van into the fucker!
I take it you didn't?
What I keep trying to work out
is why you feel
you can't tell me stuff, Al?
It's not you.
-(Benjy) It's not you, it's me?
-Not like that. I just mean
(breathes deeply)
what he did.
Not just the other day.
When we were married. It's
made it very difficult
for me to trust anyone.
Even people I love.
Maybe, especially people I love.
But we were all right before,
weren't we?
Before all this?
Were we?
You never wanted
to get married to me.
I thought it was because
he put you off.
Now I'm thinking it's because
there's something missing
between us.
There's nothing missing.
-I think there might be.
-There's not!
It's just
I never did the fucking paperwork
to divorce him.
It was expensive
and there were so many forms,
and my head was a mess
and there was so much to sort out.
And then the time went by.
And then I met you.
And by then I'd told myself
he was most likely dead
so many times
I just
(inhales deeply)
sort of believed it.
Just sodding paperwork.
(scoffs, sighs)
(Alice) Are you angry with me?
(sighing sharply)
I think I would've been before,
but now I just
I just should've been there.
I should've stopped him.
You can't think like that.
I can't help it.
(gentle music)
(Alice) Are we gonna be okay?
(Benjy) After this is over.
It's just you and me.
(gentle music continues)
(inhales, sighs)
I'm sorry. You were right.
There's been an administrative
error at the Swiss end.
But don't worry.
You will get your money back.
How long?
Three weeks. Maximum.
Three weeks?
(Rob) Three grand.
That's just for starters.
I've already paid
the money back in.
Have you?
I spoke to Scott Maran.
He organised a fast payment
in return for all sorts
of ownership over my book rights.
I couldn't risk
the board finding out.
-It's done now, so.
Did you hurt that woman?
I would never do that.
(Rob) She attacked me, Cheryl.
She's deeply unwell.
Oh, Christ, what a mess.
I'm so sorry.
(Rob) I just don't want my past
to destroy our future.
(Cheryl) I don't know, Rob.
Just say the word and I'll go
and you'll never hear
from me again.
(Rob) Or
Let me stay.
(Rob) Let me be by your side,
every morning when you wake up.
Let me take you out to restaurants,
let me be your plus one
at stuffy lectures
and exciting parties.
Let's get dressed up together
and go to the ball.
Let me grow old with you.
Let me take care of you.
You can trust me, Cheryl.
I promise you.
(Rob) Once this is over,
it'll just be you and me.
(tense music)
This ABH business, I looked it up,
it carries a maximum sentence
of five years.
Five years!
It doesn't sound like much.
But he'll be out of her hair
for a bit anyway.
You look great, love.
How you feeling?
Yeah, I'm I'm ready. I think.
He won't wriggle out of this one!
Wait till Cheryl Harker
finds out what he did.
Once you've stood in court
and said your piece.
Justice will finally be served!
We'll have his nuts in a fruit jar.
Oh, God, there's press here.
(Rob) Don't worry darling,
I've got this.
(reporters) Miss Harker!
-(reporters clamouring)
-(camera shutter clicks)
(JD) I'm gonna get us pushed
to the end of the day
and hopefully
they'll give up on a story.
Okay, yes, thank you. Enough!
You look quite smart!
I'd always assumed
you didn't know how.
Eyes on the prize, Di.
Today's a good day
and it's all about Alice.
Well, must say, makes me
much less anxious about my funeral.
(security) ID, please.
Any sharp items?
Metal items in the tray, please.
(Alice) Oh, God, how am I
supposed to find our case?
(Bill) I'll go and ask.
I mean, how desperate
would you have to be?
I suppose
he's probably here somewhere.
Well, he'll be in a cell
or something, I suppose.
I'll have a scout about.
(men chatter)
-Yeah, taking the money off them.
(men laughing)
(JD) The CPS only handed it
over this morning.
Apparently, the footage is quite
Darling, any chance you could
get us a couple of coffees?
From where? I don't know.
There's a coffee machine
on the third floor.
But you'll have to use the stairs.
The lift's broken.
No sugar for me.
(door closes)
(sighing deeply)
Clearly it's a deep fake.
I smell Russians.
Even so, I
I think we need
to talk about your plea.
(Bill) It's court thirteen,
but we can't go in yet.
There's been some kind of delay.
We have to listen out
for the tannoy.
I've just seen him.
He's in a little room
down at the end.
So, he gets his own private room
while we have to sit out here
with the dregs of society!
Okay, well, just keep your eye
on that door there.
That's court 13.
They can't start the trial
without him.
I forgot.
I found this.
(tannoy alarms)
(Diane) I don't know how,
but it managed
to escaped the inferno.
I just thought you know it might
(exhales sharply)
it might be of use to you
for your investigation.
Mm, yeah.
Was such a gorgeous wedding.
(bell tolls)
(quirky music)
Excuse me, officer?
(Alice) Officer, erm
Hi. Do you know what's happening?
Erm, they shouldn't be
too long now.
Looks like he's gonna plead guilty.
-Guilty! That's great!
-Will he be sentenced today?
-Er, should be.
He's argued it down
to common assault, so
Common assault?
W What's that mean?
Do we get to see him sent down?
-(tannoy alarms)
-(officer) That's the plan.
(woman over tannoy)
All parties in the case of Chance
to court 18.
Court 18?
Er that's not
what they said before.
Dr Robert Chance.
You're charged with common assault.
How do you plead?
Security said it was that way!
(Bill) Okay.
In light of the change of plea
and in the absence of the victim
to deliver her impact statement
we shall now proceed to mitigation.
(magistrate) Do you have anything
to say on behalf of your client?
Your Worships,
a huge amount is riding
on your decision today.
(JD) You could say the
fate of the planet
rests in your hands.
(JD) Dr Chance is a leading climate
scientist and his research,
both in the field
and on behalf of governments
is essential to the ongoing fight
against the climate crisis.
A custodial sentence
would catastrophically affect
this vital work at a crucial stage.
He has pleaded guilty,
your Worships,
at the earliest opportunity
despite mitigating circumstances
that could well have led
to an acquittal.
His mental health has been severely
hampered by the persecution,
he has suffered at the hands
of his ex-wife.
(JD) Her sudden
reappearance in his life,
her threatening actions
left him terrified.
Forced to defend himself
in a completely
uncharacteristic manner.
He is supported here today
by his fiancé CR Harker.
A well-known author.
Her loyalty
speaks volumes.
(clears throat)
(JD) He says
he can't begin to forgive himself
for this temporary slip,
allowing himself to be pushed
to the point of laying hands
on another person.
Alice, I'm sorry!
Whatever happened to make you
so angry, I'm sorry!
I couldn't
I couldn't let Cheryl suffer.
I was afraid of what Alice
might do to her.
Robbie, please.
(JD) I would submit,
your worships, that
Dr Chance
is a gentle and caring man.
A gentleman
in the true sense of the word.
We hope you will
take this into account
when considering his sentence.
We shall take a few moments.
-(man clears throat)
-(crowd murmurs)
Doctor Robert Chance.
Having taken into account
the early guilty plea,
his clean record,
and the importance
of his line of work,
we are imposing a fine
of 1,000 pounds.
(Bill) What did he
di did they say a fine?
You call that justice!
-(magistrate) Quiet! Please!
-(Bill) Sit down!
-(Bill) I need some air.
-(Benjy) Come on, Bill
let's get you out of here.
Happy now?
(Benjy) Your dad's not well,
we need to get him home.
There's nothing wrong with me!
It's the system that's sick!
A thousand pounds!
That's the price, is it,
for strangling a woman?
You pay that for watching
television without a license!
They should have let you stand up
and say your piece!
He did. Why not you?
It wouldn't have done any good.
You did well. You were very brave.
I had to plead guilty
I had no choice!
-Where are you going?
-To the bathroom!
You're not breaking up with me?
I'll catch you up.
-(man) Dr Chance?
-Oh, hi, there.
Erm, thanks for waiting.
(Rob clears throat)
As Rudyard Kipling once said
I'm not gonna waste your time
by trying to say sorry.
Excuse me.
I'm just gonna say
what I should've said
the first time we met.
I'm gonna tell you the truth.
When I met Robbie, I
(machine whirs)
I thought he was the man
of my dreams.
He was charming, exciting
(machine stops whirring)
the answer to all my prayers.
If you can keep your head
when everyone around you
is losing theirs,
and blaming it on you
After we got married, Robbie has
(voice fading)
Sure, I've made mistakes.
But what matters is what's
inside a man's heart.
(indistinct murmuring)
(Rob) For those who know me
know my heart.
That's what I was doing
at your party. So
-What an elaborate tale.
-It's the truth.
Because there is such a thing.
Robbie wants you to think
that there isn't,
so he can control
and manipulate your reality.
(Alice) If you think the reality
he will create for you
will be better than your own,
however hard yours is,
then I'm sorry, Cheryl,
but you're wrong!
(Alice) I know you want
to believe in him,
but please
don't let him use
your goodness against you!
He said you took my dog.
He took the dog! He's a liar!
Takes one to know one, doesn't it?
(Cheryl) And as for my reality?
You know nothing about me!
You say he wounded you
by lying to you.
Well, what do you think
you've done to me?
I let you into my home.
I wore your clothes.
You made me feel like I owed you!
And now you have the audacity
to tell me you were doing it all
for my sake?
You are a nasty, dishonest woman
who clearly has a lot of problems.
And now I'd like to leave, please.
He's dangerous,
I thought today would prove that.
Get out of my way!
I'm scared he's gonna hurt you.
You've got access to his his
his computer, his emails.
With your help, we could stop him.
-(door slams shut)
-(sighing deeply)
He was amazing
and what was great is that
we could discuss things
as sort of on a really
Oh, Cheryl, sweetie,
er, come on meet Chris.
Tell him about our wedding plans.
(both laughing)
were his property schemes.
(Alice) My mum and dad
lost his house, then they split up.
-Wake up!
Ch Cheryl?
(discordant music)
-(Cheryl) Rob?
-Oh, my heart!
-(Cheryl) Rob!
-(Rob) My, my, my heart
-(Cheryl) It's okay.
-(Cheryl) It's all right.
Get an ambulance!
It's not real.
-(inaudible shouting)
-(Rob grunts)
(discordant music continues)
(Rob grunts)
(Cheryl) Get
(closing theme music)
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