The Forest of Love: Deep Cut (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Here Comes a Hard Rain

Yes, that's right.
I was just walking along
when I saw the body.
Turn the radio down.
Hello, can you hear me?
Send someone, quick!
- How much longer?
- What?
We're the only ones here.
When will the police get here?
How long do we have to wait
in this godforsaken place?
They'll be here soon!
Is the killer here?
Is the killer still around?
Say something.
This music is great.
I'll turn it up.
I can't take this!
Hey! Wait!
Our next song
is a new hit from this year.
This was the first smash hit of the year.
"Sunset September."
The police have yet to locate
the serial killer.
- What is it? You can tell us anything.
- It's been reported
that the weapon is a gun
- that was stolen from the police.
- He's right. Get it off your chest.
You see, the truth is
we know what you're facing.
What do you mean?
We're turning your struggles into a movie.
It's a biographical movie.
It's about Joe Murata.
Shin is playing Murata.
We know that he's a bad man.
Do you know about me?
We don't know anything about you.
We just know a little about his past.
We know about the women he's slept with.
The woman before you,
and the one before her.
That's right. We know all about it.
Sorry. We should have told you sooner.
We've been filming his life story
for the past month.
We had a role for you too.
But our story is fictional.
Most of it is made up.
You can still get out!
You know that I'm having sex with him?
He's not a bad person.
Everything is all my fault.
Don't be ridiculous. You're pure.
No, I'm not pure.
I'm a bitch. I'm a whore.
I'm a filthy woman.
What are you talking about?
Look at this!
All of this!
All of this was my fault.
going to marry him.
No one knows yet.
Not my parents.
Or my sister.
Look how filthy I am.
I had him burn his name into me
with a cigarette.
Mitsuko! Hey!
You're in a bad place right now.
He's not interested in marrying you.
- He's after your estate.
- No!
That's not true!
You don't understand!
- No, listen! Listen to me!
- You don't understand!
Your fiancé
He's a murderer.
"A murderer"?
I know because I'm playing him.
I'm sure of it.
If he's really
that serial killer on the run
It's him.
- Don't pick up!
- Not now!
Don't do it. Don't pick up.
Don't pick up! Ignore him!
- No! Don't stop me!
- Don't
Mitsuko, we'll tell your parents.
- We'll tell them he's hurting you.
- No! Don't!
We'll tell your parents tomorrow.
No. Don't!
We're busy right now.
Murata wants to meet you right now.
Murata does?
Hold on.
Murata wants to meet us. What do we do?
- Let's go.
- Really?
Okay, we'll go. Where do we meet?
A pub named Nami.
Tell him Mitsuko is with us too.
See you later.
Let's all go together.
We're going to a pub called Nami now.
We're meeting your fiancé there.
Come with us!
Let's go, Mitsuko.
- Hop on.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
- I wonder what he's like?
I won't lose to him!
I just want to see what he's like!
We'll teach that Murata a lesson, Mitsuko.
You'll regret this, Murata!
- We're coming for you, Murata!
- Murata!
We're coming for you!
- The Pia Grand Prize is ours!
- Yes!
- Is Murata here?
- Oh, yes.
I'll take you to him.
Let's do this.
Don't worry, Mitsuko.
We'll protect you.
I'm so nervous.
This way, please.
They're here.
- There you are!
- Welcome.
- Thanks for coming. Sit down, please.
- Make yourselves at home.
So I hear you're making a movie.
That's amazing.
What an honor!
Brace yourselves.
I'm actually with the CIA.
My Japanese name is
Just relax, everyone.
Joe Murata.
My code name is Mist. Like a fog.
Let's cut to the chase.
What are your names?
- I'm Jay.
- Jay! Great!
- Fukami.
- Fukami!
Please set Mitsuko free.
Set Mitsuko free? What do you mean?
Mitsuko is exhausted.
Leave the Ozawa family alone.
- What's all this, Mitsuko?
- It wasn't me.
They brought me here against my will.
Mitsuko and I are engaged, you know.
Aren't you engaged to Taeko's sister too?
I'll be honest. I'm a player.
Jay, are you a player too?
- Well
- I bet you are.
It's written all over your face.
You checked the family finances
of Machiko's parents.
I sure did.
- You're after the money, right?
- Yes! I was after the money.
I needed money back then.
Now you're putting Mitsuko
through hell for money too!
No. I've got more money now.
More than I know what to do with.
Anyway, let's drink. A toast.
Cheers! Come on, cheers!
There we go.
So I hear you're making a movie
about me as a serial killer.
Well, I've got to admit
you guys are quite imaginative.
You win.
Shin, you're playing me, right?
That bit about me coming to Tokyo
from a hick town was really touching.
But you got it all wrong.
I was born in Tokyo.
In fact, my father owns a huge building.
He sells futons.
My father is still alive
so I'm not the president. Not yet.
In your movie, I'm a hick who came to Tokyo
and became a murderer.
After that,
I started to manipulate the people
around me.
What an opening. I love it!
Don't you?
And I hear you came to my concert.
Thanks for that.
Did you enjoy it?
- Your songs were good.
- I know, right?
But you know, I'm not aiming
to become a singer-songwriter.
Like you. Right, Jay?
You do as you want.
Drink booze, sleep with women
Life's a joke. For me, it's one epic joke.
That's why
I sometimes do bad things.
I also have a lot of shortcomings.
But that's being human!
What about Mitsuko's scars?
So that they could see how foolish I am,
I showed them my scars.
Taeko, why don't you show them too?
Your body.
Go on.
We don't have all day!
Raise your arms. That's right.
There we are.
So beautiful. Okay, turn around.
See? There we are.
Taeko and I are perverts.
It's sadomasochism, basically.
Mitsuko is a pervert too. Just like me.
- That's right.
- Now let's drink.
Drink up. It's my treat today.
Then you're really marrying Mitsuko?
- Yes.
- Jay.
I'm absolutely serious
about marrying Mitsuko.
She'll be my woman forever.
Now, come on. Let's drink.
Drink your beer.
Bottoms up, guys.
You too, Mitsuko.
Drink it!
Good. All you need to do is
keep drinking my spit and my semen.
- Got it?
- Yes!
- You like that, bitch?
- Yes!
- You want more?
- Hit me more!
I fake a hit, and then
Hey, Shin.
We have to do this.
Let's go.
- Are you serious? That's amazing!
- Yes.
They're back.
That was a long piss. Now sit and drink.
This last story was insane.
Jay, you should hear it.
Man, it's unbelievable.
Right? You should all hear it.
It's a true story.
He takes womanizing to a whole new level.
We should learn from him.
This was back when I was head over heels
in love with Machiko.
I heard that Taeko and her sister Machiko
were obsessed with a certain band.
What was the name, again?
- Bitch of Chicken.
- That's the one. "Bitch."
You see, to tell you the truth,
I'm actually a singer-songwriter.
I write songs anonymously for famous bands.
It's a true story.
- Really?
- That's amazing.
Wait a minute.
I might've written a song
for that band called Bitch of Chicken.
I've written hundreds of songs, you see.
Wasn't there a song like this?
"For the One I Love"?
- "Heart and Soul."
- There, that's the one.
What about this?
"Christmas Eve With You."
It was all bullshit
just so I could have sex.
Were you that gullible?
I was blinded by love then.
Not just then.
You still love me even now, right?
Say it.
Say you love me even now.
She loves getting hit.
But you see, Shin, it's not Taeko's fault.
I work really hard
to turn my lies into reality.
I remember that night.
I was unstoppable.
Man, writing songs is so easy!
Wake up!
I said get up!
We're doing this! Get up!
- What is it?
- We're starting a band.
- What?
- We're starting a band right now!
- What do you mean?
- Why a band?
For the pussies.
- Come again?
- We're making a band to get pussies!
- Do any of you play an instrument?
- No.
You call yourself a man?
Do any of you have balls?
Yes, sir.
- You want pussies, right?
- Yes, sir!
Well? Start practicing!
It's the middle of the night.
- Go buy the instruments now.
- Yes, sir.
Money isn't a problem, see?
See this? See?
We have tons of money!
Listen up.
Get a guitar, stat.
Get a bass guitar. Get a drum set.
Get a mic!
The stores are closed.
Wake up the storekeeper!
A million yen is more than enough
to buy cheap guitars.
We can spend a million yen on guitars?
Why not? This is love!
Yes, sir!
Where's the music store?
I think it's over there.
- Music store!
- Music store.
- Music store.
- Music store!
Damn it, I forgot about the keyboard.
The keyboardist should be a woman.
Go get it.
- Yes, sir!
- The rest of you, get up!
- No time to sleep. Put your futons away!
- Yes, sir!
- Hurry up!
- Yes, sir!
You can stay there.
I'll sleep next to you.
You don't have to get up.
- There it is!
- Over there!
Open up!
I'm going to kill you shits!
Excuse me!
- What's your problem?
- We want to buy guitars!
Do you know what time it is?
Come back tomorrow!
We need them now.
We'll pay you a million yen.
You can have two million.
In fact, you can have ten.
Just let us buy your instruments!
- Please!
- Guitars, drums, and a microphone.
- We have the money!
- Wait!
We need a keyboard too!
- Okay.
- Yes!
Here, take this!
Take everything! Take them all!
Are we ready? Let's do this.
We're doing this.
- Hurry up!
- Yes, sir!
We're ready.
- Keyboard, follow my lead.
- Yes, sir.
Try to keep up.
- Your pitch
- What?
Your pitch is off.
Are you stupid?
- Just follow my lead!
- Sorry.
My pitch is never wrong.
We're going to practice
until we get this right.
I'm doing a concert next month.
My pussies will all be there.
Got it?
Let's rock this joint!
A wet pussy, clitoris ♪
Stiff nipples, so sexy ♪
A wet pussy, clitoris ♪
Stiff nipples, so sexy ♪
A wet pussy, clitoris ♪
Stiff nipples, so sexy ♪
Shin, if you want to have sex,
you have to be as dedicated as I am.
You have the passion,
but you need to go in for the kill.
Listen up. You too, Jay.
Do you know what it means to create?
You don't just do it.
You have to be a murderer!
The fiery passion within you
burns and boils.
Until finally, it erupts
in an uncontrollable desire to kill!
That's what it truly means to be alive.
Jay, Shin, Fukami!
A toast to our desire to kill!
Are you shooting your movie
with the zeal of a murderer?
- No.
- And you, Shin?
- Come on!
- Are you serious?
And you call yourself a man?
You know what? Come on, hit me.
Hit me. Come on.
Hit me.
You hate me, right?
You hate me. I know you hate me.
Come on, hit me.
Hit me. Come on! Bring it!
What? That's it?
Be a man!
Bring it! Yes, that's better!
Go on. Yes!
You can do better. Come on.
Come on, harder. That hurts.
That hurt, but not enough.
That hurt. Harder! Good.
Okay, now punch me. Bring it! Punch me!
Yes, bring it!
- Hey!
- Good. Very good!
Harder! Is that it?
You think you can win the Grand Prize
at the Pia Film Festival with that?
- Bring it!
- Stop it! Stop!
It's my fault!
- Hit me instead.
- Yes, hit her.
- Go on, hit her.
- No.
It's my fault.
That's my girl.
Come on, strip.
Take a good look at her scars.
What do you know about relationships?
Well? Look at those burn marks.
That's my name, burned onto her skin.
Look at it!
It was all my fault.
I was walking with a man
my father introduced to me
when I ran into Murata.
You didn't "run into me."
I was watching you the whole time.
That's love.
- What's going on here?
- Who are you?
I'm a pacifist, but now I want
- to hit you.
- You're mistaken!
How am I mistaken?
Do you want me to hit you?
- Don't make me hit you!
- Hey!
Shut it, asshole!
Why were you with that loser?
Were you lying about being a virgin?
Were you faking it when we first had sex?
He's nothing to me!
It burns!
It burns!
It burns!
There we go.
Okay, I'll believe you.
But there's a price.
As punishment, I'll make your mother mine.
That snob would never agree to our marriage.
I'll make her my woman to speed things up.
Don't you want to marry me?
Let me meet your mother!
you're very attractive.
Oh, stop that. I'm old.
That's not true. Not at all.
You're just being polite.
No, I'm being honest.
You're a woman ♪
A woman in her prime ♪
So beautiful ♪
I see the lovely girl you were ♪
Back when you were 17 ♪
That 17-year-old girl ♪
Lives on in your eyes ♪
I can see her there ♪
When I look into your eyes ♪
You make me feel like ♪
I'm 17 again ♪
I ordered the beer.
I ordered the beer.
Oh, right.
Today is a good day.
Your mother says we have her blessing.
- Yes.
- Well, that's half the battle.
I hope you'll talk to your husband about us.
- If you'll excuse me, I have to go now.
- Okay.
That red rose belongs to you.
What was that just now?
- Sorry.
- Are you trying to sabotage me?
- Well?
- I'm sorry!
I'm so sorry!
I didn't mean to interrupt.
Stop crying.
I'm sorry.
It burns!
It burns!
Your father's next. Bring him to me.
- Got it?
- Yes.
- Well?
- Yes!
- Speak up, I can't hear you!
- Yes!
- Louder! I said louder!
- Yes!
See, I'm a good person.
I remembered your curfew.
You're back before 9:00 p.m.
- Right?
- Yes.
Talk to your father as soon as you see him.
Get Azumi to back you up.
- I will.
- Good.
He's a good person.
You expect me to have dinner
with a shady creep like him?
- Dear.
- Not in a million years!
Don't be so hasty.
Look at Mitsuko.
Look at her face!
While you were fooling around,
we stuck by your rules.
We never complained.
Set Mitsuko free.
If you don't, I'll cheat on you.
You cheated on me, so fair's fair.
Is that what you want?
You always look down on us.
You pride yourself as an academic,
a big-shot professor.
Can't you see the damage
you've done to Mitsuko?
We've had enough.
Father, please!
You only have to meet him once.
I'm sure you'll see how wonderful he is
once you see him.
Your daughter is on her knees.
How can you be so cruel?
Just once!
I know a bad man when I see one.
I'll judge him with my two eyes.
If I find him to be unworthy,
do you promise to
break up with him at once?
Yes, I promise!
A few days later,
I invited Mitsuko's father to dinner.
I won both her parents over
- with my nice guy act.
- He turns around
- And boom!
- That's amazing.
- He did it with his back turned?
- Exactly. He's incredible.
- He's a national treasure.
- That's amazing.
My mother is very supportive
of our relationship.
Mitsuko, treasure him.
Don't let him slip away.
I will.
I like Mr. Murata too.
Oh, sorry. That didn't come out right.
I meant he's a wonderful person.
Now let me tell you what I did to the man
who went out with her.
What's going on?
I only met with Mitsuko
because her father introduced us.
Shut up.
See that?
I invented that. It'll blow your mind.
I'll show you what it can do.
It hurts, right?
Yes, very.
- You think so too, right?
- It hurts very much.
Give it to him.
No, stop!
Here I go!
Very nice. Louder!
Give me a nice long crow.
Mitsuko, you should try it too.
- Go on.
- Okay.
Mitsuko, no! Don't!
Good, Mitsuko. Very good.
Let's sing my original song,
"Piercing Love."
Feel free to join in.
Pierce me ♪
Pierce me, please ♪
It hurts ♪
It hurts ♪
It hurts a little ♪
It hurts a lot ♪
But I'll take it all the same ♪
Because this is love ♪
And love always hurts ♪
- You sang really well.
- That was amazing!
Shin, we don't have a chance.
That guy's a monster.
And Mitsuko loves him
from the bottom of her heart.
We can't get involved. It's between them.
You're right.
We have the passion to make a film.
You heard what he said.
We're murderers. We'll slay this movie.
Yes, let's aim for the
Pia Film Festival's Grand Prize.
- And we'll become directors.
- Okay.
We can call ourselves
the Jay-Shin-Fukami Brothers,
like the Coen Brothers.
I like it. Let's go with that.
Go for it.
Jay-Shin, is there anything
I can do to help?
My company's bylaws
include film production too.
Let me know if there's anything I can do.
- What's wrong?
- Seeing passionate kids like you
My heart is filled with regrets.
Believe it or not, I have a pure,
passionate streak in me.
We know.
Jay-Shin, I'll make the movie with you.
And we'll win the prize together.
- Okay!
- Shin!
- Yes?
- You have to interview me.
- Let's finish the movie.
- Okay.
- Let's do our best!
- Yes, sir!
- Let's go back and do my interview.
- Yes, sir.
- Listen to my story! Let's go!
- Yes, sir!
How did you get so rich?
Through sheer determination!
When I was 20,
I used all my money to turn
my dad's futon shop into a company.
- I rented a shop along the Nakano arcade
- Futons for sale!
- and hired ten employees to sell futons.
- This way, please.
- They got a cut out of every sale,
- Please come in.
so they were all fired up about it.
Once the room was full, that was my cue
to make a flashy entrance.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming.
See this futon here?
You can get it for the low price
of 100,000 yen!
Nothing is more important
than a good night's sleep.
If you have the money, don't buy a sofa.
Spend it on a good futon.
Don't throw your money away
on an overseas holiday.
Spend it instead on the trips
you take in your dreams every night.
Get a good futon, and you'll enjoy
a dream vacation every night.
It's better than actually traveling abroad.
Life is short.
Sleep on a good futon,
and you'll wake up refreshed.
You'll be able to live your best life.
Shin, have sex with hot chicks.
Do it on a good futon,
and you'll feel the difference.
Don't fuck cheap women on cheap futons.
You're better than that!
I'll buy a futon!
I want a futon!
Me too!
Shin, did you hear that?
That was amazing!
Get it?
I'll buy a futon too!
Come out.
Show yourself before me!
Come out!
- All right, get ready.
- Okay.
O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?
What satisfaction canst thou have tonight?
The exchange of thy love's faithful vow
for mine.
I gave thee mine
before thou didst request it.
And yet I would it were to give again.
Wouldst thou withdraw it?
For what purpose, love?
But to be frank, and give it thee again.
And yet I wish but for the thing I have.
My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
my love as deep.
The more I give to thee, the more I have,
for both are infinite.
I hear some noise within.
Dear love, adieu!
Anon, good nurse!
Sweet Montague--
That's not how you do it, Mitsuko.
This is true love.
It's supposed to be real.
Get it? Want me to show you?
Taeko, you'll give it a go?
Are you okay with that, Romeo?
Sure, I can't wait.
Subtitle translation by Li Woon Chen
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