The Fortress (2023) s01e04 Episode Script


We have 87 confirmed
cases in Bergen.
All attended the same
graduation party.
The sick have been put in isolation
wards, their families in quarantine.
- Stefan Keyn died last night.
- What?
Now we know what
we're up against.
Yersinia pestis. The bacterium
responsible for the Black Death.
We have no other option than to
impose a full lockdown in Bergen.
Your tomatoes are infected
with a Yersinia bacterium.
We have to find out
how it got here.
- Tora!
- Mum!
One of the deceased has
now been identified.
Uma Scholl. She entered
Norway illegally.
She was carrying this
life-threatening bacterium.
This is how we assess the
situation in Bergen now.
The infection must be
stopped by any means. Any.
You'll get orders through
official channels.
Stop the car! Stop the car!
- Get back!
- Wait.
We have to go to
Oslo. Let us through.
- Get back in the vehicle! Go back!
- No, I'm just going to
- What are you doing?
- I want to go home.
- I'm worried about Mum.
- So am I, but you
I heard the driver say
he was going to Bergen.
This must be why Pantogena deleted
the CCTV images from the system.
Stefan had an accident.
I've looked through all the footage.
But there's nothing from inside.
I think that accident is connected
to him getting sick and dying.
Pantogena is a huge,
respected corporation.
Yeah, they are big.
But I wonder if the problems they're
trying to hide are even bigger.
Pantogena claims the salmon was
infected by bacteria from the sea.
But you and I found
no proof of that.
Then the prime minister declares
that Stefan was infected
by the dead refugees.
But the footage shows that
he had an accident at work.
Footage that Pantogena is
keeping hidden from the public.
Okay, so what do we do?
- Have you seen the opinion polls?
- Yeah.
That fucking plague!
We have to come up with something
new before the election.
Yeah. Got any suggestions?
If people don't have food,
that overrides everything.
The contagion in Bergen has
exposed food safety issues.
- We have to increase production.
- At least there are enough farms.
The bottleneck is still
an insufficient workforce.
Yeah. You'll have to go to that
meeting with the committee.
Present some viable options for
how we increase food supply.
That's Zara's brief. You'll
talk to her beforehand?
Yes, I will.
Pantogena will get 115 million
to develop a salmon vaccine.
That's fantastic.
Thank you so much.
We need a place where we can
work safely and uninterrupted.
A fish farm or processing plant
where we have access to live fish.
And we need total control of people
coming and going. That'd be ideal.
I'll raise that with the Fisheries
Ministry. Shouldn't be a problem.
And we must have the vaccine in full
production in the first quarter.
Zara Sandberg approves a
vaccine developed by Pantogena.
Then there's an accident at the
plant. It must have been hushed up.
But a vaccine can't
kill people, can it?
Yes, it can.
If you get it wrong.
When I worked with Stefan, we tried
to make a multi-vaccine for humans.
We inserted several DNA
codes in the same dose.
But if the codes are off, you
could get ill instead of immune.
- You couldn't develop the vaccine?
- No.
My God.
I don't think he ever gave up trying
to develop a vaccine for humans.
But something must have
gone seriously wrong.
If you're right and this is true,
you've got to raise the alarm.
Yeah, but to whom?
Pantogena will just want
to find a solution ASAP.
It'll be a disaster for Heyerdahl
and Our Path in the election.
Wilhelm was working with Pantogena
when they developed the vaccine.
Everyone has everything to lose.
Not everyone.
Of course I can take part in the
election campaign from Bergen.
There are good
digital solutions.
What I'm wondering, is what
campaign you'll take part in?
The Farmers Party's
or Our Way's?
And I'm wondering what ministry
Heyerdahl will take control of next.
You forced his hand when
you left for Bergen.
This is about the fundamental
faith in our government.
Not to mention the state's
ability to protect its citizens.
If we are to win this election,
we must show decisive action.
The railway in Tromsø has been
discussed for years now. I think
Analyses show that the railway would
be socioeconomically unprofitable.
And the construction would
take 15 years, at least.
We must opt for
something closer to home.
Food and health matter much
more to people right now.
Zara didn't stick to the brief!
Not one word about food production!
- She mentioned the railway again!
- What did the others say?
I tried to stop them, but everyone
from north of Bodø supported Zara.
- What about Odd?
- Odd He only cares about Bergen.
People have had it too good for
too long. It's been smooth sailing
for ten years. They've
forgotten what a crisis is.
It proves once again that you
can't fucking rely on Zara.
Okay. But we will handle this.
The Pantogena will get 115 million
to develop a salmon vaccine.
Hi. Do you have five minutes?
Norne, display zone
data for Bergen.
Zone data for the
western sector 1.
All submissions and comments
are analysed and categorised.
Green is good for
us, red is criticism.
- Norne, show "Huldra".
- Zone data "Huldra".
You're doing well.
What do you mean?
Relax, everybody likes "Huldra".
Have you considered laser?
It's free, and you look
good without glasses.
I don't know
Or did you think that
they make you look smart?
Just be yourself,
that's good enough.
That That was surprising.
You don't need to
say sorry to me.
So, you're suggesting
that the Black Death
wasn't brought here
from the outside?
- That it originated here in Norway?
- Yes.
And that our own prime minister has
kept this from us? That he has lied?
Or that Heyerdahl is telling the
truth he has been told himself.
The dead refugees Have
you read the autopsy reports?
I've been told that fresh
needle marks were found.
That's also a way of
inserting a bacterium.
I think you should demand that
another autopsy is performed.
Those refugees
They've been cremated.
Thanks for bringing
this to my attention.
I will personally
take care of this.
You'll be hearing from me.
- Heyerdahl's office.
- Calling Heyerdahl's office.
- PM's office.
- Hi, this is Esther Winter.
- I need to talk to Heyerdahl now!
- That won't be possible.
- It's urgent! Please?
- Call the police if you need help.
- No, no! Don't
- They have to speak to you.
- Is he dead?
- He's alive. He's alive.
You have to go now.
Will I see you tonight?
I'm your boss, this
doesn't look great.
I thought you said you didn't
care about stuff like that.
Yeah, I don't care.
But this is over?
No, why should it be?
You have a planned
conference appointment.
Just a moment.
I'll be ready soon.
Let me explain.
The armed forces examined the salmon
vaccine and it could be dangerous.
- The vaccine has worked excellently.
- Until it didn't work at all.
We've been frank about what we could
do, and you approved the vaccine.
Clearly a mistake.
We've had to go to extreme
lengths to clear up your mess.
Now we have an even greater problem.
The plague. I want a clear answer.
When can I promise Amund a
vaccine that works on the plague?
Our scientists are working 24/7.
It's far too early to set a date.
Our scientists say that the
Yersinia bacterium mutates too often
and with too many DNA variations
for a regular vaccine to work.
- Bacteria mutate all the time
- This is what will happen.
You have until Monday.
Then I will inform Heyerdahl
about the extent of the problem.
And present a
timeframe to solve it.
A realistic timeframe.
Do you understand?
Absolutely. Absolutely.
- Any thoughts?
- Pantogena lack the resources
and manpower to solve this within
a timeframe we can live with.
I agree. We have to find a
solution before the election.
Copy that.
Stefan got sick because he pricked
himself with a vaccination needle.
Stefan wanted to vaccinate
the salmon manually.
That's when he pricked his finger.
Pantogena wanted us to hush it up.
I'm sorry. I
I can't help you.
- What? But you promised!
- No. No, I didn't promise anything.
The government will nationalise
Pantogena with the Emergency Act.
The armed forces will be in
charge of the vaccine production.
- You can't ignore what you know!
- This is about national security!
The Farmers Party has to get
behind the government and Our Way.
- But you've seen the evidence.
- Yes, and it is a matter of concern.
- If it's true.
- I've got more.
Stefan Keyn's colleague just told
me he got sick from the vaccine
My hands are tied.
I'm not trying to sweep
this under the carpet.
I notified the police
about what you showed me.
They'll come and get your material.
The police will take over the case.
Hi. How are you doing?
- Thirsty.
- What?
- Thirsty.
- Good thing I brought this then.
Do you know when Mum will visit?
We're moving to another hospital.
A very good military hospital.
Thank you, I'll
take it from here.
Is that okay?
Don't worry, I'm coming with.
I'm going to work there too.
Can you call Mum and
tell her where I am?
Yes, I will.
For fuck's sake
We've had to go to extreme
lengths to cover up your mistake.
It's not my fault. I head a
company with 9,234 employees.
Of course I have to
delegate responsibility.
How are we going to
fix this, Anne Marie?
How can we develop a working
vaccine that will save Bergen?
I'm not a scientist or biologist.
I can't make a vaccine.
Then what good are you to us?
What did you find?
Esther Winter just searched
Irgens' address in Bergen.
- Dispatch a drone.
- Send a drone to Irgens' address.
- And three patrols. Immediately.
- Copy that.
Incoming vehicle
registered. ID unknown.
- Do we have cameras on the ground?
- No accessible cameras.
Find the cars origin and driver.
I want all accessible information.
What are we doing here, Mum?
Talking to a man who
might be able to help us.
We'll have to stay in hiding
until we find a solution.
Wait here.
The car is registered to the DHFS.
Norne can't identify the driver.
- How far away is the drone?
- ETA for the tactical drone, please.
ETA is six minutes.
Charlie Oldman, ID 7199463783.
- Assumed infected.
- We have contagion.
Alert the patrols to protect
themselves against infection now.
His wife brought the
Black Death here.
He's a dangerous guy.
I repeat: Infection protection
protocol 32B required for all units.
Identity confirmed.
- Oh Jesus!
- There. I see a weapon.
39, permission to
deploy arms granted.
Copy that.
- Come with us.
- That's my son! Johannes!
Esther Winter, come out with
your hands behind your head.
I repeat: Esther Winter, come out
with your hands behind your head.
I repeat: Esther Winter, come out
with your hands behind your head.
- Status marksman?
- Command to Sierra 1. Status?
98. The suspect is on her way
out. I can not see a weapon.
In position.
Esther Winter, get on your knees
with your hands behind your head!
- Get down on your knees!
- Mum!
- Johannes!
- Mum!
- I was just trying to help him!
- Christ, get down on your knees!
- Johannes!
- Arms behind your back! Stay still!
- He He's been shot!
- Straight ahead, straight ahead!
He's been shot! We've been in
close contact with a sick man!
We've been in close contact with
a sick man, you must test us!
- Open the door, open the door.
- Object secured, awaiting orders.
Winter goes to the station.
The infection will be isolated
at the field hospital.
Head down!
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