The Gilded Age (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

A Long Ladder

Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not Of course, he shouldn't really be buried - in consecrated ground.
- Shh.
Thank you.
For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
Church said you had a telegram.
It's from Clay.
Coroner's verdict on Patrick Morris suicide.
How could he say anything else? They'll blame me.
You were strong.
He was weak.
Who's to blame for that? - Even so - By the way, - I'm firing Miss Grant.
- Good.
It's about time we treated Gladys as an adult.
But I'll replace her.
- Then why is she going? - She's lost control of Gladys.
You know my opinion.
George, I'm working to achieve a position that will alter Gladys's life for the better.
If you want to help her, help me.
The editor's name is T.
Thomas Fortune.
He's asked me to come by his office to discuss writing for "The New York Globe".
Peggy, how exciting! - Why didn't you say before now? - I didn't know before now.
I sent him my story, but I got no answer.
And I suppose I was trying to break some sort of mold at "The Advocate".
But Mr.
Fortune is a trailblazer.
So you could be a published writer in no time at all.
And you could be a bride, if you give Mr.
Raikes an answer.
I still can't believe he asked the question.
Maybe he didn't.
Maybe I was mistaken.
Do you hope you were mistaken? Not exactly.
Although it still feels rather rushed.
What would you say to him if your aunts didn't exist? Good point.
Oh, let's go in.
- Why? Do you need anything? - Not particularly.
- Then let's not.
- Please.
I just can't get over the shops in New York.
We have nothing like them in Doylestown, I can assure you.
How can they have such a choice wherever you look? Oh.
Aren't these heavenly? Which do you prefer? That one matches your eyes.
How do you do? Well, as it happens, I called on Mr.
Knoedler on my way here, and see what I've come away with? Oh.
I think it must have been a jewelry box.
- How perfectly lovely.
- She shouldn't be in here.
Knoedler says it's Grinling Gibbons, which I doubt, but I don't care either way.
Always a pleasure to welcome you to our store.
Would you like to see? Whether it's a Gibbons or not, the man who made this knew how to carve wood.
This is Miss Scott.
She's a secretary for my aunt.
- And for you? - No.
But my aunts don't like me going out unaccompanied.
Thank you, ma'am.
It's beautiful.
Now, what brings you in here? - I need some gloves.
- So do I.
But first I want a shawl.
Do you really think it's this one? - Mm, yes.
- Then let me pay for it.
And we'll go together.
Oh, no, it mustn't look as if we're on a planned shopping trip.
- I don't - No, I mean it.
But I always enjoy our meetings, Miss Brook.
Let's get out of here.
Not long.
Just around the block.
Or or send John.
Pumpkin likes him.
No, no, Miss Ada.
I'll go.
I'd take him myself, but I have a hundred things to do, and Miss Scott has gone out with Miss Marian.
Oh, that's all right, Miss Ada.
I'd like a stroll.
Your office said you were on your way here, but I thought I might miss you.
Are you a member of the club? Don't worry their entry standards haven't sunk that low.
But I wanted to say, I'm very sorry about Patrick Morris, whatever you may think.
I don't think anything beyond that it was a sad end to what had been a reasonably decent life.
- You'll say it was my fault.
- No, Mr.
We behaved badly, and you punished us, which was fair enough.
It was a pity that Morris wasn't equal to the test.
This is not a game for weaklings.
No, indeed.
How are things progressing now? We're ready to pass the new bill.
It will be announced next week or the week after.
We'll send word.
Will you make back the money you lost? The share price is too high for that, as you know better than I.
But there's no point in crying when you play a game and lose.
I bear you no ill will, Mr.
That's not what it sounded like when the Aldermen came to see you.
I was angry then.
I'm not angry now.
Good day.
Would you have time to drop by my office this afternoon? Whoa, now.
Easy, now.
Whoa, whoa.
Steady now, girl.
Oh! Okay.
Slow down, now.
Come on.
But surely you must have felt something.
He must have tugged at his leash before he got loose.
Well, if he did, I didn't notice.
Doesn't he have a brass tag with the address on his collar? Oh, yes.
Oh, thank the Lord.
Um, I have it here, ma'am.
Well, I'm sure anyone who lives on the street will recognize him.
But what if he's found by an unscrupulous thief? Someone might pay $50 for him.
Only if they do not know the breed.
But what would happen to my poor little Pumpkin, surrounded by strangers? You never know they might be very kind to him.
Oh! Really, Ada, there's no point in carrying on as if you lived in a tree.
I've no doubt someone will bring him back any minute now.
- Don't you agree, Bannister? - I certainly hope so, ma'am.
Oh, I shall have to lie down.
You survive a civil war, yet you collapse because a lap dog is missing? Pull yourself together, for heaven's sake.
You're a soldier's daughter.
Remember it.
Poor Miss Ada, she does so love that dog.
Thank you, Miss Armstrong, I feel bad enough already.
Should we make up a search party? But where would you start? Mrs.
Van Rhijn says that everyone on this street - knows the dog.
- I agree.
Someone will bring it back.
At least they should.
What people should do and what they do do - aren't always the same.
- Quite right.
Won't you tell me what I've done wrong? You've done nothing wrong.
Well, then come out with me again.
You are telling me that you took Miss Gladys to a hotel to meet a young man in broad daylight? - It wasn't like that.
- What was it like, Miss Grant? You only know this because you've opened - a letter addressed to me.
- You are a young girl.
And I am your mother, and I have every right to know who's corresponding with you.
I'm not a girl.
I am a woman, whether it suits you or not.
Is this the tone you encourage? No.
But I don't think Mr.
Baldwin intended any harm.
They're young people.
It was quite innocent.
- By which you mean? - Gladys is an adult.
She cannot be cooped up here forever.
Presumably you speak in such a manner because you know you have lost your position? Mother.
Russell, I'll pack at once.
Thank you, Miss Grant.
I'll have the money for you when you're ready to leave.
He will help me to recover the money I lost.
The money we lost.
He can do it.
Of that, I'm sure.
You mean we wouldn't have to sell the house? No, I don't believe so.
Is this remorse over the death of Patrick? Does he think you'll put a gun in your mouth if you go under? He's sorry it happened, Aurora.
He came to the club to tell me so.
But wouldn't he lose by letting you recover? It's a drop in the ocean to him.
So don't keep me in suspense.
What does he want from you? He must want something in return.
All right.
He would like you to bring his wife into society.
He's tired of her being excluded.
She's no more excluded than any one of a dozen women I can think of.
- She just isn't included.
- He's tired of it.
Well, what can I do? You overestimate my power.
You mean you'd like me to try? Since you ask, I'd like us not to be paupers.
I'd like us not to be dependent on your father's charity.
I I would like us to be ourselves again.
Very well.
If you insist.
Thank you.
And mind what you say about my father.
Don't be too sad.
You've been dying to get rid of me for years.
Mother will find a new governess, and she may be even worse.
I may have been your jailer.
I hope I have also been your friend.
If you hadn't stuck up for me, you wouldn't have lost your job.
Look at that poor little thing.
Do you suppose it's lost? Mrs.
Bruce, can you catch it, please? What's going on? We found this poor little dog in the road.
Looks familiar to me.
- Doesn't it belong to - I know whom it belongs to.
- Shall it take it back now? - Go to your room.
Bruce can manage the dog.
Miss Grant.
I was just leaving, Mrs.
Goodbye, Gladys.
Take it downstairs, give it a bath and something to eat.
Then come up to my sitting room.
I'll write a note for a footman to deliver.
Wash it and feed it and tell me when you're done.
Yes, ma'am.
What do you think they'll do now Miss Grant is gone? I don't know.
I mean, will Miss Gladys have a new governess or a proper lady's maid? Have you no work to do? Excuse me? Excuse me? Parker, can you hold that lever? I'm not Parker.
Can you hold that lever still? - It's shaking.
- This one? Yes, just hold it hold it steady.
Thank you.
That's an actual newspaper.
And you helped to print it, - Miss - Uh, Peggy Scott.
The writer.
Are you early for our meeting, or am I running behind? - You're Mr.
Fortune? - I am.
- Oh.
- Sorry.
Uh It's amazing.
This isn't even one of the steam presses.
I've been working these machines since my days back at "The Jacksonville Daily Union".
What you do is set the type backwards, and it gets reversed in the press.
- Fascinating.
- So is your writing.
You fashioned a unique and compelling narrative.
Thank you.
Fortune! We cannot exhaust our resources like this without new subscriptions.
And we can't get new readers if your editorials continue to provoke.
Oh, hello.
This is Peggy Scott, a new writer.
- George Parker.
- Now, don't worry.
We'll get the subscriptions.
But not by kowtowing to the Republican Party.
A lot of colored people still believe in them.
Remember, Lincoln was a Republican.
Which is why we must expose their shortcomings and demand more.
Have you ever thought about writing anything political, Miss Scott? I have.
Don't ask her if she's a Republican.
Well, why should I align myself with either party when I don't have the right to vote? I'm publishing the story you submitted next week.
And I want you to write something about that, too.
- About what? - What you just said political affiliation without voting rights, 200 words.
Good to meet you, Miss Scott.
It was delivered by a footman from across the road.
Oh, oh.
Ada will you stop that noise? I cannot hear myself think.
See? The Russells have found Aunt Ada's dog.
- What's wrong with that? - Oh, joy! Oh, is it true? If they'd found the dog, why not send a footman to return it? No, if you ask me, they kidnapped it so Mrs.
Russell could deliver it in person.
I said this would happen, when Oscar brought her son to tea.
She wants to force us to receive her.
Mark my words any minute now, Mrs.
Russell will arrive with the dog tucked underneath her arm.
Why don't I go and get him? - No.
- Well, I don't mind.
No! I will not have that mutt turned into a link between these houses.
Bannister, you go fetch it.
Very good, ma'am.
Pumpkin is not a mutt.
You'll know the Russells one day.
Over my dead body.
I'm sorry if you don't like Jack.
I think he's a nice boy.
He's nice enough to work with.
Well, I don't see much romance in your future if you won't let a boy hold your hand.
And I think your own mother would agree with me.
I know she would.
Good afternoon, Mrs.
This is an honor, Mr.
Bannister, although Mrs.
Russell was planning to bring back the dog herself.
Van Rhijn didn't want to put her to that trouble.
Still, it's good of you to come and not just send a footman.
I wanted to come.
We've spent long enough watching this house rise up on the avenue.
I'm curious to see what it's like.
Do you have time for the short tour? - What about the family? - They're upstairs changing.
Then as long as it is short.
Well, this is the kitchen, as you can see.
Monsieur Baudin's kingdom.
Je suis heureaux de vous recontrer.
Bon jour.
May I? Uh, bien sur.
Uh, those are tomorrow's menus.
I write out the final list, and Madam approves it before she goes up to dress.
I see.
Heavens! Chicken soup for luncheon.
That's not something with which I'm familiar.
- Chicken soup? - Soup at luncheon.
Or is it chilled? No.
It's hot.
Well, well, every day you learn something.
What's this? - Trifle? - Don't you like trifle either? It's not that exactly.
We would think of it as a nursery dish.
Still, one man's meat is another man's poison, as they say.
Can I see upstairs? I'll be out of your way in a minute.
There's no hurry.
Wait till they come down.
How was your meeting? Exhilarating and, uh Rather unexpected.
Well? He's publishing my story, and he wants me to write an article.
Hurrah! - The pay isn't much.
- But it's your dream.
This is wonderful news.
May I know this wonderful news? You'll be thrilled.
I haven't been thrilled since 1865.
A Mr.
Fortune, the editor of "The New York Globe", is going to publish one of my stories "Alone in the City".
What's it about? A young colored woman living on the Upper East Side.
It's about you, in other words.
All writers write about themselves, at least at the start.
But Mr.
Fortune wants my next article to be more political.
Just make sure that if you do, I never find out.
Fortune sounds an improvement on Mr.
Carlton at "The Advocate".
When will you tell your parents? With Mrs.
Van Rhijn's permission, I mean to go on Friday.
Of course you have my permission.
You'll make them very proud.
But only tell them about the story.
They won't want trouble any more than I do.
My goodness.
How splendid.
I have been transported to Versailles.
Are there surprises here, too? No, no.
Nothing important.
Please, I'd like to hear.
I would not lay the fruit knife and fork.
They arrive with the fruit plate and the finger bowl.
The pudding spoon and fork would not be above the place, but here.
What is this? It seems to have got lost.
It's an oyster fork.
It sits on its own spoon.
Does it indeed? Fancy that.
And colored glasses how festive.
Do you not use colored glasses? No.
A-and we set them in a square, the English way, not in a line.
I wonder they don't find themselves drinking their neighbor's wine.
- Oh.
- But, of course, there's no right or wrong about these things.
They're simply a matter of taste.
And Mrs.
Van Rhijn's taste is not the same - as Mrs.
- So it would appear.
Oh, I'm afraid I should collect the dog and get back.
Oh, but thank you, Mr.
It is always so very interesting to learn how different people manage things.
You'll squeeze that dog to death.
Oh, I just want to cuddle him and cuddle him and never let him go.
I should watch out.
He'll take off again.
- I would.
- Don't say so.
Aurora Fane has invited you to the Academy of Music.
You will hear John Knowles Paine conduct the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
It is raising money for your Miss Barton.
- When is it? - Friday.
Aurora will collect you on her way.
That sounds fun.
Will you come? I'd rather be put to death.
Don't you approve of the Academy? I do, and I can manage opera as long as I can talk, but sitting through a symphony is beyond me.
This has just been delivered for Miss Marian.
Is there no letter? Do you know whom it is from? - Yes.
- An admirer? Not in that way.
Marian, I cannot have an object in the house if I'm not allowed to know its provenance.
Well, I won't tell you who sent it, and so I will return it.
That is reasonable, surely.
It seems the very opposite of reasonable to me.
Marian, you would never entertain advances from someone whom I might not consider suitable? "Entertain advances"? That sounds like a dance step in the gavotte.
I must have your word.
Aunt Agnes, I cannot make vague promises about unforeseeable circumstances in an unknown future.
We don't know her at all, of course.
We know she's a kind person, Agnes.
And I do not believe she would ever do anything self-destructive.
"Self-destructive"? You've been reading those German books again.
I've warned you before, just stick to Louisa May Alcott.
Have you decided whether or not - I'm to have a new governess? - Not yet.
It's absurd.
Father? Couldn't she have a maid instead? She has a maid.
I mean a real lady's maid that could accompany her when she goes out.
Although why that's considered necessary beats me.
I hope neither of you children want a favor from us anytime soon.
I had a letter from Mrs.
Fane today.
- She means to call on me.
- Oh? I wondered if you knew why.
Perhaps she needs your help with a charity.
Maybe it's the business of building a new opera house.
She won't be in favor of that.
She will be on the side of the Academy.
I'm sure she has a hundred causes you could help with.
I hope it's not to be a repetition of Mrs.
Morris's visit.
Will she beg and plead for you to be merciful? No, that's all done with.
Charles Fane has come through it.
Well, I'll see her, I suppose.
There was a time when you would've run a red carpet to the edge of the sidewalk if you thought Mrs.
Charles Fane - might pay you a visit.
- I'm stronger now than I was.
Thank you, Church.
I think we're done with this.
I saw Oscar van Rhijn today.
He was fishing for a dinner invitation.
You wouldn't mind, would you? He refused our invitations when I was in trouble with the aldermen.
Then perhaps his renewed interest is a good sign.
Because it means that word on the street is that I've triumphed? Do you think he's after Gladys? I rather hope not, if I'm honest.
Why? He has a decent position and a bit of money.
And he's clever.
But is he just looking for an heiress? What's wrong with soup at any time? I'm sure I don't know, Mr.
And you lay the table as you've always laid the table.
True, but I did not know there were such differences between English customs and American.
So what? You're American.
and Mrs.
Russell are American.
Yes, but does Mrs.
Astor follow the English way or the American? She won't be coming to dine.
Still, perhaps I should find out.
Well, all I know is, whatever implement she may pick up to eat with, the food in this house is cooked by a French chef, and nothing can top that.
Which brings us back to the chicken soup.
I saw you set off for your walk, Mr.
Watson, but you seem a bit down in the dumps since you got back.
No, no.
I think I'm just tired.
I had a nice walk, as it happens.
That means the Master's gone up already.
You better get a move on.
You too, Miss Turner.
What's the matter with you? How do you mean? You sound so angry all the time.
I'm wasting my life here.
Then leave.
Or change things.
I'll leave when I'm ready.
But I may decide to change things.
- May I come in? - Of course.
And now may I know who sent the beautiful carved box? Mrs.
Oh, dear.
This is very bad.
You understand why I wouldn't tell.
If Agnes knew, we should none of us have any sleep for a month.
Also, she'd think we were friends, which we are not, really, although I do like her.
That in itself makes me shudder.
I've told you Mrs.
Chamberlain is in a class by herself.
She is far worse than Mrs.
Russell in every way.
To spend time in her company is to be contaminated.
- I'll take it back tomorrow.
- Do so.
And hand it in at the door.
But now I have another question.
Why would you not promise Aunt Agnes to marry someone suitable? Dearest Aunt Ada, how could I when someone who is suitable to me may not be suitable to her? But surely you intend to marry a gentleman? I will marry a gentle man.
Is that enough? For me, maybe, but not for Agnes.
Did you ever come close to marriage? There was once someone whom I was taken with.
But he did not meet your grandfather's high standards.
The point is, did he meet yours? Well I was very young.
Do you think you should have married him anyway? Do you think you would have been happier? That's rather a cruel question.
I-I didn't mean it to be.
You think me a weaker person than Agnes, and maybe I am.
But even I know that marrying beneath oneself is no guarantee of happiness.
I am aware of that.
And where does Mr.
Raikes stand in all this? You know Agnes thought he sent you the carving? I wish she hadn't taken against him.
I'd hate for us to fall out.
Just don't plunge in without thinking.
I will try to be your friend, whatever comes.
But it'll be simpler if you can find your beloved among Mr.
McAllister's 400.
And now good night.
Good night.
I thought you'd come.
And I see you've brought the box back.
Was that on Mrs.
Van Rhijn's orders? Not quite, but she said that if I wouldn't tell her who'd given it to me, then I couldn't keep it.
I shall always regard it as yours.
- Now, what can I offer you? - Nothing, thank you.
But I'm admiring your pictures.
Come into the gallery.
They're better there.
This is one of the first paintings we bought together an early Corot, of the forest at Fontainebleau.
It's lovely.
Did you inherit a collection? Or did Mr.
Chamberlain? Oh, no.
We're what your aunt would call "new people".
But my husband had something better than birth.
- What was that? - Luck.
Right from the start.
Where did he start? In Keweenaw County in Michigan.
He was there when they sank the Cliff copper mines in 1845.
How did you meet? Why do you ask that? I don't know.
I No reason.
I'll ask another question.
Did you build the collection together? Mr.
Chamberlain was a widower when he married me.
He and his first wife did not fully understand the power that money had put into their hands.
I showed him.
So you taught him how to live.
And we had a wonderful life together.
I miss him very much.
And your son, does he live here? Oh, no, he he grew tired of New York.
He lives in Chicago.
I must go.
But thank you for showing me your treasures.
You must return, and I'll show you more.
Besides, you will need to visit your carving.
But why? You and Mrs.
Morris have made it clear that you are only interested in my checkbook and not very interested in that.
Have you seen Mrs.
Morris? Not since the death of her husband.
- A sad business.
- Yes.
- May we have some coffee? - Yes, ma'am.
Russell has been very generous to us.
Has he? He helped us through a very difficult time.
And you want to return the favor.
If I can.
How would you suggest we begin? I've thought about this.
I believe the best way would be to invite you to luncheon with Mr.
- Ward McAllister? - That's it.
He's a sort of henchman to Mrs.
He helps her in her work of shaping society.
And Mrs.
Astor takes his advice? I don't know that she ever takes advice exactly, but she allows him to help her.
He is her amanuensis.
I'm to lunch with Mr.
McAllister but not with Mrs.
Astor? I'm afraid she always wants a list of her fellow guests and seldom agrees to sit at a table with strangers.
- Especially strangers like me.
- That's not true.
She does let new people in.
She has to, or they'll forge an alternative society and keep her and the old crowd out.
Won't they anyway? Probably, but not in her time.
How can you be sure that Mr.
McAllister will want to meet me? He's dying to see this house.
It's one of the only palaces on the avenue he's never been inside.
And - And? - He loves money.
Will you tell your circle of this labor you've undertaken? I'll tell them we're friends now.
And to that end, I wonder if you'd join me for a concert on Friday.
- At the Academy of Music? - Of course.
Well, I have said before now that I must begin somewhere.
We keep bumping into Jay Gould wherever we go and whatever we do.
Now he's got the Missouri Pacific, we can't avoid him.
I'm told he has 15% of all the track in the United States.
Is it time to approach Morgan? If you dine with J.
Morgan, you should use a long spoon.
Did you see the news from Russia? The accident at Tcherny, you mean.
More than 150 dead men, women, and children.
- How terrible.
- Mm.
Then there was the crash at Spuyten Duyvil and, after that, one at Little Silver.
Well, we certainly take safety very seriously - in this company.
- Maybe.
But I'd like some more insurance just in case.
What if you got behind a charity that deals in disasters? - Go on.
- Yes.
If nothing ever happens, we'd be a benevolent force in society.
And if there is trouble, we'd get help at once and offset any charge of not caring for our passengers.
As it happens, Mrs.
Fane wants me to go to a concert on Friday in aid of the Red Cross.
Tell me about the Red Cross.
Well, a woman called Barton wants to established branches all over America to give help to people caught in a disaster.
- Does she need money? - Very much so.
So far, she's only managed to open one branch at Dansville in Upstate New York.
Then you must go.
I'd like to see you on the board.
I'll never be on that board.
One of her main patrons is Anne Morris.
You are more than a match for Anne Morris, my dear.
You'll find a way.
She still won't invite them here? Why does it matter, when you go there freely? But I don't, not anymore.
They've dropped me.
Do you know why? - I blame Patrick Morris.
- Poor man.
He told me that Russell was finished.
Everyone thought so, and I believed them.
So it was you who dropped them, not the other way around.
Now I'm on their side.
I must get back into that house.
Does this have anything to do with Miss Russell? Well, I've made my delivery.
I hope you didn't speak to her.
What's this? Marian had to leave something for Mrs.
- But don't tell.
- Heavens.
- What was the house like? - Very grand.
And the pictures are simply fabulous.
One of them had very good taste.
She had the taste, the looks, and the brains.
He had the money.
Rather sharp for you, Aunt Ada.
We shall have to stop talking about her when Mama comes in.
What precisely has she done wrong? She lived in sin for years with old Chamberlain until his long-suffering wife finally died.
Then he brought her to New York, and they pretended they'd only just met.
I thought she was married before? Hmm, she says that to explain the boy.
- Her son? - The son of them both.
She only says her husband adopted him for the look of the thing.
He is the spitting image of Chamberlain, for a start.
Is that why he lives in Chicago? He must have got tired of people whispering behind their hands every time he walked into a room.
- Aunt Ada, is this true? - People think it's true.
What do people think is true? That they're opening the East River Bridge next year.
Hmm, and about time, too.
What a difference it will make with the journey to Brooklyn.
Why would you want to go to Brooklyn? As a matter of fact, I'm thinking of paying someone a surprise visit.
She may need cheering up.
So should I if I lived in Brooklyn.
Come in.
I shouldn't have left you to finish up on your own.
Never mind that.
It's all done now.
I never knew kindness till I came to this house.
But I still can't talk about it.
Well, then you don't have to.
There's a part of me wants to tell.
That's the funny thing.
I'd like to somehow get it out of me.
- Did your mother beat you? - It wasn't that! It was what she didn't do.
She knew about things.
She did nothing to stop them.
But if it wasn't her, then who was doing these things? Oh.
Oh, my Lord.
You poor darling girl.
Now you know why I hate her.
But wasn't he the one to blame? He was mad.
But she was evil.
She sat downstairs and let it happen.
What are you Bertha? - How did you get in here? - Through the door.
- I don't understand.
- I think you do.
That is never going to happen.
Really? I believe you're lonely.
- No, I'm not.
- I believe you need a woman who will help you to become the finest and the best man that you can be.
I've already got one.
Be honest.
Haven't you ever wanted a woman who thinks only of you? Mrs.
Russell has many qualities, but she has her own campaign to wage in the world.
She has no time for yours.
And you do? If you'll let me I can make a sanctuary for you, a temple to your greatness.
My greatness? The flaw in your argument is that I love my wife.
I have no desire for a mistress, no wish for another helpmeet, no need for any sanctuary beyond this house.
So what is my punishment to be for falling in love with you? Go back to your room now.
Say nothing more and we will never mention the subject again.
Why? My wife trusts you and holds you in high regard.
She's grateful for your guidance, and I would not wish to spoil that for her because of your misjudgment.
Now please go.
I am at war with this crab.
I think you should surrender.
You think this is bad You never ate with my Uncle William.
Oh, boy.
He could make you lose your whole appetite.
He'd take a fork full of eggs, then dip that same fork into the jelly.
I was always picking little bits of egg out of my jelly.
Are you trying to ruin our luncheon? He ruined my breakfast for years.
What happened to him? Oh they, uh they sold him away before emancipation came.
God bless him.
I almost forgot.
I ran into Mrs.
Barber at church.
Her son Paul just graduated from Howard University's medical department.
You remember Paul? Haven't seen him since we were children.
Well, he's back now, just like you.
I told her to expect a dinner invitation.
She was quite eager to tell Paul - that you were home.
- But I'm not really.
You will join us for dinner, though? Mother, I don't want to disappoint you on your birthday.
They got you so busy over there, you can't have one evening with your family? That is not what I said.
She's busy.
That is better than being idle.
Busy doing what exactly? I've sold a story to "The New York Globe".
- Hmm.
- That's marvelous news.
Why didn't you tell us sooner? We could have made this a double celebration.
You should have tried them first.
I sent my work out to "The Globe" and "The Advocate" at the same time.
They'll give you more opportunities than "The Advocate" would have done.
- I think they will.
- But not much money.
Are you gonna quit working at that house? Of course not.
I've only sold one story.
Besides, I like it there.
We must be pretty bad for you to choose to work two jobs and live like a servant, when you can stay in your own home and work in the drugstore with me.
Father, it's what I want to do.
- Let's not - I own the pharmacy, which I planned to pass down to you.
But, oh, no, we Ellen.
Let's toast Peggy's success.
She will be a published author.
It's a fool's errand, if you ask me.
May I help you? Um, I'm here to see Miss Scott.
They're at luncheon.
Do you have a card? - Who is it? - Miss Marian Brook.
What? - Did you invite her? - No, sir.
Well, we can't just leave her outside, show her into the parlor.
- Miss Brook.
- I'm Marian Brook, Mrs.
- What are you doing here? - I thought I'd surprise you.
You succeeded.
Miss Brook is the niece of Mrs.
Van Rhijn.
- Why have you come? - What Mr.
Scott means is My daughter works for your aunt.
Why are you here uninvited? Arthur.
What's in the bag? Oh, well, I I wanted to bring something useful.
But I'm not sure they will be very useful after all.
Can't we see? If you've brought it all this way Old shoes? I thought What did you think, Miss Brook? That we would need cast-off shoes? I'm so sorry.
I She must have wondered if you knew of a charity - that could use them.
- That's it.
I hoped you'd have an idea of how they might do some good.
But why bring them here, when there are so many charities in Manhattan? You're right.
Miss Ellen, can you fetch my gloves, please? But we haven't had my birthday cake.
You're welcome to join us, Miss Brook.
You're very kind, Mrs.
Happy birthday and many happy returns.
Yes, Mother, many happy returns, but we're going now.
Goodbye, Miss Ellen.
Well, we have certainly taken a step forward today.
Thank you for that.
Dorothy our responsibility is to raise a child with a sense of right and wrong.
I cannot put that aside to play Happy Families.
And it's not a game we are very well equipped for, is it? What are you doing here? And the shoes what was that? Because we're colored, we must be poor? - I loaned you train fare! - I made a stupid assumption.
And you just showed up at my parents' home.
What's so wrong about that? My aunt lets you live at her house.
Lets me? - I work there.
- I know No, you don't know anything about me, about my life, about my situation.
I live in a different country from the one you know.
- Look, I'm sorry.
- Don't be sorry! Just stop thinking you're really my friend.
What a vision.
The whole audience will be looking at you.
You are sweet.
Is the carriage here yet? Turner said she thought so.
It is.
- Have I seen this cloak before? - I'm sure you have.
But I must run.
I'm terribly late as it is.
And I don't want to arrive after they've started.
Miss Turner is something keeping you? It's a very good turnout.
People do seem to believe in Miss Barton.
Russell certainly believes in her and her Red Cross.
He'd like me to be more involved.
That might serve our turn, - if we play it carefully.
- Mm.
I must see to the others.
Marian, please look after Mrs.
Don't worry about me.
I supposed you know plenty of people here.
Not at all.
But I've read about this so often in novels.
I envy your fan.
I wish I had one so I could cover my face and look fascinating.
You look very fascinating to me.
- Mr.
- Hello, Miss Brook.
Do you know Mrs.
George Russell? How do you do? And Mr.
and Mrs.
Charles Fane.
Who are you here with? Mrs.
Henry Schermerhorn.
She has the next box.
- Is this yours, Mrs.
Russell? - Oh, no, I don't have one.
There's a terrible waiting list.
Especially for me.
Come, Mrs.
Let me introduce you to some of our friends.
Why are you here, really? My lady was in a high window, so I realized I needed a long ladder.
- Be serious.
- I mean it.
I know you're aunts don't think me suitable.
So I'm striving to improve myself until they do.
I'm ready to do anything you want.
But how have you managed it? Two years ago, I took a new course in property law at the University of Pennsylvania.
Gerry Schermerhorn was on the same one.
Did you know he lived in New York? I did, but we'd lost touch.
But then one day, I was roller-skating at the rink next to Central Park, and we ran into each other, literally.
And you're building on that? I'm trying to.
The way these people live here is quite amazing.
You're enjoying yourself, then? More than I could have imagined.
But I haven't got what I really want not yet.
Perhaps you're right, and it's time to call on us again.
Do you mean that? - Do you want me to call? - Well, I do.
I have a question.
What would you say to me if your aunts didn't exist? You're the second person to ask me that.
- Who was the first? - Peggy Scott.
Then I salute her.
But we must try to win them over.
If we don't, then all this will be lost to you.
You do understand? I hope it doesn't come to that, I admit.
But if it does, I don't care.
Not if I have you.
Who has cornered my Mr.
Raikes? This is Miss Marian Brook, Mrs.
Van Rhijn's niece.
Henry Schermerhorn.
I'm delighted to meet you, Miss Brook.
But, Mr.
Raikes, I must insist you rejoin my party.
I've promised you to Miranda Fife, and I never break my word.
Of course.
Send me a message when you want to see me.
Quite a man about town.
And he's done it in record time.
- Who is he? - Thomas Raikes.
An old friend from Pennsylvania.
He seems very at home in New York.
I know.
It's quite astonishing, really.
When he first got here, he knew nobody, and now he's in a box at the Academy.
You see, Mrs.
Russell? It can be done.
Does he have money, your Mr.
Raikes? I don't think so.
Not what you would call money.
Pity, when he's enjoying himself so much.
He may find it hard to keep up without it.
Now for the third movement "A Romance of Springtime", how lovely.
What's the matter, Marian? - Don't you like the sound of it? - I like it very much.
As long as there's a happy ending.

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