The Hijacking of Flight 601 (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

The Wretched of the Earth

[plane flying overhead]
[man banging on door]
[man] To the showers!
- A poor man abed is as good as dead!
- [men breathing heavily]
[man] And if he's got a wife,
he's screwed for life!
And if he's got a lover,
then it's game over!
[Toro] Let's go, let's go! Ten more!
[somber organ music playing]
[Ulises] The sun rises, the sun sets,
and every day, I cling to my routine.
I cling to my confinement.
Once God and the state decided
they'd neglected me long enough,
I wound up in places like these
where other lost souls line up and wait
for their turn to leave purgatory.
[man] In the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
When we break bread,
we're sharing in the body of Christ.
God, thank you for this food,
and for providing us
with your body on our table.
- [man] Amen.
- [all] Amen.
First things first,
this right here is no place for sissies!
In here, only the real men thrive!
And what is the first commandment
all men follow?
[all] A man does not whine!
A man gets to work!
You are not individuals!
You are one body, a spiritual body!
- And where will these bodies take us?
- [all] The land of glory!
- [man] Where?
- [all] The land of glory!
I wanna see savages! I wanna see animals!
- [all grunting and hooting]
- [Ulises] This kingdom is our punishment.
This kingdom is our only way out.
[somber organ music continues]
[players shouting indistinctly]
[Ulises] Inside these four lines
drawn in the dirt,
the slaves and their masters
all look the same.
[indistinct shouting continues]
[majestic organ music playing]
[Ulises] And here,
on this field where God is blind,
where he can't tell
sinners and saints apart
- [players] Goal!
- [all cheering]
is where the glory
we all desperately seek lies.
[majestic music continues]
The sun shines on the field and drowns out
the terrifying darkness that consumes us.
The sun rises, the sun sets,
and every day, we seek glory.
We seek a way out.
Until the end of our days.
[majestic music fading]
- You want to talk to me, Mr. Pacho?
- Yes, hold on.
[Pacho] Listen, at this point,
you owe me 150.
And the thing is,
I can't charge you 10% anymore.
It's gotta be 20, all right?
- When are you gonna pay me?
- Next month, Don Pacho.
Soon as my brother
sends me some money from Tuluá.
You have a brother in Tuluá?
- Pay up, you hear?
- Yes, sir.
Toro, take a seat.
Well, believe it or not,
those creeps that were watching you
at practice this morning,
they're La Gloriosa.
First Division club in Cali.
Guess you really gave them a hard-on,
'cause they want to try you out.
But we have a problem.
You know what I see in you?
You want to know? Pure fear.
I'm hungry, sir.
I'm hungry to play for La Gloriosa.
You're hungry?
Well, that's what I'm here for.
Consider me your mother, Toro.
A mother that has two titties,
one with milk, and one with shit.
I really want to give you my milk!
But you insist on sucking
from the goddamn titty
that's filled with shit!
I know how to score.
It's the only thing I know.
- And I'm ready to score for La Gloriosa.
- I want you to listen very closely.
Sadly, before you so much
as step on their nice little field,
you'll have to pay me
everything you owe me.
You and that useless Borja too.
Why don't you show me
how hungry you can be?
You go get that money now.
You've got three days till tryouts begin.
Three! Hmm?
Come on, make Mommy proud.
This is your last chance.
Don't fuck it up!
[pensive music playing]
[Toro wincing]
[Borja] "This is your dream, Dad."
"My dream and my sweet mother's dream
of finding glory on the soccer field
is just one tryout away."
"I'm on my way to La Gloriosa."
"Your Toro."
"Your Francisco."
How 'bout we add a special something?
"Your idol"?
"Your idol."
[in Guaraní] Let me see.
[in English] Why'd you do that?
Are you crazy?
I won't be able to try out.
What the fuck are you talking about?
It's what we've been waiting for
our whole damn life, Toro.
- I'm not doing it.
- Why not?
[Borja] Look me in the eye.
That's all I ask.
We spent four years
playing for a bunch of shit clubs.
Peru and those bullshit fields in Ecuador.
But Pacho wants his money.
Told me that
I can't participate at tryouts
if we don't pay him
what we owe him in full.
No one will lend us money anymore.
[Borja sighs and smacks lips]
What, are you afraid?
Afraid you'll disappoint everyone?
Yeah, I'm afraid.
Guess that's true.
All the time. Everywhere I go.
But not on the field. [laughs]
Out on the field, I'm not afraid.
All I'm focused on is winning.
Look, stop worrying.
I swear, somehow,
I will get you that money.
How the fuck are you gonna get that money?
I don't know, but you put
your heart and soul on that field.
That's all you gotta worry about.
I'll take care of the rest.
- [somber music playing]
- [Borja] I live in fear as well.
I know nothing but fear.
I fear dying in this confinement
without ever touching the light.
[both breathing heavily]
[Pacho banging on door]
- [Pacho] To the showers!
- [grunts loudly]
[Pacho] A poor man abed
is as good as dead!
[Toro] Ah, shit.
- [somber music continues]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [Toro] Aren't you gonna eat, man?
- No.
I'm done.
[somber music continues]
[Borja] Mosca.
Take me to that place you talked about.
You know, from the other day?
That's a place for real machos.
- [chuckling]
- Mosca!
I need this.
Man, you sure you want to see Heaven?
[laughing] Bring your dancing shoes.
["Lluvia con Nieve" by Mon Rivera playing]
[salsa song continues playing]
[Mosca] Hey, hey!
Watch where you're driving.
- [car honking]
- [Mosca] Hey, Borja! Hey!
[whistles] Come here!
What's up, Quique?
- [salsa song continues playing]
- [indistinct chatter]
[salsa song continues playing]
[Mosca] Professor!
- [man] Mosquita!
- This is that student I told you about.
He wanted to, um, meet you.
- What's your name, man?
- Eusebio.
- Eufemio?
- Eusebio, after the saint.
You don't come off as a saint.
I'm Checho.
After Checho.
[both laughing]
Get in the mood, you sissy!
You're my guest tonight.
[salsa song continues playing]
["Lluvia con Nieve" continues playing]
[music distorts and becomes menacing]
["Que Te Pedí" by La Lupe playing]
[mellow romantic song continues playing]
[song fading]
- [floorboards creak]
- [footsteps approaching]
Of all the soccer players
I've had the pleasure to get to know,
you're the first one
that knows how to read.
I began to read 'cause they made us
memorize the Bible at the orphanage.
You're also the first orphan
to ask a bunch of questions.
No, what happens is when I get nervous
I ramble too much.
Uh-huh? Hmm? Where'd you
learn to be so sneaky? At the orphanage?
No, I I just read, uh
- I read as much as I can.
- Mmm-hmm.
I practice writing. That's why
I wanted to read what you wrote.
That's bullshit. What are you, really?
An orphan, a soccer player, and a writer?
You a damn pig? Huh?
Come on, you bastard!
You've been following me, haven't you?
- [angrily] Haven't you?
- No, no, no! No, I just play soccer.
I don't know anybody. I won't tell anyone.
I'm from Paraguay. I'm just
[gun cocks]
You think I'm going to believe
your fucking lies?
Take your fake-ass, sad-poet sob story
and shove it up your orphan ass!
Hear me, motherfucker?
[Eusebio] No, no
- "They shall hunger no more, nor thirst."
- [growls angrily]
"Neither shall they be smited
by the sun or heat,
for the Lamb shall lead them
lead them to
the fountains of water."
"And God shall dry
the tears from their eyes."
Book of Revelation 7:16.
I can quote you every every Bible verse
that speaks about hunger.
Please, just believe me.
Can you
[laughing] I swear,
I almost killed you just now!
Holy shit, man!
[laughing] I almost killed you,
you bastard!
You were this close, motherfucker!
Take this.
Come on.
A word of advice.
If you need anything at all, just ask me.
Because everyone's welcome
inside these four walls.
You remind me of who I was.
Just a hungry
little nobody.
Let me tell you something else,
those answers
you keep searching for so desperately,
are not only found in the Bible.
Studying, you sissy?
- [groaning]
- [players shouting indistinctly]
[Toro] Where the fuck
have you been all morning?
- Pacho is gonna beat your ass up for real.
- Pacho can suck my dick.
I was doing some
paperwork at the ministry.
[Toro] Which papers?
They're not papers, dumbass.
It's a filing process.
- [Toro] Oh.
- And they're not ready yet.
What you got there?
- [Toro] Got this.
- Oh, yeah?
- [Toro laughing]
- I should put this in your ass, bitch.
Show me what you've got.
- Show you what? I got nothing.
- I know you got something. Is that itchy?
[Toro] No, why would my palm itch?
Because an itchy palm
means you're gonna get some money.
Here's your damn ticket
to La Gloriosa, Torito!
[Toro] No!
- No!
- [Eusebio laughing]
Son of a bitch!
Who'd you cheat to get this?
Thanks, man.
Thank you, brother, for real.
I don't know how I'll repay you.
- [Eusebio] I got your back, you got mine.
- Yeah, well, I was gonna hire you.
Not to be my agent,
I'll hire you as my masseuse,
so you can massage my balls every day.
[Toro laughing]
[Eusebio] "I'm addressing
everyone born on this continent
where we've been forced
to grow up fast amid the misery."
[somber organ music playing]
"Latin America is not bound by land,
but by a single river."
"A long line of hungry families."
"It is not our languages,
our skin colors,
or our beliefs that people see."
"No, our common hunger
is what others notice."
[in Guaraní] Wake up, my brother.
[Pacho banging on door]
[Pacho in English] To the showers!
- I'm hungry, brother.
- [somber music continues]
[Eusebio] "A hunger we inherited
from our parents
and the only thing
we'll pass down to our children."
"We're connected by the same evil,
a bourgeoisie that has subjugated us
from the beginning of time."
[Pacho] Savages!
[Eusebio] "From the time
two men engaged in a deadly duel
to subjugate the other,
an event that split history in two,
the moment the strong one
instilled fear in the weak one,
reducing him to a slave
and proclaiming himself his master."
More savage!
You'll all pay for this!
Thanks to Borja,
we're gonna keep training!
- Are we doing this or what?
- [blows whistle]
[Eusebio] "This is the engine of mankind."
"The bloody duel of subjugation
between slaves and masters."
- "Between the haves and the have-nots."
- [vomiting]
I'm not to be tested, you little asshole.
[somber music continues]
[Pacho] This little girl
just threw up on herself.
[whistle blowing]
[Eusebio] "This is the voice of one,
one who is still alive,
for I have come to see
the possibility of a different world
by understanding
that the only way to stop this engine
is for all slaves to meet
the oppressing gaze of their masters
with their own
in an act of radical defiance"
"as our only way
to resist thinking like slaves,
as our only way
to resist dreaming like slaves,
as our only way
to resist the fear of death
that breaks
and conditions us to be slaves."
"In this unjust world,
the only way to escape oppression
is to live by the motto,
'I resist, therefore, I exist.'"
"Every man is responsible
for their own struggle."
"Every man is the enemy
of their own oppression."
- [majestic music playing]
- [breathing heavily]
[Eusebio] "Every man
must satisfy their hunger
by any means necessary."
- [music fades]
- [plane flying overhead]
[players] Our Father, who art in Heaven,
hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done
on Earth as it is in Heaven.
[all] Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our trespasses, as we
forgive those who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
[players clamoring
and cheering indistinctly]
[thunder crashing]
[rain falling]
[players shouting indistinctly]
[whistle blowing]
- [bones cracking]
- [Toro groans]
[player] Whoa, whoa, whoa!
[player] Whoa, watch out!
- [player] Come on, get up!
- [groaning]
Get up, man! Get up!
[somber music playing]
[Eusebio] They say athletes die twice,
when their lives come to an end,
and the day their career is over.
- [Toro crying in agony]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [Eusebio] Come on, brother.
- [Toro yelling in pain]
- [Pacho] You're fucking done, asshole!
- [Eusebio] Hey, look at me.
Ahh! Ahh
- [Toro screaming]
- [bones cracking]
[Toro yelling]
[somber music fades]
- [door slams]
- [Pacho] Toro, you son of a bitch!
You were injured
and you kept it to yourself!
- I told you not to fuck with me!
- [Eusebio] Get your hands off him!
- [Pacho] I warned you!
- [Eusebio] Back off!
[Pacho] You two fuckers
have been lying to my face!
One's a damn cheat,
and the other, a stupid bitch
who won't be able to play soccer again!
- [Toro and Eusebio yelling]
- You dumbass, you sucked on the wrong tit!
- The fucking shit tit!
- [Toro] You son of a bitch! Get off me!
And forget about your belongings
and passports.
They're staying right here, yeah?
Until you pay back every single penny!
Now, go! Get out of here!
- [Toro] Let go of me!
- [Eusebio] You motherfucker.
[Eusebio] Let go of me!
[car honking]
[Toro] Can you slow down a bit, brother?
Why didn't you tell me you were injured?
Did you even stop and think for a second
about what I had to do
to make that money, moron?
Ever stop and wonder what I had to
do to earn a spot on the field?
- That was our last opportunity!
- [Toro] Not just ours.
Lekaja's, my mother's, my brother's,
and the whole fucking neighborhood's.
And now I won't ever
step on a field again.
It's over. I just ruined
my life and everybody else's.
[wincing] Do you know what it feels like?
No, I don't.
I don't because
I never had anyone to let down.
And because I never had
the talent you were blessed with.
[Toro] You think it's a blessing?
My father used to tell me
that I had shit for brains,
and because I had shit for brains,
I'd have to use my feet.
I'd be forced to kick my way through life.
[Toro sniffling]
[crying softly] The moment I learned
to kick a ball, they invested little
money they had in me.
I was the family's only hope, brother.
Look at me now.
I'm just a dumbass, brother!
A freaking idiot, a fucking nobody!
- Hey! You're not a dumbass.
- [sobbing]
You were dumb for keeping it to yourself.
My parents would always say otherwise.
That I was a bony little twig
that wouldn't amount to much
if I didn't use my brain.
But look at where I am now.
You need to play it smart, man,
because I can't take us further anymore.
[sniffling] It's up to you now.
[Eusebio sighs]
[loud knock on door]
This is Toro. He's famished.
And so am I.
Pacho has, for years,
fed on the souls of soccer players
that are simply starved for glory.
Soon as they're no use to him,
he kicks them to the curb,
takes their stuff,
and they're left with nothing.
We just want our passports
and our belongings back, and to go home.
That's it. Nothing more.
- And what do you need from me?
- [menacing music playing]
I need you to lend me a weapon.
[Toro] What'd this guy put in your head?
You said we were gonna borrow some money.
Why the fuck would you want a weapon?
So we can face our problems head-on,
overcome the oppressive powers,
put an end to this painful famine
by any means necessary.
You want a gun? I can give you a gun.
Here. Here's your weapon.
Hmm? But there is one condition.
You promise me
that you will only use this gun
to recover your money and your passports.
Yeah, you have my word.
Man, you're a poor idiot, you know?
You read the manifesto,
but didn't understand a fucking word.
Get out before you get caught
and thrown in jail like a pair of thugs.
Get out!
What about,
"I resist, therefore, I exist"? Huh?
I guess Toro was right,
you just spewed a bunch of bullshit!
You really want us to go over there?
Come on, then.
Come on!
Time for us to confront the master.
But we're not behaving like delinquents.
No, we'll behave like revolutionaries.
The real kind.
We're reclaiming your dignity, yeah?
So you learn how to behave like men,
and not like weak, little slaves.
[yelling] Bang, bang!
Come on! Operation Pacho,
you son of a bitch!
I'm gonna be your commander now!
Commander Ulises!
Come on!
Let's go.
Come on!
Come on, come on, come on!
Toro, wait, where are you going?
Where are you going?
This is all we've got.
This is insane, brother.
[Eusebio] We're not doing anything crazy.
We're just going back
and reclaiming the stuff
that piece of shit Pacho took.
[Ulises sniffing] Ah!
One snort,
and you feel absolutely invincible.
Sure, it makes you wanna shit,
but you stop fearing death.
[sniffs and coughs]
Ah, damn it!
Go for it.
Try some.
Try some!
Ah, what a couple of pussies.
All right, now grab this.
Take it!
You take this, and take back
everything that's yours, got it?
Go on, now.
Go on!
Revolution or death, motherfucker!
That's it!
Revolution or death! Go on!
Go, go, go! Don't be afraid!
You can do this!
You got this!
That's it!
[metal clanging and creaking]
[clanging continues]
- [menacing music playing]
- [Mosca] Easy, easy! Don't hurt me!
- Please, don't hurt me!
- [Ulises yelling] Where's Pacho's room?
- [Pacho] What the fuck's going on?
- [Ulises] Get up!
- [Pacho] Oh shit! Okay. Easy.
- [Ulises] Let's go, motherfucker.
- [Ulises] Open your office!
- Yes, yes, yes.
[Ulises] Open the door!
Don't fuck with me! Move! Move!
- [Pacho] Yes, yes, yes! All right!
- Go on! Go on!
Hey, hey, hey!
Everybody stay right where you are!
[menacing music continues]
- [Toro] Give us back our passports!
- [Eusebio] Give us back our things!
[Eusebio] Go.
- Give me the passports!
- [Eusebio] The money!
- [Pacho] What money?
- We want our money!
- [Pacho] Okay!
- That you stole from us every month!
[Pacho] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Here you go, take it. Relax.
- [indistinct chatter]
- [Ulises] You got it? Huh?
[Pacho] There you go, there you go.
Take it! Yes, it's all yours!
- [man] What are you guys doing?
- [Pacho] Don't hurt me.
- [gun fires]
- [man] Easy, man.
[Ulises] We are
the People's Revolutionary Front.
My comrades are accusing you
of exploitation
and trafficking with clowns.
How do you plead?
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- You don't?
- No, no, no!
- [bangs]
You bitch!
I'm talking about the 30 students that
disappeared on the 26th of February, 1971!
[Pacho whimpering]
While peacefully protesting
the massive electoral fraud
that was committed by President Pastrana!
- You recall that?
- I haven't kidnapped any students.
- I don't know what you're talking about!
- 'Course you haven't!
These aren't students,
these are a bunch of clowns!
Bunch of starving clowns that you train
to skew the vision of the people,
so they can't see their
government is covered in blood.
The revolution
finds you indisputably guilty,
and sentences you to death.
- No, no, no! What do you mean, "death"?
- Toro, shoot him.
- [Pacho] No!
- [Eusebio] No, Toro.
- [Toro] No
- [Ulises] Look at me, Toro!
- [Eusebio] Don't do it, Toro.
- Shoot him now!
No, no, no, don't listen to him!
Don't listen Ahh! Fuck, no!
- [Eusebio] No, Toro
- [Ulises] Listen to me.
Listen to me.
This motherfucker took everything.
- He abused you, humiliated you
- [Pacho] No!
- This man left you starving. Get even.
- [Pacho] I didn't do that!
[Ulises] Now's the time!
Show him who's the master!
Shoot him! Shoot him, Toro!
- [Pacho] Toro, don't do it.
- Just do it! Pull the trigger!
- [Eusebio] No!
- Pull it!
- [all yelling]
- [menacing music building]
- [Pacho] Toro! Wait! No
- [Ulises] Just pull it!
[Toro] Ahh!
[music fades]
[Ulises laughing]
[Toro whimpers]
You're the goddamn master.
You either shut down this fucking circus
or you're gonna hear again from the FPR.
Got that?
- [gun fires]
- Revolution or death!
- [Ulises] Eat that! Eat that! Pacho!
- [all yelling]
- [Toro] Motherfucker!
- [Ulises] You fucker!
- [all cheering]
- [Ulises] Let me tell you something.
You'll never be slaves to anything
or anyone ever again!
[Toro] No!
- You guys'll live in freedom with me now!
- Liberty now!
- Liberty now!
- [Eusebio] Thank you, brother.
Just leave us at the terminal,
we'll be okay.
No, hang on. There's no turning back now.
'Cause you know what?
I still have so many things to teach you.
So many things.
And this is only the beginning,
my friends.
["Sonido Bestial"
by Richie Ray & Bobby Cruz playing]
Long live motherfucking Colombia!
- [Ulises] Do it, do it.
- [Eusebio] Mmm.
[Ulises] Now, we're flying.
Attention, you've all been kidnapped
by the People's Revolutionary Front!
This curtain is a symbol.
A symbol of the division and oppression
that the few exert over the many.
In this plane, there's passengers who
eat better and shit better than others.
And that is why we have taken up arms now.
And through this path of revolution,
we will quell the poor man's hunger.
Our demands are simple,
the immediate and safe release
of the students from El Socorro,
and 200 grand
to fund the revolutionary cause.
And if President Patraña
doesn't meet our demands,
we are willing to kill
or be killed
to ensure curtains like these
disappear from Colombia.
Revolution or death!
You bastards should see your faces!
Listen, that speech
that speech still needs some polishing,
but you know who'll shit his pants?
Once we hijack a plane in Bogotá
and fly it up to Aruba.
[chuckles] That bastard'll have no choice
but to sit and negotiate with us.
- You're assuming we want to do this.
- Mmm.
You really only need
two people to take over a plane.
And there's three of us, huh?
Just like we delivered justice
to Pacho at the boarding house,
the same can be done to that asshole
Patraña for having robbed the elections,
for crapping all over
Colombia's democracy.
We're going back to Paraguay!
Your president never even
gave us our work permits,
but we're not
hijacking anything over that.
Go check out
the People's Revolutionary Front,
see if you find any volunteers.
Do you not understand anything? Huh?
Our People's Revolutionary Front
materialized last night
during Operation Pacho!
Boys, whether you like it or not,
you're revolutionaries.
And obviously fugitives.
We're just simple soccer players.
Enough with that shit.
That's what you used to be.
Forget that soccer bullshit.
Fuck you, you fucking guerrilla bastard!
- [Eusebio] Toro!
- [yelling] Stop it, stop it, stop it!
Now you are you're much more than that.
You are a famished man
without a damn thing to lose,
and that right there makes you
the most dangerous man in the whole world.
Am I clear?
Check this out.
Last month, a shop owner was so desperate
he stole a fucking pear from his store,
he bought some tickets,
put on his Sunday best,
and invited his family
on a trip to Pereira.
The moment they took off,
he pulled out the pear.
And they were told,
"I have a grenade here!"
"Everybody on board's gonna die!"
And four hours later,
they landed in Havana.
If that's what a fucking shop owner
with a stupid goddamn pear can do,
can you imagine
what we could do with this?
Aruba's army doesn't exist at all.
But why bring his fucking family then?
To set them all free.
Maybe so they wouldn't have to be
slaves to this broken system.
So they might be free to drink rum
and dance by the sea
for the rest of their goddamn lives!
So we just board that plane with you,
get off in Aruba,
they give us the cash,
and then we end up in Cuba.
What's the next step?
If you want,
you could join me alongside the FPR,
or just live out your days
as free men in Cuba.
I want to go back to home right now!
How are you supposed to go home now,
like a failed circus clown?
How about instead, you show up as a hero?
A revolutionary hero who's filthy rich.
Two hundred thousand dollars.
The revolution is a bountiful business.
What do you say?
Are you two assholes, two starving
assholes getting off in Paraguay?
Or liberated men in Cuba?
["Vamonos Pal Monte"
by Eddie Palmieri playing]
We're gonna go to Cuba, son of a bitch!
We're going to Cuba!
- We're going to Cuba!
- We're going to Cuba!
We're going to Cuba!
Revolution or death, motherfucker!
- [laughs]
- [Eusebio] Revolution or death!
[Toro] Revolution or death, ahh!
[both] Revolution or death, motherfuckers!
We're going to Cuba!
Two hundred thousand dollars,
- [Ulises cackling] Yeah! Let's dance!
- [Toro] Cuba!
We're going to Cuba, motherfucker!
- ["Vamonos Pal Monte" continues playing]
- [all chanting]
- [upbeat music continues]
- [all cheering and chanting]
- [gun fires]
- [music stops suddenly]
[Toro screaming]
- He's fucking dead!
- [Toro mutters]
He's fucking dead!
- Hey, where the fuck are you going?
- It's over, the cops are coming!
- [Eusebio] Calm down! I said calm down.
- We gotta leave, they're coming.
- Calm down.
- [Toro] Everything's fucked up now!
- [Eusebio] We aren't going anywhere.
- Everything's fucked.
[muttering] We're both fucked.
We're so fucked.
- [Toro whimpers]
- [grave music playing]
[grave music continues]
- What if there's another way?
- [somber music playing]
What if it doesn't work?
Revolution or death.
- [majestic music playing]
- Revolution or death.
[majestic music continues]
[Eusebio] The sun rises, the sun sets.
And each day, we seek the light.
We seek a way out.
[majestic music continues]
[Eusebio] We seek our own revolution
until the end of our days.
[music fades]
Even though it's inspired
by real facts and people,
some characters, incidents, places,
dialogues and names are fictitious.
Any similarity to reality
is for dramatic purposes.
by The Latin Brothers playing]
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