The Houseboat (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

I have a job. I'm not a musician like you.
You make music for money.
That's something I don't really like.
What kind of outrageous--?
I make music for money?
You make music for money.
You give concerts, people pay.
Like hire-your-musician?
-Yeah, but--
-I play.
And people decide
if they want to come or not.
But it's still your job.
You're getting paid for it.
I-- No!
I decided to make music
and I want to get paid for it.
What? That's exactly what I said.
I offer my services to people
and it's up to them if they want
to pay money for it.
That's true and I'm just saying
that you're a full-time musician.
That's your job.
You could say that.
Exactly. So you get money to make music.
And I get money for helping people
sell something.
So you're an advertiser.
You're an advertiser.
An advertising musician.
You're actually an advertising musician.
A reasonably good musician.
That's you-- But you're nothing else
but an advertiser making music.
You're a classic advertiser,
disguised as a lefty.
-Further left.
Always full throttle.
Olli, this--
Hold on.
Let me just be happy for once.
-Be my guest.
-You act like you were born on a junkyard.
Hi, Fynn. I have an idea for today.
To reconnect.
Brother Fynn, brother Olli, brother Max.
-We can do that.
-You think that will bring us together?
-Brother Ole.
-Brother Ole.
We call each other "brother" today.
-To reconnect. Brother Fynn. Who are you?
Brother Sören.
Can you run over these, Olli?
-I can, but I don't want to.
-You come here.
-I'm really fast.
Please, don't. This is not a--
I don't want to.
-Come on.
My shoes are slippery.
You always have an excuse.
I haven't been boating since forever.
-That doesn't happen so often.
-For good reason.
-I know how to do it.
-Lucky us.
Hold on.
-Tuesday is boat day.
-I know.
We'll check out our new berth.
And Fynn will be steering the boat.
I'm the captain!
Awesome! Like a boss!
Dude, stop looking at your phone!
For real, though!
Yeah, easy.
Now it's a bit tricky.
We're pretty high, so we have to pass
all the way on the right.
-Jesus Christ.
-Too far left.
-Dude, I--
-Dude, not too far left.
Fynn, dude.
Sorry. Everything's fine.
We made it.
Yeah, let's just hope
they don't have a look at the bow.
-It's right there, right?
-There, straight ahead.
-That's beautiful.
-The berth of desire.
Straight from the boat, you can--
-Wait a second.
-Back up.
Quick, backwards.
-What a landing!
A big mouth-- You were also--
-Yeah, you were--
Great, hold on.
You always go full throttle.
-Olli, don't--
-I want to get out.
Okay, what a landing.
-This is amazing. No one's around.
-Yeah, it's great.
And we'll have after parties on here.
-Mälzer can fry sausages back there.
He'll be amazed to run a food truck here.
I like it. It's winter now and everything
is sort of gray. But in summer,
when it prospers and the sun shines,
this will be really beautiful.
But right now,
it's just a beautiful, utopian dream
to buy this property.
But Fynn can have a go at it.
Now I've seen this property.
If this is for sale, it's pure gold.
I think it's around two and a half acres.
It's around 50-by-275 yards.
And we even had people onboard
like famous German TV chef Tim Mälzer.
And of course his view of the matter
was capitalistic--
His view.
-More capitalistic view than us.
-On our project.
However, the price might be as high as
60 Euros per square foot.
So that would be 6 million.
Olli said you can put a food truck on it.
I love your energy,
but can I take you seriously?
You can. I always achieve
what I set out to do.
-I believe that.
-Do you really want to do this?
-For real?
You've just met.
You think in dimensions--
-That is--
-It doesn't matter.
If it's 100,000 or 1 million
or 10 million,
it's just numbers.
We took the boat down there
to have a look.
And we agreed that it's great.
The problem is
that the owner is an American
who's hard to reach.
Your manager tried to get hold
of a lawyer--
Without much success. It's a huge company
producing fats and margarine.
They might not even know
that they own this huge property.
It's a huge area, you can't reach anyone.
We tried.
But the plan remains to stay in Harburg.
The boat's from here, too.
But if there's no place for us,
we move on.
What can we do?
We can't park it somewhere or other.
The harbor in Harburg still has
what the harbor in Hamburg
completely lost.
There's still charm.
Well, it's true.
It really is. And they have
a killer currywurst around the corner.
That too? Okay, I'm out.
That was my only motivation.
He's smart. He saw that we've already come
this far, he didn't force himself upon us.
We could have asked him
and he'd have set his conditions.
He's a good businessman.
He really liked it
and could see it happening.
But at one point we agreed
to pull it off alone.
-Hi. I'm Olli.
It's awesome you're here.
And you're wiring the back area, too?
-We do, yeah.
-The rails still need to be installed.
Is this a big deal for you
or is it more like daily business?
Well, it's not a super challenging job.
Let's put it this way.
-Last thing--
Hey, guys!
You've already done a lot.
-All the cable channels? Awesome.
We did that yesterday.
Right now,
we're doing the interior fixings.
The windows are done.
We're preparing everything
to install the insulation.
We'll use foam for that.
And after that
we can do the interior fixing
which is comparable to building houses.
Installing walls and furnishing.
-The problem with the stage.
-We wanted the stage to end here.
And it's going here
until here--
-Yeah, until here.
That's totally doable,
but imagine we host a Ska band.
Two or three blowers,
a drum set, a bass player.
That's too cramped.
Brother Fynn is sitting here
with his laptop
singing his emotional songs,
but real musicians bring a band.
Brother Olli, however,
revives the spirit of the '70s.
You fit on every stage.
But I have a big band.
-Play without them.
-Like you do?
This is big enough.
I'm the drummer.
I'm standing here and you--
Do something, too.
-Okay, it would work.
-This should do.
But-- Cymbals--
I'd still--
Right here.
I want to gain another one or two feet.
-In the end--
-All will be happy.
And the roof is still big enough.
-Let's do it.
Let's just--
We want the stage to be a bit bigger.
Olli is afraid there's not enough room
for the drummer.
So we decided to extend
the stage to the front.
So the party area in the front
will be a little smaller.
In terms of electricity needed for heating
and other electrical loads,
we try to generate that ourselves
on the roof.
We don't have enough space
to do this in a very efficient way
because we also want to have a large deck.
But we're plastering the whole area
above the studio with solar panels.
That way, we produce a part
of the electricity we're consuming
and reduce our power demand.
Hey, Fynn, it's me, Olli.
Let's talk about the color real quick.
That poppy pink
in that one picture on the left
is really nice. How do you like it?
Call me. Bye.
Put simply,
this was the first color we put on
around nine months ago.
We didn't like it and were thinking
about other colors.
So we did some experiments.
Some really light colors.
It looks white, but there seem to be
pigments in there as well.
Then we tried darker colors and we also
switched manufacturers three times.
And you know what color
we liked the most in the end?
This one. Our first color.
So we ordered that color.
And now, eight months later,
we're painting the boat.
This is so stupid.
So stupid.
Just the paint will be 8,000 Euros.
Next time, buy a ship with less exterior.
But no one knew. Not me.
Not you. And you neither.
-But that's basic. We need paint.
-No one.
What's crazy about this--
I can invent numbers
if that makes you happy.
-Maybe Olli knows.
Olli knows.
Maybe it's about general interest
in this project.
You just needed so long to--
Yeah, right.
At one point he'll just flip.
You got me there once.
In front of the camera.
-You remember?
-I don't--
-What was that about again?
You wanted to reinvent
the vacuum cleaner while--
To get the stuff out of the boat.
That was great of you, Max.
Come here.
No, you won't even feel it.
Come here.
It's not a problem.
Come here.
No! Don't squirt that stuff around!
It's half-serious, half-joking.
Just don't.
-Stop then!
-I didn't do anything.
-Stop it.
Let's put lotion on our arms.
-But I want to, too.
I knew you'd do that.
No! Don't squirt!
-Is it on me?
-"Don't squirt."
It's all right.
You put on lotion
so the paint won't stick.
One, two
Three. Let's do this.
-What are you waiting for? Paint!
-Look how sick it looks. You know it.
I know. I love it.
I even have a pair of his pink socks.
He always wore pink socks.
This is antique pink, it's the next step.
Very good.
It's more stylish and zeitgeisty.
-But we definitely want to keep it.
-I love it.
I love it.
He'll be happy.
Shall we get in?
I'm working my butt off here!
I'm painting our boat and the only thing
you can think about is partying.
Come on, let's swim.
Do you jump or shall I?
A man of his word.
I jump when Brian jumps.
Come on!
Come on, Brian!
Come on, just say no.
No, you're teasing me!
Come on.
I don't want to go into this muddy water.
Yeah, come on, Brian is in! Olli, you too!
-You're doing it?
-Brian is in.
-This sucks!
You're so awesome!
I'm too old for this. I really am.
I'm too old. Five years ago,
I would have done all of that.
-Come on.
All the fish!
Come on, Olli.
-I'm doing this for you.
-Come between us.
-Don't push me.
-Holding hands?
-I'll jump. You first.
-I promise.
But you have to jump.
-If not, you're a wuss!
-Yeah, I'm a wuss!
That was good.
I'm counting on you.
Yeah, you can count on me.
Here I come!
See? This is great!
There he is!
-This is amazing.
-Is this great or what?
-Come on!
Right there.
I really burnt my hand.
I didn't find that funny.
I did.
It was funny.
Now it's getting serious.
We're doing the interior fixings.
This is a point where--
We've been working on this boat
for one and a half years.
And I think that this step
is really important.
You're so dirty.
-The coke king of Hamburg.
I just--
Welcome to Gunter Gabriel's old tub.
We're almost done dusting it off.
Look at this.
These are the portholes, right?
Yeah, those are portholes, Olli.
Let me just be happy for once.
-Be my guest.
-You act like you were born on a junkyard.
-Where will the TV go?
Right, of course.
Two TVs, 75 inches each.
And there'll be two barmen
serving cold drinks.
What is it?
You don't know a thing about this boat.
The TV?
I thought this might be where the TV goes.
It's okay.
-Why do you keep teasing me then?
-It's okay that you don't have a clue.
Stop it with your YouTube humor.
You can do that
with your 19-year-old friends.
I don't quite know yet about Fynn,
how many of his ideas
aside from this boat
go down the drain.
Many of them end well and are great,
but I don't know the percentage yet
of what's actually shit,
stuff that just bogs down.
Sure. The stuff alone
you talked about today--
It always works out in the end.
-I hope so.
-You can count on me.
That's why I follow you blindly.
On Instagram.
Yeah, right.
Yeah, Vivian, we-- Come here.
We got help. These last weeks,
Vivian was a great help
planning the interior.
-She had amazing ideas and brought stuff.
If it looks half as awesome as this--
-It looks amazing.
I want to sit there right now,
it's so nice.
Shall we--?
-Have a look at it?
-At my suggestions?
We called the bedrooms
art rooms.
Our goal is that your record covers
are reflected in these rooms.
Who gets which room?
You get the single room.
-The small jerk-off cabin?
I get the one with four beds,
I'm a group person.
Then I can take the master bedroom.
The master is for the master of the boat,
which will be the band.
That's why there will be pictures
of all the people.
So you think you can decide
that I get the jerk cabin--
It's just a suggestion,
but the jerk cabin suits you.
Yeah. Alone, close the door.
You mean like in my private life.
-As always, yeah.
-I understand.
You can switch, as you like.
We can arm wrestle for it.
I'm game.
-I'll win.
-I think so.
Dude, he's strong!
Come on!
No, not yet!
No, not yet! No!
I earned that.
-I get both rooms.
Awesome! Right now, I'm really--
-Can you tell how happy I am?
-As northern German, this is emotional.
It's awesome.
I remember--
Even though there are new walls,
the Gunter feeling is back.
It's still that boat
and it's still the same structure.
-This was his bedroom.
Brian, you remember
when the bathroom ceiling came down?
We took pictures in the bathtub.
-That was around the corner.
Now we have-- It feels more spacious.
Well, all the shit's gone.
Is that straight?
If I misspell anything,
I just cross it out.
They're just scribblings anyway.
I think I was the first
to sleep in Olli's room.
During the night, the neighbor
took me for an intruder because
I was running around with a flashlight
and he wanted to hit me.
Yeah, but it was cool anyway.
It was nice waking up here.
We don't have a name for the boat yet.
That worries me a little,
we still need to talk about that.
In that regard,
I can see that Fynn is an advertiser.
Das Hausboot is great as far as
lettering and the name is concerned.
But we need a name, an identity.
Sadly, we can't name it Oliver's Kahn.
Because I'm not the sole owner
of this boat.
I also really like G. Punkt Unter.
But you can't force this.
Just like I've learned in the course of
two years we've been building this boat
to be patient.
-I'll do something crazy in 2020.
No alcohol.
One year, no alcohol.
My resolution is to drink more alcohol.
Because I quit smoking.
-You still smoke.
-Yeah, right, one day.
-No, almost two weeks.
At my place, you smoked like a chimney.
-Not afterwards.
-It's less than two weeks ago.
One and a half.
And in 2020,
I'll also lead an old person's life.
I'll go crazy another six months
and I hope I'll survive it
without brain damage.
In summer, this shit hole will be done.
Everything is done.
For the first time in my life,
everything is done.
Our dogs will be here all the time.
And we'll make music inside.
Something like that. I'm serious.
Me too.
It's been long enough-- I spent years--
I know, people--
Like you've been doing this even longer.
I spent years
exploiting my body and now I feel
that I'm only in a bad mood
and always edgy.
As soon as something comes up--
My screaming fit--
That wasn't normal either.
No, not at all.
That's not normal.
Feeling such hatred all of a sudden.
-Because it's all too much stress.
Especially towards someone
who's on your side.
-Yeah, I know.
-I really--
I was not on my best behavior.
But sometimes you feel
like a cornered animal. And a day before,
my daughter's mother called me
and picked at me.
Someone else has another problem with me.
Then you ask me about the money
and at one point--
-You just blow a fuse.
-And the next day you're terribly sorry.
Come on.
-Stay there.
Come on.
Good boy. Come here.
We're all set.
The dog is onboard.
The only thing missing is all the rest.
Dude, this--
-You got it?
Listen, you rest it on there,
Mathis is helping you, I'm holding it.
Fynn, go over the railing.
-Fynn, you take over.
-You can do this.
-So now this has to--
Why me?
Almost done.
-This looks awesome.
-Yeah, right?
Kind of old-school, though.
We'll breathe life into it.
-I like this.
-Awesome, right?
This is awesome.
His daughter wrote this.
Sure? No, it was him.
No, his daughter. It says on the bottom,
"It wasn't about money,
you were just 11 years old."
He asked her what she wanted
to do with her life.
Or what was important to her.
And she wrote that down.
Freedom, confidence, good reputation.
Good reputation.
That was something
Gunter worked for a lot.
And temperament.
She wrote that.
Yeah and "intelligence" is spelled wrong.
So a little girl wrote that?
Yeah, he asked his little daughter,
for the last time!
I thought it was him.
-I thought it was a playlist.
No, I told you three times
that this is a letter to his daughter.
Why hang a playlist on the wall?
Now I like it, too.
Yeah, this is beautiful.
This thing is so heavy.
Looking forward to the party?
Yeah? You like to party?
Yeah, sure. I'm a proper party animal.
People like to invite me to parties.
-Yeah, you can say that.
Who? Who likes to invite you
to their party?
My mom.
The best room by far.
I don't think so. The most stressful one.
Yeah, that's true.
-Sometimes you're not rushed enough.
Franzi said something smart about
why some band isn't good anymore.
She thought everything
went too well for them.
Yeah, that's--
-Yeah, everyone knows that.
Just wait, your next records
won't be great either.
Well, I'm stuck with you so the next years
won't be easy.
This is our improvised studio.
It's huge. And exactly how huge it is,
you can tell by the reverberation.
Well, absorbers and all that stuff
are still missing and diffusers, too.
We'll just put in here
what definitely belongs here.
Because we want to show
this room to Moses.
And Moses gave us one single task.
It has to be homey.
So I brought stuff from home.
Wait a second.
So joke instruments, too?
I just took it from the studio.
Sounds like an old--
Like a Fritz Lang movie from the '20s.
"A man with a huge hat left the house."
But it sounds great.
I'd be happy if Helge Schneider
came to visit.
But for that we need enough
extraordinary quality instruments.
Fynn, that picture is amazing.
That's Marlon Brando
during the last days of his life.
I've salvaged treasures we want to have
back on the boat now.
Like the bell.
Some pictures I liked.
-This is a real treasure.
Hang it on the wall and we're done.
-Almost done.
When will the boat move?
That's next.
And then it's time for a party.
Prove if you're really a party animal.
-I'm a party boy.
-Don't touch me!
Party boy, I'm a party boy--
I sat on the edge.
We asked around and there is
a beautiful berth on the river Elbe.
-In the middle of nowhere.
We have our own ramp, no neighbors.
It's a great spot.
I wouldn't say that there's much left
of Gunter Gabriel.
But the story alone of them
restoring the boat,
that's something special for musicians.
I can imagine that they'd enjoy
making music here.
-How are you?
-Glad you're here.
Olli is in the living room.
It's not completely ready but we
considered your recommendations.
-It should be homey.
It-- Yeah, right.
-See, it's smaller.
We're still missing absorbers.
Yeah, they still have to
measure everything.
They'll all do that,
also those decoupled--
-All that.
-Give me your bag.
But the room is here.
That's what's important.
Isn't it amazing with the windows?
When a tanker drives by,
a big wave smashes against the bow.
-Yeah, right?
Could you imagine helping Olli
rise from the ashes in this room?
Like a phoenix from the ashes.
I hope so. I hope we'll be spending
time here making music.
Sure, it looks like it.
Yeah, it does, right?
-Like we said--
-It's homey.
This is the dream we all had back
in the day and we made it come true.
And now we have to live it.
Not only making the dream come true
but really doing it.
-Wow, do you feel that?
Do you feel that?
Will people get seasick?
-You think so?
If you close the door--
This is loud.
A good drummer doesn't play loud.
They do it with feeling,
but guys like me who always--
That's completely unknown to me.
-We're going.
-I'll join you.
-Awesome, this is great.
-So awesome.
-So nice.
-Yeah, totally.
-And I love that he likes it, too.
It turned out to be amazing.
I didn't expect it to be
so professionally good.
I expected it to be
like the things Fynn usually builds.
I expected it to be more improvised
and more or less built from scraps.
But it turned out really fancy
and everything is new and custom-made.
I didn't expect this.
And it's so beautiful. I love it.
-When we're lying here together.
I'm lying like this, you in front of me.
Turn around like me.
-Do it.
Further up.
-Without the blanket.
And I'm here.
You don't want to do anything else
but look out of the window.
And now imagine I was a beautiful woman.
-With your girlfriend, for example.
"For example."
I love your room.
This is a bit cheesy.
-But it was on your record.
If you lay like this, it looks like
you had a dick on your head.
-Like this?
-Even though there's a lot going on--
-It's quiet.
It's quiet.
Yeah, totally.
And when I close the door,
I have my peace,
even though Max is jumping from the boat
for the umpteenth time and even though
they have to change the keg
for the third time
and it's not even 4 p.m.
Hey, this was a very stupid idea.
But now it's really smart.
It's often like that in life.
It was stupid but got smart.
It's also a relief.
It really took a load off my mind.
For real.
Friends, gather.
Sadly, corona made for a smaller crowd.
So you're all safe.
Under different circumstances,
there'd be around 200 more helpers,
who, during the last two years--
We just looked it up.
Exactly two years ago,
I read that ad in Bild,
that Gunter Gabriel's houseboat
was for sale.
And we've been in this mess ever since.
And today it's this beautiful boat.
And I'm so happy. I couldn't have done
it alone and I didn't do anything
except being annoying
and standing in the way.
Thank you for letting me
shout at you so often.
-It was a pleasure.
-I hurled bad insults at you.
I wasn't even remotely aware
of the financial and temporal scope
of this.
But I'm so happy and I want to say
thank you to all of you
who helped us along the way
and especially you.
We made it.
Come here.
For real.
We got Max onboard.
And from very early on,
he voiced concerns.
But we thought we needed someone like him
so we hired him.
We had no idea
and you had somewhat of an idea.
But not a lot.
-How would I?
And that's a nice description
of this project.
Behind every wall, there was more shit.
In every corner there was
a financial disaster.
And again and again--
And I'm really thankful for that.
--there was someone
who had a look and helped us out.
Without all of you and the people
who can't be here today,
this would still be one huge lump
of metal waste.
And it's amazing
that it worked out like it did.
It was an honor for us to work with you.
Cheers and thank you so much for the most
beautiful houseboat Germany's ever seen.
-Enjoy this evening with us!
We're done.
-We're done.
Let's do something as friends.
-Yeah, we--
-This was so much business.
It's like getting pregnant after one week.
-We got to know--
-A kid with a one-night stand.
We had to learn--
-The kid's here.
You left the kid alone pretty long.
But it's still so beautiful.
Max did most of the work.
Give it up for Max!
For real.
This was amazing.
It's unbelievable what you did here.
You gave everything.
-I know.
-And I know that.
I know that and so does he,
he just forgets sometimes.
He appreciates what you did.
-Yeah, it's not bad.
That was a beautiful solo.
Thanks, man.
What a boat, what a man.
-Olli Schulz.
-A boat of a man.
-A man and a boat.
-A boat of a man.
-I'm hitting the sack.
Okay, then.
You think we'll have sweet dreams?
I think so. I'll open that window for you.
Hear the sea breeze.
This will be beautiful.
I'm glad we did this.
At times it sucked but now it's awesome.
I hated you from time to time.
I hated you, too. That's for sure.
But we're done
and we love each other again.
I did that the whole time, actually.
Me too. A little.
We wouldn't have made it otherwise.
-Good night, Olli.
-See you tomorrow.
-Close the door.
Good night.
You listen to people in the studio.
If there was somebody.
One of many great features on our boat.
Subtitle translation by Marcel Zriki
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