The Hunter's Anthology (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

You Can't Unwish a Wish

Do you know how long
I've been doing this?
The hell I've seen?
How long have you been doing this?
Long before you were born, pal.
Demons are either born into
this world through the guise
of humans or a human
chooses to become one.
Sometimes it takes them a
while to know what they are,
sometimes they've always known.
Either way, no age is
too young for pure evil.
And we're running out of time.
Aren't you going to pick it up losers?
Why can't you just leave us alone?
Because I'm having too much
fun proving what losers you are.
How do you two live?
You're so pathetic.
What? Gonna use your
Siamese Kung Fu on us now?
The Siamese are from Siam
stupid and Kung Fu is Chinese.
Besides, we're not Siamese
twins we're conjoined.
Conjoined? What does that even mean?
That's even funnier!
Why do you have to be such monsters?
We're the monsters?
You've got two of everything.
We're still two different people.
Oh my God!
Go back to the carnival, you freaks.
Why did you have to stab her?
Oh, stopp taking crap from
that pom pom cheerleading bitch.
The only way to handle a bully
is a punch them right back
in their big fat mouth.
Instead you waste all your
time reading your stupid books.
You're just as bad as she is.
I'm trying to help you.
I wish I could just
be separated from you.
Wouldn't that be nice?
What's stopping you? You
know the doctors can do it.
The fact that we could die.
Oh, well, if you had the guts
maybe I'd finally have a spine.
That doesn't make any sense.
- We both have spines.
- I wish.
All clear?
Now maybe they'll think
twice before messing with us.
You shouldn't have done it
Jess, now they're pissed.
You really thought we
weren't gonna figure out
which way you've been going?
Great, now you can remind
us the we're conjoined twins,
you know, in case we forgot.
Hope that hurts like hell.
It does and now you're gonna pay.
Maybe a night in the old
well will teach you a lesson.
Please Christina, don't.
She doesn't have the guts.
Maybe we'll figure out
how to get them out,
like tomorrow maybe.
- I hate you!
It's freezing.
We can't even climb the rope in gym.
We're stuck down here just
like I'm always stuck with you.
It's all your fault.
You can never stick up for yourself.
Get away from me.
All you ever do is
blame me for everything.
Dead weight.
We're in a wishing well.
- Too bad wishes never come true.
- I believe in wishes.
What do you wish for?
For Christina and Joe
to die a horrible death?
That's a terrible thing to wish for.
Maybe wishes do come true.
This one is from the
early nineteen hundreds.
Perhaps it's worth something.
Check this one out.
I've never seen one like this before.
It looks like it's in
Hebrew or Arabic, maybe.
I'm not sure.
How would you know?
I read?
I wish it were in English.
What just happened?
Who cares, you know how
money we're gonna make?
It says three wishes.
There's more, three rules.
Intention is everything.
What does that mean?
It means don't be stupid, stupid.
Rule two, say I wish to wish.
Don't interrupt!
Rule three, you can't unwish a wish.
Awesome, three wishes.
Two wishes.
What do you mean two wishes,
it says three right there.
But I wished to be
able to read the coin.
I used one.
Way to go dummy, you wasted one.
If I hadn't, we wouldn't
even know we had three wishes.
Well, since you royally
screwed up, I get the last two.
That's not fair, we each get one.
But we have to think
carefully about what it says.
- The rule sounds complicated
- I wish to be out of this well and back in the park.
Totally works.
What the hell? Now we
only have one wish left.
Ah, I wish we had a million wishes.
That wish never works,
now we've used them all up.
The rules didn't say that.
Watch, I wish for us
to be back in the well.
It didn't work?
The rules said we can't
unwish a wish, remember?
If we wished ourselves out of the well,
we can't wish ourselves back in.
I wish we were back in our room.
Told ya, that was
four, unlimited wishes.
999,996 to be exact.
You asked for a million.
Tomorrow at school it's
gonna be payback time.
No, wishes are based on intention.
Right, so we don't have to
worry about being too literal,
like in every wishing story ever.
The coin knows what we mean.
Jess, we have to think before we wish
and we have to agree.
I wish you had no wishes.
When you asked for a
million wishes, you said us
and you can't unwish a wish.
I wish that if you ever
wish to separate us,
we lose all of our wishes.
You little bitch.
Then I wish you can't
ever wish to separate us
so that we don't lose our powers.
Good, can't get rid of me,
I have to keep my eye on you.
Wouldn't dream of it.
Morning, losers.
I wish you'd fall on your face.
Whoa, ha ha.
I wish that didn't happen.
Can't unwish a wish.
I wish to fix her nose?
You suck!
Tomorrow, I will be assigning
you new lab partners and we'll
Excuse me.
New lab partners, good luck with that.
I wish you guys never
to laugh again, ever.
I wish that they could make
sounds, almost like laughing,
when they normally would be laughing.
You're awesome at this.
I see you both clawed your way out.
Did you call the bearded lady
or did you trapeze yourself out?
Hey look, they're so hate-able
they even hate each other.
If I was a freak, I'd hate me too.
You're the pathetic ones.
You have no idea what it's like
being picked on day after day.
Yeah, cause we're the ones
everyone wants to be like.
Well, I wish you
I wish the two of you were
conjoined twins just like us.
I wish us out of here.
[CHRISTINA] Oh my God, I'm a dude!
I was having fun.
You know we could
have ended up anywhere.
- Why the well?
- Intention is everything, I thought of it.
Oh my God, did you see their faces?
Why couldn't you just wish
for her to leave us alone?
And let her off easy?
Hell no! That was
justice if I ever saw it.
Ruining their lives?
They left us for dead, Jen.
The only way to stop a
bully is to be the bully.
Christina did what she wanted
because popularity is power.
We have the power now.
And you're abusing it.
That makes us just like her.
So? We deserve her life.
Damn, I should've connected
them by their faces.
Wait, I still can, can't I?
I wish for Christina and Joe
to forget ever not being conjoined.
Where's the torture in that?
They're the first boy/girl
conjoined twins ever.
Isn't that torture enough?
I wish for them to wet
their beds once a week
for the rest of their lives.
Stop it, Jess.
All right, that's it.
If you wanna make a wish, you
have to run it by me first.
If not, I'll unwish it.
You can't unwish a wish.
I'll figure something out.
If you hate me so much, why
don't you just wish me dead?
Because you're my sister.
Whatever, I'm bored.
Let's go home.
You're back.
Was I dreaming?
I doubt it.
You're doing this to me.
I wish my head didn't hurt.
I've been wishing while you're asleep.
I like to wish you dead,
then six hours later bring you back.
That way I can relax
without you, you know.
That way I can keep my powers
in case that counts as separation,
'cause I wasn't really sure
on what you intended, you know.
I created a monster.
I'm not the monster, you are!
No stupid, I really
created a monster, in there.
Tomorrow, I think
I'll bring it to school
and let it kill everyone.
Won't that be fun to watch?
You want to see my monster now?
Hey monster, show yourself.
I wish that monster away.
You can't unwish a wish, Jenn.
I wish it can't harm anyone, ever.
Damn it, Jenn, I'd kill you permanently
but you'd literally be dead weight.
I'd wish for you not to wish any more,
but I can't unwish my wish
to have a million wishes.
I'd wish to be separated from you,
but then I'd lose all my powers.
I need to get rid of
you, but I don't know how.
I wish you couldn't harm anyone ever.
Won't work, Jenn, I've already
wished to harm too many people.
Then I wish we were separated.
I already wished you can't wish that.
Then I wish we were in surgery
about to be separated by someone else.
I wish, I wish, I wish
No, no more.
I wish no-one remembers
you ever existing.
Jeez, folks, don't piss her off.
You killed your sister?
Yes, and it was the hardest
most awful thing ever.
That's why I'm here now.
I just came from the hospital.
Can't you see that I've saved you all?
She was dangerous.
Okay, so another murder, what now?
Wish kid, mind wishing to
reveal the demon, save us time?
I can't wish anymore.
I wished to be separated, remember?
Is she the demon, Mac?
Certainly has the makeup,
but so do the rest of you.
Like her coin said,
intention is everything.
I don't know what any
of you were thinking.
That was the first intentional murder.
Oh, please, they've
all been intentional.
Well, that just leaves
you then, pretty boy.
Mine's pretty silly actually.
It's not like I killed
anyone or anything.
You know, it's trivial.
Somehow I doubt that.
Well you wouldn't believe
me if I told you anyway.
Okay, maybe you guys would.
Fine, let's get this
over with demon hunter.
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