The Influencer (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

I'd like to use my VIP benefit.
I'd like to use my VIP benefit.
What did you say?
MyBoo has chosen to use her VIP benefit.
The VIPs of Round 2
will be given the benefit
to pick who they want as their partner.
MyBoo has elected to use her VIP benefit
to choose a teammate of her choice.
Are you serious?
I didn't know what was going on.
Dear heavens, life is so dramatic.
By using their benefit,
VIPs may buy their partner
at the starting price.
MyBoo has chosen to partner up
with Jang Keun-suk using her VIP benefit.
It was like a stab in the back.
"It doesn't matter how much you bid.
This person is mine."
That bidding
was the most unexpected twist so far.
Pyo Eun-ji was my number one choice
and Jang Keun-suk was number two.
The people I wanted to team up with
were about to become one team,
so I had to use my benefit.
Pyo Eun-ji must participate
in the bidding again.
Your bid will be refunded.
That's a relief.
It would've been a lot more interesting
if there were no refunds.
How could this happen?
Wait, then do I not get any money?
You get 3.77 million won.
I bought you for the starting price.
You only cost 3.77 million!
I can't believe Jang Keun-suk
was bought for the minimum!
Jang Keun-suk sold for the starting price!
So much for my popularity.
It's all right.
I barely survived until now.
It didn't go as planned,
but Jang Keun-suk has a lot of followers,
and he's active on Instagram.
So I think we have a good chance.
This is unbelievable.
-It's an honor.
-Let's go.
You two look like anime characters.
I like my look today.
They look like a couple.
It's like they planned their outfits.
The next influencer
is a first-generation content creator,
I studied photography and editing
for the past two weeks.
I didn't want to partner up with him.
No offense to DaeDo,
but I wanted to avoid
males on the older side.
-I think DaeDo might get eliminated.
-I agree.
I can't see how he can contribute
in this round.
I was worried.
Can someone in his forties
be better than young people
at taking hip photos?
I was in trouble.
We will now begin the bid.
I noticed people
were avoiding eye contact.
I was in deep trouble.
This might be the end for me.
Was this round designed
to eliminate someone like me?
So I had to
Buy me, RISABAE.
I'll take great photos of you.
You'll look amazing!
Buy me, KEJIMIN!
Please buy me, Pyo Eun-ji!
This is sad.
Come on, buy me now!
I'll bid 5.2 million.
Dohwadore, your bidding has failed.
At this rate, Dohwadore's going home.
I can't see him surviving this round.
I put my brain to work.
If I didn't take any action,
I'd get eliminated.
But I couldn't go home
without even competing in Round 3.
So I decided to buy anyone that I could.
Dohwadore bids 5.2 million won.
Dohwadore has to buy someone
-if he wants to survive.
If you're unpopular,
you need to buy someone unpopular.
That's the only way
you at least end up here.
The bidding will end in three seconds.
Is this for real? 5.2 million?
Three, two, one.
-All right.
-DaeDo has been sold to Dohwadore
for the final price of 5.2 million won.
Good choice, Dohwadore.
There you go.
That's what he had to do.
-That was smart.
He just needs to survive.
-He had to buy someone.
-Thank you.
-No problem.
-Oh my goodness.
-Thank you.
Dohwadore made a smart move.
If he hadn't bought me,
he would've gone home for sure.
-You made the right choice.
We were just talking about this.
-Good thinking.
-You survived another day.
-That was a smart move.
-That was clever.
-Good strategy.
-Thank you.
-We don't know who's going home now.
-It's hard to predict now.
I really can't tell.
I'd be really anxious
if I was still there right now.
-You're right. They'll start to worry.
The next influencer
is the influencer of influencers,
Please buy me.
-Can you be risqué?
-I'll do anything.
-I'll show you my poses too.
-What a hot item.
I want to buy you already.
When it comes to RISABAE,
she's great at makeup
and being in front of a camera.
She has the skills
to be very useful in this round.
With my ideas and RISABAE's talent,
we could captivate
people's attention together.
Once Dohwadore bought DaeDo,
I started to feel the pressure.
I had to go all in on RISABAE.
She'll get bought right away.
Of course.
Isn't she an Instagram feed expert?
They're also under pressure
since there aren't many left.
-We will now begin the bid for RISABAE.
-Please buy me.
Of course.
Five million won.
I'll bid 5.5 million.
Seven million won.
-Jin Yong-jin bids seven million won.
-Seven million?
-That's a lot.
-Are you for real?
-I'll bid 7.1 million.
-There we go.
I'll raise it.
I'll bid 8 million.
I'll bid 8.1 million.
-I'll bid 8.2 million.
-I'll do 8.3 million.
So this is how you want it to go?
-I'll bid 8.5 million.
-I'll raise it to 8.6 million.
-Bidding 8.7 million.
-Bidding 8.8 million.
-Bidding 9 million.
-Bidding 9.1 million.
-Bidding 10 million.
-Bidding 11 million.
Changhyun bids 11 million won.
Could I take out a loan?
The bids were getting higher,
so I knew he was serious.
I was going all in for her no matter what.
I needed to survive.
The bidding will end in three seconds.
-Twelve million.
-Twelve million.
Are you serious?
-Don't do that.
-What's wrong with you?
-I bid 13 million.
-Can you afford that?
-bids 13 million won.
Can you afford it? Oh, you can.
I thought you and I had similar amounts.
The bidding will end in three seconds.
-Thirteen million?
-That's right.
-That was expensive.
-I'd like to use my VIP benefit!
-What the heck?
-I'd like to use my VIP benefit!
-What the heck?
Wait a minute.
-That's why she was so quiet.
KEJIMIN has elected to use her VIP benefit
to choose a teammate of her choice.
I'm screwed.
I thought RISABAE and I
would have amazing chemistry.
We're made for each other.
Thank you for having
confidence in me, KEJIMIN.
-She's mine.
-See you later.
I was freaking out.
The two of us
would've looked good together,
but KEJIMIN took her.
So I realized I had to change my approach.
What's going to happen at this rate
is that the poorest will get eliminated.
-That's right.
-Whoever's poorest is done.
And that would leave Yong-jin.
Yong-jin's at a disadvantage
because his worth is low.
-The others can spend
-their money to survive.
-That's right.
He hesitated too much.
But someone might buy Yong-jin.
-I doubt it.
-I don't think so.
His Instagram account
is even more tragic than mine.
So this is what it's like.
This is what will happen. Think about it.
If no one buys him,
-he's done.
-He's in danger.
-Because he's the poorest?
As for us, we could all buy each other.
He has to be bought to survive.
I understood why no one would buy me.
I'm at such a great disadvantage
when it comes to team matches.
As you may have noticed,
I have trouble communicating
with other people.
I could see myself not being bought.
We will now begin the bid
for Jin Yong-jin.
I have no idea who'll get eliminated.
Ji-sou's waiting things out
to buy Pyo Eun-ji.
Pyo Eun-ji should wait to be bought.
They're going to bid a lot for her.
This is basically a fight for Eun-ji.
The starting bid is 4.94 million won.
Are there any bids?
Come on.
He won't get bought.
This is brutal.
Yong-jin looks like he's given up.
He should've just bought someone earlier.
The bidding will end in three seconds.
I'll bid 5.04 million.
Pyo Eun-ji bids 5.04 million won.
She has no reason to buy him.
I guess she's worried.
-So just in case?
-Yes, she's panicking.
I'm a pretty impatient person.
And having Jang Keun-suk
taken away from me
made me even more impatient.
I'll bid 5.04 million.
I have a lot of ideas
to make you look great.
What? I can't even hear you.
-So Yong-jin survives
-That's right.
since he was bought.
Changhyun should
at least get Jin Yong-jin.
-You're in danger, Changhyun.
-Now I'm in danger.
She bid 5.04 million?
What kind of photos
could I take with Yong-jin though?
-I'll bid 6.04 million.
-Oh, come on!
Good move.
-They have to do something.
They're in danger if they don't.
Great! I'll make you a star.
He'll make me a star.
What are you going to do?
I need to think.
I'll raise it to 7.04 million.
Yes, Pyo Eun-ji!
I'll bid 8.04 million.
Amazing, OKING!
I'll do everything I can
to make you the best streamer.
Stop outbidding me.
OKING just had to raise the price,
so Yong-jin was getting too expensive.
I decided to bid on Jin Yong-jin
because he's a pretty famous person.
I thought he'd be worth it.
I had to deter them.
Think this through.
And I had to remind Pyo Eun-ji
that she could potentially buy me.
-This is getting complicated.
-Wow, OKING.
Who's getting eliminated?
I don't see any of them going home.
You bid 8.04 million?
You're so mean.
I'll bid 9.04 million.
Absolutely amazing, Pyo Eun-ji!
I can tell you were an accountant!
How do you know that?
I admire educated women.
"I admire educated women"?
Jin Yong-jin has been sold to Pyo Eun-ji
for the final price of 9.04 million won.
I'll make you a star.
I'll make sure to take care of everything.
-Are you serious?
-After you, ma'am.
Let's go.
I didn't know him before this,
and we've barely even spoken here.
I don't know her personally,
but I know she'll be able to cover
for my weaknesses
while drawing out my strengths.
How many are left?
Only three.
What is this?
-One of them is going home.
-That's crazy.
Look at the atmosphere in there.
Look at those three.
-Oh my goodness.
-This is intense.
So this is how it ends up.
Ji-sou will survive,
while either OKING or Changhyun
will go home.
Ji-sou's safe since he has the most money.
What can Changhyun do?
He's just 200,000 won shy?
That's right.
This is a fight between Ji-sou and OKING,
so they must feel the pressure.
I could tell
they were both trying to save money,
so I tried to tell them
that I had the lowest price tag.
The next influencer is Changhyun,
who has given his all to survive.
Just so you know,
I'll take my clothes off and bark
if that's what you want.
Please buy me.
I'll do anything if you buy me.
Here I go. Thank you in advance.
I don't mind if I get eliminated.
Good luck got me here so far.
I'll leave it
I'll leave it up to you to decide.
I can't look.
Changhyun's kneeling!
-Come on.
-Poor him.
I feel so bad for him.
This is so brutal.
As I've said, I'll take my clothes off
and bark like a dog if you tell me to.
I'm begging you!
Wait a minute. Then
If you bid for him,
I have no choice but to outbid you.
The moment I make a bid,
Ji-sou has to outbid me,
whether he wants to or not, to survive.
For my own survival,
I decided not to make a bid.
Are there any bids?
Please stop kneeling.
-I feel so bad.
-Come on, Changhyun.
And his knees are so bare.
The bidding for Changhyun has now ended.
Changhyun, as no one wanted to buy you,
your bidding has failed.
I didn't expect things to go this way.
The next influencer is OKING.
The starting bid is 5.27 million won.
Are there any bids?
You have to buy me
-or things would get weird.
-I don't want to.
The moment someone makes a bid,
-Jang Ji-sou wins.
-You're right.
If Ji-sou bids 16 million won, it's over.
This is crazy.
Changhyun should've made a move earlier.
If I were Changhyun,
I'd make Ji-sou spend as much as possible.
-could you do the knee dance?
-Of course.
If Ji-sou decided to bid on Changhyun,
then I'd be going home.
So I did everything I could
to increase my chances.
I'll bid 5.37 million.
Jang Ji-sou bids 5.37 million won.
It's over.
I feel bad for Changhyun.
This is sad.
OKING has been sold to Jang Ji-sou
for the final price of 5.37 million won.
Thank you so much.
I got OKING for just five million.
He didn't even try to raise the price.
-Let's do our best.
-I'm so sorry.
-It's all right. No worries.
Good luck.
This is disappointing.
Is there anything else I can do?
I was heartbroken at the end.
I'll just go back
to hosting street karaoke.
I'm also learning Japanese right now,
so I hope to branch out overseas
to create content.
Thank you and goodbye.
Hello, everyone.
-That was all so fun to watch.
-Hey, guys.
Come this way, sweetie.
-Here we go.
-I'm scared.
-We need to listen carefully.
-In Round 3, you will work in pairs
to take photos for a feed.
After failing to join or create a team,
Changhyun has been eliminated.
It's so sad.
Before going home,
Changhyun has transferred
his remaining worth
-to one of the influencers here.
-One of us?
-He transferred it?
-I hope it's me.
-Come on.
-Oh my god.
I wonder who he gave it to.
Is it Junwoo?
The person I choose
to transfer my worth to
is PaniBottle.
It's disappearing.
-I'll feel bad if it's me.
-His worth will be transferred
-to PaniBottle.
What did you do?
-Why you?
-Why did he choose you?
-Are you two close?
-But why?
-You're taking a dead man's money?
-How is this my fault?
-It's 25 million now.
-You swallowed Changhyun's soul.
Is it 25 million?
We will survive.
It's not just the two of us.
-That's right. We have his soul.
-Changhyun's soul is in here.
Round 3 will begin now.
Oh my goodness!
In Round 3,
you will be judged on your ability
to draw people's attention
with feed photos.
Round 3 will include three games.
The first game will last one hour.
One hour?
The second and third games
will last 30 minutes each.
Each team must submit one photo
during each game.
-One photo?
-Just one?
We only submit one?
Each team may use seven different sets
to take various photos.
And the teams will choose
from one of nine spots
to upload and place their photos
in the order
that they submit their photos.
You can choose where to put it.
The completed feed
The completed feed
will then be revealed
to a group of 100 evaluators.
This is kind of scary.
I wasn't expecting
a group of random people
to evaluate our photos.
The evaluators
were all wearing black suits
and had blank faces.
They looked like robots.
I was on high alert.
The evaluators consist of
an equal number of men and women
and have been chosen from
a wide range of age groups.
-This is crazy.
-They're all dressed the same.
The evaluators will look at the feed
for just seven seconds.
And your ranking will be decided
by how long you are able to
hold the evaluators' attention.
The team that receives the least attention
in each game
will be eliminated immediately.
That's how we get eliminated.
We need to captivate them
within seven seconds.
It was an unexpected system
to be judged by a random group of people.
To me, it was the fairest way to judge us.
The worth of the eliminated team
will be transferred equally
to the members of the team in first place.
The first game will begin now.
To grab people's attention with your feed,
you need one great photo.
This could be my weakest round yet,
or it could be my greatest.
I don't have much experience
working with photos.
This is a weakness for me.
I have no idea what to do.
Who will perform the best?
Cosplay photos stand out,
so I just need to do
what I've always done.
I think I know exactly
what people want from me.
I make and edit thumbnails all day.
I'm confident I can grab their attention.
I'll dominate this round.
The photos just need to be provocative.
I brought a lot of props.
We should start off strong, right?
But this round only confirms
who is eliminated, not who survives.
-So we shouldn't go all out right away?
It looks like people
won't really use special effects.
Let's take an impressive photo
to draw people's attention.
I found a few apps
that we could utilize this round.
I took this opportunity
to study how to take photos
and how to edit them.
While preparing for Round 3,
I stayed in and just studied.
That's how much I prepared.
I've thought of various concepts.
Don't worry.
I don't think we'll get eliminated.
-We'll make it to Round 4.
We might as well win.
I think we'll be at the top.
Just trust me. I can dominate this round.
The first game of Round 3 begins now.
It started already!
-Wait for me!
This room screams Barbie!
Oh my goodness! This is so pretty!
This set is so well-made.
-This is crazy.
-It's so nice.
One, two, three.
-Oh my goodness!
-This is amazing!
It's so pretty!
-Oh wow!
The sets were out of this world.
What I was expecting for photo spots
were just small and narrow spaces.
But I was so happy when I saw the sets.
They were amazing.
This set fits your outfit.
-Let's take one right now.
-Good idea.
Hold on.
Let me check.
They're pretty good.
These look so good.
What is this? This is unbelievable.
As soon as I opened the door,
I was in a different world.
It was amazing.
I couldn't believe it.
Luxury brands.
I love this set.
Set 6.
What's this?
Is this a murder scene?
This looks like it cost a lot.
-This is amazing.
-It's so well-done.
I want to shoot my show here.
This is pretty. There's water falling.
I want to touch it.
-What the
-What is it?
-It's oil.
-It's oil?
-It is.
It's actual oil.
Damn it.
I bet there's going to be some stripping.
Maybe I should've brought
my other outfits.
It's so sticky.
Let's go this way.
Maybe I should've bought Juice
Let's go see Set 1.
We haven't seen it yet.
Let's take it slow.
How are you so relaxed?
Walking fast tires me out.
He was way too relaxed.
Let me take some time to think.
I thought he was drunk or something.
And he kept talking about alcohol.
I want a drink.
Some soju would help my brain work better.
He kept saying how tired he was.
I'm so tired.
It made me think
that he wasn't really interested.
I felt a bit frustrated
and stressed out at first.
They told us not to take the props.
They did?
I know how much fake money costs to make.
My goodness, Netflix.
Come on, get up.
OKING and Jang Ji-sou
have submitted their photo.
-They're insane.
-Let's just take one.
We've just looked at all the sets.
I'm someone who takes hundreds of selfies.
But they were done already.
I wondered what photo they came up with.
I realized they were strategizing.
They were going for placement,
not photo quality.
Let's go. Come this way.
-Come on.
Let's look at the sets.
-Over here!
-Let's take it here.
-All right.
Let's do this.
Hey, they locked the door!
-Someone's in there?
-Should we just take it?
Is there too much fog? Let's see.
There are nine spots on the feed.
And we assumed the center spot
would get the most attention.
So our goal was to take our photo
as quickly as possible.
As a team with no props and no equipment,
how could we stand out from the crowd?
I'll take a photo of your face zoomed in.
I was thinking that too.
Since you're the most famous here,
having your face in the center
would definitely work.
-Not a bad idea.
Again. One more time.
-Let's go somewhere else too.
Let's go see Set 1.
Shall we try this set?
-We're here.
-What the
That's good.
Let's just choose one of these.
-This is option one.
-I like this one.
-This one?
Your face looks funny
so I'm sure people will want to open it.
-Let me touch it up.
Will this work?
-We just have to avoid elimination.
-I submitted it.
OKING and Jang Ji-sou
have submitted their photo.
Please choose your spot on the feed.
We'll go with
number five.
-Your face will go in the center.
-We're done.
-All right.
Ji-sou is aiming for the center spot.
It's crazy how quickly
they managed to submit it.
Well, they're using tricks
and cutting corners.
We'll do this the right way.
It's good that we can sit here.
I also brought wigs.
-That's amazing.
Am I cute?
-Am I cute?
I'm not sure yet.
I need a bit more time to decide.
-I'll try to convince you.
I wonder what the others are doing.
I guess we'll just stick to the basics.
Good looks?
The others are better in that department,
so I can't go in that direction.
PaniBottle and I need to try to be funny
and make people laugh with our photo.
I can do cosplays
of the Khitan people from the show.
I love that.
I can also cosplay as Gongsil
and J.Y. Park.
Just tell me what to do.
-Gosh, this is
-I'll hold this for you.
It'll be easier.
Is this locked?
Is this the Barbie set?
-What is this?
-Do you want to use this set?
Tell us if you want to.
-So you're pushing for horror.
This won't be easy.
That's his response to seeing my face?
It's because of your makeup.
So, do I look like J.Y. Park?
No, but you still look funny.
-I just look like a middle-aged woman.
-Kind of.
It's like we're preparing for art school.
-I graduated from art school.
-Me too.
-What major?
Me too. I majored in industrial design.
I majored in visual design.
You know how art is.
We can't both be the main focus.
I'll sort of be in the back,
holding an instrument or something.
Like I could use
that fire extinguisher as a saxophone.
That sort of stuff.
We're both art school graduates.
We might look funny in our costumes,
but we won't play around
when it comes to scene composition.
I majored in design,
so I care a lot about stuff like that.
I paid a lot of attention
to composing the scene.
Will two be enough?
-Looks good.
It's not bad.
Let me see.
You look so ugly!
Let's hurry.
-Will you put on a fake mustache?
What if they don't look at us
because I'm too ugly?
But you were always ugly.
-So it's okay.
-I shouldn't be too hideous.
Well, you're normally hideous.
It's all right.
How do I do this?
How are you going to get married
if you can't even do this?
That's why I'm still single.
-How old are you?
I can't do it either.
-How are you going to get married?
-I got it.
I got it. Okay.
Yes! I can get married.
In your dreams.
Ten seconds.
-Does this look like a piano?
-It does.
-Okay, let's keep this.
-All right.
How about one where
you become one with nature?
One with nature?
What do you think?
I could take this off.
What's underneath?
-I have
-Come on. Don't do that.
Could you turn around to take it off?
I have this top on. What do you think?
I have this top on. What do you think?
I should take it off, right?
Honestly, yes.
My goodness.
How's this?
I'll readjust my mic.
Like this.
Is this better?
I'll take the photo.
Make me fill the screen.
-A bust shot?
All right.
Oh my goodness.
Oh my goodness.
Oh my.
My goodness.
Come closer.
All right. Let's lean back a bit.
I didn't want to do something clichéd.
I really had to think about
how we could be different.
Ultimately, I felt we could be unique
by being both original and unoriginal.
I feel it makes the most sense
to use my fame.
You often see photos on Instagram
with text overlaid
that says something like,
"Here's why Jang Keun-suk's going viral."
We could take a photo
pretending to be a couple
and have "Revealing my girlfriend"
written on top of it.
I think that would be a good idea.
I think having a shocking text
that grabs the public's attention,
overlaid on a picture
of the star Jang Keun-suk
could have a strong impact.
I felt we'd have a good chance
if we took a photo
and had "Jang Keun-suk's girlfriend"
written on it to pique people's interest.
All the risks would fall on Jang Keun-suk,
so it was fine with me.
It wasn't an idea
that I could suggest myself.
-Let me edit this.
This is a fight against time
to get a good spot on the feed.
The photo may look big now,
but on the feed,
it'll only be one of nine small squares.
So I had to increase the size of the text
while making sure my face was prominent.
I think they call it a "super close-up."
This is what I envisioned.
What do you think?
Is the photo itself all right?
Would we need to edit it?
-What matters is the text.
-I see.
The photo will be too small to see anyway.
My face is the main focus,
and the text supports it.
I've never posted a photo
with text overlaid on it.
Adding text to a photo?
And on just one photo?
Would it work?
I like it.
-Well, it's just the first game.
-Let's see what happens.
Let's go.
MyBoo and Jang Keun-suk
have submitted their photo.
That was quick.
Did one team finish before we did?
-Just one?
-I think so.
Did they take the middle?
-How were you two so fast?
-Good job.
We choose number four.
I've been thinking,
and I realized that those sets are a trap.
They're meaningless.
I want to take a photo
in each of the seven sets
with the same pose.
It's also important where we take it.
He was taking an artistic approach,
which was completely the opposite
of how I wanted to do this.
I think we should make people curious
or make them wonder what's going on.
We could perhaps reel people in
with some fortune-telling.
Stirring people's curiosity
could be a good approach.
My strategy was to take advantage
of DaeDo's fame.
For example,
I could look into DaeDo's fortune
with the text
"DaeDo's love fortune" overlaid.
We could make our photo a thumbnail.
My fortune is only relevant to myself.
Would other people care?
I didn't think it would work.
We'd be doomed.
This is the kind of thing I was thinking.
Do you get me?
I want to replicate this with a person.
I think it could work.
For the first game,
we tried to take photos of all seven sets
and combine them into one background,
sort of like stained-glass art.
There's money, luxury items,
the color pink, and others.
The sets embody
what it means to be an influencer.
They express the desires
and ambitions of influencers.
I wanted to show people
my creative intent.
From his perspective,
DaeDo got roped into working with me.
I knew he wasn't expecting
to be my teammate,
so I felt too bad to offer my own ideas.
At least for the first game,
I decided to follow his lead.
This is good
as it is.
Could you get another bag?
The one in the middle.
-That big one.
-Do you want it here?
Yes, a bit closer.
Could you bring it closer?
Maybe you could hold it.
The lighting's bad in here.
-Could you bring me my lights?
-Are these the right ones?
-Should I hold it?
-Yes. Like this.
-Stand next to me.
Just a moment.
This is driving me crazy.
Could you aim it here?
-Like this?
I'm not sure if this will work.
Have the light fall this way.
Hold it like that.
I kept trying to determine
the angle that would make the photo
more beautiful and a bit more impressive.
One, two, three.
-Throw them up higher.
Let's show them how creative
influencers can be.
It was amazing.
All right.
How much time do we have left?
-Thirty-six minutes.
-Okay. That's enough time.
-Everyone's going to try to be fancy.
There are other pretty girls
like Juice Seyeon
who'll come in here
and wear revealing clothing.
So I want to think of this
in terms of basic instincts.
We'll take a good photo
and overlay a strand of hair
so people will instinctively look at it.
A strand of hair?
Do you get me?
They'll think it's real
and focus their attention to it.
Let's make it simple.
All we need to do is grab attention.
When you look at a screen
and see a crack or a strand of hair on it,
you instinctively touch it
to see whether it's actually there.
We'll survive this round easily
since no one else will do that.
So how would we do it?
Once we take a photo,
we'll add a PNG image on top of it.
-An image of a strand of hair?
-Or a cracked screen.
Is this a good idea?
Do I just go along with his plan?
I'm really not someone who takes risks.
If I were paired up with someone else,
I would've gone for safer choices.
I definitely took a big risk with this.
I'll leave the photo-taking to you
since you're the expert.
-How's this?
-And we could add the image here.
How are we going to do it?
This is the only editing
we can do here, so
Trust me, I can do it.
Wait, what does this mean?
"How to add a PNG file on your phone."
This isn't it.
Can you send me the PNG image?
Just a moment.
I sent it just now.
These are what I found.
But it doesn't show up
on the app we have to use.
It's not working.
We didn't have any open conflicts,
but I was conflicted internally.
He seemed like someone
who has a lot of ideas
but relies on other people
to bring them to life.
So I had to try something
I've never done before.
Why couldn't he figure out his own idea?
It's not working.
I don't think it'll work.
Wait a minute.
-This is disappointing.
-It works! Hold on.
It does?
-And then
-You're amazing!
It worked.
See? I told you it would.
-But this
-Make it a lot bigger.
This is what it would look like.
You need to give up
on trying to look pretty here.
Let's submit it.
-Like this?
What if we get eliminated?
It's on you if we get eliminated.
Let's say we get eliminated, okay?
Then at least we went out being unique.
That's what's important.
-Looking pretty isn't important here.
-You're confident we won't get eliminated?
I'm confident
no one else thought of this idea.
-Should I trust you?
-Come on.
Just think of it
as a great experience for you, Eun-ji.
-You're driving me nuts.
-It's a risk worth taking.
I'm telling you.
Jin Yong-jin and Pyo Eun-ji
have submitted their photo.
There you go.
One, two, three.
Scream and throw your head back.
I had Dohwadore be our model,
with cyan and magenta lighting
set up beside him.
And we took photos of him screaming out.
Scream and throw your head back.
To be honest,
I had a look into DaeDo's fortune,
and we were complete opposites.
It said that he's a stubborn person
who doesn't easily change his mind.
-You can do it.
-I'll keep trying.
You could even jump like this.
Look that way
with your hand grabbing your knee.
That's good.
-All right, let's just keep trying.
This is driving me mad.
Are you going to combine the pictures now?
-Should I try it now?
Should I go check the time?
-Sounds good.
We have 21 minutes left.
This is the hard part.
First, this one.
Which part should I crop out?
This black part seems meaningless.
-Where? The ceiling?
-Yes, the ceiling.
Okay. Then I'll choose this layer,
and then I'll use the eraser
to get rid of this.
Why doesn't it work?
Should we bring up the background?
Let's do that.
Why didn't it work?
-Let's try this money photo.
-Take this.
This is driving me crazy.
-Don't worry.
-All right.
-Add a photo.
-Where's the button?
Where did the button go?
Where's the button
to add a background photo?
We had a hard time making things work,
and we didn't even know what was wrong.
I had no problems
when I was practicing for this,
so I was confused.
I almost had a breakdown.
The first game will end in five minutes.
That one was so good.
-I love this one.
We choose number eight!
This is confusing.
Oh man, this is bad.
Let's just go with this for now.
My goodness, are you okay?
-Are you okay?
-You kicked so hard!
-Who's left?
-DaeDo's team.
Can we do this in time?
This is bad. We're screwed.
But don't worry.
We still have the second game.
What if we get eliminated now?
Right. That could happen.
Why isn't it working? Come on.
-Try this.
-I'm losing my mind. Hold on.
This is bad. Please!
-This is driving me nuts.
-The first game
will end in two minutes.
What's going on?
-That's good enough for now.
-All right.
Let's just go.
The first game is now over.
I think photos are harder than videos.
This round is pretty tough.
We will now reveal the feed
from the first game.
They're showing it.
Will we see them in order?
Will they be shown at once?
-It's just his face.
-They did that?
What's that?
Oh my goodness!
That's what they did?
When I looked at the completed feed,
my face was almost scarily placed
right in the center.
It would grab anyone's attention.
I knew we wouldn't be last.
-It's annoying.
All I could see was OKING's big face.
At a certain point,
I realized that I was just
staring at his face with curiosity.
What drew my attention the most
was OKING's face
in the middle of the feed.
Jang Ji-sou and OKING's photo
really wasn't up to par.
I actually worried
for the producers of the show.
I'd have to say
Jang Ji-sou and OKING
had the worst photo among us.
-Post this on your account.
-I actually really want to.
You really should.
What's that supposed to be?
-What's that?
-I don't get it.
It's supposed to be a cracked screen.
I was so worried.
-Are you serious?
-"Photo of his GF."
It's so captivating.
That was a smart move.
You couldn't help but check out
the text and image.
I felt a bit bitter when I saw it.
That could've been me.
I could've been
his girlfriend for the photo.
Clickbaiting with info
on Jang Keun-suk's secret girlfriend?
That gave me some ideas.
I would definitely be drawn to that.
When I saw the text
about his girlfriend or whatever,
I was blown away.
I was shocked at what they came up with.
Where did they get that prop?
I didn't get their picture.
It was hard to understand
what they were trying to portray
with the prize money and all.
It was very different from ours.
What were you trying to express?
It was confusing.
The photo was a combination
of several different ones.
As soon as I saw it,
I knew who'd get eliminated.
I had no idea
what the point of the photo was.
I think they were trying
to make it colorful,
but is it worth looking at
for seven seconds?
That looks so cool.
BBOGUMI and PaniBottle's photo
had a strong impact.
It was a piece of art.
You will now see which photos
our 100 evaluators
spent the most time looking at.
Please, we'll do better next time.
No one had our idea.
These dots represent
the eye-tracking results
of the 100 evaluators who viewed the feed.
So they used eye-tracking.
A hundred of them though? That's crazy.
I wasn't expecting eye-tracking.
That was unexpected.
I knew we were in trouble.
The gazes of the 100 evaluators
have been quantified into real-time data.
We will now announce
the eliminated team of Round 3.
Subtitle translation by: Ji-hun Lee
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