The Interest of Love (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

I can't believe it's the new year already.
I've had nightmares since October
about these calendars.
Even if we roll 5,000 of them,
they're gone in a couple of days.
People always demand calendars
as if they're entitled to them.
News stations need to make it clear
that hanging a bank calendar at home
doesn't make you rich.
Darn it. I tore another one.
Come on, Mr. Ha.
I could roll gimbap
more quickly than that.
Darn it. I'm going to call it a day.
I'm clocking out first.
I'm done too. Wait up.
Good luck, you guys.
Let's grab a drink soon.
-See you.
Sang-su. I have a memorial service.
You never go to those.
Be more creative, will you?
You always use that excuse.
I'm serious this time.
It's for my great-grandmother's cousin's--
Just go.
I love you.
I want to become rich too.
Use this.
Thank you, Ms. Ahn.
Patch up your finger,
or else we'll be here all night.
Do you want to be rich too?
No, I just want to be average.
That's a rather humble wish, isn't it?
I hear you come from a wealthy family.
Because I graduated
from an elite school in Gangnam
and live in that district?
Being average means
you don't stand out from the crowd.
It means you're just like everyone else.
But growing up,
I felt like the ugly duckling
among all the others around me.
Not that anyone ever said it to my face.
I realized that…
what some people considered average
was hard for people like me to have.
Almost impossible to reach on my own.
When they talk about being average,
it was just their way
of bragging that they're actually not.
I'm surprised to hear you say that.
I didn't bother correcting
any of the exaggerated rumors
because it would prevent me
from being average.
Take two, then.
And become twice as average.
I'm sorry you had to work
all night because of me.
It's the weekend anyway,
so I can sleep in.
Good work, senior clerk.
Wait, you're a section chief now.
I'm sorry that I keep forgetting that.
You worked harder than I did
despite being my senior.
Don't say that.
You're in a higher position than I am.
Other people don't consider
service reps as their seniors
even if the latter teaches them.
It's because they know
they'll get promoted more quickly.
You taught me everything
during my probation period.
If it wasn't for you,
I'd still be making mistakes.
My position doesn't matter.
You'll always be my senior and mentor,
no matter what they say.
Do you think the subways are running now?
I should've taken another calendar.
Is it fun?
Toying with my emotions, that is.
I could say the same thing to you.
You still can't
bring yourself to be honest.
Tell me so that I can understand.
Then explain what happened that day.
I've already told you.
-It was because of the balance--
-It wasn't that you couldn't come.
You chose not to come.
I saw you.
I saw everything.
You were an hour late,
but you didn't bother to hurry.
"Why is he leaving?"
At first, I didn't understand.
But then…
Can we do this again?
I don't like undefined relationships.
"Was it because of what I said?"
I didn't want to believe that.
But the next day, you said…
I had problems yesterday…
I'm sorry I couldn't make it.
Did you wait a long time?
"Why did he lie?"
"Why did he hide the fact
that he had arrived there?"
You didn't want me to know.
You didn't want me to know
that you hesitated.
Am I right?
Why did you hesitate?
I thought my background
didn't matter to you.
I didn't go to college.
I'm just a teller, and my family is poor.
Was that why you left?
Or was it because you were going to HQ
and didn't want rumors floating about?
Then you shouldn't have
acted like you were different.
-Was I a joke to you?
-It was the opposite.
I took you seriously.
You weren't someone…
whom I wanted to date on a whim.
I even thought about marrying you.
Then why did you do that?
-Why did you hesitate?
-I don't know.
It wasn't intentional.
It just happened.
But I didn't hesitate for long
and went straight back to you.
But you weren't there.
So I was right.
But I eventually went back.
I might've had some doubts,
-but I still went back.
-You still hesitated.
I didn't mean much to you.
Then why did you act that way?
You saw me heading to the hotel that day.
Why didn't you say anything?
Why give me the cold shoulder?
Why didn't you give me a chance
to explain myself?
-I didn't owe you anything.
-You could've just asked.
You could've confronted me then and there.
We could've talked it out.
What was I supposed to say?
That I deserved to know
exactly why you hesitated?
Being average.
"Did you hesitate…
because dating me would make it
harder for you to become average?"
Is that what you wanted to hear?
Let me ask you one question.
Did you feel anything for me?
Was I just…
imagining things?
I thought you and I…
were similar.
That's all.
You won't regret this?
And you're not sad…
about anything?
-Mr. Noh.
-Yes, sir.
Will we be able to reach
this year's KPI at this rate?
I'm concerned as well.
If our branch receives a D rating,
that'll put you in a tighter spot than me.
You must like your current position.
That's why we're currently preparing
an original and innovative spot promotion.
Right, everyone?
We are?
Yes, sir.
Our team promises to raise
our performance for the second quarter.
Once we sort out the companies
that have requested loans,
you'll have nothing to worry about, sir.
Ms. Ahn.
Please stand up.
Applause, please.
She sold every Winner's Plan
for season one.
While others failed
to live up to expectations,
others like Ms. Ahn worked diligently.
That's how our bank
has been able to maintain
this level of performance.
Another round of applause, please.
Now, Ms. Park and Mr. Ha.
Please stand up.
The Youngpo branch
is known for being competitive,
yet their presentation came out on top.
Here's to hoping that they'll be
the final winners of the contest.
Applause, please.
What are you looking for?
Where's the calculator?
I think I saw it on Mr. Ha's desk.
Hey, I'm borrowing this.
This client is coming by later today.
The font size is wrong.
It should be 15, not 11.
This client is farsighted
and complains
if the font size is too small.
I thought I told you this multiple times.
The client received
LASIK surgery last month.
I thought you knew.
I see you didn't dispose of
these gift certificates.
I'll get to it after work.
It's important to deal with
old gift certificates immediately.
I told you this multiple times
during your probation period.
It inconveniences others.
I'll make sure it doesn't
interfere with your duties,
so don't worry about it.
What's going on?
Gosh. Why are they so cold to each other?
I didn't know Mr. Ha could be so immature.
Ms. Ahn.
These are either snacks
or some kind of candy.
It's a gift from a Winner's Plan client.
They signed up today, thanks to you.
Thank you, sir.
Ms. Ahn, I know how hard you're working.
Are you already preparing for season two?
It doesn't hurt to plan ahead.
Yes, sir. I'll get it ready.
All right. Good luck, then.
It feels nice to get some fresh air.
It really does. I'm famished.
I'm starving too.
Hello, Mr. Jeong!
-Did you enjoy your meal?
Are you on your way to lunch?
Please have this for later.
It's dessert.
Goodness, this is my favorite.
But I'm on a diet.
Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-What do you want?
-How about oyster gukbap?
-Oyster gukbap?
Mr. So told me
that it's the best hangover meal ever.
Are you talking about that new restaurant?
-The owner gave us rice cakes.
-Let's go there.
I thought they had just opened.
To me…
No, to us. You were already dead to us.
Stop hovering around me.
Let's go somewhere else.
Okay. Let's do that.
-Let's go.
Let's eat something else.
What's around here?
Or maybe…
How are things
with the FSS vice-president's daughter?
It's going smoothly.
Your face says otherwise.
Do you know the lifespan of this bill?
Sixty-one months.
That's five years and a month.
Jeong-eun and I
didn't even last that long.
What does that mean?
Are you happy now or what?
I gave up on any romantic feelings,
so everything is going well.
Our parents are happy too.
Thanks to this woman,
I realized how tiring it was
to be considerate.
My relationship with Jeong-eun
was uncomfortable.
It's really uncomfortable
to be mindful of others.
Hold on a second.
Hello, Ji-eun. Yes, I'm eating right now.
Yes. A ballet performance?
That sounds great.
Yes, of course.
What about you?
Has your relationship
with Ms. Ahn evolved?
Have you and Ms. Ahn
turned into archenemies?
Whatever it is, just cut it out.
It's getting awkward.
I've always been curious.
Why do you like her?
I don't like her.
Let me rephrase. Why did you like her?
Should we drink today?
-Let's burn through our paychecks.
-I'm taking a half day.
I have a memorial service.
You jerk. That's my go-to excuse.
What are you doing here?
How intriguing.
What are you doing after work today?
Care to have a drink?
I didn't know you smoked.
This was one of your dad's belongings.
He didn't get to smoke much
before passing away.
I smoke once a year
on the anniversary of his death.
I told myself I'd only resent him
until I finished this pack.
And now, I'm done.
I don't have an excuse
to resent him anymore.
You didn't have to come for this,
especially with that long face.
You were different even as a young boy.
Other kids would whine
and beg their parents
to buy them video games or shoes.
But you carried the weight
of the world on your shoulders.
You never asked for anything.
You never once let on
that you were struggling or in pain.
When you had a high fever,
you went to the hospital alone.
I only found out after you had recovered.
And then, for the first time,
you wanted to do something,
and it was ice hockey.
To be honest,
I wanted to keep playing.
But I lied
and said it was boring.
I knew that, of course.
I knew about it then,
and I also know
that you still play for fun.
Your eyes lit up whenever you saw
a hockey uniform, even at that age.
You were lying through your teeth.
I just feigned ignorance.
You weren't planning on going pro,
and I thought it was a way
for you to make friends.
I have nothing to be sorry for.
I really did my best to raise you well.
I'm proud of myself.
I agree. I'm proud of you too.
Then don't make me feel bad
for raising you like that.
Try acting out or being immature for once.
Go on dates,
get into relationships, and get married.
Get divorced, too, if you want.
Don't take things so seriously.
Let's go.
I won't be coming back here from now on.
I won't visit your dad anymore.
That's okay. You deserve that right.
You're happy, right?
My definition of happiness
is not having any regrets.
They all helped me.
Now I just need yours.
Press your seal here.
If only I had stopped my dad back then.
Thank you so much.
-I'm home, Dad.
-Okay, good.
If only I hadn't let him go.
If only I had gotten to him sooner.
It was a car accident.
Are you sure about that?
-It wasn't suicide?
-Hush, now.
My gosh, they'll hear you.
A person's death
changes the lives of those
whom they leave behind.
Because their death becomes…
a shackle for us.
People who carry life's burdens…
always hold back.
And they always hesitate.
Why did you hesitate?
But somehow,
all of the decisions I've made…
never brought me closer to happiness.
-How about this table?
Roata '08 Vin, please.
I'm afraid we don't have any on hand.
Would you like to try something else?
Really? Then maybe…
I know a place that has that wine.
How about we pair this wine with jamón?
Anything is fine.
This is it, right? You must like dry wine.
Here. Let me help.
Forget it.
Opening wine bottles
is my only forte, so let me do it.
Just look around in the meantime.
Those are my failed marquage projects.
I see.
Just work on a new bag.
That one's a lost cause.
I'll give it a try.
You're pretty good, Su-yeong.
Did you study art?
I'm not that good.
What's going on with you and Sang-su?
Things have been weird with you two.
Do you like Mr. Ha?
Yes. Is it that obvious?
A little.
I just can't hide my feelings.
Can I ask why you like him?
I wonder what you see in him.
Because he's a constant.
He's not a variable
that's affected by a given situation.
He always maintains the same value.
Like a constant.
He was always careful
when it came to dating
ever since college.
He knows the gravity of one's feelings,
so he takes it very seriously.
And he's always thoughtful.
So I was right.
But I eventually went back.
I might've had some doubts,
but I still went back.
Once he makes up his mind
about dating someone,
I think he'll absolutely cherish her.
When we go somewhere to eat,
he casually sets the cutlery for me.
If my glass is empty,
he fills it up before I know it.
But isn't that just an act of kindness?
He notices which side dishes I eat
and doesn't have any himself
so that I can have it all.
I consider that innate talent.
His thoughtfulness puts me at ease.
It's not something
you can force yourself to learn.
I know this for a fact.
Sang-su is a good-hearted man.
You two look good together.
Su-yeong, take this.
No, I can't. It's too expensive.
I changed my mind
about throwing this one away.
So instead, I'll give you this one.
But still…
It's so pretty and looks good on you.
365 ATM
Please select the desired amount.
700,000 WON
-Here's your card.
-Thank you.
Thank you.
Ms. Ahn.
I got all the medicine.
I didn't forget any.
Gosh, stop worrying.
Seriously, I eat just fine.
How were the avocados? Did you like them?
What do you mean?
That's how they normally taste.
Why won't you listen to me
when I tell you to get a smartphone?
I'll teach you how to use it.
It'll only take a day.
I'll send it over right now.
Okay. Bye.
You speak in dialect.
Only when I'm talking to my dad.
You can't tell otherwise, right?
No, I can totally tell.
So what? I'm from Tongyeong,
so I speak in dialect too.
Really? Let me hear it. I'm curious.
What are you looking at?
You didn't need to help.
Thank you, though.
It'd be more convenient
if they used internet banking.
They don't have smartphones
and can't order things online.
But still…
Aren't you worried
that the cash could get stolen?
They wait outside all day long
whenever I send a parcel.
Isn't it difficult for you
to send them your paycheck?
It is. But that's why I like it.
If I work hard, I'll be able to take
cabs instead of buses one day.
I'll be able to go to a hospital
instead of a pharmacy.
And I'll also be able to order
more expensive meals as well.
You have such a big heart, Mr. Jeong,
unlike me.
I don't want to regret it later on.
The worst punishment for kids
who don't tend to their parents
is having to look in the mirror.
It's because as time goes by,
we realize how much
we resemble our parents.
If anything, I'm doing this for myself.
Just a second.
Do you want to take a walk?
I'll carry your groceries.
That's okay. I can carry my own.
You said you hadn't eaten yet.
You should go home and eat.
I can have a light dinner. Hold on.
Let's go somewhere and eat something good.
Today is our payday, after all.
Hello, ma'am.
Is the branch manager in?
Do you mean Mr. Yuk?
Do you have an appointment?
Hello, ma'am. This way, please.
I can't believe you didn't recognize her.
Who is she?
You'll never climb up the ladder now,
that's for sure.
That's Mr. Yuk's wife.
Would you like some coffee?
He's my role model.
As men, we need to marry the right woman.
I wonder what your future wife did
that was so wrong
to end up getting married
to someone like you, Mr. Ma.
Would you like
to find out yourself? Really?
They say the more money you have,
the more elegant you become.
She sure sets an example.
I think that applies to Ms. Park as well.
There's an AI finance
training session this week.
One person from each team will go.
I went last time.
I have a workshop to attend
at my kid's international school.
I'll go.
Sang-su, you went last time,
so Mr. Ma will attend this session.
Yes, sir.
Sang-su, would you like
to go instead of me?
I'm sorry, but I have plans this week.
Here's some chamomile tea.
Thank you.
Didn't you say your son
works at a bank as well?
Yes. He's a section chief.
My daughter is an assistant manager.
Which bank?
KCU Bank.
Goodness. Which branch?
My daughter works there too
over at the Youngpo branch.
My son's branch
is in a province down south.
I see.
What a coincidence.
Just a little something.
-Thank you.
-How's it going?
You seem to have a lot to do.
This isn't my specialty,
so I'm struggling a bit.
That's what makes you impressive.
You're challenging yourself.
Thanks for the encouragement.
I should study hard too
if I want to succeed like you.
I know you'll pass your exam.
Are you going to eat?
No, I'm fine.
I told you not to overdo it,
but here you are.
I want to do this. It's fun.
Su-yeong, I want to take you somewhere.
So you'll give us a call
and book your next appointment?
-Yes. I'll call you.
Goodness. Why are you here at this hour?
Did the bank close early today?
No, I just made some time to stop by.
Aqua care service for two, please.
Okay. I'll get the room ready.
If you'll excuse me, ma'am.
Did you say two? Who's the other person?
Just go, Mom.
Is it a guy?
Do you seriously think
I'd bring a guy to a place you frequent?
Why not?
Just go home. Go on.
Goodness, you're so mean.
See you.
Here, let me.
I can do it.
That'll leave marks in your hair.
This hair tie is much better.
Before working at KCU, I thought
my friends were the worst type of people.
All they did was spend
their parents' money
and did whatever they wanted.
I got a job because I didn't
want to live like that.
But I've met just as many at the bank.
You two must be colleagues.
Yes, I recently transferred
to this branch.
You're both so lovely.
You must be very popular.
She's the most popular one.
That must be nice.
Not at all.
-Begin the cleansing process.
Don't you feel better now?
I do.
Let's get going, Sang-su.
Can we do dinner next time?
I have something to tell you. It's urgent.
I like you, Sang-su.
I know you take what I say seriously,
so I'll give you some time to think.
So did you give it some thought?
Just kidding.
But really, though.
Please think about what I said.
Why do you like me?
You're someone I want to have.
You're different from other men I know.
Then you shouldn't have
acted like you were different.
Was I a joke to you?
You don't have to be
completely sure about how you feel.
At least for now.
You still hesitated.
I didn't mean much to you.
I thought you and I…
were similar.
After all, we're similar to each other.
Let me ask you one question.
Did you feel anything for me?
One, two, three.
Where's my compliment?
I really did my best.
Good job, Mi-gyeong.
What? It's just
a congratulatory handshake.
Your hand is warm.
Let's give them another round of applause.
In my 20 years of working in this field,
this is the first time
I've seen anyone
whom I know win this contest.
Sang-su, you'll be headed to HQ soon.
This is all thanks to Ms. Park.
Not at all. Mr. Ha did all the work.
Do I smell love in the air?
Can we expect a wedding invite
by the end of the year?
And Ms. Ahn, please come to my office.
Well done.
Let's wrap up here.
Maybe he's going to let you
take over the next product.
Nothing has been set yet.
Yes, Ms. Park?
Never mind. Carry on.
I don't understand.
I want you to hand over
the Winner's Plan project to Ms. Park.
I thought I was to prepare for season two.
That, of course, goes to Ms. Park.
It was her job to begin with,
and she's far better at it than you.
You've been a huge help to us.
Thanks to the solid groundwork
you laid out,
we felt secure about the project.
In that case,
what duties will I be given next?
You'll do what you've always been doing.
Being the top-performing teller
at this branch.
Ms. Ahn.
Hello, sir.
Yes, of course.
I see.
Mr. Yuk wants me to hand over
the Winner's Plan project material to you.
I was going to give it to you later,
but can I hand it over now?
I did my best,
but it may look a bit unpolished.
I learned a lot from you. Thank you.
I'm sorry, Su-yeong.
I know how much effort you put into this.
That's okay. It's not your fault anyway.
Don't worry about it.
How could he make such a fool out of her?
He shouldn't have led her on
and said she'd take over
the next new product.
Why did he have to give her false hope?
The poor thing
was barking up the wrong tree.
There's only so far
she could go in her position.
She got too greedy.
Exactly. She should've just
focused on being a teller like Ji-yun.
I wish you would stop drinking soju
whenever you're upset.
I thought I was well-aware
that not everyone in this world is given
equal shares of time, opportunities,
happiness, and love.
But I was wrong.
This life is like a zero-sum game.
One's happiness is another's misfortune.
No matter how hard I try,
it's just out of my reach.
It's pretty foolish of me
to have such false hope, right?
Do I look like a fool to you?
I work at a bank,
but I'm not affiliated with it.
I'm a security guard
who does a lot of menial work.
365 ATM
I get paid by a hiring-service company.
I feel like an outsider on payday.
Do you know how that feels?
But despite all that,
I don't think I'm a fool.
It doesn't bother me
when people mistreat me,
or look down on me
for being a contract worker.
I have a dream,
so I know things will get better.
So you're not foolish at all.
I grew up in an area
that doesn't even show up on the map.
Five years ago,
I thought I'd become a farmer like my dad.
But look at me now.
I work at a reputable bank in Seoul.
In five years,
you'll shine even more brightly than now.
It'll be unimaginable.
We're going to become happier
since we're trying our best.
I put a necklace in your bag
this morning as a surprise gift.
I know this isn't the best timing,
but I want to say thank you and sorry.
Do you want it?
No, really. You don't have to.
Okay, then I'll take it
after you've worn it for a very long time.
It's called artificial intelligence.
AI technology demonstrates human intellect
such as thinking and learning
through the use of computers.
Simply put, computers use collected data…
-Take this!
-Take this!
What's next? Hurry up and choose!
-Let's do it.
-Let's play a game…
I'm Mr. Kang from the Dangsang branch.
Gosh, I've only heard
about the Goddess of Youngpo.
I thought people were exaggerating,
but you're even more beautiful
than they say.
Let me pour you a drink.
You're much more laid-back than I thought.
-Can I pour you a drink too?
-Do you want one?
-Did you drink much?
-Not at all.
You shouldn't drink too much.
Now that you've won the contest,
it's only a matter of time
before you move to HQ.
You're so good at your job.
I didn't do it alone.
I did it with Ms. Park.
I know.
She used to work at the Seocho branch.
I hear she's richer now than before.
Marrying her would guarantee you
a better future than transferring to HQ.
Gosh, I hope I can meet a woman like her.
Your wife's background
shapes who you are these days.
Mr. Ha.
-You can do it.
-You can do it.
All right, cheers to us too.
We can do it.
We can do it!
Why do you like her?
she never says no.
No matter how hard, complicated,
or trivial the task may be,
she never once says no.
-That must be heavy.
-She just works hard.
It's okay. I can do it.
The tougher things get,
the more nonchalant she acts.
She reminds me of myself.
She makes me want to root for her.
Why did you follow me out?
How long have you been following me?
Let's head back now.
It's dangerous to be out this late.
What's it to you?
Ms. Ahn.
It's Ms. Ahn one minute
and Su-yeong the next.
It's so simple for you. Isn't it, Mr. Ha?
Can I ask you something?
Why did you come?
You told Mr. Ma that you had plans.
So why did you come?
Do you still like me?
What for?
It's not like you'll do anything about it.
Then what about you?
Why are you still so mad at me?
Was my moment of hesitation…
that unforgivable?
I thought you had no feelings for me.
Did you really…
Did you really think…
I had absolutely no feelings for you?
If I had kept my promise
that day at the hotel…
would you have dated me?
Do you want to meet tonight for a bit?
Sang-su seems weird, right?
I told him that I liked him.
So are you two dating now?
He's completely bullying her.
It's a choice she made.
Can you buy me a drink, Sang-su?
Here's a hangover cure.
Are you all right?
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