The Jetty (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

MUSIC: Fire And Water
by Let's Play Dead
My heart's in embers
Lying post-flame
But if this is
how the fire feels
Light me up again ♪
RIZ: So why
investigate a cold case?
Why open an old wound
and cause more suffering?
Because these wounds
have closed dirty.
That's why.
And there can be no true healing
unless we're willing
to tear them open
and confront what
festers inside.
You know, Ember isn't very happy
that you're going
to miss her 17th.
Well, I'm on a night shift.
T'boat hut not
making you enough?
Not enough for the gift
I'm getting her, no.
Don't like parties anyway.
It's just the pub.
I'm going.
Designated driver.
I've got a feeling I'll be
at all of Ember's birthdays
from now on anyway.
You're very taken with her.
Well, she's the real thing.
Bet you say that
to all the girls.
No, Ember's special.
I'm not sure I can allow her to
be with a man who doesn't know
to slice a bap
away from his hand.
Is it bad?
You sliced me hand open, Amy.
It's gone all the
way to the bone.
You're lying.
It's quite confronting,
seeing your own bone.
It's like a little
look into the future.
I want to see your wound.
I want to BE your wound.
MORGAN: Look at it, Ember.
Look at it.
You put this sample in
the evidence locker.
Do you know what it is?
It's Amy Knightly.
What's left of her.
Everything she was.
Everything she could have been.
All reduced to charcoal.
We were hoping to find
the rest of her underneath
the basement of the boat hut,
but she's not there.
Help us find her, Ember.
Help us give her
back to her mother.
I can't help you, because
I don't know anything.
You know he killed
her. No. I don't.
I don't know that.
When you sit opposite a suspect,
and they refuse to engage like
an innocent person would
what do you feel
towards 'em, DC Manning?
Cos you're a detective,
and we are never not
servants of justice.
Am I right?
I've told you everything I know.
Now, charge me or release me.
That's supposed to be
your line, by the way.
Ember! What happened?
I'm out on bail. Suspended.
Well, you're just in
time for breakfast.
Waffles and beers -
in memory of her dad.
OK. Great.
Oh! What was that for?
For believing in him.
To Dad!
To Mack.
Er, easy.
Dad could do one of these
in, like, five seconds.
Yeah, when he was 20, and
probably not for breakfast.
Hannah, y-you've probably
got some questions
about why I was arrested.
Yeah, cos the police are
stupid fucking idiots
who have no idea
what they're doing.
They have some evidence.
Evidence can be wrong.
It can
Hannah, the police
I don't want to talk about this.
Just not today.
Not on the anniversary.
I just want us to go to
the lake and remember him.
The ashes.
No, Hannah, no, we-we're not
going to be able to scatter them
from the jetty. Why not?
Why not? We have to! That
is what he wanted us to do.
It's not going to happen!
Not today.
What's so urgent?
I wanted to give you this.
A list of therapists.
All people I know and recommend.
I think you came to me because
you wanted some questions answered
about your
relationship with Mack.
I came to you because I
wanted my insomnia sorted.
They're not easy
questions to ask verbally.
So, you flirt with me
in the hope that my
reaction will answer them.
OK, you've lost me now.
Ember, your text?
Oh, my God.
You want to know if the
power imbalance mattered.
You want to know whose job
it was to hold the line.
Under normal circumstances,
I would happily
model the answer.
Oh, would you? Right,
that's very nice(!)
But here, I can't.
Because I have feelings for you.
Are you asking me out, Casey?
There are some lines
that can't be crossed.
However much we might like to.
Well, so what so
what is this, then?
Y-You're making a point?
I'm making a judgment.
That I am a serial fuck-up, but
that you are better than Mack?
You are not a fuck-up.
You know, the grey areas outside
of the psychology textbooks -
that's where real life
takes place, Casey.
Me and Malachy want
to go all the way.
All the way?
So, my mum's going away,
which means my dad will, too.
It's the perfect opportunity.
We're going to stay at the
lake all night, you know,
watch the sun come up.
Make it special.
Come on.
You could do it, too.
With Joe.
Have sex with him?
Yeah. I mean he likes you.
Don't you like him?
Well, I don't
not like him.
I just, I just, er
Amy, I don't know if you
should have sex with Malachy.
Why not? Well, he says
himself, he doesn't love you.
No, he says he doesn't
believe in love.
That's not the same thing.
Yeah, but does he
make you happy?
You know what would
make me happy?
and me
losing our virginity
at the exact same moment.
Them inside us, but
us really with each other.
Would you like that?
Would you, Kitty?
You and me
linked forever?
MARTIN: What is it?
Joan? Hmm?
Er, it's just the cat.
How are you doing, Hannah?
We're not going to scatter 'em.
Not until we can do it right.
Well, we'll just raise a
glass to him, then, shall we?
I miss Mack. He
was a total dilf.
CHLOE: Jules! He was, though!
Could've left those in
for another five, Mum.
Your oven is an inferno, Ember.
It cremates everything.
Are you going to
say a few words?
I wasn't planning on, no.
Oh, please, Mum.
CHLOE: Yeah, you
definitely should, Ember.
You were like Michelle Obama
when you came to school!
Mack was
I'm sorry, I ca
Come on, just say
what he meant to you.
I'm trying, Hannah.
Just say something!
Hannah, maybe I could
say something instead.
Because if I'm
feeling even a tenth
of what your mum's
feeling right now, then
I understand
why she's overcome.
She's not overcome.
Not in the way that
you mean. Hannah
The police think Dad
killed Amy Knightly.
No, that's not right, is it, Em?
Er, th-they have some evidence.
Like what? Arj, please.
No, come on, Mum.
Why don't you explain?
Explain to everyone why
you're doubting him.
We'll talk about it later. No!
We'll fucking talk about it now!
We're waiting.
They have found a
fragment of Amy's bone
in the basement of the boat hut.
Oh, God
Hannah. Hannah.
There we go.
He's scattered.
I don't want to hear it.
I wasn't going to say anything.
I am literally washing my
dead husband off my hands.
I mean, surely you've spotted
a learning opportunity here.
Some things defy
feedback, Ember.
I'm sorry, Mum.
No, I'm sorry.
It shouldn't have come out
in the way that it did.
You need to show everyone
that Dad's innocent.
I can't get involved.
Why not? Because I'm too close.
And because you
think he did it. No!
I don't know, Hannah,
I really don't.
Well, I do, and I
He didn't do it, Mum.
He was the kindest person,
and you know that.
So, I am begging you,
please, you have to prove it.
You're not allowed
to be in here.
I'm a good detective
with good instincts,
and they are telling me
this is not a done deal.
You have to keep
looking elsewhere.
Instinct is poor man's policing.
I build cases on evidence.
It's all circumstantial,
which you could call
poor man's evidence.
And what about Riz's murderer?
It doesn't give you
an answer to that.
We're pursuing several
unrelated leads.
Which are? Which are
for the ears of serving
police officers only.
Now, if you don't mind,
we have work to do.
Joan, I'm so sorry to disturb
What are you doing here?
What's wrong with her? Nothing.
You've drugged her?!
She was very agitated
after your last visit.
The doctor gave her something.
The nurse said she
was asking for me.
Not that I'm aware of.
I need to speak to Joan.
Which, I think you can see,
isn't possible right now.
When might it be possible?
You want to wake up a
sick and confused woman,
so you can torture her about
things that no longer matter?
I won't let you do that.
Joan mentioned someone called
Kitty. Did you hear what I said?
Who is she? She's nobody.
It was a nickname.
For Caitlin. A very nasty one.
If you harm her, in any way,
I will fucking kill you.
Mum! Can you knock?
You need to get rid of her.
It isn't safe, Caitlin.
People will tell you there's
a life in it, but there isn't.
Not really. Not a proper one.
Was your life proper
Separate beds and
dry little kisses.
Get rid of her.
She is not so disingenuous
as to suggest the slaying is
the work of one woman alone,
because she knows first hand the
strength and barbarity of men.
This is Gentileschi's own
imagined revenge upon her rapist.
This is beautiful retribution.
Kit Owen?
I'm DC Manning.
I was hoping that you might
answer some questions.
Amy Knightly.
I don't know who that
is. I think you do.
You were friends with her.
I think you're mistaking
me for someone else.
I don't think I am, Caitlin.
I barely knew Amy Knightly, so
I don't think I can help you.
Someone took this photo the
night that she disappeared.
Was it you?
So, you don't know what
happened to her that night?
She ran away.
She said she was
going to, and she did.
I hope she healed and grew.
I hope she's somewhere
living a very happy life.
I'm very sorry to tell
you that she isn't.
I'm sorry.
I need you to tell me
what happened that night.
She was fine when I left her.
Then, why did you lie to the
police about being with her?
The night they asked me
about, I hadn't been with her.
But you knew they were
asking about the wrong night.
My mum warned me
not to get involved.
She said if something
had happened to Amy,
if the police found out
I had feelings for her,
they might accuse me.
And I was that ashamed
of who I was back then,
that it made sense.
When Amy looked at you
it could feel like
the worst punishment
or the greatest gift.
Was she looking at
someone in this photo?
Was she looking at you?
JOE: Hey!
Who took this photo, Caitlin?
Who else was there that night?
Please, I am, I am
I am begging you to help me.
Joe took it.
Malachy's brother.
AMY: You should get
the date tattooed.
Malachy's late.
Hope he's still coming.
For his sake.
He'll come. I'm not so sure.
You see, he went out earlier.
You know, with his
homo perfume on.
You know, the one he
thinks girls like.
But he didn't come
and see you, did he?
Maybe your spell's wearing off.
Get fucked, Joe. Or what?
You know, one of these days,
you're not going to
have him to protect you.
Just a little prick.
MALACHY: What's going
on? Where were you?
I thought you weren't
going to show.
Lost our lunch money, didn't
I? Had to go and get some more.
Lost it? How? Don't
worry about it.
Smile, Malachy.
At least pretend
you want to be here.
Right, what do you want, Ember?
I'll get in a lot of
trouble if we get caught.
Save it. I don't care.
You know, you have this
look sometimes, Ember.
Makes me feel like a little kid.
Cos I rate you as a person,
then I see you sneaking
around and lying to everyone.
Malachy had a brother
who was with him and
Amy on the lake the night
that she went missing.
Did you hear what I just
said? Yes, Hitch, I did!
But if I don't
keep swimming here,
I am going to sink.
OK? Can you understand that?
You think the brother
might have killed Amy?
He's got a rap sheet you could
paper a living room with,
and he's currently in HMP
for wounding with a weapon.
So, he can't have killed Riz, then.
Well, that's what I thought, too,
but, according to his
girlfriend's Facebook,
he's been going
out on day release,
including the day
Riz was murdered.
Go and tell Morgan, then.
I want to go to
the prison myself.
You're suspended.
Which is why
I need your help.
No, you mean you need my
warrant card, to get you in.
It's not happening,
Ember. I'm not doing it.
I Just don't.
I'm DC Manning, and
this is DC Hitchin.
We'd like to ask you some
questions about your brother,
Malachy Granger.
I haven't seen him in years.
Why's that?
We're not close.
You haven't had a
falling-out, then?
Do you know who the
girl in this photo is?
So, you didn't take this photo?
Let's have some evidence of
this beautiful moment, shall we?
I think you did.
I think you know the girl in
this photo is Amy Knightly,
and I also think you know
that she went missing
the night this photo was taken.
And I think you also
know that she's dead,
and that her body is
lying under the boat hut.
Is this why you had
a falling-out, Joe?
I didn't know that.
I didn't know she was dead.
How do you think it happened?
Well, he must've killed
her, then, mustn't he?
He must've actually done it.
Everyone said she'd just
gone off, and I just
I hoped.
Amy was switched on.
Old for her age.
But looking back
she was lost.
There was another girl.
Did you know that?
That's why he was
late that night.
It was meant to be
the last time
MALACHY: Lost our
lunch money, didn't I?
We got pissed and took roofies.
Malachy thought
everything was fine,
as long as everyone was
getting what they wanted.
What? I want you to stop.
I'm almost there. I said stop!
Was it hurting?
Not really.
Well, what, then?
Can we try again?
You wait for this.
She doesn't do it quietly.
It's their first
time having sex.
It's their first time
having sex today.
You're a funny girl, you, Kitty.
Both clever and dumb
all at the same time.
I thought we were trying again.
I'm going. Why?
Stupid dyke!
AMY: Kitty!
What happened?
You said you hadn't
slept with him before.
Yeah, I haven't.
That's not what Joe said.
OK, well, Joe's a shit-stirrer.
Well, don't walk
away from me, Kitty.
Then stop lying to me!
OK, it wasn't our first time.
I thought if I said that,
then you'd be more
likely to sleep with Joe.
Why do you even care
if I sleep with Joe?
Because he's basically
blackmailing us.
He's threatening to report
Malachy to the police.
He's fucking evil, Kitty.
So, what, you gave me to him?
Is that why we're
friends Amy?
Is that what you needed me for?
I mean, my life is
better with you in it.
That bit isn't a lie.
So, does it really
matter why it started?
You need to finish
with Malachy, Amy.
You shouldn't be
with him. It's wrong.
What, because he's older?
You can't put rules
on this stuff, Kitty.
I mean, you should know
that more than anyone.
That is not the same thing.
It's worse.
Who do you think my mum
and dad would rather I walk
through the door with? You
or him?
Finish with him, Amy.
Or I'll tell the
police about it.
You wouldn't.
I would.
I would never
speak to you again.
I would tell everyone
what you are.
And what am I, Amy?
What am I that is so bad?
I've never hurt anyone.
I've never taken the thing
that someone hates the
most about themselves,
and used it against them.
I've never done that!
Are are you jealous?
It doesn't matter.
Cos you don't need to be.
I want you to touch me.
No, I can't.
B Because you don't love me?
No, Amy.
Because I do.
If you go, you will
never see me again.
I will run from here, Kitty!
I will never come back!
HITCH: Ember, look,
I need, erm
The other night in the pub,
I should've stuck up for you.
HE SIGHS I don't
know why I didn't.
You have a water pistol in
your desk drawer, Hitch.
You still hang around at the
Faucet with the same idiots
you did when you were
16, and like it or not,
those are the guys that
you're going to be arresting.
You have to pick a side.
I know.
You know, you have, erm
you have a look too, Hitch.
It's a bit like
like a puppy
trying to do maths.
But also, it's, erm
I didn't shut you out because
I don't care what you think.
I shut you out because
I knew what you'd think,
and I didn't want to hear it.
That's not how a
partnership works.
Definitely a couple of Cs.
This had better be good.
What's this?
Er, witness statements.
One from Caitlin Owen,
and one from Malachy's
brother, Joe Foster.
Both of them were at
the lake that night.
I wanted Joe to be the
killer, but he isn't.
Are you sure?
His shock, his disgust, they
were they were genuine.
BOTH: Happy
birthday, dear Mummy
Happy birthday to you ♪
Oh, you've found out something.
MALACHY: Is she upset?
I knew we shouldn't
have done that to her.
AMY: Yeah, what
choice did he give us?
You know, I thought
she'd like it,
but I should have known there
was nothing to like about you.
All right, I'm going home.
I can't do this any more.
Lock up when you're done.
Well, can I come? No.
Please? I said no. But
you're not leaving me here.
You need to go and find Kitty.
Why would I do that?
Because I'm pretty sure
she's in love with you, Amy.
You said that love
doesn't exist.
Yeah, well, I'm starting to
think that maybe it does.
But not between us?
I'm sorry.
I won't let you leave me.
Amy, stop!
I won't let you
love All right
anyone but me, Malachy!
Calm down. Calm down!
Malachy! Amy, please!
Just calm down! I love you!
Where are you going?
Oi! Don't take my car!
I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
My heart's in embers
Lying post-flame
But if this is
how the fire feels
Light me up again
This heart remembers
Pleasure and pain
Pleasure and pain ♪
Oh, by the way, I have found which
necklace I'm going to get you.
I just have to wait to be paid.
You wrote me a song. I
don't need anything else.
Yeah, well, you're getting both.
Every year, in fact.
You'll have more songs and
necklaces than Beyonce at this rate.
I just want to make sure you've
got everything you need, Ember.
I want to spend the rest of my
life making sure of it, so
I want you to come tonight.
And then, I want
to come tonight.
I would love nothing more.
But I can't let the lads down -
not at this late notice.
It's just a factory shift, Mack.
No, I know. I don't
want to, but I have to.
After tonight, I'm
all yours, I promise.
What's this? What?
Ah, a bit of fun.
To take to work?
All right, well, you got
me. It's a present for you.
Another one? Yeah.
I thought we could take
some tomorrow night.
Or maybe I could
take them tonight.
If they're really for me.
You could, yeah.
And you have.
OK. Go easy, though, all right?
What are you doing here?
You said that I was hungover
after my 17th birthday.
You were. Because
Mack gave me pills.
Yeah. Roofies.
I had one.
You know that they're
Rohypnol, right? Mm.
Why would he have those?
Same reason as lots
of people, Ember.
To get high.
Would you like a cup of tea?
Was my vomit blue?
Is that why it
stained the carpet?
Believe it or not, Ember, I
have no idea what the colour of
your vomit from
17 years ago was.
You remember everything else.
It has a blue dye in it,
to stop it being used as a
date-rape drug.
Well, he wasn't using it as
a date-rape drug, was he?
No. He shouldn't have
been using it at all.
You got high, it
didn't agree with you,
and you were sick. No big deal.
Just be thankful Mack
had gone by that point.
I think it might've been a
bit early in the relationship
for holding back your hair.
Mack wasn't with us that
night. He was working.
He came over after the pub.
What time?
I don't know. He left before me.
I got back, and the
pair of you were here.
Just me, him, and
the date-rape drug.
Respectfully, Ember, he did not
need a drug to get what he wanted.
So, why didn't he stay over?
I don't know.
He said they had
to do something.
In the middle of the same
night Amy went missing?
I didn't know it was that night.
What the hell were you thinking?
Me? Yeah. You.
You know, not just that night.
Cos you're always pissed.
Or high.
Or off being bat shit
while I wandered around
Your friends thought
I was marvellous.
They'd have loved
a mother like me.
Yeah, yeah, they did
think you were marvellous.
You know, but nobody would
want a mother like you,
because some people
shouldn't have kids.
Not everybody gets a
choice about it, Ember.
I was a housewife in
the arse end of nowhere.
I got married and had a baby,
because that's what you did.
It was all written for you
long before you were spat out
the fifth form, clutching your
certificate in secretarial skills.
You see, that's the
difference between us.
You might have
squandered your choices,
but at least you had
some. What choices?!
A mother with her
out-of-office on,
or a guy ready to make
me his entire world
as soon as he's disposed
of his last girlfriend?
I don't know what
you want from me.
I want you to have kept me safe!
I want you to have
done your fucking job!
I'm sorry.
"Sorry" doesn't fix this.
What? You said, "They
had to do something."
I know you were with Mack
the night that he killed Amy.
Do you think we could've
ever been together, Em?
You and me?
Did you hear what I just said?
Mack wasn't one for staying
with girls too long.
So, I did have a hope that
when he was done with you,
that we might
Well, it turns out that you're
the one worth changing for.
He becomes gold-star family man,
and I become
HE SIGHS No-one's
idea of heaven.
I keep wondering if I've
just had bad breaks.
Or if there's
something rotten
about me.
RIZ: Hey! You want to tell
me why you stole my laptop?
Cos I tracked it here.
Riz was here.
I need to go. No! No, no! No.
Don't walk away.
OK, just, just
I-It's not like you think.
I would never, never
She came looking for me
recording me and
We got in a fight.
RIZ: Wait, wait,
what are you doing?
She had this photo of a bone
that was in the
basement of the hut.
The stupid thing was, it
was only there cos of me!
I heard Rob was pulling up the
floor for the refurb, so
I broke in
and I dug up the body,
and then, I set the
fire to cover my tracks.
Part of it must've
got left behind.
Part of her.
Part of Amy.
I had to do something, Ember,
you can see that, yeah?
No, I can't.
You could've let
the body be found.
You could have let Mack
be exposed as the killer.
You you could
have let Riz live.
didn't kill Amy.
Fucked-up Midas strikes again.
Look, just just sit down.
And just listen, OK?
It was your birthday, and
we were all at the pub.
And we'd only just recently
met, but I liked you.
And I felt bad for you,
because Mack wasn't there,
and I knew where he was.
You were handing out pills.
Do you remember?
And we were all
having a good time.
And then, at some point,
I realise that Mack had
been leaving me messages.
And he's begging me
to go and pick him up.
MALACHY: Look, I wouldn't
ask if it wasn't important.
If you care about me at all
So I go.
Would you stop going on at
me?! Will you just stop?!
I honestly took my eyes off
the road for a split second.
What was that?
It was just a log.
A log?
It was just a fucking log.
Now put your foot down.
I don't even remember it,
thanks to the roofies.
First thing I know, I'm in bed,
a-and M-Mack's calling me,
an-and he's telling me that
that I've hit Amy in the car.
Just a glancing blow,
but he's been trying
to call her ever since,
and she she's not answering.
Where did you find her?
Amy Amy!
She'd fallen down
the embankment.
She busted her head
open on a rock.
We were going to put
her in the lake
but Mack said the
basement was kinder.
Don't be angry with him, OK?
H-He did it for me.
He didn't do it for you.
What was that? It
was just a log.
A log? It was just
a fucking log.
Now put your foot down.
You weren't driving, Arj.
It was me.
Ember! Where are you going?
Got to go, Arj.
I've got to pick up Mack.
Look, you can't drive alone.
You're still learning.
Come with me, then.
Stop going on at me!
Will you just stop?!
What's going on? You
said you were at work.
What was that?
It was just a log. A log?
It was just a fucking log.
Now put your foot down.
Why would he lie?
To protect me.
I swear I didn't know.
TEARFULLY: It's fucking
ruined me, Ember!
Arj Arj.
We're going to go now. OK?
Me and you.
We're going to go tell
them the truth. Oh, fuck!
We're going to get in trouble,
but we'll get through it.
OK? Together.
We're going to go. OK?
Th-This is our chance, Ember.
You and me.
A-And Hannah.
We have to do this, OK?
We've got to go now.
No! Stop!
Stop! Stop!
Arj, what are you doing?!
I want to go home!
Arj, please. I want to
go home to my daughter.
I did it for you, Ember.
Arj, please.
People do fucked-up
things for love.
No, people do fucked-up
things and call it love.
But love isn't ugly!
Love doesn't hurt!
Love does hurt, Ember.
It just does.
Arj! No!
ECHOING: If they
don't already know,
I-I don't see why you have
to say anything at all, Mum.
Hannah's right, Ember.
You could lose your job.
Or worse.
SOBBING: Mum, why
are you doing this?
Because I'm the spider.
You should've told me that
Malachy was your husband.
Yeah. Yeah, I know. I'm sorry.
I spent years learning
to forgive myself
for leaving Amy that night.
Playing out the scenarios -
Malachy killed her
Joe killed her
Now, it might have been a
different man completely.
Is there no man that
Amy was safe from?
You can't think like that.
Why not?
Because it's not
right. Yes, it is.
And we have to be
willing to say it.
Or nothing will ever change.
TEARFULLY: It was me
that Amy wasn't safe from.
She wasn't safe from me.
I am so sorry.
I am so, so sorry.
SOBBING: I'm so sorry!
I have this terrible blind
spot when it comes to myself.
I can see other people's
lies and weaknesses.
I can deliver
justice to them.
I'm going to hand myself in.
I'm going to tell the truth.
Do you think truth and justice
are always the same thing?
This is DI Morgan
and DS Henderson,
interviewing DC Ember Manning.
23rd of October, 11am.
Now, let's start with the
death of Amy Knightly.
Tell us everything you know.
I was there.
On the night that David
Argent killed Amy?
I was there
on the night that
David Argent killed Amy.
RIZ: I chase the
darkness for a living.
So, I know how heavy
and endless it can feel.
But I also know that darkness
doesn't really exist.
It's just the absence of light.
She's not really here is she?
She's here.
Has she got a name yet?
Miranda, I'm going to need
you to write down a list
of all of the names of the men
who had sex with you underage
so I can put them and
Liam in a prison cell.
Because one day, she is
going to be a young woman
navigating this world that
we are creating for her.
You know, I think
Hope is a nice name.
Your dad was complicated.
Did some things that he
doesn't deserve to be
forgiven for.
And I wish I could make
that not true, but I can't.
But also, he was funny
smart, loyal
generous beyond belief.
And he gave me you, Hannah.
The greatest gift imaginable.
I'm not going to
stop loving him.
We don't have to
feel guilty for that.
We're just going to keep
on feeling what we feel.
And keep putting one foot
in front of the other.
TEARFULLY: Bye, Daddy.
It's OK.
If I had £1 for every
time I said to Mack,
"If only you had a brother"
And he never once
let on that he did.
Well, sorry that your memories
of flirting with my husband
have been sullied.
I've always known that I
wasn't the best mother, Ember.
I think I tried to make
amends through Hannah
when I should've been
making it up to you.
I hope it's not too late.
What are you guys talking about?
Oh, just about the fact
that you're never so old
that you don't need your mum.
RIZ: We are all
walking in the dark,
but with a handful of candles
that is in our power to ignite
with every choice we make.
I chase the darkness
but I choose to
believe in the light.
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