The Legend of Hanuman (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

The Promise

It's over, Sugreev.
I've taken back Kishkindha from you.
I've taken your wife from you.
And now finally,
I will take your life from you!
What is Hanuman doing?
Giving me a target.
Please stop.
Get away from him!
Father! Are you are you
I'm sorry, Angad.
This is the only way it could end.
Traitor! I'll kill you for this!
The challenge is finished, Angad.
I don't want to fight you.
I don't care!
Why did you even return?
You should have stayed in hiding
like the coward you are!
My brother had lost his way.
The kingdom needed to be saved.
My father was right.
All you want is his throne.
It's all you've ever wanted!
Do you really believe that?
If you truly believe that,
then strike me down.
- Angad, stop this.
- Release me!
Who who are these humans?
I know how you feel, Angad,
but you must calm yourself.
How would you know
how I feel, Hanuman?
Sugreev must pay for what he's done!
It wasn't Sugreev
who killed your father. It was me.
What? But you challenged Vaali
to a duel. And this
You cheated? You have no honour!
Did Vaali have honour?
Honour? You speak of honour?
He killed his brother. His own brother!
He took his brother's wife.
He made his people prisoners
in their own kingdom.
He broke the code of kings.
None of that was an act of honour.
I will have my revenge.
Save your rage, Angad.
We will settle that later,
if we must.
For now, it's time to say goodbye
to your father.
Go, son.
Who are you, human?
I am Ram, son of Dashrath.
King Dashrath of Ayodhya?
I have heard stories of your father.
An honourable man,
if there ever was one.
Why did you choose
to stand by Sugreev?
Ravan has taken my wife.
Sugreev offered to help, but for that
he needed his kingdom back.
Foolish human.
If you had come to me,
I would have returned your wife
with a snap of my fingers.
It is not just for that reason, Vaali.
You dishonoured yourself.
You exiled your brother
and took his wife from him.
You became no different from Ravan.
Sugreev stole my kingdom.
He thought you were dead.
By law, the kingdom was his.
When you returned,
he was willing to give it back to you,
but your pride and anger blinded you
to your brother's devotion.
You broke the code of kings
and committed an act of adharm,
when you took your brother's wife.
By doing that, Vaali,
your life was forfeit.
Remember your honour, Vaali.
Remember your true self.
So that, in death, you may find peace.
Forgive me.
My son.
Sugreev is your king, now.
Do as he says and
do not hate this human.
He only did what was necessary.
He fulfilled his duty.
He has redeemed me.
Rest now, Mahabali Vaali.
In death, the world will remember
your nobility and virtue.
Let him go.
In time, Angad will understand.
What is this?
This is Ram.
Sugreev was crowned King of Kishkindha
with Angad declared
as the heir to the throne.
The joyous coronation
was celebrated greatly in Kishkindha.
King Sugreev promised to uphold his oath
made to Lord Ram
to scour the realms
and find Princess Sita.
However, the arrival of the monsoon
delayed the start of the search.
Prince Ram granted Sugreev
a three-month delay
in the search because of the rains.
Meanwhile, the celebrations continued
in Kishkindha
and continued
and continued.
Until Sugreev, to the shame of all vaanars
forgot his promise to Lord Ram
long beyond the passing
of the monsoon.
Your Majesty!
You have a visitor. It is most urgent
that you meet with him.
Tell him to come later.
My King, you must awaken.
I've tried talking to him,
but he says promises have been broken.
Promises you made.
What happened to the king
that was destined to lead our people
to greatness?
That king seems to be gone,
drowning himself in drink
and blind to oaths once made.
Leave me be, Hanuman.
Let me get some sleep.
Whoever it is can wait.
What was that?
What's going on?
It's your visitor, my King.
Prince Lakshman, and he is angry.
Where is Sugreev?
Put put your weapon down.
Bring me Sugreev!
You have broken your oath, Sugreev!
And now you must pay!
What have I done, Hanuman?
Do the humans mean to kill me?
You broke your oath, my King.
You have brought this on yourself.
How did it come to this?
No matter. Do not worry.
I will fix this.
This is your last chance, Sugreev!
Answer me or I will shatter
your kingdom to pieces!
Hold it, my friend Lakshman.
You call me friend, oath breaker?
You are right to be angry,
Prince Lakshman.
I have been a disloyal friend
to you and your brother.
I lost myself in my own pride
and excesses. I betrayed my word.
I have no excuse
but to place myself at your mercy.
If you spare my people,
I promise you now,
on my life, that I will send
my forces around the world
and find Princess Sita
within 30 days for Lord Ram.
If we fail to find Princess Sita
within 30 days,
the lives of my soldiers and mine
will be forfeit.
What say you, Hanuman?
Is your king finally one
who will keep his oath?
Or does my bow need to sing
even louder?
Mistakes have been made, Lakshman,
but I have faith my king
will not let you down again.
How can you be so sure?
Because I will also sacrifice my life
if Princess Sita cannot be found.
I will be one of the soldiers
trying to find her.
But, Hanuman
Very well, Sugreev.
Because of Hanuman, I will give you
this last chance to make things right.
Thank you for your mercy,
Prince Lakshman.
I will summon our army at once.
What have you done?
Why did you say that?
I never intended for you to be one
of the soldiers.
You're too valuable to me.
You should have thought of that before
you put the lives of our soldiers at risk?
How could I stand by helplessly?
What choice did I have?
I broke my word. This was the only way
to show them my seriousness.
The soldiers won't like it.
I know, but it's time we prepare.
Summon all the tribes
and my generals, Hanuman.
Let Kishkindha know
their king is back.
What is it that troubles you,
An emptiness which gnaws endlessly
at me from within.
Not emptiness. Guilt.
I I don't understand.
Guilt because you think
you should have killed Vaali yourself.
Guilt because you feel you failed.
But you are wrong.
Come with me.
Look at this glorious kingdom.
You brought this glory to it.
You are the leader
who freed his people from tyranny.
The brother who made an impossible choice
of killing his own kin.
That burden you will always carry
in your soul.
However, your story is not one of failure.
It is one of triumph.
A triumph that has brought us
together again.
Thank you, Ruma.
As always, you are right.
I know what I must do.
Lord Ram, I have come to ask
your forgiveness and to fulfil my oath.
You are an honourable king
and a true friend.
And friends don't need to ask
for forgiveness.
This is Lord Ram,
son of King Dashrath of Ayodhya.
I have summoned you here to send you
on a most dangerous mission.
Are you brave enough to accept it?
Vinata fears nothing. Command me!
That is why
you shouldn't rely on weapons, Vinata.
Release me on your enemies,
King Sugreev,
and I shall rip and tear my way
through them with my own fangs!
Ah, the brashness of youth.
Victory is rarely won
through brute force, Sushena,
but through cunning and wisdom.
Let me lead this mission,
King Sugreev.
I expected nothing less,
wise Shatabali.
You are hereby ordered
to scour this realm
to find Princess Sita of Mithila,
wife to Lord Ram.
She has been taken
by the rakshas king Ravan.
You must complete this task
in 30 days,
or the lives of you
and your vaanars will be forfeit.
Do you accept this mission?
My King, we will follow you
to the ends of the Earth,
but to condemn your own soldiers,
likely to death, for a human.
This defies reason.
Enough! This human is the reason
we are alive today
and not dead at Vaali's feet.
Shatabali, I dishonoured our people
by ignoring my promise to the Prince.
He must know the seriousness
by which I will make this right.
This is no longer the reign of Vaali
but a new time for our people.
A time of honour
but no lives will be forfeit.
You will succeed
because our cause is true and just.
And that gives me faith.
Faith in you.
And in you, Sushena, and you, Vinata.
Faith that you will find the Princess
and bring honour to our people.
- For Kishkindha!
- For the vaanars!
For our King Sugreev!
As I expected. You will be sent
in four different directions.
Vinata shall lead his tribe
eastwards and search there.
Sushena shall go west.
Wise Shatabali shall search north.
And the party heading towards the south
shall be led by you
I cannot refuse your command,
my King.
But perhaps I would be better as a soldier,
not to lead a party.
No, my friend.
You are meant for more, Hanuman.
Are you sure about this, King Sugreev?
He is young and inexperienced.
He has fought beside me in battle
with pride and honour.
But will his followers respect him?
Will he be able to lead them?
I believe in him.
Perhaps someone else can go
with Hanuman?
It would have to be one
of our most powerful warriors.
Not a warrior, but a leader.
Someone unshakeable.
I want to welcome Prince Angad's leadership
on this mission, my King.
No soldier would disobey
the Crown Prince himself, yes.
Yes, this is a good plan.
This was your plan all along,
wasn't it?
You are sending these poor fools
to their deaths.
And you want to get rid of me
along with them.
Angad, please
You want me gone to make sure Vaali's
legacy never has a claim to Kishkindha!
Angad, I would never!
You want me dead?
Just like you wanted my father dead?
I haven't summoned all of you
for a debate.
I've called you all here
because it's our responsibility.
The invitation was mine,
but the decision is yours alone.
I shall go.
Perhaps I should go with them,
my King.
Someone will need to keep these young pups
on the right path.
As you wish, Jambhvan.
So, it is decided!
Go forth and find Princess Sita.
The honour of Kishkindha depends on it.
You have only 30 days.
A word, my Lord?
Tell me, my friend.
I do not know why Lord Sugreev
chose me to lead.
I do not believe I am the best one
for this mission.
However, I wanted you both to know
that your burden is now mine.
I shall not rest
until I find Princess Sita.
I shall not fail you, Lord Ram.
On this, I swear.
And I shall never lose
my faith in you, Hanuman.
On this, I swear.
Thank you, Lord Ram.
Look at him, Jambhvan.
How can he be so calm
after all that has happened?
The battle with Vaali,
his wife's abduction.
How can a warrior like him
be so peaceful, so humble?
Perhaps he is wise enough
to know restraint.
Power without restraint
leads only to destruction.
Everything has changed
since he arrived.
Everything I thought I knew,
thought I was seem insignificant now.
I have much to learn from this man.
Are you sure you're up for this, Jambhvan?
It will be a difficult journey and well
Forgive me you are quite old.
I am not bedridden yet, my boy.
Perhaps I just need a bit of a walk.
Who knows? You may just need me.
I used to be quite the fighter, you know.
Old friend, I fear if it comes down
to that, we may all be in trouble.
Don't worry, and I may know a secret
or two to share, as well.
Like what?
Like the sun, look there.
Did you know some say
the sun tastes a bit like a mango?
The sun tastes like mango?
I think too much sun is affecting
your brain, wise bear.
I can see this is going to be
a long journey.
Of that, my friend,
you have no idea.
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