The Letter for the King (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Danger Knights

- [Brother William screaming]
- [Tiuri] Stop. Stop!
Tell me
the moment Jabroot returns.
[man] Yes, my lord.
- [Lavinia] How did you do that, Tiuri?
- [Tiuri] I don't know.
[Lavinia] How can you not know?
When we lost the Red Riders
outside Mistrinaut in that fog
was that you too?
I don't know.
The monks in that cell,
I know that was you.
Not just because I saw it,
but I felt it. I felt the power of it.
But how?
Do you want me to keep saying
that I don't know?
Because I can just keep saying
that I don't know.
The Abbot said it came from inside.
Is it Eviellan? Is that what it is?
You really don't know anything, do you?
Is this it?
Is this where you head north?
You're determined
to deliver that letter, aren't you?
I suppose King Favian
will be pleased to get it.
So pleased he'd give you a reward?
Is that all you think about?
Answer the question.
You stole my horse,
you gave me to your father,
all so you could find your road.
Now you're gonna forget it?
The road's not going anywhere, is it?
That is.
You and me, Tiuri. I can feel it already.
We're gonna be unstoppable.
Truly, you are just
Convincing? Persuasive?
Incontrovertibly correct?
[laughs] I'll take that as a yes.
I'm sorry. This just doesn't feel right.
Maybe these people don't deserve horses.
Maybe they're a gang of ruthless outlaws.
Have you thought of that?
[Foldo] We can't just steal them.
We're supposed to be knights.
Not until we bring back Tiuri, we're not.
Ristridin told us to help him.
And my father told us he was a traitor.
Yeah, but you said your father
was a liar.
[Arman] I did not.
You did, actually.
You said that he was a liar.
I said when he lies, he's very good at it.
That's completely different
from saying he's a liar.
- Yeah, to be honest.
- It's not that
- No, I said
- It doesn't matter.
Don't you get it?
Ristridin, Fantumar, all the others,
they don't care about us.
If we've got Tiuri,
then we've got something to bargain with.
We can't get Tiuri without horses.
[Prince Iridian] Alianor?
Alianor, please wait.
[guard] Mount up! Mount up!
Follow the queen. She's unprotected.
Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!
Hyah. Hyah.
[twigs breaking]
[Queen Alianor] Careful, sire.
Your brother may be disappointed
if the goods arrive shop-soiled.
Taking risks with your safety
is no laughing matter, Your Highness.
Seems the only risk to my safety is you.
These woods have been known
to harbor unsavory characters.
Well, I've hunted in these woods
all my life
and the most unsavory character
I've ever come across is your father.
I do want you to know
that I will be protesting to the king
in the strongest possible terms.
His manner was blunt
and disrespectful, and his plan
I'm not angry at your father's manner
or your father's plan.
I'm angry that I didn't think of it first.
- Madam, what are you doing?
- Don't be such a prude.
We are pawns, you and I,
to be sacrificed
in some political chess game.
It's my turn now.
It will be yours soon enough.
- Madam
- So my advice
is that we make hay while the sun shines.
Madam, I cannot be a party to this.
Join me.
Swimming was never one of my strengths.
If you get in trouble
I'll save you. [laughs]
Besides, you're full of too much hot air
to drown. [laughs]
Did you get your hair wet?
- I did.
- [both laugh]
So the Shaman's wife had a child
and that child is now missing?
Yes, my lord.
You will find them, Jabroot.
And you will return them to their graves.
Are you sure, my lord?
The war is done.
Maybe now, the slaughter can be done too.
Every battle I've fought
every life I've taken
it's all been in the name of peace.
And yet, the world suffers still.
But when the blood moon rises
all suffering will end
for you, me, for everyone.
Send out hunting parties.
Scour the countryside
and find me the Shaman's wife and son.
Nothing must be allowed
to get in our way.
[shouting indistinctly]
We're in luck. They said
this boat is going all the way to Berlan.
From there,
it's a two-day ride to Unauwen.
Tell me how much the passage is.
Forget the passage.
You've done your part. Now let me do mine.
Come on.
Get your purses out where I can see 'em.
We take anything here: gold pieces,
silver pieces. We even take copper pieces.
If you ain't got nothing,
you're not getting on!
[Lavinia] Greetings, Captain.
And may I say,
what a bonny vessel you command.
Cut the blarney. Show me your money.
Or would you prefer the fine reward
Prince Viridian will undoubtedly give you
when you help us deliver
this splendid homecoming gift?
She's got no cash, chuck her out,
and that one goes with her.
So I take it
you're not interested in this?
How do I know
he's not gonna murder us in our beds? Hmm?
Pretty rich
coming from a cutthroat swindler like you.
Lady goes in the passengers' quarters,
horse goes in the scuppers,
and you, you go with it.
He's not sleeping with the animals.
Then he ain't coming, is he?
I don't care where I sleep. Come on.
Watch your step, milady.
And you'd better watch yours.
- I'll take it back whenever you're ready.
- What?
My ring.
I have absolutely no idea
what you're talking about.
Well, what do you know?
Tiuri's growing up.
Livestock down below!
I'll come and find you.
I'll hide my purse.
If it's good enough for me,
it's good enough for you.
I'm not scared.
Well, good.
Because I can do magic.
There's a lot of that about.
[woman] Milou? Milou?
Oh, thank goodness.
There you are.
Sorry to disturb you, madam.
[Milou] I can do magic, can't I?
- I can make this whole boat disappear.
- [laughs]
Of course you can, darling.
Can you do magic?
She can. She can do magic.
Are you headed to Unauwen?
Unfortunately, yes.
My husband wants to see
Viridian's triumphant return.
He's an admirer.
Me? I just hope there isn't trouble.
You think there will be?
Who knows what Viridian really wants?
But if he really comes in peace
why hasn't he disbanded his army?
[bell clanging]
[woman] Come on, you little magician.
Let's go find your father.
[Piak] How much longer
until we can steal these horses?
When they put the lights out, go to bed.
I'm freezing my backside off here.
Give us a story, Fol.
How old do you think we are?
Oh, you'll love Foldo's stories.
They're really, really scary.
- Aren't they, Foldo?
- [Foldo] They're true.
That's what makes them scary.
And none of them are truer
than the tale of Amaris
and the magic that possessed her.
[Arman] There's no such thing as magic.
What are we, Eviellan?
If you're one of the people
who magic can flow though,
you won't even know it
until it's inside you.
That's what happened
to Amaris.
She was scarcely eight years old
and lived in a cottage deep in the forest
with her mother who loved her very much.
One day, she'd been out
collecting firewood.
And when she finally got home,
it was dark,
and the cottage was strangely silent.
No fire in the grate,
no stew in the pot.
Amaris called out, "Mother?"
And her mother's voice called back,
"I'm in the cellar."
Now, that was strange.
Their cellar was dark and cold,
and they all hated going down there.
And her mother called back,
"I've found something! Quick
come and see."
So, Amaris lit a tiny candle,
opened the door to the cellar
and started to climb down,
her little candle barely piercing
the terrible gloom.
"Don't be scared, my child,"
her mother's voice called out
in the darkness.
And just as Amaris reached
the bottom of the stairs
felt the cold, wet earth
beneath her feet
her candle blew out.
And it was then
then that she heard it.
Heard what?
The front door
opening upstairs
and the voice of her mother
"Amaris, I'm home."
What did Amaris do?
[Foldo] She couldn't do anything.
Because whatever was down there
had her now.
Finally, Amaris found her voice.
"Mother, I'm in the cellar! Hurry!"
And her mother hurried,
rushing down with a candle.
But her little girl had gone.
Vanished forever.
Gone where?
[Foldo] Nobody knows.
But she's out there somewhere
all alone.
So next time you're walking
through the woods,
and you get that feeling
like someone's watching you
be very, very careful.
'Cause it just might be the magic
to take you!
[all gasp and laugh]
Are you crying?
Shut up.
[all laughing]
[band playing upbeat music]
- [Lavinia] Tiuri? Tiuri.
- [puzzle box clinks]
People are talking
about what Viridian wants to do
when he gets home.
So whatever's in that letter could be
even more important than I thought.
I know it's important.
I've always known it was important.
Yeah, but the point is,
our reward just got even bigger.
- There she goes again.
- What's that supposed to mean?
It means not everything is about money.
Not everything has to be
about what's in it for you.
And there he goes again.
If everyone just looks out for themselves,
the world becomes a horrible place.
The world is a horrible place.
Then it's up to people like us
to do something about it.
Or maybe it takes courage
you just haven't got.
- I'm not scared of anything.
- Yes, you are.
That's why you're here,
thinking about that reward
instead of going down that road
to find your mother.
You spent too long with those monks.
You're even more scared than me
and that's saying something.
Scared that when you do
actually find her
she won't be the answer
to all your prayers.
Or even worse
you won't be the answer to hers.
[passengers gasp]
- Behold!
- [crowd gasps]
Slupor the Sorcerer!
Necromancer from the Netherworld!
Please give generously,
for I have studied the dark arts
of that cursed land.
You know its name well,
but few dare to speak it.
On my travels
I have seen the serpent of death!
I have drunk from the river of blood!
And I have spoken
to the vengeful, dead Shaman
murdered by Prince Viridian,
and now their voices cry out for revenge!
[crowd gasps]
[voices whispering]
- [door slams open]
- [footsteps approaching]
[men yelling]
[Jaro] Search every stinking inch!
Red Riders!
- [crowd screaming]
- [Jaro] Search the ship!
[Slupor] Cheapskates!
- [Red Rider 1] Where's the Eviellan boy?
- [Red Rider 2] He'll be with the horse!
[Red Rider 1] Where is he?
Get Ardanwen.
We need to get off this boat.
You're not going anywhere.
I had you down as a simple nuisance.
You've grown
to a full-blown irritation.
[Tiuri coughs]
- Wait. What are you doing?
- This way!
Ardanwen, wait!
[Ardanwen whinnies]
[Lavinia] Slow down!
[Lavinia yells]
May I ask
where you got that talisman?
It belonged to my father.
Shaman's blood.
My father was a Shaman?
You have questions. I have answers.
we must get off this ship.
You never know
when you're going to need to quick exit.
- You've been chased by Red Riders before?
- Worse. [chuckles]
Audiences wanting their money back.
[banging on door]
[Jaro] I know you're out there!
We have to go.
[Jaro] This isn't over, boy!
- Where's Lavinia and Ardanwen?
- Get in!
What is it?
I have you, my boy.
So long, Tiuri!
Thanks so much for your parting gift!
We have to stop.
Hush. Calm yourself.
We have to go back.
We have to find Lavinia.
[water splashing]
Can't swim!
What happened?
Your wretched horse all but killed me,
that's what happened.
[Tiuri] That's Ardanwen's specialty.
Are you hurt?
[Ardanwen whinnies]
[Tiuri] Ardanwen.
[grunting] Yes.
There's no way you can ride.
We have to stop the bleeding first.
There's a cave not far from here
with the herbs I need
to make a poultice for that wound.
- But we must hurry before they come.
- Wait.
What's in this for you?
Lavinia, please. He saved my life.
I know. But why?
You are pure Eviellan. I know you are.
And I am but a humble disciple
of your rich culture.
[snorts] Face paint and cheap tricks.
More con man than disciple.
A cynic. Good.
Every hero needs one. Keeps him grounded.
You think he's a hero?
Yeah. There's a darkness coming,
a darkness that will take everything.
And when it comes,
only one thing can stop it.
You're looking at me.
When the storm clouds gather,
a hero will rise
with the power to face it down.
You were born of Shaman blood, Tiuri.
You are that hero.
[shouting in distances]
Wait. We must go.
Just to be clear, this ham
is a complete lunatic. You do know that?
I like you, young lady.
I like you a lot.
Come on now. There's no time to waste!
[horse snorts]
[shushing] Who's a good girl then?
Come on. We have to hurry.
If I'm forced to steal this horse,
I at least want it to know
my intentions are honorable.
You're riding it, Foldo, not marrying it.
Look, I don't want to do this either.
But Iona's right. We have to find Tiuri.
Why? So we can just hand him over
to Fantumar?
Go! Go! Go!
- Grab a horse! Move!
- Hyah!
[Piak] Hyah!
Hey, that was my horse!
Steal from an old man, would ya?
[Jussipo singing]
Through rain and sleet, blood and snow ♪
There rode the famous Jussipo ♪
And beside him
Rode his tiresome little bro ♪
- [Iona] Do you ever shut up?
- [Jussipo] You'll like this next bit.
Iona always ready to duel ♪
Sweet Foldo, nobody's fool ♪
And behind them rode an ass
Upon a mule ♪
Not funny.
And he's not a mule.
I'm taking your horse, Piak.
- No, you're not.
- I am.
This thing's too small for me.
Well, you should have stolen something
a little bit bigger then, shouldn't you?
I say we make camp.
[Iona] I say we don't.
[Arman] But we've been riding all night.
[Iona] And we're still miles behind them,
so we keep going.
Many years ago,
I fought in the Eviellan wars.
It cost me my youth and my innocence.
But I gained something in return,
an understanding
of the true power of Eviellan.
The power I feel in you, Tiuri.
What is this place?
A place where no one will find us. Quick.
If Tiuri is the hero
this legend speaks of,
then his mother must've known it too.
Why didn't she say something?
To protect him, of course
from his destiny.
But it has found him now,
and there is no escape.
Quick, this way.
Lie him down here. Here.
There's water in the pail.
These caves are ancient
from before there was a Dagonaut
or an Unauwen
before there were knights and kings
when there was only one land
one power.
- Eviellan.
- [Slupor] Yes.
This has always been a place of healing.
He'll be safe here.
We need goldenrod flowers and yarrow.
You'll find them at the edge of the wood.
What are you waiting for?
It's fine.
Do what he says.
I won't be long.
Keep an eye on him.
Minerals help contain your power
during the ceremony.
What ceremony?
I don't understand.
This power has to be understood
if it's to be controlled.
You think everybody born with the gift
knows how to use it?
To wield true power,
you must master it first.
And this ceremony's part of my healing?
This ceremony
is part of the world's healing.
I thank the gods above you were sent to me
and not to Viridian.
If he consumed you [sighs]
our task would be impossible.
Con Consumed me?
The Eviellan Shaman
weren't just wiped out.
our noble prince stole their power
burned it from their souls
and drew it into his own.
But the greatest prize
slipped through his fingers.
[breathes shakily]
What do you mean
"burned it from their souls"?
Oh, yes, it is possible
for those who have studied such things.
can be transferred
from one person to another.
For it is the power itself
that is important
not the vessel that contains it.
Especially if that vessel is unworthy.
Oh, it's too late for all that.
And now, we shall begin!
[horse whinnies]
- [Arman] I did it!
- You didn't do anything.
Iona did it.
Damn it! It's just the girl.
You see?
If I'd have done it, it would be Tiuri.
Says the idiot who stole a mule.
- It's not a mule.
- I'm most terribly sorry.
Will you all shut up and cut me down?!
- Of course.
- Wait.
Where's Tiuri?
I've no idea who you are, girl,
but I'm not telling you anything
until you cut me down!
There's no time for this.
Tiuri's in danger.
Oh, he's in danger, all right.
We're the danger.
We are the danger knights.
Ugh! Seriously, Arman. You're pathetic.
- Don't call me pathetic!
- What would you prefer?
Right, yes, of course.
Spit it out then.
- Where's Tiuri?
- [Ardanwen whinnies]
- Hyah!
- [Ardanwen whinnies]
Well, don't just stand there.
Get after her!
Passing your powers to me
won't be a long process, Tiuri.
The fire will release it
from your unworthy flesh.
And once it is free,
I can consume it at last
and become the hero you could never be.
[Tiuri] Lavinia!
That doesn't look good.
[Lavinia] Tiuri!
- Tiuri!
- Lavinia!
- [Jussipo] We have to help him.
- Tiuri!
[Iona] There's no way in.
Burn away the flesh!
Release his powers!
Use it, Tiuri!
Use your power to save yourself!
It's done!
The power is mine!
It's not possible.
[Novices coughing]
[Iona] Ow.
You did it.
What are you lot doing here?
[dramatic music playing]
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