The Longest Promise (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 4=
You ask me to protect the people.
But did you see it?
This lawless world
and these ruthless vile people,
they don't deserve
your mercy and forgiveness.
I'll take revenge.
Shi Ying.
What's wrong with you, Shi Ying?
Get lost!
This flower
(Have I come here before?)
(And this lake,)
(I think I've seen it before.)
(Could I see it in my dream?)
Lord Chong Ming,
why are you here?
Divine Bird Chong Ming.
You actually can turn into a human.
I think I've said this before.
(Shi Ying was once moved by this lady.)
(Maybe she can save Shi Ying.)
Come, follow me.
Where are we going?
Aren't you looking
for my immortal friend?
- He's in there.
- What?
Who are you talking about?
They won't let you off.
They won't even let
you rest in peace.
I'll avenge you.
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Bai Yan doesn't deserve it.
She doesn't deserve a tribute.
Watch out!
You're finally awake.
Lord Immortal Official,
I always feel
that I've seen you before.
Stop talking.
Save your breath.
Don't frown.
You don't look handsome in this way.
It was me who wounded you.
You did hit me hard.
But it's okay.
My mother said
I'm tough.
I haven't seen my mother for a month.
And I've already missed her.
I think I heard you say
that you can never see
your mother again?
Lord Immortal Official.
How do you feel?
I'll be all right.
If you don't believe it,
promise me this.
When I wake up,
you have to do me a favor.
It's a deal.
Chong Ming.
Speed up.
(Xileng River, Jiuyi Mountain)
(The power contains the supreme Yang.)
(As the glacier
contains the supreme Yin.)
(When Yin and Yang meet,)
(the Starflower appears.)
You must kill her.
she'll become
the person who kills you.
Isn't that Starflower?
When Yin and Yang meet,
the Starflower appears.
The prophecy has come true.
Stop, Shi Ying.
This lady is your predestined doom.
It's not her.
You and High Priest of Grand Preceptor
have read the Elixir Book.
Her birthdate is not
the date stated in the prophecy.
I guess it's just
the abnormal phenomenon
caused by the conflict
between my power
and that of Crimson Clan.
There's no such thing as a coincidence.
If you can't do it,
I'll do it for you.
What's wrong with you?
You can't even take this.
Did you transfer
all your spiritual power to her?
It's still uncertain whether she is
my predestined doom.
But she saved
our lives just now.
This is certain.
If we kill her now,
it's incompatible with morality.
I'm a bird,
not a human.
I don't care
if it's incompatible with morality.
An ungrateful bad deed like this,
just leave it to me.
If there's any retribution,
I'll take full responsibility for it.
You'll kill her
over my dead body.
If she's really your predestined doom,
she'll also kill you in future
even though she's saved you today.
I've lived for thousands of years.
An indecisive person like you
normally doesn't end up well.
If you were
a decisive bird,
you wouldn't have clung
to an unfortunate immortal official
like me.
You're infuriating me that it causes
my wrinkle to sprout up.
(Were you the only person)
(who did the one thing for me)
(when I was accused)
(and cast aside by the nation?)
Lord Immortal Official.
What is this place?
Why am I soaking wet?
You're a mortal.
You can't withstand the pure Yang qi.
I brought you here
to use the coldest water
of Xileng River as a media
and transferred the spiritual power to you.
In order to rescue me,
you transferred your spiritual power to me?
Then, will this
hurt you?
It's not a big deal.
this is my fault.
Never mind, it's all right.
It's over.
Don't bring that up again.
Lord Immortal Official,
you're so amazing.
You still can cast a spell
even after transferring
your spiritual power to me.
It feels like
I'm full of energy now.
Even more energetic
than I used to be.
It's fascinating.
I can't believe I can jump this far.
Lord Chong Ming,
today really is a great day.
I saw you
turn into a human for the first time.
And I met
your immortal friend in a fight.
(By the way,)
(I was dying just now.)
(This Immortal Official)
(can easily cure me.)
(He's got the power )
(to bring someone back to life)
(like Restoring Spell.)
(He's the hidden master I'm looking for.)
Lord Chong Ming.
Are you
Are you mad?
we friends?
I guess it's because we've been
out here for too long.
Chong Ming is getting impatient.
Since your wound has been healed,
we've got to go.
Lord Immortal Official,
have you recovered?
I mean here.
Chong Ming,
let's go.
We're going to fly back.
That's great.
I didn't get to see the view
on my way here.
I must feast my eyes on it
on my way back.
Just that
where would you like to sit later?
As you're so tall,
if you sit in front of me,
you'll surely block my view.
It doesn't seem right
to ask you to sit behind me.
Wait for me.
(Immortal Official is feeling depressed)
(but he couldn't vent out the emotions.)
(I feel so bad for him.)
Let's take a detour.
Where are we?
This is my deceased mother's cenotaph.
can I pay respect to her?
You were deranged
because of your deceased mother.
And I happened to meet you at that time.
It was my pleasure
to solve your problems.
That was how I gained
your precious spiritual power in return.
Now that we have landed here.
I guess it must be
a divine sense of fate
arranged by your mother.
(Is this really predestined?)
(Is she)
(that person?)
(Madam and I had never met
each other before.)
(We're two worlds apart.)
(But fate brought me over.)
(So I came to pay my respect.)
Let me thank you on my mother's behalf.
you're a hidden master
who possesses great power.
I'm like a nobody
in front of you.
I'm not qualified to enlighten you.
Just that I'd like to speak
speak my mind.
I don't know how your mother died.
But you sounded angry just now,
and I saw no epitaph on the tombstone.
I think there must be
some sort of grievances.
You were deranged
because of this, right?
But she has passed away.
As a parent,
she must be hoping that her kid
could stay safe and go on living.
I appreciate the thought.
But you're still young
and you're naive.
There are many things
that you can't understand.
You got me wrong, Lord.
I became like this
because I didn't want
to let my mother down
and let the bad guys have their ways.
The principal concubine of my father
hasn't had kids.
She always perceived me as an eyesore,
and a threat.
All she thought about was
to get rid of me.
In order to protect me,
my mother had suffered a lot.
There was one time
when it was my birthday.
An abnormal phenomenon happened.
It actually snowed heavily that day.
I had never seen snow before.
So I was surprised and excited.
So I secretly built a snowman.
But the concubine accused me
of making a puppet to hurt her.
Then, my mother kneeled before her
and ate the snowman
bite by bite.
What happened then?
After that incident,
my mother became violently ill.
I swore to avenge her.
Yet, she had a sudden heart attack.
Before she passed out,
she said something to me.
I'll never forget about it.
She said,
I didn't protect you
to make you live like a coward
but to want you
to live in a dignified manner.
If you waste your life
and go astray
out of pique,
that's what will sadden me the most.
And that's what those bullies
most want to see."
(I'd like to grow up fast)
to protect you.
You can't just protect me.
You have to become
a man with honor.
To protect the people in Kongsang.
Because of my mother's teachings,
I get to free myself
from complicated thoughts
and have a healthy and happy life.
Instead, that concubine
ended up getting ill
when I was nine
as she was scheming and jealous.
So Lord,
don't you think
I've offered you
a heartfelt word of advice just now?
But there's one thing
I can't understand.
Your birthday is in May,
it's summer time.
How could you build a snowman
during that time?
How did you know
when my birthday is?
When I was at the Pavilion of Books,
I saw this
Saintess Elixir Book
of the Grand Ceremony of Worship.
This is not the point.
Answer my question.
Indeed, I was born
on the coldest winter day.
I was brought to the residence
when I was two.
Father worried
the principal concubine would think
that the person who was born
on the darkest day would bring bad luck.
So he told the public
that I was born in summer.
Come here.
Her birthday is on the darkest day.
Yet, she was born
at the brightest crimson place.
We've got it right this time.
She is definitely
your predestined doom.
Shi Ying,
you really should do it this time.
let me light
the Changming Grass for you.
Actually, it's been five years ago
since I used a magic spell
to light the fire of commemoration.
Five years ago?
Who did you pay homage to?
You're an outsider.
I guess I can tell you that.
The person I paid homage to
was a mere acquaintance of mine.
why did you pay homage to him?
Everyone said
he was an evil who killed people.
But I'm the only one
who knew it wasn't true.
He made me learn magic spell hard
and protect the country.
How could a person like this be an evil?
You were mere acquaintances.
But you had faith in him
and paid homage to him
when everyone spat on him.
If he knew it,
I'm sure he'd appreciate it.
I think he should know that.
That day, my tears
dropped into the fire.
That Snowy Rosa
suddenly turned into a flame
and hit me between my eyebrows.
But I didn't get hurt.
I guess this was the response
of his spirit of heaven
to me.
The magic spell of Crimson Clan
represents Yang.
The tear of a little girl
represents Yin.
The prophecy of the High Priest
is fulfilled.
Do it.
(The aggregation of those coincidences)
(will become your doom.)
(If you meet this girl)
(before you're 18,)
(you'll die in her hands for sure.)
(You must kill her.)
why do you look at me like this?
I must kill her this time.
You'll kill her over my dead body.
What's the matter?
Lord, what is this?
There is always strange wind
in the mountain.
People will be swept away by it.
No wonder.
I felt the wind just now.
Chong Ming,
what's wrong with you?
(I was afraid that I might hurt you)
(so I withdrew my attack.)
(Yet, you used the spiritual power
you've left)
(to bind me.)
(I'm really furious.)
Chong Ming didn't get to avoid
that strange wind
and caught a cold.
He can't open his mouth now.
He caught a cold so soon?
It was indeed a strange wind.
(Have you ever seen a strange person
who's so good-looking?)
(You're the strange one.)
(Your entire family is strange.)
Chong Ming,
are you sure you're all right?
I've eliminated
the cold pathogen for him.
Only then, he's able to send you back.
Chong Ming,
you must send the princess
back to the mountain safely.
We can't run
the risk of any accidents this time.
Lord Immortal Official,
it was me
who didn't sit tight.
Don't blame it on Lord Chong Ming.
Then, you've got to sit tight this time.
What are you trying to do?
This gesture,
why does it look so familiar?
I think I've been
to the Emperor Valley before.
But why can't I recall it?
I've met you before,
haven't I?
You're trying to erase my memory,
aren't you?
Because I don't want anyone
to know about my existence.
And I don't want anyone to know
that I live here.
Are you going to do
the same thing this time?
I'm sorry.
Don't do this.
We've become friends.
did you already erase my memory?
Or it'll only take effect after a while?
Promise me.
When I wake up,
you have to do me a favor.
(I've promised her a thing.)
(But I haven't fulfilled it.)
(So I can't erase)
(her memory about this.)
(This is the rule of using a magic spell.)
Lord Immortal Official,
I beg of you.
Don't erase my memory.
I swear
I won't tell anyone
that I've been here.
We once had a deal.
When you're healed and wake up,
I've got to do you a favor.
What do you want me to do?
I want
(It's indeed inappropriate)
(to impudently ask)
(to be his apprentice)
(as he just gets over the pain)
(of losing his mother.)
The clock struck five in the morning.
Lord Immortal Official,
I must go back now.
Or I'll get caught by my father.
As for
my request,
let's talk about it next time.
Don't worry.
I won't tell anyone that I came by.
Okay, I trust you.
the Emperor Valley is
the forbidden spot of Jiuyi Mountain.
The trespassers
will be sentenced to death.
Don't ever come here again.
Chong Ming,
I'm counting on you.
I didn't mean to give you
the flower that day.
Yet, you were so kind
to come pay homage to me.
(It was an act of kindness)
(to send me off.)
(Yet, you became the prophecy)
(that will hold me back.)
(It was you
who trespassed the Emperor Valley)
(and activated the prophecy.)
(It was also you who helped me
overcome my fear.)
(Our fates are entangled
with each other.)
(Though I'll die)
(because of you in future,)
(I'm still the one)
(who's indebted to you.)
What is this?
I'll tell you
if you eat it.
I pushed that girl
off the cliff
from the top of Jiuyi Mountain.
I used her seven spirits and six souls
to make
this highly toxic fruit,
named Soul-Breaking Fruit.
I can guarantee that you'll die
right after you eat it.
It's better than suffering
the heart-piercing pain
a few years later.
If her soul was scattered,
then who'd pierce my heart
a few years later?
You knew that she was
your predestined doom.
Why did you let her go
and seal my power?
my flying ability isn't reduced.
It took me a day
to fly to that coldest land
to get the Crimson Fruit
to sustain your spiritual power.
you won't hide it from
the High Priest of Grand Preceptor.
You asked me to protect the people.
But did you see it?
This lawless world
and these ruthless vile people,
they don't deserve
your mercy and forgiveness.
I'll take revenge.
What do you think
I should do?
Kill her?
Kill a lady who risked her life
to pay homage to me back then
and rescued me from going down
an ominous path?
(Wait until you've mastered
the magic spell,)
(you can use it to protect the people.)
(That's my wish.)
The prophecy has yet to be sanded.
Now, morality comes first.
Sorry, I can't do it.
But don't worry, Chong Ming.
I'll cherish my life.
Because I want to master
my magic power sooner
and use it to protect
the people like my mother said.
What about her memory?
Why didn't you erase it?
That's because
I promised to grant her a wish.
So I can't cast a spell on her.
she's just a teenager.
As long as I refuse to see her,
she'll forget
about me in a couple of days.
The problem is
whether she can forget it.
It's already been five years.
She didn't forget
about Prince Shi Ying.
Everyone said he was
an evil who killed people.
But I'm the only one
who knows it isn't true.
He made me learn magic spell hard
and protect the country.
How could he be an evil?
It's been five years.
She still remembers me.
It's indeed rare.
I admit
that I'm grateful to her.
But I've got it all figured out.
Whether she comes or not,
I won't see her again.
That'd be great.
But I think
you should also erase her memory.
Or the High Priest of Grand Preceptor
will notice it.
He won't let her go.
This is for her own good.
As for her wish,
it's easy to be fulfilled.
I know what she wants.
You know it?
Of course.
She has praised me
for my feather several times.
What she wants is
my feather for sure.
This little girl is
a bit chatty
but she has good taste.
Chong Ming's feather?
Chong Ming actually gave me
his feather.
I wonder
when he gave it to me.
I guess it was Lord Immortal Official
who asked him to give me that.
You're awake, Young Lady.
What is this?
It's as white as snow,
as warm as velvet.
It's water and fire proof.
It can cast the poison away.
Besides the feather
of Divine Bird Chong Ming,
what else could be
this incredible in the world?
Young Lady, I can't believe you got
the feather of the Divine Bird.
As far as I know,
there are only two to three pieces
in the imperial tribute.
I got it from a friend of mine.
as they gave me
such an amazing gift,
did it mean they also want
to be my friends?
Who are they?
I can't tell you that.
But I think
that person could teach me
the power which can bring
people back to life like Restoring Spell.
You can't tell anyone this.
you're not allowed to tell anyone
that Chong Ming
has given me his feather.
Is there any progression
in the magic spell
that you want to learn?
Could the spell really gather
the primordial spirit
of the Crown Prince?
I don't know that either.
I'll try my best whenever there is
a glimpse of hope.
I'd like to meet him too.
I wish for you to get
what you want sooner.
By the way, Yufei,
go get me paper and a pen.
I'd like to write Yuan a letter.
To ask him to prepare
a marvelous gift for me.
It's a return gift and it's also
a gift for my future master.
It must be very special.
Yes, Young Lady.
Princess Xueying is back.
Did you cry just now?
What's wrong?
Granny sent someone over
to ask us to go to Star Gazing Plaza.
She said she was going to determine
the candidate for the Star Gazer.
It's getting on my nerves.
Forget it.
I'm such a fool.
Just forget about the Star Gazer.
Don't say that.
Give me a second.
Young Lady.
This is your gift.
If you give it to another person,
the person who gave you this
will feel sad if he knows it.
Xueying is more important.
Look, Xueying.
This is the feather of Divine Bird Chong Ming.
If you decorate
your dress with it,
none of those rarities
could be a match for it.
It's extremely hard to obtain
the legendary feather of Chong Ming.
Yan, how did you get it?
Don't ask.
Just take it.
No, I can't.
This is too much.
I won't accept this even if I have to
give up on being the Star Gazer.
Star-gazing Ceremony is held
once every decade.
It's an once-in-a-lifetime chance
to take the position as the Star Gazer.
do you want
your mother's spirit in heaven
to feel sad for you?
This is valuable
but it's a mere worldly possession.
It'll be fine
as long as you promise
not to tell anyone
that I give you
this feather.
thank you.
I won't let you guys down.
I trust you.
Lords and Princesses,
as Prince Shi Yu just arrived
at Jiuyi Mountain,
he was tired after his journey.
Now, he's not acclimated
to the environment
and falls ill.
He has canceled
today's welcoming ceremony.
Half-Spring Mushroom.
Ruta Rosea.
Dragon Buddha.
Cangshan Perfume.
All of them are the herbs
that taste sweet.
They can nourish the body
and calm the mind.
Did father prepare these
for the important guest
in the mountain?
I bought
these valuable herbs at a high price
from the divine servant
in the mountain.
You understand what I want
as soon as you smell the herbs.
You are indeed smart.
you should learn from your sister.
Think about it
when something happens.
Don't forget
about your duty as a White Clan person.
I'll need you to send
the herbs to His Highness.
You must seize this chance.
Do you know
why father put me in charge?
Because only my tricks
can handle Prince Shi Yu.
To make him obey us.
To stabilize
our top position
among the Six Clans.
Now, you should know
who will take the position
as the Star Gazer.
Greetings, Your Supreme Majesty.
You don't look good.
Have you reached a plateau
in your training lately?
I've got some distracting thoughts lately.
It indeed slows down my training.
(Ying should've been deranged)
(because of my trap.)
(He can only make up his mind)
(to take revenge
after experiencing this hardship.)
(How could he)
(look so calm?)
(Was there anyone in the mountain)
(who helped him get through this?)
I just went
to worship your mother.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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