The Machinery (2020) s01e04 Episode Script


How's it going?
I'm fine.
-Are you alright too?
Maybe you should go back to hospital
and let me work in peace.
Yesterday got a bit crazy,
didn't it?
Yeah. As you know,
I lent my gun to one of the robbers.
So you'll get to work.
How could that happen?
It doesn't look bloody good for
the police here in Sandefjord either.
You can't behave like that
as a boss from the NCIS.
You should never have gone in that
helicopter on your own.
What have you found?
We found blood inside.
It looks like there's been a fight.
The boat was moored here,
but strangely the anchor was out.
We've got a diver in the water.
-Any clues on deck?
-Nope. Let's see what forensics say.
Very well done.
You're good.
Do you think it's him?
We need support by the stolen boat
at Knattholmen.
There's a body in the water,
a forensic team's on its way.
You're not going to work.
How many fingers am I holding up?
Come on, we're done.
Yeah, but
-Come on.
-Right. Don't drive off.
-He stinks of booze.
-Our shift is over. Come on.
Is everything alright?
-Did you find anything else?
It's him.
Do one more search and get back to me
if you find anything.
Check this out.
Shall I see if I can find
that gun of yours?
That would be great.
It must be worth at least 50.
Sorry. 30 is what you'll get.
Axel is waiting upstairs.
Look, this went well.
Here's 30,000.
Give me a few more days
and you'll get the rest.
The restaurant's doing well, right?
And we helped you find your feet.
Was that a mistake?
Not at all.
Only because it's you.
I'll give you two more days.
Okay, two days. That's great.
I'm going to the car wash.
-What did you say?
-I'm going to the car wash.
See you tomorrow.
Yeah. Okay.
Let him through.
-Hi, Einar.
I'll go to the lab.
We'll talk later.
-Let's do that.
-Take care.
Hello. Is everything alright?
Just film it as usual, then
I wouldn't look inside if I were you.
I'm Nina.
Einar Edvardsen.
I just finished my shift. I thought
maybe I could help with something.
There's not that much to do here.
Take the evening off.
Take care.
It's me.
Are you sure?
I saw the body bag.
Olle is dead and it's my fault.
Fuck Nikolaj.
If I knew this was his plan, I'd
never have said where the boat was.
It's all gone pear-shaped.
Nobody got paid and people are dying.
Oh, fuck!
I'm at the boathouse.
Right. Is everything okay?
I'm injured. It's serious.
I meant the contents.
Yeah, it's all there.
I need a doctor, like now!
Okay. We're coming.
All I know is that someone
is out to get me,
and they've put in
a hell of a lot of effort.
My God, look at this photo.
It's from this winter.
Am I a grandfather?
You are.
This is Lilly.
Named after Granny.
That's Josefin.
You see, Olle
This is not evidence.
What are you saying?
It's all there. It's evidence.
But they know where
where Josefin works,
which nursery Lilly is in
They know what the fuck we have
for dinner. They know my whole life.
You could have planted it yourself.
That's how they'll look at it,
at least now.
But do you believe me?
I need your help.
Haven't I helped you enough?
I risked everything for you.
I gambled my whole career
to cover for you.
And what did you do? You moved across
the fjord to Strömstad, right here.
Strömstad, Olle? That's too stupid.
I was I was just fed up of
being on the run.
Why didn't you show Mum
the postcards?
It was for the best.
I don't want Lilly to grow up
with her dad in prison.
I'd rather escape again.
Do you think it's better
that she thinks her father is dead?
If these people think I'm dead
they might leave my family alone.
So I need to be dead
for a few more days.
Here comes the apple-bus
into the garage.
-Yum, yum
-Stop it, Palle. I don't want to.
Maybe Nöffe wants some then?
Why are you here?
Shouldn't you be at playgroup?
Lilly, do you want to watch telly?
The remote's over there.
The other parents don't want
their kids playing with her.
She can't go there.
That's insane.
I'm so ashamed.
You have nothing
to be ashamed of.
It feels like I do.
-I should have known.
-What do you mean?
The first time I met Olle.
It's as if he was hiding something.
But he was so nice.
-Hello. This is Josefin.
-It's Nina Berge. We found the boat.
Okay, you found Dad's boat?
Does Olle have any
special characteristics?
Special characteristics?
I'm sorry to have to ask you, but
we found a dead body near the boat.
Did Olle wear a wedding ring?
What was engraved on it?
"Yours forever."
Does it say that?
Yeah, that's right.
It's still too early
to tell who it is.
I want to see him.
-The body has substantial injuries.
-I have a right to see him.
Listen, Josefin. I'll meet you at
You go. I'll look after Lilly.
Hey, Jack!
Can you hear me?
Jack, I'm with you now.
He's feverish.
-The cops shot me.
-I can see that. We'll sort it out.
Where did you hide the money?
You fucking coward.
You abandoned me.
-If I could, I'd fucking kill you.
-I didn't have a choice.
Go and see
if there's anything in the shed.
Where's the bag?
Why didn't you bring a doctor?
Get a grip. You know why.
Have a painkiller.
I'm going to die here.
Listen to me now. If you want me to
help you, tell me where the money is.
You little cunt!
What did you just call me?
You want to take the money
and leave me to die here.
Goodness, Jack. Is that really
what you think about me?
I know you.
-There's no bag there.
-That's right.
I hid the money.
If I die, you'll never find it.
-Come on!
-Jack! Jack!
Oh, fuck!
Here. Come on.
Sorry about the wait.
One Heckler & Koch P30.
Sign here.
Try not to lose this one.
Sorry, can I help you with anything?
I was asked to check the file
on the guy they found at Knattholmen.
He's ready for identification.
His wife's coming to do it soon.
You'll have to come back
when we're done.
Right. Okay.
Take as long as you need.
I just want to get it
out of the way.
I suggest we just
take a look at the body.
Is it Olle?
We found this on his hand.
Which hand?
The left one.
Josefin, it's important
that you take a close look.
Is it Olle?
I don't know.
Come on.
I'll walk you to the ferry.
No, it's alright.
I wouldn't recommend
being on your own now.
It's fine, actually.
I feel that I need to be alone.
-Do you need anything?
-I'm alright.
-A glass of water?
-No, no, no.
I came to identify
my husband, but I don't know.
Are you Josefin?
Do you know a hotel nearby?
The Park Hotel.
-Do you know if he's breathing?
-We found him unconscious.
-Get in the car!
-We don't get a pulse.
-Help him, for fuck's sake!
-What do you think we can do for him?
Help him right now, I'm telling you!
Help him.
He's been shot.
-What's happened here?
-What do you think?
He needs a blood transfusion now,
at the hospital.
No, help him here!
We don't have blood here.
-Don't you get it?
-Get the fuck out!
Stop it!
Let her go.
Give me the gun.
Get back! Get back!
What are you doing?
Take me to the ambulance.
Lock them in!
Shut the door.
See you, Jack.
He's got abdominal gunshot wounds.
He's lost a lot of blood.
Get out.
-Give me that fucking backpack.
-No, stop.
-Let go of me!
-What's your problem?
Do you want it?
You'll have to get it, then.
Scream a bit more.
If you don't say sorry, I'm going to
hurt your mum badly. Say sorry.
-One more time.
Hi, Jimmy.
Nikolaj sent me.
He wanted to give you this
for the match tonight.
He said he had to go to work.
Why are you driving Niko's car?
He lent it to me.
Do you want a lift home?
-I'm hungry.
We'll go grab a burger.
Fuck burgers.
I want lobster.
Is this were you and your mum
usually come to eat?
Just Niko.
Niko's a great guy. He's
I like him a lot.
I call him Daddy.
Do you? Wow!
Is something going on
between Mum and Niko?
He hasn't told me anything.
I don't know, but I hope so.
Because I like Niko a lot.
He's coming to Thailand with us.
Or maybe Spain.
Mum says I can wear shorts all day
if I want to.
You can, if you go to
Thailand or Spain. It's hot there.
When are you going?
How soon?
Why are you asking so many questions?
Maybe I should just have
taken you home.
I'm sure Mum is waiting for you.
-There you go.
-Thank you.
I'm sorry, but we don't take
cash payments.
But you had a Mastercard, so
Why have you got Niko's wallet?
Is there a problem?
There's no money on that card, so
Do you have any other card
we can use?
I've got cash, that's all.
That's going to be difficult.
We don't have cash on the premises.
-Maybe if you take a seat
Don't touch me!
-Hello. Is there a problem?
-No, there's no
-He's only got cash.
-We only take cards, okay?
-I understand.
I may have a company card in the car.
You have a company card in the car?
I'll go with him.
My goodness. This is pathetic.
It's ridiculous.
Not at all.
We'll sort this out.
-Hey! Chill it!
Come on. No problem.
Show me the card.
Bloody hell!
Come back!
Stop him!
You take the napkin.
Like this.
There you are.
Do you want to be waitress?
Hey, table 13 want their bill.
-You said two days.
-I was joking.
Shall we talk outside?
Sure. Let me pay first.
It's okay. I'll treat you.
Fuck, no.
You have to do the right thing.
-That's fine.
-That was fucking good.
You'll obviously get your money.
I'd just appreciate if we could
You talk a lot. How you talk.
Axel, we can talk about this
like grownups.
No, we're going to do it
my way now.
-Calm down.
-It's alright. Show me the card.
-Did you get the video?
-Yeah, I'm watching it now.
It was recorded an hour ago.
I think we have to reassess
Olle's state of health.
I knew it.
Who's the body, then?
I don't know yet.
-Have you put a search on the car?
It's a Humvee H3 2014
with false number plates.
Assemble a team, check traffic
footage, alert the border crossings.
The usual.
He was seen speeding towards Haukerud
ten minutes ago.
All patrol cars have been alerted.
What do you want?
Do you want to get out?
This is fucking tedious,
you know. But it has to be like this.
If you don't pay up,
we kind of have to do this.
I'll do anything.
I can sell the restaurant.
Axel, listen to me.
We have to make a stand.
Or people will think
they can fuck with us.
Do you understand?
Let's go.
Easy now.
I've got the money.
I have a million.
I've got the money.
I was in the robbery.
In Sandefjord?
Do you think I'd believe that?
But it's true.
Why do you think the Norwegian
cops came to Dad's birthday party?
Axel! Axel, it's true!
Axel! Axel!
Nina, I heard
he never passed Haukerud.
But a car's been stolen at the
harbour, just by the Park Hotel.
I've sent a patrol to check if he
dumped the Humvee and changed cars.
Good job. I'm nearby.
Keep me updated.
Nina, it's Magnus.
Did you get the update?
The Humvee was
next to the stolen car.
It's a light green Ford Taurus,
registration KZ34567.
I repeat: KZ34567.
Out of the way!
-Do you recognise me?
-Oh, yeah.
Am I disturbing you?
No. Please come in.
I just came to say that it's best if
you go back to Strömstad because
We've discovered that it's not safe
for you to be here.
What do you mean?
Go back to Strömstad,
take care of Lilly.
There's nothing you can do here.
You're here on your own,
aren't you?
Where's Nina?
Nina Berge, the investigating
detective. Where is she?
Calm down now.
And who are you, Einar whatever?
May I see your
No, don't.
Einar? Is that your name?
Don't do it!
I'm sorry.
I'm Olle's dad.
Olle is alive.
I know.
I know.
Sorry I ran from the pub.
It was rude.
I got a work call
and forgot everything.
You mentioned that you
might have a sofa.
Yeah, of course.
-Are you sure?
-Come on in.
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