The Matchmakers (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

It Takes 4.5 Seconds to Fall in Love

(Cho Yi Hyun)
(Writer: Ha Soo Jin)
(Directors: Hwang Seung Ki, Kim Soo Jin)
(The Matchmakers)
(Kim O Bong, 28 years old, Jung Woo's butler)
After I got married, my lord became more pitiful.
He will not experience the joy of love at that age
and will grow old as a widower.
Rather than becoming a government official,
I hope my lord will get married after completing the matchmaking.
Then he will finally realize how cruel it is
to make your newlywed subordinate
work overtime on the first Buddha's birthday after our wedding.
Please cut out what I said.
Can I start?
I always feel anxious whenever I think of Lady Jung.
She does not know how scary her mother-in-law is.
Yet, she keeps roaming outside.
Have you not heard?
She killed her first daughter-in-law
and received a Title of Womanly Honour.
Gosh, how terrifying.
By the way,
please do not say I told you this.
All right. Here you go.
How is this a lotus flower?
Never mind.
We should just buy one in the market tomorrow.
Should we buy one?
Is it that bad?
As for Lady Jung,
her essence is made of love.
(Episode 4: It Takes 4.5 Seconds to Fall in Love)
Three long hoods?
Embroider the other two except for this piece.
Please let the previous embroiderer do it.
One is for me, and the other is for you.
What about the remaining one?
These are not for us. They are for the brides-to-be.
You have enough long hoods already.
When I try them on, they are not presentable enough.
Buy me a new long hood too.
By the way, do you need them urgently?
Actually, the embroiderer
is a noble lady who lives in Mount Nam Valley.
She will be wearing her own work.
But that family is having trouble,
so I am not sure if I can ask her.
What do you mean?
The madam of the family went senile
and refused to marry off her daughters.
She was arrested by the office.
No, Soon Duk.
It is time for dinner.
Oh, goodness.
Please tell me the details.
How is my mother a criminal?
What is her crime?
By law,
if a woman is unable to get married by the age of 24 due to reasons
other than poverty,
her parents shall be responsible.
Therefore, even if she will be a concubine,
when a marriage prospect appears,
it is a felony for the parents to reject him.
Hence, as the chief magistrate,
I sentence Lady Cho to 30 flogs.
Magistrate Kim, my mother is ill.
I am working on my own marriage,
so please retract the sentence.
Did you not say the same thing three years ago,
when spinsters were getting married?
Looking at this picture, I think your mother is the problem.
I will not let it slide this time.
However, Lady Cho. If you allow your child to marry right now,
I will pretend this never happened.
Even if my daughter wanted to,
I will never accept this marriage.
Maeng Ha Na's mother has been arrested by the office.
She is a filial daughter.
She will not let her mother be mistreated like that.
I cannot believe
I will finally have what I want thanks to Lord Gyeongunjae.
(A few days ago)
Let us drink.
Oh, come on.
You should have seen how furious the left state councillor was.
Although I am not his subordinate, he keeps bossing me around.
He reports to my sister anyway.
Here, please accept my drink and calm down.
When Prince Jinsung takes over the throne,
it is not the left state councillor but Minister Park here
who will become the king's uncle.
- Yes.
- You are right.
- Goodness.
- That is right.
- Yes.
- That is correct.
Why, you fools.
How can you
say something so true?
It is so true.
- Let us drink.
- Goodness.
By the way,
how is Lord Gyeongunjae's progress with matchmaking the old ladies?
I am not sure.
Anyway, since they are at it,
I hope they will marry off the first daughter, at least.
She is 24 years old already.
What about that?
If a woman does not get married by 24
on grounds other than poverty, her parents can be punished.
I may be penalized too.
may be able to solve your problem.
I will take in Erudite Park's daughter
as my concubine.
Your concubine?
But she has so many rumours.
The rumour of her being possessed with the female ghost
was started by me.
Since those spinsters acted like they were so desirable,
I wanted to teach them a lesson.
I see. So that was your plan.
You had the big picture in mind.
How brilliant.
Lusting after women
is the spirit that men have, is it not?
You are right.
You must be quick.
Lady Cho, this is Lady Yeoju.
Lady Ha Na and I will settle this by noon.
Please stall time for us before your sentence.
Soon Gu!
What brings you here at this time?
I know. I have to be at breakfast,
but I have an urgent matter.
What is it?
There is a lady who was treated unjustly.
Can you open the door to the petitioner's drum?
She left so early. Why is she not back yet?
Oh, whatever. I did my best, okay?
My, the sleepyhead Ye Jin woke up early to see me off.
Did the sun rise from the west today?
Since Mother is away,
I should see you off.
Have a nice day.
By the way, where is Soon Duk?
I did not see her at breakfast either.
Well, Soon Duk is sick
Where did you go so early in the morning?
Did you stay out last night?
Of course not.
I went to wipe the seat in your palanquin.
You should have asked a servant.
I wanted to do it myself since you will be riding in it.
Since my wife is away, you are the lady of the house.
Look after the servants
and make sure to treat guests with special care.
Yes, Father.
Mother, please eat.
In this situation, you should eat up and be strong.
All right.
Oh, goodness.
Why is the law so crappy?
I thought Lady Yeoju and Ha Na would settle this. Where are they?
It is time for your sentence.
I have yet to eat. Please wait.
How much does she want to eat? Why is she so slow?
Please sit here.
What are you doing? Hurry up and come.
Did you change your mind through the night?
I would rather get beaten to death.
I will not change my mind.
Execute her punishment!
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
- Goodness.
- Mother.
The Minister of Defence, an official of this kingdom,
did not do his part to look after the people in this drought.
Rather, he swindled their fortune by giving out high-interest loans
while taking away their young daughters
instead of interest.
His lascivious did not end there.
He uses the law as an excuse
to forcefully take me as his concubine.
All I wish to do is
serve my blind single mother as her eldest daughter.
How does this turn into her crime?
What is going on?
She exposed the high-interest loans the Minister of Defence gave out.
My goodness. I am so proud of her.
- Goodness.
- Why is she doing this?
- My goodness.
- This way.
Stop the punishment!
A petition was filed for Lady Cho by the petitioner's drum.
Her punishment is put on hold until the investigation
of the Department of Justice is over by the royal command.
The royal command?
There are no legal problems with this, right?
Darn it. I may end up in trouble
for trying to help the Minister of Defence.
- Let her go immediately.
- Yes, sir.
Mother, are you all right?
- Yes.
- I am so relieved.
That impudent brat.
How dare she use the petitioner's drum?
The Honourable and Respectful Madame of Sunhwa Temple sent a letter.
My sister?
She found out already?
(Sunhwa Temple)
It has not been too long since he brought in a concubine.
(The Mother of the Minister of Defence)
He must have wanted to see it through while I was here.
Do not worry too much.
I told him not to say a word or respond in any way
through a letter.
Do you choose
to stay silent in this situation?
My sister told me to stay silent.
What does a woman know about politics? Why do you listen to her?
Well, she said
He did not do anything wrong in the eyes of the law.
Also, it would be difficult to prove the rumour
that he gave out usurious loans.
It is best not to respond to a matter such as this one.
Things do not look very good
inside the palace and the outside.
If you do not provide a convincing explanation,
His Majesty will nitpick over the usurious loans you give out.
Do you have a plan?
I took a measure.
You can head over
to Gyeongunjae right now.
All right.
Stand by my side with a sad face.
If I help out this time,
the left state councillor will find me an office out of the city.
Please do me a favour.
It is a piece of cake for you to justify a matter like this.
If something goes wrong with me as the eldest son,
it would be the end of our family.
Imagine how much resentment our late father will hold against you.
How much longer must I continue to look after you?
This is the last time.
Please do it for your pregnant sister-in-law, niece, and nephew.
Walk faster.
Just let me down.
The left state councillor told me about your matter.
It is just my luck.
So? Can you find a justification to avoid responsibility?
It will cost you quite a lot
as this is a grave matter.
Is that all right?
I do not care how much you demand.
Just give me the justification.
Starting from last year, the drought
I was not wrong yet.
"Starting from last year and until this year."
You were missing, "and until this year."
If you already forgot the first part,
how will you recite everything before His Majesty?
Can you cut it down drastically?
I cannot shorten it anymore.
No matter how convincing this justification is,
how am I supposed to memorize everything you wrote down
as someone who started as a military officer?
What if you do this?
What is it?
Maeng Ha Na, the eldest daughter of Maeng Sang Chun,
who was a former erudite of Sungkyunkwan,
sounded the petitioner's drum yesterday
and protested against the malicious behaviour of the minister of defence.
Minister of Defence, do you have a statement?
Your Majes
I have
Minister of Defence suddenly came down with a cold,
so he was not able to speak.
Hence, he wrote out
his statement for this incident before he came into the office.
Is that so?
In that case, you can read the statement he wrote,
Chief Royal Secretary.
Yes, Your Majesty.
"I would like to state"
"this incident began because of my devotion to serve."
Is it devotion to keep concubines and give out usurious loans?
Is it?
Continue reading.
Yes, Your Majesty.
"The people were unable to pay back grains"
"they borrowed last year due to continuous drought."
"Instead, they often returned to borrow more grains."
"Hence, I also have continuously let the people borrow grains"
"just as I did last year,"
"only by taking a small charge in return."
You have not paid back what you have borrowed last year.
You do not qualify to borrow more.
Please give me just enough to last until I harvest barley.
My family is about to starve to death.
You can borrow some from the minister of defence.
But he takes twice as much for interest.
"In the process of paying back what they owed,"
"Kim Tae Jin, my former tenant farmer,"
"asked to pay off his debt"
"by giving up his daughter as one of my family."
"I accepted his offer and freed him of his debt"
"became the beginning of this misunderstanding."
Your daughter is the interest, so you shall pay back the principal.
- Goodness, my lord. Do not do this.
- My girl!
- No!
- Mother!
Goodness, no! Honey! Our daughter.
No, do not do this!
- Not my daughter!
- No, please
Not my daughter!
Was that what happened?
"Also, I wanted to take in Maeng Ha Na as a concubine"
"as your loyal subject."
"Since the days of previous kings,"
"people have said plagues"
"and natural disasters are caused"
"when the resentment of the people become piled up."
"Among such resentment, the bitterness of spinsters is"
"the most profound of them all."
"She is about to turn 24 years old,"
"but she does not have a chance of ever getting married"
"because of hearsay surrounding her conduct."
"I decided to sacrifice myself"
"and take Maeng Ha Na in as my family"
"to reduce the resentment of our people."
I have misunderstood you briefly,
although you were concerned so dearly about this kingdom.
I am deeply moved by your loyalty.
I grant you ten rolls of cotton.
Allow me to read the rest of the statement.
"The rest?" That was all.
Minister of Defence, you are unwell.
You do not need to speak.
Continue reading.
"These foolish people cannot comprehend my intentions."
"Therefore, I shall change"
"the means of showing my loyalty to level with them."
"Maeng Ha Na"
"has not become 24 years old yet as the law prohibits."
I will encourage her to marry before the year is over.
And I will make sure those who borrowed grains
from the government office and me last year
only pay back the principal.
"Also, those who borrow this year"
"will not have to pay any interest."
"But the government office needs to take an interest,"
"so I shall use my own money,"
"what is my own,"
"to relieve the difference."
The officials
of the Department of Justice shall provide administrative assistance
to Minister of Defence as he carries out his pledges.
Also, report the result
back to me in a quick and continuous manner.
I shall implement everything immediately.
It took so much work to accumulate my fortune.
Sim Jung Woo!
I will destroy you!
You already justified his case through the first part.
Why did you present a solution although he did not ask for it?
An unconventional action was necessary
to turn this scandal into a moving tale.
Minister of Defence also agreed to do so beforehand.
When did I do that?
It will cost you quite a lot
as this is a grave matter.
Is that all right?
I thought you were demanding payment for creating this justification.
You should have made yourself clear!
How could I have made myself clearer than that?
I mean,
he really was not clear about this.
Please allow me to leave.
Did you just see him smile?
He was out to get us from the start.
You caused all this to happen because of your short memory.
If you could not memorize it,
at the very least, why did you not read everything?
It was too long.
You must have had a tough day.
I heard you told Ha Na to sound the petitioner's drum.
I am greatly indebted to you through this incident.
Thank you.
To be honest, the inspector played a bigger part in this matter.
He went to the palace and petitioned to His Majesty.
That old-fashioned man from Bukchon?
(1 day ago)
(2 days ago)
(3 days ago)
My goodness.
Did you do this?
What do you mean?
You knew the law said the parent was at fault
if their child did not marry until they turned 24.
That is how you made Lady Ha Na become the minister's concubine.
Was it not a good thing
if their eldest daughter got to marry so easily?
I knew it would be the case,
and it surely was you who came up with this idea.
I am utterly disappointed in you!
You are disappointed in me?
Because of what?
It is much easier for her to marry now that this happened to her!
Do not use
the word, handle, to discuss marriage.
You broke the promise to abide by my method of matchmaking,
so our contract has terminated as of this hour.
I did not do
For the next two months, I will do everything I can to make sure
not one of Erudite Maeng's daughters gets married.
What do you mean?
From now on,
I will make sure you fail to carry out the royal command.
I hope that is not Maeng Ha Na
banging on that petitioner's drum. It cannot be right.
That is correct.
Lady Ha Na is banging on the petitioner's drum.
Do you truly think she can use that to punish Minister of Defence?
Everyone in the city knows
he bullies the people with his high-interest loans
and is a lustful man.
A month ago, he took a 14-year-old girl as a concubine,
calling her the interest for his ridiculous loan.
That is human trafficking.
It makes no sense that a man like that will go unpunished.
First off, the loans he gives out is a separate matter,
and it is tough to prove, so he cannot be held responsible.
Also, there is no legal problem for man to be lascivious.
The lawful problem is
with Lady Cho, who stops her spinster girl from marrying.
She just hit the petitioner's drum after committing a crime,
so she will also be punished for obstructing public officials.
There is no such ridiculous law.
Would I not know the law much better as an inspector?
That is true.
Goodness. What should I do?
Should I not have told her to hit it?
I will resolve this.
What? Why?
Unlike how you jumped to a conclusion, I did not do this,
and I have the ability to resolve this matter.
What? Wait.
You did not do this?
Wait, you should have said so
before I became worked up.
You did not give me a chance to say anything.
Also, there is one thing I need to clarify.
I am
not a man who will disappoint you.
Please settle this for her good.
Do not worry.
No matter what you imagine, I am a man who is
capable of doing much more.
Many people were troubled because of the money lending business
the minister of defence operated.
Can we use this chance
to hold him responsible for acting as a loan shark?
However, no one who took out a high-interest loan from him
will come out and testify, afraid of his retaliation.
On top of that, the reason she banged on the drum
was not because of the loan.
All she asked for was to release her mother from getting punished.
If we had to nitpick over this,
Lady Cho was the one who broke the law.
It is a complicated matter.
Your Majesty.
Lord Gyeongunjae is here.
Let him in.
What is it?
I found a way to punish the minister of defence
for the usurious loan by using Maeng Ha Na's petition.
All of a sudden?
All right. Tell me.
The minister of defence will find a way to resolve this,
so please gather your subjects
to question him openly.
All right. I understand.
Anyway, how is everything going with the marriage of the spinsters?
You have less than two months left.
Why are you meddling with this
Wait. Come closer.
You will not ask me
to let you off marrying spinsters after resolving this, right?
Holding him responsible is
a process I am taking to marry the spinsters.
I see. I knew it was odd
that you ran over this quickly.
As you know, life is
precious for everyone.
I knew the minister of defence would not do that.
Everything was the inspector's idea?
Gosh, he is kind of wonderful.
How is he wonderful?
She will end up
as his concubine anyway if we fail to marry.
You can
get married.
I know all three of you will
marry someone you fancy within May.
Give me your trust.
I am tired. Let us go home.
Yes, Mother. Excuse us.
Thank you for today.
Have a safe trip home.
I heard what happened at the King's Office.
I wanted to stay quiet just as you suggested,
but your husband said I had to come up with an excuse,
so I asked Lord Gyeongunjae, and this happened.
The left state councillor must have said that for a good reason.
If you think about it, everything happened
because of your carelessness.
Only if your husband did not egg me on
There is no reason to nitpick over what has already happened.
We just need to make sure this does not happen again.
Did you find out who opened the door to the petitioner's drum for her?
Not yet.
Maeng's daughter does not have any governmental connections.
She must have received help to open up the door to the drum.
You are right.
I will find out immediately.
Are you sure my family will not suffer
in any way?
You will not draw any suspicion,
so, of course, your family will not suffer from any harm.
Do not worry.
Your Highness, the head shaman wishes to see you.
Yes, what is it?
Please dismiss others.
You may leave.
The energy in the palace out of the ordinary.
It feels just like the day
eight years ago, the day Her Highness the Princess passed.
If you do not let the Prince leave the palace,
his life will be in danger.
That was order-made. It is not for sale.
You can pick out something in the back.
I am looking for the one who ordered this.
Lady Yeoju?
That is Lady Yeoju.
During the high season for weddings,
I am asked
to make and deliver celadon to Lady Yeoju in Hanyang.
Lady Yeoju.
You will go to Hamgyeong Province before Buddha's birthday?
The peddlers we were supposed to travel with
decided to depart early.
In this situation,
I do not think I can be there to receive the wedding day
for Lady Ye Jin at your place after Buddha's birthday.
What should we do?
I cannot stop you from travelling to make big money.
I will manage.
Will you take Bok Hee as well?
Bok Hee is staying behind at the inn.
It must be sad not to be with Mom on Buddha's birthday, Bok Hee.
If she has to go, it is better for her to make it quick.
Where did you find such a trustworthy daughter?
You saved her, my lady.
I cannot believe I will get to see Mount Geumgang with my eyes.
I am so excited.
Let us hurry.
You may fall down again. Be careful.
Soon Gu! Hey, wake up.
Hey there. What should we do?
You are right.
You were pregnant with Bok Hee back then.
Did you hear that? I was the one who saved you.
You cannot forget me once you are a prominent merchant.
You know that you promised first
to find me a husband, right?
Look how clever she is.
How adorable.
Hello, my lord.
I am here to meet Lady Yeoju today.
- So I have heard.
- Where are you going?
I did not know you had this space back here.
She said she would be responsible for letting you in, so you can come.
But you do not work
for the Capital District Office or the Department of Justice
with this marriage as the front, do you?
I also do not like
the Capital District Office or the Department of Justice.
Are you saying Lady Yeoju is in here?
It smells musty in here.
Do you ever clean up?
Do I just go through this door?
Wait! You cannot close that door!
I really am not with the Capital District Office
or the Department of Justice!
Do you know who I am?
The door. Please open the door.
You are easily frightened.
Are you in there?
Goodness. My gosh.
Good grief.
(Matchmaking Operation for Erudite Maeng's Three Daughters)
Right. You were here.
This is where we copy novels.
But the Capital District Office has heightened their surveillance,
so it will be left empty for a while.
I plan on using this place for our matchmaking operation.
Right. If you have anything urgent to pass to me
as we work together,
you can leave a letter with the chief of the inn.
Do not do anything urgently outside of the plan.
But just in case.
And answer me just once.
I put this up to boost our motivation.
(Matchmaking Operation for Erudite Maeng's Three Daughters)
(Matchmaking Operation for Erudite Maeng's Three Daughters)
I knew something did not seem right.
I can read, but it is rather tough to write.
If you cannot write Chinese characters correctly,
just use the Korean alphabet.
But that would make me look not too smart.
You look less smart when you get the character wrong.
Anyway. Tell me what
the matchmaking operation is.
Explain it to me.
Let me share the overall schedule for the matchmaking operation.
Please look at the map.
(April 8)
On Buddha's birthday, we will find the matches for the ladies.
On the day of the May Festival, the matches will turn into fate.
On May 15, the man will ask for the ladies' hands.
(Asking for the hand: Visiting the bride's family for permission)
Lastly, on May 25, they will hold a triple wedding.
The overall schedule seems appropriate.
Thank you.
We will begin the operation on April 8 at Sunhwa Temple.
Sunhwa Temple is where old bachelors of the city gather.
We will find a suitable man
for the ladies by conducting the first eye contact.
First eye contact is my secret weapon,
which incapacitates one's background
and widespread reputation.
It is a perfect operation for these ladies
who suffer from false rumours.
There are no records of the tactics
used by the agents of love.
However, they each have skills
used to make matches.
Is she really an agent of love?
Therefore, what we need to do is
prepare for the first eye contact at Sunhwa Temple.
By first eye contact,
do you literally mean looking into each other's eyes?
Of course, it is.
It is literally the moment when a man and a woman
look into each other's eyes.
How can you find your spouse by doing something like that?
It is more reasonable
to look for an adequate family to marry them to.
How much time do you think
a man and a woman need to fall in love?
It is one-half of the hundredth of a quarter-hour.
It is almost an instant.
It is that fast?
People who have felt this before would know.
Right, most people of noble birth
do not get a chance to have the first eye contact.
If they are lucky, they only get to do it
at their wedding, so do not worry.
I met my husband through an eye contact
at a book rental shop.
- At a book rental shop?
- Yes.
Our first encounter was like a scene from a novel.
A man who pulls out a book from a high shelf
often shows up in stories,
but it never happens in real life.
On that day, it did to me.
I asked my husband after we married, and he also had fallen for me then.
How can you apply
the experience of a merchant to a noblewoman's wedding?
The noble class marry
to serve their ancestors
and carry on their family lineage.
Love is not necessary.
Love is everywhere, and it is the beginning of everything.
Upward affection is to one's parents,
and downward is to their children.
And it all starts from a married couple's love.
What a sentimental sophistry by a lady.
But it is true.
Then, let us teach the ladies how to make the first eye contact.
Does that mean one needs skills to make eye contact?
Of course.
Make good eye contact,
and she will most likely get married.
A delicate yet intricate skill is needed.
Let us go.
Lady Ha Na and Lady Doo Ri.
It will not take long. Come to the yard
and join us, please?
I can see and learn everything from here.
Do not worry.
- Shall we read "Book of Han" today?
- All right.
What about you, Lady Doo Ri?
Can you not see how much needlework has to be done?
Let us begin with you, Lady Sam Soon.
My lord. Please stand near that wall.
Good grief.
Oh, a bit more to the left.
No. I meant right.
Really, you should have said so from the start.
Yes, that is perfect.
I cannot understand what this is for.
We will learn about making the very first eye contact today.
I will demonstrate first. Please watch carefully.
First, put on the long hood like so.
Then cover.
Return after putting on the long hood back on.
- That is it?
- Yes.
It may look easy, but it is a delicate yet complex skill.
The core of making the first eye contact
is when you reach the spot after walking around,
lower the long hood slightly so that your face is visible,
and smile lightly toward the wall in front of you.
Would you like to give it a go?
I know exactly what I must do.
You, the author of "The Lady's Private Life,"
will pull it off perfectly.
- Go ahead.
- All right.
My goodness, Lady Sam Soon.
You were told to smile. So why are you frowning?
But I am smiling right now.
That is absurd, no?
- This is bad.
- Lady Sam Soon.
Oh, right.
It may be awkward as this is your first try.
Practicing will make you better at it.
Let us meet here again after an hour.
I am happy with it as I am paid and do not have to work.
But will you really not go to your grandparents' house?
Everything is fine as long as you keep quiet.
You do know this is a secret from my sister-in-law as well, right?
I have been paid, so of course, it is a secret.
What brings you here?
I came to see you.
Lady Ha Na and Lady Doo Ri. Please take a turn while I am here.
Did you not promise to cooperate?
Doo Ri. Let us do it and get it over with.
A promise is still a promise.
Give me a moment, Mother.
I was commissioned to make it. You must keep it clean.
Use your own.
These long hoods you are making look like they are for us.
The one without flower embroidery is mine.
Am I wrong?
I knew she was smart.
You are right.
- Is this mine?
- Yes.
My gosh, it is beautiful.
As expected, you did an amazing job.
But Ha Na did not look toward the wall
or smiled.
Sam Soon.
The objective of Lady Yeoju's first eye contact skill
is to show the men standing near the wall
my single-braided hair and my face
by sliding the long hood down to tell them I am a maiden.
So the stunning I do not have to smile.
You are implying
that I am ugly, right?
Instead, you are cute.
I am cute only to you.
Not being pretty is not your fault.
Do not let it upset you.
The rumour that the first daughter was stupid
was made up due to her outstanding beauty.
Can you really be here and not at your grandparents' house?
My grandmother is away at the Sunhwa Temple.
As for my grandfather, his mind wanders.
He does not recognize me.
Give me your hand.
- What?
- Hurry.
What is with this?
Do not take it off.
You will come to Sunhwa Temple on Buddha's birthday, yes?
Well, no. I have to spade the rice paddy that day.
But you will not work until night time.
I have other work to do as well, so I cannot make it.
Then who will make my lantern this year?
Would you like to try, Lady Doo Ri?
Must I practice to look good to men?
Lady Doo Ri, think of it like this.
It is not to look good to men.
It is to choose the man I want skilfully.
I do not have a man I want.
If you continue to be uncooperative,
I will report your sister to the Capital District Office.
- Really, you
- Oh, dear
Stand in front of me.
I will never smile before a man, all right?
Go to the wall, my lord.
- Did she put down the needle first?
- She did.
I get why there are rumours that
she works at a kisaeng house,
although people know it is for her clothes.
It is because of that mysterious charm.
You pass, Lady Doo Ri.
Continue with your needlework.
You must finish the long hood before Buddha's birthday
to wear them out that day.
Now then, Lady Sam Soon.
Give it another try.
I have gotten a sense of it now.
Everything was good. But it would be great
if you could smile more lightly like this.
A bit more lightly. Relax your face more.
Give it a go first. Come on.
Good grief.
What is taking her so long?
Father will leave his office any minute now.
Gosh, my lady!
Why are you back so late?
I am sorry. My work took longer than expected.
Ye Jin. Did something bad happen back at your grandparents' place?
Did someone nag at you?
Nothing bad happened.
Let us go already.
She is really quick-witted.
Be quiet.
What is it?
Where have you been this late in the night?
Father, that is
I asked Soon Duk to join me at our grandparents' place.
But Grandfather kept repeating what he said over and over again.
So we left the house quite late.
I see.
So that was what happened.
Great work, Soon Duk.
Let us head inside.
Lady Ye Jin has gotten better at lying like you, my lady.
That is what you call an exceptional student.
"An exceptional student."
How cool.
A court maid of Dongungjeon
is inches away from death after eating
the crown prince's leftover late-night snack.
We cannot leave the crown prince in Dongungjeon
when we do not know where the poison is from.
But my queen,
did you not say you made that snack yourself?
That is why I feel much more anxious.
Calm down first, my queen.
Even the court physician said
he could not conclude if it was due to poison.
The Dongungjeon court maid could have an illness.
But the symptoms of Dongungjeon's court maid
are too similar to that of the dead princess.
Did the head shaman not tell us that
the princess suffered misfortune
instead of the crown prince eight years ago?
As the head shaman suggested,
allow the crown prince to stay at the private house
for the time being.
I cannot simply believe the shaman's words
and have the crown prince of this country leave the palace.
I told you I would not go.
Must you drag me to it?
You had new clothes and a long hood made for Buddha's birthday.
So what has gotten into you?
I do not know.
Everything has become boring.
Why is the lotus lantern festival of Buddha's birthday
boring to you, Aunt?
You will understand when you become my age.
You are not even 20 to say that.
I know.
Let us go.
Will you really not have a look at your future husband's face?
I will meet him once we get married.
Seeing him beforehand makes no difference, no?
Lady Yeoju will surely come to see you,
so stop looking around.
Well, I am indeed noticeably good-looking.
Does your chest hurt again?
With the crowd, I expected this to happen.
I am all right.
What is it? Did you find Lady Yeoju?
I must have gotten the wrong person.
Someone who should be in the palace would not be here.
Has there been any changes in Dongungjeon?
A court maid of Dongungjeon
met a sudden death.
After that incident, the inspection court maids
searched through my court maids' rooms
on the pretext of regulating the people.
They must be looking for the poison.
Good grief, is this not bad?
Did you mess up your job?
The crown prince is still alive and well,
while our hand has been exposed,
so Lady Park has to act very carefully now.
Our goal is to keep the crown prince alive and well.
What nonsense are you spouting?
When the crown prince leaves some food behind,
eat it along with the medicine I gave you.
Why did you have the useless court maid
eat the hard-earned poison?
It was to make the crown prince leave the palace.
Will we be able to do that with this incident?
What if they find the source of the poison?
Will it not put us in danger?
Do not worry about that.
Nobody found out
the poison from eight years ago was golden silkworm poison.
So, nobody will figure it out this time, either.
What is more, I have hired someone who will make the crown prince
leave the palace.
Let her in.
Are you not the head shaman of Sungsoochung?
I thought you were one of the Queen's people.
I do not serve the Queen
but the future owner of the palace.
And so,
did the crown prince leave the palace?
I informed the Queen to have him travel
on Buddha's birthday when there was a crowd.
He must have moved
to the private house tonight.
You and I are the only ones
who should know you are staying here.
I will come pick you up myself on the day you return to the palace.
Do not forget that.
Where will the crown prince reside?
As the Queen is a very cautious person,
she kept it even from me.
If we do not know that,
it is the same as when the crown prince is in Dongungjeon.
Must you complicate things?
The private house the crown prince is staying at
will be the house of the princess's family
or the King's nanny.
Finding that place will not be hard.
And when we succeed,
the Queen could be blamed for sending the crown prince
to a private house in secret and not us.
It is surely not a bad plan.
Why are you telling us this only now?
You should have given us a heads-up.
There will be no mistakes when you do not know a thing.
Shall I transform into Lady Yeoju now?
- What?
- Really.
I wonder which family she is from.
I have never seen her before.
So my makeup transformation is perfect.
Where should I change?
Oh, dear.
How about here?
My apologies.
Good grief.
My gosh.
Why is it so crowded today?
I need to put on makeup to meet Lord Sim.
Stop being nervous.
Even my brother cannot recognize me before and after makeup.
What do I do?
What is with this outfit?
Do you
recognize who I am?
How can I not recognize you?
(The Matchmakers)
Lord Gyeongunjae is a matchmaker?
Maybe he is helping the King.
Seize your fated match
and live happily.
Let us do this!
Please pardon me.
I knew you were Hwa Rok.
You must watch your widowed daughter-in-law.
A private tutor will arrive.
Come to the vacation home near the field.
Your heart pounds when you see the one you like.
What did you wish for?
Stand still in front of me.
Walk with your eyes on me.
I will be your shield.
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