The Mess You Leave Behind (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

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[tense instrumental music playing]
[thunder rumbling in distance]
[door opens]
- Hey, Raquel.
- [Raquel] You're here.
My brother gave it some thought.
That's why he called Simón.
Since we're still figuring out
the best way
to buy Mom's share of the restaurant,
well, uh, Demetrio brought him on board
as sort of a consultant
to make things nice and simple.
And the next thing I know,
he's here in person.
- What a great guy.
- [Simón] It wasn't any trouble.
I was in the neighborhood, closing a deal.
You know I always got time for you, bro.
- [Demetrio] We appreciate you coming by.
- [Simón] It's my pleasure.
Well, maybe I should, uh,
probably let you get to your conversation.
- Did you walk the dog?
- Uh, planning to do that after lunch.
Well, you know, I could just do it.
- Don't mind?
- It's fine by me. [chuckles softly]
[Raquel on phone]
I'm not kidding. He's here.
Why is he there?
Because Germán's brother, he…
he invited him over
to ask advice about their loan.
But don't you think
it's too crazy to be a coincidence?
Hey. You're being paranoid.
I'm sure there's a normal explanation.
Coincidences do happen.
No, I wouldn't call it a coincidence.
- Yeah.
- As I'm being blackmailed, Simón shows up.
- No way.
- [Tere sighs]
I should've never done
what they told me to.
That's the way blackmail works.
It never stops.
'Cause, you know, it'll never be over,
Tere. It will never end.
[sighs] I have to find out
why he's really here.
No, no, darling. Don't do anything.
Whatever you're planning
is gonna fuck things up.
You think…
You think that Germán already knows?
There's no way he'll forgive me this time.
If he knows, it'll end my marriage
and the rest of my life too.
Uh, Raquel,
take a deep breath for me, okay?
You did what those kids wanted.
You changed their exam.
That's the end of it.
I wouldn't speculate.
Concentrate on your classes.
Just concentrate on other stuff.
- Okay?
- Yeah, okay.
- Talk soon.
- You got this.
["La Espina de la Flor en tu Costado"
by Xoel López playing]
[Germán] There you are.
I was starting to get worried.
Yeah, I just…
I got lost thinking about other stuff.
- Didn't realize how late it was.
- [Germán] Okay.
And what did Simón say?
He gave good advice?
He has a plan, but I don't know yet.
Though he would be a huge help to us.
With his connections at the bank,
you wouldn't need to sell the apartment.
[Raquel sighs]
- I'm sorry you had to see him again.
- [Germán] Well, whatever.
It was my brother's idea.
Anyway, no one knows what happened,
and I don't plan on telling them.
What's done is done.
I mean, I think it's pretty obvious
he doesn't know I know.
Otherwise, he'd not show up here
with that asshole look on his face.
It's over now.
- [Raquel] What's with the suitcase?
- [Nanook barking]
Well, it's because we get the keys
to the new house tomorrow.
[Raquel chuckles]
I'm sure you're ready
to get outa this place.
- It's about time we were on our own.
- [Raquel sighs]
- The two of us. Huh?
- [chuckles softly]
- [Germán chuckles softly]
- Germán, I…
- What?
- [Raquel sighs]
…can't wait until we're there together.
Just me and you.
[Germán chuckles]
[both chuckle]
- [boy 1] All right.
- [boy 2] Pass! Pass! Pass it over here!
[group clamoring]
[boy 2] Come on!
Yep. Hey, pass it, bro.
- Hey.
- [boy 3] All right already.
- [boy 4] All right.
- [boy 2] Give me a shot.
[boys continue speaking indistinctly]
[indistinct chatter]
[dramatic instrumental music playing]
[Roi] Look, dude.
I mean, how could I know that? Like…
- What are they even talking about?
- [group laughs]
- [boy] I don't know.
- [Raquel] Roi, can I talk to you a minute?
- We have to get to class right now.
- [Raquel] Just for a second. That's all.
[Roi] Hold on.
What's up?
Was it you?
- This again?
- [Raquel] Did you tell him to come?
Tell Simón?
Who's Simón?
- Not, uh Uh…
- Forget it.
[sighs] Listen, Raquel,
why did you give us
the same bullshit exam that Viruca did?
What was that about? Huh?
- You don't know?
- [Roi scoffs]
Why did I do it? Why don't you tell me?
I suppose probably someone forced you to.
Like they forced Viruca.
What you kids are doing, it's illegal.
And it's sick.
You're playing with fire.
Listen, I've told you I have nothing to do
with whatever's going on.
Furthermore, if you're really so afraid,
why don't you just report it?
What's stopping you?
- Huh?
- Maybe I will report it.
Then go for it.
I'm sure
the police would love to hear about it.
- Just don't be surprised at what happens.
- What'll happen?
A place as small as this?
We all know each other.
And protect each other.
- [school bell rings]
- [Roi sighs]
[Raquel sighs]
[students chattering indistinctly]
[Mauro] Uh, excuse me.
- Viruca, hold on.
- Later, Mauro. Not here.
I wanted to discuss this yesterday,
but you never came home.
- Are you going to avoid me forever?
- What is it?
Can we just find another fucking solution?
'Cause people are already talking.
How much longer
before they know everything?
Please! Since when has it been important
to you what other people are saying?
Because, according to you,
everyone just picks what rules to follow
for themselves, and now that bothers you.
Are you really being serious?
What you're doing is insane.
Do you understand me?
Do you wanna have this conversation
in this hallway?
[Mauro] Fuck.
All I want is to work this out with you.
Don't you see
how miserable this situation is?
Are you gonna live
in that apartment forever?
[quietly] Leave me the fuck alone.
[cell phone chimes]
[class chattering]
Can we talk for a second?
Go ahead.
Well, I saw you fighting
with your husband.
Mm-hmm. But that's none of your business.
Are you sure?
Nothing to do with
what happened with you and me?
[chuckles] And what did happen between us?
Apart from you showing me a few exercises.
[sighs] You don't need to pretend.
I see.
Let me put your mind at ease
because there's no way
that you will ever be significant
to my marriage. You see?
Because the two of us are not
and never will be anything.
So those photos
you asked me to send meant nothing?
I wanted to show your father
what his son was getting up to in class
instead of studying.
Didn't he tell you we talked?
I would ask him about it.
So, please, Iago,
concentrate on your classes,
on your social life, on your girlfriend,
and stop fantasizing for once. Got it?
[Iago breathing shakily]
[Marga] May I have everyone's attention
for a minute?
Women's Day is coming up on March 8th.
And since Viruca had arranged to have
a talk or a lecture on the subject,
would any of you ladies
like to take that over?
I mean, you can count me out.
I have time to make the poster,
but not for much else.
Uh, if it's no trouble, I could do it.
You know, uh,
I was thinking maybe it might, um,
be a good way
to get to know my students better,
and I could prepare a lecture
on well-known feminists,
and if we all show up for the kids,
they'll see this stuff as important.
[Marga] I think that sounds great.
Thank you, Raquel.
[Raquel sighs]
[Raquel] Many of you
turned in some creative answers.
And a few of you have been asking me
why I'd give you an exam
containing the same stupid questions
that Viruca gave you.
Informal questions like these can be…
They can be somewhat liberating.
Because great literature,
despite what you've been told,
never should feel too constrained.
And that's the reason
you gave us the same exam?
Of course.
What other reason could there be?
In fact, look. I liked your response.
Let me find it.
To the first question,
"Why the hell
should I care about literature class?"
your response was
"I might actually care
if the teacher we had for it
were a hell of a lot more interesting."
- [students chuckle]
- You're absolutely right about that.
My excuse for that?
Well, you didn't exactly make things easy.
It's not a great excuse, I know,
but it doesn't change the fact
that I need to earn your respect.
And I plan on doing that.
Now, for the second question…
"Answer with the title and author
of a book that you like."
You responded, "Americanah by Chimamanda."
You even spelled it correctly. Impressive.
- [Nerea scoffs]
- That novel's one of my favorites.
I was planning on using it for my lecture
for International Women's Day.
Would you like to help me write it?
But, uh, well,
I haven't read that book in
[Iago] She never reads anymore.
She used to read all the time,
but there's something she likes more.
- [class laughs]
- You have no idea what I like.
I happened to overhear your speech
on my first day at the school.
It was very compelling. I think
you have a lot to contribute. Seriously.
[Iago scoffs] One compliment,
and you're in love with her?
- You've always been an easy girl.
- [Raquel] Hey, Iago.
If you have nothing interesting to say,
then maybe be quiet.
[students snicker]
[Nerea laughing] Take that.
How about we meet after school
in the library?
And if anybody wants to join us,
then we'd both be delighted.
Uh, here. Nerea.
- [birds singing]
- [Raquel panting]
[dog barking outside]
- [dishes clattering]
- [Raquel gasps]
Is that you?
[suspenseful music playing]
Is anybody home?
[Simón] This is what you wanted,
you dirty slut.
- [Raquel yelps]
- You want this, huh?
Yeah. [panting]
- [Raquel yells]
- [Simón yelps, panting]
Simón, what are you doing?
- I'm doing what you asked.
- What I asked?
What are you talking about?
Ah, fuck, Raquel. You're driving me crazy.
[sighs] I mean,
you told me this was your fantasy.
- You asked me to come and to surprise you.
- You? No, no.
I thought it was fucking crazy,
but you kept texting
until I couldn't fucking stand it anymore.
- No, I never asked you to do that.
- [Simón scoffs]
Why would you think that?
- Look, here. Your messages.
- [Raquel] What is this?
[Simón] You wrote that to me.
But that… that isn't me.
I've never had a profile
on one of those apps in my life.
What do you mean, you don't?
It's… We talked so much.
And look. This isn't you?
Are you insane?
You really think I would want that?
Jesus, Simón, really?
I admit it was a bit surprising, but…
[Raquel sighs]
…you know.
[Raquel scoffs]
You were surprised by it?
Although you never questioned it
because this is your fantasy, right?
Is that why you're here?
And because your brother-in-law called,
and this place is on the fucking way.
God damn it, Raquel, don't do that.
[Raquel scoffs]
It was a horrible mistake.
Yeah, it was.
Now get out before Germán comes home.
Get the fuck out!
[Raquel sighs]
[Simón exhales]
[Raquel takes a deep breath]
[thunder rumbling in distance]
[phone ringing]
[officer 1] Yes?
Good afternoon.
Can I make a report with you?
Of course you can. May I see your ID?
[wallet unzips]
Perfect. And what happened?
I think someone stole my identity.
Shit. I see.
Let me just copy down your details.
So, let's get your statement.
Now, if you want,
you can have a lawyer present for this.
You're married to Germán, right?
[Raquel scoffs]
I was very sorry about his father.
That guy knew his way around the kitchen.
[tense music playing]
[officer 2] Germán's not a bad cook.
- I remember once we were camping, and he
- [Raquel] Excuse me.
Can I have my ID?
Sure. Here.
[Raquel sighs]
- [purse zips]
- You're leaving?
Another time, maybe. Thank you.
[dog barking in distance]
[intercom rings]
- [Mauro on intercom] Hello?
- Mauro? It's Raquel.
Can… can I please come in?
[intercom buzzes]
I'm sorry for just showing up here,
but I needed to talk to you.
Ah, it's no problem. Come in.
You find anything about Viruca?
Maybe we should start with a drink.
They've gone too far.
My students.
Um… [sighs]
They used my identity
to make fake social media accounts.
And they got into my e-mail somehow.
I'm getting desperate.
I mean, I don't… I don't know what to do.
I went to the police,
but I don't know if I can trust them.
Do you know
if they did something like this to Viruca?
Is that why she was scared?
[sighs] I couldn't say. Maybe.
Forgive me for saying,
Mauro, but I'm not sure what to think.
I mean, first, you tell me that,
you know, Iago is behind it all, and now…
now you're saying
that you don't know anything?
in case you think I'm hiding something.
[Mauro sighs, clears throat]
[keys jingle]
- Take these.
- What's this?
Keys to Viruca's apartment
from when she was single.
When we finally separated,
she decided to move back there.
What, you think
there might be something there?
Well, you're the one who wanted answers.
I'd love to give them to you,
but I can't. I don't know.
Maybe you'll find something there
that I might've missed.
[somber instrumental music playing]
[keys jingling]
[music swells]
[dog barking in distance]
- [parking brake clicks]
- [crickets chirping]
[car alarm chirps]
This is a bad idea.
I know.
[Viruca exhales]
[Tomás sighs]
[tense music playing]
[Viruca grunts softly]
[Tomás exhales deeply]
[grunts softly]
Why don't you pour me a drink?
I'm not only here to fuck.
Gin and tonic?
[Viruca] Mm-hmm.
- [Tomás] More gin, less tonic, right?
- [chuckles] That's right.
[Viruca sighs]
- [Tomás] Strong enough for you?
- Perfect.
[Viruca exhales]
Hm, thank you.
[Tomás breathing heavily]
[Viruca sighs]
Tomás, Tomás. [panting]
Let's just talk for a minute, please.
[Tomás] We have all night to talk.
[Viruca scoffs]
[gasps softly]
[both breathing heavily]
[music swells]
[dog continues barking in distance]
[motorcycle engine revving]
- [engine revs, turns off]
- [Viruca gasps]
[whispers] Tomás.
- Tomás.
- [Tomás] What?
Someone's in here.
[Iago breathing shakily]
It's Iago.
You told me he would be out tonight.
- He can't see me here.
- [door opens]
Don't worry. He'll go right to bed.
[Iago continues panting]
That fucking bitch.
How fuckin' dare you! You fuckin' bitch!
[Tomás grunts]
[Iago exhales, whimpers]
Fuckin' bitch.
What a motherfuckin' bitch.
Fuckin' bitch!
- [glass shatters]
- Fuckin' whore! Viruca!
[Tomás] What the hell is he doing?
[objects clattering downstairs]
- [Iago] Viruca!
- Iago, what the fuck are you doing?
Who do you have up there with you?
- [Tomás] No one's up here.
- [Iago] Who are all these drinks for, huh?
[Tomás] You're drunk.
Clean this shit up and go to bed.
Tell me who it is!
I just told you that nobody's up there.
Where are you going?
What are you doin' with her?
You told me you didn't like her.
Pull yourself together.
Stop acting like a child.
On top of everything, you bring her
to this house, my mother's house.
[Iago grunts]
[inhales sharply, spits]
- [Tomás grunts]
- [Iago groans]
- [thudding]
- [Viruca gasps]
[Iago groans]
Don't talk to me like that again,
or I'll put you in the fucking ground.
You hear me?
[Iago panting]
Get the fuck out of my sight.
[Iago crying softly]
- [door slams]
- What just happened?
[Tomás] He was completely out of control.
I had to do something.
[Viruca] Your solution
is to throw him down the stairs?
Are you gonna lecture me
on how to raise my own kid?
You have children?
I can't believe
you would do something like this.
[sighs] Oh, what the fuck am I doing here?
God damn it.
He knows how to push my buttons,
but it won't happen again.
You're a fucking abuser.
He fucking spit on me.
You have any idea
how hard it is to raise a kid on your own?
I'm getting out of here.
Hold on.
At least wait for him to go to sleep.
[footsteps approaching]
[Viruca sighs]
[door slams]
[Viruca huffs]
[door slams]
[Tomás sighs heavily]
[crickets chirping]
[Iago breathing heavily]
[car engine starts]
[Iago crying softly]
[tense instrumental music playing]
[Raquel inhales sharply]
[sighs] Where…
It must be around… Or maybe here?
[clicks tongue]
[sighs heavily]
[grunts softly]
[tense music grows louder]
[Raquel sighs]
[gasps softly]
[high-pitched ringing]
- [music fades]
- [Raquel sighs heavily]
[door unlocks]
[birds singing outside]
- [Raquel inhales sharply]
- [Germán] Good morning.
Germán, hey. [sighs]
- Have you been up for a while?
- Uh, no.
- No, not long. What time is it? [exhales]
- [Germán] I'm not sure.
It's gotten so late.
I have to shower and get outa here.
[indistinct chatter]
- Hey.
- I was waiting yesterday.
Yeah, um…
I'm sorry about that. It's just…
something came up important
that I had to deal with,
and I didn't have your number.
[quietly] Yeah.
What about doing a guided discussion
together instead of the speech?
I think I'll pass.
- Pass? You have interesting things to say.
- [Nerea] Don't think so.
[Raquel scoffs]
- [Marga] Everything fine?
- [Raquel] Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah.
[Marga] Why don't we get started?
Please, everyone, take a seat.
[Raquel sighs] Uh, one sec.
Sorry. Let me just…
So, yesterday, we were…
Yesterday, in the classroom,
we were talking about Chimamanda.
Do we all know her?
Chimamanda, um…
Chimamanda who, um…
Well, she's a writer.
She's an African female writer who…
You know, she's actually one
of Nerea's favorite authors.
- [Nerea] Mm-hmm.
- If you wanted to share, um…
You might.
- You
- No.
So you won't?
I thought the idea
was that you give the lecture. [scoffs]
Fine, okay.
Well, um… [sighs]
Chimamanda, um…
Um… Well, you know, she's…
she's one
of the most interesting voices in…
in feminism today.
Because, um…
well, because she's able to tell us
in a very simple way
what it's like to be a woman and Black.
To be a Black woman in…
[eerie music playing]
[Raquel] What it's…
To be a woman in, uh…
in a country like Nigeria.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Um, I'm sorry, um…
She's the woman, uh, the woman who said…
that it's possible to wear high heels
and be a feminist too, you know?
Yeah, but she had more interesting things
to say than that, right?
- [Raquel] Yes, she did. Of course.
- Yeah.
I mean, for example, um…
[takes a deep breath]
At first, when she started teaching,
she, um, she made a mistake.
[breathing shakily]
But, you know, you can't…
you can't pretend to be someone
you're not,
unless because,
otherwise, who really are you?
[sniffles, exhales]
Yeah, I'm really sorry.
I just… I can't do this right now.
I'm sorry.
I just can't. [sobs]
[attendees murmuring]
[boy] Weird.
[door slams]
[indistinct chatter]
[boy 1] Hey.
[boy 2] Yeah.
[boy 3] Move, bitch.
Raquel, can we talk for a second?
- [door closes]
- What's going on?
[suspenseful music playing]
What are you doing? Ramón?
[Ramón exhales]
- Hey! What are you? What?
- Come on, get on your knees.
- Do it. Do what you promised on Tinder.
- What are you doing?
- Why are you doing this?
- Do it, or I'll tell everyone.
- I'll show the messages to everyone.
- Let me out.
Let me outa here. Let go of me.
Let me out. Let me outa here!
- Touch yourself when you think about us?
- [Raquel groans]
[Raquel moaning]
We all turn you on, Raquel.
- Everyone except your husband.
- [Iago laughs]
[Raquel] Why are you doing this?
- [Germán] Wake up.
- [Raquel gasps]
- What's going on?
- [Germán] Wake up.
- [Raquel sighs]
- You were having a nightmare or something.
[Germán] You kept screamin' out
different names.
You said, "Iago."
- [Raquel sighs]
- "Simón."
- What's going on with you, Raquel?
- Nothing.
- Is it because of Simón?
- Germán, I don't wanna talk about that.
- Please. Come on.
- I don't know. You're dreaming about him.
That's just because…
because it freaked me out to see him.
I'm not proud of what I did.
No, it's not that. It's just that I'm…
I'm gettin' worried about you.
- You know you can trust me, don't you?
- I know.
- [Germán] Do you wanna talk about it?
- No, it's nothing.
[Germán] Raquel,
I'm sorry…
but I took a look
at your notes over there.
You have a bunch of papers
that belonged to Viruca.
- You did what?
- I'm worried about this obsession.
No, this is not an obsession.
How dare you go snooping around my papers!
Don't do that.
You hear me?
Fucking unbelievable.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Raquel sighs]
[button clicks]
[camera whirs]
[crickets chirping outside]
[Roi] "I played a little, miserable role
as a spectator."
[Roi] "It was impossible
for me to get out of it."
"Impossible to free myself."
"That terrible anguish was, for me,
the only real thing in that moment."
"It began to tremble."
"It began to tremble,
the world behind a fog that was so gray."
"The sun, made iridescent in seconds."
"My thirsty face embraced those tears
with pleasure."
Hold on a second, Roi.
Has anyone been in touch with Iago?
- [students] No.
- [boy 1] No, sorry.
- [boy 2] No.
- [Viruca] Nerea?
Do you know where he is today?
Why are you so worried about Iago?
It's my job to worry about all of you.
- [Roi] Keep going?
- [Viruca] Huh?
- The book.
- Oh, yes. Please. I'm sorry.
[Roi takes a deep breath]
"My thirsty face embraced those tears
with pleasure."
"My fingers wiped them away with anger."
[energetic music playing on sound system]
[Iago exhales]
How are you doing?
How'd you get that mark?
That mark on your face.
You know what happened. You were there.
[Viruca sighs]
How could you fuck my dad?
Goddamn son of a bitch.
I don't know what you're talking about.
You're going to regret this.
[tense music playing]
[keys jangle]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [energetic music playing on sound system]
Hi there.
- Hello.
- Are you a new member?
Uh, yes. I mean, I've been looking
for a new gym to start training again.
Um, can I try one of your classes?
Yes, of course. Is there a day
of the week you wanna come in?
Um, could I try today?
- Yes. [chuckles]
- Nice.
Wanna follow me?
And this is our locker room.
- It's perfect.
- Did you bring something to work out in?
Uh, yes. I… There's stuff in… in my bag.
[chuckling] Great.
- [Raquel] Thanks.
- No worries.
[Raquel sighs] Come on.
[locks rattling]
[Raquel muttering]
[locker clatters]
[Raquel] I was just…
I was looking for a locker that was empty.
[Nerea] The open ones are empty.
[Raquel] Yeah.
[energetic music continues playing
on sound system]
[lock clicks]
- [Raquel] Ah.
- [suspenseful music playing]
[Raquel grunts softly]
[Nerea scoffs]
[engine revs]
[birds singing]
[engine starts]
- [rain pattering on roof]
- [thunder rumbling in distance]
[Mauro exhales deeply]
[Viruca] Let me get dressed.
[Mauro sighs]
This is ridiculous.
What is?
- This is.
- [Viruca sighs]
You come back here for a quick fuck
and then just leave again.
It's manipulative,
and it makes me feel like…
It doesn't make me feel better.
It makes me feel worse.
[sighs] Well,
what would make you feel better, Mauro?
If you stayed.
- Come back home to me.
- [phone chimes]
- Sorry.
- [Mauro sighs]
[thunder rumbling in distance]
- [thunder continues rumbling]
- [Iago sighs]
[cell phone chimes, vibrates]
- [mouthing]
- [typing on cell phone]
- [cell phone chimes]
- [quietly] Fuck.
[sighs] Somebody misses you.
No, that's not what this is.
[Viruca takes a deep breath]
Do you want me to stay the night here?
[Iago] I can't go back home.
Dad threw me out.
[Viruca] What?
What do you mean?
Your father can't do that to you.
[Iago huffs]
- Iago.
- [Iago] I wanna kill him.
I wanna kill that son of a bitch.
- I picture him fucking you, and I
- You need to calm down.
Okay? Calm down.
You're not making any sense.
How can you be with him?
- With that motherfucker?
- [hushes] Be quiet.
What do you see in him?
Tell me what you see.
We're not having this conversation
because this is absurd.
- Mind your own business.
- My own business?
This is my business.
You're the one fucking my dad.
- Does your husband know?
- No, don't fucking go there.
- Okay?
- I'll go wherever the fuck I want to.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
[Viruca] Hmm.
- [intercom buzzes]
- [Iago] What are you doing? Don't.
- [Mauro] Hello.
- Mauro?
- [Mauro] Viruca, is everything okay?
- [Viruca] Um…
[Iago sighs]
Never mind.
- It's nothing. I'll be back soon.
- [Mauro] Okay.
- [thunder rumbles]
- Come with me.
Why did you do that?
Because you don't have a fucking clue
what goes on in my marriage, okay?
So none of your pathetic little threats
are gonna work on me.
- Fuck.
- [Iago] Wait. I'm sorry.
I don't know what to do.
Well, calm down first.
[Iago sighs]
- [Viruca exhales]
- I have nowhere to go.
To your house.
He's gonna let you in.
[Viruca] Hmm.
You'll see. He'll let you in.
Don't you ever do that again.
- Never, you hear me?
- [Iago] Viruca.
- Viruca!
- What do you want?
There's no place for me to go.
What should I do?
[gentle music playing]
[Viruca sighs]
[thunder booms]
[door closes]
You can stay here, okay?
Just one night.
[Iago sighs]
You have clean bedsheets and…
[Iago exhales]
…towels in the closet.
- Stay with me.
- [Viruca gasps]
["I Hear the Day Has Come"
by Matt Maltese playing]
- See your father ♪
- Please don't go.
- In your mother's arms ♪
- [door opens, closes]
See the buildings ♪
- Built up tall ♪
- [thunder rumbles]
See the writers ♪
Write once more ♪
They've seen it all ♪
But they ain't seen this before ♪
And I might have heard it wrong ♪
But I hear the day has come ♪
[thunder rumbles]
See the river run ♪
I hear it runs every night ♪
In the misty sun ♪
Where cool lovers lie ♪
If I could swim ♪
It might all just be all right ♪
Hey [vocalizing]
See the painters ♪
Paint once more ♪
They've seen it all ♪
But they ain't seen this before ♪
[Iago breathing heavily]
And I might have heard it wrong ♪
[Iago grunts, sighs]
But I hear the day has come ♪
- [Iago panting]
- [thunder rumbles]
I might have heard it wrong ♪
[Iago's breathing slows]
But I hear ♪
The day has come ♪
[engine revving]
[suspenseful music playing]
[engine revving in distance]
[revving grows louder]
[cell phone clatters]
- [bicycle bell rings]
- [tires screech]
- [glass shatters]
- [turn signal light clicking]
[engine revs in distance, fades]
[sirens wailing, distorted]
[woman] Hello? Hello?
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
- [radio beeps]
- [man] Come in. Status? Over.
[medic] Can you hear me?
[indistinct chatter]
- [Raquel breathing weakly]
- [radio beeps]
- [man on radio] Copy.
- [medic] You had an accident.
You went off the road, but you'll be okay.
[Raquel gasping, weakly] I was followed.
- Don't worry about that now.
- They were following me. They
[medic] Breathe.
[Raquel breathing deeply]
[medic] Breathe.
There's pain here. I can't breathe.
- [gasping] Can't breathe.
- [medic] More oxygen.
We need to get more oxygen.
[Raquel continues gasping]
[suspenseful music playing]
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