The Midnight Romance in Hagwon (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

(Jung Ryeo Won)
(Wi Ha Jun)
(Scriptwriter: Park Kyeong Hwa)
(Director: Ahn Pan Seok)
(The Midnight Romance in Hagwon)
(Episode 4)
(Choisun Academy, the 1st class formula)
(Choisun will become the best.)
I think I'll mess up this exam.
You talk like you never messed up.
Where's your conscience?
Hey, Si Woo.
Can I have a word?
(1 person per desk, please.)
My class starts soon.
I know that. It won't take long.
- It wasn't that bad.
- What?
- Are you serious?
- Yes.
- Did you know that one?
- We need to cancel exams.
Save me a seat. My usual spot.
Sit over there.
Your class starts soon, so I'll keep the point simple.
Did you see this?
Yes. I think everyone did.
Okay. Will you check it out?
This free lecture.
I wasn't thinking of going.
But then,
only kids with poor grades blame their academy
and check out other places.
That's not exactly the reason.
I study certain subjects for a certain time.
Okay. I get it.
That's important too. But
This lecture.
How about you check it out?
And then tell me how it was.
And bring the material.
I'm curious.
Some other kids will go anyway.
They talked about it at school.
You're the most focused in the class.
And take good notes.
Does the director know?
No. I want to know about the lecture.
You're on our scholarship.
Are your parents pleased?
I'm grateful
for that.
Do me a favour.
Will you?
Take good notes too.
It's time to go.
(Daechi Chase)
- I'll go ahead.
- Okay, see you.
Ms. Seo.
Buy me a drink after work.
Can't we talk during the daytime tomorrow?
Can't you spare me some time as well?
I'm on your team too.
Can I decide where?
I'll text you the address. Be there around 10:30pm.
- That place is open late.
- Okay.
Mr. Lee, you can leave early today.
Hey. Ms. Nam.
One short-answer question with a high mark
will decide what grade you get.
Your school grade could become
the class you receive when you enter society.
The university you go to.
The job you get afterward.
Even the looks of the woman you'll meet on a blind date.
That could all depend on
one short-answer question in this exam.
Don't think that's unfair.
It's better for your mental health to be relieved there's still
a way to overturn that class.
(Eunma Apartments Shared Parking)
Hey, why are we eating at a convenience store like teens?
No, you drink.
Don't you start in the afternoon?
You can drink.
I have an important lecture this weekend.
I have a lot to study.
You're acting like you're a star already.
Are you pleased
your face is plastered all along the street?
I'm not kidding.
I need to make this count if I'm to start off big.
Is the work doable?
It's crazy fun.
It suits me.
Why do you look dreadful, then?
- It shows?
- Yes.
Something's getting to me.
Is this what it is to be famous?
Don't be stupid.
What are you on about?
The kids asked a lot of questions today.
You could've ordered something.
Welcome, Ms. Seo.
I should've arranged something like this first.
You could've been upset.
About what?
I planned a joint lecture with Mr. Lee without telling you,
and then put just him in the advertisement next to me.
All that.
Yes. I was so upset I could've cried.
I apologize.
If I get to start a class for Heewon High kids, you too can
You don't have to apologize.
I learned a lot this time.
I have
I have a habit of thinking of others.
When that's not for me to do.
It's definitely not what I wanted.
I want to think
only of myself and how to fill my classroom.
But before I realize, I'm caring about
others' feelings and situations.
I was betrayed quite a few times at the previous academy.
Ms. Nam.
I felt sorry for an instructor who had just gotten started,
and let her use my materials.
Would you believe it?
She used that to bargain for a higher salary
and switched academies.
She put her name on the cover and stole my students too.
Isn't that unbelievable?
What exactly are you getting at?
If I'd known you were planning something incredible with Mr. Lee,
I should've changed my mind and done what I wanted.
That's what I'm saying.
What's that?
I'd wanted to open a class for Chanyoung High students.
That's the school I'm targeting.
Yes. I know.
But what?
Pyo Sang Seob.
(Written Exam, 2nd Semester of 2023, 10th Grade Korean)
He taught at Guksabong High for four years
before transferring to Chanyoung High.
For three years, I taught the kid who did the best in their year.
I found out a few days ago that Mr. Pyo had transferred.
I really wanted to teach Chanyoung High students.
But I held back.
It is very important to know the schoolteachers' style.
But knowing that won't guarantee a successful class
Ms. Seo.
This is my first time in Daechi-dong.
All the schools here are unfamiliar,
and I don't know anyone.
This was such a precious lifeline.
But I just gave up.
Because it was your school.
This supposedly amazing director from Choisun
or something is after you too, I heard.
Let's not complicate things and add to her troubles.
That was my logic.
Isn't that pathetic?
I know how you feel.
I doubt that.
You teach hundreds of kids here.
Why did you ask to see me today?
The final exam special lecture.
I'll teach Chanyoung High students too.
I'm in the area, Ms. Seo.
Text me when you're done.
Don't drink too much.
The lecture's around the corner.
Lee Jun Ho. Whatever others say
You did the right thing.
My gosh. You sly thing.
To me, you said he'd lost his mind.
I did some thinking after that.
Jun Ho has the brightest future.
After me comes you.
You see the future clearly.
I'm a journalist that everyone looks down on,
and he's a grad student that everyone considers a slave.
Compared to him, you're closer to success.
You're a teacher at least.
Hey. Not long from now, I'll be a professor.
- Jun Ho's still ahead.
- How so?
By the time you become a tenured professor,
he might have retired with a building to his name.
Of course, that's only if things go really well.
The worst outcome is that I'll retire as a landlord.
If things go well, you must invest in my academy.
Darn it.
I'm at the academy.
You can finish up. I'm leaving.
- Just like that?
- I'll be in touch.
I'll be too busy to see you for a while. Bye.
Hey, Lee Jun Ho!
Forget about him.
Let's go indoors. It's getting cold.
(Daechi Chase)
Why didn't you go home?
I let you leave early
because you stayed late last night.
I didn't feel like working, so I was going to leave early too,
but your text changed my mind.
Let's go to a classroom.
The whole world knows what we're up to now.
We can prepare in the open.
- Is something wrong?
- What do you mean?
Is Ms. Nam very angry?
Oh, her?
She's going to teach a special class for Chanyoung High kids.
I wonder if I focused too much on Heewon High.
I should review my Chanyoung material too.
Why would she do that?
I'll have a word with her.
What for?
To ask if she planned on assassinating you
at this important time.
That's not right.
How is it not right?
We don't have the right to stop her.
It's up to her.
She should have better morals.
Say that to her face and you'll get shot.
So we do nothing?
Did I say we'll do nothing? Prove that
your face is next to mine not because you were favoured.
Let's go.
(A teacher and student sally forth)
(Daechi Chase's miracle Lee Jun Ho, Main instructor Seo Hye Jin)
(The best Korean lectures so far weren't actually the best!)
Bus number 2413 will arrive shortly.
I saw Jun Ho's face
on a huge poster on every street.
It felt strange.
Do you think he'll be really successful like he said?
Even then, he'll only be a successful academy instructor.
It could be different if things work out.
Some of them own property in Gangnam worth hundreds of millions.
Did he find a place?
He hasn't said yet.
Oh, gosh.
Did you have to upset him like that?
He comes home late every night.
You could've let him stay with us.
Then at least I could feed him properly.
He needs to know how ruthless it is out there.
He thinks we're lucky
that we have what we've built up.
Do you have to be so twisted?
He's our son.
He has the wrong mindset.
Darn it.
This piece can appear on exams in many shapes and forms.
Memorize the content, structure, symbolism,
meanings, and definitions.
It's almost like a transformer.
Mention it's easy to get wrong when coupled with a similar novel.
- Drop the transformer comment.
- Okay.
How about switching the topic?
The passage is too long.
And the board's too packed.
I don't think it suits a taster lecture.
- But
- Heewon's a boys' school.
You must approach it differently
from a co-ed or girls' school.
Boys tend to neglect to take notes.
It's a good novel.
There's no bad novel in any textbook.
A good novel is different from what's better for sales.
- Sales
- Don't try to be fresh.
Act like you're seasoned.
You must do your best to convince them you can
improve their grade class.
I'll change what I write on the board.
Keep going.
("Camera and Combat Boots" by Park Wan Suh)
Park Wan Suh is
Don't talk about the writer.
Focus on improving grades.
Schoolteachers make exam questions based on the textbook.
If you have the time to mention the writer,
explain a new word.
Did you look up Heewon High's exam trend?
- Yes.
- Name the characteristics.
Short-answer questions focus on topics or themes,
and the main character's self-reflection.
When a multiple-choice question asks about similar works,
it tends to be a trap.
Vocabulary questions always appear in the SAT format.
And? You want to waste time with what?
It feels weird.
What does?
This isn't how you used to teach me.
What do you mean?
You made me like reading,
and helped me enjoy the process of answering questions.
What I'm saying is
When what I feel is the correct answer,
I feel so good I could fly.
It made me want to know
what wasn't included in the textbook.
Concentrate. Isn't your goal to teach a large class?
Do we just have to guess what will be in the exam?
What else must we do for them?
Tell me.
We're up against the White Haired Witch.
Our director wanted to run with his tail between his legs
and we convinced him not to.
I promised the other team leaders I'd secure
a Heewon High class.
Ms. Nam and the other low-rank teachers
hate us anyway.
Do as I say and don't complain.
I'm right.
I got what I must do.
Let's practice with a mic from tomorrow.
It affects how you use your hands.
You should get used to it.
Go on home. Good job today.
I hope
you sleep well.
Ms. Cha the lawyer. What's up?
My darn husband
accepted two shots from a customer.
I'm driving him home.
I'm a lawyer wife
and this is how he treats me.
I love you, my dear lawyer wife.
My gosh. Darn you.
Hey, nice.
I saw your new poster.
What a sight.
It brightens the whole neighbourhood.
It's him, isn't it?
Yes. We decided to do something big.
What do you think?
Hey, are you free this weekend?
I have an event.
No, we can't celebrate.
Who knows how it'll go?
Why even worry? It'll obviously be a hit.
You're Seo Hye Jin.
I'll lay out a feast
fit to break the table in two.
Okay. Thanks.
Drive safely.
Okay, I will. Bye.
("Camera and Combat Boots")
(Slide to power off)
Could you
put these aside before I open the paper?
(A teacher and student sally forth)
(Lee Jun Ho, Seo Hye Jin)
Tell him to come over and explain.
He left already.
("Camera and Combat Boots" by Park Wan Suh)
(Theme, Style)
(Point of view)
("Camera and Combat Boots" by Park Wan Suh)
Yes. Really? That many?
Okay, thanks.
Keep the material under lock and key.
If it gets out, that's on you.
See you in ten.
It's not an exact number,
but about 50 kids will go to Seo Hye Jin's lecture.
The actual number will be bigger.
It'll feel like tasting new junk food.
(A teacher and student sally forth)
You must eat more when you're busy.
By the way,
the number of kids who applied for the free lecture met the quota?
Yes. It might end up being first come, first served.
Is Jun Ho managing okay?
He had so little time.
It's fortunate it's a joint lecture.
I'd have felt threatened if we were competing.
He's that good?
He's a smart kid.
He does pick up things fast.
You don't have to worry.
I'm not worried.
I never worried.
- You're sure about that?
- Yes.
I just have high hopes.
This might worry you a bit.
What will?
Nam Cheong Mi might say she'll teach a class for Chanyoung High kids.
I haven't heard anything yet.
The vice-director might tell you soon.
I found out about it beforehand.
I appreciate your spirit,
but two instructors focusing on the same school?
That has never happened here.
Why not hear her out first?
Ms. Nam,
you need to be able to prove
that you have a competitive edge that equals Ms. Seo's.
(Chanyoung High School, 10th Grade, Questions from Previous Exams)
I know I can do well.
There's no doubt she'll let Ms. Nam open a class.
Tell me how long it's been since she started searching
for your rival.
I can shoot down the idea though.
That'd be a cheap shot on my end.
I'll work harder.
You prepare for classes during the day
and teach students in the evening.
After midnight, you give Jun Ho private lessons.
At this rate, your energy will be depleted for good.
You should watch us prepare for the class.
As if that's necessary.
I'll observe on the day.
You've taught this material thousands of times now,
and you would've taught Jun Ho well.
Jun Ho's class will be a hit.
I see you're one to dote on your protege.
(Daechi Choisun Academy)
(Daechi Choisun Academy)
Let's sit.
I apologize for calling you out here so early.
It's fine. Please don't mention it.
How have things been?
Things have been well thanks to your consideration.
This is better than teaching in school.
I admire how you don't prioritize
the need for a stable job.
That's quite a generous compliment.
I'm more surprised by how you're changing the way
to prepare for a class you've taught for so long.
Not evolving is the scariest of all.
Let's go over the material.
- Sure.
- Right.
"Camera and Combat Boots" is a novel set in the 1970s.
It follows the story of the narrator
who finds himself facing the industrialization period.
That means it's written from a first-person perspective.
The storytelling mode.
The storytelling mode is the first thing to remember
since that alone can help you answer advanced questions.
Question one in the material you were given
is one of those examples.
Let's go over it together.
Questions like these?
There's no need to even read the passage.
After going over your choices,
you should answer it correctly in less than a minute.
It's all good, but can you reduce the time?
Cutting time is half the battle with Heewon High School's Korean exam.
You need a way to give them as much time as you can
to spend on short-answer questions.
But one must understand the modes of storytelling
to answer a certain multiple choice question.
Here's the passage I chose.
Is this it? Okay.
I like how you added another passage,
but let's change the source.
This one won't be in the exam.
But it's easy to understand.
That can't be our goal when it's a sample lecture.
If you want to choose a foreign novel
Right. Go with "The Great Gatsby" instead.
We could promote our English classes with it.
I'll get right on it.
You're putting too much stress on your throat.
Have you practised talking with your vocal cords open?
Yes, I followed some instructions online.
Consider the long game and protect your voice.
- Got it.
- Show me the rest.
With questions that ask about the content,
don't be too focused on saving time.
Your teachers will have set numerous traps for you
to stop you from getting that perfect score.
Points and scores are important,
but it's more crucial
to eliminate the risk of losing points. Got it?
Take a look at your handouts.
You'll find the most common booby traps.
(Daechi Chase)
(A teacher and student sally forth, Free lecture)
(A teacher and student sally forth)
Gosh. Come in.
The man of the hour.
I'm not that just yet, but I appreciate it.
I hope you are perfectly prepared.
I am. You don't have to worry.
Good. I'm highly excited.
- Is it at the lecture hall?
- Yes.
Head there, and I'll join you to observe.
- Sure.
- Where's Ms. Seo?
She went to the meeting room.
- Is that so?
- Yes.
- I guess I can catch her later.
- Right.
- I'll get going then.
- Sure.
You can observe the class at the back of the hall.
A few seats will be vacant.
There will be students who don't show up.
After watching the class,
you might like to consider joint lectures.
I apologize for not considering you as well,
but your help will be much appreciated.
I have no hard feelings against you,
and I hope that feeling is mutual.
It's time for your lecture.
- Ms. Seo, you're here.
- Hey.
The woman of the hour shouldn't be running late.
Ms. Seo, I'll set these handouts on the desks.
Right. Thanks in advance.
Are you ready?
I am. Let's head down there.
We'll get going.
- Good luck.
- Good luck.
- We'll get going.
- We're off.
- Good luck.
- Good luck.
It's too bad I can't observe the class.
I'll stop by during recess.
Just a second.
You can suddenly get nervous which will affect your composure.
If that happens, look at me. I'll be at the back of the class.
Seeing a friendly face calms the jitters.
Apart from being too excited, I'm doing great.
You seem to be the one who's nervous.
To be honest, I am.
A memorable triumph.
Let's create one together.
- Let's go.
- Sure.
(A teacher and student sally forth)
(Heewon High School Free Lecture)
Let's do this.
Thanks for this.
As if you need to thank me.
I want the lecture to begin at any second.
I can't wait.
You won't be disappointed.
- Hit him.
- The one in front of you.
You shouldn't be next to me.
Darn, I died.
You're dead weight.
It's already been an hour, and we need to get to class.
Already? You ruined it all.
It was close though. Come on. Hurry.
You really should listen to me.
(Those who study will never lose.)
(Study Cafe, Cafe Etiquettes)
Sure. Have a good one.
- Are you off to the Korean class?
- Yes.
(Field assistant)
(Daechi Chase)
Ms. Woo.
Shall we?
Sure. We'll go together.
Ms. Seo
It's before the designated time.
When I was a student, I always arrived right on time
because I didn't want to study.
It's still odd that no one's here.
Let me check outside.
Are you sure the texts were properly sent out?
Could it have said next week instead?
I checked many times.
Ms. Seo, you're bleeding.
- Get me a tissue.
- Just a second.
(A teacher and student sally forth)
Why are we having a makeup class
when the finals haven't even been announced yet?
- Who knows?
- Hey.
I was hoping to catch that instead.
What was it again? The teacher and student thing.
Me too.
Excuse me.
(A teacher and student sally forth)
The attendance rate is 99 percent.
That's the correct mindset.
Seo Hye Jin's lecture
will be cancelled.
That poor thing.
Her hard work would've been for nothing.
What on earth is going on?
I thought seats had to be filled by order of arrival
due to there being too many applicants.
I'll look into it.
No, let me do that.
Are you sure the students were properly notified?
Excuse me.
You're offering a free lecture today, right?
Is this the place?
Yes, it is.
It is, but
Shouldn't you be in class?
Don't they need an assistant?
It's not that.
What is it, then?
I think the free lecture is a total bust.
- Hey.
- Come on.
Did the lecture already begin?
I was about to see how many students showed up.
We have to cancel.
Shouldn't the lecture begin?
Just a second.
Ms. Seo, are you all right?
No, I'm not all right.
You can snap out of it though, right?
Ms. Seo.
Right. Sorry about that.
First, can you talk to that student
and apologize? And
Tell him he can keep the material.
Urge him to study it
since we worked hard to put that together.
- Also
- Wait.
What are you talking about?
I'm going through with it.
He came here to learn from us.
I'm also stunned right now, but I think we need to do this.
Actually, we have to.
(Director's Office)
I found out why.
A special lecture?
Only those who are present at Choisun Academy
will be given a new textbook and study material.
An urgent notice was sent out.
Hwang Sang who wrote "Imsul Diary"
and Jung "Dasan" Yak Yong
are famously known for their close relationship
as mentor and mentee.
However, due to his status as a middle-class man,
Hwang Sang couldn't seek government posts.
That is why he spent his life
residing in the countryside writing poems.
Jung Yak Yong
also wasted 18 years of his life in exile.
The adoration and mentorship of these two men
might seem like self-complacence
in modern-day terms.
However, it's a passage loved by school teachers.
Take a look at the material that was handed out.
Why did it have to be "Imsul Diary?"
No wonder your Korean grade is always at level five.
- That's why I asked you.
- It's an essay in Chinese.
A magnetic teacher-student relationship
- is a so-called spiritual victory.
- Through that,
their interaction is put on display.
She's publicly calling them out.
It's been a while,
so how about we go for drinks?
Seeing them will only make you all uncomfortable.
Head home when you're done, then.
It's the right thing to do.
They'll be embarrassed
if we go to them after the lecture is over.
I seriously don't know what to say to them.
How about we make a run for it?
Come on.
Will an hour be enough?
- For what?
- While I teach the first half,
get your act together.
You need to do your share.
All right?
Ms. Seo,
I'll create
another best moment for you.
You're an inspiration, Ms. Seo.
Being someone's mentor in life
makes passion burn inside you.
- I'll head in, then.
- Wait.
I'll do it.
A one-on-one tutoring
That's my speciality.
It's just one student. You know?
No one can do a better job than me.
And I have the proof right here.
Goodness. I must look like a mess right now.
Not at all.
Do I look okay?
You don't mind switching the order, right?
Of course, not.
I memorized them by heart that I can recite them in my sleep.
Let's go inside.
Nice to meet you.
Thank you for waiting.
Since I'm taking your precious time,
I ought to give you an amazing lecture. Right?
All right. Today,
we will study
("Camera and")
("Camera and")
You know what? First of all,
could I ask you what your name is?
It's Lee Si Woo.
Thank you.
Si Woo. Have you heard of Park Wan Suh?
Have you read her works other than the ones in the textbook?
Yes. I have read a few of her works.
Oh, my. A studious student has come to my lecture today.
Today, we'll study
"Camera and Combat Boots" which you can find in your textbook.
But before we do that,
let me tell you a little bit about her life.
Put your pen down. You don't have to write this down.
All right. The late writer, Park Wan Suh,
never really liked it when her works
showed up in textbooks or the study aids
for the university entrance exam.
But ironically,
her works show up on the exams quite frequently.
You know that, right?
"The Naked Tree," "Winter Outing," "For the Dead Bird,"
"The Bicycle Thief," and "The Butterfly of Illusion."
You will be reading numerous works by the late writer
in the future.
In other words, these adults around you
will stubbornly want you
to read the late writer's works.
Why do you think so?
(Park Wan Suh)
(Park Wan Suh, born in 1931, died in 2011)
(Park Wan Suh, born in 1931, died in 2011)
All right. In my opinion, the answer is in the numbers.
First of all, you can sort of picture
a number of major events the writer must have experienced
in her lifetime.
Liberation of Korea.
And the Korean War.
- The Internet?
- Excellent.
To use fancy terms, we can say
the war, the pain from the division of Korea,
and the industrialization.
The irrationalities and evils of human affairs
caused by these social changes
inspired the late writer.
And there was one more inspiration.
The late writer's mother who had a huge influence on her childhood.
What do you think?
Do you see why her works show up on the exams all the time?
On that note, as long as you have a deep understanding of her life,
you won't be scared to see any of her works pop up
on the exams. Right?
Even if you're not familiar with the work.
The late writer lost her father at the age of three.
The cause of death was appendicitis.
Korea was occupied by Japan back then.
But appendicitis was treatable in hospitals.
But why did her father die?
The late writer said this in one of her interviews.
"They tried to treat him with acupuncture and a ritual."
"But by the time he was transported to the town area on a cart,"
"it was too late."
Who do you think was shocked the most by this incident?
- His wife?
- Bingo. It was her father's wife.
In other words, it was the late writer's mother.
Leaving her mother out while talking about her life is impossible.
Her mother had always been highly interested in
her children's education, to begin with.
After this incident, her mother got this strong desire
that she would educate her children
in the most modern way no matter what.
Back then, the late writer was studying
"Thousand Character Classic" from her grandfather.
But her mother said,
"That's not a real education. It's just learning a trick."
She caused an uproar by dismissing the conventional education.
I bet you were reminded of someone just now.
Didn't you see a glimpse of the main character's mother
in "Camera and Combat Boots,"
the novel we're going to study today?
It's nice to meet you, Jun Ho.
Yes. Come on in.
So your son's grades are placed in the eighth class now.
What do you think
Thank you.
"From this passage, one can learn that"
"the main idea of the passage is"
"close to"
"The clear identity of the protagonist"
"was never revealed"
"Looking at this,"
"which answer best represents"
"the personality of the protagonist"
"according to"
("Outline of the Administrative Law")
Si Woo.
Do you know what the camera
and the combat boots symbolize?
- Yes.
- Tell me.
The camera symbolizes the main character's idea
and the combat boots symbolize the main character's reality.
All right. Then let me tell you this.
The character A in this piece.
Who's the character A here?
It's Hoon.
I doubt that you can answer this.
"In this line,"
"it talks about the symbol of the novel."
"Through the symbol, he talks about"
So what do you think? That's the answer?
(Result: Lee Jun Ho, Accepted)
Ms. Seo
I got in.
I got in.
(Daechi Chase, Enjoy the competition)
(Main Instructor of Daechi Chase, Seo Hye Jin)
(My Pride)
Isn't this awesome or what?
(Daechi Chase)
To properly understand "Hunminjeongeum Created by Sejong,"
the basic concept of middle-age Korean
must be ingrained in your head like a photograph. Okay?
Let's take a look at the rules of creation first.
What are the rules of creation?
Hieroglyphs, added strokes, exceptions.
I see. So you know all of this off the top of your head.
- When were they created?
- In 1443.
They were promulgated in 1446.
I just had a glimpse at how Jung Yak Yong must have felt
when he met Hwang Sang.
Look at this guy.
Let's take a look at the rules of creation one at a time.
The rules are
initial consonants, middle vowels, and final consonants.
Let's start with the initial consonants.
As for the rules of the initial consonants,
we have the rules of hieroglyphs
There's one more.
There are rules of the added strokes too.
This ends the sample lecture we have prepared for you.
Was it helpful?
The registration begins on the following Wednesday.
Check our homepage for the curriculum and the tuition.
(The best Korean lectures so far weren't actually the best!)
(Daechi Chase's miracle Lee Jun Ho, Main instructor Seo Hye Jin)
(The best Korean lectures so far weren't actually the best!)
(A teacher and student sally forth.)
Ms. Seo. I'll get going first.
I hope you can feel better. Cheer up. Min Ji.
(Ms. Seo. I'll get going first.)
(I hope you can feel better. Cheer up. Min Ji.)
I'm getting a flood of comforting and cheering messages.
You're still here?
What's this?
I always get so hungry after teaching a class.
I'm sorry. Thank you. Wait.
Excuse me. Sorry about this.
What's going on?
I hope you didn't forget about our plan
because you're overwhelmed
by the thrill and joy.
We have already prepared a feast for you.
What? You're not coming?
Any food for me?
They aren't healthy foods anyway.
So there's some for me.
Come on. Let me take a look.
- Well
- What did you buy?
Let's go out.
Even if it was a bust, it was still a big event.
Now that it's over,
we should have a wrap party.
Let's go.
(Imkyung Villa)
(High School Math)
Gosh. You're finally here.
Gosh. Good job.
- Welcome.
- Hey.
Did it go well?
Did you crush it? Did you get all of them to sign up?
Let's sit down.
She sounds like a total crazy witch.
She's not crazy.
She wanted to keep her students. Her action was understandable.
I'm the one who lowered my guard.
That was brutal.
(Forget about the teacher and student sally forth.)
(I won't be able to finish my homework.)
(I heard Si Woo was going to the free lecture.)
(- Did Si Woo go? - I'm curious.)
(I went to the lecture.)
I went to the lecture.
Gosh. Our supplementary lecture was so boring.
Are they worth betraying Choisun Academy?
Enough with the suspense, Si Woo.
(I might switch. It was pretty good.)
I might switch. It was pretty good.
That's crazy. Was it that good?
If Si Woo is switching, this is a whole new game then.
No way. Will the top of our class betray Choisun Academy?
(The Midnight Romance in Hagwon)
Ms. Seo. Reduce the number of your lectures.
Please spearhead the task force team for the Gangbuk branch.
There's no such thing.
He wants to kick me out empty-handed.
Shouldn't you at least protest?
It means it was a bust because of me, right?
Their lecture was interesting?
Lee Si Woo!
I think my teaching style is too graceful for them.
So I prepared this.
Don't look at me like that. I won't go down that easily.
Have you signed a contract for your next year's lectures?
Why don't you sign one with me?
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