The Midwich Cuckoos (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Hide and Seek

-It's a hive mind.
The knowledge transmits.
-She wanted to hurt me.
I think she sees me as a threat.
-See that boy?
It's just 30 grand a year
tax-free from the government.
I'm taking your advice.
We're leaving.
-Mummy doesn't love me anymore.
-Course she does.
-No. Only you do.
Please. [Gasps]

Who would true valor see ♪
Let him come hither ♪
-The world is constantly
Species develop
-Colonies, new terrain.
Taking advantage of
-Entire forests
and even animal life
There's no discouragement ♪
Shall make him once relent ♪
His first avowed intent ♪
To be a pilgrim ♪
[Distant, echoing]
Whoso beset him round ♪
-The more rapidly
the planet changes,
the harder it is
for evolution to keep pace
-This process
of natural selection
-They secretly lay their eggs
in other bird's nests
-In rivers, jungles,
and deserts
until a new life-form
arrives and takes its place.
He will have a right ♪
To bea pilgrim ♪
[Women vocalizing eerily]
-[Sunny] Mummy is gone.
I don't know where she went.
She drove me to the house.
She said I would be
happier here.
She kept crying.
She made me feel sad.
[Distant, echoing]
I didn't want her to leave.
I told her,
but she didn't listen
[Voice echoing, receding]
-So, we have them here.
But then it cuts out.
And it stays like that
for nearly six hours.
We searched all the vehicles,
the hotel.
She hasn't contacted any
of her friends or family since.
And look at this.
The journey from the hotel
to the house.
Every camera goes out
for exactly 30 seconds.
-What do the mothers know?
-Just that she left.
-Let's keep it that way.
-[Rachel] I just can't get
my head around it.
Joe's my loving little boy.
How can he be the same
as Lily-Grace, or Evie?
-They're not saying
they're the same.
-What are you saying?
-We're still trying to work out
how their mind works.
-But say Joe learns something
at school,
or about me, about Curtis.
Then the others
will Know it, yes?
-They'll Know all your
dirty secrets, Rach.
-It's not funny.
-Maybe it's time that we
accept the children
for what they actually are.
-Which is?
-An evolutionary step forward.
These children have come
from us.
They're the next development.
-If they're one being, then why
do they need different parents?
Why are we making
the sacrifices we've made?
Cutting off from family,
seeing no friends.
-Because they need us.
-Do they?
-They're not just a brain, Jane.
Lily-Grace is herself.
Connor is himself.
-How do you know?
How can you be sure?
-This doesn't need
to divide us.
If they can live
as one harmonious being,
then why can't we?
We should take a leaf
out of their book.
It could actually bring us
all closer.
-Yeah. I'd agree.
-Me too.
-That sounds great, Cassie.
But my house is divided.
I have a husband who loves
one son and hates the other.
-You think that's weird
The daughter of my husband's
lover thinks I'm her mother.
-B-Because she knew you'd be
a better mother, right?
-You think?
-Well, why else?
Sunny wanted a loving parent.
They -- They all do.
I know that Evie is mine.
I just -- I know.

-Have fun.
-See you later.
-That was a good session,
Dr. Zellaby.
-You spoke beautifully.
-Well, it runs in my genes.
-What's wrong?
-Amrita Chohhan.
They still can't work out
where she went.
-She abandoned her daughter.
That's all I need to know.
[Door opens]
-She had another bad dream.
She's freezing.
-That's every night
since Sunny came.
-It'll pass.
-She should sleep
in her own bed.
-Did you go to
the group meeting today?
-No, I forgot.
-I thought
it might be helpful.
-I am not like those women.
And I never will be.

[Door opens]
[Keys clatter, door closes]
-Sorry, I didn't mean
to wake you.
-Oh, it's alright.
I wasn't asleep.
Any luck with Amrita?
I'm--I'm sure she'll call soon.
-You're worried about her.
-You go looking
for a place to live?
-No, not yet.
-I'm not sure, um
Well, I just think
it'd be, uh, better
if Nathan's here with me
at the moment.
-Well, if it's Nathan
you're worried about
-Please don't move out.
Not now.
[Birds chirping]
[Groaning continues]
[Breathing rapidly]
[Groaning, rapid breathing
continue I
[Breathing normalizes]

[Breathing heavily]
Get me the hotel CCTV again.
Before and after.
-What are you looking for?
-Something we missed.
[Keyboard clicks]
Zoom in on the mirror.
-I don't get it.
-Look closer.
-The vans -- they're different.
[Birds chirping]
The night that the guest
There was a -- a white Ford van
in the car park.
And there was a different one
there in the morning.
The morning one, that's laundry.
That comes every day.
-And the night before?
-That would be
frozen deliveries.
That's weekly.
-Where from?

DCI Paul Haynes.
This is DS Mayes.
I'm looking for a van.
-Oh, yeah,
that's the broken one.
-Can you take me to it?
-Follow me.
-Thank you.
[Metal creaking]
[Air hisses]

She was locked in.
The wiring shorted.
-How did it stay that cold?
-I don't know.
It's impossible.
-Who knows about this?
-No one yet.
-Can you create a story
for the warehouse staff?
Maybe change the name?
-What do we do with her body?
-I'll deal with that.
London will want tests,
in any case.
Don't tell the mothers anything.
And let's keep Dr. Zellaby
out of this for now.
-She was there
with me that night.
I I have to tell her.
-Tell her what, exactly?
-I'll call the warehouse,
get our story straight.
[Door opens, closes]
-A woman has died here.
A mother.
You can't expect me
to ignore that.
-DCI Haynes, I realize you're
just trying to do your job.
But we have been presented
with a gift in this town.
I don't pretend to understand it
any more than you.
But what I do know is
we've had two years of peace.
Families have bonded.
There is love
in every household.
One isolated incident,
of which we know nothing,
can't be allowed to unravel
all the good we've done.
[Door opens]
-Thank you.
Are you sure about this?
-After 20 years on this job,
I'm not sure of anything.
But I have my orders.
Protect the asset.
We're servants of the state,
Never forget that.
[Car door closes]
-You alright, Nathan? Joe?
-We're just waiting for our dads.
Well, I'll be inside
if you need me, yeah?
-Dad, can I go
on the swing, please?
-Yeah. 'Course you can. Come on.
Joe, jump off,
let your brother have a go.
Then we'll go home.
-They're our swings.
-Yeah, well, according
to government reports,
you're now Officially
one person, aren't ya?
So you can share one swing.
Dave can have the other.
Come on, boy.
Holding on, yeah?
Hold on.
-Joe, look at me!
-Easy now, easy now, son.
Slow down.
-I can't!
-Too high!
-Dad, help!
-Take it easy, take it --
-I just wanted to follow up
on our previous conversation,
if that's okay.
-Now's not a good time.
-Hi, Hannah.
-Mummy, I'm hungry.
-I should go.
-I noticed you weren't
at the meeting yesterday.
Was there a reason?
-No reason, I just forgot.
-Look, I, uh -- I realize
I may not have been as receptive
as I could have been.
About -- about what
you were suggesting
the last time we spoke.
And I'd really appreciate
the opportunity
to continue the conversation.
-I'm shattered.
Hannah's been in our bed
every night, so
-Is she not sleeping well?
-Have you been having
bad dreams, Hannah?
-No, I haven't.
-That's not true.
-I haven't had any dreams.
[Vehicle approaching]
[Tires screech]
-Come on, son.
Take your time. You're alright.
Okay, your mum's here.
Mum's here.
-David? Oh, baby!
-Just get him inside, alright.
I'll talk to you later.
-What happened? Is Joe okay?
-Yeah, he's fine.
I'll explain inside.
Just clean David up.
-Is everything okay?
-No, everything is not okay.
-Curtis, don't be tough on him.
It was just an accident.
-An accident?
My son is covered in blood!
He could've broken his arm.
They did that.
-Well, maybe if I could
just speak to Joe.
-Nobody's speaking to him.
This is our business.
Come with me now, sunshine.
I want answers.
-Sam, did you see
what happened?
-David just fell off
the swings, that's all.
-And who was there?
-Joe and Nathan.

Come on.

I'm taking your advice.
We're leaving.
Good luck.
I'm thinking of you.
If you ever get out of here,
call me.
-She says "we're" leaving.
So, why did she leave
without her daughter?
-Well, why are we
doing this now?
-She begged me
to take her number.
And now whenever I make contact,
there's no reply.
-There could be
hundreds of reasons
why she changed her mind.
-She said that a man
visited her in London.
What man?
-Jesus Christ.
-No, you stay
in your own bed tonight.
-Can't sleep. Bad dream.
-You said you didn't
get bad dreams.
-Let her come in.
She's freezing.
-No way.
You go back, please.
-Hannah, get back in your bed.
[Ominous music plays]

-Aah! Ah!
What did you do to me?!
-Hannah. Come with me.
-Ugh! God!
-What the hell is going on?
-Sh-She just made me
hurt myself.
-[Scoffs] Look.
You're exhausted.
You need sleep.
-Well, I can't,
'cause there's no room
in my fucking bed anymore!
-You agreed to have this child.
-Only because
you wanted it so much.
-But I wanted you to have
a child of your own!
-What, you --
you think that I didn't?
No one wanted a baby
as much as me.
You know that.
-And now you have her!
-I don't love her.
-Well, I do.
And I'm not even her father.
[Door opens, closes]
-[Inhales sharply]

[Line ringing]
-Hi, this is Paul Haynes.
Leave a message
after the beep.
-Is everything alright?
-Yeah. She had another
bad dream last night.
Didn't you, love?
She was really cold.
But Mummy warmed you,
didn't she?
-Are you still cold, Evie?
[Ominous music plays]
[Music stops]
Oh. Thanks.
[Pop music playing softly
on radio I
-Is, er, Joe coming to school?
-No school for him today.
Watch what you're doing!
What the hell
are you playing at?
-Well, I'm sure
she didn't mean it.
-Of course she bloody did!
You try that again,
you'll have hell to pay.
You hear me?
-Everything alright?
-These fucking kids.

[Machine beeps, whirs]
[Indistinct announcements
over PA.]

-[Breathing heavily]

[Train doors open]

[Exhales sharply]
-Hi, hope this isn't a bad time.
Ward 300 have asked me
to get a psych report.
About what happened
at the swings.
-Oh, well,
they're sleeping now.
It's rest time.
-Oh, I thought it would be
better to do it at the school.
Don't want to upset the parents.
W-We could just wake
one of them.
Nathan maybe?
-Does Paul know about this?
-Oh, yeah.
Uh, w-we'll be fine
from here, thanks.
Shall we come and sit over here?
So, Nathan.
Do you know
why I want to talk to you?
I just want to talk about
what happened on the swings.
-Nothing happened.
-Well, David got hurt.
So something must have happened.
Did David make you angry?
Did David's daddy
make you angry?
So you hurt David?
If I made you angry,
could you hurt me?
-I don't want to.
-But if you wanted to,
could you?
Is there someone else
that you've hurt?
Someone else who made you angry?
Nathan, the others are asleep,
they're not with you now.
It's okay.
It's okay, you can tell me.
They won't find out.
-They will. I can't.
-Nathan, talk to me.
Did Sunny's mummy
make you angry?
-[Shuddering breath]
-Did you hurt her?
-It was her fault.
-Why was it her fault?
Because she wanted
to take Sunny away?
Why are you having bad dreams?
You can tell me.
Evie is cold in her dreams.
-No, she isn't.
-Are you cold now?
-You're making me cold.
-I-I'm not trying to.
What's frightening you?
-Stop it.
-What are you dreaming
about, Nathan?
[Echoing] It's okay.
Tell me, Nathan.
Tell me about your dreams.
[Sounds distorting]
[Indistinct shouting]
-Let me out!
[Many voices]
Let us out! Let us out!
Let us out!
[Glass shatters]
-What's going on? Nathan?
-Mr. Clyde,
I didn't do anything!
It was her!

[Indistinct conversations]
-Local paper?
Local paper, sir?
Local paper, ma'am?
Local paper?
-You've reached Amrita Chohhan.
I can't get to the phone
right now,
but leave a message
after the beep.
-Hi, Amrita.
Please call me back.
I'm in London.
I need to speak to you.
[Siren wailing in distance]
[Horns honking]
-Alright, Zoe Moran.
Time to come clean.
What's wrong?
I've spent the last two hours
talking about myself.
My work,
my ridiculous love life.
You've barely said a word.
-You haven't even
drunk the wine.
What happened to that party girl
I used to know?
-Can't say.
-Is this what the countryside
does to people?
Go on.
Why did you call me?
Is it Sam?
Are you having problems?
-Honestly, I can't say.
-Zoe, has something happened?
-I think I'm going mad, Jamie.
-It's okay.
-I'm really going mad.
-Fuck's sake.
Why did you leave London?
You've lost touch
with all your friends.
I mean, I know
you wanted a baby,
but a kid can't be
the only thing in your life.
-She's not my kid.
She's not my kid.
-I can explain.
-No. No.
You don't have
to explain anything.
Sam Clyde called me
and he told me everything.
What the hell were you doing?
-I needed to talk
to the children.
I tried to call you.
-You have no authority
to speak to Nathan like that.
-I tried to call you!
Three times.
-You went behind my back.
His mother had to pick him up.
You scared the shit out of him.
-Yeah, because
I found something out.
-What, exactly?
-The children are having
a recurrent dream.
It's winter.
Frozen ground.
A room of some kind.
It's been happening
ever since Sunny came here.
Their behavior has become
more erratic.
It's like they're scared
of something.
Something they can't tell us.
I think it has something to do
with Amrita Chohhan.
What aren't you telling me?
-Nothing, Susannah.
-No, you're hiding something.
-No, not at all.
I am, however, concerned
that the children
may be triggering
your own memories.
-This isn't about me.
-We did speak about this
when you were first employed.
-Spoke about what?
-My past is my business.
And it has absolutely
no relevance whatsoever
to what is happening here.
-You have the tendency
to see malign intentions.
-I did. Once.
-In children.
-Not anymore.
-Does your daughter
even know what happened?
-[Exhales sharply]
-DCI Haynes is leading
the investigation
into the disappearance
of Amrita Chohhan.
Go home.
Leave the children alone.
[Door opens]
-What the hell was that about?
-There's something you need
to know about Susannah Zellaby.
-It's like they're in league
with the children.
They watch us all the time,
tell us how many visitors
we can have, what we can say,
what schools our kids go to,
who we can call on the phone.
And Sam acts like
it's totally normal.
I tried to fit in,
I tried so hard, but I can't.
-No, of course you can't.
-You can't tell anyone this.
I've signed NDAs, I'm legally
bound to say nothing.
-This is insane, Zoe.
-Please believe me.
-Yeah, of course I do.
Come here.
-It's not okay.
-It's not.

-Come on.
Let's go to mine.
It's what you wanted, isn't it?

What is it?
-Someone's watching us.
Okay. Cab's coming.
Come on.
-They know I'm here.
-They let me come here.
They wanted me to leave.
-Oh, my God.
I've been such a fool.
Sam's the one they want.
I've got to go.
I've got to go now.
-You -- You cannot tell anyone
what I told you.
You cannot say a fucking word.

[Door opens]
-Well, I guess
there's always next time, babe.
Yeah, I know.
Yeah, you too.
Alright, I'll talk to you later.
[Door closes]
What happened at the school?
They're -- they're all talking
about it, they're furious.
-I was just trying to understand
why the children
are sleeping so badly,
that's all.
-That's not what I heard.
Evie came home in tears.
-Who was that on the phone?
We were supposed to be
going out tonight.
But now Evie needs me,
so everything's screwed up.
-Well, you can
leave her with me.
-The fuck I can.
-Of course you can.
I'm her grandmother,
for God's sake.
Oh, Cass, come on.
I've been looking after her
with you now for two years.
You're young, you should go out
and have some fun.
Everything will be fine,
I promise.
Trust me.

[Line ringing]
-This is Zoe Moran.
Please leave a message.
Has something upset you?
-You let him shout at me,
Why did you do that?

[Door slams]
-Curtis, I wanna talk to you.
-What's this?
-Look, I don't want you
shouting at my kid,
accusing her of things
she didn't do, okay?
-Your kid?
-What did you say?
-You heard.
-Take that back.
I said take that back.
[Both grunting]
[Ominous music playing]

Stop it!
[Muffled shouting]

[Breathing heavily]
[Birds chirping]
-Where's Mummy going?
-Just to see a friend.
For a few hours.
-Why didn't she say goodbye?
-Well, because she wouldn't
have gone if she had.
She'll be back later,
and you and I
can spend some time together.
-You made her go.
-Where've you been?
-I had a meeting.
-I've been trying to call you
all afternoon.
He's asking after you.
That fucking shrink
really terrified him.
Paul, he sees you as a parent,
don't you understand that?
-Jesus Christ, Jodie, I've just
walked through the door.
-Okay, so if I threaten
to move out,
then you give me
the charm offensive.
it's just a brick wall.
-That's not what's happening.
Can I go and speak to Nathan,
-You're lying about something.
I need to know what it is.
-I'm not lying.
I just wanna go and see my boy.
-Your boy? He's my son!
-I've not finished. Paul!
Paul, can you come
back here, please?
Paul? Paul, come here!
-Nathan, sit down.
-Open the door! Open the door!
-Nathan, you listen to me
and you tell me truthfully.
-Open the door! I'm his mother!
-Amrita Chohhan.
Do you know what happened
to her?
Did you have anything
to do with that?
-This is ridiculous! Paul!
If you love me,
you'll tell me the truth.
-No, Dad.
We did nothing. I promise.
-Nathan, the others are asleep.
They're not with you now.
It's okay.
It's okay, you can tell me.
They won't find out.
-They will. I can't.
-Everything's okay.
It's okay.
You can tell me.
Tell me, Nathan.
Tell me about your dreams.
-Hi, Granny.
[Sighs] Jesus.

I thought you were
angry with me.
-I'm not angry.
Can we go for a walk?
-What, now? Well
It's past your bedtime.
I want to tell you
about my dream.
-I didn't know
you liked it out here.
-I love it, Granny.
Who would true valor see ♪
Let him come hither ♪
-You like that song, don't you?
-It's the school hymn.
[Continues singing
Granny, did you and Mummy
used to take walks like this?
When she was little?
-Yeah. 'Course we did.
-It must have been so nice.
-Look. Evie.
I think you should
tell me about your dream.
-Can we play
hide-and-seek first?
-Okay. One game.
And then we sit down
and you tell me everything.
Everything you know.
-Okay. I'll hide.
-One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Coming, ready or not!
[Birds calling]
Now, where could she be?
Is she over here?

Who's behind here?
[Birds squawking]
[Ominous music plays]

-Everything okay?
-Then what is it?
-Evie's worried.
She thinks Dr. Zellaby's
going to hurt her.
-Yeah, no. I-I don't know.
I just -- I have this feeling
that I should be
with Evie tonight, yeah.
[Vehicle approaching]
Hold on.
I'll call you back.
Is your mother in?
I need to talk to her.
-She just texted me.
Her and Evie have gone
for a walk.
[Faint humming]

Evie, where are you?
-We know what you did, Granny.
-It was you.
-It was you.
-Hi, Granny.
-You have a tendency to see
malign intentions in children.
-Not anymore.
-She hurt me. It was her.
Let him come hither ♪
[Indistinct singing]

-You think we're bad.
You want us to die.
-Evie, get off the track.

[Alarm blaring]
No! Evie!
Please come back!
You're going to hurt me!
[Horn blowing]
No! Evie!
-Help me!
-Come to me!
-Mum? What's going on?
-She tried to hurt me!
-No, Cassie!
No. No, Cassie!
-What have you done?!
-I need you to come with me.
[Horn blowing]
You have to listen to me.
-He told me. In the car.
He's told me everything.
Just leave us alone, okay?
-Cassie, wait!
-You're a liar and you're
not safe to live with.
-[Breathing heavily]
-It's alright. It's okay.
[Door opens]
-Oh, my God.
-I'm okay.
-What happened?
Who did this?
But it was my fault.
I oo
I instigated it.
-It was Hannah.
She made me do it.
-I'll get some cream
for the bruise--
-No, just s-stay with me,
f-for a bit.
Where did you go?
-Just away, Sam.
-A-Away where?
-It doesn't matter.
What matters is that I'm back.
-I wanna get out of this, Zoe.
But I don't know how.
-It's okay.
We are going to get out
of this together.
We're gonna find a way.

-I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.

In April ♪
I open my bill ♪
In May ♪
I sing night and day ♪
In June ♪
I change my tune ♪
In July ♪
Far, far I fly ♪
In August ♪
Away ♪
Away ♪
Away ♪
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