The Minions of Midas (2020) s01e04 Episode Script


[shower running]
[Luis] It looks like they're
bringing out the big guns.
The negative press about Industrial.
They want us swimming in shit.
So what's our defense?
We deny everything.
They're grasping at straws.
They have no proof. It's all conjecture,
half-truths, and badly written headlines.
Are you being honest?
Where's that famous indignation of yours?
This subdued Luis is making me nervous.
They're kicking you in the balls,
doesn't it hurt?
- I don't believe this.
- It's not that simple.
Forgive me, but you weren't here. Huh?
I have been defending this fort
for decades okay.
Without reinforcements, and bullets
Okay, I get it, spare me the lecture.
What are you saying?
The press, the paper,
is straddling both sides of a fence.
There's pressure on both sides.
You can defend freedom
I don't want to hear
about pressure or the press.
I want to know
if there's any truth to these rumors.
- Let's talk about this over a drink.
- No, absolutely not.
[Luis sighs]
In 2011 we made a pact…
with the government.
It's nothing all the media
doesn't do eventually, right?
It's a pact of non-aggression.
The non-aggression evolved
into a mutually beneficial collaboration.
- Did the old man know?
- Of course, for fuck's sake.
When the old man says find a solution,
you find a solution, what could I do?
Alfaad's story, was it part of this?
Yes, he got the info from the government,
they were capitalizing
on his change of heart.
So I sent Mónica.
I knew she'd get to the bottom of it.
But it's all true.
The story Alfaad told.
Even though it was administered.
This pact…
It's just for the newspaper right?
Was money involved?
- Don't you know me?
- After hearing this, I’m not sure.
Is there proof, or any documents?
Yes, I have them. Don't worry.
I want them here immediately.
Why? I said have them.
- What do you think I'm going to do?
- Bring them here. I'll keep them.
We will survive this, Víctor.
We can adapt.
It's what we do.
[Víctor] Get back to work.
[door opens]
[indistinct chatter]
The body fell on a vehicle
that was parked in front of the building.
…the funeral service will be at 5:00 p.m.
in the cemetery…
[priest] The innocent life here cut short
will find a peaceful and eternal rest.
Because the venerable age has one concern
and that is living justly.
He is in the loving hands of our Lord.
He joins the honorable and just
in the Kingdom of Heaven.
And although we cannot know God's will,
we know God loved him,
as he loves us all.
We all see God's love.
We feel it, without understanding.
God's love surrounds us and comforts us.
Feel it now. Like a warm embrace.
[Víctor] I don't know any of them.
Who are they?
All of them were at the demonstration.
We'll have the intel on them soon.
Nobody, huh?
Thank you.
I tried to get approval for one payment,
to catch them at the drop.
And obviously we would have
asked for your consent.
I didn't get approval.
I don't know why I shared that.
We'll investigate any leads.
And keep digging.
You sound desperate, Mr. Conte.
You've got nothing.
You're as lost as you were at the start.
Well, it's always like this:
Follow the threads of the investigation
and out of nowhere, one thread leads
straight to the answer.
Thank you for your time.
I'll put up the five million!
Just so you know, there's no guarantee.
We could lose it all.
If I request the money tomorrow,
it'll be available next day.
A day before it's due.
I'll put together a team
from the Technical Brigade.
They're the best in their field.
I'll put the ad in the paper tomorrow
as soon as it’s confirmed.
Thank you.
Have a good night.
[Mauro] All in cash,
into your private account.
By tomorrow.
Transferred for everyone to see.
A five with six zeros after it.
And no insurance to cover the transaction.
Sell the shares in Numantina.
And some shares of Provetesa
and any recent investments
that look weak. Thoughts?
Right, um, maybe it's a good time to sell
the newspaper, the value has risen.
Then I'm afraid you'll have to lose
some stake in the Group.
Otherwise, we won't get there, Víctor.
Okay. Put it together.
Get me something today.
Are you in some trouble
you want to tell me about?
I'm fine, really. Gonna help some people
and the police will be monitoring it.
No more questions.
Five million, Víctor. Christ.
That’ll surely bring you down
a few notches on Fortune 500.
Congratulations on your generosity.
Police will be reaching out
to arrange the permits.
[Tucho] And you're a police officer.
And you got training
at that school in Avila.
You're a mathematician and chief hacker
for the Technical Brigade?
You got my resume, right?
[Conte] Álex. Ahem.
Just so you know, I'm absolutely useless
with all this stuff, okay?
It’s just me and technology
don’t get along
So I’m asking you please to explain it
to me like I was in kindergarten.
What's gonna happen tomorrow?
As soon as they send the account number
we’ll be able to locate it.
That part is fast and easy
but of course, they’ll be expecting that.
They likely will have programmed
the transfer
to move rapidly into numerous accounts
that we can't track.
That's always where the trail runs cold.
But this time we're not gonna lose it.
[Álex] And that's saying a lot.
My software is faster than previous ones.
It's based on a random attempt
to tap the net
- with a very high frequency rate
- How much faster is this thing?
A little bit faster.
Is this software
the best option available to us?
If there's a better one, it's unknown.
[Conte] Genovés.
- The money will be ready tomorrow.
- [Daniel] Víctor.
Our team is all prepped.
I'm gonna place the ad now.
Good, and please use
a personal email when you do it.
And be sure to cancel
any calls or appointments
you might have today and tomorrow.
They'll respond quickly.
Right. Understood.
Thank you.
We'll talk after there's an answer.
[Víctor] We're cutting it close.
Soon as we park, we have to run.
That'll give us a good warm up.
[Natalia] I think we have something.
[Natalia] By the time stamp
and GPS location,
this seems to be the fight
where the protester died.
This guy's close to the action.
Pull up the other video.
[Tucho] This footage was taken
minutes before the boy fell,
at an office up the street
from the restaurant.
[Conte] Can I see the guy
from the protest again, please?
How long will it take to track him down?
[Natalia] The images aren't very clear,
and he doesn't seem to have
any defining characteristics.
Maybe in the next hour
or maybe we never find him.
Put anyone not following
the money on this. Right away.
[man reading] Dear Mr. Genovés,
We have received your message
of acceptance and we are delighted.
[cell phone vibrates]
Finally, the long wait will
have been worthwhile for everyone.
[woman] They responded. They've responded!
[man reading]
The instructions are easy to follow:
Tomorrow, the 30th, at 10:00 a.m. sharp,
you must be at your computer
logged into your bank's website.
At that time, we will send you
the account number,
and you will initiate the transfer.
Five million euros,
ten percent of the agreed total.
Should that transfer not be made
in a timely manner,
or we detect the slightest
suspicious activity,
on the 31st,
the killings will start again,
following the established deadlines.
Until tomorrow, cordially yours,
The Minions of Midas.
[elevator dings]
[soft jazz music playing]
[Mónica] How are you?
I'm fine.
I can't get it out of my head.
[door closes]
Let's tell the truth.
Publish it everywhere.
I can help you tell the truth.
Are you serious right now?
I would be ruined.
I appreciate you trying to help. I do.
But can't you see how
that would affect my reputation?
I'd be finished.
It would take down the company down too.
We could explain it in a way
that people would understand.
You think, right now, that's possible?
In this climate?
A millionaire lets people die
so he can keep his money.
That's how they'll see it.
They're gonna crucify me.
And the police would be caught
with their pants down.
Everyone has to know
that these fucking bastards exist.
People are dying, Víctor.
Mónica, no one's gonna stop dying
because of the article.
All we'd be doing
is adding fuel to the fire.
And where's your responsibility
as a journalist?
Don't you see the hysteria
that would provoke?
What can we do about it, then?
I'm making the first payment.
You jumped in before I could tell you.
You're paying?
I sent them an email.
They responded. Look.
This plan, it has to work out.
We're out of options.
How much time do you have
for the next payment?
Until they kill again?
No idea, we'll wait for new instructions.
But we'll catch them before then.
"Catch them"?
Yeah, by tracking the money.
That's the plan anyway.
Put a hook in the water.
You could just pay them… for real.
No, I can't pay them.
And I shouldn't.
I thought you understood.
- You can stop all this.
- And what happens after that?
What, you think
we could all sleep easier?
How many others will be killed
if I'm funding them.
If I put, not five,
but 50 million Euros in their hands?
If I pay them…
they win.
I want us to go somewhere, far away.
Tomorrow, right after you’re done paying.
The sea, or London.
Or my place.
With a suitcase.
Does that sound far enough away?
AMOUNT: 5,000,000
[Conte] Are you ready?
Yeah, I'm ready.
Just putting in the details.
[cell phone vibrates]
[Natalia] Message from Midas!
It’s the account number.
We're locating the account now.
You can enter the number,
but wait before confirming the transfer.
Got it. Bank of Macaronesia.
Central District.
Get warrants for
the managers and directors.
You've entered the numbers?
- Yeah.
- Good, now add your signature and wait.
Send it.
The money's in the account.
Waiting for it to move to track it.
[man] It's moving.
[Conte] Thanks, Genovés.
I'll call back with an update.
[Mónica] Five million.
Tell me you have the day off.
The rest of the day is free.
[Mónica] I'll put on some music.
I don't really get jazz.
You can't be my boss and my lover.
I wasn't joking.
Not if I want to keep my independence
as a journalist.
Once this nightmare's over,
I'm quitting The Observer.
I don't think that's a good idea.
Don't worry.
I shouldn't have a problem
finding another job.
Trust me.
[Víctor laughs]
Because if you did have one…
then we wouldn't be seeing each other.
["Te Quiero" by Hombres G
playing on record player]
We're the generation of anarchy.
All of us.
The rich and the… less rich.
It's disappeared.
[Álex] It just vanished.
I don't understand what happened,
it suddenly disappeared.
[keyboard clacking]
[Raúl] The money could've reached Manila
by now and been converted, Alfredo.
Into paper currency.
How the fuck did you do this?
I'll just pretend you're not here.
[chuckles] You're a bastard.
[Víctor] There's a party tonight.
I think we should go.
[jazz playing]
Are you sure?
I get the feeling that your kind
of parties are a bit different than mine.
No, it's an eclectic group.
It'll be good for us.
We'll have each other.
[Natalia] If you darken his hair a bit.
I’m not sure.
Maybe, just maybe, this could be him.
He's the only lead that we have.
Which makes me think that maybe
the protester isn't Spanish.
Detain him for questioning anyway.
Check all incoming flights to Madrid,
for the day of the protest
and the one before.
That's a lot of people,
it'll take a while.
Only Madrid?
How about our hacker?
There's one piece of good news, Alfredo.
Nobody's gonna die tomorrow.
- Come on in.
- Thank you.
This is Mónica Báez.
Chief Inspector Alfredo Conte, Ms. Báez.
Mónica knows, so go ahead. She’s with me.
We've lost the trail, Mr. Genovés.
We don't know what tech
they used to evade us,
but the money's disappeared.
Do you know if I can fire you, Mr. Conte?
No, afraid not.
[Mónica] And you’re sure the money’s gone?
I'm sorry.
It was a calculated risk
and it had to be taken.
A risk?
It was five million euros.
[sighs] Well, that money
has saved a life today…
if it's any consolation to you.
Tomorrow no one will die.
- [Mónica] But do they know that
- No, for them a payment was made.
You completed your part of the deal.
And we've also gained a week.
It wasn't in vain.
[Conte] That extra time is really our
only hope for the moment, Mr. Genovés.
I'll speak to my superiors and see about
getting you reimbursed
for all the money you lost.
It's not about the fucking money!
No, of course not.
Thanks for meeting with me.
[Víctor] Conte.
I'm sorry.
You're right. One life spared.
One week.
[reporter on radio] Authorities warn
of an increase in violence tonight,
reaching its peak tomorrow
due to a demonstration organized
in response to the break
in negotiations between the government
and the leaders of the Spanish protests.
The Ministry of…
So, what happened to your car?
No idea. It wouldn't start.
… of the Spanish protests
and the Ministry's leaders…
It's gonna be hell tomorrow.
…spokesperson Cordero,
there aren't going to be any changes
to their stance on the protestors' issues.
They feel there is no…
Hopefully I'll get
a full night's sleep for once. Right?
I know it's only a week, but…
[siren blaring]
I hardly sleep anyway.
They have pills for that.
Sure works for me.
We could always have a couple of beers.
My kid's waiting for me.
Fucking hell.
I love you.
[dance music playing]
[crowd cheering]
What a lovely pair.
It's such an honor to have you here.
[Jose chuckles]
José Alva, the queen of the party,
and this is Mónica Báez.
- [Jose] The Syrian princess.
- [laughs]
My compliments on the articles
you’ve published. Marvelous work
I appreciate that.
But I'm only the messenger.
Can I steal you two?
I need a break from greeting all
these people, my hand is going numb.
[Víctor] Congrats on the party,
it's spectacular.
[Jose] It has to be…
if we want to entice people like you
to partner with us
- and to be our ambassadors to Spain.
- [Víctor laughs]
You think you're a country now, huh?
The only box we don't have checked,
is territory.
But having territory is so obsolete.
It’s so dull, who cares?
Can I publish that?
Of course, be my guest.
Tell me who wouldn't agree with that?
Countries are ripe with
corruption and problems.
If only they could be eliminated.
Our goal, is to give people
what they want, when they want it,
and as cheaply as possible.
Some say, those who can afford to,
"That's scandalous."
They think companies should teach us.
Or set an example.
But who wants that?
Companies are machines with no ideologies.
Beautiful, and unstoppable.
Give me just one minute.
All I can say is she's the best
at what she does, you know?
I’m sure she is.
I know mixing drinks is bad,
but after the day we've had.
You choose, I'll follow your lead, huh?
[dance music playing]
So this is the VIP section
at the VIP party?
There's always a room more VIP
than the last one.
Care if I smoke?
Of course.
This moment at parties,
don't you just love it?
See, it always happens the same way.
It's the moment everyone knows
the party is coming to an end
but nobody wants to leave.
The one's who wanted to go home have gone.
And then suddenly…
this thirst to want to enjoy it
even more emerges,
a desire for something to happen.
You know…
the whole time in Syria
I was scared shitless.
I wasn't even listening to Alfaad.
All I could see
was a city destroying itself.
But I wonder…
What do you wonder?
- What I'm wondering is
- She wonders…
if we'll ever have that same opportunity
for redemption.
You two can't be serious?
Our winner, what a lucky lady.
Don't be shy now, come up. There she is.
[man] Everyone shut up. This one’s mine.
Take a look. This is a rare gem,
a real collectors' item.
- Starting bid at 1,000.
- [man 1] Two thousand.
- [man 2] 2,500!
- Are they bidding on her?
[woman] Twenty five hundred? Going once?
- Three thousand.
- Three thousand? Anyone else?
Forty one hundred!
The same as likes on Facebook,
but with money.
- [man 2] Fifty-five hundred!
- Fifty-five hundred!
It looks like fun.
[man] Fifteen hundred here!
Fifteen hundred!
Going once?
Nobody wants to go home.
[woman] Fifteen hundred going twice…
Last chance, people…
- Sold to her own loving husband!
- My turn. My turn! All right.
[indistinct chatter]
All of this…
the extortion…
It's coincided with our relationship.
They've unfolded almost in parallel.
How did you manage that?
How'd you move yourself to feel anything?
I told you yesterday.
And I've only said it to one other person.
I love you.
That's what kept me going.
No one will die tomorrow.
But someone will next week.
Drop me at my mother's house, please.
[cell phone vibrates]
[cell phone vibrates]
[Conte] Genovés.
They haven't taken the money.
What do you mean by that?
They didn't try to hide it
like we originally thought.
They divided it.
That's why we couldn't find it.
So do you know who it's divided among?
That's the problem.
It's divided into 10,000 parts.
What are you saying to me, Inspector?
They've divided it up into 10,000 parts
equaling 500 Euros apiece
then put it into 10,000 accounts.
At random.
Basically throwing the money
into the wind.
Why would they do that?
Because they were on to us.
By dividing it up,
they've sent us a message:
There's no deal.
And I'm afraid the countdown is still on.
There will be another victim.
[Álex sighs]
The trail can't end here.
They would've had to hack
all these accounts.
All that for just a message, really?
Look for patterns in the account numbers.
What do you think they're gonna do?
I don't know…
nobody believes this Robin Hood facade.
If they divided it,
they can bring it back together again.
And they started bidding.
The first guy went for 5,000 Euros.
Five thousand? I hope he was pretty hot.
But the party's not
why you're feeling down?
I'm in a world I don’t… don't understand.
Can we know what the moral price
of possessing is?
If I own a thing
the survival of people depends on…
why withhold what they need?
All for myself.
What's ownership,
even if something’s legal?
Nobody talks about that.
Did you take some drugs there?
I'm only stating the facts.
Right now,
there's a moral price to possession.
A possibility that someone
takes what you have by force.
The possibility of violence.
That's why people buy guns
and security systems.
Are you in love with him?
Listen, after 11 years
with a terrible piano player,
I can admit that it wasn't worth it.
It's a pity, but that's life.
At times the price is too high.
[man] It's moving.
The money is moving again
from the accounts.
Got you.
They're no Robin Hood.
[Conte] What do you mean
the money is moving?
Two minutes away from ID-ing
the owner of the account.
- [engine starting]
- Let’s go, come on, come on!
We’re out in less than two. Get ready!
Set up a perimeter around the rioting.
[Álex] Got the address.
We got it!
Bank of Ilicitno. 23 De Huesas Street.
Looking up the owner.
I need a search on him.
Armando Gómez Pujalte.
ID 53 850 206 M. 146 Bronce Street.
- [Conte] Send over two patrol cars.
- [woman] We have an image.
[Conte] For fuck's sake.
- Let’s get all units after him now.
- [Natalia] Get me his cell phone number!
I want four patrol cars to his house
and more on standby
for when we get the number. Move!
[sirens wailing]
[man reading] Dear Mr. Genovés,
A new day, a new crime because of you.
We are disheartened to see how unwilling
you are to accept our conditions,
how you will use any means
necessary to protect your fortune.
[cat meows]
[man reading] And yet,
you will find we are undeterred.
We are a people of our word…
and we have no doubts that you,
when you finally overcome
your reservations,
will be one as well.
[on radio] Dispatch, confirming
the location of the cellphone.
The phone is in the home of the suspect.
I repeat, the phone
is in the home of the suspect.
[man reading]
The money you've transferred to us
has been deposited into an account.
We planned to choose
an account number at random,
but did you know that
it's actually impossible
to generate a number at random?
Not even computers
are capable of doing it.
They create something that
resembles chance, but it's not pure.
[siren wails]
"Chance" as it's known by us humans,
when it manifests in our world…
…is an infinite pattern of coincidences
that meet time and time again.
[line ringing]
You got the email?
I have it.
[siren wails]
But, truthfully, who doesn't
have an account number these days?
No one.
Randomly choose anyone, you'll find
they have at least one account number.
And there's no better example of chance
than the one provided by the police,
with their haphazard
and failed investigations.
[siren wailing]
[Tucho] Freeze! Police! Get on the ground!
- Get down!
- Slowly!
- Drop the sign!
- On the ground!
Get on the ground!
Don't let him put anything in his mouth!
[man reading]
How many coincidences need to happen
so the same person is present
at two different crime scenes,
without being the killer?
[Raúl] Watch your head.
Such a coincidence,
such an accumulation of coincidences,
surpasses the world's
most advanced computer's attempt
to generate randomness
through a software program.
Oh, fuck!
The die has been cast, Mr. Genovés.
Once again you have tried
to avoid your responsibility,
attempting to deceive us
with marked money.
Well, here is the result.
[man reading]
Chance has once again done our work for us
and another protester has been taken out.
In the middle of a revolt
that we all know is unstoppable,
will someone mourn him?
You, perhaps?
Wishing you the necessary strength
to stay determined,
or the sufficient lucidity
to change direction.
Cordially yours,
The Minions of Midas.
[indistinct chatter]
[chatter stops]
Armando Gómez Pujalte.
He was our main suspect yesterday.
And now he's another victim.
How can the criminals know
who the suspects are?
I think everyone in this room
knows the answer to that question.
We learned it in the academy.
I want your badges and IDs right now.
From all of you.
Tomorrow you will be questioned
by Internal Affairs.
And any officer who doesn't show up
will have an APB put out on them.
I hope I've made myself perfectly clear.
- Alfredo, I don't think this
- Your badge on my desk, Natalia.
What if you’re the one who’s compromised?
Don’t take me for some imbecile.
We all know it's impossible for them
to have known the identity of the suspect.
They're getting into our veins.
Like fucking cockroaches,
The Minions of Midas.
They're poison.
A cancer.
Tomorrow if the entire gang died,
we would still have fucking deaths
every five days.
And we would still be standing around,
absolutely worthless,
unable to stop it!
Go home.
You need to get some rest.
Your badge, Natalia.
You'll end up seeing I'm right.
Remember what I’m telling you.
Everyone else do the same.
[electric guitar strumming]
This is yours.
I came to give it to you
and to tell you I can't.
[inhales] I can't be with you
while people are dying.
- Mónica, please. No, don't
- I can't love you like this!
[elevator dings]
[distant helicopter whirring]
[newscaster] We return
to our continued coverage
from the streets of central Madrid
where we have seen the worst day by far
since the start of the Spanish Revolt.
More than 300 people have been arrested,
46 injured,
three of them in critical condition
and two new deaths
in addition to the loss of Javier Piñares.
The Minister of Internal Affairs
admitted this evening
that the situation
is spiraling into chaos.
And all this one week
before the start of the Summit
of European leaders
at the nation's capital.
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