The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

15th Birthday

Tomorrow, at midnight
on my 15th birthday, I will disappear.
Does this have something to do
with why she called you a magic doll?
A magic doll isn't quite right.
Misha Necron
has never existed in this world.
You mean that you were
actually Sasha all along.
What? How did you
Before she left, Sasha unilaterally
annulled her Zect with you.
Normally, that would be impossible.
However, if the two bound by Zect
are the same person, then it is possible.
2,000 years ago, there was magic
to divide one person into two.
Ivis Necron did this.
When we were born,
my soul was split from Sasha's soul.
Someone who was never meant to exist.
That is who I am.
Did Ivis cast some sort of
fusion magic on you at the same time?
Magic to fuse two essences
cannot last long.
The same goes for the magic
that divided you.
Eventually, you will reunite.
He intends to use your unique qualities
to create an even stronger demon.
The division refusion
reincarnation spell, Dino Jixis.
What a ludicrous spell he's invented.
I wanted to have a normal life,
but my fate is predetermined.
I disappear and Sasha stays.
I decided that was fine.
These 15 years would be my whole life.
I wanted to create memories,
but since I was seen as non-existent,
no demon would ever talk to me,
or so I thought.
You talked to me, Anos.
You became my friend.
A miracle occurred
in the short span of my life,
even though I was never supposed to exist.
I'm sorry.
What are you apologizing for?
Because I became your friend
You idiot.
You absolute fool!
There are two things
which I have never known.
Regret and the impossible.
I will grant your wish.
I want to make up with Sasha.
All right.
Misha, will you promise me something?
Until your final moment,
live as though you have a tomorrow.
All right.
Then first, let's catch Sasha.
Hey, Sasha.
Was that your doing as well?
Misha said she wants to make up with you.
What kind of idiot are you?
Did you forget what I just did to you?
I want to know the truth.
Sasha, do you hate me?
Hey, how about another wager?
What kind of wager?
I'll draw two magic circles.
If you can activate those magic circles,
I'll answer her question.
If you can't, you'll do what I say.
You're a stubborn one.
I'll finish them by midnight.
Before she disappears, that is.
I accept the wager.
Out of respect for your reckless courage,
I'll turn a blind eye until you finish.
They're done.
Zexis and Delt.
I invented these spells.
Zexis aligns two essences.
You only need to activate Zexis.
I see.
You never intended to win.
I can't possibly activate
a spell this powerful.
Very well.
You're shrewd and have
a good force of will.
I'll take the victory you're offering me.
I win this wager. Answer Misha's question.
Misha, you're going to disappear soon.
You never existed in the first place.
I'm just going to return
to the way I was meant to be.
If only I could have thought
of things that way.
When I couldn't control
the Magic Eyes of Destruction
and everyone else avoided me,
you stayed by me with a smile.
Thanks to you, I could go outside.
But you didn't exist,
so you were always alone.
You said that it was fate,
but I believed
that magic could change that.
I studied long and hard.
Fifteen years I've lived long enough,
so I'm giving the rest of my life to you.
Delt will turn you into the original.
There's only one condition
for it to activate.
You have to reject me.
It's all right.
You can do it.
I've done all this to make you hate me.
I'm destroying this stupid fate.
All right, little doll.
I've always hated you,
from the very beginning.
From the very beginning,
I've always
loved you.
Good day to you.
I wish you the best, Misha.
It failed? Why?
I'm sorry.
I don't know why you lie,
I love you, your awkward nature and all.
You idiot!
I did such terrible things to you!
Please! Just reject me!
If you don't, you won't be saved!
It's okay.
I never existed in the first place.
I don't want that!
Please! Don't disappear!
I'm merely going to become part of you.
I'll always be with you.
I made up with her.
There's nothing else that I want.
I've had two miracles in my life.
What are you talking about?
The real miracle begins now.
Anos, can you make me
disappear in Misha's place?
No, I don't want that.
Please, Anos! Save Misha!
That reminds me. During the nature
assessment part of the entrance exam,
there was a question.
Suppose you had a daughter who was strong
but lacking in Demon King nature
and a son who was weak
but brimming with Demon King nature.
If both were on the brink of death,
which should you save?
My answer was to save both.
That's impossible!
All you need to do is change the past
so that you were two different demons
from the beginning.
Different demons?
But how?
Your essences will become one soon,
but if two more of your essences
were here, what would happen?
Regardless of the combination,
the four would become two.
I'll send two essences back
15 years into the past with Revide.
If they fuse there, you will be born
as two demons with different essences.
The two of you will be
the ones who travel back in time.
Wait! We can't possibly
cast magic that powerful!
I'll give you some of my mana with Gaize.
What you need to do is behold
your own origins with your own eyes,
and to do that,
you must do one other thing.
The origin necessary
to use Revide is the Ancestor.
In other words, me.
Don't believe in some
fake Ancestor. Believe in me.
If there's any chance of it working
I'll believe you.
Don't forget that.
I tell you now as a parting gift,
Anos Voldigoad.
Via the effects of Dino Jixis, these girls
will become the vessel of the Ancestor.
My King shall awaken.
Even though he's already awake?
I was expecting you to come, Ivis Necron.
Did you think destroying my heart
was enough to make me die?
Sorry, but I don't have time
to play games with you.
Now then, we're doing this.
What's going on?
They're here.
When you try to change the past,
the gods of time come from the God Realm.
That's a god?
The Guardian of Time, Eugo la Lavias.
I'd appreciate it
if you could look the other way.
We're simply saving a single demon.
You who dare to corrupt
the flow of time will be punished.
He's healed?
No, his time was reversed.
I grant you the power of a god of time.
Destroy Anos Voldigoad!
Even you couldn't have predicted
something like this.
Pointless if one can stop time.
I am now indestructible!
What's more,
your weakness is clear to see!
You prepared a vessel for your King
and you'd destroy it to kill me?
You do not have the time to speak!
It is impossible for you
to change the past in this situation!
That's enough!
At this rate, all three of us
You can still survive!
I told you to believe in me.
Who am I?
This isn't the time for that
I thought you would
protect them until the end.
Be consumed by eternity
and disappear.
Foolish Ancestor!
You cannot change fate!
From the moment I became invincible
No! From the moment you fled
from battle 2,000 years ago,
this conclusion was already
It seems you haven't
forgotten me after all.
I'm certain I killed you!
Do you think being killed
is enough for me to die?
Don't act so surprised.
I simply came back to life.
You cast magic with only your essence?
Even so
Stop, hands, stop, time,
for all things everywhere,
for all eternity!
Stop, clock, stop, time!
Do you think stopping time
is enough to stop my advance?
How can such mana be possible?
Even the power of the gods
does not approach it!
No! I cannot possibly lose!
The flow of time cannot be changed.
That is the law of nature.
Fate as it is determined by the gods!
Sasha said she would destroy such fate.
Misha said that
two miracles happened in her life.
No one will believe in you!
No miracles will happen!
I am not one to quietly stand by while you
sneer at the souls of my descendants.
You still consider yourself
the Demon King, foolish Ancestor?
What is the Demon King?
Is it a power?
Is it a title? Is it a right?
It is all of that!
It's none of them.
It's me, as I am.
Sasha, if you so wish,
I will destroy fate.
Misha, if you believe that miracles
happened, I will make them real.
Don't wish. Don't pray.
Simply walk behind me.
Anything and everything unreasonable
that stands in your way,
I will destroy, starting now!
Anos, Sasha and I
Lend us your power, Anos!
I don't want to lose to this stupid fate!
-I finally understand!
-I finally understand!
-You have awakened!
-You have awakened!
Then swear once more!
Swear that you will believe
in Anos Voldigoad!
-I will!
-I will!
If our hands
can reach into the past
-we can be together forever.
-we can be together forever.
Very well done.
How can this be?
My plan of 2,000 years!
Rejoice, Ivis.
Now I can finally play with you.
What is that?
Have you forgotten where we are?
This is my castle, Delsgade.
Do you know what it means
to fight the Demon King in his castle?
Allow me to show you.
There are no records
of the Ancestor wielding a magic sword!
All who saw it were extinguished,
including their essences.
The Reason Destroyer, Venz D'Noa.
The magic sword of the Ancestor,
which destroys all.
It will not reverse
The order of the gods.
Carve this into your skull along
with your fear, so you never forget.
I am the Demon King, Anos Voldigoad.
Curse you.
You do not belong in this reality.
You misfit!
Awaken, my servant who bears my blood.
The Reason Destroyer, Venz D'Noa
extinguished the essences
of a demon and Guardian,
but it seems there was
one more essence present.
Forgive me, my liege,
Demon King Anos Voldigoad.
What happened?
I do not know.
Many of my memories remain erased.
Most likely, I was killed and my essence
was fused with and controlled by someone.
So the one I spoke to before
was that someone?
It is likely.
Accept this. Your correct memories,
at least what I remember.
The one controlling you was likely
a servant of Avos Dilhevia.
Make them believe that you died here.
Investigate them,
starting with the Seven Ancients.
Yes, my liege.
Is it over?
Now, should we head back?
We'll receive full marks
if we arrive by nine.
If you can do all that, do grades matter?
I've changed the past several times,
but I've never received full marks
on an exam before.
It's almost dawn.
I'm fine.
I'm just a little tired.
What? I'll pick it up
as many times as needed.
It's a good luck charm, right?
My guardians were very kind to me.
I was too scared to read it
because I thought yesterday
would be my last day.
I wanted you to live.
I wanted the same.
I wanted you to live.
I said that I hated you.
I'm sorry.
Peace isn't half bad.
No dying for foolish reasons.
I was tired of fighting all the time,
so I reincarnated,
but I didn't imagine this.
This is a good age.
This is the world I wanted to create.
Misha, give me your hand.
It seems it would fit this one best.
The ring I was looking at?
There's no need for you
to be reserved any longer.
Happy birthday.
Happy birthday, Misha.
Thank you.
You too, Sasha.
Thank you so much,
King Anos.
What are you laughing at?
Where did the girl rushing
headlong to kiss me go?
-It wasn't like that!
Friends! A kiss as friends!
There's nothing else to it!
How long are you going to laugh,
stupid crossbreed?
Calling your Ancestor a crossbreed?
Ancestor or not, in this age,
your body's a crossbreed!
That's the spirit. Just like that.
I don't need you to tell me!
Treat me the same as before too, Misha.
Anos, you're my friend.
You should both come to my place today.
I'm certain Mom is waiting with a feast.
Next episode, "Transfer Student."
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