The Moodys (US) (2019) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

1 - - Christmas time, oh, Christmas time The end of the year Listen, have a safe flight and a merry Smiles ear to ear Gather round the Christmas tree Gifts for everyone Merry time for you and me - Now Christmas has come - ANN: Well he almost brought a girl home for Christmas.
- Yeah, perfect pitch, too.
- Yeah.
But the good news is, Tony says he's finishing up today.
Oh, well, if Tony says it Honey, give the guy a chance.
- Okay? - Well, I just there's been so many chances.
You are getting that bathroom before Christmas.
Tony's a closer.
Sean, we're leaving in five! Let's go! Stop yelling.
He's in the RV.
- How many sandwiches did you make? - Too many.
- You know why? - Why? It's a big day.
I'm working with my boy, and we are gonna eat like kings.
So, yeah.
I think, uh, Ali and I can still be friends.
Dude, she's gone.
You don't have to talk like that anymore.
- I hate that I did that to her.
- Okay.
For whose benefit are you saying these things? These walls don't have ears.
We all know you're gonna take a hard charge at Cora.
No, I'm not.
Okay, I'm obviously into Cora, but I'm not gonna blow up my relationship with Marco.
I only met her, like, two days ago.
I'm not that guy.
I'm not a bad guy.
I know that.
I don't know that the - Internet knows that.
- Merry [BLEEP.]
Christmas! I told you to take that down last night.
Dan, it's getting so many likes.
: Sean! - I said I'd be ready at 8:00! It's 7:56! I-I'm gonna have to draw boundaries all day long.
Can't believe Dad finally wore you down.
You will never know the burden of being the eldest.
Enjoy your freedom, Daniel.
It comes at a great price.
- Hey, Monty.
- What are you doing here? Going for a run with Bridget.
Sets the tone for the whole day.
- Guys want to come? - Ah.
Street or turf? - Track indoor.
- You're going to work.
Uh, so I am.
Yeah, I can't come.
But I'll see you tonight at the tournament.
If I were you, I'd get there early.
- We might sell out.
- It's high school wrestling.
There's literally never been a sellout.
Except for that year when that kid was always getting boners.
Yeah, Tommy Martingano.
Actually, really successful real estate broker now.
- Hmm.
- I'm telling you guys, lot of hype this year.
Just be ready.
Got this senior going at 152.
Last week, won at 160.
Week before that, freakin' 170.
Kid can drop weight like Christian Bale.
And I'm talking, like, Machinist Christian Bale.
Who you got going at 113? - That's the power spot.
- That's the prepubescent spot.
Your career was over the second your balls dropped.
Hey, can you tell Bridget I'm out here stretching? You-You're literally about to go for a run.
You can't walk 40 feet? I woke up tight as a snare drum.
Yeah, it's all the way down to the hams.
Bridget, get up! Monty's here! Cooler, coffee.
And you might want to use the facilities now, because there's gonna be a lot of traffic because of how late we're starting.
It's 8:02 a.
Could we please start the day a little less crazy? - 8:03.
- Hey, Dan, do you have plans this morning? I could use some help wrapping presents.
- Sure.
- Yay.
And then maybe we can dive into your self-destructive relationship patterns.
- Okay.
I am kidding.
Although if you want to talk about it, we can.
I mean, Jennifer in my study group has some ideas.
I thought they were really helpful.
Pain is just weakness leaving the body.
Why are you not breathing hard? It's mile two, and you're still talking completely normal.
It's weird.
Come on.
There's a big green smoothie waiting for you - at the finish line.
- Oh, God.
That's the worst incentive ever.
I put green apples in it.
It's a fun one.
- Hey, Coach.
- Hey, Josh, where you at? - 155, boss.
- You can drink water, - but rinse and spit, please.
- Okay.
It's got collagen protein in it.
Whips into kind of a paste.
Tastes like chalk, but all the stuff's there.
I got Sean a really cool down vest.
He's got one.
Do you have a down vest? I do.
Well, you can never have too many down vests.
Listen, I have been reading up on commitment issues, and I have a theory if you want to hear it.
- Well, I'm physically cornered, so - I'm gonna tell you anyway.
You were the only child that I did not breastfeed.
Now, I don't know if you remember.
You probably don't 'cause you were a baby.
But my milk ducts - completely blocked.
- I - I tried warm compresses.
- Absolutely gonna take this.
My chest turned bright red.
My nipples were cracking.
- Hey, Marco.
- MARCO: Yo.
What you doing today, man? We're going to lunch.
You in? Uh, yeah, I-I don't want to be a third wheel with you and Cora.
Ah, Cora's working.
- Oh.
So who-who's going? - Me! I'm starting to get a little offended, coz.
But also Corbett and Meredith and whoever else we can rope in.
- Sounds cool.
What place? - Oh, my God.
20 questions.
- Are you in or out? - I'm in.
- I said I was! - All right.
It's like pulling teeth with you, man.
- I'll pick you up at noon.
- Hey, Marco.
- Yeah, we're going to lunch.
You in? - Who's going? - Yes or no? We're not Instagramming right now.
Let's go.
Yeah, I'm not Instagramming, you dinosaur.
I'm on the phone.
- Grab this.
- I got to go.
I got to work.
Who's going? - [PHONE BEEPS OFF.]
- The Moodys.
Hello? Marco? No? Okay.
Well [SIGHS.]
Why do I have to do the crappy part? Uh, I'm your father, I'm your boss, I have cancer.
- Ah.
- Need some more reasons? [GRUNTS.]
Come on, cheer up.
It's the holidays.
We're charging time-and-a-half, we're outside.
This is a lot of furnace for a two-bedroom.
Let me tell you something.
You wake up in the middle of a blizzard, you want the peace of mind that comes with that many BTUs.
- Yeah, BTUs.
- Mm-hmm.
Ah, these guys.
Ah, you still beefing with the Dukakis brothers? The duck is such a gimmick.
I don't know.
Seems pretty effective.
Really? It's Dukakis, not Duck-akis.
- You know? - Actually, I think in Greek, the "U" is soft.
Your head's soft.
Besides, they stole an account from me over on Loraine.
- They're not even bonded.
- Oh, yeah? Did you also try to sell that house a giant furnace they don't need? They came into my territory, okay? There are ways of doing things and ways of not doing things.
- Hi.
- Oh, thank God.
This house is freezing.
My ex's sister's coming over for Christmas Eve, you know.
- Don't ask.
- We're here to save the day.
- Ooh.
- You're not welcome in Wakanda.
Hey, Ulysses Klaue goes where he pleases.
Miles, enough.
- I'm sorry.
- It's all right.
It's fine.
He's got to defend his homeland.
Uh, this way.
All right.
Feels a bit cold for Wakanda.
Thanks for being so cool, coz.
I just need to pick up one last thing for Cora.
You were driving.
It was really more of a hostage situation, but Just want it to be perfect, you know? Just perfect.
I already got her one of those smartwatches.
Does she want one? Everybody does.
Just want to get her something personal too.
She loves this store, so everything in here is fair game.
This scarf is $500, so, with the smartwatch, that puts me at a thousand.
That says a lot, right? Will you put the receipts right on the wrapping paper, or? - Shut up.
You're wearing mittens.
Now you're in my head.
Now I'm sad.
She's like this beautiful mystery, man.
Wow, you're, you're really into her, huh? Cupid's arrow.
I got one of her T-shirts by my bed, and sometimes I just lay there and smell it.
All right.
Uh, maybe just get her this Etta James record over here.
Just rereleased it on vinyl.
Cora's gonna love this.
Yeah? Like, like a record record? Yeah.
She has tons of cool albums in her apartment.
Right below the turntable? - Huh.
- Honestly, man, now I'm just concerned about your vision.
All right.
25 bucks.
I'll put it in the pile.
- But I'm still gonna get the scarf.
As a contractor, I rarely get to deliver good news.
Merry Christmas.
It's beautiful.
Oh, Tony.
Oh, thank you.
- Thank you.
- No, thank you.
For the leap of faith and the opportunity.
My crew and I got you a little something.
We took a risk and went heavy on the lavender.
I love lavender.
I know.
I snooped.
- Well - Anyway, enjoy, milady.
: Why won't you die?! - [GRUNTING.]
I'm immortal! [GRUNTING.]
Well, you got yourself - a hell of a furnace.
- Yeah, and two crazy monkeys.
Especially this one.
He needs, like, a daily whupping.
So, are you guys open during the holidays? Um, who should I call in case something goes wrong? Um let me give you my son's cell phone number, because we are a 24-hour operation.
So don't hesitate to call.
- Thank you very much.
- You're welcome.
- Okay, Mommy needs her rosé.
You're welcome, by the way.
- For what? - My God, you're rusty.
When was the last time you went on a date? Hey, that is none of your business.
Longer than I thought.
I was once a young HVAC man myself, and you get a sixth sense.
She was into you.
Eh, you don't know what you're talking about.
I actually do, okay? Before I met your mom, I cut quite a wide swath through the South Side.
And we were wearing uniforms in those days, so, basically, unstoppable.
BRIDGET: I need to get some new running shoes.
I'll go with you when you do.
We should address your pronation issue.
Hey, there are your brothers.
The 2008 team.
They were always so comfortable wearing those little wrestling outfits around the house.
Really bummed me out.
There's Marco and his ridiculous little mustache.
Oh, is that Megan? She was all-state? Unbelievable long jumper.
Amazing fast-twitch muscles.
We would've had some great little athletes if we'd made it.
Plus, they would have grown up in an unhappy home, so they could have channeled the pain onto the field.
I was pretty down for a while after we split, but the counselor said that was normal.
- Oh, you did therapy? - Not formally, no.
I just talked to Carol Horton about it.
Wait, the guidance counselor? - She's really sharp.
Plus, she had a divorce, too.
Do you miss Megan? [INHALES.]
It's been two years.
I was angry for a while.
But it made me look at my stuff, and ultimately I think I'm gonna be better off.
Megan's already better off.
She's already remarried.
So is Carol.
Life's basically chapters, right? 153, coach.
Stole him from the debate team.
Quite a find.
- ALI: Merry [BLEEP.]
Christmas! - All right That's it, that's my fa Okay, look at that little girl on the porch.
You can see her.
She's all like, "What's happening?" CORBETT: Are you, like, in a blood feud with her kin? Did this woman wrong you in a past life? Because your timing reeks of vengeance.
There's got to be somebody else.
That's the only thing that can explain something like that.
- Who is it? - No, there's nobody else.
Hey, you made it! - I sold out early.
- Oh.
I love the holidays.
People will buy anything.
Even my silver necklace, which, admittedly, is lazy work.
Hey, Dan.
"Merry [BLEEP.]
- Hey, Cora.
I went shopping.
I think you'll be pretty happy.
- Oh.
- Actually, I don't know.
- But you can't look at it.
- Okay.
All right, I'm gonna show you one thing, 'cause it's kind of a big swing.
Not price-wise but, you know [EXHALES.]
Oh, my God.
Etta James.
I didn't even know you could still get this on vinyl.
They just rereleased it.
On vinyl.
They do that.
- They do.
- You like it? It's perfect.
What a lovely gift, man.
So specific.
That's hot, dude.
Thank you.
I got to come clean, though.
Daniel helped me a little bit.
A lot a bit.
Okay, he picked it.
- Really? No, he's exaggerating.
I-I was there, but it was Marco's idea.
He just wanted confirmation.
MARCO: Fibs.
You're too good of a dude.
He's a good guy.
Well, sweetie, I love it.
- It's perfect.
- You're perfect.
- [KISS.]
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- This is my favorite.
Chopped up some jalapeño, put it in there 'cause it cuts the fat in the roast beef.
That's good.
It's great, but whatever.
This isn't bad, right? Good sandwich, good company.
And we're working a solid, honest trade that's not going anywhere, especially with climate change.
Holy Moses.
Look, I agreed to help you temporarily.
- Let's just leave it at that.
- I'm just saying.
Look at this.
- Huh? - These guys are pulling into the Carrellis' driveway.
I've been working that house - for 30 years.
- N-N-No.
What are you doing? Listen, I sponsor a Little League team in this neighborhood, okay? This is not right.
- What-what are you gonna do? - I don't know what I'm gonna do - but I'm gonna do something.
- Hey, hey, hey.
Calm down.
You're well into your 60s.
I am exactly 61.
Okay? I'm 30 years older than you.
Take whatever age you are, add 30 years and that's how it comes out.
- Okay? - Okay, I don't need a math lesson.
You have cancer.
Trust me, we'll-we'll figure this out.
I got this.
These guys need to know they can't come into my territory.
- [SIGHS.]
- Don't-don't-don't worry.
A message will be sent.
Well, it's Christmas time Again Decorations are all hung By the fire - That's our duck! - Hey! That's our duck! - That's our duck! - Everybody's singing Get bonded, you frauds! Stay out of Beverly! - [SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY.]
- And it's Christmas It's a terrible van.
Okay, they're gaining on us.
- They are? I got it.
- Oh, my God - Okay, bye! Bye-bye! - Bye! [WHOOPING.]
Did you see how red the fat guy's face got? Am I crazy, or is he, like, super fast? Oh, yeah.
He's-he's Walter Payton fast.
You better not die.
I'm not dying until you move out of the house.
- Deal.
Let's go, guys.
Uh, what are you doing here? Oh, I just thought it'd be fun to see some wrestling.
DAN: Uh, strange.
You never once came to any of our matches.
Does this have anything to do with, uh, my fellow 2008 cocaptain? I have no idea who that is.
It's Monty.
- Oh, yeah.
I mean, I'm here for Monty, but not in a weird way.
Just in a supportive way.
Seems a bit fast for you to be back out there dating again.
We're not dating.
I'm married.
We just run together.
You're not running now.
You're sitting.
In the girlfriend section.
- Okay, you know, we're just friends.
You should talk, trying to make a move - on your cousin's girlfriend.
- No.
Hey, first of all, I wasn't.
Strange, 'cause you kissed her.
Okay, I was, but I-I'm not doing that anymore.
I might have met someone today.
: "Might have"? What does that mean? Well, we-we've been texting, uh, but it's kind of confusing.
- Give it.
Oh, this is confusing.
Is she into you, or is there a legitimate problem with her furnace? I know.
There's a lot of talk about heat.
Dude, she's totally flirting with you.
- Really? - Yeah.
Yeah? I-I don't know.
There's this thing about a unit.
I don't I don't know.
I want this to be a thing, but I am confused.
Oh, come on, Josh! - Oh! - [CHEERING.]
Merry Christmas, baby Sure did treat me nice Merry Christmas, baby Sure did treat me nice ANN: Honey, is that you? I'm in the new tub.
Come in.
Talk to me.
I feel like I'm in paradise [CLEARS THROAT.]
Okay, hon.
- Hey.
- I owe you an apology.
This bathroom is absolute heaven.
I don't know if it's the sauvignon blanc or the lavender, but my shoulders have dropped to my knees.
- Well, you you deserve it.
- [SIGHS.]
Well, I don't know.
I gave you such a hard time.
I gave Tony a hard time.
No, honey, it-it wasn't You It was fine.
Maybe I just have trust issues.
Maybe it stems from my mom being so judgmental.
I don't know.
But you always see the good in people.
You do.
I could learn from that.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
- I love you.
- And I love you.
Don't forget that.
- Okay.
Merry Christmas, baby Oh, boy.
: Honey.
- Yeah.
You're gonna find out eventually.
What? All right, now, let's not get cocky.
We got De La Salle tomorrow, so everybody get some sleep.
Especially you, Corrigan.
They got that deaf kid who's a beast.
But also an inspiration to us all.
All right.
On three.
One, two, three.
WRESTLERS: Crusaders! How are we still the Crusaders? Hasn't anyone flagged that? Josh, hold up.
Oh no, you're cool.
Just us.
Hey, I'm proud of you.
You knew what you wanted, and you didn't let anything get in your way.
Not the dislocated thumb, not the torn retina, not the bruised kidney.
You powered through.
You wanted 152, you took 152.
It didn't matter that Blecha was already at 152.
You bumped him.
No excuses, no navel-gazing.
You knew that 152 belonged to you.
Dan, he's talking to you.
No, he's not.
Yes, he is.
Okay, I know I'm on the record as being very much against what I'm about to advise, but if you want Cora, go for Cora.
Doesn't matter about your bruised retina.
Marco can wrestle at 147.
I'm not gonna do something stupid because a high school coach gave an inspirational speech.
That speech didn't work for you? I-I'm texting Elena.
It's working on me.
I'm gonna keep texting her, and see what's what.
I'm gonna let this play out.
I know, I know, I'm pumped, man.
Monty's a genius! It worked! I'm all fired up! Crusaders! Crusaders! ALL: Crusaders! Crusaders! Crusaders! Ah, this building.
Miss having a place to be.
BRIDGET: I met Doug in law school.
He was the funniest guy on the Law Review.
: Isn't that kind of like saying he's the smartest guy on the wrestling team? Don't repeat that to my kids.
I'm trying to boost their academic confidence.
We're reading Metamorphosis this season.
Guy turns into a bug.
It's great.
Yeah, I fell hard for him.
And then we got married, and we both got really good jobs, and an amazing brownstone with a wine fridge.
And it was exactly the kind of life I always imagined I'd have.
And then I was in Atlanta, and I saw this mom playing with her kids at the hotel pool, and I just thought "Do I want that? Do I want that with Doug?" And next thing I know, I'm at the lobby bar, making a really bad choice.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
Ugh, I'm a cheater.
I hate cheaters.
"If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.
" - Yeah, Carol told me that.
- Whoa.
- Whoa.
- Carol told me that.
Oh, I'm really happy I ran into you the other night.
Me, too.
It's on with Elena.
I think I'm gonna bring my toolbox just to be safe, but I-I owe you, Coach.
: I should I should let you go.
Big day tomorrow.
Yeah, Christmas Eve.
De La Salle.
- Last stop between us and state.
- Right.
- Go, Crusader - Yeah.
Ugh, I hated that on me.
- Yeah? - Good night, Monty.
- Good night.
Turns out I'm not that good a guy.

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