The Nest (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Season 1, Episode 4

Years ago, she stabbed someone.
A lassie, Neve McKinnell.
Kaya's that wee girl?
You're not yourself.
You haven't been for weeks.
Why won't you tell her? I cannae.
It would destroy her.
She has told you lies from start to
finish! You and Dan and Emily!
Neve! Who's Neve? Answer me!
Where's her mum?
Still in Lewis, but there's not been
contact for years.
OK, I will speak.
I will speak about Heather.
You didn't tell me
about the ex, Kian Dodds.
I could phone the papers on that
guy any day. On you go, then.
Let's see what happens when you do.
A body was recovered
from the Clyde yesterday.
It's looking like another drugs
What happened to the
boy in the Possil flats?
Nae idea. It's
nothing to do with me.
You have got to talk to Emily.
I found out something about her
She killed someone.
That's impossible.
How did they find out?
Isn't the question,
how could they not have known?
Hello, this is Emily Docherty.
Please don't hang up.
Leave a message.
Hiya, wee one.
She's had a relatively
stable first 48 hours
..but with babies this young,
there are issues with breathing,
with the gut and, obviously, longer
term, possibly brain development.
It's too early to make any
She's vulnerable and unpredictable.
We just have to take things
one hour at a time.
Thanks for coming in.
Look, I thought the guy was a
He overdosed.
Six month ago, yous were happy to
leave it at that.
Suddenly you find out Kaya lived
next door and it's a live incident.
I'll level with you.
If I'd had sight of the file
at the time, I wouldn't have been
so quick to dismiss it.
OK. Different officers,
sometimes different conclusions.
The original team were happy
that his injuries were
the wear and tear you'd expect
with an addict,
but I've had another look,
and it's now clear he sustained
a severe beating before drowning,
which may even have been
the cause of death.
What's that got to do with Kaya?
She's healing up nicely.
No sign of infection,
and we're going to try
and go for a wee walk about later.
And how is she in herself?
Well, she's been through so much,
we'd expect tearfulness, baby blues,
butno sign.
There she is!
OK, pal? Aye. Brand-new.
Did you bring me something?
Have you an appetite?
Not really, but I'll take an iPad.
No iPad, but I've got soup,
lemonade and crisps.
Did you make the soup? Uh-huh.
Lemonade and crisps.
Have you seen the baby?
It's nothing to do with me.
Congratulations, son.
That is brilliant news. Well done.
To wet the baby's head.
So, what's she calling herself?
Disnae have a name yet.
She's wee.
Too wee.
She's a cracker.
Good. Hey, listen
The boy that was blackmailing you,
the polis are going to open
an investigation into his death.
They'll likely want to talk to you.
Remind me what went on.
I gave him some money to fuck off,
and when he didnae,
I sent someone round to give him
a warning.
Who, Cavan?
Aye. Nobody laid a finger,
obviously. Come on
Hello, Mammy.
Where have you been?
I just thought I thought I was
coming down with a cold this morning
so I shouldn't come in,
butI'm fine.
TV: ..Exceptional flair and
now they're taking on a whole
house each
Kaya, you know that guy in the
flats, Kian Dodds?
The one that died?
The police are wanting to interview
any folk who were about at the time,
who might've seen anything.
Well, I barely knew him,
so what can I tell them?
I don't know.
Just if you saw anything suspicious.
Dan and Emily been in to see you?
The doctor says she's doing much
better than she should be at this
She's put on a whole 30g today
and she's taken 10ml from her
I've been researching it,
and there's these therapeutic
centres that'll help with
walking and sitting and crawling.
Once she comes out, we can all go.
I mean, it'll be months but
I got them delivered while
we were at the hospital.
It's been shocking.
I just want us to feel
like we can celebrate this,
now that she's here.
I can't stay here.
Hi. Oh, come here.
Can I stay here?
Yeah, of course you can.
Do you want a cuppa? Yeah. Yeah.
I feel like I'm going mad.
I'm not surprised.
There's nothing, there's not a
single day
in the last eight months that I
can trust.
Nothing from Kaya. Nothing from Dan.
How could he have kept it from me?
The thing is, somewhere in my
..I knew.
That night that she went to prom,
I just
I knew that something
wasn't right.
It was like I'd never been
closer to her,
but at the same time it felt like
I don't know, like
something was about to end.
And it was the
It was the same feeling I had that
night with Olivia.
Who's Olivia?
You don't have to talk about it
if you don't want to.
When I was 16, I was
with my best friend
andwe both took some
..ecstasy that I'd bought.
And while I wascoming up
..her whole body was in revolt
..from this thingthat I'd given
And I didn't understand what was
..until it was too late.
God, Emily.
And her mum was.
She didn't blame me.
Mine did.
But hers
And ever since, I've just felt like
I was being, rightly, punished.
Not being able to have a child.
Because why should my life move on
when hers didn't?
Anyway, it's the past.
There's a baby now.
There's a baby.
So why do I feel nothing but dread?
Hi, darling.
Just you and me today, pal.
What will we have, eh?
A story or a song?
# Three crows sat upon a wall
Sat upon a wall, sat upon a wall
# Three crows sat upon a wall
# On a cold and frosty morning. #
Dodo you want some toast?
Why is he doing that and why are you
just letting him?
He's a teenager.
You'll be the same.
Why are you lying?
Everyone is always lying.
I could've done with a boyfriend
like you when I was that age.
Can you give her this?
Not too late. Have you got any pals?
Jack was here again.
He dropped this off.
I don't want it.
OK. Well, I'll just leave it there.
No. Just give it back.
I just want a clean break.
A new start.
I would have preferred to
go to the hotel first.
I'm sorry, I just thought you'd
want to
As I've said,
I don't know if she'll even see me.
This isn't about exposing her
or dredging up the past.
It's about what's
happening to her now.
And when the time's right,
getting her to come on the record to
nail the people who are trying
to exploit her.
You can't just buy a baby.
My receipts -
from the train,
the taxi, a packet of sandwiches
and two cups of tea.
Just so's I'm not
out of pocket myself.
SOFTLY: Heather.
Oh! Oh! Oh!
What's happened?
I don't know her! Get her out!
I'm her mother. Get her out!
Stop Get out!
Ah It's OK.
It's been, what, four years?
That's what happens,
families come out the woodwork.
At least there's no doubt
why she's here.
The lassie's got 50,000 quid
in her bank account,
so I think we can
eliminate any other line of inquiry.
Who's to say she knows about
that side of it?
How did she know where I was?
When you went missing, the
first place the police went looking
for you was Lewis, just in
case you'd gone home to Siobhan.
And why would I do that?
She called me Heather.
I'm not Heather.
I'm not.
today's not going to work after all.
Look, when Kaya ran away,
did you or any of your colleagues
talk to her mum? Of course.
That's the first person
we contacted.
How much was she told -
about the circumstances?
Why? Has she turned up?
Look, Kaya's not in a good place,
Neither is Kian Dodds.
Let's just get this done.
Janis said that she had to go
back to the office.
I'm Carol McClelland.
How are you feeling?
Why don't you just ask me
whatever it is you want to ask me?
I want to talk to you
about Kian Dodds.
Your neighbour in the Possil flats.
Look, it wisnae fucking
Coronation Street round there,
do you know what I mean? So
..I probably can't help you.
So, you didn't know him?
Only to walk past.
"You coming round tonight,
or am I coming to yours?"
"What you making?"
"Do you only like me for my food?"
"Aye. Your food and your arse."
That's 16th November.
17th November - "You should move
into mine and we can Airbnb yours."
"Airbnb, ya radge? Who'd want
to come here for their holidays?"
"We could set up a bed and breakfast
together one day,
what do you think?"
"I'm not doing the cleaning,
if that's what you're thinking."
"I'll do everything.
It'll be amazing. X-X-X."
Emoji, emoji, etc.
There's a lot of back
and forth there,
the last few weeks of November,
before you moved in with Dan
and Emily.
And? So fucking what?
You said you didn't know him.
Huh! What difference does it make?
Why lie?
Why tell the truth when you've
already made up your mind about me?
You've reached the voicemail of Dan
Docherty. Please leave a message.
This is Carol McClelland.
I wonder if it'd be possible
for the two of you to come in
this afternoon?
It's in connection with
the death of Kian Dodds.
Why didn't you tell me?
Why should I tell you?
Do you tell me
who you're shagging? No.
There's one reason she's here.
Heather Gordon.
If I shagged him,
it's neither here nor there.
What's going on?
This is Detective Paul Corrigan.
Emily and Dan Docherty.
Come this way.
So, Kian Dodds
I don't know who that is.
I remember him.
He lived next door to Kaya.
When he got wind of what the deal
was with the surrogacy,
he tried to blackmail me.
Wrote a letter, giving it, "I'm
going to the papers," and all that.
And what did you do?
Chucked money at it.
We had enough on our plate,
I just needed it to go away.
What happened to him? Drowned.
But we think he was beaten
before he died.
When was that,
that you paid the money?
Must have been November.
And did it stop it -
the attempted blackmail?
No, not at all.
So I sent a guy round.
Door security, just a guy who
works for me.
Then that was it.
I'll give you his details.
Cavan McCormack, he's called.
He'll be able to give you
the exact date.
Needless to say,
he didn't lay a hand on him,
just had a word in his ear.
Obviously, you can track the CCTV,
or whatever you need to do.
Did Kaya carry on seeing Kian
when she'd moved in with you?
No idea. Seeing him?
Because prior to that, they'd been
involved with each other sexually.
Kaya said she had nothing more to do
with him when she moved in with you.
I don't know. II never met him.
She never mentioned him.
And at the beginning of December,
you went to Ukraine.
Before they put your embryo in,
do you know if the clinic gave Kaya
a pregnancy test first?
Where to?
Hey, where do you want to go to?
Time waster!
I'm going back to the hospital.
I don't know, maybe you want to come
with? I didn't see them do one.
Do what? A pregnancy test.
Of course they did.
Well, did you see?
Do we have any record of it? Our
embryo went in. She's our baby, OK?
Let's not go down this road.
Then why the question?
The whole thing
is a fishing exercise!
When is a junkie not a junkie?
When he's a next-door neighbour
of Heather Gordon.
It's got fuck all to do with us!
Right, as if your word and your word
alone should be enough to put
my mind at rest!
Dan, you've done nothing
but lie for months!
Look, she's got heehaw, Emily!
They're scrabbling about!
It's that clinic!
It's that random clinic in Ukraine!
Random?! No, it wasn't random,
it was specific!
It was very fucking specific!
It was the only one that would
take us, remember?
Cos no-one, but no-one here, would
go near this! Back to that again.
No, we're not, cos she's here now.
Our baby's here.
She's lying in hospital
on a ventilator and you'reyou're
Is she in? She's asleep.
She's had to take a couple
of weeks off work. Cos of stress.
Now, look, we're not in a good way
here, all right?
This really isn't a good time.
So can you just give us
a bit of space as a family?
I'll come outside.
More secrets and lies.
Bullshit slathered on bullshit
slathered on yet more bullshit.
Got to love this family, yeah?
You need to stop blaming your mum
for what happened.
You played your own part.
Got pissed, lashed out! Huh!
What's funny?! You, defending her.
She doesn't give a shit about you.
You OK? Callum says you're off work.
I'm fine.
So, what's wrong?
Something must be,
or you wouldn't be here.
Every cliche's true -
about being a mum or a dad.
What it does to you.
Pulls everything
that's on the inside out,
so it's all just flapping about
in the wind.
You're feeling everything.
How's she doing?
Better than she should be.
Better than anyone expected.
And Emily?
There was this wee prick
at the start of all this.
Lived next door to Kaya.
Got wind of what we were up to
and tried to blackmail me.
Guy was scum, honestly. Junkie scum.
What about him?
Do you know what?
I don't even want to give
this oxygen.
You don't need to worry about it.
Worry about what?
What is it you're trying to tell me?
I'm sorry. Go back inside.
It's freezing.
It's enough.
His money, his mess.
He's dominated this family
for long enough.
He's my brother,
and he pays half the mortgage, so
But I never wanted that.
It's like living in a house
with no walls.
In he comes, lord of the manor,
any time of the day or night.
What are you asking me?
It's enough. It's been 20 years,
and I'm saying I've had enough!
So the next time he turns up,
you tell him to go back to his wife
or to a counsellor or to a friend.
And you come back inside to me,
to our kids and to our life.
And shut the fucking door.
Hi. Cavan?
How's it going? Hi, pal.
The police are going to be in touch
about that wee guy from Possil.
They have already?
What did you say?
Emily, we need to sort this out.
Where are you? Call me back.
I couldn't tell you about my past
becausethe whole point,
the entire point was have a new start.
You know, a clean slate.
Do something good.
I need your permission
to do a DNA test.
Something's not right,
I can feel it.
And this whole thing
with your neighbour, Kian
I wasI was lonely at yours,
so I carried on seeing him.
It'sit's not a crime.
I need your permission
to take a sample from the baby.
And I need a sample of yours.
You'll get the results
at the same time we do.
For an extra 20, I'll do it.
Dear Kaya, it's Mum.
I don't even know if you
still recognise my writing.
I'm here in Glasgow during what's
surely a vulnerable time for you.
And I'm hoping you can forgive me
Rely on me
..if there's anything I can do.
Love, Mum.
Mince and tatties.
Minestrone. Not home-made.
And chocolate buttons.
I'm not hungry.
Hey. You're back.
Sorry, I'm
She's not ours.
The baby. She's not ours.
No genetic match with us?
But no genetic match with Kaya?
How is that possible?
How the fuck is that even possible?
It's a mistake.
Either the clinic here flew out
the wrong embryo,
or over there,
the wrong embryo was implanted.
Either way,
they didn't use our embryo.
They used somebody else's.
Look, I've called both the clinics.
We'll get to the bottom of it.
It's rare, but it happens.
You go to all these
lengths to have a wean.
This is the outcome.
And for the first time since
she was born, you sound happy.
Happy? Come on, Dan, I'm not happy.
No, there's a real
spring in your step now.
Well, I don't know what I am.
Maybe I'm just relieved
that I'm not going mad.
Or maybe, after everything,
there's some comfort in
finally knowing the truth.
Kaya, calm down.
Calm down, it's OK. I'm coming.
What's up? Nothing at all.
Eat that up and we'll boost.
I don't understand.
If it's no-one's,
does that mean it's mine?
Legally, yeah.
In this country,
no matter the genetics,
the baby legally belongs
to the birth mum.
But, obviously, there's going
to be an attempt to track down
the genetic parents.
And what if they can't be found?
Hi, I've called a couple of times
and no-one's gotten back to me.
It's urgent. It'stermino
Terminovo? It's urgent.
Hello? Hello?
I've never even seen her.
Literally, I've not
laid eyes on her.
I couldn't pick her
out of a line-up.
Look, they're not just going
to hand her over and expect
you to get on with it.
She's gonnae be in
here for months yet.
Erm, I need to speak to Dr Perushka.
Look, I know there are
English speakers there!
I've been there.
I've been a patient.
You've got choices.
You're not stuck. How do you mean?
I need to speak to Dr Perushka.
My baby is not my baby.
Dr Perushka, please?
Babies, newborns
..they're prized, you know?
By folk who want to adopt.
You could give her up.
She's had a good night.
Want to hold her?
Will that be OK?
SOFTLY: There you go, there you go.
Have a cuddle with Daddy.
It's OK. Tears are sterile.
You'd be made of stone
if you didn't.
It's been a long old road, eh?
Thanks for coming to see me.
Not a problem.
What is it that couldn't
be relayed on the phone?
The baby's not Kaya's.
She got a DNA test. There you go.
So, unless there's something
specific tying her to Kian Dodds,
maybe a good time to
just back off. Hiya.
Leave the lassie alone Can you
hand that to Kaya McDermott? Sure.
..close the book.
Am I talking to myself here?
I heard you.
What a mess.
That poor baby.
There was a reporter there.
A girl from the Morning Courier
with a letter for Kaya,
which means this is about
to all bubble up and over.
Too late to get ahead of it,
but how far are we behind it?
Have you spoken to Cavan McCormack,
Docherty's man? I have.
Said he had one ten-minute
conversation with Doddy
on 2nd December,
and that was it.
I had a look at the CCTV from the
flats on that day and it checks out.
Cavan knocks on the door,
has a word and off he goes.
Can you pull up all the
CCTV from the Lostock flats
in November and December?
All of it?
That's hundreds of our hours.
And the same period in south
Well, you know that's
a needle in the haystack.
Just do the work.
How's the wee lady doing?
I'm so sorry, Mr Docherty,
but I can't let you see her today.
What's wrong? It's not the baby.
It's, uh
Kaya's social worker has
explained the situation.
The background.
Given the change in circumstances,
to carry on visiting,
you'd need to get express
permission from the birth mum.
That's good.
Slowly, slowly wins the race, OK?
We're going to get you
up walking every day.
Can I talk to you?
How are you?
What do you want?
I want you to let me see her.
She's an amazing wee thing.
Absolute belter.
Look, she might not be my daughter
legally or biologically
..but, morally, she's my
We did this and Emily.
As much as that
..more than that
..I love her.
I love that wee girl.
I might not be her dad by anyone's
reckoning, but here I am.
And I'd like your permission
to be part of her life.
Where's Emily?
I can't find anything out.
No-one will speak to me.
It's like some conspiracy.
Every door is closed but I, um,
I did speak to the clinic over here
and they've said that they've
sent over all the paperwork,
all the travel documents,
and everything seems to be in order,
so it must have happened in Ukraine.
And if somebody else's embryo
was implanted into Kaya, then
that means that our embryo must have
been implanted into somebody else.
So our baby is out there in Kyiv,
or the countryside with some family.
And that's a part of us
that we'll never know.
There's no other baby.
There's only this one -
this one that we created.
It's this one we're responsible for.
There isnae another.
It's just her.
Do you want to see her?
The day I moved into those flats,
I was so fucked off with you.
I didn't want to be
stuck up there alone.
All I wanted was to stay at yours
and sleep on the couch.
Look after Frankie
when you were at work.
I'm your worker, it was never going
to be I know, I know.
Didnae stop me wanting it, though.
Fucking pop-up family.
I just didn't want to be alone.
And, er, this
This, what's happening
with the baby,
I should be thinking,
"This is meant to be, no?
"This is my chance to have
something of my own."
Been up all night trying
to tell myself that wee story.
I can't.
He loves her. Dan.
He's a prick,
and he loves himself, but
..I can see it, he loves her.
So why shouldn't she have that
..instead of this?
Hey. There is absolutely nothing
wrong with this.
I know. Kinda. No kinda.
There is no reason why you would
not be a great mother, Kaya,
if that's what you want.
She wants us to keep her.
Kaya, she wants us
to adopt the baby.
I never wanted to adopt -
gave you the hardest time about it,
but I was wrong.
She's ours, Emily. As sure as I am
about anything, she's ours.
II I'm scared.
Of not loving her? No, I
Because Kaya could
so easily change her mind,
and we could get weeks, months,
years down the line.
I know, but I can't walk away.
It's Kian Dodds.
This is the last sighting.
4th December, south Clydeside.
Have you got an ID on the other
guy in the black cap?
Not yet, but look at this.
Here he is again at Dodds' flat,
four days before that last sighting.
And look who's with him.
I haven't a scooby.
You can play it to me ten more times
and I still won't know.
There's the two of you chatting
away on 20th November,
then on 4th December, the same
guy pops up by the Clyde
with Kian Dodds.
No further sightings
of Dodds after that.
You talk to him but you don't know
who he is? Correct.
Look, I'll be straight with you,
The last time I saw you, you told me
you didn't know Kian Dodds
but, in truth,
you were sleeping with him.
How do I know you're telling
the truth to me now?
I'll tell you again.
The guy rocks up to me,
says he's a pal of Doddy's,
asks if that's Doddy's flat.
I say, "I don't know." End of.
We think this man is responsible
for what happened to Doddy
and we want to find him.
Well, I hope you do
and get the fuck off my back!
Doddy was trying to fuck
this up for you, wasn't he?
I have no idea what you're on about.
Once he found out what the plan was,
with the Dochertys,
you tried to blackmail Dan.
Was he blackmailing you?
Is that why you kept on seeing him?
To keep him sweet?
You've got nothing. What else
did you talk about? Enough.
What else, Kaya? You're going
to get me for this, aren't you?
Any which way you can.
Carol McClelland. Ma'am, we've got
an ID on the guy in the black cap.
Aw. Sorry.
Oh, don't be daft.
Is this your first cuddle? Yeah.
There you go.
That's her nice and comfortable.
I'm your mum.
You all right?
What about Gracie?
As a name?
Gracie Katherine Docherty.
Scottish woman's football team
captain, World Cup 2040.
Just Gracie to her mum and da.
Hm. Hm.
Gracie Katherine Docherty.
You'll be home soon.
I actually thought he was decent.
He gave it all,
"I used to be a thief and a junkie
but I've put all that behind me.
"I'm going to end up cooking for the
Queen at Balmoral." That's people.
Always trying to find their angle.
But the past's past.
He's gone, and you're still here.
And getting better every single day.
Let's focus on the future, eh?
Police! Police!
Police! Make yourself known.
They're all three-month lets,
fully furnished.
Secure. All on the one floor.
Come here, you. Out the back!
Just to tide you over,
till you're fully back on your feet,
and then you can choose your own.
Agh, get off me! Agh!
Get fucking off me.
What have I done, you bastard?
Yeah. That's quite good.
Aw. This is harassment.
She's not saying another word
without a lawyer.
I'm not her for Kaya,
I'm here for you.
James McKnight,
I'm arresting you for unlawfully
accessing the personal records
of 247 individuals between
November 2019 and March 2020.
But it may harm your defence He's
a fucking social worker, you fanny.
..something you later
rely on in court.
Anything you do say may be
given in evidence.
The boy in the black cap on the CCTV
was called Stevie Carnochan.
He killed Kian Dodds.
If you say so. I don't know him.
Maybe not, but you know his boss,
Billy Nicholls.
You've been passing information
to the Nicholls family.
Kaya, go in there while I try
and sort this out. No way.
Fucked if I'm leaving you
out here with this shite.
Carnochan was enforcing a drugs
debt. That's what he does.
Guys like Kian Dodds,
in and out of jail,
stints working for
the Nicholls family
at the bottom rung of their network.
Some of them, like Dodds, decide
to turn over a new leaf.
But how can they when the Nicholls
can find out where they live?
What's this got to do with me?
All easily accessible
from Craigend Council.
Every drugs-related criminal, their
court dates, their new address.
Whatever it takes to keep
control over them,
make sure everyone
in the supply chain keeps in line.
It used to be just cops that could
be bent by these crime families.
What the fuck? Kaya Fuck off.
Away to fuck and leave us alone!
You didn't do this - just tell her.
Listen, I didnae know. Know what?
That anything
I passed on was going to get
What use did you imagine
it'd be put to?
What did you do?
What did you do?
You're on a retainer, aren't you?
There's paperwork going back there
to mid-November.
I didn't know Doddy. And I don't
know Stevie whatever his name is.
What have you told them about me?
You fucking bastard!
What have you given them about me?
Nothing, I would never do that.
Never. This was drugs.
Wee scrotes pushing drugs
in the schemes. Drugs.
I just needed money to get a flat
so that I could pay for Frankie.
How am I meant to help folk
if I cannae help myself?
If I cannae keep a roof over my head
or hold on to my wean
because I can't afford
a decent flat.
All those mugs trying to make
a difference in a system
that's ripped to the bone,
while guys like Doddy make money
out of making things worse.
# Oh, all the money that e'er
I spent
# I spent it in good company
# And all the harm that
e'er I've done
# Alas, it was to none but me
# And all I've done for want of wit
# To memory now I can't recall
# So fill to me the parting glass
# Goodnight
and joy be with you all. #
You don't look very well.
I'm glad you phoned me.
Having a baby's a vulnerable time,
that much I remember.
And having a baby for someone
else It's not even theirs
It's no-one's.
She's no-one's child.
She belongs to no-one.
She's connected to no-one.
It was all a mistake.
No child's a mistake.
Every wee girl needs her mum.
# Better #
It's going to be a new start.
# ..Listen closely
# I guess #
Beautiful baby. Beautiful baby.
# ..That I have not got lost
# Promise
# You'll tell her
# She's my favourite girl #
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