The New Adventures of Jonny Quest (1986) s01e04 Episode Script

Deadly Junket

[theme music]
[dramatic music]
(male #1) 'I assure you
it will work perfectly.
By this time tomorrow, the entire world
will be thrown into turmoil.
After this morning's missile test
we will meet at the Shanghai Pagoda.
And seal our partnership, Dr. Zin?
Of course, partner.
(Race) 'Well, what have we here?'
A water rat stowaway or a wet cat burglar?
Hey, what the..
What's with the light show?
You brought us some powerful bad luck, fella.
But this is one sitting duck that's not sitting still.
[motorboat roaring]
(Jonny and Hadji) 'Ah!'
What's g-going on?
This is like waking up in a blender.
You said it, Bandit. Let's get topside.
Jonny, look!
No one's driving this blender.
- You kids get back below decks. - But, Race..
(both) Whoa!
That's it. I'm through playing around.
'This clown could wreck my whole morning.'
Alright, you creep. Come and get us now.
Race, he's catching up to us.
Trust me.
I've got you now.
Can't stop. A-ah!
Yahoo! That's what I call flattening the bad guy.
Why was that goon chasing us?
I think he was after our stowaway friend here.
- 'Isn't that right, fella?' - Get something straight, pal.
- 'I'm not a fella.' - What?
(Hadji and Jonny) 'A girl?'
In my country, it is very bad luck
to have a young lady aboard a ship.
Yeah, the crew turns into a bunch of baby-sitters.
[intense music]
You fool! How could she escape?
- I-I tried to stop her, but-- - Silence!
I wasn't really expecting an intelligent answer from you.
- Her father mustn't find out. - 'Find out what, Zin?'
It's of no consequence, Dr. Bradshaw.
- Have you harmed my daughter? - 'Of course not.'
- That was our bargain. - I want to see her now.
I give the orders, you obey them, doctor.
You will see her after this morning's missile tests
and not before.
Thanks for rescuing me and for the warm clothes, Jonny.
Yeah, yeah, sure.
When were you and your father kidnapped, Jessie?
Oh, three, maybe four weeks ago. I--
Who kidnapped you, Jessie?
Some creep with a weird name, but I can't remember it.
- What did the ship look like? - Well, I'm not sure.
But it was old.
Oh, brother. Don't you remember anything important?
If dad were here, he might have a clue to this mystery.
But he's onshore for those missile tests.
Missile tests!
That's what that creep was planning.
Something for the missile tests. And his name is, uh, Dr. Flym.
N-no, Brin. Tin.
(both) Dr. Zin!
Yes, that's it! Dr. Zin. There, does that help?
We've got to contact Dr. Quest immediately.
Dr. Zin must be here to sabotage the missile
Sea Questor to Dr. Benton Quest. Emergency.
Communications must have been shut down.
That means the tests have already begun.
(man on radio) 'They're launching now,
Dr. Quest.'
And the new age of global defense is born, gentlemen.
(man on radio) 'Doctor, your missiles
are performing magnificently.'
Magnificent. Activate your missile scrambler now!
No. I can't go through with it.
But I can.
The die is cast.
Something's gone wrong.
The missiles are veering off course.
They're gonnacrash.
Do you know what this means, Zin?
All too well.
Your nation's defense shield is completely useless.
Your father's name is Bradshaw?
Yes, and Dr. Zin is still holding him captive.
That explains it then.
Dr. Bradshaw is a leader
in electronic guidance systems, Race.
So he made your missiles go haywire.
No! Dr. Zin forced him to do it.
We never doubted that, Jessie.
But how did Zin smuggle such complex equipment into the bay
without being noticed?
Now I remember.
The lab and the ship are disguised
to look like an old Chinese junk.
Then maybe, Zin is still somewhere nearby.
Yes. Jonny, break out the ski-rocket.
We'll search in open water
while you jet through the smaller places.
- Great! Hadji and I-- - 'No.'
- 'You'll take Jessie instead.' - What? But--
She's the only one who might recognize Zin's ship.
Alright, if it's an order. Just don't get in my way.
As long as you don't mess up, I won't.
- Hah! - Hah!
Let me know if I'm going too fast for you.
Don't worry about me.
- Can you spot Dr. Zin's boat? - Nothing yet.
Oh, great! None of them look familiar?
(Jessie) 'There must be hundreds
of junks out here.'
They all look the same.
Now, we'll never find..
Uh-ho! Looks like Zin's found us first.
Hold on tight.
- He's gaining on us. - Don't worry. I'll lose him.
- We can't fit through there. - 'Hold your breath.'
- Phew! That was too close. - At least we lost him.
- How'd he do that? - Just our luck.
(Jonny) We're being chased
by a stunt man.
Hey, no tailgating.
Jonny, watch out!
No room for hitchhikers.
Maybe our friend will give him a lift.
Bulls-eye! Scratch one, frogman.
[dramatic music]
- He's back again. - This will lose him.
(both) Whoa!
That was sensational, Jonny.
Yeah. Just the way I planned it.
I've done what you've asked. I want to see my daughter.
In time, Dr. Bradshaw. All in good time.
Excellency, the girl's escaped again.
- How dare you interrupt? - Jessie escaped?
No matterour little arrangement still stands.
You have no other choice.
It's no use. We'll never locate Zin's junk.
There's just too many of them.
Let's try another approach then. Jessie.
What else can you remember from last night's escape?
Well, I overheard Zin talking about some kind of a meeting..
at the Shanghai Pagoda, at noon time.
[dramatic music]
Sorry about this, fellas, but I'm afraid
you'll have to bow out of today's Kabuki show.
I've never Kabukied before.
There's always a first time for everything.
Now, I want you three to be careful.
Just get close enough to overhear their conversation
'so we'll know what Zin's plans are.'
Don't worry, Race.
With Hadji and Jessie performing on stage
they'll never notice me.
I must warn you, Jessie. I am not a very good dancer.
'Bandit, get your nose out of that make-up.'
[laughs] You know, if we manage
to pull this thing off
'we could become the only Kabuki dance team'
'to use a dog in our act.'
Hurry, Dr. Zin has arrived.
You should be pleased.
Yes, yes. Both missiles destroyed.
A complete success.
Guess that's my cue.
Let the entertainment begin.
[kabuki music]
Psst, Hadji, Jessie.
Bandit snuck out into the open.
- What are we to do? - Just keep Zin distracted.
I got it. We'll show him some real dancing.
[upbeat music]
(Zin) 'Good.'
'Unusual but very good.'
[music continues]
That dog! He belongs to the Quests.
They must be here somewhere.
You, come here.
It's the Quest boy. Seize him!
Hold it, Zin. I want to talk to you.
- What? - Ha ha ha, foolish one.
I never jeopardize my personal safety
when a holographic projection does just as well.
(Dr. Quest) We can't get out this way.
Maybe he's an illusion, just like Zin.
Only one way to find out.
Nope, he's the real thing, alright.
Hey, you, drop him.
Never thought being a Frisbee champ
would come in handy one day.
(Zin) 'And now I suggest you remain
quietly where you are..'
as my prisoners.
Alright, Dr. Zin. You winfor now.
Excellent, Dr. Zin. I congratulate you.
To partner with you is to partner with strength.
And strength needs no partners.
As for my captive guests
when you see what I have in store for you
'you will wish you had exited as simply as my ex-partner.'
(Zin) 'Now, I can proceed
with my plans'
'without further interference.'
My missile scrambler will cause the complete collapse
of the world's defense systems.
You can't hold us, Zin.
Youth is always so overconfident.
Run, Bandit! Get help.
Sorry, my friend. But there is no help here.
(Zin) 'In you go.'
Shortly, my friends
billions will be paid to me for my missile scrambler.
I regret that you won't be there. Ha ha ha.
We've got to find a way out of here.
Let's get started.
Maybe the guard can be bribed.
No, I'm afraid his loyalty is with Zin's billions.
Maybe one of the bars is loose.
I've already checked, Jessie.
They're all solid.
- How about if-- - Let us handle this, Jessie.
We're professionals.
Yeah, you're doing a great job so far.
What's your idea, Jessie?
(Jessie) 'I've been watching
our guard out.'
If he knows what we want him to do
'Bandit might be able to free us.'
You mean Bandit can get the keys?
- It might work. - 'Right. Bandit's real smart.'
(Hadji) 'Yes, but he's not
too bright.'
Don't pay any attention to them, Bandit. You can do it.
You came in through these bars, and I'll bet you can get out.
Good boy. Fetch the keys, Bandit.
[dramatic music]
Easy, boy. Easy.
That's it. Good boy.
That's it. Good dog. Good little doggy.
Uh-oh! Good little doggy blew it.
- Come on! Try again, Bandit. - That's it. Good boy.
(Hadji) 'Easy, don't drop it.'
Good boy, Bandit.
Can you take us to your father, Jessie?
I think so.
(Jessie) Daddy!
Jessie, you're not supposed to be on board.
We came to rescue you, daddy.
That is terrible news for all of us.
I reprogramed my missile scrambler
to take control of the test missile aboard that submarine..
and send it crashing into Zin's junk.
That means we will all be destroyed.
- I had to stop Zin's mad plan. - Counteract the command.
The controls are locked. There's no way to stop it.
[alarm blaring] They know we've escaped.
We've only got five minutes to get clear off this junk.
There's gotta be a way off of this thing.
[dramatic music]
[Jessie gasps]
Oh, no, Jessie.
- Ugh! - You let her go, you big goon--
Easy does it, pal. We give up. We surrender.
Race, we're running out of time.
Well, would you look at that?
'I never noticed this guy's tattoo before now.'
Race, I don't know what you're up to, but--
(Race) 'Look, Hadji,
that dragon tattoo looks like'
'it could almostcome alive.'
- 'If you know what I mean.' - Huh? Oh, yes, alive.
Oh, most honorable bad guy, I would go so far as to say
sim sim salabim.
How did you do that, Hadji?
Well, it was a combination trick--
No time to explain now, Jessie.
We've less than a minute left.
We're in luck. It's Zin's speedboat.
(Race) 'Hang on, we're busting
out of here.'
(all) 'Whoa!'
You may have escaped me, Quest
but my missile scrambler will still ensure my total victory.
[alarm blaring] My radar alarm.
No! No, this can't be..
Five seconds to impact. Four, three, two, one.
- Right on! - Let's get back to Sea Questor.
The coastguard will take you to the mainland, Dr. Bradshaw.
I was wrong about you, Jessie.
You were really something when we needed you.
- Reallyprofessional. - You weren't too bad yourself.
J-j-just don't tell Hadj you did that, okay?
It's too bad Dr. Zin wasn't brought to justice.
I have always admired the man's brilliance
but never his goals.
- 'Why, thank you, Dr. Quest.' - Zin?
You may have stopped me this time
'but there will always be next time.'
What the..
It's a good thing Race isn't a hologram too.
[all laughing]
(Jonny) 'Are you alright, Bandit?'
Never mind Bandit. Throw us a line.
It's wet down here, and getting wetter.
Now, cut that out, Bandit. Cut it out.
[theme music]
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