The North Water (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

The Devils of the Earth

Sumner? Sumner!
Go with O'Dowd, Willkie and Price
and arm yourselves.
Equal shares for all.
You'll get nothing out of Corbyn-
Don't ever think you will-
His wife is a fucking baroness.
His brother is a judge-
A man like Corbyn doesn't feel obliged-
Willkie, guard the fucking door-
-Guard the fucking door-
-Almost there-
Look at these darlings-
Fucking diamonds.
We'll prize out the stones.
And melt down the gold-
We're fucking rich, Paddy-
We're fucking rich-
Look out!
Hello, Patrick.
Mr. Corbyn. Sir.
I hear the others are all dead.
O'Dowd. Willkie. Price.
All of them dead.
We were caught unawares, sir-
In the house.
Your wound was clean
and the break isn't bad.
You may limp for a while,
but that will soon fade
and then no one will ever know.
The treasure was real.
Gold, jewels.
Just as Hamid had said,
but there were Pandies
hiding inside the house.
You walked into a trap, then-
You made a mistake.
Not a trap, no. An accident. Nobody
could have known that they were in there.
For a surgeon to leave his post,
it's a serious thing.
There's likely to be a charge.
The assault was at a crucial stage.
To lose three surgeons at such a time.
I trust I can rely
on your assistance, Mr. Corbyn, sir.
I don't see what assistance
I could offer you.
I mean, on the details of what occurred.
The details are that your reckless greed
meant that three of your fellow surgeons
were killed in an ambush!
On a mission that you ordered us on.
On your command to steal the loot.
And in your absence your injured comrades,
several officers amongst them,
lay untreated and often in severe agony.
Men you could have saved.
That, I fear, is as much as the General
wants or is required to understand.
So you expect me
to keep my mouth shut
and accept my punishment?
I'll be dismissed.
My career will be over.
I advise you
not to make a bad situation worse.
To bring my name into this
would not serve you well,
I can assure you of that.
So you will offer me nothing
for my trouble?
I offer you my advice,
which is to accept the consequences
of your actions.
You were unlucky, I agree,
but you are alive and the others are dead.
You are destroying me!
And for what?
There is a melancholic strain
in the Celtic soul,
which finds martyrdom appealing.
I understand that.
But in your case, Mr. Sumner,
the cap hardly fits.
I saw the hunger in your eyes
at the thought of that treasure.
At the prospect of a different life.
But I will make sure you have
a ready supply of laudanum for the pain.
That will help with your frame of mind,
too. I'm sure of it.
Homo homini lupus.
Homo homini lupus.
All hands!
All hands! All hands!
All hands! All hands!
Tumble up and empty the ship!
Casks have to be first!
Jones, lower the second boat!
Aye. Lower the second boat!
Aye, Mr. Jones.
Get it down!
The ice has nipped her.
She's likely stoved in at the aft.
-She's sinking?
It's the upward pressure of the ice
holding her, but only at the moment.
If the wind changes, we're fucked,
so go down there and get everything
that you need out onto the ice
and put all of your clothes on.
Jesus Christ!
Get it down!
I need a crew of three for rifles.
Count them twice and report to Mr- Jones.
Go further onto the ice-
Check it's secure.
You two, take all of these-
I need five of you to start on the flour.
-Check what's in that boat first-
-Get salt on the gangway.
Come on, lads! With a will!
Four more lads.
Take the blades!
How we doing on the lull?
Get it off the ship. Laudanum first.
Eyes on that, then, please.
Those with powder,
you keep it fucking dry!
-Mr. Bannon.
-Mr. Sumner.
This chest contains the medicine
for this entire crew.
Very important you do not lose it.
Do you understand?
Aye, sir-
Very good. Thank you.
-How many casks of beef?
-She's well nipped!
How many casks of beef?
Twelve, Captain!
We need to get a start.
Pull it down. You'll freeze the whole tent
out, if you don't hammer it down properly.
Good job, lads. Good job.
That's the last of it now.
Almost everything's off the ship.
Just a few casks left.
-What now?
Raise the ensign and alert the Hastings.
They will give us refuge.
Are you sure Morwood's gonna agree?
You go over in the first wave of men.
Leave enough here to gather what is left
and we will follow-
And have Sumner stay behind with me.
I want him here.
And what about Drax?
I'll see to Henry Drax.
I'd say there's no need
for such girlish panicking.
Ain't even any water down here.
Go fuck yourself.
I saw it with my own eyes.
She bent a good deal,
but she didn't break.
I don't believe you.
Take a look for yourself.
Once the ice eases off, you can send
McKendrick down here with a caulking iron.
-He'll fix her up nicely.
-Keep your mouth shut.
Or I'll leave you here.
Let you take your chances.
She ain't sinking, Michael.
We dearly wish she was, but she ain't.
I can promise you that.
Listen to her squeal.
Creaking and whaling
like a sixpenny whore.
Think she can stand much more of that
if she ain't stoved in already?
She's a good, strong ship.
She's double and fortified.
She's got ice knees, ice plates.
She's old, but she ain't weak.
I'd say she could stand
a good deal of squeezing still.
This is a good spot and it's a good bit
of luck you got pinched like that.
What are you implying?
You're safe up here in the fast ice, too.
Morwood can warp back easy,
if a lead opens up-
What is it, a mile or two to get to him?
And I think the rest of you,
you probably think
she's stoved in already, I expect.
They won't be making any trouble.
How did you know?
I know a thing or two
about a thing or two.
I know we didn't come all the way up here
to catch fucking fish.
She can't survive this one.
-She can't.
-She will, if you let her.
But if you knock a plank or two
out of her arse,
she surely wouldn't.
Just give me ten minutes
down here with an axe, that's all.
You killed Brownlee with a walking stick.
Think I'm gonna give you an axe?
If you don't believe me,
then look behind the casks for yourself.
See if I'm lying.
Why kill the boy?
What's the benefit in that?
-A man don't always think on the benefits.
-So what does he think on?
I do as I must.
There ain't
a great deal of cogitation involved.
Get the axe, Michael.
My medicine chest. Have you seen it?
Yeah it's transferred to the other boat.
-You've definitely seen it?
How am I to do my work without my kit?
-Don't worry. You'll get it soon enough.
-Whoa. Whoa, whoa.
Why have I been ordered to stay here?
Cavendish's orders-
Fucking Cavendish. I might have known.
Otto will make sure
that no harm comes to you
and I'll be back soon enough-
Morwood, he's a good captain-
All right? And he'll treat us well.
I'm more concerned
about that medical chest.
I know you are. But I got you.
Take care, you.
Hey, you too.
There she is.
Nowt but a dribble-
Oh, shit- How can this be?
It's like I told it.
She bent a good deal,
but she didn't ever break.
She won't sink,
unless you make her do it, Michael.
That's how it is.
Nothing is simple in this world.
This don't put me under any obligation-
I can't free you now. Not after Brownlee.
The cabin boy was one thing.
The cabin boy's plenty bad enough.
But not the damn captain!
I ain't asking for it. I wouldn't presume.
Then what?
If the time ever comes,
all I ask is that you don't hinder me.
Don't stand athwart. You allow events
to take their natural course.
Turn a blind eye.
That's what you're asking.
Well, the time may never come!
I may hang in England for what I done.
But if it ever does come.
Aye. If it ever does.
And what about my nose?
Well, you were never no Adonis, Michael.
I suspect
some might call it an improvement.
You've got some fair-sized balls
to say that to a man hefting an axe.
Like a nice big pair of tatties.
I'll even let you stroke 'em if you like!
Go on! Go on!
We need to take shelter.
The storm will on us soon.
We'll trek to the Hastings.
Once it's past.
In you come!
I don't want Drax in here.
Put him outside to freeze.
Even that's too good for him-
I want every fucker here
where I can see him.
But if you wanna sleep outside,
McKendrick, I can make an exception.
The storm will pass quick.
We'll be on the Hastings
drinking rum soon enough.
Don't be afraid. I ain't about to try
anything to desperate with these shackles.
I'm not afraid.
How's the arm?
-Which arm would that be?
-The right one.
The one which had
our cabin boy's tooth lodged in it.
Just a nick. I'm a quick healer.
But how that tooth
got in there is so beyond me.
I can't explain it at all.
No remorse, then?
No guilt?
Did you think I was gonna kill you
down in the cabin?
Split your head open like I did Brownlee?
What else were you intending?
Oh, I don't intend much.
No, I'm a doer, not a thinker, me.
I follow my inclination, that's all.
You must have no conscience at all, then?
Are you utterly indifferent
to ethical considerations?
But one things happens
and then another comes after it.
Why is the first thing more important
than the second?
Why is the second more important
than the third?
Because each action
is separate and distinct.
Some are good.
Some are evil.
Them's just words.
If they hang me,
they hang me 'cause they can.
And 'cause they wish to do it.
They will be following their inclination,
as I follow mine.
You recognize no authority, then?
No right or wrong beyond yourself?
Men like you ask questions
to satisfy themselves.
You know, makes yourselves
feel cleaner, cleverer than the rest.
But you ain't!
You think we are all like you?
But how?
How is that possible?
Well, I've seen enough killing to suspect
that I ain't the only one to do it.
I'm a man like any other, give or take-
That I will not accept.
Well, you please yourself,
like I please myself.
You know, you accept what suits you,
you reject what don't.
The law is just a name they give
to what certain men prefer.
There is no reasoning with you.
Why did you keep the gold ring?
Why not sell it on, man?
I keep it for remembrance-
Well, a man who's scared of himself
ain't much of a man in my book.
You think I'm scared?
Because of whatever happened over there.
Whatever it was you did or didn't do.
You say you keep it for remembrance.
That ain't it at all. It can't be.
You do not know me-
You have no idea what I am.
Well, there ain't a terrible lot to know.
You're not as complicated as you think-
What little there is to know,
well, I reckon I know it well enough.
Wake up! Sumner!
-Sumner, wake up!
-I have these!
With a will!
Get out!
Get that one down there! Just jump on it!
McKendrick, get the side!
Webster, Bannon, get the sides!
Get those lines over here!
Hold the sides!
Jump on it!
Keep the lamps away from the tent!
Get over there and help!
Get me some line!
Use them casks! Bring 'em here!
Get over there! Get over there and help!
Where is she?
Gone where?
Most likely she ventured out
into the pack last night
to escape from the bergs.
Morwood knows where we are.
All we need to do is wait for him.
Show faith and patience.
Why would a ship
unmoor in the middle of a storm?
Surely it would be safer
to remain where she was?
Well, if a berg is bearing down,
the captain does what's needed
to sink the ship.
Whatever you have to do, you do it.
How long might we have to wait here for?
That all depends.
If she finds open water,
then it could be today. If not--
I don't have my medicine chest.
It was taken across already without--
Is any man here sick?
Not yet, no.
Then I'd say your medicine chest
is the least of our fucking worries.
And if she's sunk, Mr. Cavendish?
She ain't sunk!
Are there any other ships in the area?
Anyone that could possibly save us?
No. I'm afraid you're not near enough.
It's too late into the season
and we're too far north.
Most of the fleet
would have left Pond's Bay by now.
She ain't sunk. She's somewhere
out in the Sound, that's all-
If we wait here,
she'll turn up right enough.
We should go out
on the whaleboat to search.
She could have been blown off to the east.
And if we don't find her, what then?
Then I hope you brought
your swimming togs with you
because we're an awful long fucking way
to anywhere else!
You listen to me.
The Hastings has gone.
Likely into the Sound.
You mean she's sunk?
You just said she's sunk.
What I need from you is some faith.
That's all I'm asking.
-She'll be here today or tomorrow!
-You never had a fucking plan, Cavendish!
I'm just doing what Brownlee
would have done!
-You waste of space!
-Don't speak to your captain like that!
I didn't know about the storm, did I?
How could I have known about the storm?
-I am telling you for the last time!
-It's your fault!
Oh, fuck!
I'll put the second bullet into any cunt
who fancies his chances.
I'm the captain still!
I'll cheerfully kill any mutinous bastard
who dares to think otherwise.
I'm a loose cannon, I am.
I do whatever takes my fancy at the time.
And you best remember that,
if you ever think of crossing me again-
Tomorrow we make a run for Pond's Bay.
The Hastings will be there. If it's not,
we'll surely find another ship to take us.
It's a 100-mile to Pond's Bay,
if it's an inch.
Then you bastards best sober up
and get some damn sleep!
It's a foolish way to go.
Man's carrying a rifle,
you don't take him on with a barrel stave.
That's simple common sense.
I'm the captain still.
You clear him out.
You clear him out now, you Danish prick!
I need my laudanum- I need my laudanum-
I need my laudanum-
-I need that chest-
-No, you don't.
-I need that chest-
-No, you need to rest.
-You don't understand, Otto.
-I do understand.
There's nothing we can do.
You need to rest.
No, I'm too hot. I'm too hot-
No, you're not. You've got to stay warm.
I'm not telling you anymore.
You need to rest.
Sumner, listen to me!
You need to rest.
Here. That's it.
Stay warm.
I have tried every hospital
that I can think of.
And my diplomas mean nothing now.
All of my hard work
has been completely squandered.
I'm sorry. I can't help you.
I know you're a talented surgeon.
Perhaps England
is not the place for you anymore.
Too rigid.
Too severe.
You must give up such an idea
and try America.
Or Brazil.
They will forgive a man of his mistakes
in Brazil, but not here.
Not in England.
Not unless you are a certain kind of man
and neither you or I will be that man.
But you believe me, don't you?
About Corbyn.
You believe
that all of this was his doing?
Sending us to find the loot.
My court-martial.
-All of it was because of him.
-I do believe you.
But I fear the others will not.
Or even if they do, they cannot
risk helping you. You do understand?
Fucking Corbyn.
I'm sorry to say your story
is a friendly reminder,
a warning, if you will,
of what calamities might ever take us,
if we lose our vigilance
against privileged men like him.
Start again.
That is my advice.
He inherits this estate
in north Norfolk or somewhere.
He's convinced
he's gonna be a gentleman farmer.
Apparently, the ground's so salty,
you can't grow potato--
Excuse me.
Mr. Corbyn?
What the hell are you doing?
You bastard.
I should find a constable
and have you arrested.
Who are you?
Oh, I'm no one.
Don't lie to me.
-I recognize that face.
-No, I'm sorry.
I am no one. No one at all.
If you really are no one, then
I don't suppose you'll object to this!
The Hastings is gone.
Sunk in the storm.
Smashed to little pieces by a berg
and every fucker in her, bar none,
is drowned for sure.
We'll winter over.
It's been done before.
It hant been done before
and it hant been done
before 'cause it can't be done.
Not unless you have a ship to shelter in
and ten times the provisions we have.
We'll find a ship.
And if we don't, we'll winter over.
Whichever way it goes, we'll live long
enough to see you hanged in England.
I'll be happier hanged
than starve or freeze to death.
We'll drown you know,
you caviling bastard.
One less fucking mouth to feed.
You wouldn't like my dying words too well,
if you tried that trick.
Although there are others here,
who might find them interesting.
You hant got nothing on me, Henry.
So don't ever think you do.
Oh, I ain't squeezing, Michael.
I'm just reminding-
The time may never come,
but if it does come
it'll suit you to be ready.
That's all.
Otto tells me that on the seventh day,
God looked down on the Earth
and saw that all was good.
I'm a God-fearing Christian
like the best of them.
But if I was a different kind of man, I
dare say I'd be asking for my money back.
Well, talk of God. -.
Isn't going to invigorate us
and if we are to survive the winter,
on the rations that we have,
then we must begin to hunt.
Today we will split into groups of three.
Otto, McKendrick, myself
will take the rifles
and climb the headland in search for food.
The other group will remain here,
spending a minimum of one hour
tramping up and down the strand
in an attempt to maintain vigor.
And you should let me help you boys.
I'm a good shot, me.
All I need is a rifle.
I can appreciate that morale
may be scarcely low at this point,
but if you choose to remain immobile,
your blood will thicken and clot
in your veins.
Your organs will become flaccid
and eventually fail
and you will die
a most excruciating death.
Is that clear?
Have I made myself perfectly clear?
Very good.
The men do as I instruct,
but they make no effort-
Without the rigor and purpose
of the shipboard duties-.-
they are lost-
We decide
to break the first of the whaleboats-
But the fire gives them
little comfort or warmth.
Yet gradually free from
the wretchedness from my withdrawal--.
The tyranny of my addiction.--
I feel stronger-
Weeks pass.
Or is it months?
And rations fade-
And the cold seeps into our bones-
Why are You giving me
such a fucking raw deal?
I deserve better than this!
But I will not fall apart-
Lads! Wake up!
They've got seal.
You got seal!
We're hungry.
What have we got?
Pocket flask. Here-
No, no, this. Flensing knife- That's good.
Yeah, that is good-
It's a good flask.
This is very sharp-
Yeah, have a look at that, as well.
No. We can't eat this!
Food is what we want.
Yeah. Take that.
Cut us a slice of that.
All right, back off, boys.
They know what we're about.
-I don't think the pan's hot enough.
-It's hot enough. Do you want to do it?
Give us a minute.
-I could eat it raw.
If they keep on giving us seals,
we can burn the blubber for warmth,
have enough meat to go round-
Look at 'em down there
laughing and joking with themselves.
We need to strike a good bargain.
Problem is they already know
we're screwed.
-You think they'd let us starve to death?
Heathenish fuckers such as them
ain't burdened
with the Christian virtues of men like us.
What virtues are those?
That's the God's truth of it-
If they don't fancy
what we have to offer them,
they'll be gone
just as quick as they arrived.
Offer the rifles, then.
Each rifle for five dead seals.
Three rifles is 15 seals.
We should last the winter off that.
I'll tell 'em ten.
Ten per rifle.
Though I honestly doubt those
savage bastards can even count that high.
Yeah, you!
Come up.
I wanna trade.
Recognize that?
That one-
That one- The front one.
Yeah? Go on. Go on-
That there is a good weapon.
Now, I want ten of your seals,
for us to eat, for one rifle-
No, no, no. I won't be jewed down
by no fucking Esquimaux. Ten!
Four seals for a rifle?
What kind of cunt do you think I am?
If they walk away now,
we will die for certain.
-We'll survive without them.
-No, we will not.
Actually, give me that.
That's part of the wager.
Where's the pan?
Very good.
Oh, all the comrades that e'er I had
They're sorry for my going away
And all the sweethearts had I had
Would wish me one more day to stay
But since it falls into my lot
That I should rise and you should not
Then I'll gently rise and I'll softly call
Good night and joy be with you all.
You got a
You got a nice nice
nice fat-looking one, you've got there-
I can help you. I can butcher him.
Oh, yeah, yeah, my chains.
See, them fucks up there,
they don't trust me, you see.
They think I'm dangerous.
Shh! No, no, no.
Let me do it. Let me do it.
I can do it easy.
Come on. Just give me a
Yeah, your knife.
I just need your knife.
You cut it.
Right you are. Go on, then. I'll watch-
Oh, I say, I say.
Go on.
I've eaten worse in my time. Plenty worse.
I've eaten eyeballs before.
An eyeball's an easy picking-
I'll gobble down anything you give me.
Any fucking thing at all. I ain't fussy.
Brains, bollocks, arseholes.
What they saying?
I think they want to leave.
Well, they can't.
The sea's freezing- If they don't go now,
they'll be stuck with us.
We need more seals-
No, we've got enough from them to last us.
Provided they come back,
we should survive.
Well, how about the old bastard goes
and the other one stays here with us?
If they go off together,
we can't be ever sure they're coming back.
We can talk to them,
but don't go threatening them.
As soon as you do that,
they'll be gone for good.
They may have that one rifle, but they
hant got no balls or powder for it yet,
so I reckon I can
threaten the bastards all I like.
He stays here.
-You can fuck off.
No, don't turn your back on me.
Killing them will change their minds?
I ain't killing anyone yet.
I'm just aiming to get more attention.
Put the gun down!
Excuse me?
Excuse me.
Can you stay?
Can he stay here with us, please?
He sta--
For you.
Your ring won't work.
If he can't eat it or burn it or fuck it,
it's not much use out here.
They're not stupid-
They can trade it
with other whalers and
He stays-
Yes? Yes?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Come on now.
It seems your criminal endeavors
have paid off.
Oh, we'd be all right
If the wind was in our sails
Oh, we'd be all right
If the wind was in our sails
Oh, we'd be all right
If the wind was in our sails
And we'll all hang on behind
And we'll roll your chariot along
We'll roll your chariot along
We'll roll your chariot along
And we'll all hang on behind
And we'll roll your chariot along
We'll roll your chariot along
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