The Oath of Love (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

♪Time once stopped everything♪
♪There's someone special♪
♪I flip the eternity dictionary♪
♪And uncover the suspense
that makes my heart beat fast♪
♪At this special moment
we run into each other♪
♪As unconsciously as we breathe♪
♪Holding hands over a long time♪
♪Means more than any word♪
♪Among a sea of people♪
♪I hold the umbrella for you♪
♪You hold the umbrella for me♪
♪I'll be special for you♪
♪You shelter me from the rain♪
♪Don't be afraid♪
♪Your love gets me through the haze♪
♪You'll have me♪
♪I'll search and wait♪
♪For the love of our lives♪
♪The future spent with you♪
♪We shall no longer linger♪
♪Is the best arrangement of love♪
♪The best arrangement♪
=The Oath of Love=
♪Is love♪
=Episode 4=
Dr. Gu, what a coincidence!
I was looking for you.
Dr. Gu, I think you're a very good
and responsible doctor.
I don't know
what happened to me before,
but I took leave of my sense,
and I said something strange
and stupid to you.
I was wrong. I'm sorry.
I won't say that again.
Our Dr. Gu is a…
It's dangerous to walk
like this in the hospital.
Please walk properly.
Our Dr. Gu cares so much
about our patients' family.
Dr. Gu.
I know you must have a reason
why you can't do the surgery,
but do tell.
If you tell me,
we can solve it together.
- If you don't, how are we…?
- Hey, Du.
- Dr. Gu, anything I can do for you?
- Oh, right.
Bed 25 needs to have
the medication changed.
Bed 45 needs to have
the drainage tube removed.
Bed 46 needs to be discharged.
Have you done them all?
Of course, Dr. Gu.
You've already told me
when you're on your ward rounds.
You told me to take care of them soon.
I've already done it
and submitted all the records
to the nurse station.
I know
I told you this morning.
I'm just reminding you
so you don't make any mistakes.
have you written the index of the paper
I asked you to write?
Not only is there
a problem with the index,
but there are also
many omissions in your literature.
I've rewritten it all.
What's wrong with you today?
You didn't sleep well?
Last night in the office,
you guided me to correct my paper.
Very well.
Did you eat?
What did you eat?
Wei, don't scare me.
Did I do something wrong?
Just tell me.
What are you talking about?
I'm just caring about
your daily life.
Thank you for your care, Dr. Gu.
I'm assisting Dr. Chen's surgery.
I need to get ready for it.
I really need to go.
Sure, go.
Thank you, Dr. Gu.
Oh, right, Xiaowei…
Dr. Du is not available,
but I am, Dr. Gu.
Lin Zhixiao.
Your father doesn't need you
to take care of him today?
- Do you have a lot of time?
- Yes.
Don't waste time on me.
Dr. Gu.
Mr. Lin is in very good condition.
I have plenty of time.
- You have nothing to do, right?
- Yes.
I'm suddenly hungry.
Get me something to eat.
The whole wheat bread
I bought this morning.
Please enjoy it, Dr. Gu.
I'm thirsty and I don't want to eat.
Taken care of that, too.
The cup has been sanitized
and has wolfberries in it.
I made it myself.
I'm not thirsty now either.
Where do you want to go?
I'm coming with you, Dr. Gu.
Dr. Gu.
Wait for me.
Where are you going?
Coming inside?
No, no.
Suit yourself, Dr. Gu.
I'll wait for you at the door, Dr. Gu.
No rush. Take your time.
Hello, Director.
Please, please.
This is a hospital.
Watch your actions.
The girl outside,
don't tell me she's your ex.
I see you're avoiding her.
she's just a patient's family.
I can't operate on her father
and she keeps asking questions,
so I'm avoiding her now.
A patient's family?
You don't have to be so afraid of her.
I'm not afraid of her, I…
In our hospital,
there are other surgeons
besides you.
You are not obliged
to operate on a specific patient.
when you were busy,
you turned down many patients.
Why is it so hard for you this time?
Are you
afraid to operate on that patient,
or do you want to operate
and are afraid you won't do it well?
Think about it.
Dr. Gu.
Dr. Gu.
I know you're still in there.
It's okay. I'm not rushing you.
Take your time.
I just want to tell you,
we still
have to see each other later,
so, see you.
Be good, Qiuqiu.
It's okay, Qiuqiu.
I don't want Dr. Yan.
I want Dr. Gu!
I want Dr. Gu!
Dr. Gu is the best!
Dr. Yan is also very good.
Yes, Qiuqiu.
Dr. Yan is very good.
- Be good, OK?
- No!
If it's not Dr. Gu,
I won't do the surgery.
- It's okay. It's okay.
- You bad boy!
- Mrs. Mrs.
- Mrs.
Don't be angry.
It's okay. It's okay.
Come on, Qiuqiu, Ultraman.
Be like him.
Don't cry. Don't cry.
- Be good, Qiuqiu.
- Here, Ultraman.
OK? Take it.
No, I don't want it!
Don't cry.
Hello, Dr. Yan, it's me.
I have
a favor to ask you.
Can I go to the Operating Room
for Qiuqiu's surgery this afternoon?
I know it's…
I know it's very complicated,
so I'm calling you
to ask you a favor.
Is Dr. Gu here?
Don't worry, Qiuqiu.
Dr. Yan can do your surgery well.
I'll stay with you
until the surgery is over, okay?
This book has 899 pages.
I have to memorize them all.
It's too hard for me.
Gu Wei.
You are just in time.
Help me.
There's so much
to memorize in this book.
Can you help me highlight it?
What do you think?
Do you think patients will get sick
according to the highlights?
Patients put their lives in your hands
because they trust you.
We doctors
can't take any chances.
We must be prepared for anything.
Memorize them all.
I'll check you next Monday.
If there is any uncertainty,
we can never
jeopardize the patient's life.
Dr. Gu.
Here you are.
I have something to tell you.
Take a seat.
Thank you.
Thank you, Dr. Gu.
Dr. Gu.
Sorry, I…
I broke it. I am so sorry.
This is a birthday present for Qiuqiu.
Let me.
Let me fix it for you.
Hold on.
What's broken is broken.
It can't be repaired.
No way.
I can fix it.
Hold on.
Look, well bandaged.
Here you are.
Because of my teacher.
I couldn't save him.
So now
my shaking hands
are caused by my mental disorder.
I shouldn't have surgery on anyone
in this situation.
So it's not that
you didn't like my gift.
Shall I get it back for you?
That anti-hair loss product
works really well.
I mean it.
(Bar Party Group)
Find her for me.
Thank you.
(Bar Party Group)
Find her for me.
(Bar Party Group)
Thank you.
(Bar Party Group)
(Bar Party Group)
Here she is.
One more Depth Charge.
I will pay.
It's so boring to drink alone.
Let me join you.
How did you know I was here?
This may be God's arrangement.
Whatever she ordered, double it.
Do you really want to drink with me?
Do you dare?
So exciting.
I like it.
So it's not that
you didn't like my gift.
Shall I get it back for you?
That anti-hair loss product
works really well.
I didn't lie to you.
My hairline has grown out
since I used this.
I got it.
What's wrong?
Mr. Lin, let me ask you.
If a person confides his sadness
to you,
should you comfort him
right away?
Go to sleep. It's late.
Where is she?
She's gone.
Sir, please settle the bill.
You are such a good drinker.
I will take you down sooner or later.
Wine can really boost courage.
- Hello, Mr. Lin.
- Hello, Mr. Lin.
Feel free.
We're not in the office now.
You can hold your hands.
It's okay.
It's so kind of you
to visit him in person.
It's what we should do.
We heard that Mr. Lin is ill.
So we came to visit him.
That's it, Ms. Li.
It's Zhixiao's fault.
Mr. Lin is sick and hospitalized.
She didn't tell us
about such a big thing.
Lin Zhixiao did the right thing.
I just got a gastric ulcer.
You don't have to be nervous.
I feel
your kindness.
I am so happy.
If I am half as considerate as them,
would you be satisfied, Mr. Lin?
How long will
your exchange study last?
It's short. Only about three months.
That's great.
You can take this opportunity
to get to know the school.
If appropriate,
you may consider studying abroad
for postgraduate study.
By the way, Mr. Lin,
we heard that
the Faculty of Music over there is
also very good.
We can get some information back
for Zhixiao.
Be careful then.
She may lose face abroad.
Mr. Lin.
Keep the bottom line
for further contact.
If I achieve something in the future,
I will take Ms. Li abroad
instead of you.
Don't blame me for being stingy then.
By then,
I will be grey-haired, teetering
and can't even walk.
I won't travel anymore.
Prepare fruit for them.
- Yes, wash the apples.
- Okay.
- Take a seat. Feel free.
- Take a seat.
You take a seat. I will go with Zhixiao.
- Let's go.
- Okay, let's go.
Let's go.
I heard from Sansan
that Mr. Lin…
Gastric cancer.
But no one told him.
It was kept secret.
Just keep it in mind.
Why are you still arguing with him
like before?
It may irritate him.
The best way to treat a patient
at this time
is to treat him as a healthy person.
It's the best for him.
I feel you are more mature.
You thoroughly remoulded yourself
just in a few days.
It's okay.
Not a big deal.
Why so sad?
Let me tell you something happy.
Good news.
What good news?
Are you and Jin Shi
planning to register your marriage?
I'll transfer you 10 yuan.
What are you talking about?
I've been keeping an eye
on your orchestra
for the past few days
you were not there.
The principal cellist
has a temporary emergency
and can't participate
in the summer show.
What good news is this?
What does it have to do with me?
Come on.
Why are you so heartless?
Think about it. If she's absent,
the orchestra will need a replacement.
Who else can play the cello?
Only you!
It makes sense!
I have to give it a go this time
and show them that I, Lin Zhixiao,
am a talented cellist.
Let's go wash the apples.
Okay. Mr. Jin, what do you think
of the rhythm?
I think
the speed of 23-27
can be slower.
23 to 27?
- Okay, thank you.
- Okay.
That's all for today's rehearsal.
Thank you.
Mr. Jin.
I would like to ask you
when I could be transferred back
to the cello team?
You know the original piece
required each cellist
to perform a solo.
- So…
- I got it, sir.
I will definitely take the time
to practice.
Please don't worry.
I mean
we have decided to change the piece
this time.
There is no more vacancy
in the cello team.
There will be many opportunities
in the future.
That's it.
Dr. Gu.
Are you off duty?
Why do you come here?
I've been in a seminar
for the whole morning
and heard too many suggestions.
So I come here
to get some air to sober up.
You seem
not as noisy as usual.
I'm quiet all the time.
What's wrong?
What happened to you?
Never mind.
Just the teacher of the orchestra
weeded me out
because of my incapability.
I'm left out.
I only have to play the triangle.
There're several cellists
in the orchestra,
but only one plays the triangle.
So, you're unique.
You're so good at comforting.
I'm fine.
You don't have to comfort me.
I didn't take playing the cello
as my future profession
and practice hard for it
when I was little.
It was in high school
when I started to work hard.
But I'm not talented,
so I was neglected in school.
I'm used to it.
Don't worry.
I won't get depressed for long
or give up.
For me,
a tin of cola
will cure everything.
I'm suddenly cheered up.
How about you, Dr. Gu?
You mentioned your teacher yesterday.
If you trust me,
you can talk about it with me.
Of course, if you don't,
I won't push you.
This is not a secret.
About a month ago,
my teacher, Liang Zhou
was hospitalized
because of pancreatic cancer.
I was responsible for his treatment.
I suggest a laparoscopic
distal pancreatectomy
and splenectomy.
It will cause a small wound
and recover quickly.
I think it's suitable for you.
Gu Wei, how's Liang Zhou?
Don't worry, Mrs.
The surgery went well.
A few days later,
his situation turned worse rapidly.
Dr. Gu.
It's has been over 30 minutes.
Dr. Gu.
Get away.
Rest assured, teacher,
I won't let you down.
Come back.
Come back.
(…my only wish is to save people.)
(Keep moving on and stay true
to my mission. Liang Zhou)
Come back.
what's wrong
with Mr. Liang's treatment?
The acute hemorrhage after surgery.
Many people must have comforted you
that it was not your fault.
Why do you still have a mental barrier?
Is it because of
"not sure"?
Because it's not sure,
you don't know
whether your treatment is wrong.
That's why you have a mental barrier.
I'm right.
That's it.
I saw you rescuing a patient
in the ward that day.
I know you must be the genius type
who wants to control everything.
People like you
believe that you can change the world
with your strength.
So, when something goes wrong,
you feel more obliged
and helpless
than others.
In fact,
when you stride over the barrier
and look back,
you'll find it's not a big deal.
have you ever been helpless?
See, I said
you've met too few setbacks.
People like us
have already
grown thick-skinned.
Now, for me,
each setback is the impetus to move on.
That's right.
These are the words
for kids at your age.
What do you mean?
How can you start personal abuse?
Who is the kid?
I'm a mature lady.
You're the student
of Huaqing University, right?
I was, too.
Bachelor of medicine in the year 2006.
Then you're my senior.
Nice to meet you.
The year 2006.
You're so much older than me.
It's hard to tell.
You look so young.
At least you have so many hairs.
If you used my shampoo,
your hair can be better.
Can't you take a joke?
How come you get mad?
Don't be mad.
I was joking.
You know what, Dr. Gu?
I envy you so much.
I think you
have the gift of a good surgeon.
The gift is desirable
for many people.
If I'm as talented as you,
I must stand on the world-class stage
despite of any difficulty.
just confront the difficulty
when I meet it.
Things will go well
when we come to them.
Or I'll just make them well.
Mr. Lin.
Hello, Mr. Lin.
Where are you?
I took a trip back to school.
What are you shouting for?
Could you please respect me?
I've been back now.
Wait for a while.
Hurry up.
Get it, get it, bye-bye.
Mr. Lin, you know him.
I'm gonna leave.
Come on.
Dr. Gu,
you're really a very good doctor
in my eyes.
Don't give up
even if you don't do the surgery
for Mr. Lin.
See you.
Lin Zhixiao.
What are you up to?
Sticking to it.
Enjoy your food, Mr. Lin.
Why do you get out again?
Mr. Jin.
I know I didn't perform well
and you were dissatisfied with me.
Sorry that
I disappointed you.
I've been playing the cello
since I was little.
But I'm never
a talented cellist.
I have to take more time to master
what other people can understand easily.
Sometimes, I make mistakes
and I feel disappointed in myself.
I have the unique strength,
which is,
never giving up
the dream of being a cellist.
I'll work tens and hundreds
of time harder
than others.
Though I have to take care
of my dad now,
I'll spend even a minute of spare time
to practice,
understand and study the pieces.
Mr. Jin,
please trust my resolution.
If you allow me to play the cello again,
I'll try my best
and won't let you down.
Mr. Jin,
please give me another chance.
(Dr. Gu, come on!)
See, I said
you've met too few setbacks.
In fact,
when you stride over the barrier
and look back,
you'll find it's not a big deal.
Each setback is the impetus to move on.
Come on, Dr. Gu.
Dr. Gu,
you're really a very good doctor
in my eyes.
Don't give up
even if you don't do the surgery
for Mr. Lin.
Wei, could you come out for a while?
Here's an emergency.
My son is suffering so much.
You don't even care about it.
You call yourself doctors?
But it's normal to bleed
after the surgery.
Dr. Gu has dealt with it.
- It's not
- Get away.
I'm talking to him.
None of your business.
Please calm down.
I see, you're Gu Wei.
You just caused an accident
and killed your teacher.
Mind your words.
How unfortunate
my son is to be here
- when you're on duty.
- Honey.
Honey, our son is fainted out of pain.
Find a way out for my son.
- Stop shouting. Stop shouting.
- Listen,
- I'm gonna complain.
- Sir.
- I'm gonna complain.
- Could you please calm down?
Stop it.
Watch out.
I won't let you go.
Lin Zhixiao.
Dr. Gu, are you alright?
Lin Zhixiao.
Dr. Gu, please be gentle.
I haven't started.
Don't move.
Gently, gently, gently.
You know it's painful now?
I don't know
whether I should appreciate you
or scold you.
It was so dangerous.
But you rushed in recklessly.
It's lucky that the cut is not deep.
I saved you anyway,
Who is responsible for the wound?
I wish someone
can do the surgery for my dad
for the sake of my injury.
Does it hurt?
It's OK.
When I was little,
my dad treated me as a boy.
The other girls,
if they fell, for example,
their parents would hold them up
and coax.
My dad was like,
Lin Zhixiao,
get up where you fall.
Just like he did in the office.
Does it hurt
when stitching?
Are you so afraid of pain?
How's it?
It's cute.
This pig is so cute.
It's a chicken actually.
The nurses of children's ward
taught me when I rotated there.
I felt it looked like a chicken
just now,
but I was embarrassed to say it.
It's a lovely chicken.
You get stitched then.
Thank you, Dr. Gu.
I'll start now.
Hold on, Dr. Gu.
Don't you have to anesthetize me
before stitching?
Lin Zhixiao,
you make the choice.
If you get anesthesia,
it would be four stitches.
And two stitches without anesthesia.
Make the choice.
Two stitches.
Come here.
I'll be as gentle as I can.
It will be a little hurt. Hang in there.
It's almost done.
Hang in there.
Dr. Gu.
Your eyes are so beautiful.
It's not painful, right?
Don't misunderstand. I didn't mean it.
It's just out of aesthetics.
Anything I should mind?
Keep wound out of water
in three days.
Change the medicine every other day.
Come to me to take out the stitches
five days later.
Don't eat spicy food.
It doesn't hurt, does it?
It's done.
Thank you, Dr. Gu.
I'm gonna leave.
Mind your wound.
The chicken balloon.
I see, you're Gu Wei.
I heard that
you just caused an accident
and killed your teacher.
You're an irresponsible doctor.
Mind your words.
Dr. Gu.
Are you off duty?
Let me take you somewhere.
Well, I'm not going…
- Come on.
- I…
I've saved you.
Do me an honor.
Say it again.
What did you ask me to do?
Climbing through the window.
Climbing through the window?
Take it ease.
This is the tradition
of our Department of Music.
Almost every student has climbed in
through the window to rehearse.
No way, Dr. Gu.
Haven't you ever done something wrong
when you were a student?
I think it's because
there're too little homework
for you students of Department of Music.
Old fogey. Wait here.
Look at me.
Come in.
Dr. Gu.
You're really interesting.
You can get in with one step.
Why are you being so stable outside?
Forget it.
I don't understand
the good students like you.
Wait for me in the front door.
I'll open the door for you.
(Huaqing University)
Lin Zhixiao.
The door is unlocked.
I don't know it's unlocked today.
Don't you lose your mind by the hurt?
Get in?
How's it?
No one's here.
Is it super atmospheric?
When I was in high school,
I was with poor grades.
I had no idea what I could do
and whether I could
enter the university.
I almost gave up
until a senior
encouraged me
and pointed the direction for me.
I remember that day,
he took me
to climb in through the window.
He stood up here
and had an agreement with me.
when you entered Huaqing University,
we'll cooperate here.
So, you really entered it.
From then on, I'll come here
when I come across
any difficulty.
And I will be relieved.
So, Dr. Gu,
I want to share it with you.
Are you going to play for me?
Hold on.
Thank you, Dr. Gu,
for curing Mr. Lin on time.
I specially chose
this song for you.
Listen to it carefully.
How's it? Is it good?
Dr. Gu.
Do you know
what my impression on you is?
At first,
I greatly misunderstood you.
Now I don't understand
you very comprehensively,
but I'm sure for one thing,
you're a very good doctor.
=The Oath of Love=
What's Mr. Lin's impression on me?
(Lin & Gu's Sweet Little Theatre)
(Lin & Gu's Sweet Little Theatre)
The first impression?
A fair-faced man.
Get promoted by relationships.
Have you explained it to Mr. Lin?
I didn't get the chance to explain.
Why does Mr. Lin
get this impression on me?
I don't know.
Perhaps, probably, maybe,
it's a misunderstanding.
You said that, right?
No, you're handsome.
=The Oath of Love=
(Little Theatre)
♪Look at that pair of eyes♪
♪Suddenly feel at ease♪
♪Gentle as pure white coat♪
♪Covering all the sadness♪
♪Wounds are healed in an instant♪
♪Warm the heart bit by bit♪
♪You asked me how to describe you♪
♪Empty words are not worthy of it♪
♪I haven't finished
telling you my heart♪
♪I'll prove it for the rest of my life♪
♪Only give you the best view♪
♪Only give you my greatest love♪
♪Seriously My girl♪
♪I want others to♪
♪Want them to♪
♪Envy you♪
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