The On1y One (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

The glamorous end of the century

Welcome to upside-down world.
We'll read this month's horoscope
to you now.
Venus and Mars are
directly opposite each other at 180°.
That's a hopeless and fatal attraction.
Everything impossible is possible.
Turn around, and it's the beauty
at the turn-of-the-century.
And now, upside down.
Why did I drink so much?
Good morning.
Let's go.
Why are you standing there?
Wait till I've gone over this mountain.
I win.
If possible,
I just want to stay in this room
all alone.
Here, Xiaotian, a poached egg.
Cook it a bit more?
Actually, we can try
Try what?
Try to be a little closer.
I'll make another one for you.
Quick, come and have your breakfast.
Thank you, Auntie.
There's no need to be so formal.
Here, have some porridge.
I'll make some new poached eggs for you.
There's already an egg here.
Hey, you
Here you go.
Poached eggs.
I need to go earlier today.
Wait, Xiaotian.
Aren't you going to eat?
You're not going to wait for Xiaowang?
No need for that.
Didn't you say you wanted it
cooked a bit more?
I'm full now, Auntie.
He ate the raw one, but this one
Isn't this the better one?
Still want to go straight?
Have you forgotten about last night?
Last night?
What do you mean go straight?
-I'm going home.
-Home is the other way!
I know that.
I just wanted to test you.
It's true!
If you don't believe me,
record it with your phone.
I can still walk straight.
What exactly do you want to do?
Take it out and press record!
I'm going to start walking.
You're recording, right?
Well? Was it a straight line?
Can you do that?
I don't want to.
Walk over here.
See if you can walk straight.
I don't want to.
Hurry up!
You can do it too.
Thank you.
Hey, how am I supposed to record you?
I know.
Hey, you
If you can walk straight, then walk home.
Go on, I'll record.
Let's go!
Let's go!
Don't sway about!
We're on the way.
Walk in a straight line!
Don't sway about.
You remember now?
Walk in a straight line.
If I'd known
It'd be great
if I really had a stomachache.
Then I could call in sick.
It's not poison.
Hawthorn helps with digestion.
You won't get diarrhea.
Even if you don't have a stomachache,
you've just eaten my mother's bad cooking.
So you need to take one.
Auntie Jiang gave you this?
We just ate the breakfast she prepared,
then she gave you this?
What a nice lady.
why did you say to me
that you wanted to try
to be a little closer?
So, you don't want us
to know each other better?
I didn't mean it that way.
So do you want it or not?
I do.
Let me see you walk straight.
Hey, can you stop going on
about walking in a straight line?
Walk in a straight line.
You need a spanking.
The path to punch someone
is a straight line.
Initial speed 0, acceleration 50.
According to Newton's law of motion F=Ma.
Stop it!
Why are you two so late?
Go to your seats, quickly.
Why is Miss Jin so early
Go and sit down, quickly.
You two, take out your test papers.
Oh, no. I didn't do it.
-Me neither
-As I said, there are two types
-of good English grades.
-Miss Jin is so early.
The first lesson hasn't started.
Why are so many people standing up?
Someone told on us.
She came to check our papers
to see who copied.
If I find out who it is,
I'll definitely damn
Then the accuracy can be improved.
Stand up.
For some students,
I don't need to check their papers
to know they didn't do it.
Gao Tianyang.
Show more initiative.
Stand up!
Where's your test paper?
Some students are different.
I don't need to check their papers
to know they've done it.
Come, Sheng Wang.
Be a good example to everyone.
Sheng Wang.
You've given me
a painful slap in the face.
Do you feel it?
Stand up!
Who else among you
didn't do their test papers
like these ones here?
Take your papers and pens
and go outside to do them.
Come back when you're done.
Everyone of you be more conscientious.
-Jiang Tian, your paper?
-Why did I go to the barbecue?
True, it was too late for us.
It was midnight by the time
I got home and had a bath.
Not bad.
Not bad.
The rest of you did well.
Don't look. Do it yourself.
Miss Jin will see.
Tian is standing up.
Jiang Tian?
Oh, no, Tian came out too.
I feel a little better now.
Stop comparing yourself with Tian.
Did Miss Jin say when we could go back in?
When we're done of course.
When we're done?
When all 150 are done,
I think it will be about time
to go home.
Wait a minute.
We haven't been out here for long,
and you're already on question 58?
Question 59 now?
How long will it take to do 150?
Less than an hour.
-Why didn't you finish yours?
-You tell me.
Why did you come early?
I need to go earlier today.
Not waiting for Xiaowang?
Tick A for this question.
Present continuous tense.
You think an ace student is so great?
I hear our class has become
a tourist attraction.
Many came especially to see our
so-called ace student getting punished.
Do me a favor.
Can you perform normally?
Can you put more effort into your lessons?
Can you?
Okay, I still have something to announce.
The Model Student of the Year selection
will happen soon.
Everybody knows
the city's model student
will get bonus points
on the college entrance exam.
This is like getting
the first choice ticket.
Our class has four candidates this year.
Same rules as always:
based on performance,
chosen from among the class prefects,
voted on by the class.
The fourth candidate will be
the one who has made
the most progress on the monthly exam.
Okay, take out your textbooks.
Open to page 91.
Class monitor.
Write the last formula on the board.
The rest of you,
take out your test papers.
Still angry?
Sorry, it was my fault.
I will kneel down before you.
Focus on the lesson. Don't text.
My pen ran out of ink.
Lend me your refill.
let's go to the west gate.
Focus on your lesson.
Don't tilt your chair during class.
Another thing.
Can you not keep borrowing my refills?
So can you stop being angry?
I have something to do tonight.
If my mother asks,
tell her the teacher wanted to see me.
Okay, then can you stop being angry?
Right now, I'm choosing
to have amnesia. Okay?
I'll tell Auntie Jiang tonight then.
This has nothing to do with the alcohol.
You know that during the day,
I have to go to class with everyone else.
At night, I have to catch up on
what I didn't learn last semester.
I never get to bed before 3:00 a.m.
One more thing. I've noticed
your school is super-weird.
Seating at the next test is
arranged according to ranking.
The 31st-ranked student is placed
in the first seat of Class B.
The 65th gets the fifth seat in Class C.
I did so poorly on my last test.
So which class will I be placed in?
Uncle Zhao.
I'll get going then.
Uncle Zhao.
I heard
you guys went to my son's café yesterday.
Yes, yesterday was his grand opening.
Didn't you go?
Not used to the food there.
Do you have anything else nice
besides Ageh fish ball soup?
Take a look inside.
Okay, I'm in a great mood today.
I want to eat a lot.
Okay, chemistry's done.
1:45 a.m.
Great. I can go to bed early.
What's going on?
It's so noisy.
Why are you moving around
in the middle of the night?
You're so focused on me?
I'm not.
What time do you plan to go to sleep?
How much do you have left to study?
One more subject.
Which one?
Is your door locked?
Is it locked?
What does he mean?
You sure are busy.
Still awake in the middle of the night.
You're really noisy.
What are you stuck on?
I'm not stuck.
Not stuck?
Can't you see it's nearly two o'clock?
I not only have to attend classes,
but I have to study new content
and catch up too.
My pace is already fast, okay?
So when you texted me to ask what time
I was going to bed, which question
did you want to ask me about?
So you want help with the main points
and the exam questions?
Can I write on your book?
I'll be ripping it out anyway.
Ripping it out?
If I answer the question correctly
a few times,
I'll cross it off.
Once the whole page
is crossed off, I'll rip it out,
so that next time,
I don't waste time looking it over.
I'll go ahead then.
This is the main point.
Main point.
Forget about this one.
This one too.
You can skim this one.
Read the rest when you have time.
It's okay if you don't time.
I understood it when you marked it.
The six first questions
are the most comprehensive ones.
If I understand them,
there's no need to worry
what the main exam questions will be.
The following questions
basically review
different parts of the six main points.
So I don't need to waste time.
I have a question.
What is it?
The way you lecture on a topic
Have you never been beaten?
Hey No
Don't take this one away.
Whether I can sleep early tonight
depends totally on this.
Hand me the pen.
I'll take a look at the math questions
you answered.
Say if you disagree
with my main points. It's fine.
Was it okay?
What's Tian doing? Why's he so slow?
Hurry up, Mute!
Hurry up! Can't you understand?
Hurry up!
Speak like a human!
Damn it!
My shoes are dirty now!
Always begging for food!
Don't be in the way!
Damn it!
Uncle Mute!
Let's get over there. Come on
Let's fight then!
Hit him!
Hit him!
Okay, sorry.
I apologize, okay?
Fuck your mother.
Go fuck your own mother!
Not other people's!
Okay, I'll fuck my own mother, all right?
Let's go to the clinic.
What does that mean?
He said no need to go.
He has antiseptic at home.
What brand is it?
Is it expired? Is it effective?
-Ignore him. Let's go.
-Let's go.
-Come on.
-He's high-born.
Come on.
Hey, careful!
I've got it.
Sheng, did you know?
My grandparents
and Tian's maternal grandmother
used to be Tamying's teachers.
They all lived here.
The primary school here is famous.
So I moved here when I was
about five or six years old
and stayed till I finished primary school.
Tian came earlier.
He was three or four when he came.
But I think he moved away
before he finished primary school.
Yes, we moved away.
Let Uncle Mute sit there.
Everyone lives behind there.
Sit over there.
This is Old Ding's house.
Boss Zhao of Xi Le lives nearby.
Oh, right, listen.
This guy Ding who lives here is
the famous fierce old man
of the Little White House.
Difficult to get along with.
He's so aggressive
But Tian gets along with him,
so he has lunch here every day.
I can't.
It's just that when I was little,
I climbed a tree, fell and broke his roof.
He's held a grudge till this day.
Was it that serious?
you usually have lunch here.
What's with Mute?
You haven't paid for my broken roof!
How dare you come here. I'll beat you!
I love you too!
Love, my foot!
I'll beat you if you show up again!
Mute, what happened to your knee?
He fell down in the school
and bumped his knee.
And who are you?
I'm his classmate.
-Hello, Grandpa Ding.
-Who told you my last name is Ding?
The one who just ran away.
I should've broken his leg just now!
Did you help Xiaotian bring Mute home?
Have you eaten?
Why are you looking at him?
You don't know if you've eaten?
I haven't eaten.
Okay, take a rest first.
I'll go cook lunch.
Bring back that broom later.
I have a question.
How come we can't understand
what Uncle Mute's saying,
but you can?
I guess parts of it.
The only one who can converse with him
is Xi Le's boss, Zhao.
No wonder
Uncle Mute often goes to Xi Le.
He's either managing the cash register
or taking inventory
or dealing with the recycling.
He's really busy there.
If there's only one person in the world
who can understand what you say, then
he's more important than anyone else.
Just now
Zhai Tao asked about my mother
Thank you.
Quickly, go inside.
I'll go get the broom.
Be careful.
You guys eat first.
There are more people today,
so I'll go prepare another dish.
What's the matter?
Do you still want to eat at Xi Le?
Okay, pretend I didn't say that.
Older people aren't fussy
about preparing meals.
I'm not sure if you're used to the food.
So you talked round in a big circle
because you were afraid
I wasn't used to the food?
I'm just worried the food
will go to waste.
You've got an annoying way of talking.
Go to Xi Le then.
I won't go!
I'm not a picky eater.
Right, Uncle Mute?
I really admire the boy
you brought here to eat.
So picky. He doesn't eat
coriander, carrots or spinach.
He eats onions and garlic if they're
minced but won't eat if he sees
He's slandering me!
Who's slandering you?
Here, eat up.
This is
-Xiao what?
Xiaosheng or Xiaowang.
Whatever you're happy with.
Xiaowang then.
Do you have enough food?
Yes, I do!
You're big and tall.
I'd better get you another bowl of rice.
Thank you.
Why did Gao Tianyang call him Old Ding?
Yes, he looks like that!
What are you laughing about?
What's so funny?
There's just half a bowl of rice left.
Don't just eat the meat
in the bell pepper pork.
Bell peppers are tasty and nutritious.
He doesn't eat bell
I eat bell peppers.
You eat bell peppers, huh?
Do you eat them?
I love bell peppers.
Have more then.
Is he going to commend us?
We've come to get the exercise books.
They're on the table.
Take them and go away.
Sheng Wang.
You did well on your test this time.
Should I praise you a little?
Praise you for fighting?
You didn't finish your test properly.
You have so much free time to fight!
I was there too.
You forgot to call me up.
Did you hit them?
-I did.
-My foot!
There are so many CCTVs.
Do you think they're fake?
Don't you butt in. Listen here,
I'm going to punish you too.
No one can stop me.
In one go, I can
Sir, Gao Tianyang's brain got damaged
when he hit his head.
He's rambling. I'll take him back
to rest in the classroom.
What are you doing?
Stop answering back.
My dad will get angrier,
and it'll be worse for them.
Sir, they hit us first.
I damn
Why do I have to stand here?
You still don't know
why you're standing here?
Didn't I just say?
The CCTVs outside.
Besides, the students who witnessed it
have eyes and ears.
Did you think I called you here
to make excuses?
I also want to ask you,
who called someone a beggar?
And who kicked someone down the stairs?
-Yes, you did!
And you two.
I know
your original intention
may not have been bad.
But there are numerous ways
to handle a situation.
Must you resort to fighting?
Jiang Tian.
You're amazing, huh?
Fighting in front of your classmates.
You felt especially cool, right?
Sheng Wang.
You threw your school bag really far.
Are you that strong?
Okay then.
The three of you
like to show off
in front of others, right?
Come on.
In that lane to the west of the school,
there's a huge mass of dead leaves.
This stage is impressive, right?
Every day after school,
go sweep the grounds.
I have to shame you a few times,
so you know just how long life's road is.
Thank you, sir.
How're we going to finish
sweeping them up?
And the leaves keep falling.
Don't move!
Sometimes, we really just need
to look at the present.
Didn't you ask me that day?
What did you want to say afterwards?
Actually, I wanted to say
that it would be better
for us to each live our own lives.
We didn't have any interaction before,
so why get caught up with each other now?
But afterwards,
you kept wanting to walk home
in a straight line.
And you forced me to do the same.
As we walked,
I looked back once
and saw the path we'd just walked.
I suddenly felt
the past didn't seem so important.
There was no present before,
so the past was important.
But now, we have the present,
so the past is no longer important.
So I want to live in the present.
How good it would be
if we could stay in the present.
Why do you want to stay in the present?
There's a better future awaiting us.
Sheng Wang, Jiang Tian.
Enough, stop sweeping.
Mr. Xu, it's best if you tell them.
I'm changing your punishment.
Report to Miss Yang Jing
every day after class.
I'm the one who asked this of Mr. Xu.
The English Competition is next week.
The two students most likely to win
have been sent here to sweep leaves
and can't go back to study.
Mr. Xu,
do you think this is good?
This matter
affects the reputation of our school,
the performance of the school,
as well as the number
of new students each year.
So the principal especially values that.
I've decided to let the two of you
atone for your crimes with good deeds.
Stop sweeping now.
There are two conditions.
First, you must win
the English competition.
Second, this week's test.
You must have improved
by more than 50 ranks.
Not you. I'm talking about Sheng Wang.
You're number one.
Can't go higher than that.
Mr. Xu.
You know that the higher your ranking is,
the harder it is
to move up the list.
And there's not much time.
Of course, I know.
Otherwise, how would it be a punishment?
You either fulfill these two conditions
-continue sweeping.
-Thank you, sir.
don't hope to become
the class's model student anymore.
Go up 50 ranks
Go up 50 ranks in the whole grade
Why must only one be punished
when two are at fault?
No way.
I must get him to help me review
the test questions and main points.
That's not taking advantage.
What is it?
The aircon in my room is not working.
I'd like to cool off in your room.
I'm serious.
Go see for yourself.
It's really not working.
Don't go
If you really do go,
I'll jump from a building
right in front of you.
An air-conditioned room is so comfortable.
Don't mind me. Just do your work.
Mind if I sit on your bed?
I do.
It's all right. I can stand.
Sit down or you can go back.
Hurry up and do your homework.
do you mind sleeping a little later?
2:00 a.m.?
Is the aircon really broken?
I already told Auntie Sun.
A repairman will come in two days.
Yes, starting from here.
Memorize this one.
Alternating currents.
This is sure to come up.
This question is wrong.
Add this one.
Constitutes a whole entity.
Go sleep in your own room
if you want to sleep.
It's not my fault
if you don't advance 50 ranks.
You haven't done this.
Or this one.
After this, I'll start
This one isn't done either.
So how long will you
be staying in my room?
"Lush, lush, willows in the courtyard.
A voluptuous woman on the upper floor"
That hurts too much.
This side now.
Thank you.
I've finished it all before 1:00 a.m.
Is that a problem?
No, I just think the feng shui here
is good for doing exam questions.
Praising you a bit.
What is it?
I found it.
Why did you pack your bag?
When are you planning to leave?
I didn't pack my bag.
It's been there all this time.
This book is better.
More types of questions.
Personal habit.
Xiaowang, I'm back!
-My dad's back.
-I'm back!
Xiaowang, are you asleep?
Do you have to panic like this?
You even dragged me into a wardrobe.
What do you mean by this?
my dad's very long-winded.
If he knows we're still awake,
he's sure to ask
why we're still not sleeping
and why we haven't finished our work
and why we've delayed it till now.
If I tell him I haven't finished it,
he's sure to ask
if it's because there's too much
or it's too difficult.
Is it just me, or is it the whole class?
If I tell him I'm studying
for the monthly test,
he's sure to ask
how my studying is going.
Or he'll reassure me, saying,
"Our Sheng Wang's the greatest.
Your dad believes in you."
Not Sheng Wang.
Your father will call you Xiaowang.
-Shut up.
-The lights are out.
They must be asleep.
Then let's not wake them.
can we get out now?
Of course.
8:00 - 9:30
May I know if Sheng Wang's here?
That's me.
Go see the English teacher.
-Miss Jing wants to see me?
Right now?
I think she said she wants to print out
new test papers
for the English competition.
She's not in the office upstairs.
She said the photocopier is broken.
She's at Xi Le Welfare Society
printing out your test papers.
Go. I'll return to the exam room.
Okay, thanks.
Why look for me now?
Is that him?
Hey, classmate.
Sheng Wang?
Don't scare him.
Okay, sorry.
Do you know who I am?
No, you don't.
Then do you know why I came here?
Answer him!
Calm down.
Do you know why I came looking for you?
I do.
You guys
are looking for a beating!
What's going on?
Every time I take a test,
I get into a fight.
My horoscope for this month
is really accurate.
You bastard!
You sure can fight!
Venus and Mars are
directly opposite each other at 180°.
That's a hopeless and fatal attraction.
Everything impossible is possible.
Turn around, and it's the beauty
at the turn-of-the-century.
Okay, chemistry's done.
1:45 a.m.
You know that during the day,
I have to go to class with everyone else.
At night, I have to catch up on
what I didn't learn last semester.
I never get to bed before 3:00 a.m.
Why are you moving around
in the middle of the night?
You're so focused on me?
I'm not. What time do you plan
to go to sleep?
How much do you have left to study?
One more subject.
Which one?
Is your door locked?
In the stillness of the night,
a cicada in one of the trees
suddenly played out a tune.
It was clearly the end of summer,
but it was like the awakening
of insects in the middle of spring.
Subtitle translation by: Elaine Liew
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