The Orchestra (2022) s01e04 Episode Script


That should've been you.
I don't want to be
on the front page of that shit.
No one reads it anyway.
Doesn't it matter
to be on the front page?
It's a popularity contest, mom. It's not
about being good at playing instruments.
It's about being good at ingratiation.
Simon's an expert at that.
You have
so many positive things to offer.
You just have to show people.
Be open to the world.
I don't want to be a brownnose.
Try to be a little bit of a brownnose.
You get a brown nose
by sticking it far up someone's
I just lost my appetite.
- Good morning, girls.
- You're dripping on me, honey.
- I just ran a 12K.
- Awesome.
- You're in great shape.
- Pretty good, right?
Is it okay
if I go out to dinner with Mie tonight?
Didn't you go out recently?
Yeah, but her relationship's
in shambles. She's miserable.
Not everyone's as lucky as you.
You need a shower, honey.
What's that?
Do you have any pills I can have?
Any red ones or blue ones?
My doctor won't renew my prescriptions
because I'm taking too many.
It's so annoying
when they get like that.
Do you need pills?
- What?
- You were talking about medicine.
I wasn't eavesdropping, but you
spoke very loudly.
Do you need pills?
What are you charging?
I have plenty.
I have both the red and the blue ones.
You can have them.
- That's fantastic.
- Yeah.
They're in my locker.
I'll meet you there in half an hour.
- Bo.
- Regitze.
Now that you're here
I have something of yours.
- What's that?
- En garde.
- What is it?
- Open it.
Aren't those your legal undergarments?
- Where did you get these?
- They were lying around in the archive.
For everyone to find.
Is this another attempt at blackmail?
- That's preposterous.
- I can't fire Simon.
- I have no sway on those decisions.
- It has nothing to do with that.
I just thought you'd be more comfortable
keeping your panties at home.
You found my panties, took them home
with you, put them in an envelope -
and carried them around
in your back pocket.
- Howdy.
- Well, hello.
What are you two chatting about?
What was it, Regitze?
It was just some financial stuff.
I hope that's not
a love letter for my wife, Bo.
- It's just a contract.
- It's nice that we can help each other.
I just had a great idea.
How about we go to the cafeteria
and have lunch together?
That sounds nice.
What do you say, Regitze?
I forgot some documents,
so I'm gonna work from home instead.
Too bad.
You and me. What do you say?
Ten minutes.
I gotta do something.
- The cafeteria in ten minutes.
- Take care.
- Honey. See you at home.
- See you. Take care.
- See you.
- Have a nice day.
that's perfect for your temper.
Julie, be careful with these.
They're very good.
You must be good friends
with your doctor.
I have the right connections.
So we're gonna have lunch now.
Do you want to join us?
And eat with you?
If you're free.
I am.
Well, let me
I have plans,
but I can spare ten minutes.
I don't understand
why we don't work more on balance.
When you play divisi,
the second section is too loud.
Just a minute.
I'm having lunch with someone else.
When did you plan that?
Some of the string players asked me
if I had any pills, and I did.
So they asked me
to have lunch with them.
Did you give them medicine?
I don't think that's a good idea.
It's okay. I have plenty.
That's not what I mean.
To hand out medicine
when you're not a doctor is not legal.
Sure it is. Everyone does it.
I can't imagine everyone's on drugs.
A classical orchestra
can't function without them.
- Cyclists are doping themselves too.
- That's also illegal.
We'll have to talk about it
some other time.
I'm sorry.
When you play divisi, the second section
is too loud, but nobody seems to notice.
For fuck's sake!
Alma! God damn it!
What are you yelling about?
You almost burned the house down!
We forgot about it!
I'm going home.
Okay. Bye, bye, Tobias.
- What's up with him?
- I don't know.
What were you thinking?
You don't put a pizza in the oven
and then Dad's gonna be mad.
- Hi, Gertrud.
- Hi.
- Are you busy?
- I'm eating. What is it?
- Should I come back later?
- No. It's fine.
What's up?
Do you know if anyone here is
You know.
Taking something.
Like what?
I think they're taking medicine.
Like illegal drugs.
They're artists, Jeppe.
Artists and musicians
are walking pharmacies.
We can't control
what their doctors are prescribing.
Of course not.
I have the impression
that there's someone here -
who's supplying the others
with medicine.
You know.
Or whatever you wanna call it.
"I have to go groom my wispy moustache."
That's so Simon!
"Receive my pastoral blessing."
That's so childish.
"Excuse me.
Are these demiquavers?"
It's called an eighth note.
He's been living here for 20 years.
Do you have a second?
Make it quick.
I have plans tonight.
- I have so many plans right now.
- Wonderful.
I was wondering if you could stop
supplying the others with medicine?
I can't.
I promised Anastacia a pack.
That's who I have plans with.
- What?
- I promised Anastacia
- I have to get this. Just a second.
- I have to go anyway.
- This is Jeppe.
- Hi. It's Tobias's mom.
Something happened
with Alma and Tobias today.
- What? Anything serious?
- He was crying.
I'm very surprised to hear that.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Were you at home when Tobias was here?
- Yeah.
His mom called.
She was pretty upset actually.
Something happened with him and Alma.
Oh yeah. They almost burned the house
down. They forgot a pizza in the oven.
It's not that.
Alma stuck a pencil up Tobias's butt.
- Okay.
- Do you think it's funny?
It's kind of funny.
Tobias's mom didn't think so.
She was upset.
They're coming over tonight,
so we can talk about it.
- Talk about it?
- Yeah.
Can't you ask me
before you invite people over?
- I couldn't say no to that.
- I have plans with Mie.
Is it possible
that you could reschedule with Mie?
It's our daughter we're talking about.
Yeah. Fine.
I'll cancel.
- I feel bad for Mie, but
- You should.
- Bo here.
- Hi, Bo. It's Elin.
Are you on your way?
You know what?
I forgot about our lesson.
- We'll have to reschedule.
- Okay.
Right. Sure.
I'll just go back home.
That's great.
Bye, Elin.
Are you going out tonight?
Yes. Some of the others and I
are going to a concert.
Someone's become popular.
You told me to be a brownnose.
And I have been.
I thought we were going to have
a nice evening together. Look.
"The Umbrellas of Cherbourg".
"Les parapluies de Cherbourg".
We can watch it twice
if we just watch the highlights.
We'll do it another time. Okay?
I've brought a good Austrian.
So it's not Hitler.
- They're here.
- I heard.
We're gonna have a great time, honey.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Come on in.
- Thanks.
- Jeppe has
- There's tea and everything.
- Sounds good.
- You can also have a glass of wine.
- I'd love one.
- Let's get him one.
- Can you open a bottle?
- Yeah, sure.
- Now?
- Yes. Our guests would like some wine.
I tried talking to Tobias,
but it was obvious -
that it was hard for him
to explain what happened.
We've talked to Alma about it too.
I have.
We also felt that it was difficult
to open up that can of worms.
- Do you need to
- No. I think this is about boundaries.
Alma's are different than Tobias's.
And it's our job as parents to set in -
and help them
define the right boundaries -
so they can both be happy.
To define where the boundaries lie.
Then they can make sure
they don't cross them.
We just don't want Tobias
to come home crying -
because something unpleasant happened.
I just think that
it's important
that we're not hysterical about this.
We don't want them to feel ashamed.
Some of us should think about that.
- Does anyone want nuts?
- Sure.
- I'll have another glass of wine.
- Have at it.
- It's cashew nuts.
- Get a bottle of wine too.
If they were in kindergarten,
it wouldn't be so bad -
but Alma's seven years old,
so I think it's unacceptable to
- Play butt games?
- Yes.
Are you ever too old for that?
I mean, we're not. Are we, honey?
Honeybunny, you're into that.
This was Alma's game,
and Tobias wasn't okay with it.
We confronted him, and he told us
that it wasn't the first time -
Alma had done stuff to his butt.
He blamed Alma
because you pressured him.
I didn't pressure him.
I know my son.
He's really upset about it.
And I'm taking it seriously.
- I think he'll be alright.
- I hope so.
Time will tell.
When are children ready
to explore their sexuality?
Children and sexuality
shouldn't even be in the same sentence.
- I had my sexual debut when I was 12.
- You did?
- That didn't affect me.
- You don't think so?
What do you mean by that?
What does she mean?
- I'll tell you.
- I'd love to know.
It's plain to see why Alma doesn't
respect other people's boundaries.
You know what else?
It's very obvious to me
why Tobias is so uptight.
I have to get this.
Was it my comment about butt games?
This is a very bad time, Bo.
Imagine that you're about
to have intercourse with a woman -
and she's given her consent.
It'll have to wait.
I can't talk right now.
- He's not
- Poor Tobias.
Then she passes out because
she had too much wine and opioids.
What would you do?
That sounds very specific.
Are you at Anastacia's place?
Thank you.
That was such a good talk.
Let's say I'm at Anastacia's place.
What would you do?
- Great idea, Jeppe.
- Should I just do it?
Don't do anything.
You have to leave.
- Holy shit!
- Don't push me!
Should I just
Thanks for coming.
What a great idea to invite them over.
What the hell happened?
- It's Elin.
- I'm sorry I had to cancel.
- Don't worry about it.
- Can we do it tomorrow instead?
Yes. That'd be great.
What are you doing with mom's phone?
I just wanna know what time it is.
It's late.
Were you trying to unlock it?
No, I wasn't, Alma.
- Here you go.
- Alma.
That's not okay.
We've talked about respecting
boundaries. You can't do that.
Just turn it off
if you don't want to look.
My beautiful and lovely Regitze.
I'm thinking about you.
And I miss you.
Can you feel what I feel?
It's my soul, and it's calling you.
It is longing for you.
It's longing for you.
It's longing for you.
It's longing for you.
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