The Pact (2021) s01e04 Episode Script


We’ve just paid a murderer.
It might not be the same person.
-Show me!
-Max, the kids.
-Show me the account!
-Don’t you trust me?
You just lied to me so no,
not right now.
[Ryan] What’s going on
with you and Dad?
-That’s not nothing.
Did Anna lend you money?
-I know
it was someone
from the brewery.
[Cat] What’s all this?
There’s more going on
with Louie than you realise.
You can hide it
in our garage
as long as it’s just
for a day or two.
It’s full of junk anyway.
Cat, what’s going on?
You can trust me.
-[Max] His rooms been stripped.
-This is how he left it.
You were supposed
to protect him
to break the cycle.
It should be you
in that morgue
not him.
I’m sorry. [sobs]
We’ve retrieved an image
from the pub CCTV.
Can you see Jack?
[Anford] No,
but there’s a vehicle.
Do you know
how to trace a phone?
Like find out where
it is just from the number?
This is Arwel Evans.
Please leave a message
and I’ll call you back.
We need to talk
[gas hissing]
Please call me.
[tense music playing]
[theme music plays]
Oh! [grunts]
Ow [hisses]
I bought another jigsaw today.
I think I might be addicted.
Thought we could make a start
on it later?
I’ve had my fill of jigsaws.
Or we could watch a film?
You’ll waste the entire night
scrolling through
the menu again.
[chuckles] Well,
I wouldn’t have to if you made
a decision once in a while.
I think I’ll have
an early night.
There’s a decision.
Richard, have I
done something?
Is work all right?
Do you think,
you might be depressed?
Is this out of a packet?
[Nancy] I’m off to bed then.
[Richard sighs]
Bye then.
Have a nice day.
Johnson and Styles.
Hi, hello there,
it’s Nancy Clarke here,
cold I leave a message
for Richard please?
Only he’s left his mobile here.
And he’ll think
he’s lost it again.
-Richard Clarke?
Is that okay?
[tense music playing]
[news theme playing on TV]
[TV shuts off]
-[Richard] Night.
[keyboard clicks]
[uneasy music playing]
What you up to today?
Just the usual.
More meetings?
So how much have you won?
-Or lost.
How much?
On those gambling websites.
Have you been spying on me?
The other day,
when you left your phone,
I called the office.
And then yesterday,
I followed you.
How dare you
How dare you, Richard!
Three months.
You were made redundant
three months ago! I mean,
when were you going tell me?
What am I to you?
An acquaintance? A housemate?
Because I’m certainly
not your wife,
I haven’t felt like
your wife in years.
But I stood by your side
because that is what I vowed
to do in front of God
but now you’ve made
a mockery of me,
of the promises we made
to each other.
You have made a mockery of God.
Well, fucking marry him then!
[Richard whimpers]
[Nancy sighs]
Why didn’t you say something?
[Richard continues sobbing]
I’ll help you look
for something.
We’ve got your investments
to fall back on,
and you must have been paid out?
You were there for years.
-Tell me you got a payout?
-It’s gone.
I, uh
I lost
ten grand on a horse race
and, uh
tried to win it back.
Tried over and over.
how much have you lost?
Richard, we’re not in trouble,
are we?
Are we?
[thunder rumbles]
[Anna] Morning.
-Are you feeling better?
Oh yeah, yeah,
it was just a tummy thing
-you know.
Isn’t he an accountant?
Uh, Portfolio Manager.
Why would I hire someone who--
whatever the hell that is--
to supervise a brewery?
Because he’s reliable,
and efficient,
and a good leader.
And he really needs work.
We’re not a charity, Nancy.
You could ask Arwel
for a character reference
if you like.
They know each other quite well.
Why would I ask my father
his opinion on anything?
It was just a suggestion.
And why
would I hire someone
who sends his wife
to come and grovel for a job?
He doesn’t know I’m asking.
His pride is pretty
non-existent right now, so
Yeah, well, the thing is,
I’m gonna be making changes
and, uh
the Evans brand,
it needs to feel younger.
-He’s in his fifties. [chuckles]
This place already feels like
a Walking Dead convention.
Age-based discrimination
is actually
Yeah well, we’re done here.
[somber music playing]
["Ooh La La" playing]
I need a ooh, la, la, la, la ♪
I need ooh, la, la, la, la ♪
I need ooh, la, la, la, la ♪
Coils up around me ♪
Teasing your poetry ♪
How’s that husband
of yours getting on, huh?
Fine, thank you.
You know what shits me
about the boomer generation?
Is that you think
that you’re better than us.
I don’t think that.
[Jack] I’ve seen the way
you look at me.
Does Anna know you went behind
her back about that job?
She’s gonna be well pissed-off.
[Nancy] Excuse me.
[women giggling]
[Nancy] What are you doing?
[Cat] I’m thinking
we take him somewhere
get his gear off, few photos.
Jack Evans goes viral
and Arwel comes back.
Can we go back to the party
I'll get you another drink.
Yeah, oh yes.
-Yeah, that’s the one.
-[Cat] Where’s Nance
-[Anna] It's her bladder again.
Oh God.
-She is like a sieve!
-[all laughing]
Come on, Nance!
Sorry. Sorry.
[news reporter]
The body recovered earlier today
has been confirmed
as that of Jack Evans,
the boss of this brewery.
As you can see behind me,
the police are still
at the scene
but they are yet to make any
official comment
about the nature
of Jack Evans’ death.
[truck reversing alarm]
Excuse me!
What do you think you are doing?
Stop this right now!
You can’t do this!
I need this car.
Sorry, love,
we’re just doing our job.
[Nancy scoffs]
I had to use our assets
as collateral.
Collateral for what?
Oh, you promised me
you’d stopped.
-You promised!
-I’m trying to fix this.
What, by getting us deeper
into debt?
-You are so bloody stupid!
-I’ll think of something.
Our bank accounts are empty,
you’ve cleared
out our investments
all we have left is this house
and they’ll be coming
for that next!
How are we going to get
our car back?
Right, well
you can sell this stupid
collection for starters.
-Don’t touch my robots, no!
-You just watch me.
-You’ll break them.
-You need to grow up.
[Richard] Shit.
I will sort this out
by myself, because you seem
utterly incapable
of doing anything.
[door slams]
[phone chimes]
[emotional music playing]
I’ll put the kettle on, shall I?
You can always talk to me
about anything.
I don’t want to disappoint you.
-You’re a beautiful soul, Nancy.
I’m lying to everyone.
Hiding who I really am,
the blackness of it.
I do try to be a good person,
that’s just a facade.
And behind it is
darkness, biding its time.
Tapping away at the back
of my mind, tempting me.
Nancy, you’re way too hard
on yourself.
You strive for a perfection
that no-one else expects,
least of all God.
The fact that you strive,
that’s enough.
Is it though?
You know your trouble?
You’re too bloody selfless.
I think you’ve earned enough
points from Him upstairs
to take the odd liberty.
For once in your life,
put yourself first.
You sure you don’t want
me to come.
I’ll be quick.
-The centre bin.
-Yeah, I remember.
I’ll cook dinner if you like?
What do you fancy?
I’m going to get the car back.
I’ve sorted it.
That’s all you need to know.
[news reporter] In an interview,
earlier this morning
police confirmed
that they are now following
vital clues in the investigation
into Jack Evans’ murder.
[Holland] Several avenues
of this investigation
have provided crucial leads
which we’re now following.
I’d like to assure the public
that were closing in on
the perpetrators of this crime
and we’re doing
everything we can
to get justice
for the Evans family.
How much more do we need?
Another ten grand would see us
through till New Year.
-This friend of yours
whoever she is
could she lend you anymore?
[phone chimes]
[indistinct chatter]
We can’t ignore it.
And I can’t keep lying to Max.
All I do is lie, I’m sick of it.
-It’s okay, love.
-It’s not okay!
-I’m not paying.
-[Max] Anna?
What are you doing?
Louie’s not feeling well.
-It’s starting.
-I’ll be right there.
-We’ll talk about this later
I’m done.
[Arwel] He was fiercely
unapologetic about who he was.
He burned fast
and bright.
It’s free drinks,
make the most of it.
You’re not wearing your ring.
No, I must have misplaced it.
It’s probably in the bathroom
Did you sell your wedding ring?
Of course, I didn’t.
-Did you though?
I swear,
if you’re still gambling--
Jesus Christ
just give me a break.
[tense music playing]
[phone beeps]
[phone rings]
-Tamsin? Tamsin?
-Oh God.
Tam, are you okay?
-Oh, sweetheart.
-[Tamsin] Sorry.
Nancy’s here now.
Here you go. Oh, love.
I think I drank too much.
[car door opens]
Thank Christ that’s over.
-[phone beeps]
Where are you going?
Cup of tea with Louie.
I’ll be half an hour.
[door opens]
-[door closes]
-[phone rings]
[tense music playing]
[indistinct chatter on TV]
-[text message sends]
-[phone chimes]
Richard’s in there.
-Why would you do this?
-[Nancy] I can explain.
Richard has lost all our money.
The bailiff’s came for the car,
we might lose the house.
So, you threatened us?
You stole my savings--
No, I was going
to give it all back
as soon as I sorted things out.
Anna, I’m in so much trouble--
Then why didn’t you talk to me?
You scared us to death!
You made me lie to Max
over and over
like things weren’t bad enough.
-I’ll repay the money.
-It’s not about the money!
Shhh. Please.
You were my best friend.
You’re godmother
to my kids for fuck’s sake!
I trusted you.
But you are the exact opposite
of the person
I thought you were.
You’re a liar.
What’s happened?
What are you shouting about?
I should go.
What are you going to do?
Please don’t tell the others.
[door slams]
-You all right, love?
-Get off me! Leave me alone.
-[door closes]
-[car starts up]
-Louie all right?
Everything okay with you guys?
Yeah. Why wouldn’t it be?
I don't know,
that’s why I’m asking.
-Does she want more money?
-Oh God, can we not?
Nice chatting.
Yeah, really nice.
[Ryan] Mum!
[Tamsin retching]
Oh no, sweetheart.
[Ryan] Is she okay?
Just close the door.
[Tamsin panting]
-All right?
-[Anna] How much did you drink?
-[Tamsin] I don't know.
[breathes heavily]
This can’t go on.
We don’t talk.
When you’re not staring
at your phone you’re locked
-locked in your room.
-Right, so it’s all my fault.
I’m trying to be a good mum,
I know I make mistakes.
So if I’ve done something,
if I’ve messed up, just tell me.
How can we start
being better with each other?
What can I do?
I don't know.
I mean, do we need, like--
-Like counselling or something?
[scoffs] I can't
Ryan, stop listening.
[sniffs, sighs]
I just want us to talk,
like we used to.
Can I go to bed?
[phone rings]
[phone rings]
[somber music playing]
[phone vibrates]
-[Louie] Nancy?
Louie I’m really sorry
Can you to come to the hospital.
It’s-- it’s Arwel.
-Are you okay?
-[Louie] I don’t know.
Have you spoken to Anna?
No, I tried
but she didn’t pick up.
-Louise Evans?
The CT scans and brain stem test
are showing that your brother
is still unresponsive.
Right. So, what can you do?
We’ll perform a second
brain stem test later today
but you should
prepare yourself.
His condition is very serious.
We’ll keep you informed.
[sniffles] Can I see him?
[monitors beeping]
I said some terrible things.
We all do things we regret.
What if I don’t?
What does that make me?
I’m sure you had your reasons.
[Max] It’s a phase.
My sister was like this
at Tam’s age,
she was a nightmare for years.
Let her sleep it off
and we can give her a lecture
in the morning.
It won’t always be like this.
As soon as
the investigation’s closed
life will get back to normal.
I promise.
What’s all this?
I’m just storing
it for a friend.
What friend?
It’ll be gone today,
don’t worry about it.
This is all brand new.
It’s stock,
she’s opening a market stall.
Listen I’ve got
to get back to Louie,
I haven’t got time for this.
Yeah, I could shift this.
But it’s gonna cost.
You get thirty percent
of whatever you can sell it for.
-Thought you’d gone straight.
-I have.
Who’s this?
I’m Tish. I’m a friend.
With or without benefits?
You wanna do this or not?
Plenty of other people
I can call.
Really? See, I can smell
the desperation
and I want fifty percent.
This isn’t Dragon’s Den,
there’s no negotiation.
If you want it, let’s go.
Otherwise, don’t waste our time.
[phone rings]
Hi Cat.
We can get
maybe a couple of grand
for the stuff in the garage.
Sorry, what?
We can use it to help
pay them off.
-[Cat] Hello?
-We don’t need to pay any more.
Why not?
I got a message.
They changed their minds,
said they don’t want the money.
Why would they do that?
Must have got scared,
I don’t know.
Why didn’t they message
all of us?
I don’t know, Cat!
Just be happy it’s over.
Do the others know?
I was just about to tell them.
okay, uh
we should give this money
to Anna then.
I’ll sort everything out
with Anna
just get rid of it.
Where are you?
At the hospital
with Louie.
Arwel’s had an accident.
Shit, is he all right?
We’re waiting to find out.
I’ll let you know
as soon as we hear,
-just get rid of that stuff.
It’s your lucky day.
[Anford] The footage
is time-stamped
just after midnight.
[Max] And there’s still
only the one image?
At the moment, yeah.
The tech guys are trying
to pull more data
but the hard drive’s knackered.
Let me know when you ID
the make and model.
Yep, we’re on it. Hey did you
hear about Jack Evans’ father?
No what about him?
How long have you been sat here?
A while.
I just didn’t want her choking
on her own disgusting vomit.
[Max] Babe
have you spoken to Louie?
Not since yesterday, why?
I’m so sorry
my phone was off.
What’s happening?
The CT scan showed
severe swelling in his brain.
They’re just running more tests.
Have you been
on your own all night?
No, no, no, Nancy’s been great.
-Morning. Would you like one?
-Are you sure?
-I said no.
[Max] Louie, quick word?
Thank you
for not saying anything.
Just tell me how to fix this.
Did you kill Jack Evans?
We left you
on your own that night.
Anna, I’m not a murderer.
I don't know what you are.
When was the last time
you spoke to Arwel?
Uh, yesterday afternoon.
Jack’s memorial.
And what was his state of mind?
What did you talk about?
Uh, well
nothing that made me
think he’d do this.
-Any recent medical diagnoses?
-[Louie] No.
So, between the memorial
and last night,
he didn't call you?
Do you have any idea
why he might have done this?
-Do you?
-Arwel is still a suspect.
-If there’s anything--
-No, there’s nothing.
Does he own or have access
to any other vehicles,
apart from his Jag?
No, he loves that car
he won’t drive anything else.
-We’ve found some CCTV the night
of Jack’s murder that shows
a hatchback heading
towards the woods.
We’re working to enhance
the footage,
but it's clearly
a lighter colour
silver, or grey maybe.
Well, I’ve no idea.
The Jag’s his only car.
Gear’s all gone.
-Did Richard see you?
-No, I don’t think he was home.
Hey, the girls just filled me
in, are you okay?
The police, the police,
have CCTV of Nancy’s car.
-Max never said.
-They would have questioned me--
They don’t know it’s yours,
not yet. They’re getting
-the footage enhanced.
-[Cat] Shit.
What can you see?
Did he show it to you?
-No, I don’t know.
-We’re screwed.
He said the car
was a light colour.
Well that hardly
narrows it down.
Are there any obvious marks,
any damage or scratches?
-[Nancy] I am thinking.
No, no.
And you scrubbed out the boot,
like we said?
-Did you clean it out?
What can they see?
Can they see the number plates?
[Louie] I don’t know.
-I feel sick.
-Let’s stay calm
until we've got
more information.
[Anna] That’s your solution
to everything isn’t it.
“Stay calm, listen to me,
take my advice”.
Like you know
any better than us.
Anna that’s a bit harsh.
No, I’m sick of it,
it’s bullshit.
What’s got into you?
We shouldn’t be falling out.
Specially here.
[exhales] You should go.
I don’t know how long
I’ll be waiting
for these results.
We want to support you.
Yeah. I just think
I just need some space.
You sure?
Get that car out of here.
[Louie] Nance, you’ve been here
all night. Go and get some rest.
I’ll call you later, yeah.
What’s going on with you two?
Anna? Anna,
just give me 24 hours
and I’ll get that money to you.
-[keys clatter]
You got time for a coffee?
Um [sighs]
Sorry, I did say
I’d get back to Richard.
Right. I just wanted
to check in about Anna.
I know it’s been rough for her,
for all of you.
but I’m kinda worried.
-She’s not herself.
-You haven’t noticed?
Maybe I’m the problem.
-I must
[phone chimes]
Ah, how’s Louie?
Her brother just tried
to kill himself,
so all in all not great.
No need to be churlish.
Is Arwel going to be all right?
We don’t know.
Was it Anna
who lent you the money?
Is that what you
were fighting about?
There isn’t any more
if that’s what you’re asking.
Maybe we should have charged
rent on our lock-up.
I was doing a friend a favour.
You still should’ve asked me.
And you should’ve asked me
before you emptied
our bank accounts!
Don’t you dare
lecture me, Richard,
about anything, ever.
I’m going to get
an estate agent
round tomorrow
to value the house.
If we can sell this place,
it’ll clear your debts.
But you love it here.
It isn’t what it was.
Special dinner.
Just the two of us.
-I need to ring Louie
-She’ll call if she needs you.
And you gotta eat.
It’s from that new Thai place
off the square.
I gave the kids
some cash for a pizza.
Think Tamsin
needs something greasy.
-[drink pouring]
What she needs is counselling,
‘cause this can’t keep going
the way it is.
I know.
I’ve booked someone.
I found him online,
he had decent write-ups.
Says he’ll come around
to the house.
Okay. Sure.
I’m sorry I’ve been distracted.
I’ll get better at managing
But whatever else is going on,
just remember
we’re a team.
Whatever’s happened, Nancy,
I’m sure it’s not as bad
as you think it is.
What if I’ve wasted my whole
life with the wrong person?
I think you’re a better judge
of character than that.
My mother warned me
about Richard.
She said he was a weak man
and that I was compromising.
I thought she was just dripping
her usual poison. But
maybe she was right.
I made that one mistake
and in trying to repair it
I’ve made everything
so much worse.
Betrayed the people
that I really love.
If you want forgiveness
all you need to do
is ask for it.
Louie said
you’d had a breakthrough
on the investigation.
A car or something?
There’s a pub on Penylan Road
with a security camera outside.
It catches part of the road
approaching the woods.
How clear is the footage?
It’s pretty grainy
but we’re hoping our tech guys
can pull something.
Can you see
the number plates?
We may get a partial read.
We’ll have to wait and see.
But it’s the only car
on that road
at the right time.
-And it might rule Arwel out.
-He didn’t do it.
How can you be sure?
Because he wouldn’t.
So, what’s your theory?
-I don’t have one.
-Come on,
you guys must have
talked about it.
Yes, but just speculating.
Come on, I’m interested.
I don’t know,
maybe he had
business associates
with a grudge.
Like who?
I don't know.
You never really know
what’s going on with people.
How are the others feeling
about it all?
-What others?
-Your mates.
Nancy, Louie
You’re asking a lot
of questions.
I’m interested
in what’s going on for you.
Drink up, there’s another
bottle in the fridge.
Are you trying to get me drunk?
[both chuckle]
Really though?
Is this a dinner
or an interview?
We’ve stopped talking
and I don’t know why.
You’ve been distant.
And I think
it all started after that party.
-You think I know something.
-Do you?
-Jesus Christ.
-I know no-one liked him,
but Jack Evans
wasn’t much older than Ryan.
Just a boy, murdered.
Don’t you want to help
find his killer?
I don’t know anything!
Someone in that brewery does.
Tell me again
what happened at the party.
Are you protecting someone?
I can’t believe
you’re asking this.
You haven’t given me
a straight answer.
You know just for a minute
I thought I might be able
to forget about all this.
Just for one night, one dinner!
Have some more wine.
I don’t want
any fucking wine!
Where are you going?
The hospital.
-You’ve been drinking.
-I’ll get an Uber!
Thank you.
Tish said
to bring flowers but
you can’t get hammered
on tulips.
How is he?
I’m so sorry.
Tell me something good.
Um, we got rid of the stuff
in Nancy’s garage.
-Tish and me.
-Did you tell her what it was?
I trust her.
Turns out she’s kinda cool.
And we’re
I don't know what we are,
but we kissed.
I really like her, Louie
-and I never like anyone.
I thought
she had a boyfriend?
[doctor] Louie?
I’m afraid the brain stem tests
confirm that Arwel’s not going
to regain consciousness.
We’ve discussed as a team,
and we think the kindest thing
to do now,
would be to withdraw treatment
and let him pass away naturally.
Would you like to sit
with him for a while?
[exhales heavily]
-[Ryan] Hey.
-[door opens]
Where’s Mum?
She’s out.
What happened
to your romantic dinner?
It’s in the bin.
I gotta go to the station.
Just one minute please.
I’m guessing you haven’t eaten.
It’s still hot.
Has something happened?
Anna’s told you.
So, it’s true.
What the fuck
were you thinking?
You should go.
[Louie sighs]
You heard her, just go!
Nance, do as she says.
I know it might not
seem like it, but
you girls are the
most important thing
in the world to me.
Without your friendship
I have nothing left.
I will find a way
to earn your forgiveness.
[Holland] I don’t get
these new-fangled crisp flavours.
I mean,
if I want a cheese
and chutney sandwich
I’d have a cheese
and chutney sandwich.
That vehicle on the CCTV
Do we, uh, do we know
the exact model yet?
There’s an argument happening
as we speak.
I think I know the vehicle.
[tense music playing]
[somber music playing]
Made you a cup of tea.
Thank you.
I could help you finish it off,
if you like?
[theme music playing]
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