The Penthouse: War in Life (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

(Episode 4)
What? Who's calling?
Cheong Ah Arts High School?
Why are you calling?
What? Can you repeat
what you just said?
We have an extra slot
for Bae Ro Na
in the classical singing department
at Cheong Ah Arts High School.
There's an extra slot?
Why Why? How?
One of the kids who got accepted
died yesterday.
No No way.
Did I do it?
(14 hours ago)
Come on up, you guys.
This place is amazing.
- Great job.
- Thanks.
Where is my wife?
She's not picking up her phone.
She's in the shower.
(Hope Orphanage, 2004)
Look for a child who was wrapped in
a blue jacket on December 2004.
(Surprise Santa,
Donation of Love)
(Hope Orphanage)
(Name: Min Seol Ah, Anna Lee)
(Hope Orphanage)
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
Although there was a slight setback,
let's forget about it for now
and celebrate our children making it
to Cheong Ah Arts High School.
To be honest,
it's not a "slight" setback.
If she gets out of there
and opens her mouth,
it could turn into a social problem
about how wealthy families
were involved in
a group lynching incident.
Well, it's true wealthy people
are more vulnerable lately.
When I think about her being
in this same building,
it's hard to get excited
and enjoy this party.
- Just enjoy it.
- I'll go to the mechanical room
My goodness.
One slip of your tongue can result
in disaster, so watch your mouth.
Honey. What is this?
This watch
It's my first time wearing it.
Well, since today is
such a special day,
I brought something amazing.
It's an antique skeleton
pocket watch.
I got it from an auction
from Only Watch and it was
1.5 million dollars!
1.5 million?
My goodness, what if you lose it?
That's a bit too much.
All right, then.
Why don't we start having some fun?
Let's not think about
anything depressing,
and enjoy this wonderful party.
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
(Name: Min Seol Ah, Anna Lee)
"Adopted in 2015".
"Dissolution of adoption in 2017"?
If you're finished, get out of here!
Min Seol Ah. Why was she sent back?
She was adopted to the States.
Why did she come back? Why?
Why is this still here?
I don't know either.
She probably got kicked out
for doing something wrong.
This man. Isn't this
Congressman Cho Sang Heon?
Why did he take a photo
with Min Seol Ah?
Darn, what's the big deal about
a congressman
taking a picture with an orphan?
I raised her even when she was
abandoned by her parents.
How dare you cause a fuss?
There must be a reason
she was sent back.
Who adopted her?
Leave me alone!
What kind of people were they?
Tell me something.
Darn it! Are you deaf or what?
You're the one who abandoned
your child.
What are you blabbering about
What have you done to Min Seol Ah?
What have you done?
If you need anything,
ask me anytime.
Okay, I will.
What are you doing?
How pathetic
I'm sorry, Ms. Shim.
You were nice to me.
I'm sorry for deceiving you.
Mom's sorry.
I didn't recognize you.
(Husband, 8 missed calls)
(Tutor Min Seol Ah)
Pick up, Seol Ah.
The person you have reached
is unavailable. Please
What the heck is going on?
No one will go looking for Seol Ah
in the mechanical room, right?
If she were to
expose our relationship
Who would believe her?
They'll just think
a mad girl is rambling.
We just need to find her darn phone.
Finding her phone
isn't the end of it.
She's no pushover.
If we take her lightly,
we'll fall into a trap.
Where is my wife now?
Put her on this moment!
What are you doing in here?
I'm sorry, ma'am.
I called and you didn't answer.
I was afraid you had fainted.
The chairman's looking for you.
I'm very late, aren't I, honey?
I'm sorry. I'll come right down.
- Set out my dress.
- Yes, ma'am.
Seol Ah, I'm Seok Kyung's mom.
I must speak with you. Call me.
(Tutor Min Seol Ah)
This is fun!
(Restricted Area)
Wait for me, Seol Ah.
Mom will come for you.
This is just amazing.
How much does each explosion cost?
It's beautiful. So pretty!
Honey, honey. Honey.
What is it?
Hang on. Wait here.
My gosh.
Dr. Ha. Come quick.
What is it?
Oh, no!
She died on impact.
It's her. The You know who!
Who? Who is it?
Min Seol Ah, the kids' fake tutor.
No way.
Why is she dead?
That sculpture costs a fortune.
Did she have to land on top of that?
She's a nuisance to the very end.
On such a big day like this
She died up there to mess with us.
To show us.
You said we didn't have to worry!
You had her locked up.
Did you let her go?
Are you crazy? Why would I do that?
Then who let her go?
That's not
what's important right now.
Suspecting each other
doesn't help solve the crime.
First, we must deal with her body.
In two hours,
Hera Palace's first-anniversary
event will happen right here.
We can't let
our VIP guests see that.
Exactly. We should
call the police immediately.
If we do that,
they'll suspect us first.
And our kids.
Why our kids?
Do you mean We killed her?
We know we didn't do anything.
But the police
will think differently.
If we get unlucky
and they find her phone
Our kids' lives will be ruined
from that moment on.
Listen to me carefully.
As of this moment,
Min Seol Ah was never here.
What do you mean?
Min Seol Ah did not fall
and die in this building.
You said she lives in
Bosuk Village, right?
Are you saying we should
put her body elsewhere?
Penal Law Article 161
states that he who discards,
takes, or hides a body, bone, hair,
or belongings it was with,
will be sentenced
to less than seven years in prison.
We have no choice
but to do this to protect our kids.
She will never come back alive.
Because of her,
we can't all go down.
I'm in!
We must protect
our kids and Hera Palace.
Let's vote.
But whatever the majority result is,
the rest must follow.
Vote by raising a hand.
Who says yes?
Very well. The anniversary event is
an hour and 50 minutes away.
We can't waste a single second.
The men will move the body.
The women can clean the fountain.
Leave that to me. I can do this.
Then Ms. Kang,
you're in charge of the scene.
Remember this.
Whatever it takes,
before the anniversary event,
this place must look as good as new.
Just a moment!
Why should we do as you say?
Because none of us here
are free from
Min Seol Ah's death.
Will this be big enough?
It's perfect. Now let's clean that.
Shouldn't we call the ambulance now?
How many times must I say
we can't do that?
Our housing prices will drop
the moment word gets out
that someone died here.
Plus, she had a recording
of what our kids did to her.
Are you okay with Min Hyuk
getting expelled from Cheong Ah?
With him being branded forever
as a bully?
That's not what I meant.
Let's wipe her dry first.
There's no forecast of rain
until tomorrow.
It'll look suspicious
if she's found wet.
Don't just stand there. Help me!
- My gosh.
- Oh, dear.
Me too?
I think we can get going.
(Time left until
the anniversary event)
What's wrong? Why did we stop?
I'm sorry. I'm with the police.
You're all nicely dressed up.
(Sugar and me)
I heard that politicians will attend
today's first-anniversary party.
Attorney Lee requested us
for extra security,
so I came here in person.
By the way, we got a report that
someone heard a scream
in the building.
The residents cheered very loudly
when the fireworks went off.
Someone could've mistaken that
for a scream.
I hired separate security detail
for the politicians,
so you can just leave.
Oh, if that's the case
Wow. Are you going on
a golfing trip?
Oh, dear.
Oh, yes.
Yes. I'm leaving this weekend,
but I'm taking this
to the car first.
I see. A golfing trip.
- Are you all right?
- Oh, dear. You drank too much.
Keep still.
You're so nicely dressed,
but why are you wearing
latex gloves?
I helped moving the champagne
required for the party.
These days, we have to tiptoe
around the staff.
You are such a nice employer.
- I see.
- Yes.
You can get off first.
You must be busy.
Goodbye, then.
Let's go.
It's Min Seol Ah's bag.
I wrote a suicide note.
Set that up too.
- A suicide note?
- Nice one, Seo Jin.
You're pretty and smart.
"Someone like me
should never have been born."
"I hope everyone dies."
That sounds pretty good.
How does the fountain look?
Why the heck
did she have to die here?
She's making us do
the darnedest of things.
I didn't like her from the start.
Even so, aren't you being
too hard on a dead girl?
She's just a kid.
How strange.
Why do you keep defending her?
Do you feel guilty?
What are you talking about?
Do you actually want
to fight me right now?
- Wait, wait.
- Get out of the way.
We have no time to fight.
When will you wipe up all the blood?
We're in a rush. Why is the traffic
so bad at this time of night?
It's not traffic. They're checking
if people are driving drunk.
(DUI checkpoint)
Why didn't we think of this?
We all had drinks!
Should we have hired a driver?
We're truly done for!
Calm down, will you?
If there's a problem,
I'll talk us out of it.
Hello, this is a DUI checkpoint.
Breathe into this.
Wait. Mr. Officer.
This can't be.
You look just like my brother
who died not long ago.
Oh, dear, Mom.
Take this and go out for dinner.
Are you bribing me?
In this day and age?
Do you think that'll work?
Breathe into this.
He's clear.
What happened?
I didn't drink.
Why are you saying that now?
I was so scared.
You didn't ask.
Anyway, it looks like we got lucky.
(Bosuk Village)
Let's deal with the cameras first.
(Out on patrol)
Darn it.
Get in there.
(No video)
(Time left until
the anniversary event)
What a relief.
We cleaned up all the blood.
Now it's down to the men.
We can't relax just yet.
Look at the tiny stream of water.
We'll never fill up
the fountain in time.
- Let's get water from the restroom.
- Okay.
Me too?
There's no time. Hurry up.
- Let's go.
- Watch your step.
Be careful. Be quiet.
Oh, dear.
That's where Min Seol Ah lives.
If she lands here
It's not good for us
if her body is found early.
Put her up there.
What? Up there?
Up there means
Will you push harder?
Attorney Lee, push.
Darn it.
- Her shoe.
- What?
Where is her shoe?
Darn it.
Her shoe is gone!
Hey, do you see her shoe down there?
It's not here.
It isn't here either.
I looked everywhere,
but I can't find it.
It's not in the fountain either.
We don't have more time to lose.
Please stay focused
and get the job done.
Put this bag on the rooftop.
That would be a natural place
to leave a suicide note.
Is everything finished now?
We still have one thing left to do
to backup the suicide note.
What is this place?
My gosh, I feel like
bugs are going to pop out.
Be quiet!
- This place is so tiny.
- Be careful.
Man, the government should help
redevelop this place quickly.
That darn dog.
- There's something here.
- What is it?
It's dog poop.
Darn it!
My goodness!
What is that?
Is that an eye?
(Congressman Cho Sang Heon)
(Congressman Cho Sang Heon)
We have exactly
25 minutes left.
Since we couldn't find her phone,
this is the best option.
All the proof
is gone now.
Mom. Mom!
Are you awake, ma'am?
What happened?
You fainted in the elevator.
You don't remember?
Did anything happen?
No. The party is going on
as scheduled.
Ms. Shim.
Ms. Shim is on her way down.
Are you feeling okay?
I heard you weren't feeling well.
Nothing happened here?
What do you mean?
Why? Were you expecting something
to happen?
Let me in on it too.
Ms. Yang told me she found you
unconscious in the elevator.
You still look pale.
You should get some rest.
Don't worry. The lighting ceremony
will begin soon.
On behalf of the residents
of Hera Palace,
I'd like to thank everyone
for coming
to our first-year anniversary party.
Especially, I'd like to thank
Congressman Cho Sang Heon,
who represents our district.
Thank you.
Now, we will begin the
lighting ceremony
of the fountain of Hera Palace,
which symbolizes this building.
Please turn your eyes
to the statue of Hera,
made by a famous Italian sculptor.
Congressman Cho.
- Now?
- Yes.
I'm certain she fell
onto the fountain.
Was it a dream?
Everyone, raise your glasses.
For the glory of Hera,
the goddess of marriage and family,
and the prosperity of Hera Palace!
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
Hera, forever.
What a magnificent
anniversary party, Chairman Joo.
I'm truly impressed.
I heard you even set off fireworks
at Han River.
Yes. It's all thanks
to your support.
Is this your wife?
You're beautiful, just like I heard.
Honey? Say hi to the congressman.
This man. Isn't this
Congressman Cho Sang Heon?
Why did he take a photo
with Min Seol Ah?
Oh, my wife isn't
feeling well today.
Please understand.
I see.
Honey. You have blood on your shirt.
Oh, this is
I spilled some wine on him earlier.
I accidentally stepped on my dress.
I'm sorry I ruined your shirt.
It's okay. Don't worry about it.
It's because you were too conscious
of your ruby ring.
My gosh, I wonder
how much it must've cost?
You're so dolled up today,
Ms. Cheon.
2, 3.
Gosh, you look amazing.
(Ms. Min, call me when you see this.
Is something wrong?)
(Are you okay? Please call me.)
Seol Ah, where are you?
Please answer back.
What is going on?
Isn't that the orphan's house?
- That girl who goes out at night.
- Right.
I think she lived there alone
with her dog.
How did she start a fire?
Oh, my goodness.
What is that?
There's a person up there!
It's a person!
- Where?
- A person!
By the way, is that shoe
behind the Hera statue
from Italy as well?
What do you mean?
I think our kids were
playing around.
I didn't see it wrong.
I'm certain it was Seol Ah.
Hey! Who did this?
You jokesters.
Come on, kids can do that
out of curiosity.
How cute.
What did you people do
to my daughter Seol Ah?
What are you doing? Go take it out.
You little punks.
There was a fire in Bosuk Village?
Well, an orphan lived there alone.
What can I do?
Am I a firefighter or what?
We have breaking news.
A fire broke out on the fifth floor
of an apartment at Bosuk Village.
And it took around 30 minutes
for the firefighters to put it out.
No one seemed to be inside
when the fire broke out,
but around 100 residents
had to evacuate because of the fire.
The police and firefighters are
investigating what caused
Thick, gray smoke
seeps through the window.
While the firefighters were putting
out the fire on the fifth floor,
a dead body was found on top
of a pavilion, shocking many people.
It turned out to be a teenage girl
who was a resident
of the Bosuk Village apartment.
Police are trying
to find out what happened
by checking the nearby CCTVs.
I feel so bad. My goodness.
My gosh, look at her.
My goodness, that poor girl.
She died so young.
Her parents are horrible.
Why would they abandon
their own daughter?
Those bad people.
Seol Ah
We found a will on the rooftop.
I think she committed suicide.
"Someone like me
should never have been born"?
She must've been
a spiteful teenager.
So she started a fire in her room
and threw herself from the rooftop?
- What about the missing shoe?
- We still haven't found it.
No, that's nonsense.
Seol Ah would never kill herself.
(Someone like me
should never have been born.)
My gosh, what are you doing?
Why would you touch the evidence
that was found at the scene?
This is obstruction of justice,
you know.
I know what I saw. I saw her fall
Seol Ah couldn't have
committed suicide.
No, wait! Please!
Excuse me. Help.
Can you help me untie this?
I need to go.
Excuse me. Can't you hear me?
Mr. Yoon?
What are you doing here?
What can you do
by being so worked up?
I told you everyone was going to die
if you did anything rash.
If you want to find her,
do as I say.
If you do anything rashly,
Joo Hye In and your daughter
will both die.
Were you the guy
who called me?
I asked you a question!
Were you the person who told me
that Hye In isn't my real daughter?
Why did you tell me?
If Chairman Joo finds out,
it'll put you in danger.
I don't care.
What's the use of staying alive
when my daughter is dead?
My daughter
My daughter is dead.
You probably helped Dan Tae
do all sorts of bad things.
Do you suddenly feel guilty
about everything?
Even so,
nothing will pardon your sins!
You're right.
I work for Chairman Joo,
so I must do what he says.
He has control over my life,
so I'll have to listen to him
until the day I die.
Then why are you doing this to me?
What do you want from me?
I may be his dog
and a piece of trash.
But I still figured
you deserved to know
what really happened 17 years ago.
She was born only after 32 weeks.
But all her organs including
the heart are normal.
She was blessed.
Everything is normal?
I guess life can be very persistent.
That kid was also born
only after 32 weeks.
But her conditions have worsened.
The mother is a single mom,
and she doesn't know what to do.
She can't afford
the hospital bill either.
This is a good thing for your baby.
So don't cry.
You made the right choice.
It's okay, you did the right thing.
(Shim Su Ryeon's baby)
(Kim Jeong Bin's baby)
He switched the newborn babies
as soon as they were born.
(Shim Su Ryeon's baby)
However, I couldn't kill that baby.
It seemed like it was desperately
struggling to live.
So I left that baby
in front of the orphanage.
I didn't know that baby was
Min Seol Ah either.
No! Stop!
I'll give you a tranquilizer,
so get some sleep.
No, don't leave.
Take these off me.
How could you call yourself human?
Mr. Yoon!
Mr. Yoon!
(Don't get sick, Sugar!)
Joo Dan Tae.
I will kill you.
I promise I will kill you.
I'm going to kill you!
Just like it said
on the suicide note,
I made the press conclude
this incident as a depressed girl
setting her place on fire
and committing suicide.
(Hera Club Chat Room)
That darn dog.
No! Don't come near me!
- No!
- It's okay.
Even if her last location
is confirmed as Hera Palace,
they will never find any evidence
that directly connects us to her.
So don't worry about anything.
She's merely a loser who caused
a fuss and killed herself.
Do you think
she really killed herself?
Are you saying someone killed her?
I don't trust Joo Dan Tae.
Do you trust that jerk?
Look how he even forged
her suicide note.
You really creeped me out earlier.
Did you really have to listen
to that darn psycho?
I don't care if it's a suicide
or homicide.
I did it for our Eun Byeol's sake.
I never want to hear
that name again.
Hey, did you see this? Look.
Isn't this Min Seol Ah?
"The arsonist of the apartment
in Bosuk Village"
"was a middle school student
suffering from depression".
They found a suicide note
blaming the world.
"I hope everyone dies"?
My gosh, she's no joke.
How could she be dramatic?
How creepy.
Well, then our incident
will be buried naturally.
Of course.
Who would mourn for the death
of a sociopath like her?
Be quiet! Stop talking about
a dead person!
She has nothing to do with us now.
Let's just make plans for our trip.
Why are you so edgy
since last night?
Did you kill Min Seol Ah?
- No, why would I?
- Then why are you overreacting?
There's no way you could've
killed her. She
committed suicide.
Darn, let's just stop talking about
that swindler.
Another ticking bomb worse than
Min Seol Ah will come soon.
What do you mean?
The one on the waiting list who got
accepted thanks to Seol Ah's death.
She's such an obnoxious brat,
and I hate her.
Why do you hate her so much?
Are you jealous?
Are you crazy?
Why would I be jealous of her?
You'll know what I mean.
She's so cocky
when she actually has nothing.
I hate her more than Min Seol Ah.
You know those annoying types
that get on your nerves.
Really? I'm looking forward to it.
Right, Seok Hoon?
What? Who's calling?
Cheong Ah Arts High School?
Why are you calling?
Can you repeat what you just said?
We have an extra slot
for Bae Ro Na
in the classical singing department
at Cheong Ah Arts High School.
There's an extra slot?
Why Why? How?
One of the kids who got accepted
died yesterday.
No No way. Did I do it?
Hey! Kids!
Are you okay? Are you hurt?
What are you doing, lady?
Why are you back here?
How annoying.
How unbelievable.
How could someone die
as if it was planned out?
Anyhow, that brat Ro Na is so lucky.
I'm so glad all of you are okay.
What are you talking about?
You heard Min Seol Ah died, right?
Min Seol Ah?
The one who came in first place?
Why did she die?
Are you just playing dumb
when you killed her?
They're saying it's a suicide,
but I find it hard to believe.
You really didn't do it?
Is it Ro Na?
You'd better not say anything
like that about Ro Na.
I won't let you have it your way.
Are you crazy, lady?
What? What is this?
Lady, your hand is bleeding.
Did you really do something
last night?
Stop it, Jenny.
Let's go, they're waiting for us.
Do you know how much this is?
How annoying!
What is this?
No way Did I
No way, that can't be true.
Why can't I remember anything?
Yes, Ro Na.
Mom, I've been accepted
to Cheong Ah Arts High School!
I made it to
Cheong Ah Arts High School!
No matter how much I think
about it, that girl
had no reason to commit suicide.
She was accepted as the top student,
so she would've got a scholarship,
and her life was about to bloom.
Why would she kill herself?
Then are you saying
one of us killed her?
Who would do something like that?
How ridiculous.
Who knows?
You went somewhere shortly
last night.
You were in an awful hurry. Dr. Ha!
Are you suspecting me?
I went to the bathroom!
- Who takes so long in the bathroom?
- What?
By the way,
didn't you go out last night too?
My goodness. I was too drunk
and went outside to throw up.
I can't believe this.
Mr. Lee, who were you talking on
the phone with for so long?
I know.
It seemed like an intimate call.
What are you talking about?
I was talking to my mom. What?
Do you want to see my phone?
I talk with my mom
every hour. Right?
- Of course.
- What are you doing?
- Show me!
- What are you saying?
Let me see it. Show me!
- How can you suspect me?
- What's that attitude?
- Show me!
- How dare you suspect him?
- Show me now!
- Who are you to demand that?
My gosh.
The police will arrive
at Hera Palace soon.
Min Seol Ah
committed suicide.
What we say is the truth.
I checked her phone records,
and she called you often.
She was our kids' math tutor.
She died in Bosuk Village,
but why do you think the last
location of her phone was here,
Hera Palace?
Beats me.
Isn't it your job to find that out?
It turned out that
everything was a total lie.
We thought she was Anna,
who attended UCLA.
You must've been angry.
Since she totally deceived you.
Why would people like us
care about something like that?
There are so many other problems
to attend to.
To us, she was like a fly.
She was annoying, but that was it.
So we just let her be.
I heard she was accepted as
the top student
at Cheong Ah Arts High School.
Is that true?
Yes. I was surprised,
but I congratulated her.
I heard a rumor that you tried
to cancel her admission.
It's a false rumor.
If I wanted to get rid of her,
I'd have already done it.
I sincerely congratulated her
for being accepted.
I just feel bad I couldn't
protect her as an adult.
Mr. Joo, you talked to Ms. Min
on the phone
the day before she died.
Did you meet her?
I called her and asked her to come,
but she didn't.
I feel angry that she
intentionally deceived me,
but it's so unfortunate
she took her own life.
Your wife, Ms. Shim,
kept calling her too.
My wife did?
It's probably because of the
misunderstanding between our kids.
I think she wanted to sort it out.
She's a very soft-hearted person.
Are you ready to talk now?
Where's your phone?
You'd better talk now
if you want to go home.
Is this all because of that video
of you cheating?
How lame.
You're acting so pathetically
just because of that?
Who do you think you are?
I already did a background check
on you.
You were adopted
but deported from the States.
The reason for deportation was also
because you stole something.
I didn't steal anything.
I was framed by people like you.
Who would believe
an orphan like you?
Just tell me.
Where is your phone?
What can you possibly do
by keeping your mouth shut?
Who knows?
I may know much more than you think.
What could you possibly know?
That Cheong Ah Arts High School's
exam was rigged.
I know everything.
You better stop
before I lose my patience.
Do you feel guilty?
Do you think your daughter
Ha Eun Byeol was accepted fairly?
Didn't she just take
someone else's place instead?
Did you think nobody would know?
Shut your mouth before I kill you.
Die! Die!
I'll see you at the penthouse
at 9 p.m.
(I'll see you at the penthouse
at 9 p.m.)
(A Righteous Country)
(Chief's Office)
I just finished investigating
the residents of Hera Palace.
Shall I carry out an autopsy?
Hey, are you out of your mind?
Do you know how many cases we have?
Why waste time on an orphan
who killed herself?
Conclude it as a suicide,
and tell the press that
she had no family members.
Yes, sir.
(Min Seol Ah, suicide)
(Yoo So Yeon, suicide)
(Yoo So Yeon, suicide)
(Min Seol Ah, suicide)
(Yoo So Yeon, suicide)
(Min Seol Ah, suicide)
(Min Seol Ah, suicide)
(Cremation in progress)
Yes, sir.
She's being cremated now.
The cause of her death
is damage to her brain
and cervical spine due to the fall.
There's something unusual though.
I found this
inside her body.
What is this?
I think she swallowed it
before she died.
Seol Ah.
I'm sorry.
For coming too late
and not recognizing you.
I'm sorry for leaving you all alone.
It's all my fault.
Everything is my fault.
I was too foolish.
I was too foolish
Seol Ah, who did this to you?
I'll find out who did this to you
and tear that person
into tiny pieces.
Sang Ah. Sang Ah!
- What?
- It's gone.
What's gone?
I can't find it anywhere.
What can't you find?
My antique skeleton pocket watch.
What? You darn jerk!
You're unbelievable.
What is the matter with you?
- What is wrong with you?
- That hurts!
You're so unbelievable!
Why did you ask me
to meet at your house?
Don't worry.
The kids went on a trip.
I gave the housekeepers a day off.
And my wife won't be
coming home tonight.
It's just you and me.
But still,
I don't feel comfortable
at your house.
We finally got rid of the headache.
So it's time we enjoy some wine.
Let's have a small party.
We still haven't found
Seol Ah's cell phone.
She saved a video of us
in that phone.
I still feel uneasy about it.
What's there to feel uneasy about?
The police closed the case
as a suicide incident.
And she's already been cremated.
They already cremated her?
Of course. I have influence
over everything.
But I do feel bad for her.
If she didn't know anything,
she never would've died.
But then again,
it might actually have been
better for her to just die.
I can't believe she blackmailed us
with a video.
She pretty much killed herself.
Let's forget about it all
and celebrate.
Cheers to our luck.
(Let's be happy.)
(The Penthouse)
I will not forgive anyone
who may try to challenge
Hera Palace.
That means there's a witness.
I saw Dr. Ha.
Did Dr. Ha do something to her?
Are you hiding something from me?
Let's keep it a secret
between you and me. You got that?
We're going to get punished
for what we did to her.
I won't ever forgive the people
who did this to you.
Did your mom push Seol Ah?
Why do you keep doing this?
I couldn't have killed her.
Where were you on the day
Seol Ah died at Hera Palace?
Do you not remember?
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