The Perfect Couple (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

This is Coast Guard,
Cutter Victoria. Negative on the kids.
Reports of a Beetle Cat
north-east of here.
We'll investigate. Over.
This is Merritt's?
She was wearing it that night.
Tag gave it to her.
They're covering something up.
What if they're all in on it or something?
Okay, let's start at the beginning.
So Tag knew Merritt was pregnant?
Yes, she told him that night.
Did she tell anyone else?
I mean, me, but
I never told anyone.
I don't know who else she spoke to.
So why do you think
the whole family is involved?
I mean, a lot of things.
Greer makes anyone who spends any
significant time at the house sign an NDA.
And this other girl that Tag was seeing,
she tried to kill herself a few years ago
and no one talks about it.
And Benji, he
he gets really defensive, like,
whenever I ask him about it.
Wouldn't you? I mean
If your fiancé thought your whole family
was colluding to cover up a murder.
We found the kids and they're fine.
-Coast Guard called it in.
They're bringing them in now.
- Hello?
- We found Will, Mrs. Winbury.
-He's fine, they both are.
They're just looking him over
at the hospital.
Thanks so much.
Once they're done, I'll bring him home.
Lock me up 'cause I've been bad ♪
And I know I'll do it again ♪
Through lies, real lies ♪
-We're gonna get real wild tonight ♪
-Come on ♪
Anything that feels this good ♪
Well, it must be illegal ♪
Must be illegal ♪
Call us criminals, criminals, baby ♪
Call us criminals, criminals, oh ♪
Miss Sacks,
is there anything about Merritt
you haven't told us?
Anything Merritt might have known
that somebody wouldn't
Like what?
No. No.
What about Shooter Dival?
Do you have a feeling
that he might be involved as well?
Do you have any idea
why he would try to get on the ferry
when we gave very clear orders
that no one was to leave the island?
Miss Sacks?
Miss Sacks?
-Good afternoon, ma'am.
About ready to go out.
- How much longer till takeoff?
- Uh, 15.
All set back there?
I don't understand
how you can memorize
Shooter. Dival.
-Amelia Sacks. Nice to meet you.
Uh, is Benji not here yet?
Uh, no. His meeting got pushed
to this afternoon,
so he said he'd meet us there later.
Let me.
First time?
Is it your first time?
On a private plane?
On Nantucket.
It's probably old hat to you.
You've been there a ton.
I have been there a ton,
but it'll never be old hat.
Have we met before?
I don't think so.
Maybe on the train or something?
-Ooh! It's freezing in here.
We're supposed to open the house
for the season and no one shows.
Benji texted.
He said he got the dates wrong
and the staff comes next weekend.
Bet the heat goes on next weekend too.
Yeah, well, he said he was coming.
That we should make ourselves at home.
Yeah, he'll be here in five hours.
Hey. Come on.
Let me show you the best part.
This is gorgeous.
And we don't need a staff to enjoy it.
No one needs a staff.
Fair enough.
So when was your first time here?
Summer after my mom died.
-When did she
-When I was 14
Benji and I were roommates at Deerfield.
And he knew I didn't want to go home,
so he invited me here.
-For the whole summer?
He, uh, likes to help people.
He does.
He, uh
told me your mom's really sick.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
Thank you.
What are you doing?
It's freezing! You're crazy!
Turn around.
Are you actually gonna go in?
No, don't!
What are you doing?!
Come on in!
Come on! The water's amazing!
-Come on! Just in and out! Come on!
-I'm not going, it's so
Just in and out!
Come on.
It's so cold!
Come on!
Why would he try to leave?
-You tell me.
-I don't know.
Why are you asking me? You should ask him.
We did.
How well do you know Mr. Dival?
'Cause that guy has
a lot of powerful people on speed dial.
- When did this happen?
- Like two days ago.
You really should've seen us sooner.
Yeah, I know.
Can I have the room?
Here's what I want to know, Will.
I want to know how you could be so stupid
taking my daughter out in that storm.
The two of you could've been killed.
I'm I'm really sorry
No, "sorry" is not gonna be good enough
if anything ever happens to Chloe.
You understand me?
If you ever endanger her again
or hurt her in any way,
I'm gonna make you sorrier
than you ever thought possible.
You understand me? You got me?
Yeah, I got you.
Why did you have
Merritt Monaco's bracelet?
-I can't tell you that.
-Why not?
Because someone could get hurt.
Someone has already gotten hurt.
A woman is dead, Will.
All right? Merritt is dead.
Do you know what happened to Merritt?
I mean were you there?
-Are Are you
-I'm pregnant.
Baby, that's beautiful.
You all right?
- Love you so, so much.
- Love you!
Merritt! Merritt!
-What are you doing out here?
-I saw you on the beach with my dad.
-He's never gonna leave my mom for you.
-What? Whoa.
It's not gonna happen.
He will never leave her.
Okay. Shh. Calm down.
He might have to.
I told her I would help her with the baby,
you know, if that's what she needed.
I I'm getting my trust in a month,
so I'm gonna have money.
-I can handle it.
-You have to listen to me and trust me.
-It's going to be okay. I promise.
Don't worry.
This is not your problem to fix.
-I can give you money.
-It's not about the money.
- What about the bracelet?
- It's gonna be okay. I promise.
I found
I found the bracelet
on the beach that night.
She She dropped it in the sand.
Wait. She dropped it?
I swear to God,
I'm not bullshitting you. I
I knew she'd want it back, you know?
It's a fucking expensive thing.
It's got diamonds in it. So I
I wanted to bring it back to her.
And what about your hand, Will?
My hand. That
That was It was just an accident.
What the hell? Will!
-Oh, shit. Are you okay?
It's okay. It's okay.
And I really didn't want my mom
to find out.
You're sure your mom didn't know already?
Oh. Is he here?
Your favorite son's home.
- William?
- Oh, my God. Thank God.
-Way to scare the fuck out of everybody.
-Fuck you, okay?
-Are you okay? Look at me.
Thank you, Chief Carter,
for bringing him home.
- Yeah. Thank you.
- You're welcome. Get some rest.
What the hell were you thinking?
-I don't know.
No. What were you thinking,
taking that girl out in the storm?
Hello. Can I speak
to Greer Winbury, please?
-Who's calling?
-Tell her it's Broderick. She will know.
-Can I tell her what this is regarding?
-She'll, uh, know that too.
Well, she's in the other room
with her husband,
so shall I call out loudly
that Broderick is on the phone?
Or I could pass her a note discreetly.
-What did he say to you?
Chief Carter.
-Did he ask you about your hard drive?
Tom, I swear, if you don't
- He was asking about the boat.
- Look at me.
I took his daughter on the boat
in the storm.
-He was pissed off.
-Don't get worked up.
What else?
It was the fucking boat and his daughter.
And that was totally irresponsible.
And you're apologizing to her.
That was wrong.
-Greer, there's a Broderick on the phone?
-You're calling Chloe What?
Broderick Graham.
I don't know him.
No, I've never heard of him.
Tell him
no one should be calling this house.
We'll get you a fresh diaper, buddy.
Drop dead, dickhead!
She's not available at the moment,
but I'll let her know you called
her home number on a holiday weekend. Bye!
Come in.
Why'd you try to get on the ferry?
Where were you going?
I panicked, okay?
I didn't know what else to do.
They kept asking me
about all kinds of stuff.
What stuff? Is it about Benji?
-Then what stuff are you talking about?
It's just a money thing.
It has nothing to do with Merritt, okay?
That much I know.
Jesus Christ. This fucking family!
Will had her bracelet.
And I found pictures of her.
Pictures and
And drawings in Benji's room.
A whole stack of them just of her.
Okay, I'm sure there's good reason for it.
Benji loves you.
He wouldn't hurt Merritt.
And he'd definitely never hurt you.
I have to go.
So, me and Shooter are going for a run.
I have to ask you something.
Okay. Sure. What's up?
Why do you have these?
-Benji, why?
It's stupid.
Merritt gave them to me.
She wanted me to paint her.
She saw the one I did of you,
and she loved it.
She was gonna post it, you know,
tag me or whatever.
Well, why didn't you tell me?
I I didn't want to spoil the surprise.
And then when she
I hid them.
I didn't want you to see them
and get upset.
Why did you think I had them?
When did you find out?
About Merritt and your dad?
That golf weekend. I
All right.
I swung by the house,
and they were just there.
By the pool.
I told her to stop it.
I wanted her to stop it.
I mean, he wasn't going to.
And then,
I was waiting for her to To do it.
But she She wouldn't answer my calls.
Well, she probably couldn't stop it.
Not after she found out she was pregnant.
I I did promise her
I wasn't gonna tell you.
The truth is, I didn't want you to know.
My dad is such an asshole,
but I'm nothing like him.
Amelia, I I swear, I'm not.
I'm not.
I love you so fucking much.
No more secrets, okay? I promise.
"Cherry wood-smoked oysters with honey."
Who knew?
Rich people keep
all the good shit to themselves.
My mom does honey-and-mustard sandwiches,
but I think that's more of a budget thing.
My mom used to love
the bright yellow stuff.
It used to be
really hard to find in Mumbai.
You sure we haven't met before?
Before today?
No, I don't think so.
I'm thirsty. You thirsty?
Yeah, I could get used to this.
Probably shouldn't.
I don't really match here.
What makes someone match here?
Having it.
Caring about who else has it.
Here, hang on.
Dessert, madame.
Ooh! Fancy.
The best.
-Do you remember the M&M commercials?
-Yes, I loved those commercials!
There used to be this one,
uh, with B.B. King.
-Yes! That was
-It was
There you go. Over here too.
B train.
Maybe three years ago?
It was Fourth of July weekend.
Okay. The train was packed.
It was just after the fireworks.
And this lady was selling
these plastic necklaces,
but her bag broke.
And the beads went flying everywhere.
And I got down trying to, like,
herd them around people's feet.
But just one other person helped.
It was this, uh
It was this girl in a black band T-shirt.
That was you, wasn't it?
Oh, Benji! You made it.
Is that from Tag's stash?
That'll really piss him off.
-I approve.
-You good?
-Good, man.
-No more secrets.
Hang on, man.
You know, I know what he did,
but it's always been really obvious
how much your dad loved your mom.
Still does.
Which is really fucked up.
You know, I I really think
he would die without her.
You know, I used to think it was,
like, heroic or something,
the way that she still loved him
despite of all his fucking fucking.
Uh, yeah.
But I could never look the other way
with Amelia. Like, never.
Oh, fuck. No, man.
Can we walk the rest of this please?
- That's what this reminds me of.
- Yeah.
Dad, they can do the laundry.
You don't have to wash your socks.
Don't need anybody to help me.
- Tell the house keeper.
- No.
Don't need a housekeeper.
Honey, I just I just don't want anyone
to do our laundry, but me or dad.
We like it that way.
Do you remember that time Merritt shrank
that, like, it was an orange sweater?
-She nearly cried.
-It was a tiny, littleOh, my God.
- She did cry.
- No!
- She did?
- No, she didn't.
- Yeah.
- Oh, my gosh. I didn't care.
It was orange.
It wasn't even a good orange.
-We loved having her, honey.
-She loved you guys.
Some girlfriends, you know,
when you get engaged,
they're, like, just wondering,
"When's it going to be my turn?"
But she didn't have
any of that crap at all.
She was so thrilled for you.
She was happy when you were happy.
She was a good friend.
And you were a good friend to her.
She was family.
I know.
You know
You know, honey, you don't have to, uh,
if you don't want to wait too long,
it doesn't have to be a big wedding.
-Think. There's no rush.
-Yeah, but it could be
I love you.
- Love you, baby.
- Dad, I love you.
Hey. You need to get some rest, hon.
I'm working.
I can see that.
I need to finish these remarks
for tomorrow.
Nice day for a paddle.
Come on, Tag. Stop it.
Stop what?
You know. I have a book launch tomorrow.
We have a house full of guests.
I don't have time for you right now.
We have a son upstairs
who doesn't even talk to us.
You want me to tell them all to leave?
I don't give a fuck.
-What do you want?
-You want to talk about it?
Not really. No.
You want to hit me?
You want to yell?
Is that what you want?
You want me to hit you, do you?
Do you want me to yell at you?
Because I can yell.
Everybody can hear us!
Do you want that?
Really? Now?
Let's go.
I want you back.
It's all I ever wanted.
I love you.
I always have.
Nothing's changed.
Everything's changed.
Mmm-mmm. Don't.
Don't touch me.
I said don't touch me.
I can't control myself.
I never could.
That feels good.
That feels good.
That feels
You, you make friends everywhere.
Friends and fans.
I don't know about that.
Oh, it's fairly obvious.
No matter what he said to you,
he's lying.
Trust me.
You're one of many.
-Thank you, Abby.
-You're welcome.
Isn't she pretty? So young. So pretty.
Trust me, you'll find someone of your own.
Are you not drinking?
Um, yeah, I think I think I should
get some dessert, like you said.
It's going to go straight to my head.
Excuse me.
That is not a dress.
She's wearing a bathing suit.
What are you doing?
We're hungry.
we're going to eat some food.
Right, yeah.
Uh, well, you're not eating that, so
Well, what are you going to do, Benji,
put it in a fucking museum?
My blood sugar's dangerously low.
Just put it down.
Or what?
Just put the fucking cake down.
What, my pregnant wife
can't have some cake?
Are you saying Abby's fat?
Thomas, put the fucking cake down,
or I'll shove it up your ass.
Oh, yeah?
Do it.
Shove it up my ass, daddy.
Oh, yeah! Fucking yeah!
Shove it up my ass, daddy. Yeah!
You want to eat the fucking cake, huh?
You want to eat the fucking cake?
Huh? You want to eat it?
Eat the fucking cake then!
- Eat it all!
- What the fuck?!
You wanna fucking go, bro?
Bro, you wanna fucking go?
Okay, stop!
Stop. Stop! Enough. Tom!
This is vintage!
He started it.
-Fuck you, dude.
-Fuck you. Asshole.
I'm leaving.
Stearic acid.
Tallow. Titanium dioxide.
Chief Carter.
-Mrs. Winbury. Uh
-I've never seen you in here before.
They said you'd be here, so I thought, um
-I hope I'm not disturbing you.
-No, no, please, sit down.
I'm sorry. Would you like a drink?
Uh no, I'm fine.
I just, um How is Chloe?
Oh, um
She's good, considering.
I wanted to apologize on behalf of Will.
He feels terrible.
I mean,
we've all been under so much stress
with all of the recent events. It's
-I understand. Thank you.
Thank you, I appreciate it.
So what's that?
It's a preliminary toxicology report.
I have a medical-examiner friend
who works out of Boston.
She consults on a lot of my books, so
Yeah, well, um,
Miss Monaco had a heavy dose
of barbiturates in her system.
Doesn't sound good.
I'm assuming that you are not here
for the atmosphere, Mrs. Winbury.
Oh, I don't know.
I wanted to give you something.
My husband's been looking for it,
and I just thought you should have it.
It's a receipt for a piece of jewelry,
a bracelet, that he bought Miss Monaco.
Thank you.
My pleasure.
Believe it or not, I do want
the guilty party brought to justice, so
Uh, are you sure I can't get you a drink?
No, thank you.
I'm coming in!
I haven't been fair to you.
In another life,
we would have been
We would have been, done something,
but we didn't, we can't.
Look me in the eye
and tell me you don't want this,
and I'll go right now.
I don't want this.
Dan. Detective.
We need to talk to you
down at the station.
Sure. Tell Mom I should be home by supper.
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