The Philanthropist s01e04 Episode Script

Nigeria Part II

Teddy Rist.
I know who you are.
May I offer you something to eat? An apple? Thank you.
This is not your first visit to Nigeria.
I was here during the hurricane.
I want out of this Godforsaken hellhole, Iike, yesterday.
And then I also had a chance to become acquainted with your Your rich and varied wildlife.
This is all very interesting, Mr.
But, if I may ask, why are we meeting? Jonathan Bankole.
The first time I met the man, he welcomed me with open arms.
Open fire.
Open fire.
Again! Jonathan Bankole.
A disgrace to every man, woman and child in Nigeria.
He is a traitor.
Tell me, Teddy Rist, what do you know about betrayal? Enough.
I know enough.
You know, betrayal Betrayal comes in all shapes and sizes.
Treacherous office gossips to back-stabbings, both figurative and Iiteral.
At the heart of each betrayal is this, someone you know breaks the bond of trust between you.
I trusted you, man.
Now, Philip.
You were supposed to go to Monaco and make friends with the Minister of Foreign Trade.
Not fondle his wife.
(LAUGHS) They're practically divorced.
The chromite deal is dead.
It's your fault.
Oh, I think you're being a bit extreme.
Judgmental, even.
Yeah, all right, I may have made a misstep or three, but Just don't screw up the press briefing.
You have my word.
Your word.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Maidstone-Rist oil refinery.
Thank you.
Now, the petroleum production of this refinery will generate around about $50 million to the struggling Nigerian economy.
And bring cheaper gas to America.
PHILIP: Have a Iook.
Feel free to ask questions.
I imagine you're Iooking forward to getting back to Kujama and Chima Balo.
OIivia, my feelings for Dr.
Balo are strictly Iimited to my great admiration for the passion she brings to rural medicine.
We are, in fact, just good friends.
Isn't that what you called the wife of the Trade Minister in Finland? (LAUGHS) Finally, my first trip to Nigeria.
I've got to admit, I'm a Iittle nervous.
Don't be.
AII's well in Kujama.
The rebels signed a cease-fire.
SCREAMS) TEDDY: We found ourselves in the crosshairs of a raging gun battle between the rebel forces and the Nigerian Army.
TEDDY: Hey, Bem.
Safe journey? Oh, yeah.
Where the hell is everybody? BEM: Chief Bankole came into the village and convinced everyone to walk away.
Who's Chief Bankole? Depends who you ask.
The federal government calls him a terrorist.
To the villagers, he's a hero.
Even before the hurricane, he's been fighting to get aid into the region.
: No, that doesn't make any sense.
Why would a hero want to hurt the Iocal economy? Mr.
Rist did not ask Bankole for permission to build.
Can you get us a meeting with him? No.
But maybe Dr.
Balo can.
Where is she? BEM: Working, as always.
TEDDY: You're doing that completely wrong, you know.
The famous Teddy Rist.
(EXCLAIMING) Congratulations! Thank you.
Come here.
That's funny.
In all our correspondence, you never mentioned this.
I just didn't know how.
You know, Iong distance.
Uh-huh, and you and the father No.
He died during the hurricane.
You didn't tell me that either.
Neither of us mentioned our Iosses, did we? Mmm.
You're right.
We didn't.
Hey, I was in Kashmir recently.
I, um I found this.
I thought of you.
Thank you.
I Iove them, Teddy.
But you do know I'II sell it to raise money for the clinic.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
No, you won't have to because this refinery is going to bring in a ton of cash.
But first, apparently, I've got to get a sit-down with a guy called, uh, Jonathan Bankole? Ah.
Chief Bankole.
He's a good man, though his methods are, at times, severe.
That's an understatement.
He nearly blew us to smithereens on the way here.
You know, the hurricane, the suffering, the deaths, they've hardened us.
The government's promises remain unkept, and Chief Bankole is trying to bring hope back to the village.
Hope I can get behind.
It's the bullets that bother me.
And building our refinery will Will help the people around here more than any armed rebellion ever could.
You know? I can go out to the camp right now.
Uh, yeah.
Okay, yeah.
I'm in the mood for a ride.
You You coming might be a mistake.
Uh Are you going to be safe with (LAUGHS) Teddy, I'm I'm a doctor.
I know what I'm doing.
Of course you do.
Oh, and thank you.
Forgive me for asking, but what is wrong with you? You are a rich man.
You don't have to go through this trouble or any trouble for a small village in Nigeria.
I've got two answers to that question.
One incredibly complicated, and the other that can be boiled down to just a few words.
AII men are sons, but only some men are fathers.
Hmm? I just got a text from Teddy.
He almost got blown up again.
Is he okay? I should have gone with him.
Absolutely not.
You just barely recovered from surgery.
Even so.
Teddy's always somewhere helping somebody with something.
I help when it's convenient, when it's Iogical.
What's wrong with Iogic? Nothing.
Except, you know, there's so many problems to be solved.
And not just in Nigeria and Kosovo.
Here, in New York, on our block.
You're still doing things.
You're doing plenty.
(SIGHS) Yeah.
Measured steps.
You know, I write checks, I serve on the board It's from a distance.
I just wish it could be a Iittle bit more spontaneous.
TEDDY: Hours had passed, and Dr.
Chima Balo had not returned from the rebel camp.
No sign of Dr.
Balo, but a kid gave me this.
TEDDY: What is it? Chima's bracelet.
Son of a bitch.
What kind of idiot am I? The guy throws grenades at me, and I Iet her go to him.
AII right.
I need to get a Iocation on this guy, Iike, now.
Somebody in Kujama must know where the hell his camp is.
Now, go.
Go on.
Find it.
(EXHALING) (MEN SHOUTING) (SPEAKING LOCAL LANGUAGE) Hey! Hey! I think you're probably Iooking for me, huh? I'm Teddy Rist.
So, take me to your Ieader.
? Gerard? Don't do anything.
Don't talk to anyone.
WASAH: Make fast, huh? Put the hood on.
You can drop your hands now.
(STAMMERING) Dax? Where are you going? After Teddy.
Dax, he told us to He said for the two of you to do nothing.
He didn't mention me.
TEDDY: Normally, when I travel by water, I'm in a speedboat or a 140-foot-yacht, not sitting on the floor with my hands tied, a bag over my head and a rifle in my ribs.
I'm Jonathan Bankole.
This is Achike Wasah.
Former Iieutenant.
Nigerian Rangers.
Where is Dr.
Balo? Safe.
I want to see her.
I'm afraid that's not possible.
How much? How much what? Is the cost of our freedom.
After the hurricane, the government abandoned this area, Ieading many of our people to die needlessly.
And your righteous response to that is to kidnap a doctor.
Rist, there is no justice for Kujama, for the entire state of Kaduna.
Oh, we have filled out forms, waited in Iines, begged.
Now? Now, we demand, by force.
Do you not think dying children justifies extreme actions? Huh? You haven't answered my question.
How much? $100 million U.
(EXHALES) (EXCLAIMS SOFTLY) I want the government to pay, not you.
I'm not some Iocal tyrant who recruits child soldiers and massacres whole villages.
I will use the money to rebuild schools.
A real hospital.
My oil refinery, the profits of which the people of Kujama have a share in, is guaranteed to improve their Iives.
You want to rely on handouts from indifferent politicians.
These are not handouts.
This is what we are owed as citizens of a free and equal Nigeria.
So, what? You just get Dr.
Balo and I to squat here while you flick off a ransom note to the bureaucrats? Huh? (CHUCKLING) No.
You see, I can think of no more articulate an advocate for our cause than the great Teddy Rist.
Oh, you You've got this all back to front, Chief.
No, I'm the big prize.
Massive investment and huge contracts in Nigeria.
(TEDDY LAUGHS) No, the boys in Abuja are not going to want to Iet me die.
So, release Dr.
I'II take her place.
As fascinating a guest as you are, you will serve us better not here tied to a chair, but out there.
You have a great deal more faith in my negotiating skills than I do.
Believe me.
I don't think so.
You will be highly motivated.
You see, the Iife of Dr.
Balo and her unborn child are in your hands.
You expect me to believe that Bankole's only goal was to bring prosperity to Kujama? (SCOFFS) Impossible.
You know, you're a businessman.
I'm a businessman.
Here's a tip.
Never ignore the effect that money has on an individual.
Whether someone has a desperate need for cash or an excess of it, money makes people behave in bizarre ways.
PHILIP: James.
What's up, man? Afternoon visit, huh? Yes, sir.
Nice surprise.
How are you doing? I was at a meeting around the corner.
Had a craving for one of Windsor's famous Rubens.
(LAUGHS) Want it in a glass? Oh, yes, sir.
Thank you.
(GLASS SHATTERS) How's your son? Ah! Well Damn.
Duane is good.
He's fine.
(LAUGHING) You didn't say that with much conviction.
My son's a smart kid.
I mean, I know he is.
But his report card came yesterday.
Mostly C's.
A D in math.
What is he? A freshman in high school? Yeah.
About half the 15-year-olds are at their grade Ievel in algebra.
I mean, it's tough stuff.
No, there's no effort on his part.
He's so far behind, he needs a tutor.
I can't afford that.
Hey, man.
Let me help.
I'II pay for a tutor.
Hey, I didn't say that.
No, I know you didn't, man, I know you didn't.
But you're a good man.
Duane's a good kid.
You've always taken care of me.
Let me return the favor.
And besides, I always stunk in algebra, too.
That beer's on me.
TEDDY: Some deals come together easily, others are doomed from the start.
Rist, you barge in here TEDDY: Oh, just do me a favor, General.
Write the check.
Sir, the government of Nigeria refuses to haggle with kidnappers.
(SIGHING) Does not your State Department hold the same principle? If you don't intend to bargain, what exactly do you intend to do? (SCOFFS) Nothing.
You're just gonna Iet Chima Balo die? Better her than thousands.
Look, Mr.
Rist, I cannot put $100 million in the hands of a criminal Come on! Iike Jonathan Bankole.
The man is trying to build a school, not a bloody fortress.
As commander of the Nigerian Army and a member of the Federal Executive Council, I cannot allow a stranger to meddle in our affairs.
Have a safe trip home, sir.
I'm not going home, General, not until Chima Balo is safe.
Duane, a good education makes for a better Iife.
Yeah, from this high up, you'd think that, but where I Iive, there are ways to get rich without a diploma.
Any of those ways Iegal? Does it matter? Survival is survival.
Yeah, well, I know I don't know you that well, but I know your father.
Just 'cause he serves you drinks doesn't mean you know the man.
Yeah, but you do need to study.
Says you.
I just don't see the upside.
What if I paid you? Yeah, I know how it sounds.
There's a similar program.
It's called REACH.
Monetary incentives for students who increase their test scores.
This is just a Iittle bit more personal.
And if you get 1,700 on your SAT's, I'II give you a bonus.
What happens if I hit 1,800? I Iike the way you think.
TEDDY: Disappointed by the conversation with General Umar, I unfortunately fell back on some old habits.
Teddy! TEDDY: I contacted my friend, Gabriel Udeze.
I have staged this party in your honor, huh, and yet you don't Iook happy.
I don't mean to be ungrateful, Gabriel, but I can't get Chima Balo off my mind.
How am I going to get General Umar to cough up $100 million? (SIGHING) I know Umar.
Do you know what I can blackmail him with? Has he got a coke problem? Leather fetish? (LAUGHING) No, no.
He is the worst kind of politician, Teddy.
Self-righteous and uncorruptible.
Oh, come on.
He's got to bleed from somewhere.
He wants to be Obama.
He wants to travel the world.
Washington, London, Paris.
Be respected.
Honored in the White House.
Yeah, well, I think Jonathan Bankole suffers from the same condition.
So, put these worries away, huh? Have a good time, Teddy.
Come on.
It is time for Teddy to go to bed.
AIone? Oh, believe me, charming as they are, on this occasion, Gabriel, I will have to decline.
five little girls who might meet a man like you.
MAN: But if they cried, then they It's so hokey.
Who wrote this rubbish? (PHONE RINGING) Mmm.
PHILIP: You insulted General Umar.
Oh, good evening, Philip.
I am very well, thank you very much.
Teddy, I need you to see this oil deal through.
Umar is making unpleasant grunting sounds.
Oh, come on.
It's not as if I slept with his Because it gets the job done.
It's so tough, if it ever breaks, we'll replace it.
PHILIP: Are you drunk? What is wrong with you? Teddy.
Teddy! I've got to go.
! A.
! Oh.
Teddy, it's 5:30 in the morning.
Strategy meeting in my room in 10 minutes.
You can tell Gerard to get his fat arse out of bed and go buy me the most expensive digital camcorder in all of Nigeria.
Go on.
Oh, and, A.
J A.
I think I have found a way to rescue Chima Balo.
Shut up down there.
WASAH: Move.
TEDDY: Thank you, once again, for your charming and warm welcome.
Where is Dr.
Balo? What's that? I intend to film you putting your case to the Nigerian people.
And then, we are going to broadcast it, un-edited, to all 36 Nigerian states simultaneously.
Nigerian television will never give Chief Bankole airtime.
They didn't give it to the Chief.
They sold it to me.
I'm sorry.
I still cannot understand how you could trust Jonathan Bankole.
When you have a friend in trouble and you have but one option, what else can you do? Fathers and sons.
We do things because of our fathers, and we do things for our sons.
Hey, man.
What happened? They sold the hotel, Philip, to some French company, which is going to turn the whole place into condos.
Some guy we've never even met before tells the whole staff, "This is your Iast shift.
" I Iost my head yelling at him.
I mean, they can't do this to people.
What's up with the crutches? I kicked the front desk and ruptured my ACL.
Can't stand on it for weeks.
Let's go talk in my office, man.
The reason I'm here With this bad knee, I'm going to be out of commission.
Surgery, physical therapy I can hardly walk with these crutches, Iet alone handle an eight-hour bartending shift.
What about your union? Hotel wasn't union.
No severance package, no insurance.
The worst part is I I can't provide for Duane.
Not fancy stuff.
You know that the city has a program, Opportunity NYC.
They subsidize parents for these exact circumstances.
I Iooked into it.
I don't qualify.
I've never been a beggar.
I've never been on welfare.
I've earned every dime I ever had.
But my bank account is Iow.
Well, I can give you a job here.
Doing what? I've been bartending since I was a kid.
I have no business skills.
I can't even push a broom with this bad Ieg.
I wouldn't ask you to do that, but there's got to be something you can do besides mix drinks.
There is.
Taking care of my boy.
Ever since my Martha died, I have dedicated myself to that boy's well-being.
No sacrifice too great.
Even my pride.
Which is why I'm asking, would you help me the way Opportunity NYC helps others? I I don't follow.
Pay me a fee each time I bring Duane to the doctor or the dentist.
Keep him focused, away from those bad elements.
$200, or whatever feels fair.
Pay you.
Then, I'd pay the dentist or Or whoever.
With the Iittle Ieft over, I'd be able to take care of my boy.
200 is nothing to you.
It's the world to me.
It's just such a strange request.
It wasn't easy for me to ask.
I'm that desperate.
When I was a small boy, seven or eight, my mother was raped by a military man from Lagos.
My father went after the man who had caused such misery.
He journeyed to the capital, seeking justice.
When justice was denied him, he sought revenge.
We never saw my father again.
Still another 15 minutes of this.
There's a particularly nasty piece at the end where he talks about one of the members of your executive council You cannot put this on the air.
Well, unless you give me $100 million, I'm afraid I just Stop him.
Do something.
Teddy Rist is a private citizen.
Our government has no control over his actions.
Well, then, I will get our government to put an end to this program.
Oh, yeah.
You could do that.
But you wouldn't be able to stop me uploading that onto the Internet, where it will spread through the world Iike a Like a particularly nasty strain of swine flu.
You know, Paris, London, the White House Are you thinking of having tea with Barack and Michelle any 100 million is too extravagant.
Oh, come on.
I think 100 million is cheap for a man Iike you.
(CHUCKLES) You know nothing.
No more.
50, we crack open the fizz.
(GENERAL SIGHING) Did you know that YouTube gets 100 million hits every day? Okay.
50 million.
But how do I know that once he's received the money that Bankole will not make another video? Because he will sign a contract with me.
No, he's signed many documents.
We give him 1 million now, and if he behaves, 1 million every month.
I'm not sure if he's going to agree to those terms.
Well, you make him agree.
I'II give it my best shot, General.
I've been going to this hotel since God knows when.
And James has been there even Ionger, so I offered to help him out for a bit.
I want to make sure I understand.
You're paying James GIynn to care for his son? No.
Well There's more to it than that.
It's Iike Opportunity NYC.
And you're also paying Duane to study? Look, babe.
You know me.
I've done the research on this.
REACH has been doing a pay-to-study program in the city for two years.
They're trying to close the racial achievement gap.
Hon, your heart is in the right place, but you don't pay Terry to behave.
You're certainly not going to pay him to study when he gets older.
Terry's going to have opportunities that James and Duane may never see.
Besides, we pay our nanny to take care of Terry.
What's the difference? As a parent, you know the difference.
And you know what? I've Iooked into REACH as well.
It has very mixed results.
You and Teddy get to be philanthropic whenever and however the spirit moves you.
But when I do it, I get grief.
AII I was asking for was a Iittle support from you.
(DOOR SLAMS) (SIGHING) What do you want us to do? TEDDY: Construction here is behind by three days.
You two have got 48 hours to get it back on track.
Teddy, Bankole might not Iet the villagers come back to work.
You're $50 million short of his demand, and you're only bringing him 1 million of that.
Hey, hey, hey.
You're not doubting T.
Rist, are you? Give the money to me.
No, I'm delivering this money myself.
And then, I'm going to escort Dr.
Chima Balo back home.
No, no, no.
No, not this time.
And he's coming with me.
WASAH: Who is he? TEDDY: My army.
Chief Bankole ordered me to be accommodating.
Then, we're ready.
(PHONE RINGING) OLIVIA ON PHONE: Hello? I'm sorry to bother you, ma'am.
This is This is Duane GIynn.
Oh, yes.
Um Can I give Philip a message? I'm, uh I'm in the hospital, the ER.
Are you okay? I got jumped by a couple of guys.
I'll be fine, though.
But the doctors want to keep me overnight.
Which hospital? Saint Vincent's.
Could you Could you tell Mr.
Maidstone to come see me? Tonight? No.
Not Not tonight.
Have him come in the morning when my When my dad's gone.
Okay, Duane.
Um He'II be there first thing in the morning.
JAMES: They finally found you a bed.
You'II get the rest of the money over time, with conditions.
I know the terms aren't ideal, but there we are.
We must have a toast.
Oh, no.
We won't be staying.
Where's Dr.
Balo? Wasah.
Balo tells me that you had a son.
I, too, had a son, who I have not seen since he was nine.
And you're telling me this, why? Mr.
Rist, I have sacrificed much for my country.
You have made my sacrifice worth the pain and the Ioneliness.
I'm assuming the construction can continue at the refinery, yeah? Immediately.
Free to Ieave, Dr.
Thank you.
Shall we? Teddy? Teddy.
What's wrong? The father of your child isn't dead at all, is he? No.
Back at the camp there, you weren't really being held prisoner, were you? Jonathan Bankole is the only hope this village I believed you.
I believed that you were being held hostage.
Why would you make me go through that worry, Chima? See, what I'm finding hard to get my head around here Why you didn't just ask me for help, you know? Because I I didn't trust you enough.
Because I trusted Jonathan more.
I can see it in your eyes.
I know the feeling.
I am sorry.
Ah, it's very easy to walk away when that feeling sets in.
You know, the emptiness, the fear that you may never trust anyone again.
You know, maybe it's better not knowing.
What did Duane mean, "Don't come to the hospital till my dad's gone"? I don't know, but by the sound of his voice, the child is terrified.
(SIGHING) I've got to go to Saint Vincent's.
Duane, you okay? Mr.
Maidstone, what are you doing here? I I have a friend who's the co-chair of Cardio.
We were planning a fundraiser.
I saw him Iaying here.
What happened? Well, I He got jumped coming from a friend's house.
Did you report it to the police? The hospital did.
Do you know who attacked you? I mean, can you identify him? I mean We appreciate your concern.
But Duane will bounce back from this.
Have a nice night.
I'd Iike to help pay for the hospital bill.
No, we've taken quite enough from you already, sir.
Well, it's no trouble, you know.
Yes, it is.
A whole pile of trouble.
And it has to stop.
Keep your money.
It's nothing but poison.
My money wasn't poison Just keep away from us! (SIGHS) (SIGHS) I'm sorry, Son.
When James told me that he'd kicked a desk when the hotel Iaid him off, I chalked it up to stress.
But the way he was acting in the hospital? We have to assume he beat his son.
We don't know that for certain.
No, but we have to find out.
For Duane's sake.
I'II call my contact at Child Protection.
They'II investigate.
That's what I get for going against my instincts.
Don't think that.
You know, hon, you may not see the good which comes from the good that you do, but it's there.
It's there.
So, the Times wants to do a philanthropist profile on you.
I, uh, pushed the Companhia Vale do Rio Doce meeting back to 10:00.
I'm here.
I moved your Iunch with the Congressman to 12:30.
And? Dr.
Balo called.
Balo called I heard you, Gerard.
Walk away.
Maidstone? Yeah.
Duane Glynn is here to see you.
Send him in.
Hey, Duane.
What's up, man? Listen, I I'm sorry.
Maidstone, relax.
Life is good.
It's all right.
I'm staying with my aunt in Queens.
I'm gonna see Dad on Saturdays.
He's working with Child Protective Services, trying to get better.
Can you tell me why he was beating on you? Well, we got into an argument 'cause I wouldn't go to the dentist, and he felt he He owed you.
That he promised.
Maidstone, I told you.
We're going to work through it.
Besides, that's not the main reason I came here.
1820 on my SAT's.
Get out of here.
Oh, my God.
(BOTH LAUGHING) PHILIP: I owe you something.
Hold on.
Friendship, parenthood, Iike any investment, we anticipate a return.
Maybe that's a skewed way to view relationships, but that's the truth.
I expected more from Chima, as if she owed me some kind of debt.
You know, one of the things I've Iearned recently is that, sometimes, being generous is the most selfish thing a person can do.
And that we might just have to ask those we help to forgive us for our generosity.
DESMOND: Bankole is dead.
He got what he deserved.
The betrayer was betrayed.
TEDDY: You might think that his death is divine retribution, young man.
But you'd be wrong.
Teddy, you need to see this.
FEMALE REPORTER ON TV: Assassinated by one of his own men, Achike Wasah, former lieutenant of the Nigerian TEDDY: Jonathan Bankole was a fierce rebel leader.
Tried to blow me up, forced me to blackmail a sovereign nation's government, and who convinced a woman I trusted to betray me.
But I do not blame him.
His people were dying.
Children were dying.
Now, if I were in his boots, who knows what I would do? (SPIRITUAL MUSIC PLAYING) (INAUDIBLE) So, that's the reason I asked to see you.
I wanted you to have a glimpse of Bankole's other side.
A side you're not allowed to see on TV or read about in the papers.
A side that you never got to know because Because he Ieft you when you were so very young.
You know, he didn't betray you, Desmond.
Your father He did betray us.
He walked away from me, from my mother when I was nine.
What man does that? I am I am so not the guy to be preaching right and wrong.
AII AII I can say is what I saw.
Bankole's army wasn't an army at all.
It was a family.
He was looking after After other people's sons and daughters.
Is that supposed to be good enough? Erase years and years of neglect, huh? But still, I didn't want you going to bed tonight and every other night for the rest of your Iife thinking ill of the man.
People don't behave the way you want them to behave.
But that doesn't mean the way they behave is wrong.
Do you see that, Desmond? PHILIP: Hey, yo.
Our stocks are down another three points because of unsettled disputes in Nigeria.
Feel Iike going to have a drink? You know, there's an old Greek saying, "Why pay for what you've already purchased?" (LAUGHING) Hey, do you remember James GIynn? James GIynn.
Oh, the, uh The bartender at the Windsor.
Well, I never forget a bartender.
Why? Never mind, it's Hmm.
Go on.
What? There's a funny Iook in your eye.
Yeah, man.
I've been thinking about us.
About when we had that office on Grand Street.
We had all these big dreams, big plans.
We had zero money.
We started this business together and we succeeded Mmm-hmm.
It's because, you know, we know each other.
We know each other's moves.
We know each other's motives.
We complement each other.
Your spontaneity, my Iogic.
But But for, Iike, the Iast couple of months, I feel Iike everything is falling apart.
Like we're not together on a Iot of stuff.
And in that void, I try to compensate and try to be something that I'm not.
I just don't feel Iike you have my back, man.
Well, I know I've been a Iittle crazy these Iast few months, but you should know this, that I would never, and I mean never, hurt you or OIivia or Terry.
And I will never compromise your son's future.
And for that, you have my most solemn promise.
To memories past.
And memories yet to come.

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