The Society (2019) s01e04 Episode Script

Drop by Drop

1 Guys, it's all uneven.
We gotta smooth out the sides, guys.
How hard is it to dig a hole? I don't know.
But it's not something I want to get good at.
I could really use a wish right now Wish right now You okay? - You guys have a lot of balls.
- Hey, man.
Like I get that you're upset We all know how you felt about Cassandra, Harry.
You were super fucking clear.
You two, so go, now.
I don't have to listen to you.
Hey, hey.
I'm family, do you understand Get the fuck out! - What are you doing? - What? - Isn't this bad enough already? - Allie doesn't need to see them.
Allie doesn't give a shit about this right now.
You're making this worse, all right? Just let 'em in.
In the back.
My sister, Cassandra, was good.
She was a good person.
Um She was captain of the debate team.
You didn't want to argue with her.
Who did this? Huh? Who shot my sister? Why did you do that? We needed her! I needed her.
Eternal rest grant her, O Lord, And let perpetual light shine upon her.
May her soul, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Lexie, are you in there? Why weren't you at the church? I'm not leaving the house.
It was Cassandra's funeral.
- You should have been there.
- Yeah, it's fucked up not to go.
Yeah, well, everything's fucked up.
You need a drink, lady.
I've got vodka, hm? Rations.
Come hang with us.
I'm not coming out of this house.
I'm not coming out of this house.
I'm not I'm not I'm not coming out of the house.
You need to eat, Lex.
No, I have enough frozen food the last a lifetime, Liv.
Her mom's a hoarder.
Look, we're all scared, but You're not scared enough! You can play government, you can you can play prom, you can even play funeral, whatever.
I'm done.
I don't I don't care.
We have no idea what is going on.
We don't know who murdered Cassandra.
It It could've been anyone out there! You know it wasn't us.
How do I know that? How do I know anything? You don't You don't know anything! Deep breaths.
It's going to be okay.
Will you stop saying that? Nothing is okay.
So, you guys can just fuck off, go away, I'm not I'm I am not coming out of this house until our parents come and get us.
Could be awhile.
You're going to get scurvy, dude.
Where's Susie? - Olivia? - Didn't show.
- Gwen? - Nothing was ready when we got here.
Okay, Just do the best you can.
I'm gonna call around.
We'll make it work.
Maybe people won't show up for lunch either.
She bled a lot.
That's a lot of blood Isn't it? I guess, yeah.
You didn't get hurt? You shouldn't be here, Allie.
How long did it take her to die? Not long.
She died alone? Or do you think they stayed with her? The killer.
I think you should go home.
Just get some rest.
I think you're in shock.
I should've stayed.
I should've helped her clean up.
I was her date, I should have stayed.
I'm her sister.
Doesn't help talking about what we should've done.
We had a fight.
Otherwise I would have been there.
Like normal, but I was mad.
It wouldn't have done any good, you being there.
You just You would've both been gone.
Maybe they would have killed me instead of her.
You know? Maybe that would have been better.
For everyone.
I used to think about that all the time.
When we were little.
And she was in the hospital.
I used to pray for it.
For it to be me and not her.
What's up? Lunch was really good.
Oh, yeah? What gourmet.
Le chili, c'est magnifique! We were short-staffed.
It's a bad day.
You think tomorrow will be better? I saw what happened at the funeral yesterday You, Campbell, Harry? What about it? Just that, we need to be careful how we talk to each other.
How we talk to each other? Wait, are you seriously here to defend them? No.
It's just that it's only us here to decide how far we can go.
What we say now, what we do now, that's all we've got.
We have to be careful.
Why are you telling me this? I'm not the problem here.
Okay? Hey, you can't just do that! Go to hell.
We need to be careful right now.
What we say, what we do.
Less than half the kitchen showed today.
And nobody even bothered to call.
It's not just the kitchen staff.
No one picked up the garbage all weekend.
It fucking reeks.
If we don't follow the schedule we're screwed.
And if the kitchen collapses, people will go after the food.
They're already raiding the cafeteria pantry.
Broad daylight.
Nobody gives a shit.
What do you want us to do about it? We might have to enforce the work lists.
You mean we would have to enforce work lists.
- The Guard.
- And how are supposed to do that? There are four of us.
Someone out there has a gun.
- What? - We were We were talking about how nobody came to work today.
It's getting really bad out there.
No shit.
Something terrible might happen.
We were just saying just how the work lists are falling apart.
It's bad enough without her.
We can't let the rules go, too.
I just wanted some fucking tea.
What? Got you some chamomile.
I hope that that's okay.
Thank you.
What's that? That is something that I read once that really stuck with me.
Fuck, marry, or get killed by Goddammit, Gwen.
It's not "get killed by.
" No one wants to get killed by anyone.
You always change the rules.
It's called keeping up with the times, asshole.
Luke, Sam, Campbell.
All right, fine.
Still say fuck Luke, marry Sam.
Get killed by Campbell, no question.
Maybe get killed by Sam.
No one would suspect him.
He is super quiet.
He's deaf, moron.
Whatever, you never know.
None of us really know each other.
You sound like Lexie.
You think you know Clark? Or Jason? How long have you two have been together? - Four months? - Okay.
So, you only know what he wants you to know.
I just think it was Harry.
Yeah, probably Harry.
Haven't seen you.
I wanted to talk to you the funeral, but everything's just so crazy.
I know it looks bad, but it still feels nice.
I need to ask you something.
Did you have anything to do with it? With what? With what? Are you seriously asking me that? Fuck you.
That's not an answer.
You know me.
We know each other.
Not an answer.
Are you high? No.
No, I'm just tired.
People are scared shitless.
And placing bets on who did it, and there's a lot of money on you, Harry.
Those people are gonna lose all their fucking money.
- Come on! - Go! - Go! - Go! Helena? In here.
You have a gun.
You didn't know? It's my dad's.
He's got a bunch.
Yeah, I can see that.
I know how to use it.
He taught me.
Babe, you know you don't need all these guns and stuff, right? The Guard has your back.
I have your back.
I'll protect you.
And the whole town? Yeah.
Then you should take this.
No, I - I don't think - Have you never shot a gun before? All right.
Lesson one, my little snowflake.
Don't point this at anything you don't want to kill.
Jump, motherfucker, jump! Jump.
Yes, dude, yes! I am the champ.
I am the cha Jeez, Eggles.
Creep much? I want something to eat.
Yeah? And I want to see my parents again.
But tough shit, am I right? You know the rules.
Beat it.
Creepy motherfucker.
What the fuck, dude? - Gimme the key! - All right.
Okay! Okay.
Just fucking take it.
How was today? It was weird.
Do you know Brandon Eggles? I don't think so.
He's the kid that barfed at the sports banquet.
Oh, yeah.
He's a loser.
He was walking around today with a gun hanging out of his pants, like it was no big deal.
People been walking around in packs.
Like wolves.
We all walked home today from the dinner duty, it was scary.
Don't worry, you're safe with me.
- That's such a guy thing to say.
- Look.
I'm serious.
Nothing's going to happen to you, I promise you.
That's such a weird thing to promise.
Like, what does that even mean? You can't say that.
You can't, unless you know something that I don't.
What are you talking about? You know I didn't do it.
- You were with me all night.
- Right, exactly.
That's what I'll 'em if people start poking around.
You were with me when it happened, so you couldn't have pulled the trigger.
I'll walk you tomorrow, so you don't get too scared.
It's called a headstamp.
It's hard to see, but that's how I'm going to find who did this.
Someone has a gun with bullets that match this exact stamp.
This is it, huh? This tiny thing.
How weird.
I thought about her dying.
All the time.
It'd be heart failure.
Someday, any day of the week.
We'd get a call.
I'd be in class.
Get told in the hallway.
I played it over and over in my head.
So that I'd be prepared for when it happened.
I'd know exactly what to say to my parents.
Make sure they knew they didn't have to worry about me.
And let 'em know that it's okay.
if I wasn't enough to make them happy.
What's this? Grizz gave it to me.
"Even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair and against our will, comes wisdom by the awful grace of God.
" Wow.
I didn't know Grizz was such a good writer.
It's Aeschylus.
You think it's true? Want to talk about it? The big squishy food machines look good.
Well, maybe I can attract a nice man and have a baby someday.
Everyone is going to know soon.
Not bad timing.
People need some good news.
What? A baby is hope incarnate.
You sound like someone who bombs abortion clinics on their day off.
Dark, dude.
This is dark.
You're going to be fine.
I promise.
You can't promise that.
Women have been doing this a long time.
We'll figure it out.
In the Middle Ages, I'd have a fifty-fifty percent chance of surviving the birth.
That's what we're dealing with here.
It's not the Middle Ages.
It's fine.
It's not fine.
I'm really fucking scared.
I know.
I'm sorry.
And even if we get it out of me, then it's here.
It's here, like, forever and I feel like such an asshole.
Because I didn't get a choice! I didn't get a choice about being a mother.
A mother.
You're supposed to want to have a baby.
Right? Totally unfair.
Right? Totally.
But you know something about me? What? I'm incredibly good at loving other people's unwanted babies.
Fuck you.
This is rock hard.
What is your fucking problem, man? What are you gonna fucking do? Drop it! Drop the gun! - I'm serious! - Just put your gun down! Please, don't shoot.
- This isn't happening.
- Please! Put it away! I don't want to shoot you! And I don't want to hurt you! - Grow up! - Drop it! - You heard me, I said put it down! - Accident! Accident! Fuck! Fuck! It was just an accident! You fucking drop it! Put it down! I'm not putting mine down until you do! Buddy, I will shoot you! I swear to God, I'll I'll kill you! What the hell are you doing? Hey, Russo.
Be cool, man.
Calm down, okay? Get the fuck away from me! Jimmy, please! Dude, put it down.
- Don't make me do this! - Put it down! Don't do it! Run! Why are you telling me this? We're pretty much passing the point of no return.
Well, I don't have answers.
Cassandra had answers.
She's gone.
Right, so we need to find someone else.
Who people will listen to.
Hmm, knock yourself out.
We all talked about it.
There's essentially no one, Allie.
Not Will or Kelly or me.
Or the Guard.
Without someone standing up and asking, "Why you?" You know, "Why you and not me?" Right.
Except for you.
That's stupid.
I'm not my sister.
Yeah, but you can speak in her name.
Maybe not forever, but but now.
Look, you'll have people's sympathy.
If you can get them to go back to Cassandra's rules.
Don't ask me to do this.
- We'll help you.
- I'm not the right person.
You're the only one.
We all talked about it.
It has to be you.
You're all we've got.
You're killing me.
You get that, right? They'll shoot me, just like they shot her.
That's what you're asking me.
To die for you.
We won't let that happen.
You can't say that! Yeah, remember what you told me? That when you were little, you prayed to take her place.
That you would die if it meant she'd live.
That's a little corny.
You realize how fucked up this is, right? So, you all had a fucking powwow, huh? You went through every other option and came up with me.
- Allie - Shut the fuck up, Will.
I'm talking.
All of you think that this is the only way.
And you're sure? You've decided? If you're gonna put this on my shoulders, then you had better be there for me every minute, every second of every day, by my side.
We will.
- Of course.
- No, really think about it.
Don't nod your heads like idiots, don't give me an easy yes.
Yeah, Allie, we'll protect you.
And if I have to make a decision and I don't know the answer, which, by the way, I won't We'll all be with you, every decision, every second, like you said.
But fuck all you, and I mean that.
Do you know what this is about? Maybe they found the killer.
Um in the name of my sister, I'm taking over the responsibility of keeping us all safe.
Um of reinstating and enforcing the rules that she established.
All the things that made this place work.
Is there anyone who objects? Okay.
New work lists will be posted this afternoon.
Um, starting immediately, I'm going to be confiscating all guns.
Every last one.
We're gonna find who killed her.
Hey, nobody comes in.
What do you want? - I need to talk to Allie.
- Stop.
Turn around, put your hands on your head.
Seriously? What the fuck, man? That's why I'm here.
Put your hands on your head, dude.
Hey, Allie.
I found this on him.
He was looking for you.
Keep your hands on your head.
Yeah, yeah.
I came here to turn it in.
You're right.
These are going to fuck us up.
Give it to me.
That looks familiar.
It's yours now.
That's the rule, right? And it's That's all I came here to do.
Then go.
- You heard her, man.
Get going.
- Think that's his only gun? Me neither.
Hey, do you mind if I sit? Go ahead.
Just finished.
Um, I was actually hoping to talk to you.
Talk to me? Yeah, I was thinking about how, um how we should try and keep things normal after everything.
Um, you know, we need something to look forward to.
And everybody likes movies, so I thought, why not have a movie night, like, once a week.
Maybe on Fridays at the church.
You know, we can make popcorn that sort of thing.
What do you think? I think it's great.
I'd totally go.
I was actually hoping that you'd help me organize it.
People don't People don't usually follow my lead.
If you know what I mean.
And you did such a great job with prom.
- Huge hit.
- No, I It was beautiful before.
What? I guess I'm just curious.
Why? Well, don't take it the wrong way, but you've always been a bit, um anti-social.
Like, with everyone.
How could I take that the wrong way? Um Uh people change.
And I need to get out of the house.
Is Campbell into this? - Movie night? - Campbell? Yeah.
Yeah, he's excited.
Um, he's actually more of a homebody than I am, so I thought that the movie idea might be good for him, too.
You know, kind of like date night.
He's super excited.
And you two are okay? Mm-hmm.
He's great.
He's the sweetest.
Campbell's the sweetest? Um, so you will run that by Allie for me, yeah? Hey, Harry, you in there? Can I just take a shit in peace? Um, dude, they're searching the house.
What the fuck? What? Oh, shit.
Not yet.
There There's nothing here, man.
I told you.
Hey, my mom hated guns.
Where are the bullets? We need the bullets, too.
Name and house number.
My boyfriend's going around collecting these for you.
We got into a fight about it.
Luke doesn't even know where I keep the guns.
He can't even find them in a house he knows.
What's your point, Helena? Anyone who wants to hide a gun from you can do it.
Piece of cake.
You'll only get these from the people who want you to find them.
You know I All the people, I just I gotta say, it just seems a little inconsistent.
With the whole preaching in a church thing.
Praying helps with some things.
Others you have to take into your own hands.
What are you gonna do with it? You gonna go hunt down bad guy? - You gonna do a shootout on the street? - No.
Then what? Guns don't keep people safe.
They get people killed.
Can you promise you can keep me safe? You know I can't do that.
Then, no.
You can't have it.
And what are you planning to do with all of them anyway, all these guns you collect? It's not that I don't trust you, but why should you be the only person in town with an arsenal? I'm going to destroy them.
Well, not mine.
Ah, duly fucking noted.
We can send the Guard.
Not Luke, someone else.
Take her gun.
She's wrong.
What if we're just making things worse? Half a solution is worse than no solution.
I don't know.
That's it? That's all you have to say? There is no good answer.
I don't like this job.
Baby, you gotta hurry up.
We're going to be late.
I changed my mind, I don't want to go anymore.
What? It's The Princess Bride.
It's the best.
I don't like that movie.
The kid is annoying.
I think we should just stay home, watch something here, just us.
I can't just stay home, Campbell.
I'm responsible.
I planned the whole thing.
You know, people are waiting for me.
I I was really looking forward to it.
I I want us to go.
Okay? I promised people.
I want to go.
Fine, so go.
You sure you're not upset? You asked if you could go, I said yes.
What else you want from me? Damn.
Thank you.
Faithfulness he talked of, madam, your enduring faithfulness.
Tell me truly, when you found he was gone, did you get engaged that same hour or did you wait a whole week out of respect for the dead? You mocked me once, never do it again! I died that day! You can die too for all I care! As you - Hey.
- Good turnout.
I didn't think people would come.
I thought they'd be too afraid.
But they came.
There are more people here tonight than have ever come to see me.
It's awesome.
We needed this.
Where's Campbell? Campbell? Um, he didn't want to come out tonight.
It's good to be on your own sometimes.
Yeah, totally.
Anything yet? Nothing.
He stole this, you know.
My parents never had a gun in my house.
Not with my brother there.
The movie should be over soon.
Let me know when everybody's back.
Cassandra loved going to the movies.
But for the theaters, not 'cause she, like, loved cinema.
She loved the snacks.
Popcorn and pickled jalapenos, which gave her the worst gas, like toxic Chernobyl-ly fumes.
I called her Backdraft.
Thank you for walking me home.
No problem.
We got you.
I'll be on duty tonight.
- I'll be in in a bit.
- Mm-hmm.
Backdraft is good.
I know.
First half of the movie, you know what I did? I just stared at people.
One at a time, at their faces.
Just looking for a clue, you know.
Are you in here, with us? Are you just laughing along? Or are you laughing at me? 'Cause you know something that I don't? I made a decision.
I'm not destroying the guns.
I'm keeping them.
"My name is Indego Montoya.
" Oh, my God, Clark.
Inigo Montoya.
- They say it a thousand times.
- Yes.
"My name is Ontego Montoya! You killed my father! Prepare to die!" Oh, my God! Uh, good night, guys.
Thank you so much for the company.
How are you? - Hey.
- Hey.
It was a long movie, huh? Yeah, we stayed for a little while after and finished off the popcorn.
Oh, yeah? It was a good time? Oh, yeah, man, you missed out.
"My name is Ondego Montoya!" Hey, thanks for walking Elle home.
That's really nice of you guys.
There's a reason why we never had a dog growing up.
We had a bird one time when I was little.
It was yellow and green.
His name was Oliver.
It vanished from its cage one day, and I went to see if it got outside somehow because the window was open.
I saw Campbell playing with it.
And he cut his wings off.
Fully off.
And was watching it try to walk away.
Try to fly with his bloody stumps.
It kept losing its balance and falling over.
My parents tried to hide the truth from people.
Pretending that he was just a difficult kid.
Like a normal version of a problem child.
Anti-social and moody.
But Campbell is not a normal version of anything.
They had him tested.
He's a psychopath.
You have to understand, he doesn't think like we do, feel like we do.
He has no guilt, no empathy.
He can mimic that stuff.
But he can't actually feel it.
Why'd you stop? You're saying he killed Cassandra? I don't know.
I just know he's a monster.
And we're locked up in a room with him.
I'd never really hurt you.
You know that.
I'm the only one that's going to keep you safe.
Don't make it hard for me.
Hi, you've reached the office of Amanda Pressman.
At the sound of the tone, please leave a message.
It's Allie.
I don't know where you are or if you're getting messages, but I have to tell you something about Cassandra.
Something bad.
Mom she She died.
We buried her.
We buried her behind the church.
You can find her if you come looking.
Please, come looking.
Come find me.
I'm still here.

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