The Story of Park's Marriage Contract (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

The Fine Line Between Being Harmful and Beneficial

(Lee Se Young)
(Bae In Hyuk)
(Joo Hyun Young, Yoo Seon Ho)
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
(All characters, places, groups, and organizations)
(are purely fictional.)
Are you going to run away this time too?
Ms. Park?
You cannot.
Not this time.
(Chapter 4)
(The Fine Line Between Being Harmful and Beneficial)
(The two got closer. Finally, their lips met each other.)
(With the kiss, they realized they had crossed the line.)
Are you reading a web novel again?
It's a romantic episode where the male protagonist
can't fall asleep all night
after his first kiss with the female protagonist.
Why couldn't he sleep after just a kiss?
Is it a romantic comic from the old times?
Are you an insensitive person?
It's a mouth-to-mouth action.
Hey, old guy. Get out of the romantic fantasy world
and live in the real world, will you?
No, thanks.
There's no one like that these days.
It was a mere collision.
It's not a big deal.
Two times one is two.
Two times two is four. Two times three is six.
Two times four is eight.
Two times five is ten. Two times six is twelve.
Seventeen times three is fifty-one.
Seventeen times four is
My goodness!
Park Yeon Woo.
What is wrong with you?
I am sorry about last night.
I have not drunk in a while, so
I got it, so quit it.
Did you get hurt?
I suddenly jumped on you, so
It's okay.
When I get drunk,
I tend to do it all the time.
Do what all the time?
I said it's okay.
Gosh. Did it hurt a lot?
When I get drunk, why do I always
do a head-butt?
- Sa Wol. - Yes.
Gosh. You are so adorable, Sa Wol.
You said I was adorable.
Sa Wol.
I got it.
I will be careful from now.
Just a coffee for me.
- Okay, sir. - Yes.
Why do you drink coffee in the morning?
You'll have an upset stomach.
You should eat a meal.
But I'm happy we're all gathered here after a while.
You aren't happy because of us.
It's because of Tae Ha.
I heard he rocked the exhibition or something.
Hye Suk, is he going to steal your position?
It's good for the company if someone's doing a good job.
From next week, I'm going to work at the company too.
At the company? Why?
What do you mean?
I'm part of SH too.
It's a matter of course I take an interest in the company.
What are you going to do?
Fight against Tae Ha to be a successor?
Should I?
That sounds fun too.
Hye Suk, you must feel relieved now.
Not really. Tae Min is still young.
He can take his time and learn it step by step.
- Good luck. - Okay.
Tae Min.
What was that all of a sudden?
About working?
You told me to secure my cut.
If you need anything, tell Ms. Choi.
I haven't decided who to side with, though.
I told you already.
You can't compete with Tae Ha.
You can't compete with me either.
What's wrong?
You summoned me to the company to irritate Tae Ha.
I look forward to your help.
Don't hurt me this time.
Since it's the special exhibition, celebrating the first anniversary,
we should show the vision of SH
When I get drunk,
I tend to do it all the time.
She tends to kiss all the time when drunk?
She has a problem, indeed.
How could she kiss
This is the list of brands we can collaborate with.
- Seok Ju? - Yes?
When Daddy goes to work
Give him a kiss
When Mommy hugs me
- Give her a kiss - No!
I'm sorry.
I forgot to put it on vibrate mode.
I'm not saying no to all of them.
Let's re-examine them and resume the meeting.
Mr. Kang.
What was that?
I know. My ringtone was too childish, right?
My nephew changed it without my permission.
No, I'm talking about Kangdro.
Was our proposal
Was it that bad?
My heart is subtly broken.
I don't think it was about the proposal.
He couldn't focus today.
Are you all right, Mr. Kang?
What do you mean?
You got angry all of a sudden.
- What happened - Angry?
Me? No.
No way.
I see.
By the way, Ms. Park Yeon Woo
Ms. Park? Why?
- What? - What?
I gave some thoughts about her.
She might be an art student
who is an avid fan of historical dramas.
An art student?
She recognized Yoon Am's painting right away.
You know what I'm saying?
But she speaks as if she is in a historical drama.
She hurt her head,
causing the art and the history to get mixed up.
It caused amnesia too.
An amnesia.
This will help you grasp who she is.
We have to get the names straight too.
I can't call her Ms. Park now that she's married.
If I call her "Ma'am," that's going too far.
How about "Lady Yeon Woo" just like in a historical drama?
Yeon Woo?
I'm sorry.
Her name is Kim Ha Young.
She's 28 years old, unemployed.
Kim Ha Young?
She was the one who was supposed to marry Mr. Kang by contract?
Apparently so.
Tae Ha's marriage is a fake, as we expected.
Who is that woman, Park Yeon Woo, then?
She and Mr. Kang found this painting back, right?
It's strange enough his bride was replaced suddenly.
But the new bride even found the painting too?
Who on earth is this Park Yeon Woo?
It doesn't matter now.
I'll get rid of her with Tae Ha anyway.
It's hard to turn around the game now.
I see.
- That leaves Gabee with two stones. - Yes.
Yoon Chae Young has one stone left.
Dol Soe.
Dol Soe.
Dol Soe.
Dol Soe.
You are here.
What are you doing?
Where is that?
It looked interesting, so I tried.
And it is really fun.
That thing is really interesting.
I hate studying,
but it is not that bad to study New Joseon with that thing.
She hurt her head,
causing the art and the history to get mixed up.
It caused amnesia too.
What is it?
- If it is about last night - No.
We really don't need to talk about that.
Okay, then.
Ms. Park Yeon Woo.
Can you make some time tomorrow?
(Seoyeon University Hospital)
this is an infirmary of New Joseon?
It is a "hospital," to be exact.
I am totally vigorous and fine,
so there is no reason for me to see the doctor.
Let us go home if you got that.
No. I have the responsibility.
The responsibility to send you back home.
Also, my grandfather's birthday is coming up.
I have to know your exact condition before that.
In New Joseon,
is everything, including the infirmary, always this grand?
How much does it cost to build something like this?
tile-roofed houses?
If Sa Wol saw this, she would have been blown away.
Sa Wol? Who's that?
Sa Wol is
like a sister to me, who has been close to me since we were young.
What did they put in this?
I forgot to buy milk.
She is fine?
They didn't find anything through CAT scan and MRI.
She is as fine as she can be.
She did act weirdly, though.
Is this a cave?
No, don't touch it!
No. This is moving.
This just moved.
I thought she hurt her head.
She doesn't have amnesia, then?
There's no particular problem with her brain.
How about your heart?
Is it still pounding hard these days?
Well, yes.
Why don't you get a thorough medical check-up this time
to check a couple of things?
Forget it.
The owner of the brain images
isn't the woman toxic to your heart, is she?
She's not.
I think she is.
I truly am from Joseon.
My husband.
Ms. Park Yeon Woo's fingerprints are not in the system.
They got nothing.
That means this painting is a fake.
I saw "Flowers and Butterflies" again
at the place which used to be my house.
My father is originally from Hamyang.
His name is Park Jae Won.
Mr. Hong,
can you check one thing for me?
Why did you not wake me up
and watched me snore like that?
I didn't just watch it.
You snored even before I woke you up.
Help me.
Are you all right?
Help me.
Mom, what's wrong?
Tae Ha.
Someone help her!
Help me!
Is there anyone out there?
Help me!
Help me!
Mr. Swindler.
Don't call them.
Are you all right?
Hang in there.
It is
just a small drum that plays momentarily.
Do not worry.
It will be okay soon.
(Secretary Hong)
The meeting?
Okay, Mr. Hong.
- That's strange. - Why?
Did something happen to Mr. Kang?
The meeting is cancelled because he has a sudden schedule.
What's with Kangdro these days?
He even threw a fit the other day, which is unlike him.
My gosh. Is he seeing someone?
You think he could be dating someone? No way.
He always keeps his work and personal life separate.
Is he not feeling well?
The meeting was about the first-anniversary event,
so he wouldn't cancel it easily.
He cancelled the meeting?
Mr. Kang did?
Hold on.
What's going on? Did something happen?
Kangdro has cancelled the meeting.
The afternoon schedule has been put on hold.
For real? So, we don't have a meeting today?
- Gosh! - Oh, no.
Darn it. Hey!
Oh, no. My gosh!
What just happened?
Ma'am! Ms. Min.
- Ms. Min. - What is it?
The thing is
- You can stand there and tell me. - Yes, ma'am.
Here? Sure.
I heard Mr. Kang suddenly cancelled the meeting.
I found out that he went to the hospital in the morning
before calling the office.
- The hospital? - Yes.
After Mr. Hong spoke with him on the phone,
he left the office in a hurry.
Something's fishy.
I think we should find out what they're up to.
Yes, ma'am. You should get going.
Hold on.
This is dark chocolate. With 70 percent cacao.
How is he?
Well, he took his medicine and fell asleep just now,
so don't worry.
I am relieved to hear that.
Is Mr. Swindler ill?
Does he have some chronic health problems?
No, he's very healthy.
He's been under a lot of stress, so I guess he's just tired.
He tends to keep things bottled up inside.
Yeon Woo.
They are two different men.
My husband smiled a lot and had a warm heart,
whereas this man is snappy and cold.
it will be okay.
Right, Dol Soe?
I'm here to see Tae Ha. He's inside, right?
He is not here at the moment.
I was told that he went straight home from the hospital.
If he's sick, I should know. I am his parent.
You were misinformed.
He never went to the hospital.
Also, I did not say anything last time as I was flustered,
but Tae Ha does not want you to visit us anymore.
What did you say?
It is my duty to follow his wishes as his wife.
"His wife?" "Duty?"
Please kindly understand.
- Step aside. - It's okay.
How much longer will you two keep up this act?
Know who you're messing with.
We should go and pick up Father's birthday gift.
My goodness.
Why are you up so early?
Hold on. Did the sun rise in the west today or something?
I just wanted to try getting up early.
I'm going to start working soon, so I need to practice getting up early.
I see. That's great.
Then can you pull some weeds since you're here anyway?
Which ones should I pull out?
Unwanted weeds.
Among these beautiful flowers, you'll see a few
that stick out like this, not knowing their place.
Look, right here. That's what you need to pull out.
I see.
But they'll grow again even if you pull them out.
So they need to be completely uprooted before they grow more.
To teach them who this flower garden belongs to.
If working at the company gets too stressful for you, let me know.
I can open a café for you
or buy you a building. I'll do anything for you.
Nice, I can own a building?
But I want to live like these weeds.
I'll keep coming back no matter how many times I'm pulled up,
like a zombie.
Goodness. Must you compare yourself to a zombie?
Why? It's funny.
You woke up.
Are you feeling better?
Yes, I'm fine now.
About yesterday, I'm sorry.
Mr. Hong briefly told me about your situation.
He said you'd been tired.
You are not doenjang or gochujang fermenting in a jar.
From now on, do not keep everything to yourself.
Do not keep things bottled up inside.
Whether it is a family issue or whatever it may be.
How is it any of your business?
Well, I was just
Thank you for helping me yesterday, but please don't cross the line.
Whatever I do and whatever happens to me,
don't show too much interest because it makes me uncomfortable.
Look, Mr. Swindler.
Why? Do you have something else to say?
I said that out of concern. Did you have to cut me off like that?
You should be worried about yourself right now, not me.
My grandfather's birthday is coming up.
Can you really do a good job in this state?
You haven't forgotten about our contract, right?
You need to do a good job playing my wife.
I told you. You shouldn't underestimate my family.
I will do a good job. I will do an excellent job.
I will study.
Whatever it is that I must know, I will learn.
Okay, then I'll get things ready for you.
Gosh. Why is it that I feel like I lost?
(Kang Sang Mo, Min Hye Suk)
We will now start the special training to prepare you
for Chairman Kang's birthday and to help you adjust to New Joseon.
For Mr. Kang's fake marriage,
I created this story myself.
From how you two met to your dating story and your family tree,
everything's in this perfect guidebook.
Memorize everything in this book, and you'll be good to go.
Just memorize everything in this book.
(When Tae Ha Met Yeon Woo)
(Yeon Woo: I'm sorry! My goodness.)
The letters here look slightly different from the alphabet I know.
I should learn the alphabet first.
(Heart, Also, Moonlight, Flower, Cloud)
(Dol Soe)
Kang Tae Min.
He is Mr. Kang's stepbrother. He's an unpredictable nutcase.
If he approaches you, avoid him at all costs.
(Kang Tae Min, nutcase)
Kang Hae Ryung.
She's Chairman Kang's only daughter.
She can be silly and says absurd things that don't make sense.
You must be tired.
Studying is tiring.
Have some "Choco" and recover quickly.
These are all chocolate-flavoured things.
Why must we do this?
Bad things will happen if they find out about your marriage contract.
It'll take a toll on the chairman's health,
and Mr. Kang and Ms. Min are fighting over the company now, so
In short, they are fighting for the throne,
so we must not let them have leverage over us.
Sung Pyo!
Hey, you're here.
- Hello. - Hello.
They're heavy. Can you give me a hand?
Mr. Swindler sent all these
- Mr. Kang Tae Ha sent these? - Yes.
These are embroidery supplies.
I heard you asked for them.
Thank you.
Oh, right. About my wedding day, I am truly sorry.
Don't be. I got paid to do the job anyway.
I'm obsessed with my part-time jobs.
"Part-time jobs?"
Oh, right. You're still learning the modern Korean language.
In those period dramas, they'd call it slavery.
Like a modern-day slave that gets paid.
A slave?
A part-time slave. I see.
SH Seoul would like to plan a joint exhibition
with Midam, the hanbok fashion brand,
as a part of our one-year anniversary event.
Ms. Lee Mi Dam's exhibition that reinterprets
her hanbok collection through media art, paintings, and photography
has boosted the global art and fashion industries' interest
in hanbok and our traditional culture.
(Midam, Korea's Fashion Diplomat)
I know that Midam is a famous brand,
but this isn't buzzworthy enough as the main event of the exhibition
that celebrates our first anniversary, don't you think?
I mean, who wears hanbok these days?
It'd be better to work with a foreign luxury brand.
Right, that's true. Hanbok isn't popular.
Yes, you do have a point.
- Yes. - I agree too.
Everyone likes foreign luxury brands,
and they're very predictable.
They may be predictable, but they make nice things.
So? What is your plan, Mr. Kang?
We'll merge the newest trends with what Midam stands for
to show SH's new vision.
Is this like
the national pride young people talk about these days?
Whether it's national pride or viral marketing,
what matters is winning the hearts of the customers,
which requires techniques and skills. Am I wrong?
The chairman worked hard to persuade Midam to open a boutique
at SH.
A famous department store overseas also approached them,
but Midam declined all such requests.
When we're opening our New York location,
we'll have Midam open a boutique with us.
Then those in New York will show immense interest.
If this goes well,
the chairman will be delighted.
My gosh. Midam will open a boutique at our New York location?
Oh, my. That is wonderful.
That's such incredible news.
- Right? - My goodness.
So? Is Midam on board?
I will meet with them soon.
I've already sent them my proposal.
You're planning to meet with them?
So, nothing's been finalized.
starts from zero.
Right, that is true.
Before you succeed, that is.
If you're done talking, I'll get going.
You and your wife seem to get along very well.
She didn't tell you?
She's discreet on top of being quick-witted.
That girl, Yeon Woo. I like her.
What did you do to her this time?
What did I do to her?
Watch your mouth.
When we're here, I am your boss.
And at home, I am your mother.
That will never change even if one of us dies.
Well, we shall see. I guess we'll find out
if one of us dies.
The gift has been prepared.
(Cardiac Surgeon Choi Hyun Wook)
I wasn't joking when I said we should run additional tests.
It was a warning, not a suggestion.
All my life, I've lived with death breathing down my neck.
So, a warning like that
I'm tired of it now.
Hello, Doctor. I am Choi Hyun Wook. You performed surgery
on my patient, Kang Tae Ha, five years ago.
I wanted to consult you on a few things.
Did you pray again to the rabbit that lives on the moon?
For world peace?
I prayed that I'd do a good job tomorrow.
By any chance,
did Ms. Min drop by?
She came by the day when you went to the hospital.
She said she came to see you.
I caused you a nuisance with a personal matter.
It is fine. We signed the contract.
Well, just think that this part-time slave here did her job.
"Part-time slave?"
So you know how to smile.
I was just baffled.
It is a new phrase I learned.
Please do a good job tomorrow.
Do not worry.
Mr. Swindler.
I know how much you care about your grandfather.
You even staged a fake wedding for him, which is absurd.
I can tell.
Your eyes cannot lie.
Just do your job, Ms. Park Yeon Woo.
Don't think about anything else.
I will only do what is expected of me as stated in the contract,
so you do your job well, Mr. Swindler.
I'm not sure why you wanted to see me, Ms. Min.
I turned down Mr. Kang's offer,
and I did nothing wrong.
Who are you to judge that?
I gave back the money I had received and
So you did take the money.
That is what's important to me,
so stop acting up.
Think wisely.
Unlike Tae Ha, I won't let it slide.
I'll be in touch.
Mr. Kang picked this out for you himself
so you could wear it on Chairman Kang's birthday.
I do like this outfit.
Oh, you're here. You made it!
Come on in. My gosh.
How have you been?
Happy birthday, Grandfather.
All right. Thank you.
Speaking of which
- What's a persimmon you can't eat? - A young persimmon.
Yes, bingo!
You are so adorable. My gosh.
You're here, my niece-in-law.
Lady Macheon?
What is Lady Macheon doing here?
You seem surprised.
Ciao. I am Tae Ha's aunt.
Even though I look very young.
This is my son, Jun.
Lee Seo Jun.
Hello, cousin-in-law.
What's wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable?
No, I am just happy to meet her.
Don't tell my mom you saw me that day.
When I was playing hooky.
Right. Do not worry.
Oh, please do not tell her that you met me in the past.
Of course, I won't. Otherwise, it won't make sense.
We never saw each other that day.
My gosh, what is this? You two have already gotten close?
Hey, I'm jealous.
Yes, she is very nice.
Hold on. Where did Mom go?
Shouldn't we finish the conversation we were having the other day?
Wait up, sister-in-law!
Well, I'm not sure if you like this kind of food.
Of course, I do.
Donga Nureumi, sujeunggae, gajaeyuk, hyojonggaeng.
I love these dishes very much.
What? Aren't you from Italy?
You know these dishes?
Do your parents run a Korean restaurant in Italy?
My parents love Dae Jang Geum in "Jewel in the Palace."
- I see. - Oh, I see.
All right. Eat as much as you want.
Our new housekeeper is an amazing cook.
Let's eat.
By the way, how did you manage to seduce Tae Ha?
Kang Hae Ryung. She's Chairman Kang's only daughter.
If you're weak, she'll walk all over you, so be tough.
With my pretty face.
I am very pretty.
Tae Ha, you have such a quirky taste in women.
Yeon Woo, I heard you were adopted.
Have you tried looking for your family?
She was adopted? Father, is that true?
And you let him marry her?
Mom, why are you saying that?
Yes, I gave him the go-ahead. Got a problem with that?
Anyway, let's eat. Dig in.
Father, I'd like to help her find her real family.
No, we'll take care of it on our own.
What matters is what Yeon Woo wants. It's her family.
Do you know which adoption agency handled it?
Do you have the documents?
You should find your real family.
I told you. We'll figure it out on our own.
My gosh.
I am sorry. It slipped out of my hands.
Sa Wol?
Sa Wol.
It is you.
- Sa Wol. - My lady.
We cannot do this. Someone will see us, my lady.
What on earth happened?
Why are you here?
That is
Please come with me, my lady.
You fell in the well too?
The thing is, I did not really fall, but
My lady.
My lady.
My lady.
So, you were sucked into the light?
Yes. When I got out of the well,
I met Lady Macheon in a strange place I had never seen before.
Excuse me.
My gosh.
That moment, my gut told me
that I should latch onto her.
So I did exactly that and followed her here.
And it was Young Master's house.
I thought
I would meet you eventually if I stayed here.
But I did not know it would actually happen.
My lady?
I was truly
terrified, all alone.
Not knowing a single person here, seriously.
It is all right.
Now, you have me. You know?
All right, then. We should return to Joseon together now.
Yes, we should. But I do not know how.
I do not know how we can return.
I will meet you in the backyard at midnight.
In the backyard at midnight.
Mourning Dress, what are you doing here?
Grandpa is looking for you.
Gosh, you scared me.
This isn't what you promised, Ms. Kim Ha Young.
Darn it.
Who are you?
What is this about? Why are you doing this to me?
Excuse me!
This is nuts.
Where are you taking me?
Darn it.
Tae Ha's great-grandfather ran an antique gallery.
That's how the company came into being.
What is in here?
Oh, that room.
My most treasured piece is kept in here.
- Do you want to see it? - Yes.
All right.
Father, it's time for dessert.
Right, of course.
How about we take a rain check?
- Sure. - Good, let's head out.
Yeon Woo,
could you lend me a hand?
Of course.
You should've been careful. We almost got hurt.
So tell me.
Are you going to fulfill your duty as a wife again today?
Join us, then. We should all have tea together.
I will do everything I can.
Because he is my husband.
Darn it.
Darn. What the
You should go easy on the chatter.
It is not like I talked a great deal.
I believe I talked adequately.
What were you two whispering about with such joy?
Tae Ha has not been eating much,
so I wanted to give him some of this.
Right, I see.
Tae Ha, open wide.
Take it.
I want to give my sister-in-law a wedding gift.
How do high heels sound?
Maybe money will be better.
I saw you with wads of it the other day.
This troublemaker cannot help himself.
(Bundaeggun: A troublemaker or bully who harasses others)
Wads of money?
Everyone likes money, do they not?
a gift is unnecessary.
As you wish.
Gosh. Okay, let's eat. Go ahead.
Mr. Kang, I lost Ms. Kim Ha Young.
She'll soon arrive at the residence.
Grandpa, may I excuse myself?
Who's that woman?
let me present my gift for you.
Allow me to introduce her.
She's Tae Ha's
This is my girlfriend.
Pretty, isn't she?
Greet him.
If you wish to live, I mean.
I'm Kim Ha Young.
Hold on. Your girlfriend, did you say?
Look at him surprising us all like this.
Tae Min, will you also be tying the knot?
Should I?
Gosh, have a seat.
Have a seat right here.
What was that?
Explain your actions.
Didn't I make it clear earlier?
I haven't decided whose side to take,
- so you shouldn't hurt me. - Tae Min!
Mom, keep it down.
What if someone hears you?
Such a shallow tactic wouldn't work.
You said it yourself, Ms. Min,
that Tae Ha isn't to be taken lightly.
I suggest a more original approach.
This time, it's you.
What was with that girl earlier?
She's my soon-to-be ex-girlfriend.
I'm pretty much done with her.
Why on earth are you doing this?
What are you playing at?
Take a guess if you're curious.
I'll also be working at the company now.
Maybe I'll relieve my boredom by taking what's yours.
You'll find everything you'll need as well as a place to stay.
(Republic of Korea, Passport)
All right.
Thank you for helping me.
There's no need to thank me. All I did was get my butt kicked.
I'll be in touch, then.
Happy birthday, Grandfather.
Live long and in good health.
This craftsmanship. It's a work of art.
Also, a tortoise symbolizes longevity.
I absolutely love it.
Thank you.
You're the sweetest soul.
You are too kind.
After all,
you are most precious to Tae Ha and me.
Is that so? Gosh.
I'm glad to hear that.
That being said,
I would like to get your approval on something.
Since it is my first time at the house,
may I
sleep over?
Sure thing.
Stay all the nights you wish.
You are the sweetest.
What is all this?
Isn't it obvious?
My grandpa had this done.
But why
Because we are a married couple.
And married couples usually share a room.
Right, married couples
A consummation?
Are you suggesting we consummate?
Keep it down. People will hear you.
Leave this instant.
As if that makes sense.
We're at my grandpa's place.
Things were hectic as is, so why make it worse?
I was trying to be a good granddaughter-in-law.
I apologize.
What are you doing?
My pyjamas.
Rest while I wash up first.
He will wash up? Why?
Wash what?
I am losing it.
Let the great wisdom lead me
(Secretary Hong)
Ms. Kim will leave on the red-eye tonight.
Check up on her even after she lands in the US.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Kang.
You need to see this.
He obviously said something.
(10:58pm, July 8, Saturday)
When will Sa Wol get here?
Cheon Myung?
Ms. Park.
(Ms. Park Yeon Woo)
The call cannot be connected. You will be redirected to voicemail.
After the tone
Mr. Hong, Ms. Park has gone missing.
Again? Have you tried her cell?
Wherever she is, she's not answering.
Darn it.
I installed a tracking app on Ms. Park's phone.
I'll keep updating you with her coordinates
and meet you there.
All right.
- Ms. Park. - Ms. Yeon Woo!
Ms. Park!
Why would Ms. Yeon Woo even come here?
Finding her is the priority.
Let me see.
(An error has occurred.)
What's going on?
(An error has occurred.)
I'll look over there,
- so head that way. - Sure.
Ms. Park.
Ms. Park?
Park Jae Won.
(Park Jae Won)
"A scholar who served as the Minister of Personnel."
"He was originally"
"from Hamyang."
My father is originally from Hamyang.
His name is Park Jae Won.
He was the Minister of Personnel.
"He lived in Hwanghwabang which was the old name"
"for Jeong-dong."
Many years ago,
this was an area west of the Capital District Office
called Hwanghwabang.
"He only had one daughter"
"whose name"
"was Park Yeon Woo."
(He only had one daughter whose name was Park Yeon Woo.)
(Park Yeon Woo)
Where did she go?
(The Virtuous Woman)
"The virtuous"
Is someone there?
Cheon Myung.
Is that you?
I apologize for making you wait.
It's a pleasure, Ms. Lee Mi Dam.
Ms. Park.
(The Virtuous Woman)
(Special thanks to Nam Gyu Ri for her special appearance.)
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
I think I have found a way home.
It means you can return home once your desire is fulfilled.
What else could it be
if not my lady's and Young Master's wedding night?
Sa Wol, you
Bring Yeon Woo into the spotlight.
Spread a rumour.
The vice-chairman got married.
What will it be, Ms. Mourning Dress?
And here I thought I'd first be in the tabloids.
Send Yeon Woo back to Italy.
What are you doing here?
I was just observing
Ms. Park Yeon Woo, the lady from Joseon.
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
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