The Traitors (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Life or Death Situation

- Previously on "The Traitors,"
four faithful have fallen
Two to murder
I would want to murder me
if I were the traitors.
Anyone could get backstabbed.
Clearly, I did.
- and two to banishment.
- I'm a faithful.
- I think Chris is a traitor.
- Brandi, I voted for you.
- Brandi.
- Brandi.
I'm a faithful.
With the prize funds now
at $75,000
I don't want to toot
my own horn, but toot-toot.
- Can Cody, Christian, and Cirie
their reign of terror
This is good. This is gonna
cause so much paranoia.
- and steal all the cash
Creating chaos is ultimately
gonna get us that $250,000.
Let's name, like,
who we're not sure of.
And with a dramatic discovery
Kate gets up, and something
falls out of her skirt.
- turn the game on its head?
This plays right into my hand,
and I can't wait for it.
- The Dream team.
- What a day.
- What a day.
Listen, I am ecstatic
that Brandi got banished.
She threw my name out there.
I don't need her spreading
that around anymore.
- Exactly.
Brandi was onto me.
She was starting to become
a cancer of rumors.
So I am glad
she's out of the castle.
So, Stephenie came to me
and she was like,
"Oh, my God, oh, my God."
I'm like, "What?
"What's going on?"
- Yeah, she's harassing.
So, apparently, Kate was walking
and she dropped
a piece of paper,
and on that piece of paper
had her traitor-kill
nominations on it.
- Whoa.
And on that paper was Shelbe
first, crossed out,
and then Amanda.
So we could look at it
as an opportunity
to frame Kate for ensuing
the chaos.
- Crucify her.
- Exactly.
- Yes.
- And get rid
of Shelbe or Amanda.
- Kate is onto me.
If we murder Shelbe or Amanda,
we can frame her perfectly
to get everybody talking.
It is madness.
I honestly think it's brilliant.
Or we can throw around
some other names.
- I have a name.
What happened tonight
between Azra and Kyle?
- Oh!
We need people that are
willing to speak out.
There's a lot of people
that are reserved.
Yes, having opinionated people
is important,
but sometimes the reserved ones
can actually sit
and have
intelligent conversations.
- We get rid of Azra,
everyone's like, "Whoa,"
because Kyle made that comment.
Everybody would be
almost similar to Bam.
- Yes.
- Why?
Yeah, I think
it's either Azra
or Shelbe.
- So, is this the right choice?
- We've stuck to our guns
every single time
- Mm-hmm.
- creating chaos in the castle.
Let's not second-guess
It's the right decision.
Do we agree?
- We agree. Let's do it.
Last night, the traitors
committed the third murder.
But the faithful's suspicions
are edging closer.
- We're the first ones.
- Oh.
- Well, at least we're all here.
That's a sigh of relief.
I'm grateful to be here today.
Such a mind game, man.
But I think it's imperative
that we start
getting traitors out,
because they're picking us
faithfuls off one by one.
Four faithfuls are gone,
and now we're gonna lose
a fifth, Right?
I feel like,
when we do find one,
I feel like we'll see
a little bit of a domino effect,
because I'm gonna be like,
"Who's vouching for this person?
Who isn't?"
- Umm
- Hey!
- Yay!
- Whew.
- Whew.
- Happy you guys are here.
we're in a great spot.
I have so much confidence
and faith
in the other two traitors
that, yeah,
I feel like we know
exactly what we're doing.
I could not be more happy.
Andie, what do you think?
- Honestly, I have no
I'm trying to keep it
out of my brain.
Mentally, I'm getting to
the point where I'm tapped.
I'm an introvert.
So when I finally start
to open up to people,
knowing that everyone
is lying to one another
feels so personal.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Whew!
Whenever I walk
into the breakfast room,
I am looking around.
I'm trying to see
if people's moods are different.
But to be honest,
they're really not.
The traitors are
blending in really well.
- Who do y'all think?
Literally, I could not
even imagine.
- What's up?
Good to see you again.
- Who do we got here?
By the skin of my teeth,
I'm still here.
But I don't really think
the traitors
were gonna get rid of me,
'cause you had to be
pretty stupid if you are,
'cause I'm, like, a pretty good
shield for them right now.
- I didn't see you this morning.
- Why? What's wrong?
- I was struggling this morning.
Every day, I'm betraying people
that I've built
relationships with.
And as a traitor,
it is weighing heavily on me.
Shelbe, Kate, Azra.
- Not gonna be Kate.
- No.
- She's a traitor.
If I had to guess, I would say
Kate will walk through the door
because she had
a little suspicion on her.
They're keeping around
the people
that have
some suspicion on them.
- Mm.
- You know what I mean?
They keep the scent off of them.
- Mm.
- It's a good point.
- How's it going?
- It's, uh
I'm so shocked that
I'm even at this breakfast.
But I don't think it's long
till I'm murdered.
I think it was like,
"Kate would be too obvious.
So let's not kill Kate
right away.
We'll save her for tomorrow,"
which is a fun way to live.
You know?
- Kate is shady.
The note
she dropped yesterday
She's trying to mess with us.
She's trying to wreak havoc
or do something here.
- Yeah.
- Still gorgeous.
- Azra or Shelbe. Wow.
I am extremely worried
that Azra's gone.
She's the only person
that I have 100% trust with.
A, like, big sister,
little sister, kind of.
Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit.
It's me.
I'm I'm the last one.
It's me.
So, are we sure
that Azra is the right choice?
Brilliant because it would
make everybody be like,
"Wait. What?"
- Kyle made the comment today
at the table
about people being reserved.
We get rid of Azra,
that just looks bad on Kyle.
We leave the pawns in the castle
that are gonna create chaos.
There's a lot of people
skeptical of Kate,
and there's a lot of people
skeptical of Michael.
Let's stick to our theme,
"Chaos in the castle."
What do you think?
- Chaos in the castle.
Let's do it.
- Y'all ready for the heat?
- Bring the heat, baby.
Damn it.
I was hoping to last
a couple more days,
but I couldn't pull it off.
I think I've been murdered
because I finally spoke up
and said something at the table,
so it's just perfect distraction
make people question
who the traitors could be.
- Another day in paradise.
I hate that Azra was murdered,
because I just feel like
the faithfuls are getting
picked off, one by one.
And Azra was my person
in this game.
Like, really,
through and through,
the one person I had trust with.
The traitors are just causing
pure chaos and confusion
at this point,
and they're doing
such a good job.
- In the words of Macbeth,
"'Twas a rough night,"
especially for Azra,
who became the third victim
to be brutally offed
under the cover of darkness
by those treacherous,
treacherous traitors.
- Hi.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
I'm sad.
- Why?
- Uh
Azra was an incredible person,
and she spoke up for
the first time last night,
and now went home this morning,
You think she was murdered
for speaking out?
Well, I think we've mourned
long enough.
It's time
to get on with your lives,
however long they last.
- And I will bid you adieu.
See you on the east meadow
for a mission.
Don't cry.
This is gonna be so rough.
As a traitor,
breakfast is kinda a lot now.
Because all eyes
are on everyone.
It is quite stressful.
It is quite stressful,
but you never let them
see you sweat.
Ah, look at this view.
Look at this.
Hey, I just noticed,
your lips matches your pants.
It matches my pants, Ryan.
I always touch up good.
I did it on purpose, yeah.
- Ooh, I like it. I like it.
- Thanks, Ryan.
I don't know if I want to
go outside with these people.
I might turn around.
I don't think there's any type
of, like, supreme logic
that is going to necessarily
out a traitor.
I think that we need
to go off of concrete evidence.
I think you should
keep wormholing
until you find one that works.
I really am gonna
have to be careful
what I say about this note,
because I want to prove
that he is a traitor.
- Once we uncover one traitor,
it's going to
start making sense.
I think it's
just really important
that we share information today.
I get it.
But when we are in bigger groups
and there's some stuff you may
or may not want to say,
I think it's tactically smart
not to say it to a big group,
- Well, let's branch off
and do small groups.
- That's what I'm saying.
Statistically, there's probably
some traitors here, so
Tactically, I didn't want
the faithfuls to gain momentum.
So trying to split
the traitors up was better
because we are puppeteering
the rest of the faithfuls.
Hopefully, they got a fire
in the billiards room,
'cause I'm freezing.
- Yeah.
Be cautious of what
you're saying around who,
is my only advice.
Listen, I'm here to find
the traitors.
- Good.
- Right?
Because I'm a faithful.
- Yeah.
I could be wrong.
I don't think it's Michael.
There's so many people
suspicious of Michael.
So, as a traitor,
I would like to keep him around
because Michael
is a perfect shield.
Why do you not think
it's Michael?
If he's acting like the victim
and he's a traitor,
do you know how savvy
to be that sophisticated
and gameplay to be both?
- I don't think he's that savvy.
I think we're
that full of empathy.
People who are manipulators,
they know
that empathy is a way
to get away with stuff.
Cirie seems to think
that it would take
a real sociopath
for anyone to use
the victim card or the pity card
as a traitor.
That's exactly
what a traitor would do.
- This is beautiful.
Talking about the
Michael situation,
and for me,
it would be, like, nice
to like, figure this out.
If you can give me the ABCs
about why he is a traitor,
I'm down to vote tonight.
But if you can't,
I'm not gonna vote him
for the sake of voting him,
to do away with the problem.
I'm not doing it.
- Yeah.
- If Michael is a faithful,
I feel not confident on anybody,
-100%, Kate.
I didn't want to talk to Kate
about the note.
I wanted to talk to others
and see where they thought.
And I also wanted
to use the note
to tell a couple people
so they thought
I was trustworthy.
Last night,
after the round table,
I see her get up,
and something
falls out of her skirt.
On the note, it said,
"Murder Shelbe."
And then it said "Amanda."
- Where the note at?
- Um, Cirie has it now.
- This is too much!
Kate dropped a note
out of her skirt, magically,
"Murder Shelbe, Amanda."
Like, what is happening?
Why would anyone
write that down?
And it's like
she's messing with people.
If you're a faithful,
isn't the goal,
like, we're trying
to come together?
- Yeah.
- She's all over the place.
I want to confront Kate
at the round table tonight,
you know, to see her reaction.
This is the note
that they found, Kate dropped.
This note
That doesn't even make sense.
Why would you ever
write anything down like that
and carry it
around the castle with you?
- Notegate.
Got a clue.
It is Kate's handwriting.
I don't know what Kate's doing
writing down anything
in this game.
I don't know if this was, like,
a strategic, you know, placement
or what.
Hopefully, you know, by the time
we get to the round table,
there's actual consensus.
it's time for your mission.
Meet me
at the east meadow at once.
- Here goes nothing.
I'm super excited
about the mission today,
because I'm just tired
of fighting from the bottom
every night at this round table.
So if I can, like, prove myself
to some people in this mission,
it'll be a glorious day.
I'm excited about
today's mission.
It'll be a good opportunity
to see human behavior.
What if someone
isn't doing so well?
How do they react
to that pressure?
Because that shows you
what's really in a person
when they are down and out,
or when they're
really high on top.
- Aah!
- Whoo!
- Oh, my gosh.
- Sketchy carnival.
- Come on, now.
Creepy Carnival is usually not
my favorite theme of a party.
- Oh, my God!
- Whoo!
- Oh, God. Where's the clown?
Yeah, I ain't
I ain't dealing with that.
Welcome to
the Carnival of Chaos.
- What do you think?
- It's terrifying?
Are you looking
at Jack and Chester?
Don't worry.
They died doing what they loved,
just before
they were forcibly strapped
into an archaic Ferris wheel.
Today I will once again
give you the chance
to add more money
to the prize pot,
which currently stands
at $75,000.
In a moment, five players
will be randomly selected
to ride my Wheel of Death
Destiny, sorry
My Wheel of Destiny
where we're going to find out
what everyone
really thinks of them.
This is going to be fun.
Fergus grab the tombola!
- Everything my mama told me was
to not get on stuff
that looked as sketchy as that.
- Here's how it will work.
I'm going to pick five names
out of this tombola
to ride the wheel.
- Okay, okay.
Now, for those of you
left on the ground,
I'll be asking you a question
about the players on the wheel.
The same question will be asked
to the wheel riders.
For every answer that matches,
$300 will be added
to the prize pot.
- Yeah!
- Not only that,
if you all managed to stay
on the wheel
for the five-minute ride,
I'll give you
an additional $5,000.
If I don't call out your name,
don't get too comfortable,
because we will be choosing
another five
for the second round.
What will you learn
from your fellow players?
And who will use what they
learned to their advantage?
This mission is very,
very important to me.
This will put it all out there
on the table
and find out
what's really going on.
It's gonna be
way past interesting
and a quarter to explosive.
Let's see who will be
the first five
to ride my Wheel of Destiny.
- Kate.
- Oh!
This is what I was hoping for
Kate in the hot seat.
- This is going to be tough,
but I'm eager to see
what other people
are thinking about me thus far.
- Anjelica!
- Ohh!
Alright, alright.
- One more, one more.
- And finally
I was just like,
"Please don't pick my name,
please don't pick my name,
please don't pick my name.
- Andie.
- Ohh!
Time to be strapped in.
This is one of my worst fears
of a mission.
- Oh, my God.
Kate, you're about to have
the ride of your life.
- You got this, Kate!
- Thar she blows.
- Ohhh!
- What a time to be alive.
I want to spend my last days,
before I'm murdered,
upside down
on Wheels of Death
- There you blow!
- Whoo!
To gain money for the people
that are gonna murder me.
This is great.
It's now time to play
the traitors' Wheel of Destiny.
- Got me in here tight.
It was extremely uncomfortable.
It was so disorientating.
And then the fear
that was just in my body
of not being
in control of the situation
is honestly nightmare fuel
to me.
It's now time to play
the traitors' Wheel of Destiny.
- Got me in here tight.
- Oh!
- Oh, my gosh.
We're going to start off
nice and easy.
"Who would you most like
to be stranded
on a desert island with?"
And remember, you can only pick
a player from the wheel.
- Christian?
- No.
Oh, whoa, whoa.
- I would say Andie.
- Yeah, I would say Andie.
Riders, we need you
to lock in your answer
before the group
can reveal their choice.
- It hurts, upside down, for me.
- Lock your answers. Stall, team.
"Who would you most like
to be stranded
on a desert island with?"
- Andie.
So, for each player
on the wheel that matches Andie,
it's $300.
What's your answer, Andie?
Kate, show us.
- Whoo!
- Christian?
- That's awesome.
And, Christian, show us.
You're fun.
- Get back $900.
Andie they hold
a certain amount of power.
If Andie is in support of you,
and most of the people around
trust Andie,
I think it gives you
a certain amount of safety.
And I'm trying to get as much
safety and support as I can.
- "Who could win an award
for the most emotional
- Anjelica.
- Anjelica.
- What a surprise.
- Oh.
I think she's a sweetheart.
But she's very emotional.
Wheel rider,
show us your answer.
That's $2,400 so far.
I do wear my heart on my sleeve,
but I don't want people to think
this is all, like,
a facade, almost.
-2 minutes to go.
Remember, every wheel rider
can add $1,000 to the prize pot
if you can stick it out
till the end of the ride.
- Aw, my shoulders!
- Keep it up.
My body went into kind of
fight-or-flight mode.
I was telling myself,
"You're about to grow
as a human in this moment."
"Who do you think
has told the most lies?"
- Ohh.
- Ohh.
- Goddamn.
This could bring up things
that I can use
the rest of the faithfuls.
- Who hasn't told lies? Kate.
- Yes, out of the 10.
Really, team,
I've got to hurry you.
- Oh, I don't know.
- Uh
I'm on this wheel.
The blood's rushing to my face.
My eyes are gonna
pop out of my head.
And they're deliberating
on which name to write.
Just, right now,
any name at this point!
Guys, we have to
write something down.
The time will soon be up
if you don't give me an answer.
Give me a name.
- Guys, I'm not
- I mean, Kate has said a lot,
and it hadn't
really proved to be that.
So how could we be wrong?
Did she vote for herself?
Christian. How interesting.
Food for thought
for this evening.
I'm offended.
Nothing against Kate
but she's a phenomenal shield.
- Andie?
- This is literally hell.
- Anjelica?
Four people.
- Heyyy!
- Wow!
The time is up.
- I am gobsmacked.
I just really
I can't even think of one lie.
I haven't lied about anything.
- Mm-hmm.
It was nice that other people
felt similar to how I felt.
Kate, you are the biggest liar
here right now.
- Oh, yeah!
- Yeah!
Good job.
When I got off of that wheel,
it was just pure emotion.
- Look at that.
Getting it all done.
Yeah, good job.
Look at that.
See how much looser that is now.
My wife has a baby on the way,
so if I can give my kid
something to look at,
in the future,
to know that whatever
you're going through,
you are mentally strong enough
to get through it.
You answered questions
giving you a total of $3,600.
And because these
five brave individuals lasted
until the end of the turn,
you get another $5,000,
bringing your total to $8,600!
Okay, okay.
- Alright, another round!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
Next to ride the wheel
is Cody, Ryan, Kyle
The blood feels to be rushing
quite quite well.
- Looks like a tomato.
- So vibrant.
- Amanda, and Michael.
God help me.
Don't let me fall, Lord Jesus.
- Here we go.
- Whoo!
- Oh, Jesus, mercy.
"Who would you most trust
with your life?"
- Oh.
- Amanda. She's an E.R. nurse.
- 100%.
- She's an E.R. nurse, guys.
It would have to be
the E.R. nurse.
I mean, that's what she does.
She saves lives.
- Yay!
- Amanda! Fascinating.
Wheel riders?
- Amanda!
- Kyle?
- I'm sorry, man,
but I went with Ryan.
- Ryan!
- Cody.
- I went with my boy, too.
- Oh!
- Oh!
- You're up to $9,500.
- You're my boy!
- Heads up.
I might have to start looking
at Cody and Ryan.
It's the good ol' boys' club,
I don't want Cody getting
too close to the faithfuls.
That could cloud his judgment,
and I don't want that.
"Who is most likely
to Google themselves?"
- Oh, man, I don't know.
- Oh, boy.
- Wheel riders?
Kyle is the popular choice!
To Michael. Show us your answer.
- Oh!
- What?!
- I need you to help me, Lord.
- Amanda?
- Sorry, guys.
I thought Ryan.
- Ryan, it's a compliment.
- You've banked $10,400 so far.
Let's hurry up,
because Kyle's got to get off
and Google himself again, so
I mean, I'm having a blast.
This is a really fun mission.
But it became way more personal.
- "Who is the most two-faced
on this wheel?"
- It's brutal.
To be two-faced,
you got to tell some lies, so
- Oh!
- Alright.
We're wasting time,
we're wasting time.
- I need an answer.
Michael. Very interesting.
Michael, what would you say?
I think they're gonna say me.
Hey, let's take it!
We'll take it, yes.
- Yeah.
- Wheel riders, reveal.
5 for 5, baby! Whoo!
- It's $11,900 in the pot.
- Yeah, buddy!
- I know where they stand on me.
I'm already shady business
so I went along
with the group and said me.
But, yeah, no, it's not me
"Whose behavior has changed
the most since arriving?"
- Oh.
- Michael, Michael, yeah, yeah.
- The questions were perfect.
Everyone is so sure
that Michael's a traitor.
- $300!
- Whoo!
That's 13,400 in the prize pot.
Michael, you're having
a bit of a tough time
on the wheel today.
An absolute tough time, brother.
I got a wedgie, about to vomit.
"Who is the least likely
to win a Nobel Peace Prize?"
I'll take it, I'll take it.
Part of this is
trying to reach consensus
and anticipate
who's gonna vote what.
And part of this was Michael
being pretty good-natured.
Like, "Hey, guys,
let's win this money."
But I still think
he's a traitor.
Kyle, is it going to be
a full house?
Oh, dear Lord Jesus,
it's Michael.
It's all good.
Money in the pot, baby,
money in the pot.
Respect that.
- Time is up. Stop the wheel!
Good job!
- Michael, Michael, Michael.
Traitor, traitor, traitor.
Fair play to you all,
Out of a potential $22,000,
you earned $19,900!
But this game wasn't all
about money, though, was it?
Has the wheel
made you second-guess
who you can trust?
It's going to make for a very,
very interesting round table,
I'm sensing.
I hate to say it, in a
weird way, 'cause it was a game,
but it also confirmed
a lot of things.
I mean,
who's the most two-faced?
- Yeah.
- Michael.
And the guy has done a 180
multiple times.
- Are you a traitor?
- No, I'm not a traitor.
I'm willing to, like, have
any conversation
to try and prove that
to you guys.
- Who's told the most lies? Kate.
So, I just feel like Kate's
just trying to stir shit up.
- She is.
- Oh, home sweet home!
- Beautiful home.
- Food!
I'm just tired of fighting.
I am.
I don't think that you're
a traitor either.
- I'm not, I'm not.
I think that everyone wants
to get you out.
I know.
And I can say it
I genuinely liked everybody.
I'm tired of fighting.
I would rather be banished
and murdered, though,
just so I can see everyone's
reaction when they find out.
Quick little change
of the the shoes.
Is that food?
Whoo-hoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo-hoo!
- Yeah.
- Oh! Ah!
- It's good.
If I go home because
I'm wrong about Michael,
okay, worth it.
The note from me
I'm a little confused by it.
Do you think someone's
gonna bring it up tonight?
- Uh-huh.
- Oh, hell, yeah.
There's more backstabbing
in this place
than in a Shakespearean tragedy.
And all my players are strutting
and fretting magnificently,
though tonight two of them
will exit stage right.
- Mm-hmm.
- Right.
Michael has been
a huge distraction,
and then people
are suspicious of Kate.
But I just don't understand
why Kate would have
set herself up like this.
Behind the scenes,
I'm trying to figure out
what's going on with Stephenie
and what's going on with Cirie.
I'm gonna let you know,
I like you guys.
I don't know, I don't know.
- I don't know either.
- I think so.
- We got Chinese food.
- Sweet and sour?
- Yep.
- Oh, my God, how exciting!
Kyle's very vocal,
and he's trying
to put other names out there.
But I love Cirie.
Cirie and I have had an alliance
since day one,
so I want to prove
I'm trustworthy.
- I don't think it is.
- Mnh-mnh.
- Mnh-mnh.
- What?
- I don't think it's
- You.
You better say that.
There's got to be
a strong female in the mix.
- Mm-hmm.
And people are starting
to get suspect, guys,
that it's going to be,
like, one of us
if it's not Kate.
I'm just being honest with you.
We just had this conversation.
- Yeah.
- Kyle and Ryan
Stated that there must be
one woman,
and they seem to think
this woman
has to be a celebrity, so
And obviously, they're right.
That could be a problem
later on, down the line.
Where there's smoke,
there's fire.
So if you continue to bring up
my name, you know,
you could start something
that could catch on.
- Can I ask you a question?
If you're going to vote me,
will you just tell me
so I can enjoy
the rest of my night.
It's just exhausting.
- I get it, man.
- I have changed my vote twice.
Kate's not out
of the hot seat, too.
- I'll say Kate.
If you guys think it's me,
I'll go Kate.
But that's not gonna help
give people confidence.
I know.
I was telling you this morning,
I've got gut feelings,
but my gut don't
convince you of nothing.
Just like your gut
don't convince me.
I need concrete,
and I don't have that.
I'm not 100% sure it's Michael,
but he's just incapable
of keeping a consistent story,
and spreading
kind of sketchy theories
with zero supporting evidence.
I suspect Quentin because
he's just so eloquently spoken.
He's not done anything.
He's just
an all-around good guy.
Everybody loves him.
He's such a good talker.
He went to bat for you and
shifted the entire conversation.
- I know that, I know that.
And I appreciate that.
And I've not said his name.
Like I said,
I don't know what to do.
Every aspect of me is suspicious
to everybody anyway,
so there is nothing
that I can do.
I just want to
get one traitor out
and be like, ".
Are we going to
round table, like, "now" now?
Going into the round table
there's a lot of heat
on Kate and Michael
because we want that.
That's exactly what we want.
I'm mad that the people
I look at
and spend time with every day
are lying to my face,
and I want them out.
We need to get rid of a traitor,
and we need
to get rid of a traitor now.
- Hello, dear hearts.
We meet again.
things took a turn today.
And I don't just mean
the Ferris wheel.
You worked well together,
and your prize pot
now stands at $94,900.
at present, the traitor
stands to steal at all.
There's no backstabbing here,
of course.
Here, you look straight into
the eye of the person
to whom you deal the final blow.
Here and now,
the next banishment commences.
- I think, before we get started,
we need to figure out
this, you know, thing
that had Shelbe's and my name
on it.
I think that's important.
So can we start with that?
- Sure.
- Hi, Kate.
- Hi.
- So, last night, you got up,
and a piece of paper
fell out of your skirt.
- So I brought it,
just for the people
that didn't see it.
- And I mean, doesn't
Yeah, it looks bad.
Um, Brandi and I met in the bar,
and then we were going through
who we thought was at risk
of getting murdered that night.
And then
we got called to dinner.
- Brandi And you?
I'm not a traitor.
I just feel like you
keep trying to cause drama.
I mean, Ferris wheel?
"Who's told those lies?" Kate.
- Okay.
Kate is very masterful
in deflection.
She's very masterful
in convincing folks.
But I know what I know,
and I feel like I've seen
all that I need to see.
Kate, you continue to throw
dirt and mud at the wall.
You have been pushing Michael
and pushing Michael
and pushing Michael.
But the math ain't mathing
for me, sis.
I think Michael is a faithful,
and I'll continue to stand up
for someone
in a situation that horrible.
I think you are a traitor.
- Here's the problem.
We're wasting so much time
focusing on the wrong things.
I think it's everybody's job is
to, like, look at the patterns.
Michael, um,
two nights in a row,
it was your word
versus Geraldine.
And then, last night,
it was your word against Brandi.
Unfortunately, there's
only one logical conclusion
I can draw from, like, you know,
the last two nights.
And I'm You're
entitled to that opinion.
But I feel like
there's a lot of deflecting.
Whoever these traitors are
is like, "Okay,
Mike was a target, day one;
Mike was a target, day two;
Mark was an easy target,
day three.
Michael is a shield for me
because no one suspects me."
I can tell you right now,
I am not a traitor.
I hope I'm not going home.
But if I go home tonight,
Quentin, I want you to know
that I will forever appreciate
you sticking up for me.
You believed in me,
and that means
the absolute world to me.
- Thank you.
- For the record, Michael,
just before we went in here,
thought you might be a traitor.
Meanwhile, he just gave
the whole speech.
He's willing to throw
anyone's name out there.
And I said,
"He went to bat for you,"
and you said
- Yeah, no, no, no, no, no,
I remember
what you're talking about.
No, I did.
I said, at one time,
I suspected Quentin
because he is so well-spoken.
And you said,
"He went to bat for you."
And I said, "Yes, I know he did,
and I'm forever grateful
for that,"
but that doesn't change the fact
that I suspected
he was a traitor because
It was not "suspected,"
it was "suspect."
- Let me finish!
- I said, I don't
- I've heard you talk a lot.
Well, I've heard you talk a lot.
And it was nowhere
other than voting faithfuls off.
Fact of the matter is,
the decision for me right now
And obviously you all
can make your own choice
It's either vote you,
or vote you, Kate,
because it's the only play that
I think we have, as faithfuls.
- I think, like, to your point,
we have to look at a pattern.
Michael's now been
on the chopping block twice.
So this gives us
a clear route to vote Michael.
If he is a faithful,
then we look in
a different direction,
based on who's been pointing
the finger at him.
I feel confident about Michael,
and I'll say that freely.
I'll take the blame
if he's a faithful
Willing to do that, 'cause
I don't think he is, but
- Time to talk is over.
It's now time
to place your votes.
I still think
he could be a traitor.
But now they think
Michael's a traitor, too.
I just don't know
if banishing him tonight
is the best idea.
I don't know
what the best strategy is.
Banishing Michael
from the castle
is not something
that I want to do,
but I don't know if we have
the votes to get Kate out.
- Players,
it's time to reveal your votes.
We're going to start
with Rachel.
Michael, I'm sorry.
I voted for you.
I think you've had two shots
to stay in.
And I honestly don't know
if you are a traitor or not.
- Quentin?
- Kate, I voted for you.
I think you're a traitor.
- Cirie?
- So, I came in here tonight,
ready to vote you, Michael,
just so we can put it to bed.
But I've never, ever
been a follower.
I don't think
Michael's a traitor.
So I voted Kate.
And we shall see.
- Amanda?
- Michael, I voted for you.
I've never felt
that you were a traitor.
Um, but listening
to what Kyle had to say
and what Arie had to say,
I'm jumping on the bandwagon.
And I guess
we're gonna find out.
- Kate?
- Michael, I voted for you.
I think you're a great traitor.
- Andie?
- Michael, I voted for you.
Nothing against you.
I just think there's been
way too many red flags.
- Arie?
Michael, voted for you, as well.
That's five votes for Michael
and two for Kate.
- Uh, I voted for Kate.
Michael, you've just been
all over the damn place.
Going off gut feeling, as well.
But this is the last time
I go to bat for you.
- Michael?
- My vote is for Kate.
I do not think you're a traitor.
I don't at all, actually.
And it's more so
just to save myself.
Five votes for Michael.
Four votes for Kate.
It seems to be in the balance,
but which way will the
frightful pendulum swing next?
Michael. Sorry, buddy.
- Shelbe?
- Michael, I voted for you.
If we don't get you out tonight,
and I'm able to be
at the next banishment tomorrow,
I'm moving on to other suspects
because, clearly,
not enough people believe
you're a traitor,
so I'd rather
just move on from it.
Michael, if you receive
one more vote,
you will be banished.
Michael, I voted for you.
Nothing personal.
- Michael, uh
Sorry you had to be
the sacrifice.
If you're truly a faithful,
we have some serious
finger-pointing to do,
so I'm willing
to take my chances.
- Michael, um,
I don't have 100% conviction
that you're a traitor.
I kind of just felt like
a vote for Kate tonight
would be like doing,
like, the same thing twice.
Michael, you have received
the most votes
and have been banished
from the game.
Please come forward
to the Circle of Truth.
- Oh, boy. Here we go.
Michael, before you leave
my castle forever,
please reveal to the group
whether you are
a faithful or a traitor.
Kate, you'll be happy to know
That, yes, I am
- Whoo!
- Aah!
- Whoo!
- Whoo!
- We got it.
- A faithful.
Bye, y'all.
I wasn't lying, y'all.
I love you all.
Oh, my God.
But you just, like,
manipulated that.
- No, I really thought he was.
I didn't manipulate it.
I'm surprised, too.
- You have banished Geraldine.
You have banished Brandi.
You have now banished Michael.
You could say
that your plan is not working.
You can say
the traitors' plan is.
- That's crazy.
Michael has been through
so much,
and it's just, like,
he's a faithful.
These traitors
They're killing this game.
I don't know
who traitors are, do you?
I mean, I have an idea.
But I was wrong about Michael.
- Yeah, you were.
We've been wrong
about all of them.
I couldn't believe he was,
like, rattling off names,
right up until the very end,
to me.
And it felt like
- The assignment is,
suspect people of being traitors
based on their behavior.
I mean, that's all
Find the traitors.
I don't see a world
in which Kate's not a traitor.
Like, she's
pulling all the strings
like she's a puppet master.
- The last two days,
there's been
so little to go off of.
Michael was, in fact,
being sincere and genuine.
I played a part
in sending him home,
and, um, it's horrible.
It's just It sucks.
Tonight, I didn't notice
who was sticking up for Kate.
- Mnh-mnh. They don't stick up.
- Yeah.
- They just change the subject.
Kyle was one person
that changes subjects,
but he tends to do that a lot.
- Mm-hmm.
Was he deflecting it
off of Kate?
- Mm-hmm.
My question is, "Why?"
Kyle rallied the troops by
giving high-level comments,
like, "Guys, we got to
get this right.
We got to find these traitors,"
which deflects and
changes people's attention.
And at that round table,
he would always deflect
from Kate, as well.
I think Kyle is also a traitor.
If I leave this evening
- Yeah.
If if I'm murdered
in the morning
let my parting words be:
"I believe that it is Kate.
And I believe that it is Kyle.
And I have not caught
the third one."
- Alright, I think it's time
for everyone to get
some good night's sleep
before I get killed.
Yeah, right. Hey.
Hey, can I be
the big spoon tonight?
- Yes. Alright.
Night night.
Don't let the traitors bite.
- Run into the light ♪
Out of the darkness ♪
Run for your life ♪
I creep in the dark ♪
I'm not convinced who I want
to personally murder.
I need to listen
to the other traitors.
But we got options for days.
I mean, it's like going
to a frickin buffet.
- I'm a-runnin' to the rescue ♪
I'm a-wonderin'
what it takes ♪
No worries to you ♪
Now you're gonna know ♪
Now you're gonna
know my name ♪
- Oh, wow.
Dream team whupped good.
- This is getting really intense.
Yeah. I can see
you're going through it.
Yeah, it's getting really tough.
- Mm-hmm.
- Michael tonight was a lot.
I feel like,
knowing this whole time,
as he's struggling so badly
at the table
- Let me finish.
- Like, that was tough.
- Right.
Just knowing that
these people are faithfuls.
Oh, for sure.
However, when you,
myself, and Quentin
all voted Kate,
I was like, "This could not
be more perfect."
You had the whole gut speech.
- In this game where I'm out here
betraying people that I love,
that are faithfuls,
and I'm struggling
through this whole thing,
Christian, I feel like,
'cause he knows he should,
but, like, isn't really
struggling that bad.
- Breakfast
- Yeah.
How nice is it
every morning, getting up
and knowing that we're walking
in that breakfast room.
For me, I felt great.
- I will tell you,
I had an opposite feeling
at breakfast.
Arie literally mouthed
exactly the reason
why we made that decision
to the whole group.
Just think they're
keeping around the people
that have
some suspicion on them.
You know what I mean?
To keep the scent off of them.
- I don't like that at all.
The fact that they're onto
the reasoning why we did it,
which he said it verbatim
- That's what's scary.
Like they're kind of
- They're picking up on too much.
Yeah, so now we
have to make a drastic
We have to make
a big adjustment.
- 180.
- We have to just
keep that in mind who we can
use tonight to murder.
- The mission
The mission just told us
exactly where the castle was.
- Mm-hmm.
- It was that there's
a lot of people
skeptical of Kate
and there's a lot of people
skeptical of Michael.
That's what we were hoping.
Tonight, I'm hearing
that there's a lot of, like,
distrust in Kyle.
I think Kyle needs to go.
He's getting smart.
He's the one who talks the most.
- But he's getting smart
in regard to who?
- Kyle and Ryan are saying
that it has to be
a strong woman,
involves a reality woman
- Oh.
And could it be me,
Stephenie, or Rachel.
- I don't know, I don't know.
- So, here's my proposal.
If we were to do Ryan or Kyle,
particularly Kyle,
because that may throw
- I think, Kyle.
- Kyle.
If we send Kyle,
it throws everybody off.
- Mm-hmm.
Why wouldn't Ryan do
the same thing, though?
I know that's your man.
You and Ryan have a relationship
outside of here.
And don't tell me no,
'cause I already know.
So don't let We
We here together.
You're letting your head
get to you right now.
I never met him
one time in my life.
Okay, then let's roll Ryan.
I'm going along
with the voting so far.
I've been very passive.
But tonight the vote will go
the way I want it to go.
I have to be able
to bring this up.
- I brought it to your attention.
- You have not brought it
to my attention.
That was an accusation.
The fact that you're
accusing me that I know Ryan,
alright, Ryan is going
right down like that.
Let's not get emotional.
Let's all bring all of us,
'cause we are
Hey, we're the dream team.
I know.
- Let me talk to him.
- I'll let y'all talk, okay.
- 'cause he's all amped up.
You've got to calm down.
So, why not Ryan, then?
'Cause I feel like
you're going more personal
because you think I know him
from outside the house.
- You don't know Ryan outside?
- Oh, no,
I never met Ryan one time,
on my life.
- Well, you're a traitor, so
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