The Traitors UK (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

This programme contains
strong language.
Previously on The Traitors,
the players arrived here
at this Scottish castle
to play the game of a lifetime
and to hopefully win up to £120,000.
But hidden amongst them
are the Traitors,
whose job is to secretly murder
the others without getting caught.
And if they make it to the end,
they will take all the money.
While some players fell
at the first hurdle
I'm afraid it's goodbye.
..the Traitors continued
their killing spree.
By the order of the Traitors have been murdered.
But they weren't the only ones
playing a deadly game.
My boyfriend Tom is also
in this game.
We're keeping that to ourselves.
The Faithful continued their quest
to work out who the Traitors are
Who is the most likely
to be a Faithful? John!
I knew she was a Faithful
the whole lot.
But is that because
you're a Traitor?
Aaron, I'm really sorry, but
Can I take a second?
..but once again failed to succeed.
Imran. Imran.
I am a Faithful.
Oh, no!
And I had a surprise of my own.
This is The Traitors.
Tonight, you're going to choose
three players to put on trial.
You may choose any three players,
including yourselves.
You will observe them
all day tomorrow.
Tomorrow night,
you will murder one of them.
I will announce the three players
that are on trial
tomorrow at breakfast,
so choose wisely.
# We're out for blood #
This gets so much harder
every single day.
It took us a bit by surprise.
We don't get to murder
anyone tonight.
Instead, we put three people
on trial.
We've really got to get strategic
about this now.
# When the wolves
come out to play. #
So when do they die?
Tomorrow night? Yeah. Yeah.
But we need One of them. think of this tactically.
What emotions will they bring on
by being under the spotlight?
Yes. We need to be, again,
five steps ahead.
Yeah, we do.
Let's just think of what
the repercussions are
of choosing people. I think they're
going to suck up to everyone. Yeah.
And I think a lot of people
will relax and start listening
and watching Yes. ..a bit
closely, and they'll be thinking,
"Which one of my friends
protected me?"
So I think they're going to look
at their friends Yes.
We've got to think, right?
It says "any player".
And I think I'd like to
put myself up.
I'm under the pressure
at the moment.
Once everybody's aware that Traitors
can put themselves on trial,
then it's going to be like,
"They're covering themselves up."
So I don't know if it's that safe
to put you up.
I don't know now.
We could put someone
on trial who's
Who they think would
protect themselves.
# Don't look us right in the face
# It's like staring at
a burning sun #
Ivan would be clever enough
to put himself. Yeah. Yes.
I think they'll think that. I think
he would, cos he knows the rules.
I want Alex to have a bit of
spotlight on her, man.
Yeah, because she's very quiet.
By putting her on trial, she is
going to start wanting answers -
"Why am I here?"
I was going to say John. The reason
is he's a target for everyone
because he won the most Faithful
on the wheel.
Yeah, he's cracking.
He is cracking as well.
People are getting
a bit too confident,
so we need to remind them, you know,
who is in charge here.
# Got teeth like razor blades #
I feel like tomorrow's breakfast
is going to explode.
It's a new morning.
And for the Faithful,
they'll be wondering who will
turn up to breakfast.
Little did they know,
last night, no-one was murdered,
as the Traitors had
a different decision to make.
Stop! First in! First in!
I was expecting everyone to be here.
Is anyone around? This is
so much better than yesterday.
I was waiting for you so long!
Breakfast started, like, perfectly.
It's just me and Alex.
We've been in here secretly
in a relationship,
so we've been waiting for days
for this.
And now we have this moment
together. It was perfect.
When it was just me and Tom, I
really just wanted to chat with him
and see where his headspace was at
and see if we were thinking along
the same lines.
But there was still that kind of,
like, on edge-ness of, like,
anyone could come in at any moment.
I'm going to take my jacket off
because it's just stressful. Yeah.
Come in! Come in!
Hi, guys!
Honestly Are you OK?
It's lovely to see you both!
I walked through the door
and I see Alex.
I was so happy to see her.
Like, she's such a gem.
I've never been here this early
Nor have I, honestly.
This is really, really strange!
It was really awkward and quiet.
We're just here by ourselves,
just like
"Right. What do we talk about?"
I was relieved when I saw Matt
come through
because I do genuinely think
that he is Faithful.
But it was a little awkward because
I'm holding a secret from him,
and that secret was
sitting right next to me.
Come in! Come in!
Oh, my God!
The way you crept around
that door, guys,
I was like, "Just open the door!"
How are you?
Are you OK?
How are you feeling?
I was on edge.
I was on edge today.
Last night was difficult.
No, but yesterday Like, yesterday
got to me a bit too much, man.
Yesterday, I think
I messed up my own game plan,
was to try and stay medium,
and I got too cocky.
I was bringing a bit
too much attention to myself
and it tripped me up, so
I won't be doing that again.
How you feeling? Yeah, good.
Exhausted, yeah. But it's all right.
No, no, it's fine.
We'll talk about it later.
I'm really drained right now
with all the heightened emotions
from, like, last night
at the Round Table.
I'm kind of bit relieved right now.
Good! Good, good, good, good, good!
How are you?
You look very countryside.
Thank you, man. I like it.
So we're waiting for John,
Andrea, Amanda. Is that it?
What, there's only three left?
John, Andrea and Amanda,
we're waiting for.
I knew what was going to
happen, obviously,
because no-one's been murdered.
Come in!
Andrea and John came in,
and we realised that meant
that Amanda had gone home.
I was shocked.
Amanda? I knew she was Faithful.
I knew she was Faithful.
Who are we missing?
Obviously, I knew Amanda
was going to walk in that door,
so I just had to convince everyone
that I was like,
"Oh, my God!
It must be Amanda gone."
It's because she voted for Imran
and then they're literally
trying to cover their backs
cos they got rid of Imran.
So, that even makes me think even
more that my theory about Wilf
I'm sorry, Wilf,
I love you as a person,
but I feel like that's made me
even more suspect.
Maddy has sort of identified me
as a Traitor,
but for the wrong reasons. And
I'm struggling on how to play it
cos I just didn't expect it
to happen to me, to be honest.
Like, let me be honest.
I think we should play
this game tactically.
Say if OK, cool. ..we vote
for Wilf and Wilf is a Traitor,
that means Aaron is one.
100% agree, 100% agree.
You should get an Oscar
for that performance.
I didn't believe. Are you joking?
Aaron, didn't believe that
for a second!
Me neither, Aaron,
it was like crocodile tears.
Maddy starts pointing fingers,
and that really aggravated me
cos I just thought, "You keep
going in and in and in."
And I just thought,
"Do you know what?
"I can't be bothered with this
any more."
I just kind of just
melted into my seat
because I was that drained.
Oh, my God! Yes!
Wait, nobody died!
Nobody's dead!
Like, we were happy
to see Amanda, obviously,
and it was like,
"Oh, thank goodness!"
But then we were like, "Wait, but
that means no-one's been murdered."
There's another Traitor!
They've hired a new one!
Amanda, I'm so pleased to see you.
Amanda walks in, and so
everyone's still there,
so there was obviously confusion.
So now there's three or four.
There's more than there was.
They're winning.
Good morning, everyone.
Morning! That was so intense.
I know what you're thinking -
nobody murdered,
maybe the game's changed.
Maybe we're just going to have
a lovely time in Scotland.
I'm afraid it's not that.
The Traitors did meet.
There wasn't a murder last night.
Instead, they have put
three players on trial
What? targets
for their next murder.
They will be watching
those who are on trial all day
and tonight choose one of them
to be murdered.
Those that are on trial are
..and John.
No surprise there. No surprise.
I have a question.
Can a Traitor put another Traitor
on trial?
OK. Then I'm almost certain
one of you two are a Traitor, then.
Yeah, well, I can tell you, look you
in the fucking eyes right now -
sorry to swear - and tell you
I'm a Faithful.
Ivan, Alex and John of you will be
murdered tonight.
All right? No, I'm not all right.
Of course I'm not all right.
You're fine, mate. You're fine.
I've got you.
Trust me It's fine.
These emotions right now
are not like
I don't feel betrayed,
cos that's what they've got to do.
It's just a lot of emotion.
It's been easy for me so far.
This game's been really, really easy
for me in the first three days.
It's game on.
So how do I
What does being on trial even mean?
How do I prove myself?
They've tactically put up
those three people for a reason.
You just don't know.
Like, I don't think
I could have done anything, really,
to save myself.
I think they're all Faithfuls.
They've just tried to
Absolutely, deflect.
He's a Faithful. She's a Faithful.
I'm a Faithful.
You're definitely Faithfuls.
Alex is Faithful. Alex is Faithful.
They're all Faithfuls.
They wouldn't pick themselves.
They wouldn't pick themselves.
Why would they pick themselves?
To make themselves look like
John, I don't think It's fine.
I don't think you're a traitor.
I'm not. All of you put my name
on that slate at the Round Table
so I can prove to you
John, I don't think
..I'm taking one for the team.
I really, really don't.
I'm taking one for the team.
Put my name on that card. John, no!
I 100% don't think it's John.
As a Traitor, seeing people
and how emotional they're getting,
it is difficult.
No, I want them to put my name
on that card to prove that I'm not.
I know you're not.
I know you're not.
I can't do this any more.
But we've got to look
at thislike a game.
So, tactically, let's get Wilf.
If we all convince people to get
Wilf, then we know Aaron is. Yeah.
What do you think?
You said John?
You think all of them did?
I think one of them
I'm as lost as the next person.
No, you're not. You're not.
As in, like, "confused" lost.
I think they just want me
to speak up more.
I just panicked, and I knew that
I had to just lay all my cards
on the table in that moment.
I just knew it.
Guys, guys
Straight up, straight up
This is a lot. Yep.
Obviously, we've got three people on
the line here, and I'll be honest -
love you all.
Alex isn't a Traitor, straight up.
She's my girlfriend.
We What?!
We came in here as a couple,
but we came to try
and find Traitors.
What we tried to do is
come apart separately,
hear where there were
individual stories,
to combine them to then try
and try and swat out Traitors.
She is a Faithful, 100%.
I am a Faithful, 100%. I thought
you were going to get with Alex.
I'll be honest with you,
I do think Ivan is a Traitor.
Ivan, I've been getting
really close to you
because I actually think
you are the Traitor.
I think you're an incredible
Traitor, by the way.
Ten points to Gryffindor. Tom,
you're barking up the wrong tree.
No, he is! I'm sorry to say this,
but you lied to us for three days.
Stop! Stop!
You managed to lie to us for
three days. Hear him out.
Oh, my God, man.
What the fuck is going on?
I had to stand up.
I genuinely had to
stand up and be like
Like, I was actually mind-blown.
I was like, "Oh, my God."
What made it better is he just
started accusing the wrong people.
Do you know what?
I've been playing it dumb.
Guys, I read people
like frickin' books!
Hannah's the Traitor,
Ivan's the Traitor.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Oh, my God.
Hannah Fuck this.
I'm Fuck this.
These two have been lying all
the way through. Defend yourself.
Defend yourself. I don't
What, against you two that have been
coming in and doing nothing?
I thought we were mates
and he's just, point-blank,
accused me of being a Traitor.
Tom changed in that Breakfast Room.
We are Faithful.
And do you know what?
One of us is going to die tonight.
Straight away, it's obvious.
But that's what we had to do to
try and make it go a bit further.
Please, everyone, stop talking
just for ten seconds and sit down.
We've all gone from zero to 1,000
and it's just gone crazy.
Not at any moment did I think
he was about to reveal
that I was his girlfriend.
Not at any moment.
I was just like this.
I couldn't believe it.
Sorry. Can I say something?
The reason, before
you call us a liar,
and, like, I'm really sorry
that we hid that from you.
It was not an easy thing to do.
It really wasn't easy. I'm telling
you right now, from my heart.
Matt, you made it hard
It was a horrible thing to do.
..I can tell you that for free.
Coming on the show
and we come in as a couple,
immediately, we're suspicious
We're a target. ..because
we're an alliance. Yep.
And that's the only
reason we hid it.
And it's not easy keeping
a secret like that.
No. It's really not.
I'm telling you now, from my heart,
it's horrible. Bullshit.
So I I am not bullshitting
you, Hannah. I swear.
I promise. It's all bullshit,
this whole thing is bullshit.
OK, fine, but
Please let her speak.
Please let her speak. Carry on.
And I think At first, I thought,
"Tom, you idiot, why would
you come out and say this?"
But now I'm actually glad you
have, because it's so intense.
It's horrible. I've not enjoyed it.
And hiding it,
as we're getting closer
and keeping that from you more,
I'm just like,
"This is just so messed up."
All I'm going to say
on this fact that's
just happened here,
you've both lied to me, to my face.
Yep, and that's fair.
That makes me suspicious
of both of you.
Yeah. And, like, I'm upset.
It hurts. Do you know
what hurts more than this?
I tell you what. Having to hide
this behind everyone's back
just to try and find the Traitors,
which are winning at
the moment. They're winning.
I do feel bad for Matt,
because I did think that
we had a nice friendship
and I think he felt
that he could trust me.
Seeing his reaction
to him finding that out
did hurt a lot.
This is a horrible, horrible thing
and it was genuine
emotion from everyone
and it's just hard to sit back.
It's I just felt so guilty.
Go in the room with Aaron.
I don't, I want to sit here
and I want to be with everyone,
and listen to what
everyone's got to say.
Can I just say sorry to Matt?
Because I thought Alex
and Matt were going to
It's not like that,
it's just the fact
that I don't like being lied to.
Being lied to is shit as fuck.
I didn't come in here thinking
that I was going to find myself
a girlfriend or anything like that,
but it's literally just
the fact that she's lied.
I've always said, in everyday
life, I'll trust everyone
until they cross me, and
then when they cross me
and they lose my trust, that's it.
Try watching your girlfriend,
like, get, like
It's a game, though.
It's OK. It's OK.
Guys, what are we doing?
What are we doing?
It's a game.
I know it's a game, Tom.
I know, but we are all arguing.
It's a huge thing what
you've come out with.
It's commendable you have.
I don't know where I am
in the lying situation myself,
but we are all fighting
against each other.
We have got to stop this,
otherwise we're never
going to find them.
We are never going to find them
if we keep doing this.
Course, we didn't realise,
by putting Alex on trial,
this huge secret was
going to come out.
We couldn't have picked
a better pawn in this game
and, of course, now for us,
as Traitors, it's absolutely great
cos nobody believes any of them.
Hell To The Liars
by London Grammar
# Hell to the liars. #
I don't fucking like being lied to.
Especially about shit like that.
This was a game.
I'm sorry, everyone. Apologies.
Do you know what, though?
I'm really glad everyone else
got pointed a finger
because now everyone else
knows how I felt last night.
You need to calm down.
You got too heated in there.
I know.
I just think it has
to be Tom or Alex.
One of them has to be a Traitor.
No, but that's personal.
No, it's not personal. It's not.
They literally just said
They both come in and they've
But do you know what? Do you
know what the other thing is,
is that I can't prove
that anyone else in this room,
or out there, has lied.
I now have proof that those two
have lied about something big
That's true. ..and they showed
that they are capable of doing it.
This is actual proof.
This is hard proof they've lied.
I'm a comedian.
I deal with tense situations
by making them funny.
But I hate being lied to, and
I know a few people feel that way.
You all right?
How are you feeling?
Mate, what the f?
That thing with Alex
as well was ridiculous.
My little brain's doing over time.
They've now lied,
and I do kind of get
why they've done it,
but I'm just like
It's so upsetting.
You know what? Statistically, it's
one of Alex or Tom is a Traitor.
And I think Alex may be
the most clever of the two.
But Alex could also
just be the Traitor
and just put herself in there
just to defend herself.
Yeah. Like, it's simple as that.
I can't even think about
the whole thing, man.
It's horrible. I've got
so many other thoughts
going through my head. It's nuts.
How do we resolve this?
Do you know what?
I think we had to just say it.
I'm just going to ride it out.
I'm just going to go in there
being like "This is it."
"Those are my cards on the fucking
table. That's literally everything."
Now they've got two people that
have actually been open and honest.
Are you kill the two
people that are honest
or the people that
are just still quiet? Yeah.
There was a lot of
anger at breakfast,
and I knew there was going
to have to be a lot
of healing done afterwards
but I think we can
still make this work.
So, our game plan now - people
that we think are Traitors.
I did think it was Ivan last night
and now, seeing his reaction,
I'm like I think he's good.
I think he's
a really good game player.
That's what I thought.
But Hannah's the most blatant.
I think it's Alyssa. OK.
I think she'sin over her head.
She's upset now because
she's seen what's going on.
And she's causing it.
When Alex told me, "Alyssa,"
I was like, "Right. Yep.
"She's been quite quiet.
"You wouldn't suspect her.
"Why is she starting to get
emotional all of a sudden?"
She's on my radar.
Let's go and
start talking to people.
You keep saying,
"No-one trusts me now."
What are you going to say?
I'm going to say, "No-one trusts
us now. We're both dead anyway.
"I'd be upset as well but what
would you do in my situation?" Yeah.
Aw, at least I get
to cuddle you again.
You know what?
I hate keeping secrets
and now I'm happy that I can
just be honest and open,
and I'm not hiding anything.
If I'm able to stay in now
by putting my hands up and
coming clean about everything,
then cool.
Any questions anyone has,
I'll happily answer them.
I honestly think this is
the most evidence we have.
Here's Tom and Alex.
Tom and Alex are here.
At this moment, I don't want to
I don't want to speak to you.
No. I do. I want to hear
the evidence of why I'm a Traitor.
No, I can't. I really
I'm sorry, guys. It's just
It's a lot. Can I explain one thing?
Let me have one point. OK?
If I knew this was coming,
why would I jump up and be like,
"This is my girlfriend
I'm a liar," to you all?
Why would I do that?
Do you see it from our point of view
that it's quite a blatant lie?
You've kept something from us.
Yeah. Yeah.
If you both are coming as a couple,
you've doubled your chances.
Well, that's why we Exactly.
That's why we didn't want
to come in here as a couple,
cos then people would be like,
"Well, let's break that up."
But you HAVE come in as a couple.
So that's why we were
trying to keep it secret,
to then hopefully find the Traitors.
It's just to that point where
It didn't line up.
I also do study people.
I'm a magician.
I literally read lies for a living.
I've underplayed it
to you guys, obviously.
Come and sit here and, Alex
I'm very much Sorry. I'm like
I don't want to
I'll explain to you.
I've underplayed it. I said,
"I'm a magician, da-da-da-da."
No. I'm, like, one of the top
magic creators in the world.
We read people. It's my job.
Who do you think the Traitors
are then, in your opinion?
At the moment Nothing personal,
don't get upset if he points at you.
I just want to know some names.
Do you want to know, actually,
the features? I want to know, yeah.
I'll tell you what it was.
It's like, and the body
language, I'll be honest,
the first two that were highlighted
to me were you and Ivan,
because there's, like,
there's a thing of overproving
and there's, like,
a lot of body language.
It's subtle, but you can see it.
I'm telling people my theory
and trying to convince them
to banish Hannah or Ivan,
ultimately to save Alex.
In this game, you have
to be a little bit brutal
and a little bit selfish.
If I were you, I wouldn't worry
because, tonight, Alex is dead.
You're safe. I'm dead.
I'm not worried cos I'm a Faithful.
So I'm not worried. So don't
worry, then. Double don't worry,
because I'll tell you what,
everyone's going to vote for me
because no-one trusts me.
And then Alex is going to be dead
so you're so safe to play the game.
They've just come into that room
and they're both now manipulating
the situation, being like,
"Let me tell you how
to play this game."
"Let me tell you how to
do that, I'm a magician."
It's just the most
disingenuous people ever.
You are standing there now,
so convincingly saying,
"Well, don't worry,
Alex is going to die.
"I'm going out, blah, blah, blah."
So why are you?
Why are you really coming round
and defending yourself so much?
So I'm telling you
who I think the game is,
so then you guys can win it.
Tom was going around saying,
"I read people for a living.
I can tell you who it is!"
trying to convince everybody
to go this way or that way.
As a Traitor, I'm thinking,
"Listen, mate, you got it wrong.
"You can't read people that well."
Again, I apologise No, no.
..but it was the game.
I know. I respect
I mean, I respect a good lie,
do you know what I mean? And
there's no hard feelings from me.
But, yeah, I don't
think they're dumb enough
to put themselves on trial.
I think they're a step ahead.
"Dumb enough"? Smart enough.
They get the choice.
No, I don't think so.
I think they would
have thought this
Unless you're a Traitor.
But as soon as Alex put up
her hand to be, like
You didn't say you're not Traitor.
I'm not a Traitor.
I think you'd know that
if I was. Yeah.
But I respect you.
Oh, little eye twitch there.
That's normally a lie. Careful.
I think Tom's onto me, and
he could feel how nervous I was.
It really scared me cos I was like,
"I don't know how to act.
"I don't know what
he wants me to do."
I don't think they're
smart enough to No.
Hey, guys. Hello.
How are you feeling?
Oh, yeah, I'm good. Game on.
It's gone game time.
I've basically made
most of my career now
around both writing
books about games
and running great
big gaming sessions.
I'm normally the one kind of,
like, orchestrating them.
Now I have to
somehow navigate a game
that I don't know the rules to.
And I was definitely
upset about the way
that Tom had accused me.
Let me say two things first.
Number one, I see
so much of you in me.
I do think you're a Traitor.
I think you're a really good one
and I think you're the only person
I could see in this game,
smart enough, that can
get away with it. OK.
You want to know why I think you
are? Go for it. Go for it, Tom.
Sothe thing that you did
that sort of gave it away to me
was you did a few touches of things.
Yes. I'm a fidgeter.
I'm a total fidgeter.
When I'm anxious, I constantly
move, and I'm anxious.
Well, I'll tell you what.
This is what I would do.
If you're a Faithful, right?
Play my game for one night.
Vote Hannah.
Cos she's a Traitor.
Given that you read me wrong
OK. Right? OK.
I don't believe that
your reads are appropriate.
If I have evidence to
vote for Hannah, I will.
Why are you protecting her so much?
I'm not protecting Hannah.
You're attacking her,
I'm ambivalent.
He accused me of being
a Traitor this morning
and then told me that
we should work together
and I should vote Hannah out.
He wants to manipulate
who he thinks are the Traitors
to vote other Traitors out.
He is so far away from
where he thinks he is.
With tensions running high,
the players now have
the chance to earn some money
for that all-important prize pot.
What a beautiful day, Amanda.
Oh, look. Glorious. Glorious.
Out you come.
OK. Is everyone all right?
It was quite an emotional morning.
I tell you what you're
really good at, as a team,
is adding money to that prize fund.
You work really well on missions,
so we're about to have the next one.
We're going to get into teams.
I would like those
three on trial, please,
to be the team captains.
Ivan, Alex and John,
please get into your positions.
Thank you.
You are going to pick your players.
I don't know who wants to go first.
Ivan, hand straight up.
Tom, you're on my team.
I wanted to make sure that
I had Tom. Two reasons.
I wanted to keep him away from Alex.
Second reason,
I want him close to me.
Keep your enemies close, right?
Who would like to go next?
I chose Matt because the guilt
was eating at me for lying to him.
John, who would you like?
Back to you, Ivan.
Theo. Aaron.
Meryl. Thank you.
Well, this is awkward.
So, Rayan, you are with Ivan
That's good.
..because he picked first.
Three excellent teams.
Please get into your vehicles
and I will see you on the farm.
To be in the Scottish Highlands,
on a farm,
we're doing something with animals.
That's exciting.
We know we're going to a farm,
but surely we're not
going to be milking cows.
I think it's sheep trials.
"Milking cows"?
Claudia was wearing wool = Sheep.
I'm on trial = Trials.
Sheep trials. For me, it's,
like, quite awkward at the minute.
We'll just get on with the mission,
make as much money as
we can as a team.
Then I'd really love to speak to
you properly. One million percent.
One million percent.
I just can't figure out who's
It's impossible. ..the Traitors.
I mean, maybe
Maybe Tom can, actually.
There's one more person
I haven't called out
that I do think is a Traitor. Who?
I'm not going to call them out
because I'm actually wanting
them to go further, genuinely. Who?
Well, I don't want to say,
but they have to play it smartly.
And do you know what? It's time
that Traitors need to, like,
not back each other up so much.
Because I'll tell you what,
round that Round Table,
they're going to
highlight themselves
like a sore fucking thumb.
I'm basically talking to
the Traitor right now and saying,
"Play your game smart if
you want to go further."
You think there's
a Traitor in this car? Yeah.
I am saying, "If you want
to go far in this game,
"you know who you are,
"you need to backstab
one of your own Traitors."
And that's a selfish thing,
but that's what this game is.
Think about it.
Hey! Hello!
Oh, look, it is sheep!
And one of them's called Ivan!
Oh, my God. We've got
our names on sheep!
Oh, I bet mine's a real fat one.
The sheep were cute.
They are all named after us.
It was lovely.
Welcome, all, to this mission.
Can I just say? You all
look absolutely tremendous.
The current prize fund stands
at £31,700.
Today's mission is
only about two things -
observation and communication
through the medium of sheep.
Those who are on trial,
you are team captains.
What I'd like you to do
is nominate one of your team
to be in the pen with the sheep.
The rest of your team will
need to describe the sheep
on the board to
the player in the pen.
I love the fact you're laughing,
Will. You know what we've done?
We've taken quite a tense morning,
and now we're basically playing
a sheep identity parade.
The player in the pen
then must identify the sheep
that matches that description.
For every sheep's name
that you get that's correct,
you win £1,000 for the prize fund.
There are three rounds
and you're all looking
for the same sheep
so try and keep it quiet.
If your team does the best,
you get to play a bonus round -
in with a chance then of raising
another £1,000 for the prize fund.
Please get into your positions now.
Players in the pen, please.
Yes! Go, Will. Well done, Matt.
It looks like they're going to
do a farmers' calendar, don't it?
Please release the sheep.
Oh! Look at them.
Oh, my Lord. Oh, look at Fay.
I loved Fay.
She had a beautiful face.
I would have loved a selfie
with her, actually.
She was so cute.
Enormous luck, teams.
Your time starts now.
Will, come here. Come here.
Come here.
Grey, speckly sort
of face with white.
It's like a browny-grey,
like speckled with white.
Two dark circles between
the eyes and the nose.
About the same height
as the eyes. Like here.
I really thought that
today's mission mattered.
The trial was to see if I was
worthy of staying, in their eyes.
So impressing the Traitors
is about making money.
Spotty head.
Spotty head, yeah.
Black circles in front.
Brown nose, white
that goes like this.
I didn't really get
very good instructions.
Patchy. Patchy.
Short eyelashes. Trying to
listen to three to four people
talk all at the same time
It was quite difficult.
So it's grey
Patchy grey.
I've got it. I've got it.
What's the name?
It's Maddy. It's Maddy.
It's got to be. Ring the bell,
ring the bell. Ring the bell.
It's right in front of you.
At the front? At the front?
It's running away.
Maddy! Yes!
Could be Meryl. It could be
Meryl but I'm not sure.
Try it. Try it.
Meryl? Yeah, we'll go with it.
Ring the bell?
I'm not confident,
though, guys.
I'm not confident.
It's fine. It's fine.
It's really hard.
What is the name of your sheep?
Maddy. Maddy. Maddy. Maddy.
We said, "Meryl."
The sheep is
Well done!
£2,000 added to the pot.
OK, it's Round 2, everybody.
Go on, Maddy!
We're going to mix it up.
Hello, Meryl.
She said "hello" back.
Because it is Round 2, we
are making it slightly harder.
please welcome
..some Traitor sheep.
You are joking me.
It's going to be harder
for those in the pen.
OK, it's got a black face
with a couple of
Couple of dots on top.
What's the basic colour?
Fully black.
The sheep, they're like,
just run away from you.
So you're, like
Trying to look at their faces.
Oh, my gosh.
The sheep are fast.
Grey eyes. Grey eyes.
"Grey eyes"?
After breakfast, I think in my head,
I was like, "Well, I'm not
going to win this money anyway."
I know that's
a terrible thing to say
because I should be, you know,
getting involved with the team.
But it was really hard.
I love my sheep.
He's going to make an excellent
hot water bottle cover.
White spot on the nose.
On the right of the nose.
Theo. Quickly, quickly.
Ring the bell.
Andrea. Yes. Quickly.
Yeah. Andrea.
Think it's Andrea.
Try Andrea.
Well done, Andrea.
Good, guys.
Who did you guess?
Theo! Theo! We said, "Andrea."
We said, "Andrea."
The sheep is
..Andrea. Yes!
Well done. Red Team, Green Team,
that's £2,000 added to the pot.
Well done, Maddy, as well.
Well done, Maddy.
OK, players, it's time
for your final round.
I'll do it. Thank you.
Go on, Theo. It's your
time to shine, baby.
Go for it, Alyssa.
Yes! It's Round 3, so we're
going to make it even harder.
Ten more Traitor sheep.
This is hard now, guys.
Good luck.
That's a lot of sheep.
OK, teams.
So far, you've made £4,000.
For the last round, then
Three, two, one.
All right. OK.
White below
the cheekbones.
Like contour?
Like contoured cheeks?
Big bags.
Like you're tired.
I'm looking
Oh, my God. OK.
Has it got dark on the snout
and down the sides? Yes.
I'm looking at that one,
but I'm not 100%.
It's quite speckly.
Let's go for it.
Let's go for it.
Ring the bell.
I think it's Matt.
Yes, yes, yes.
Well done. You are quick on that
bell. Well done. We're a good team.
Come on, Theo!
Come on, Theo!
I never want to see a sheep again
in my life, let me tell you.
Who do you think the sheep is?
Matt. Matt.
Matt as well.
Matt. Matt.
It's me! I can now reveal,
the answer is,
of course, Matt.
That's £3,000 added to the pot.
Together, you have made £7,000.
So really well done.
Lovely for the prize pot.
Green Team, led by Ivan came first.
You got the most right
in the fastest time.
If you can herd all the sheep
into the castle pen
within two minutes,
another £1,000
is added to the pot.
Please get into position.
We'll just try, OK?
Go on, Greens!
Green Team, we are all
collectively behind you.
Thank you.
Your time starts
Wide space.
Tom? OK. I'll go here.
What the hell are we doing?
Guys Hi, babies!
..we're actually going
to head home now.
You've had a lovely day.
We're just going to
Stay in a line, guys.
Stay in a line. That's it.
All right. I think
Tom, you move in a bit.
In you go, fellas.
I reckon they're all sheep farmers.
They just stood in line and then
went round in a circle, like this,
and then, before you know it,
all these sheep have
just run into this pen.
I just couldn't believe it.
No way have they
just done that.
Well done. You did it.
That's an extra £1,000.
Please come round and join me.
I think Ivan's been an incredible
team captain, and hopefully
the Traitors can recognise
they're going to need him
to stay in the game
because he's going to be
bringing in a lot of money still.
Huge well done.
£8,000 for the pot.
Did it feel great to win, Ivan?
I really think the £8,000 is
more important than the win.
I do think I have
impressed the Traitors.
We absolutely smashed that.
And I hope the Traitors
looking at that are going to go,
"He's a threat, but he does
make money for the team."
Huge well done.
You've played with sheep,
now it's time to face up to
some wolves at the Round Table
where, this evening, you will once
again try to banish a Traitor.
See you at the castle.
We won a lot of money. I'm buzzing.
Just got to face
the Round Table now.
I feel like the votes might
be very divided tonight
cos I am going to go into that
room not having the slightest clue.
I'm fine going out of this,
but my ego needs to catch
a Traitor. Straight up.
Fair enough. It's my ego. I'm sorry.
Do you think tonight's
the night? Yes.
How you doing, Matt?
You all right?
Yeah, I'm good. Are you all right?
Are we good? Yeah, no.
Yeah, of course.
Of course, mate.
Today's been a long day, hasn't it?
Are we having food?
Do any of you think I'm a Traitor?
No. No. Never have.
Honestly? Never have, mate.
I did but now I don't.
Never have.
I can be honest now
cos I know I'm going.
I'm going to go and try
and see Alex. Love you all.
See you in a bit, Matt.
See you later.
So we got back and
then I asked Alex,
"Right. Shall we go
for a little chat?"
I don't know where is
the best place to go.
It felt like you were going
knowing that the girl
was going to break up with you,
but it had already happened.
It was, like, the most
confusing thing in my own head.
I felt quite nervous
to go and speak to her.
I've never been nervous
to speak in front of Alex,
ever, until that chat.
I can imagine what
you're thinking in your head.
You're probably thinking like,
"Alex just used me as, like, a
cover" and that's not true at all.
Even if Tom was out of the picture,
I would have hung out
with you regardless.
100%. I think you're
I think you're amazing.
I think you're hilarious.
I think you're so interesting.
I think you're really cool.
I want to be friends
with you outside of this,
like, from my heart. 100%.
And that's why it really
upset me to see you so hurt.
I was just like, "Holy fuck.
"I now know nothing about
this girl whatsoever."
Everything else I've told you is
true. That hit me like a whirlwind.
The more and more I think about it,
it's like you guys almost played me,
like, quite well.
I knew you'd think that,
and I'm speaking from my heart,
and I'm going to say,
"I didn't play you." I didn't.
I really like you.
I really do.
There was a lot of So, me
being as upset as what it was,
it wasn't just because I found
out that you had a boyfriend.
No, but I understand. There's
a lot of other reasons of why.
I think we felt like we could
trust each other from the beginning,
and I still do feel
like I can trust you.
That was the point
I'd kept that secret from you
and you're like, "Brilliant."
I was like, "Right,
you've broken that trust,"
and that was what upset me.
I understand that.
You've got to remember as well,
like, we're not the only ones
that have come in here,
like, concealing stuff.
If you're asking me
on a personal level,
I don't care about what happened.
Not bothered. I was just upset,
but then I was emotional anyway,
because of everything else that
was going on. It was a lot.
And I still love you to pieces.
I always will.
And we're going to go
for loads of beers.
I can't drink beer but
And I'm going to
meet all your mates
cos all your mates are
going to be well fit.
It's going to be great.
We hadn't spoken since breakfast,
so now it's out in the open
and he knows the situation now.
It's good.
It's like, it's almost like
a weight has been lifted off.
Come here. I'm so sorry.
I think Alex is lovely, still
after everything that's happened
and I think that
she's a great human being
but I've constantly got my little
guard up in my head right now.
Are you all right?
I'm all right. It's cold.
I'm trying to just talk to people
and trying to explain it,
what I was explaining this morning.
So tell me in here.
Let's have a chat.
Before going into the Round Table,
I'm still telling people my theory
and trying to convince them
to banish Ivan or Hannah.
I think I need to speak so
everyone hears me and listens.
So obviously, Ivan and Hannah,
I know they're Traitors.
I just know it.
Now, they are playing a risky
game among the Traitors.
There are Traitors
that are being quiet
but there's these two Traitors
Who do you think
the quiet ones are, then?
Cos you've identified
the ones that you think.
So who would you say?
I'm not 100% convinced.
So this is where
Why, though? Cos you've picked up
very quickly about those ones.
Why haven't you picked up
about the others?
Because they're playing
a better game.
And I've been getting
closer to these ones.
I just know.
I really feel
I know what's going on here.
I think Alyssa is a Traitor,
but I'm not telling them that.
Who are you voting for?
Voting Hannah. I'm sorry.
Hannah? No!
After what Tom said
No! ..his points added up.
Just I know you're close to her,
but I think keep an eye out.
Keep an eye out.
Yeah, I really do think Tom is on
to me. I was sitting in that car
and I could feel his energy,
and he could feel how nervous I was.
So I need to semi keep him onside
and, you know, go with this crazy
theory about Hannah and Ivan.
We need to make sure
that the person
We solidify who is a Traitor
and get that person out.
I think Hannah.
Hannah? No, I don't
think it's Hannah.
People don't know
what to think any more.
If I get eyes on me again,
I will defend myself
however I can to stay in.
I have to.
Save Tonight
by Zayde Wolf
# Save tonight
# And fight the break of dawn
# Come tomorrow
# Tomorrow I'll be gone #
As night starts to descend,
the Round Table is upon us.
But who's done enough
to avoid being banished?
# Save tonight. #
Going into the Round Table,
the emotions are running so high.
Every decision I've been
making is for me and Alex.
That's all I've been trying to do.
I just need us two
to stay in the game.
This morning's breakfast
was that dramatic,
there's literally names getting
plucked out left, right and centre.
Now I'm up for trial
and the prospect of me going home
either tonight or tomorrow,
either by Round Table or by
being murdered by the Traitors -
cos one wrong move
and you're out.
This Round Table is
going to be really intense
so I'm going to have to
defend myself, I think, tonight.
All I can do is just
fight my own corner,
say what I need to say,
and what will be will be.
Welcome back to the Round Table.
You made £8,000 today.
That's been added to the prize fund.
So the full total
is currently
You have been on trial all day.
One of you will be murdered tonight.
But before that
..a banishment.
You've been with the sheep today
so I wonder if there will be
a herd mentality in this room.
It feels like discussions
need to be had.
Who would like to start?
Matt. Matt.
Quite a lot of you know that
I got quite upset this morning,
and that was generally
every single one of our faults
because the way we spoke
to each other this morning
was absolutely disgusting.
Like, if that would have
happened anywhere else
Don't. Darling, don't.
It's nothing It's
The emotions are high here,
but it's a very difficult situation.
If this was anywhere else, if this
was in a boardroom, in the city,
we would have never have
spoke to each other like that
and I just don't
understand why we did it,
and it really, really upset me.
So much happened in
about three minutes,
and I just couldn't deal with it.
Absolutely. Yeah.
So let's just simplify everything,
be nice to everyone,
write a name on the slate.
If we get it right, we get it right.
If we get it wrong, we get it wrong.
It's simple. I agree with Matt.
What we need to do is
think about, "Why those three?"
That's the key.
Why are those three up?
Because one of them
could be a Faithful,
two could be a Traitor.
Two could be Faithfuls.
One could be a Traitor.
And the other Traitors will
kill one of the other two.
I can eliminate one
of those possibilities.
If the Traitors had put two
of themselves up for trial,
that would be a big risk.
Because if the third person,
the innocent, was banished now,
one of them would
have to murder themselves.
They're not stupid.
We've learnt that.
They're not stupid.
There is maximum
one Traitor amongst us three
and I know exactly who it is.
So who do you say?
It's Alex.
Why do you think it's me?
There's a lot of question
about why you're in the three,
and I think my own
opinion is probably
It's pretty obvious why
John and I are in the three.
John and I have both been
quite loud and forward,
and putting ourselves forward quite
a lot in lots of different things,
and don't think the same
thing is true with you.
What happened this morning,
it was actually my fault.
I panicked.
I just wanted to
make sure it's clear
that we've got that alliance there.
So I put all my cards on the table.
Of course, I've called out a couple
of people, Hannah and Ivan.
Now, I have got
justifications for that.
I've been playing a bit of a dumb
card, underplaying what I do.
I literally read people
for a living.
I am a full-time magician.
There's a thing of overproof and
the most recent one I can think of
that you guys could hopefully,
like, have the most memory of
is the Breakfast Room.
The moment that, Amanda,
you walked through that door,
who is the first to shout up and go,
"Ah, there's another Traitor!"
And you were
very loud and very clear,
and wanted to make sure
everyone heard that.
It's over-proving it and it's
all just a bit too much for me.
I'm really actually
sad with you, Ivan,
because you are so smart
and I tried to give you, like,
a little saving grace today
where I was like, "Whether
you're a Traitor or Faithful,
"backstab one of your own Traitors,
and you can stay in the game."
And I'll tell you what you did,
you kept backing up Hannah
and, tell you what -
when either one of you go,
the other one's dead the next day
and you guys have messed
that up for yourselves.
Vote me out. I can't listen to
this guy speak another word.
Vote me out and I'll
stand on that thing,
and I'll tell you all
that I'm a Faithful.
I can't listen to
one more second of this.
You two have come in here and
you've lied since you started.
This is a game about lying, Hannah.
That's such a silly thing to say.
We all come in here Just vote me
out. I'm done. Vote me out.
This is a game about lying, Hannah.
You know you're a Faithful, right?
Yes, I do.
So you know you're a Faithful,
so I'm going to save you and say,
"Kill Ivan." And if he stands up
there and goes, "Faithful,"
you're safe the next day
cos I'm dead anyway.
I don't care about
being safe the next day.
I'm not going to have you
telling me who to vote for.
Does anybody else have anything
else they want to say as well?
Not that I don't want
to cut you off short, type of thing.
OK, so I'm going to go
for Wilf as a Traitor,
because you were
the one vote last night
that spiralled Aaron
to have a panic attack
because he was
shocked that a Traitor
has gone against another Traitor.
Cool. So if we're right about Wilf,
we know Aaron is one, too.
So if we all go for Wilf,
we know our next move.
I'm not necessarily
that close with Aaron.
Like Like Aaron and the other
guys had a bit more banter,
and whatever, and I've
You've said, you're not that close.
Why did he have a panic attack when
you showed his name? I don't know.
Ask him. That's his actions.
That's not me. Yeah, yeah.
But I've already accused Aaron.
I've told Aaron. I'm not quite
I'm not quite over that, Aaron,
so I will bring you up
again in the future.
But, yeah, you didn't
really answer that.
OK, so how can I answer that?
I literally can't answer you
why he did that
because that's not my actions.
Like, Maddy keeps going for me
and, like, we can't today,
but I'd love to get rid of her
because she's causing
too many problems.
There are people around
this table who keep very quiet
and they keep in the shadows, and
that's suspicious Yes. Agree.
..and I would just like
to highlight these people.
I'm not accusing you.
I'm just I want
to hear your opinions
cos I don't hear them.
Alyssa, you're very quiet.
Rayan, very quiet.
I knew my name was going
to come out of her mouth,
and it's just really terrifying,
and I don't want them
all jumping on me.
I knew my name was going to
come up because I do sit back
and I think, a lot of
the times, I watch
and, to be honest,
I'm crapping myself all the time.
I really don't know
what I'm meant to do.
If I'm doing too much,
doing too little,
like, how are people going to
misconstrue different things?
I don't know.
And I'm nervous and I find it
really difficult to be direct.
And I know this isn't the game
for thatthisthis whole thing,
we have to be direct with people.
We need to, you know
We need to band together
and I totally get that,
and I understand why you're saying
that, and I do respect that.
Sorry. Does anyone
think Alyssa's a Traitor?
No. No. Absolutely not.
I think we don't need to
go through this torture.
I think, currently
We could talk about that later on.
I've got good suspicion on Alyssa,
but I'm also trying to play it
quite smart with her because I feel
I could possibly
manipulate her to keep me in.
We've agreed that one of
you three is a Traitor.
We've agreed that. Agreed?
At most, one. I haven't agreed.
I don't agree with that.
At most, one.
We need to vote for
one of you three.
It will be the only way
to guarantee a Traitor.
I am telling you right now,
Ivan is a Traitor.
If he stands up there and
he says he's a Faithful,
kill me tomorrow.
Do it because
that means I'm a Traitor.
The most hilarious part of it is,
if I do go home this evening
and I stand there and
tell you I'm a Faithful,
that's going to really
damage your career
and that's on you.
Don't tell me that because
Because you're an amazing
You're an amazing magician.
My career is not damaged.
OK, players, it's time to vote.
Who would you like to
banish from the castle?
Please write one name
down on your slate.
Who do you think is a Traitor?
Has everyone
locked in their answers?
Thank you.
Meryl, we're going
to start with you.
Who do you believe
is the Traitor and why?
I genuinely didn't have
a name when I came.
And then, after
hearing all the points,
I really want to say I'm sorry.
Will, who do you think
is a Traitor and why?
Ivan, I'm really sorry.
I do think you're a genius.
who are you banishing tonight?
I think we've all been saying
that we're going to look
for hard evidence
over the past few days
and I think the only
evidence that we have
is that two people have lied.
So I'm going to say, "Alex."
I really hope I'm not wrong,
but I've put your name down
and I'm really sorry.
It's the game.
So it's currently two votes for Ivan
and two for Alex.
Matt, you're up next.
Ivan, I'm really sorry to do this.
Alex, I've got your name on there
because, this morning,
it was a real shock to me.
So sorry, Alex.
Ivan, who have you written
on your slate, please?
Alex, you're great.
But you played us all for fools,
including your boyfriend.
Sorry. This is so funny.
Theo, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
I've literally I'm away with the
fairies at the moment. I don't know.
I have no idea.
And I think I've just took
the coward's route out,
and I hope I've not
made the wrong decision
..but I have voted for Alex.
I'm so sorry.
So Alex currently has five votes.
Ivan has three.
Tom, who would you
like to banish and why?
Ivan, I know you're the Traitor.
I've made that very clear.
If I'm wrong, put me up there.
Faithfuls, you need
to stick together
and just stop just
splutting stuff out there.
Get the Traitors, man.
It's Ivan.
I think it's Wilf.
what's the name on your slate,
please, and why?
There's so much going
through my head right now.
I think there's a lot of different
parties that are being accused.
And the only way
we can kind of do this is
I hate to say it, but it's
to go with one and test it.
Hannah, I love you to bits.
I have to put a name down and I'm
so sorry, but I put your name down.
Fair enough.
John, who do you
believe is a Traitor?
So we have five votes
for Alex, five for Ivan,
one vote for Will
and one vote for Hannah.
Andrea, it's your turn.
Hannah, since you said
you were willing to go,
I just said,
"OK, let her prove it, then"
..cos I don't know.
First, I just want to
address what you said.
I thought it was quite rude.
I haven't taken anyone for a fool,
and I most certainly haven't
taken my boyfriend for a fool.
Secondly, you have all
just wasted your vote.
Ivan, I still stand by what I said
and so I voted for you.
I know you're playing a great game.
Well, potentially you are.
Aaron, who do you think
is a Traitor and why?
I genuinely think you're, like,
a really sick person.
Like, regardless, and probably,
if that didn't happen today,
I probably would probably
be swayed towards, like, Ivan.
But you did kind of lie, so, yeah.
It's you.
Thank you.
OK. We stand at
six votes for Alex,
six votes for Ivan.
So it is really
down to the final vote.
One of you is about to be banished.
Amanda, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
It's fine, Amanda.
Next time on The Traitors
I really hated what you two done.
We are getting nowhere.
This castle is also full of secrets.
Oh, my God!
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