The Trust: A Game of Greed (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

My Integrity Can't Be Bought

[tense music intensifies]
I think I know clearly
what offer I plan to choose.
At this point, the stakes only get higher,
and you can almost, like, feel
the power that you're gonna have
over the house
in just making
what seems like a simple decision,
but it's gonna have,
like, significant impact.
Bryce recognized that Jay
is not providing stability in the house,
but I still don't get an answer as…
Are we gonna take action on this?
What are we doing?
[music fades]
[dramatic music playing]
[Tolú] To family, y'all. To family.
-To family.
-To family!
Where's Bryce? Where's…
-Wait, where's Bryce?
-[Tolú] They're in the Vault.
-Oh, sh--
-[Tolú] Girl!
[music continues]
-I think… I think both of them are fine.
-They're gonna make the best decision.
-[Bryce] You think everyone's out here?
-[Jake] Yeah. I see 'em, man.
And as hard as it is emotionally,
you better be making
the right freaking decision,
or you can guaran-damn-tee
you're going home.
-Hey, everyone.
-[Winnie] Welcome back!
-Hey, y'all.
-[Bryce] Hi!
Someone, make us a…
We need a drink after that, man.
-Oh no, I don't like that you said that.
-No, it was good. It was good.
-[Julie] What's going on?
-Let's go inside.
[ominous music playing]
[music fades]
Two offers still in play.
Offer number one said
we would each get $10,000
if one person does go home.
Wait, time out.
10,000 is taking out for each of y'all.
So, it's $20,000.
-So it's 10 a pop, 20K total.
And offer number two.
Anyone that does not vote,
we add $2,000 back into the pot.
So, it's $18,000
is added to the pot if nobody votes?
You cast a vote,
you cost everyone 2,000 from the Trust.
They come out and they're, like,
"Oh, $2,000 added…"
That's cool if people don't vote.
Easiest $2,000 we're gonna ever make.
But all you have to do
is vote somebody out,
and your portion of the Trust
is going to significantly grow.
So, why would you not vote?
Actually, this is the easiest time
to just throw a vote at somebody
and get rid of them.
One is definitely a selfish reason.
Pretty clearly.
Second is for the team.
We're choosing the team option.
Appreciate you, guys.
Rock and roll, you guys!
The first offer was interesting,
but at the end of the day,
you can't just make
a unilateral decision here.
However, I'm determined
to keep everyone safe
and get rid of all the toxicity.
Keep in mind, last night,
a beautiful angel was sent home
from someone that was in this group, okay?
That is still out there,
and we can't ignore it as a team, okay?
Somebody's still doing some things
that I believe
is not for the greater good of the family.
[Tolú] What was the purpose of you
bringing that up?
Honestly, it seemed malicious to me.
And the only thing
in my mind right now is,
how do I protect Mama Jay?
Because Jake has a target on her back.
So, I keep that in the back of my mind,
like, all right,
we're all happy and feeling it.
We're vibing now, but…
What's to come later on?
Well, I'm about ready for a glass of wine.
I don't know about y'all.
-No, thank you. Thank you very much.
-Yeah, way to go, you guys.
Good job, guys! Thank you for the money!
-Get over it. Anyway, Brian.
-Yes, ma'am.
Remember when you said to me
that your one wish
is that you want us to go through
one Trust Ceremony
without anybody being eliminated?
-[Tolú] I truly believe that tomorrow--
-I think that's it.
-[Tolú] This is it.
We finally… Third time's the charm!
Come on, baby! Third time's the charm.
There's incentive
for everyone else not to vote.
I think that is gonna be
a true test of trust.
we can get through this together.
[upbeat music playing]
[Jay] I would like to see
that $18,000 go into the Trust,
but there are still shenanigans going on.
And when things are, like,
everybody is, "Oh my God, the money,"
and "Who…?" and you know, the stuff,
I like to go up to my room.
And I love sitting up there
and just embroidering.
I don't care what's going on.
And I tell you,
nothing comes between me and the needle.
[music ends]
[gloomy music playing]
[Lindsey] All right, I'm going to bed.
We'll talk tomorrow.
Ugh. Feels good after being
in that Vault the whole time.
[Tolú] All right, pumpkin.
Talk to me, honey.
Between me and you, how certain are we
that Julie's not going
to keep saving this man over us?
[Tolú] Not certain.
I really appreciate you
doing what you did.
'Cause I know you got my back, right?
-Yeah. I told you I would.
-And I got your back.
Yeah, she got her little
whatever thing with Jake right now,
but at the same time, she recognizes that
the longevity is
in her relationship with us.
Now, I'm not saying
I trust her wholeheartedly.
There are certain things that I will…
We will need to keep from her.
-Especially when it comes to Jake.
-She's very invested in him.
-[Winnie] She's too invested in that.
[Tolú] She keeps saying,
"Oh, I don't like you like that."
But every opportunity, you're next to him.
Beyond this, the whole point
is to sit down with you
and your freaking gorgeous-ass dress
and tell you how much I appreciate
what you said today. So it's all good.
You're welcome.
I feel like something
needs to happen wherein she…
-[Tolú] She doesn't see it.
It challenges him, and she has to see it.
I judge you based off
of your actions and your movements.
That speaks volumes,
and that's all I'm gonna say.
Every time we try to point it out,
she thinks that we're questioning
her intelligence.
I'm like, "Girl, ain't nobody
saying you're stupid."
"What I'm saying is you are blind
because of your emotions right now."
And that's what I told her.
"You're moving too much into this.
Don't let him play us."
[pop music playing]
[music ends]
[slow tempo music playing]
So you're getting back
into basic military PT.
-It's all we got, man.
-[Brian] Yep.
Might start lifting couches, like, what…
I'd like to say that I'm pretty strong,
but Captain America Jake,
he still holds himself
as a military officer.
It's hot, man.
Shit, I didn't put on deodorant.
That was stupid.
-[Brian] I hate to break it to you, Jake.
You're a man. You're gonna sweat.
-[Brian laughing]
-Yeah, it's, like… A man.
I very much enjoyed
my time in the Marine Corps,
but for me,
I just couldn't wait to get out.
And I always said I was gonna
look like ZZ Top, grow a long beard,
and, uh, kind of do whatever it is I want,
and, well, look at me now.
[Lindsey] How're you doing?
[Bryce] Well, I'm just still, as you know,
I'm still raw about Simone. Like…
I just… I wasn't expecting
her name to be said.
Crazy. I was not expecting it either.
Like, I understand
that there's a lot of, like…
People have a lot of heart,
and they mean what they say.
Today is gonna prove that.
We're gonna go and have a vote.
I know.
Like, if we can still band together.
-[Lindsey] It's gonna be fine today.
I'm also still kinda trying to figure out
what is the best way for me
to tell people that I am the millionaire.
You're really wanting
to get this off your chest.
I feel, like,
I feel that way 'cause it's, like…
-You should do what you feel is right.
-I straight up lied.
Like, that's eating me alive.
It's eating me alive.
-If you need to, this is your opportunity.
Like, I really want to see how today goes,
and if we can band together,
then it's gonna… That would honestly
make me feel comfortable.
We can move this into the house.
We can move this as a group.
We can talk about things.
And I think that'll kind of open the door
for that conversation. Truly.
[Jay] There are no whales. Then I thought,
"Well, am I seeing parrots?"
You know, I was kind of seeing birds.
I'm all over the nature.
I'm going, "Okay, how come
there's no birds here?" [laughs]
-You know, that's actually really true.
-Where's the bird squawking in the tree?
-They're not here.
-[Jay laughing]
I feel like there's people here that's…
I question, like, their actions,
and I just want you to be aware, like…
-[Jay] It's Julie. I know it's her.
-[Winnie] Exactly.
Oh, I'll tell you just right off the bat
that I'm so sick of that whole game.
[dramatic music playing]
Behind the bar,
Jake is on the other side of the bar,
and then who comes by, and she goes…
…and off they go.
-I just… You know what I wanted to say.
-Is just, "Stop it."
[Winnie] I have a suspicion
that she threw you under the bus.
And I'm trying to figure that out.
Is Julie saying stuff to you?
No, it was just very weird last night
that Jake came out of nowhere.
He was so gung-ho.
It's just kind of, like…
Would you be open to talk to him?
No. I don't have even know… Why?
-I'm over it.
I saved his ass, and you know what?
He has not thanked one of us.
[Winnie] Honestly, in this moment,
things are not looking good for my boy.
It is not. It is not. It is not.
The way Mama Jay was going in on him.
I'll say, "Girl, get his ass, girl."
"Get his ass."
[ominous music swelling]
[Julie] We don't know what's going
to happen at this Trust Ceremony.
There's always a paranoia,
because everyone puts on their best face,
and people have said it before,
including myself,
"We're not voting anyone
out of the house."
But someone could
kick you out, vote you out.
You have to just sit there and say,
"I trust you not to."
[music crescendos, fades]
Hey, guys!
It's time for your next Trust Ceremony.
[unsettling music playing]
Will this be the moment
where you all decide to share the money?
Or will perhaps just one vote
send another person home?
I'll see everyone at the Cliff's Edge.
-Thank you.
Just a reminder, everyone,
in case anyone forgot.
When me and Bryce went to the Vault,
the option we picked was offer number two,
which meant that every time
someone does not vote,
we get $2,000 extra to the pot.
Oh, I forgot about that.
That means, collectively,
we could be walking out…
What was it total? Another 18K.
-[Winnie] 18K.
-[Jake] So that's huge.
-Plus the ten from shuffleboard.
In less than 24 hours,
we can be adding 28K to the pot.
-It's the easiest 28K I've ever made.
-[Brian] That's absolutely incredible.
[Lindsey] Yeah, we are all gettin' along.
And we all played shuffleboard,
and we all picked the right thing.
And I'm acting like everybody else.
I'm here to have a good time.
Who needs a game?
Let's all get along.
But honestly,
I'm not stupid enough to think
that nobody is gonna vote today.
[tense music playing]
[Brian] I just don't know
if the team is strong enough
to withstand another Trust Ceremony.
We've already proved
that people will take advantage of others.
Right now, what a wonderful opportunity
for them to do that.
It's just… This is tricky.
It's very, very tricky.
[Brooke] How are you feeling
coming into today's vote?
I've been confident every time,
and thinking, "We're gonna do it."
"We're gonna make it.
It's gonna be a no vote."
I've been shocked every single time.
-[Brooke] Lindsey.
-[Lindsey] Hi, Brooke.
What's going on?
We're gonna make some money today
for everybody who doesn't vote.
If we all band together,
we can make more money.
So, you believe that most people,
if not all, won't be voting today.
-I'm always on alert. I'm always on alert.
I'm not the type to sit here
and sugarcoat and be like,
"Oh no, we were all hunky-dory.
We can do this together."
I don't think anybody at that table
is stupid enough to believe that.
Is this about trust
or making some more dough?
Oh, you'll see.
You'll definitely see.
That's all I have to say. You'll see.
Honestly, not voting
is the scariest thing I could do
because I'm leaving it up to other people.
And it feels really uncomfortable.
It doesn't feel good.
[Winnie] This group has taught me
my trust is not something
that is just easily given.
It's something that you really truly
have to earn, and how do you earn that?
Not by the things that you say to me.
-By your actions.
I felt like
my heart was ripped out yesterday.
Tell me why.
Simone. For her to go home,
someone who wasn't deserving to go home,
it was really hard for me
to wrap my head around.
[Brooke] Gaspare.
I'm feeling the Trust vibes.
I personally trust everybody for me.
Put it that way.
-Towards you. Like, you feel safe.
-Yeah, I feel safe.
I don't think everybody should feel safe.
Who do you think shouldn't feel safe?
I think Jay's got a little worry.
I think Jake's got a little worry.
That's it for today.
Oh yeah, it's probably
enough worry for today.
[tense music continues]
I would be lying if I said
I'm fully confident going into this vote
that Jay isn't just
gonna literally fire from the hip
to eliminate someone, specifically me.
You came out of the Vault
with some tougher words
about maybe someone going down,
or someone needs to take the fall.
I think I was only feeling that way
because I've…
There's behaviors,
there's just personalities
that I don't think
we're fully accustomed to yet.
And with us being so different,
I just realized who I can trust
and who I can't trust at this point.
So, the extra layer here
I'm hearing is that it's trust, right?
The trust isn't entirely there.
Jay, it's time to decide.
Would you like
to vote someone out of the Trust
or not vote
and continue sharing the money?
[music fades]
[suspenseful music swelling]
[music ends]
All right, so,
this was an interesting one.
[ominous music playing]
It's time to reveal what you've decided.
The Trust is not broken.
Congratulations, you guys.
[Jake] I didn't vote…
Oh, I love y'all.
…because at the end of the day,
if we stick together,
it's gonna set an entire new precedent
on us remaining as a team,
which is the ultimate goal
since I've walked up
the stairs to this house.
[Winnie] I had to think strategically.
If Brooke would've came back and said
that the Trust had been broken,
we all would have been looking
at each other like, "Who did it?"
"And why did they do it?"
Could've hurt us.
Honestly, it could have put
a red flag, a target on our backs,
but I still have my two top people
that I'm gonna watch very closely.
Jake and Julie.
Now, you guys,
the stakes are going to get higher.
And the choices more difficult, all right?
-We got this, guys.
-[Tolú] Yes, we do.
But for now, I wanna give you guys
a chance to celebrate.
So tonight, you're gonna have
a fancy-pants dinner party.
-Let's kick it off with a toast.
[Brooke] Cheers.
And I will see y'all later
for the celebration.
[pop music playing]
[Tolú] I am so proud of each
and every single one of us.
This was the first time
that I felt like I did have a choice,
and I chose to trust.
And so did everyone else.
[Lindsey] The trust is real.
[Jay] This is so much fun.
But then we kinda got that ominous,
"It's gonna get tougher."
This is round three,
but this is not the last round
that this group is staying together
'cause we're staying together
for a long time, all right?
-Well said.
-So, cheers to us.
[Bryce] This is exactly
what we needed to happen,
but I feel like
this is the calm before the storm.
[Tolú] Come here, my love.
I've lied about being a millionaire.
I don't know how much longer
I can keep this away from everyone.
-You deserve this. You deserve this.
-So do others.
I'm having to dance around
my own accomplishments
to make sure that people
don't feel a certain way about me.
No, you deserve this as well.
I want you to enjoy your experience, okay?
Yeah, I know.
[Jay] Okay.
[Bryce] Brian stood by his secret,
and Lindsey stood up and told hers.
So, why can't I?
But I'm trying to feel out
if this is the right time
to really air the secret.
I'm just afraid of being judged
and voted off.
[joyful music playing]
[Brian] Brooke finally said it.
The Trust has not been broken.
It's a time to celebrate with each other.
It's a time to understand that, look,
good things await a team
that sticks together.
[Winnie] Let's bring the energy.
Come on, y'all. We had a great night.
Come on.
Everybody's too quiet and hush-hush.
-You want a shot?
-[Brian] I'll do a mini shot.
Oh my gosh, there's Brooke. Oh, wow.
Oh no.
Oh, looking good.
Hey. You all having a good time?
I'm a woman of my word.
I promised a fancy-pants dinner,
and I wanted to show up for you all.
Okay, across the way,
there's this gorgeous table,
obviously set for all nine of you.
This dinner is to celebrate
how connected you are as one group.
But I have a feeling some
connections are stronger than others.
So tonight, you'll choose
who you want to sit next to.
So, Jay,
hop on up for me, please.
-Stand right here.
[Brooke] All right, Jay.
Not to put the spotlight on you first,
but we have to start with someone.
Who of all these beautiful people
do you feel most connected to?
Okay. It's really…
That's a hard question for me.
But I do have a roommate
that I'm very connected to.
-Who's that?
[Brooke] Aw, Lindsey.
All right, Lindsey, come on up here.
-[Lindsey] My pleasure.
-Stand here.
You and Jay head on out to the table,
and go sit next to one another, please.
Great. I got Jay in my corner.
And honestly,
I am worried about
how it's gonna be perceived.
I think she is amazing, but she is rogue.
Okay. Jake.
-Oh my God.
-[Brooke] Come on over.
[tense music playing]
Who do you want to have
as your dinner date tonight?
-[Brooke] Brian.
-Oh, my brother.
-[Jake] Brian.
-Come on down, Brian.
Oh, really? Is that who you really want
on a dinner date?
Let's go, cowboy.
Like, okay.
-[Jay] Okay, sorry.
-[Brian] Oh no.
[Jake] Brian and I just have
such a great bond, like, that's my boy.
We live together.
We talk about everything,
and just the way we converse,
whether it's talking in military acronyms
or just joking,
or he can just show me his clothes.
We're just tight. Like, it's a unique bond
that you don't experience every day.
[Brooke] All right, Bryce.
Who am I picking though?
I was gonna pick you too.
Julie. All right, y'all head on out.
For whatever dumb reason,
I don't think Jake wants to admit
to everyone in the house
or maybe to himself how much he likes me.
Thank you. I was gonna pick you too.
I know who I wasn't gonna pick.
Go have a nice, lovely,
romantic dinner date with Brian.
I hope you two have so much fun
and make out afterwards. Like…
Good for you. Have fun.
[Brooke] Winnie. Winnie.
Of these two fabulous people,
who would you like as your date?
You know I love you.
But I got to pick my sister.
[Brooke] Aw.
Y'all look so good.
All right, head on out.
I'm the last person left,
and then I'm starting to think to myself,
am I about to get sent home?
Like, is this like,
"Hey, nobody here likes you."
"Now, it's your turn to leave."
-Red. Yeah.
-Honestly, like, I got the best pick, so…
All right, Gaspare.
You get the head of the table.
You're not joining us?
I know that head of the table
is gonna mean something bad.
Okay. Enjoy, enjoy. Bon appétit.
-Thank you, Brooke.
-Will we see you later?
[Winnie] Thanks, Brooke.
-All right.
-Hey, y'all. We deserve this.
We sure do.
[Jake] We set a whole new baseline.
And honestly, I wouldn't have picked
any of you guys either. [chuckles]
[Bryce] What's on the menu?
I hope everybody, like,
sees how this feels,
and understands
that we need this every single time.
I'd rather take this than me
sitting on a couch crying,
or everybody in the hallway
discussing, trying to figure out shit.
Feel this energy.
I would take this over ten times, really.
Over ten times.
'Cause it sucks,
these nighttimes where it's just like…
-Everybody's just, like "What the fuck?"
-Crying, going home.
This is, like, much more relaxed
because now we know
everybody here trusts each other.
Okay. I hate to interrupt
everyone's conversation,
but I do have something to share.
-Let's hear it, buddy.
-[Winnie] Please do.
So, I feel like I do trust
each and every one of you.
And I do wanna share my secret.
Oh yes, let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
[suspenseful music playing]
Uncle Brycey is the millionaire.
[music fades]
I knew it!
Uncle Brycey!
-Freakin' knew it, bro.
-We already knew.
We literally already knew.
But at the same time, like,
there's so much more to me
than just how much I make.
I truly felt that in that moment,
it wasn't the right time to share that.
-And I am an honest and open person.
I feel like I have proven that
to the group.
You have. Absolutely.
I knew Bryce was a millionaire.
I share a room with the kid.
He's got, like,
a Louis Vuitton toothpaste holder.
Mine was wrapped in toilet paper.
So, I already knew he was,
so nothing changed.
He's good to me. I'll be good to him.
I truly feel that
I can share that with you.
I can feel vulnerable in this state,
and you can accept that.
Of course. But yeah.
[Jake] I can feel tension
from Julie right on my left.
I just… I could feel that she did not like
what she just heard.
-Is that when you sold Bill Gates's house?
-I wish.
Listen, if I could sell
Bill Gates's house… I don't know…
It's nine, and one a millionaire,
so that's cool.
She comes from a crazy background
of having nothing.
Okay, so when we go to Seattle,
brunch is on…
-Brunch is on me as always.
[Tolú] Brunch is on Brycey.
Dude, how dope is that?
That's so cool, man.
[Julie] I'm getting so annoyed
with the group,
how they literally do not care.
And I wish everyone would shut up
and realize also how offensive it is
what they are saying that,
"Oh, Bryce, we respect you so much.
You're so mature."
So cheers to everybody here.
-I knew it.
Cheers, buddy. Cheers.
First of all, Bryce is a liar.
And on the other hand,
they're saying things that make me realize
how disconnected we are.
If they can't see the fact
that Bryce really doesn't deserve this
or that it's at least
not fair that he's here,
how can I really be sharing a house
with these people who don't see the truth?
I'm glad now you can feel
comfortable enough to tell us that too.
Honestly, I've had to hide
little bits and pieces of myself.
Like, today, I wore my Armani shoes.
-I wore my Armanis.
-[Jay] Congratulations.
[Jake] You had to hide
your shoes? [laughs]
[Tolú] Yes!
-[Bryce] Uh, guys?
-[Jake] Oh, hey, look who's here.
Hi, guys.
I just wanted to come back
because, since you didn't have totally
the power of choice earlier,
I wanna give you
the power of choice tonight.
In this experience,
every relationship matters,
as you decide whether to share
the Trust with one another.
So two people are gonna get to go
on an awesome excursion.
Oh man.
[Brooke] Gaspare,
at the beginning of dinner,
you weren't chosen
as anyone's closest connection.
So I'm giving you the power
to either strengthen a relationship
yourself or give two other people here
the chance to strengthen theirs.
The choice is yours.
I am going to pick Brian.
You're a farmer boy,
and, like, you being on an island,
to me, would be
the coolest thing to watch. And…
Who gets to go with Brian?
-I'm gonna pick Julie.
-[Brooke] Julie.
I wanna pick you as well
because I know from talks
that you've also had
a lot of hardships in your life,
and I think that you deserve
something nice.
You were never… No, don't cry,
you're gonna make me cry.
And then I'm gonna…
But you said you didn't think
that there was nice things
for people like you, and it's not true.
So now you get a nice date with Brian, so…
It don't get better than that.
So the two of you guys are my picks.
[Lindsey] That is so cool.
[Julie] I actually am surprised.
I did not think he was gonna pick me.
I know there's people
he's so much closer with in the house, so…
Knowing that Gaspare picked up on,
like, my biggest insecurity,
which is my self-questioning,
"Am I worthy of good?
Am I deserving of good things?"
I have conflicted with that my whole life.
So the fact that Gaspare
not only heard that
and then gifted me something
while acknowledging that,
it was one of the nicest things
I think anyone has ever done for me.
Brian and Julie, it's the two of you
tomorrow on a bit of an adventure.
-It's gonna be awesome.
-[Jake] It's gonna be awesome, man.
-Enjoy the rest of your night.
-[Winnie] Thank you.
-Are you sure you're not coming back?
-I'm out.
Good night.
Congrats, guys. Congrats.
It's gonna be dope, buddy.
What a wonderful opportunity
from a wonderful man.
You wanna understand
the pureness in this gentleman's heart?
He tells me that he does not think
I'm gonna get an opportunity
to do this again.
Ranchers just don't get to take vacations.
-I'm excited 'cause it's so fun.
-You do deserve happiness.
-Brian, stop.
-You absolutely do. No.
-And we're gonna have a blast tomorrow.
-I know.
I'm only here
because I have an entire family
that's supporting my wife right now,
and she's taking care of everything.
-Come on.
-I'm excited. I'm excited.
I'm still just floored by Gaspare.
Thank you, buddy.
Let me go return
to where you guys left me.
-You're a part of us, Gaspare.
Was that where you were?
Yeah, but then she's over here,
she's, like, standing right here.
She's just like,
"How does it feel to be all alone?"
Pretty much. Then she's like--
"How does it feel
to have no friends in the house?"
I was, like,
"I think I'm getting evicted."
"Don't even go back to the table."
-Come on, let's go this way.
I've had to hide who I am
'cause I didn't want people to judge me.
That's why I was so quiet day one,
day two. I was like, "Shut up."
"Don't show them who you are.
Don't tell them this."
"Don't tell them secrets
because they'll take it and run."
"They'll make their own story
without even actually knowing
who you are."
Did you become a millionaire
from your real estate profession,
or were you just born into wealth?
Commissions, baby. It's all on me.
My mom built our entire family
off her real estate.
That's why I'm invested in real estate.
-'Cause I can't let it go.
-I know.
I do come from money.
I do come from wealth.
But guess what?
I'm in this for this group.
I'm here for the team.
I'm here for everybody to learn,
and, like, I've grown.
I know.
I'm just, I'm growing so much.
Now, I like Bryce. Like, I really
genuinely do like him as a person.
If there's anyone here
that understands where I stand…
But it's the fact that he sits here,
and he's trying
to victimize his privilege.
You are the least person
that needs this money in the house.
I'm going to keep it in for now
and do something about it later.
-Are you going to bed?
-I need my Winnie hug.
Oh my goodness.
-Good night, my love.
-Good night, sweetie.
-I'll check on you in the morning.
-Yeah, yeah. I know.
You look so beautiful tonight. Love it.
Okay. I'm just gonna go to bed. You know…
No worries. Listen, we understand.
No worries.
Good night, sweeties.
All right, babes. Bye-bye!
-You were the first one that was openly--
-[Julie] I know.
Like, "Why do they deserve
to be here?" Which I get it.
But I didn't know
who you were to understand that.
Like, you've come
from a different privilege than I,
and I'll be honest,
I've always struggled with it.
I'll just tell you,
all the dark thoughts go like,
"Fuck you, you don't deserve it,"
"Must be nice," like…
You have parents, you had food,
you had all of this, like…
How're you gonna say, like, you need…
And I'll tell you
that's why I got, like, really upset.
I don't know what you've experienced.
You told me what you've experienced,
but I haven't lived your life.
I've had a very, very privileged life.
Must be nice to say that.
It is nice.
It is nice to say that I didn't have
to go and beg for food.
It's nice to say that I didn't have to go
and steal from my neighbors…
to eat.
I can't relate to you.
I can listen to you.
No matter how far I get in life,
I will never be able to give myself
what Bryce had,
and that's an opportunity
when he was young,
that's parents who loved him…
If he can't see his own privilege in that,
to sit there and say that he deserves it
more than someone like myself,
who I didn't have parents.
I wasn't read to as a kid.
I wasn't held as a child.
If Bryce can't use this moment
to recognize your own privilege in this,
you don't deserve to be here.
When I think of deserving,
yes, there's more people deserving…
than I am.
You're more deserving
of this money than I am.
And how do you make sense
of us both being here?
Yes, there are relationships to build.
And I'm saying this to you
because I would never hurt you.
There is a piece of me that questions.
You're getting relationships and money.
You could also just get…
If you're here for just the relationships,
then just take the relationships.
Kick yourself out the last day,
which I don't want you to do.
-But I'm like, let's call it out because--
Obviously, I'm a little bit of a brat,
and when people say something
that's, like… It sounds really pretty.
It's like,
"I'm here for the relationships."
Then I'll be, like,
"Then take the relationships and leave."
What Julie is saying,
she doesn't really know
that it's affecting me.
I just wanted people to see me as me
and to see me without judging me
by how much money I made
or what I look like.
I wanted people to see me
as a true, kind, authentic person.
I've had my own personal struggles,
but I can accept my own privilege.
And if it comes out to
I'm just not deserving of this money,
I at least deserve the experience.
[amusing music playing]
This is stunning.
I live on an island now,
but Staten Island is very different.
-Yeah, it's not the same.
-So this is the other shitty thing.
Like, we're all down here doing this,
and everyone's probably like,
"Oh, they're… Talking game."
Look at it. It's always them three
walking always just like…
It's definitely boys versus girls already.
That's why I'm like,
"Come on, you already made it that way."
[Tolú] They have their little brotherhood.
That's fine.
-We have our little sisterhood.
[rhythmic drum playing]
I just wanna get out of the house.
I'm actually really excited it's Brian.
I'm originally from Montana,
so Brian feels very much like home.
I know I don't look like it,
but I came… I, like…
used to be redneck, bumpkin, country girl.
I grew up in a town,
where there are more cows than people.
And Brian likes cows more than people.
So we have something in common there.
-Hey! Hello there.
-Hi, guys!
I'm more than a little jelly.
This is giving for me.
All day, baby!
-I love it.
-Okay! I like this flamingo.
[Jake] All right,
what's going on in here, yeah?
We're gonna go on our safari.
Oh my gosh, have so much fun!
-Yeah. Thanks, Uncle Gaspare.
-Bye, guys!
-Bye, guys. Have fun!
Bye-bye, guys. Have fun!
-So long, losers!
-[Tolú] I'm excited for you!
[engine starting]
-[Julie] Yay, I'm excited.
-[Brian] All right. Out of the house.
-Thank you, Gaspare.
-Thank you, Gaspare.
I was getting sick of those hooligans.
I was just getting sick
of being, like, stuck.
-I know.
-So, to get out is awesome.
Get a little break from Gaspare's stories.
Get a little break
from Mama Jay's stories.
-No, I love Gaspare's stories.
-Okay, well.
Some of us need a little break.
Running but now I is running the game ♪
High, dat a tek mi away ♪
Feelin' it, Feelin' it, inna my head ♪
-[Brian] Let's see what we can--
-[Julie gasping]
-[Brian laughing]
That is awesome.
[Brian] I need a favor.
Will you protect this with your life?
I will protect it for you.
Thank you.
I don't care about the sunglass.
I literally hate everyone.
Like, "You're gonna have so much fun.
This is gonna be exciting."
I'm sorry.
What is fun about falling to my death?
-I don't even wanna watch you.
-Let's go.
["On the Floor" (feat. Spencer Nezey)
by Jhay C playing]
Here we go.
Oh, it's so terrifying!
Cos I know you gonna
Jump on the floor ♪
That was awesome. You're gonna love it.
Oh my God, I'm actually scared.
-[Brian] Believe in yourself.
-Oh God.
Jump on the floor
Jump on the floor ♪
Jump on the floor
Jump jump on… ♪
[Julie] I can't believe I did it.
I'm really proud of myself
because it shows me
that I don't always have to be
such a control freak.
And sometimes letting go
doesn't totally feel good,
but it was a little exhilarating.
Something tells me this is just
the beginning of the adventure.
-No, don't say that.
[medieval music playing]
-[Julie] I have to jump somewhere?
-[Brian] Yeah.
It truly does seem
like Gaspare has just given us
a gift of happiness and joy.
This place is absolutely beautiful.
I'm having the best time with Brian.
But there is this looming feeling,
"What's waiting for us back at the house?"
"What were the people saying?"
"Are people in a fight?"
You just never know what to expect.
Gaspare, you son of a gun.
[medieval music playing]
Oh shit! We get massages.
[Lindsey] It's not the good dream.
Oh my gosh. This is exactly what I needed.
I may be all, you know,
tough exterior on the outside,
but I'm all about a spa day.
[Tolú screaming]
Rub me down. Touch my body!
Get on that thing and go get a massage.
I need a massage so bad. Oh, I'm so…
[Jake] Oh, dude, like, right here.
Yeah. That feels good.
Can you hold my hand? And, like…
I feel nervous.
I feel nervous because I keep thinking
I'm getting knocked off.
[ominous music swelling]
So, I'm not as comfortable maybe as…
I still feel like…
I mean, I hope it's a united front.
But there is just this…
And I don't know why.
Maybe everybody has it? I don't know.
Yeah. Well, I will say, like, people…
-I know you don't need protection.
-I know you as an independent woman.
-Yeah, yeah.
I don't feel like
you need to be protected,
but everyone does feel,
like, this strong bond with you.
And I don't think that you are crossing
people's minds in that sense.
Right. Okay.
They… I think everyone here does own
what they say, and I do like that.
I do. I do. I do. I do. I do.
Um, I'm not saying I don't have
still a little skepticism…
-I love that word.
-If I pronounce it correctly, I love it.
-[Lindsey] This is amazing.
Making sure we're green.
-[Lindsey] Yeah, are we green?
-[Tolú] Yeah, we're green.
Okay, so, for me, with Bryce afterwards,
like, after our dinner,
he pulled me aside to converse.
Like, he was saying to me,
"Oh, I've had to hide my designer stuff
and blah, blah, blah."
-And I'm like, "So, I should cry?"
-[Lindsey] Yikes.
-You know what I mean?
-[Lindsey] I hear you.
And, like, I asked him,
"Okay, so, do you come from money?
Or are you self-made?"
So, initially, he was like,
oh, um, he did it all himself.
He then lets it spill that, oh,
you know, his mom started
their whole real estate empire,
blah, blah, blah, and I'm like,
"So, you do come from money."
He's a sweet guy,
don't get me wrong. He's so nice.
But this is a game of trust.
And I just feel as though, like,
there are too many times
where you've told lies and half-truths,
and that doesn't inspire trust in my eyes.
[Lindsey] I mean, you're not wrong.
If we decide that someone
needs to be taken out, I'm also…
-I'm game for that shit. Just so you know…
-[Tolú] Baby, I already know.
Trust, Lindsey,
I already know. We are here.
Yeah. Like, if that's the game
you guys wanna play,
like, don't tell anybody that,
but I'm game.
-I think the four of us need to converse.
-I agree.
-Oh, what is this? It's a shovel.
-Yeah, I don't know. [laughs]
Which one?
You're like, "What's this shovel?"
The shovel that's hitting
your cuticles, man.
I can't look.
That's the ingrown toenail. That's good.
I got my first manicure
and my first pedicure.
Apparently, I've been clipping
my toenails wrong my whole life.
I thought you had to go
all the way to the bone. Like, the base.
Um, that's incorrect. It was magical.
Here's two dudes
that definitely have, like,
Armageddon going on
with their fingers and toes.
I was walking around, and I did hear
you and Tolú talking for a little bit.
I didn't eavesdrop, so I did hear my name,
but I wanted to ask you
if you could give me some insight on that.
-[Lindsey] Please do not rat me out.
-No, I'm not going to. I appreciate you.
They're not happy
about the millionaire thing.
-They're not happy about it.
-Tell me.
When you say that your struggle is,
"I can't wear my Louis Vuittons,"
and I know you're trying to connect
by being like, "I also can't be myself."
-It doesn't play well.
-[Bryce] Yeah.
Because it's not the same.
Yeah, that's not it, though.
-I know. But that's how it's playing.
-[Bryce] Right.
I hid a part away from you
because I didn't wanna tell
people about that.
Because I knew they were going
to think a certain way--
And you were totally right.
I mean, the thing is with money, man…
The thing is with money,
it clouds people's judgment.
[Bryce] I'm pretty disappointed
'cause I feel that I wanted them
to get to know me
before they knew how much money I made.
And point proven.
If you say that you're successful,
people will make
their own story about you.
-I spoke to Lindsey already today.
She said if we wanna vote Bryce,
she's down.
[Winnie] So, we vote Bryce off.
How does the rest of the game play out?
We vote him off, and then after that,
Jake that's gonna be next.
All right then.
[Winnie] Once he's out the house,
Julie can have a more clear mind.
For sure.
And honestly, at that point,
I'll see who she really is.
-All right, I think we got our decisions.
-Yeah, facts. Get the next two people.
I'm having the time of my life.
What if we walk in,
and it's like a bomb went off?
-I'd be, "Glad I wasn't there."
-Why do I have a bad feeling?
[ominous music playing]
-[Julie] Hi, Brooke!
[Brian] It was going so well.
-Hi, guys.
-Did you guys zip-line?
-[Julie] I did.
-[Brooke] You did it?
-[Julie] I let go.
-She did a fantastic job.
-[Julie] I was so scared.
So, you know, it turns out today
isn't just all about an adventure.
-You are also about to be in the Vault.
This is going to become the Vault.
-But this is also different.
[Brooke] It's a secret Vault.
The others have no idea
you're about to receive an offer.
Now, I told you these decisions
were going to get tougher.
And that's why, today, you will each
be coming to me in the Vault alone.
[tense music swelling]
-[Brian] Think we're good.
-So, when you're ready, come and find me.
-Yes, ma'am.
[music fades]
[gloomy music playing]
-Hey, Brian.
-Howdy, ma'am.
Howdy, sir.
Welcome to the Vault today.
Looks different.
It's beautiful. It's absolutely beautiful.
Normally, when you walk in the Vault,
you get a choice, right?
It's a choice between two offers.
And so, today, you do get a choice,
but the choice is different.
Your choice is in the fact
that you have this one offer
in front of you,
and you get to choose
whether you want to open it or not.
If you open it, you have to take it.
Oh. [laughs]
The other difference,
you never have to share with anyone,
whether it's the group or with Julie,
whether you and I
ever had this conversation,
whether you even opened the offer
and took the offer.
That's entirely up to you.
Got it.
All I know about this offer
is that it really benefits you.
And not the group.
-Talk me through what you're thinking.
-The temptation's pretty good.
[chuckles] I have to admit
the temptation's pretty hard.
We need it.
We need the money. My family does.
I could probably
very much use what's in there.
I'm here for a reason,
and that's to provide for my family.
We're going through the process
of trying to adopt a little boy,
who's in the foster care system.
He's eight months old.
I need to be financially stable
for the state to say,
"Yes, you can adopt Rooster."
That's why I'm here.
And when I'm standing there
in front of her,
the devil's whispering
in my ear saying, "Take it."
If you choose to open the offer, Julie,
you have to take the offer.
I don't know what's inside this, right?
But what I do know is that the offer
is particularly tempting for you.
The other piece of this is,
whatever you decide to do,
you don't have to tell the group.
You don't have to tell Brian.
Think about it and talk me through
what you're thinking.
I feel like the group is
at this really great point where…
we're liking each other,
we're having a good time.
And at the same time, even last night,
we find out Bryce is the millionaire.
Bryce has had other offers,
when he goes home to his parents
and his multimillion-dollar job.
I don't have those same offers
that Bryce has.
But right now you're giving me an offer.
-Something that is going to benefit me.
-I am.
And I wanna believe
in the bigger vision of the group
and keeping them together
and not wanting to be selfish.
But also there's this other
side of selfishness,
which is, selfishness is how I survived.
I want to make the decision
that's going to best benefit the house.
I want to show them that I can be trusted.
So I'm torn.
Part of me wants to push the offer away
and not even look at it.
On the other hand, people like me,
who have come from where I've come from,
do not just get offers
like this every day.
If there's something in this offer
that could change my life,
would I be stupid
if I don't take this offer?
What do you wanna do?
Would you like to look at the offer
and therefore take it,
or not look at it at all?
[tense music crescendos, fades]
My integrity is not for sale.
I do not accept the offer.
I don't want to open it.
I wanna take the offer.
["Temptation" by The Regulators playing]
Temptation ♪
Temptation ♪
Is driving you mad ♪
Temptation ♪
Temptation ♪
Is driving you mad ♪
Is driving you mad ♪
Driving you mad ♪
Mad ♪
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