The Unit s01e04 Episode Script

True Believers

My old drill sergeant, the guys called him crockett on account of his coonskinin cap he always wore.
He'd always say if his guys walked into an ambush, his platoon coming under fire, the first thing he'd do is put Old crockett said the actual moment that he absolutely needed his radio to call for backup, the damn thing sure as hell wouldn't work anyway.
At least this way he'd know why.
The new drug minister of mexico is visiting los angeles to engage in high-level talks with the D.
Over mimosas and such.
We'll be in charge of mr.
Salazar's protection while he's our guest.
Sounds like a job for the seals.
And so it would be, but we have reliable intelligence that the mexican cartel intends to assassinate mr.
Salazar while he's on our soil.
A prospect the president doesn't find appealing.
Do we know who to look for? The cartels have outsourced the job to someone codenamed mongoose.
Speculation is he's pulling the strings, not the trigger.
Full intelligence is waiting for you in the team bay.
I'll be in D.
Kayla will keep me apprised.
Mack, stay behind.
Hi, hon.
You're home early.
Taking inventory or are you going somewhere? Going huntin'.
We're going to the beach this weekend.
The kids are with my mom.
This was our time.
I know.
You got something you wanna tell me about? The old man has ordered me to go away for a little bit, and that's what I'm gonna do.
Ryan's ordered you to go away by yourself.
Why would he do that? You'd have to ask him that.
I shouldn't be gone for more than a couple days.
Love you.
Gentlemen, look alive.
Salazar's coming out now.
That may very well be, but attacking supply makes headlines.
This administration intends to fight this plague on all fronts.
Gun! Down! Let's get you inside.
- Take the straight line.
- Got it.
Close the gap.
Si, seÑor.
I see you got your license.
Last week.
I got 'em.
I got 'em.
Out! Hands on your head! Well, let's see if we can't find where your friends went.
Is everybody whole? Boss, we got a problem.
After the shooting, a call went out to salazar's family.
He's got a wife, 2 boys.
They were on their way to some theme park.
They got the call to turn around, go back to the hotel.
On the way, they were stopped.
Driver was killed and the wife and kids were taken.
This was only part of it.
Who was guarding the family? Private outfit.
They were cleared by the state department.
If someone told us, we could have protected them, too.
No, we had our job and we did it.
Now that they've been lost, bosses is gonna want them found.
What does this have to do with the department of defense? Undetermined.
One to cut them off, the second to escape.
Almost looks military.
Sloppy, but military.
It'd explain the ak-m's the shooters we dealt with were sporting.
We can trace the truck.
They meant to leave it.
Which means they meant for us to chase it down from dead-end.
No thanks.
Someone knew the family's return route, knew to meet them right here.
Inside job.
Problem? Our prisoner.
We're having a bit of a custody dispute.
You tell her anything? Just that he's ours.
keep it that way.
Bosses want the locals and the press kept in the dark about the kidnapping until we find 'em.
We'll be taking him now.
No way in hell.
Not without me talking to your boss first.
Give me your phone.
White house switchboard.
Ask for the president.
How may I direct your call? Come to the office.
I want an update from our end right now.
State department's got conformation that the 2 shooters and our driver are in the mexican army, currently on furlough.
Presumably on the payroll of the cartels.
This is to intimidate salazar and his government from making those reforms they promised.
We do not animals.
The kidnappers have contacted my office.
They are demanding the release of 120 cartel prisoners within the next hour, as well as an end to any new negotiations with the americans.
So they're just making a point.
Or? Or tonight they will kill camille and my 2 boys.
I demand a lawyer as is my right! Lawyers are for accused criminals.
You, on the other hand, are a soldier in the mexican army who made the grave miscalculation of invading the united states with woefully inadequate forces.
Habeas corpus went out the window for you, friend.
You are a prisoner of war.
Thank you.
You gave the armory property to kyle? You gave him the armory listing.
- I tried to call you.
- I brought them in.
We all brought them in.
It was a team effort.
And know kyle has the listing.
I left you messages.
I called you back.
After we closed.
The armory people got cold feet.
They needed a hug.
I called you first, no answer.
So I sent kyle down there.
But I called you first.
I was with a neighbor of mine.
Well, if your social life got in the way-- her husband was just killed in combat.
Well, that'S I had responsibilities.
I sent kyle to settle them down, which he did.
They called back and said they wanted to work with him.
These things happen when you've got one foot in-- no.
Do not-- I'm dedicated.
When you're here, which, 3 years later, is still part-time.
The others the list price is too low.
The armory, it's priced too low.
The client's satisfied.
It's worth 15-20% more than that.
I'll tell kyle.
You do that.
Man, I'm no threat to you.
I don't know what you're growing or brewing up here and I don't care.
I'm hurt and I need help.
I think my shoulder's busted.
Busted shoulder, huh? How'd you do that? I fell.
Dangerous place to be falling.
Friend, I'm hurt.
If you can't do anything for me, just point me in the right direction.
I'll get out of your A.
? This isn't anybody's area of operation.
You just have to be careful who's wandering around here these days.
Paratrooper, huh? In my youth.
Well, hell, son, why didn't you say so? That accounts for a lot of sins.
Come on.
I'll get you squared away.
Order whatever you want.
It's on me.
Don't be ridiculous.
We'll split it.
Of course.
We'll split it.
No, no, no.
I invited you.
I'm paying.
It's a treat to be back with old friends and have a chance to make new ones.
So lunch is on me.
Let's see this new house we've been hearing about.
Well, we're half an hour north of san diego and only a couple of blocks from the ocean.
Cynthia! Oh, it's lovely.
How Can we afford it? Andrew's been doing contract work.
Kuwait, bolivia.
He was boring himself to tears, flopping around the basement doing woodwork.
So I had to kick his butt back out into the real world.
Mercenary work? Driving, protection.
Same things he was doing in the unit-- only not as dangerous.
And the pay.
I mean, kim, you're the newbie.
How much are they starting your husband out at? $38,600 a year.
Plus combat pay.
And how much is betsy's tuition costing you and jonas this year? A little bit more.
Someone with unit experience makes mid-6 figures in the private sector.
Good for you and andrew.
That's why we're starting our own company.
We've got contracts in kuwait and saudi arabia, and we're looking for men to fill them.
Unit men.
It pays $300,000 a year to start and 2 months vacation time.
What are you doing? They can all opt out of the unit tomorrow if they want-- except for bob-- and come work with us.
Mack wouldn't know what to do with a hundred dollar bill if you gave him a slide show on it.
But we would, wouldn't we ? Pay the gas bill? College tuition? Think about the future? I I mean, that's why I'm talking to you, not them.
What about the unit? If they all ran off to do contract work-- andrew's fighting the same war as jonas and the rest of them.
He's just getting paid commensurate to his abilities, and he's getting treated with respect and so am I.
Do you have any clue where mack is today? Where he might be next week? Of course not.
Wouldn't you like to know? We all would.
But you don'T.
And that's no way to run a marriage.
What kind of work would they be doing exactly? Well, it runs the gamut.
But there's always a job waiting.
News? We were down at the security firm that was running protection on salazar's family.
Turned us onto the drivers fiancee.
Uncooperative at first.
The driver was in on it.
Gave up the route, offered to play along as the terrified victim.
He was supposed to get Got a couple of bullets instead.
Life's funny that way.
The girl know anything else? Just that the kidnap team was 5 strong.
No I.
, No location.
Means he's our only link.
Yes, he is.
The president believes this can best be handled by colonel ryan's organization.
And from the standpoint-- their job was protection.
This is now a kidnapping.
My men have feet on the ground they're already making progress.
And they can pass on what they're learned to the bureau.
Why, so you can sit on your hands with it again? Like that incident in idaho? - I was not complicitous in the deaths-- - gentlemen! The president feels as long as the kidnappings haven't hit the press, the colonel's covert unit represents the best chance of getting the salazar family back alive.
Should the kidnappings become public, the president will reevaluate our options at that time.
Susan, justice is satisfied the president's decision is the correct one, and we will support the department of defense in this matter to the maximum of our capabilities.
And rest assured the D.
Will coordinate with and cooperate fully with the department of justice.
Let's see if we can resolve it with no more damage being done.
You won one for our side, tom.
I hope to think we're on the same side, general.
Give-and-take is essential to the beltway process.
It's how precedent is established.
It's how power is wielded.
Sir, I bow to your greater experience.
The army has great things in store for you.
Combat in washington is where the army fights its greatest battles.
You have any ambitions in D.
, Tom? No, sir.
Well D.
May still have ambitions for you.
I'll see you at the pentagon in the morning.
Go for blane.
All right, jonas.
You got the job.
There's no court-martial in my future? As long as this things stays secret, it's yours.
Which means we can count on the bureau leaking something any minute, so put a flame under it.
Roger that.
Where do we stand? They're setting up for voice stress analysis.
I'll keep checking in.
Test, test, test.
I copy.
Voice stress analysis ready.
You are a U.
Prisoner of war.
You will be treated according to the articles of the geneva convention.
Do you understand me? Si.
Well, that's spanish for "yes", correct? Yes.
I'm gonna ask you some questions now, miguel, and you're gonna tell me the absolute truth.
You know why that is? Because you are not a true believer.
Money has been your main motivation today, which means your allegiances are subject to change.
I'm here to show you another path.
What is your full name? Miguel horatio dominguez.
How old are you? And where are you from? Mexico.
You're a soldier in the mexican army? Yes.
Baseline established.
Proceed with your interrogation.
Who is mongoose? I don't know.
Is that right? Let's try that one again.
Who is the man code-named mongoose? If my questions don't produce the truth, other accommodations, less pleasant, you understand me, can be arranged.
Who is mongoose? I heard others talk of him, but I don't know who he is.
But he is the man in charge of this mission to kill seÑor salazar and kidnap his family.
It is what I heard.
Where are your friends holding his wife and 2 young sons? I don't know.
Where can I find the others involved? I don't know.
I don't mean to doubt your word, but that's the second time you've lied to me.
A third time, then things will become difficult.
Do you understand me? Yes.
I hope you, by god, do, son.
Now, where can I find the others? We're supposed to meet at 21:00 hours tonight to leave to mexico together.
Do they intend to kill the salazar family before they meet you at 21:00? Yes, when they receive the order from mongoose.
the last thing this place needs is for you to throw a grenade into the barracks, decimating the ranks.
If it's not me, molly, it'll be someone else and soon.
These men are wanted.
They're wanted bad.
And look, we don't just want jonas.
We'd like you, too.
For what? Planning , logistics, payroll, recruitment.
We need operators and I need help.
I'll pay you $5,000 for any unit members that come over.
That's right.
Like cattle.
That ain't gonna make the money go away, hon.
And what about the wives? Your wives.
What do they do without this community, without the rest of us? Believe it or not, molly, there's actually life out of the army.
How are you and jonas doing lately? Great.
Really? What did I just say? And what about you and andrew? Never been better.
It's like the honeymoon we never had.
Is that right? Yes, it is.
And why is that? Money? Is that why you're telling me? It's because we're working together.
For the first time in 20 years, we are sharing the same life.
That sound like something? We need to get a lid on this before people get ideas.
What we need to do is talk this through.
Talk what-- I want to get the wives here tonight.
I don't like the questions that samantha was asking.
Tiffy, I where are you going? My trip.
I need you here tonight.
I've got a ticket, the kids are taken care of.
But mack's-- does that mean I can't go? I deserve to go, right? I need you here to help me talk this through.
You don't need me.
You'll be fine.
I'll be fine? I know I'll be fine.
What I need is solidarity.
For me? What I need this particular moment: I need to catch a plane.
We know where they will be.
But only after they kill my family.
We still have time.
She asked me not to take this job.
Camille, my wife, she begged me not to take it.
Too dangerous.
I convinced her things could change.
I will do everything I can to help you.
A reporter downstairs.
That didn't take long.
She's threatening to break the kidnapping angle on the 6:00 news.
She can't do that.
She's got the story.
It is a free press.
Says who? Bring her up here, now.
Just stay here.
Jack tells me you're injured.
I don't know if it's broke or out of joint, but it hurts like hell.
Well, you've done a good job of immobilizing it.
Let's take a closer look.
Here, sergeant.
Put this away for our friend until he's ready to leave.
Jack, you see, is like the scarecrow.
His function is to frighten away the curious and the casually intrusive.
Unlike the scarecrow, he is harmless in and of himself.
And as for your arm, young man, it is dislocated and not broken.
And if you feel you can bear the discomfort, I'll put it back in place for you.
Yes? Keep your elbow at your side.
Make a fist.
Stop! No good? No, I think it's worse.
My apologies.
In the morning, I'll have jack lead you down the mountain to the nearest doctor.
Until then get our friend something to drink.
- No cameras, just you.
- Hey! What do you know? What do you intend to report? I know there was an attempt on mr.
Salazar's life today.
A third is presumably in custody.
And now I hear an apparent carjacking is in reality a kidnapping of mr.
Salazar's family.
All true, and you can't broadcast any of it.
Why not? Because once news of the kidnapping is made public, the family will be more valuable to them dead.
Also, if they learn that one of their compatriots is alive and talking with us, they won't make it to their appointed rendezvous where we will be waiting.
If I found this story, someone else will, too.
I'm not letting another station beat me.
I want you to hold off.
Only if you let me film their capture.
But what I do need you to do right now is to report that all 3 shooters were killed this morning.
I am not in the business of lying to my viewers.
Is that so? I have a job to do.
I want you to postpone it.
Why should I? Take this card.
Hold onto it.
What is that? No matter how blessed our lives, how charmed our existence, things still inevitably, irrevocably, go wrong.
Your mother swindled out of her savings.
Your estranged husband runs off with your kids.
Your best friend goes on vacation in a foreign land and disappears.
Eventually, bad things find us all.
You ever hear of a "get out of jail free" card? This is a "get out of hell" card.
If at some point in your life, god forbid, you have nowhere else to turn, call that number.
That is why you're gonna postpone your job.
pretty good trip to D.
, Eh? Won one for the home team.
Last time I checked, the american people pay both our salaries.
Why don't we just try to give them their money's worth.
Well, that's very poetic.
Is it? That comment you made about idaho was way out of line, you know? And I will-- what? Bend my dog tags and send me to vietnam? My boss was unhappy.
And when he's unhappy, he spreads it around.
You guys blow this operation in L.
, And I'm gonna be there to jam it in you so deep you're gonna taste it in the back of your throat.
I ain't your secretary, bubba.
Save it for somebody that's impressed.
We'll see.
We'll see.
See you 'round the flagpole, ryan.
You come here often, sailor? What the hell are you doing here? I got your invitation.
Invitation? Yeah.
Didn't you set things up so that we'd have a few days free? I room 453.
You used to be military? I might make the same query of you.
Gets you out of the house.
So, home life is not exactly to your tastes? Well, you gotta swing your arms ever now and again.
You know what I mean? I was afflicted once myself with, uh, home life, but I quickly remedied that situation.
Sergeant you may continue your rounds now.
Yes, sir.
Now tell me, who are you exactly? And why do you show up here on this of all days? I was lost, major.
I got hurt.
The truth! It's already broke! The truth or that's just the start! I was hiding.
Give me your serial number.
Why? Are you for real?! Why in the hell are you hesitating? I got a dishonorable discharge.
Did you indeed? Yes, sir, I did! Give me your serial number! Major, I'm just a fella who was hunting on your mountain and broke his shoulder-- Give me your serial number or I will shoot you.
You move from this position, I will kill you.
You didn't have to do that.
Romeo faction, this is earth walker, over.
Romeo faction, this is earth walker.
What is the status of plan mongoose? Wife and children in possession awaiting your orders.
I need you to run a serial number.
2434192 Hold still.
Repeat, hold still.
Holding still, Mongoose.
Dog patch, this is dirt diver.
Dog patch, this is dirt diver, over.
Go ahead, diver.
Take a back shot of the location of the transmission from the following frequency.
The first location is the same as my present.
The second is the one we are searching for.
That frequency is 120.
Get a location and pass that information on to snake doctor in los angeles.
Roger, dirt diver.
Transport's on the way.
Mongoose is in custody.
I say again, mongoose is in custody.
Radio transmissions have a location down to about a mile from here.
Any idea if the neighborhood is under the influence of these people? Unknown.
That's why grey's got his soccer shoes on.
Game on.
You got 2 large wooden doors.
The openings are barbed wire.
Weapon holes up the front.
They look ready for a fight.
They may be ready for one, but they don't want this one.
The president's given us the green light.
How are we gonna do this? I don't see this turning subtle.
We're gonna need a Roger.
And the guy from the power company.
The danger you put me in.
This town, this hotel is filled with people who know me.
You sent for me, tom.
You're the one who ordered mack away so I'd join you here.
What? Mack and I had planned a weekend and you ordered him to go away hunting? To take some time off? He's on a mission, tiffy.
He's working.
He's always on a mission.
Isn't that your point? Isn't that how we arrange this-- why did you come here, tiffy? Where is he? Don't I deserve to know where? He's on a mission.
He succeeded.
He's safe.
He'll be back at the base tomorrow.
Was the mission dangerous? Yes.
As dangerous as this is for you, tom? Is it dangerous enough for you? What is there to get straight? Cynthia wants to tear this place down by raiding the unit.
That's not what she's trying to do.
Are you gonna recommend your husband take a job with them? Of course not.
Well, I am.
I'm gonna tell rick we should take it.
You want him fighting for a corporation instead of his country? Who do you think they're fighting for in iraq? When he was in afghanistan, I had to go on federal assistance to feed my 3 girls.
It doesn't have to be that way.
Samantha's right.
It's embarrassing to have to ask for help from a government that your husband risks his life for.
But leaving the unit isn't the solution.
Why not? Because most of our husbands aren't going to leave even if we ask them to.
We have to find ways to provide for ourselves.
How? We all have a little money saved, squirreled, buried.
Am I right? Alone, what are we gonna do with it? But what if we pooled it together? In what? Real estate.
I see 2-3 properties a week in my office criminally underpriced.
We make some minor improvements.
We flip it.
We could all make I don't know.
Doing business with friends? How does that not get messy? Who would you rather do business with, your enemies? We all have to find out what we have a stomach for.
But are we going to let outsiders come in and pick us off one by one? Or are we going to start taking care of our futures? Because lord knows these men can't look past today with a telescope.
You know when to hit it? Yes, sir.
Glad to help.
Good man.
Now this here is a different kind of driver.
I believe I'll manage.
Okay, then.
Let's put on our dancing shoes.
OK, now! ???Take them over there!??? Sergeant! Sergeant.
It may not be as valuable as yours, but I would like you to have my card.
I want to buy the Armory property.
what ? My friends and me, are prepared to offer full price.
The price just get raised.
Larry said he thought we underpriced it.
All right.
How much more ? What does that mean ? We need to come over 4000$ for the "???damn???" payment.
That means we ??? - it means - Is-it still a bargain ? Yes.
Can we still make money ? - Yes, but - but what ? Is-it a good risk ? Yes, it is.
What are we affraid of ? Facing our husbands ? Saying we lost our money trying ??? What we are really talking here, is risk.
Is-it not what our husbands do when they go to work ? Is-it not what we do everytime we send them out ? It's just the same thing.
Except a lot cheaper for the price.
I tell them we take it.

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