The Unlikely Murderer (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

FEBRUARY 28TH, 1986 - 17:10
Have a good weekend, Stig.
I hope you have a wonderful time in Idre.
[Stig] Mm.
[telephone ringing]
Yes, Engström.
[Margareta] I just wanted
to ask when you're coming home.
We're leaving for Idre tomorrow
and you still haven't packed.
No, I'll pack when I come home.
- Is that it?
- Yes. Okay, finish your work.
[man] Hi, Christer.
We'd like to talk to you.
- Come on.
- Sure, fine, come in.
It'd be better if you came with us.
We need to take you to the police station.
- It's about the Palme murder.
- Fuck's sake, I didn't murder Olof Palme.
- We still want to speak to you, so
- Do I have a choice?
[man] It's a voluntary interview.
- Voluntary? How could it be voluntary?
- They had practically nothing on him.
One witness was
a casino club owner and drug dealer.
In his twelfth interview, he told them
Pettersson had been at the murder scene.
Because he knew
that's what the police wanted to hear.
That's what happens
when you have a reward of 50 million.
Yeah, exactly!
It was the same thing
with the other witness,
an old drug dealer pal of Christer's.
He was at the Grand,
but he was too high to remember anything,
until he had his eighth interview,
then he suddenly remembers Christer.
- How convenient.
- It was, wasn't it?
- So what happened?
- [Thomas] The Express happened.
They were there,
slapped it on the front page.
It couldn't be stopped.
[Margareta] I'm sorry, Thomas.
I can't find those articles anywhere.
They must have got lost when I moved.
[Thomas] That's a shame.
[Margareta] Yes.
What kind of book are you writing?
Uh, it's a book about Stig.
Um, I believe
he was the one who shot Olof Palme.
Hello? Margareta?
Stig murdering Olof Palme?
He could never
have done a thing like that.
He may not have liked Palme,
but he definitely wasn't the only one.
No, that's true.
[Margareta] He did like politics.
Politicians have influence,
and Stig wanted that, so
He did venture into politics,
he wasn't just all talk.
Okay, it's time to vote.
All in favour of
the election committee's proposal?
- [all] Aye!
- The aye's have it.
We hereby welcome Stig Engström
as a board member of the Conservative
Party's Municipal Association in Täby.
- Well done, Stig.
- [Stig] Thank you.
Good job.
["Dag Efter Dag" by Chips playing]
Well, Margareta,
this is just the beginning.
I can promise you that.
I have plenty of ideas
on how Conservatives can win a majority
in the upcoming election.
Oh, gosh.
Don't get your hopes up too much, Stig.
Oh, no, no. But I already
have plans for elderly care,
the bureau for public roads
and business policy.
These things really
have to be addressed, don't they? Hmm?
- Yes. Cheers.
- Cheers.
[doorbell ringing]
And in five years,
I'll be
the party's strong man here in Täby.
Wouldn't it be better
to take things slowly?
Don't you have faith in me?
- Hello, there!
- [chuckles]
- Come in.
- Thank you.
[clears throat]
- Oh, hello, Margareta.
- Hi.
Well, I heard about your promotion
within the Conservative Party.
Stig, we we need you.
Your party is about
to make a terrible mistake.
- So, uh, you're our last hope.
- Oh, is that so?
For thousands of Täby's children,
Ytterby School symbolizes security,
knowledge and community.
With its stunning 1920s architecture,
it's a beloved landmark
for all of Täby's residents.
And the Conservative council leadership
wants to tear it down.
Stig Engström from the Conservatives,
what is going on?
[clears throat] Okay then,
I don't think that
you need to be too concerned
Not only does out party stand for
the preservation of
Swedish cultural heritage,
but it also stands
for the victory of reason over ignorance.
So I can promise you that
I will make the party see reason.
Thank you.
[officer] Let's start
at the beginning, shall we?
- What time did you go into the city?
- I've already told you that.
This is the third time now
you've asked that.
Do you want to contact your lawyer?
My lawyer?
Oh, no, I'll never get out of here.
- Fuck him.
- [officer sighs]
[clears throat]
[groans] What is all this? Come on now.
What the fuck's going on here?
We're notifying you of the fact
that you're now a suspect
in the killing of Olof Palme.
You're not serious, are you?
I liked Palme.
I had respect for him.
Would you agree to stand
in a line-up for a witness for us?
Yeah, sure. No problem.
A line-up? Um, how will that work?
You line up the suspect
along with a number of similar-looking men
and you'll stand behind
a one-sided mirror with the police.
No, no, no, I can't.
I won't stand there
with that man right in front of me.
No, but
And I will not have anything
to do with the police. Never again.
The police have done nothing
but lie and manipulate me since Olof died.
This is key, though.
And absolutely crucial.
This is key, though.
And absolutely crucial.
I absolutely can't
be stood close to that man.
I understand, but we have no choice.
Okay, let's do that.
Mrs. Palme, I have arranged for
you to see the line-up on a videotape
rather than in person.
And where?
At our offices.
Well, the attorney's office.
- [Lisbeth] With you, I presume?
- [both] Yes.
- Yes, with the suspect's lawyer.
- No. No one. Just you.
I know what happens.
It will leak to the press.
They've been hounding us for three years.
Uh, yeah
It'll just be us then.
In order to enable the construction
of these commercial properties,
we, the Conservative Party,
see it as necessary
to tear down Ytterby School.
[scattered applause]
- Boo!
- [gavel bangs]
Please, thank you.
Our next speaker is also a Conservative.
The floor is yours, Stig Engström.
- [chanting] Stig! Stig! Stig!
- [rhythmic clapping]
[chanting continues]
[chanting, clapping fades]
Thank you, uh, Chair.
My friends. My dear friends
this is not Conservative politics.
to tear down an architecturally stunning
beautiful old school?
We're meant to stand for tradition,
we're meant to stand for culture,
we're meant to stand for learning.
No, Ytterby School
will not fall.
I'll make sure of that.
How's the line-up coming along?
Anyone recognize him?
- Results are mixed.
- Okay. Do we have enough to detain him?
Doubtful. It all comes down to Lisbeth.
Oh, right.
- Is that the line-up there?
- Yeah.
God, what a sorry bunch.
They're not even similar to him.
They are to each other.
That's eleven policeman
and Christer Pettersson.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[Lisbeth] Is it one of
the suspects we discussed last autumn?
[man 2] Mm, that's right.
- [Lisbeth] The Yugoslav?
- [man 2] Er, well, no, it's not him.
So it's the other one?
The alcoholic from some suburb?
Is it him?
Just tell me.
[man 2] Yes, it is.
Well, it's clear who the alcoholic is.
Don't look at me.
I don't want you standing there
staring at me while I watch.
Okay. That's enough.
What do you think, Mrs. Palme?
Well, the one who best
fits my description is the alcoholic
Number eight.
Number nine and six
possibly fit the description, but
they don't look as scary.
[telephone ringing]
Okay. What did she say?
Well, what does that mean?
Interpret? What do you mean?
Yeah, well, okay. I don't see a problem.
That'd be all right. Yeah, fine. Yeah.
Lisbeth has identified
Christer Pettersson.
We can arrest him now.
- Yes!
- [applause]
[indistinct happy chatter]
[editor] Okay, so Lisbeth picked him out.
So, uh, what's the problem?
The problem? Well, she knew right from
the start who she was supposed to pick!
The line-up was completely absurd,
a farce, a judicial scandal.
Okay, but the book's about Stig.
- So, what does this mean for him?
- Listen
Stig was about to become
something of a hero for the entire nation.
Many journalists felt Stig's testimony
was being suppressed by the police.
They published a book saying
a Swedish policeman murdered Palme
based on the notion
that Stig was telling the truth.
Lisbeth's entire credibility
depends on him.
He's the only one who says
she spoke coherently after the murder.
And now he had a chance
to get Pettersson convicted
for the murder he committed.
This is Stig's greatest moment.
- [camera shutters clicking]
- [people murmuring]
[reporter 1] It's been over three years
since that February evening on Sveavägen
[reporter 2] And now
enter the 41-year-old,
slightly dazed and confused
[reporter 3] There is huge interest
from the media and general public,
in what has been called
"the trial of the century."
It's now time for the witness testimony
of Stig Engström. Proceed.
Thank you. [clears throat]
[man 3] So, Stig Engström,
you know what this session is about.
You made various observations
on the night
of the 28th of February, 1986.
At that time, were you working at Skandia?
Yes, that's correct.
[man 3] At approximately
what time did you clock out?
Well, you see, by the clock,
I remember, it was, um
uh, 23:20
but when the clock
was checked the following day,
it turned out
the clock was off by 60 seconds.
That would mean I left at 23:21.
- 23:21?
- Yes.
How did she seem at the time?
Mrs. Palme, that is.
She, uh, seemed a little confused
uh, flustered, but you could talk to her.
Did she talk to you
about what had occurred?
No, I was the one
who asked her the way he'd gone.
Then she pointed towards
the tunnel on Tunnelgatan.
I also asked her what he was wearing.
She hesitated for a moment,
I'd say three seconds,
and then she said,
"A dark blue quilted jacket."
A few seconds later, she said,
"By the way, he shot me too."
And during this,
how was Mrs. Palme acting?
She was grateful for all
the help she was getting at that point.
- [woman] Prosecutor, Jörgen Almblad.
- [Jörgen] Thank you.
I only have one question.
You have said in the past
in an interview with the police,
that you felt that Lisbeth Palme
was in a state of "controlled shock".
- Is that correct?
- Yes.
What i meant by that was
she was, given the circumstances
if you know what I mean, coherent.
[woman] Witness Gösta Söderström.
The defence may proceed.
Can you begin by telling us
what your position was
and what you observed
when you arrived on the scene?
Uh, I was task leader at the murder scene.
I was in charge of
collecting descriptions of the murderer,
uh, setting up cordons
and organizing searches.
At the crime scene, there was a woman
running around, completely hysterical.
Uh, emotional, exhausted.
She was shouting,
"You have to save my husband!"
Those were the only words
you could make out in her shocked state.
I then made a first attempt
to talk to her, which failed.
Made another attempt, and, uh, well
On the second attempt,
I was unable
to get a response from her at all.
Finally, on my third attempt,
she started screaming at me,
"What are you saying?
Don't you recognize me?"
"I am Lisbeth Palme,
and that's Olof on the ground there."
[man 3] I understand you've been
following the trial in the media.
Yes, very closely.
So why are you only
just coming forward now?
Because I read this in the paper.
[paper rustling]
"that Mrs. Palme was
in such deep shock after the shooting
that her powers of observation
were limited. Not true."
"This was contradicted
by a witness at the murder scene
who spoke to Lisbeth Palme
and got a description of the killer."
I simply cannot accept this.
There's something odd going on here.
And I have my own thoughts and ideas
about which witness has said this.
It is
of course, shall we say,
an "elephant's" work,
as Holmérs put it.
[door opens]
[chairman] Well, hello there, Stig.
- [Stig] Nice to see you.
- That was some speech.
[Stig] Thank you.
The school's been saved.
It's just as well.
Those properties
can probably be built somewhere else.
I misjudged you, Stig.
I knew that you were a failure,
I knew you were a drunk,
but I didn't make you out to be a traitor.
I, uh I mean, if I have
I'm sure you're aware
of what we do with traitors in politics.
- But with the voters' on-side
- We will have nothing more to do with you.
If I ever see you again,
I'll have you thrown out of the party.
[sombre music playing]
[camera shutters clicking]
[reporter 3] Today the Court of Appeal
announced Christer Pettersson's acquittal
in the murder of Olof Palme
almost four years ago.
Pettersson has always denied the charges
last summer by a divided district court.
- Are you going to celebrate, Christer?
- Yeah, for sure.
The three magistrates contradicted
the lawyers and voted for a conviction.
- Here!
- Let me in for fuck's sake, it's me.
It was no surprise, therefore,
that the high court
reversed their decision.
Unlike the district court,
the Court of Appeal
found that Lisbeth's
identification of Christer Pettersson
was insufficient for a conviction.
They felt the line-up was
Why couldn't they just convict him?
So then there'd be an end to this misery.
No, Stig didn't lie. He didn't.
Well, but
He said a lot of different things
about the night of the murder that were
A lot of things didn't add up.
That's not true.
He told them everything as it was.
[Thomas sighs] Okay, but, um
Margareta, do you know of
an organization called Stay Behind?
What is that?
Uh, I guess you'd call it
a resistance movement.
I want to know if Stig was a member.
I would've known if he was.
So then she'd
never heard of Stay Behind? Stig's wife?
No, that's just what she said.
- Do you think she was lying?
- I don't know.
I don't think so.
Maybe you should consider
letting go of Stay Behind.
Mm. Yeah, I've been thinking about it.
[sighs] You know
I'm starting to think
the whole thing is feeling a bit shaky.
- What do you mean?
- And Stig
Are you certain that he's the murderer?
Why on Earth would he be lying like that?
Because he wanted to be a celebrity.
He could have lied to get attention.
- Okay, so that's your theory.
- Why not?
[chuckles] Okay, around nine,
when Palmes went into the cinema,
Stig was out having dinner.
I mean, we know that.
But he lied. He said he wasn't out then.
So how does that get him any attention?
Stig left Skandia at 23:19,
just in time to shoot Palme.
But then he claims that he left at 23:21.
In what way would
lying about that get him any attention?
And there's the man the witnesses
saw running on David Bagares gata
just after the murder
with a thigh-length coat and wrist bag.
Do you really, really
believe that wasn't Stig?
Or were there two men
fitting that description
running around there
just after the murder?
With wrist bags?
Mm. But what was his motive?
I think he wanted to kill a tyrant,
as revenge for his sad, failed life.
He wanted his life to mean something.
What about the gun?
As far as I know,
Stig didn't have access to a gun.
- Did he even know how to use one?
- I don't know.
As long as there's
no connection to the gun
there isn't a book, Thomas.
- [woman 2] Who is he?
- [Stig] He said his name was Sven Anér.
Another representative
from the press corps.
I'll soon need
to get myself a press secretary.
- [Stig] There you are.
- Thanks.
Now, how can I be of service?
Well, as you're aware,
the trial against Christer Pettersson
has meant that the preliminary
investigation was made public.
And that includes
the interviews that were done with you.
- Well, that's nice.
- Um, well
I should be honest,
I can't work out
what you were up to that night.
To start with, the time frame.
According to Skandia's head of security,
you left the building at 23:19,
but in every interview,
you claim to have left at 23:21.
- No, no, no, you don't
- Why is that?
I'm afraid you've misunderstood.
It was 23:21.
Not according to the head of security.
Okay, but it was 23:21.
Then, uh, you claim that you first
helped administer first aid to Palme,
and then you showed the armed police
which way the murderer ran
and then chased after them
to give them a description.
Yes, that's correct.
But according to the people
who we know tried to save Palme's life,
you weren't there at all.
They firmly deny ever seeing you there.
No one saw you run after the police.
And no one saw you return.
In fact, no one saw you
at the scene of the murder at all.
If this is an attempt
to catch me in a lie, I guarantee
Then you claim that a witness
talked to a police officer
and gave him
a description that matched you.
But neither the witness
nor the policeman could be identified.
And the task leader claims
that he's never seen you.
Well, he wasn't
the sharpest mind on the force.
But also, if you did try
to step in and save Olof Palme's life,
why didn't you
say that in your first interview?
Look, I don't have time for this riveting
It should be in your own interest
to straighten things out.
Okay, good day to you.
I could write these questions down
and you read them in your own time.
Yeah, you do that.
- Thank you for seeing me.
- No problem.
[Sven] Dear Stig,
I have spoken to the people
who really were at the scene of the murder
and have now reached the definite
conclusion that you were not there.
There's a chain of fabricated events
that you are trying to get us to believe.
That you helped Palme, spoke to Lisbeth
[Stig] Dear Sven,
not only are you questioning
whether I was at the scene of the murder
but you also claim that I have
simply made up a lot of things.
No one who knows me
would ever make such a claim.
I was most definitely present.
[Sven] Why did you make these things up?
I don't know.
[computer beeps]
[Sven] At the exact moment
the shots were fired,
you disappeared
from the face of the Earth.
Twenty minutes later,
you turned up at Skandia.
[computer beeps]
What were you doing in those 20 minutes?
This is a serious matter.
[computer beeps]
[Sven] All I'm looking for is the truth.
I want to help you out of
the dead-end you found yourself in.
- [beeps repeatedly]
- [banging]
- [Einar] Thank you, that's fine.
- Mm.
Are you finished? Come and eat.
It's really good.
[Einar] Tomorrow it will be six years.
- Since what?
- Since Palme was shot.
[man 4] I'll be damned. Six years?
[Harry] They'll never catch
the bastard who shot him.
- [Sonja] You don't think so?
- [man 4] Not a chance.
Sweden's a bloody banana republic.
I was no fan of Olof Palme, but
it's an absolute scandal that
they can't catch the lunatic who shot him.
- Yes. It's a wound that'll never heal.
- True. Sweden will never get over it.
[Sonja] What do you think, Stig?
What does our
star witness say, Skandia Man?
Did Björn Borg shoot him?
What the hell does that mean?
I was just thinking,
I mean, you're pretty good
at letting your imagination run wild.
Are you questioning my credibility?
No, no, not at all.
I'd never do such a thing.
- No.
- Let's talk about something else.
Because the Swedish
journalist corps certainly doesn't.
The journalist corps?
Do they even remember who you are?
You haven't been
in a newspaper in three years.
- You take that back! Do you hear me?
- Please, Stig.
Calm down, before you have a heart attack.
I'm so fucking sick of your insults.
You can go straight to hell!
- [exhales]
- [Margareta] Please, Stig.
That's it, we're leaving.
No, I'm not going to be
in the same room as this asshole.
- Come on!
- Yes, I'm
[Sonja] But, Stig!
- That was a bit unnecessary.
- Yeah
I'll slap that smug
bloody grin right off his face!
Can you please calm down?
He has been picking on me
as long as I've known him, but that's it!
That bastard will never get near us again.
I won't associate with riff-raff.
Can we hold off
any rash decisions until tomorrow?
Like hell!
We don't need that kind of scum!
We have real friends,
we have people who truly respect us!
Stig we just don't. There's no one else.
We haven't been invited
round for dinner by anyone in so long.
I want that bastard on his knees,
begging for forgiveness!
I haven't been forgotten.
That's a total fucking lie.
Well, if you ever
want to do interview, just call.
Thank you. Thanks. Bye.
[clears throat] Yes, good day,
my name is Stig Engström.
No, no, I just wondering if you
were interested in doing an interview.
Yes, hello, my name is Stig Engström,
better known as the Skandia Man.
If you ever want an interview,
all you need to do is
just call me.
Yes, hello, Stig Engström here again.
Yes, the Skandia Man. Exactly. Yes.
[doorbell ringing]
- Oh!
- Hello, Stig!
- Come in. Get warm.
- Yes.
- Please. Come in.
- Good of you to call.
Yeah, I thought that it might
be interesting for your readers to have
a thorough account of the Palme murder.
Yeah, well, Protection & Safety
is a very specific title.
- So we don't have a lot of readers.
- Yeah, no, no, that's fine.
Well, as you can see,
I'm wearing the same clothes
I wore that night six years ago,
so you could
take some photos or something.
Well, would you like some coffee?
- Sure.
- You can hang your coat up there.
During later interviews
and the legal process,
the nursing assistant had no recollection
of my being there,
or that we'd even spoken.
- What do you make of that?
- Well, I don't know what to think, really.
Perhaps many of those involved
have no desire
to tell more than half-truths,
for some reason.
The policeman, Söderström,
has been suspected,
and the nursing assistant
who couldn't remember me
may have a professional reputation to
to protect.
So what are your theories on the murder?
Perhaps it wasn't premeditated at all.
Maybe it wasn't murder but manslaughter
like an accidental shooting
during a deer hunt.
What do you mean?
[Stig] Um
Witnesses say that the Palmes
were spoken to by a man
who might have recognized them
and wanted to talk to
a real world-famous politician
walking in the street.
He didn't only have enemies.
I think that if this
this great Prime Minister
sneered at you with contempt.
You might
be quite offended by that.
And if the person in question
is walking around with a gun then maybe
he uses it.
Your mind is racing and
you go after
Olof, and put your hand
on his back to stop him.
"That bastard". And then "bang".
[Lisbeth screams]
It's only human, yes?
[Lisbeth] Olof!
But also inhuman.
Then why hasn't anyone turned him in?
The reward is 50 million.
Could be the killer is
is solitary,
a lone wolf.
the truth is too easy.
And that's why no one
wants to think it's true.
- What the fuck is this?
- What's what?
Do you think I'll just
put up with just anything? You evil bitch!
- Get out, Stig.
- Huh?
- Who the hell approved this?
- What?
[Stig] What the fuck this? Explain it!
- You can't talk to me like this.
- You're gonna tell
[man 5] Hey! Hey!
- So this is about a brochure?
- Our new pamphlet for vehicle insurance.
And you're so upset that you have to
interrupt Camilla with a new client?
This type of material's
always been my responsibility.
Now they're developing
their own material behind my back!
- We had to!
- They're breaking everything we agreed to.
We had no choice!
- You cut me out, again and again!
- Yes, because we have to!
- No!
- You never get it done!
- [scoffs]
- He draws it all by hand.
- It's ridiculous.
- By hand?
I will not tolerate this woman
standing here, insulting me, conniving
Sorry, but I don't have time for this.
This is precisely what I mean.
She undermines my authority, my position
Stig. Stig. Stig!
This is unacceptable.
[woman 3] I remember when
you started here. You were so happy.
You brought flowers
for all the women here.
And when you became the chairman
of Skandia's peer association,
you wrote that funny song.
[sings] We're Skandia's comrades
We'll always put Skandia first ♪
Do, do, do, do, do ♪
- How did the rest go?
- Yeah, I
- [laughs]
- I don't remember.
I remember thinking even then
that Skandia was far too small for you,
that you'd soon fly away.
You'd often talk about
starting your own ad agency
and find a good outlet
for all your talent.
It took
a little bit longer than I thought.
- Here's to you.
- Cheers.
[man 6] Well, keep your fingers crossed.
Let's see we can find
what you're looking for.
Here are the files
of all my old customers.
As I said
I can't remember
his name.
But I
I know that I had a customer in Täby.
Hans Holmér was on TV saying that
they searched all of Sweden for revolvers,
but I had several customers
who were never called.
[Thomas] Uh-huh.
- Some who had a Magnum revolver?
- Yes, or the equivalent.
That's how it was
with this Täby guy we're looking for.
Had a fair amount
but didn't hold a license
for everything, if you know what I mean.
Hang on, is it this one?
Yeah, that's it. That's the guy.
Harry Levin.
Uh, is it okay
if I take a picture of this?
[man 6] Go ahead.
[cell phone ringing]
Hi, Petronella.
Hello, um, my name is Thomas Pettersson.
And I'm investigating Stig Engström.
You know, the Skandia Man.
Is it correct
that Harry Levin was your father?
I'm asking because I've discovered
that Harry had a gun collection
and I'm trying to find out
if Stig Engström possibly knew about it.
Dad's gun collection?
So you think Stig got a weapon from Papa
and shot Olof Palme?
Yeah, but I'm not saying
that your father was involved.
If Stig was the perpetrator,
he probably acted alone.
And perhaps even stole the gun from Harry.
But first I have to find out
if this is worth looking into.
[indistinct chattering]
[cards shuffling]
Do you have one for me too?
- So you fold too, have you?
- Yeah.
Hey, what do you say we head down
to the most sacred of all places
and have some fun?
- Somewhere a bit better.
- That sounds great.
I found a lovely bourbon
in Tennessee last time I was there.
- Aged in oak barrels.
- That sounds like it's really something.
[door unlocking]
- Stig! Get in.
- [both laugh]
Welcome to the most sacred of all places.
Yeah. Well
Well, now, Harry
if there's ever a war,
I know where I'm hiding.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
When the Russians come,
we'll turn Täby
into one big partisan unit.
- Here.
- Thanks.
Hey, is that?
- Isn't that?
- That's a .357 Magnum.
Yes, now this is my personal favourite.
The highway patrol police
in the States use them.
It's incredibly powerful.
Would you like to hold?
[dramatic music playing]
FEBRUARY 28TH, 1986 - 20:04
[telephone ringing]
I know we're leaving tomorrow
but I haven't finished yet.
Can't you finish up on the trip?
No, this has to get done tonight.
Oh, well
I've saved you some
meatballs and potatoes in the fridge.
Yeah, but there was no need.
I'll get a bite to eat in town.
All right.
[suspenseful music playing]
[elevator dings]
Off home then?
I'm just heading out for food.
Be back soon.
[indistinct chattering]
[music intensifies]
It has not been proved
that Stig Engström murdered Olof Palme,
but the Swedish police
and Prosecution Authority suspect him.
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