The Unremarkable Juanquini (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

The Echoes of Absence

Get up!
What's that look on your face?
No! We have to celebrate! We're alive!
Alive and free. Free!
Yeah, laugh!
What are you laughing about?
It's silly, I'm sorry. It's just
I just hate that it all fell through.
Wanna know something?
Extraditing Juan Morales would have been
the successful ending
of my work in Colombia.
And you know how I planned to celebrate?
By having a wild night.
And guess with who?
Now that fell through, too.
The president
is about to burst with anger.
He was about to decree
a national emergency and he didn't
because it would be admitting
to the public and the international press
that one of the most wanted
drug traffickers in the world
just vanished under our noses.
And that the magician
that made him vanish, vanished, too!
No one can find out.
It's just that I'm a magician, too.
How do you think
you vanished on the way to the airport?
I've got a wand called "dollar bill,"
and it's really effective.
- So, you
- Yeah, I handed out bribes,
sent death threats to people,
police officers,
the guards that were taking you
to the airport,
polygraph technicians,
that's why we were able to get you out.
I took you out of the armored truck
and not even that agent saw me.
And now you're with me.
Why did you go that far for me?
- Can I be honest with you?
- Please.
It's just that
You remind me of my dad.
The same attitude, the same elegance
the same hands, the same smile.
I want to help you, Dad.
You're a relatively
successful businessman.
You're talented.
But you have
some cashflow problems, right?
So what?
My boss can help you out there.
I don't need any help from your boss.
But you really do need it.
Believe me. You really do.
So what do I do?
Support a young entrepreneur.
Nothing illegal.
It's a favor my boss
needs your help to pay.
Because you'll say yes, right?
There's just one thing.
The girl cannot know
that this came from us.
- Does anyone know how this works?
- No.
My dad knew how to work this thing.
Where are the instructions?
- Only his dad knows where they are.
- No.
- Enough! We'll order something.
- Yeah.
We're not ordering anything.
We're having rice and eggs!
We don't have the money for takeout.
- But Mom!
- But nothing!
You guys have to focus on your studies,
I'll handle the house finances.
Besides, you promised your dad
- that you would
- No!
When we promised,
the situation was different!
We just said what we had to
so he'd be at ease when he left.
- Right.
- There's more important things now, Mom.
We have to focus on getting the money
to pay for Dad's defense.
We need to get to the USA,
get a lawyer there,
we have to get the visa!
- Studying can wait, right?
- You're right.
I think that in this case,
the best thing would be to
- Hello?
- Mónica Morales?
Mónica speaking.
I'd have to see
if I have any room in my schedule,
I'm a very important CEO after all,
I'm very busy.
No! Of course I'm interested.
I read that in the thirties
there was a magician called Houdini.
He was famous for breaking out
of the most secure prisons in the world
under the cops' noses!
And most importantly,
he never denied using trickery,
rather than magic powers.
That's incredible.
That's why I want
the best magicians in the world.
From shows, from TV, from Las Vegas,
from international circuses
and even David Copperfield.
He'll figure out
what the trick behind it is.
David Copperfield?
You want to bring in
a magician "dream team."
- Kind of.
- Good, Agent Smith.
Of course, money will be an issue,
since bringing in a group like that
is beyond our budget, and
We'll handle the budget,
the US government will cover expenses.
You just help with the logistics of it.
Of course.
David Copperfield.
That's the third guard from the convoy.
And according to the polygraph,
the other two were telling the truth.
The whole truth.
I still don't get
how that magician vanished.
And the boss is talking
to that new skinny chick.
And I just know
that she's up to something,
- something
- Something bad?
Not bad, but serious.
So what do we do?
You keep an eye here.
If anything happens, call me
and I'll come running.
I'll talk to the family.
But let me tell you something.
That walking toothpick
won't get one over on us.
- No way in the whole
- World?
- Not the world, the planet.
- Yes, sir.
- You helped me escape.
- But it was an accident.
No! It was magic!
My dad sent you from heaven.
You think your dad is in heaven?
What did you say about my dad?
My dad isn't in heaven?
- He isn't?
- Look, Mr. Ñato,
if you feel grateful,
if you really want to help me,
let me go back to the police.
Please. I'm sure that breaking me out
just complicated everything.
If I escape,
that's like accepting that I'm guilty.
- And I'm not!
- I can't help you!
I'm taking care of you!
This isn't a day trip. I need you.
Finding you is like finding
the goose that lays golden eggs.
With your powers,
and with my ideas,
we can do wonderful things.
At least let me call my family.
They must be worried sick.
They don't even know if I'm alive.
Why did they call you?
Well, they heard
a multinational company had called,
and there isn't anything
more attractive to a business
than another business
eyeing their project,
that's what's called wild capitalism.
What do they want?
They offered a couple of options,
like buying the product,
injecting some capital,
they might even want to become partners.
- Maybe even buy the company.
- The company?
You didn't know your daughter had one?
- That's news to me.
- So, tomorrow,
I'll have a meeting with them at 7:00 a.m.
I'm so happy!
Let's go!
Excuse me?
Since when does a CEO
go to a meeting with her mom?
I don't even know what a CEO is.
But I do know that you're underage,
- you can't be alone, so I'll come too.
- But
- Who could it be?
- I don't know. Go see.
Me? Why me?
- You're the only one not doing anything.
- Wait.
What do you mean? Can't you see?
You're disturbing my creative process,
something transcending
and artistic, Mónica.
Of course. And what's that?
Mom, I'm thinking about my new single.
"Like an egg on a frying pan."
Do you like it?
We don't want what you're selling.
And if it's bibles, we're atheists.
You don't remember me?
I'm Captain González.
I'm here to speak to you about your dad.
- Is what you're saying true?
- Yes.
Sadly, it's all true.
When we opened the armored truck,
the magician Juanquini had vanished.
That's incredible.
And you have no idea where he is?
- No.
- We have no idea.
There's a reason why I'm telling you this.
The only person that can help you here
is me.
That's why I'm asking,
dearly and desperately,
that you tell me everything you know,
because, otherwise, this will get messy.
You might be a captain,
but you won't threaten me in my home!
You made a mistake!
I just wanna say one thing.
My dad didn't vanish.
They made him vanish.
My God.
If they did that,
why would that cop help us?
Because it wasn't the Colombians.
- It was the Americans.
- Mónica!
The phone "Unknown caller."
Answer! They might've found the body.
Hello? Oh, my God. Where are you?
- It's your dad.
- Is it Dad?
I can't tell you, because I don't know
where I am, but I'm okay.
A cop told us you'd vanished
on the way to the airport.
- Dad! Where are you?
- Wait.
It's a long story,
and I can't talk right now.
But I want you to tell the kids I'm fine.
And with a little luck,
we'll see each other again,
- okay, love?
- All right.
Honey, I have to hang up.
Never forget I love you with all my heart.
- We love you, too. Take care!
- No, Dad!
Hang up already.
What did he say? What happened?
He doesn't know, but he said
we'll meet again and that he's fine.
- How did it go, Captain?
- Fine.
- How's everything over there?
- All right.
No results from the polygraph.
But I got something on Agent Smith.
She's bringing in the best magicians
from around the world
to help with her investigation.
She's even bringing in David Copperfield!
After you, Captain,
David Copperfield is my idol.
Can you imagine?
He made the Statue of Liberty disappear
in front of all those cameras.
The man's a genius.
Why are you such a brown-noser?
That's why this country is in this state.
You're a smart, talented producer.
But you haven't had any luck.
Look, I already made a deal with your boss
- and I don't want any trouble.
- Relax. It's not that bad.
All we really want is to help you.
Help me how?
We have a young performer
that, with your help,
and a lot of patience,
could be the star you're looking for.
He's the son of the boss' friend.
All you have to do is find him, sign him,
and we'll handle the rest.
Just one thing.
The boy cannot know
that this came from us.
Magician, I have to tell you something.
You didn't make me disappear.
- You made me invisible.
- What?
When they opened the coffin,
no one could see me.
Not the police, the guests,
the guards, no one!
- Are you sure?
- I'm sure!
I walked out, no one could see me,
I walked around the block for hours,
no one could see me!
I went to one of my houses,
I went to sleep,
and I don't know how you did it, but
- I woke up here next to a cat.
- Matías?
Who's Matías? Your cat?
I have no idea, I didn't see him,
but that makes me rethink everything.
- You are the best!
- Thanks, but
it doesn't help me figure things out.
I have no idea
what I did to make you invisible.
Just do your pose.
- What?
- Your magician pose.
Do it! Do the pose.
Do it. Let's see it.
Captain González, how are you?
- I didn't know you were coming.
- I invited him.
- Are the magicians here?
- All of them.
And they signed
the confidentiality agreement.
They're waiting inside.
Even David Copperfield?
No. We could only get national magicians.
- We couldn't get the foreigners.
- What?
I brought my family
to take a picture with David Copperfield,
what am I going to tell them?
I don't know. But we have to go in,
they're waiting for us.
- Shall we go?
- This is as far as I go, Major.
I've got other things to do.
There's no excuse.
I've got 17 containers stuck at the port.
So what?
Take care of it!
Thanks for coming.
I didn't think you were so young.
- Me?
- Yes.
- Looks can be deceiving.
- So, then
- Well
- First off,
I wanted to introduce my team.
This is Bocanegra, CPA, she's in charge
of foreign business relations.
- And he's Luis Fernando
- Lucho
No, Luis Fernando Ortoñez,
he's in charge of marketing.
All right. Welcome.
Thanks, we're happy to be here,
thanks a lot for having us.
It's very simple.
Like I said on the phone,
we're very interested
in the product you're offering.
I prepared this folder with some numbers
and projections for you to look over.
- Projections
- Give me that.
Let's take a look.
- Understood, counsels.
- We are serious people.
- Have they started?
- Yeah.
Did they do any magic?
That was nice.
Look at that.
Where did he get that?
How did he do that?
Look at him!
They're great. I'm sure they can help us.
Let's hope so. They have to tell us
what happened to the magician.
Juanito was born in one of
the poorest families in the neighborhood.
His mom died before he was born.
Didn't even finish giving birth.
They had to induce birth
to get him into this world.
And he survived.
Almost by magic.
And because of the prayers and faith
I had in St. Juan Bosco,
patron saint of magicians.
And his dad?
Two days after Juanito was born,
his dad vanished,
and no one ever heard from him.
Not a peep.
Juanito grew up in the parish with me.
He studied there.
And I taught him the basics of magic.
Father, between us, I have to ask,
without mincing words, that man
Do you think he can make people disappear?
Juanito is more powerful than he thinks.
In my opinion, he's the heir
of the great magician Merlin.
Then do me a favor, Father,
if the heir of Merlin calls you,
tell him to call me,
convince him that I'm the only one
who can help him.
If it puts you at ease, I'll do it.
They seem more confused than we are.
this reflects badly on you,
because you don't take care of things.
Teacher, I forgot to put it in a folder
You can't forget things like that.
You need to be more organized.
Samuel Morales.
Yeah? Who are you?
I'm Guillermo Borrero,
the man that'll make you
an international music star.
Awesome, right?
The best magicians in the country
in a single room.
Money well spent.
All we did was waste time and money.
None of them found an explanation for
the disappearance of Ñato and Juanquini.
At least my family doesn't hate me
for the David Copperfield thing,
and that's good enough.
Wait a second.
What if Juan Morales was a wizard,
not a magician?
I refuse to believe that.
We could bring all the wizards
in the country to help us.
There's plenty of that here.
There has to be an explanation.
Juan Morales has to be somewhere.
What if he's in an unknown dimension?
The guy I'm talking about heard me online,
he looked me up,
tracked me down, and he wants to record me
and manage my career. How about that?
Are you sure he listened to your song?
I'm completely sure.
He knew the entire chorus of my song.
What can we do?
Life is just smiling down on us.
Dad is fine, we're doing great.
Forget about the rice and eggs,
- let's order a pizza!
- My treat, if you want.
- If he's paying
- But
It's his money!
It's a business call.
I'll be right back.
Hi, Mónica, it's Alfredo. How are you?
Hi. How are you?
In all of my years working
for the American government,
I never had a mission go so wrong.
What do you think about that, Captain?
If it helps, I went
to the Las Delicias neighborhood
to talk to the priest
that raised the magician.
Maybe this man's power is uncontrollable.
Maybe, he just doesn't know
how he does what he does.
He doesn't know how it happens,
so our theory about him
being a mediocre magician
We just have to shelve it.
I hadn't noticed how pretty your eyes are.
I'd better go to the hotel.
I've got a lot to think about.
All of this shit
All of this shit
All of this shit
What do you think? Isn't he great?
I like it, it's got a vibe like
- Like this, but also like
- Like that.
Yeah, kinda like the whole thing
Yeah! You do get him, Guille.
- And this isn't even the best one.
- It isn't?
No, my brother has a spectacular setlist,
- a lot of songs, like
- "Why Was I Born?"
- That one's great.
- That's very deep.
"My Head is Full of Nothing."
- "You Broke Everything Inside Me."
- That one, too.
- That sounds very lively.
- And the newest one,
- "Like an Egg on a Frying Pan."
- "Frying Pan!"
That one is spectacular!
It'll blow your mind.
So, Guille, what are we doing here?
Are we gonna do business?
What if Sami
is the opening act
for J Balvin's next concert?
- What?
- Let's go for it.
Like I said last night,
you'll stay at my house,
because I need you.
Take all the time you need.
Practice your abilities.
And when you're ready,
I need you to make me disappear.
Or make some goods invisible.
- "Goods"?
- Goods.
Goods. Merchandise.
And make it appear elsewhere.
- You can do it! Let's go!
- Let's go!
Let's go! Get in!
Let's go!
- It won't open.
- Over here!
Get in.
I need you to tell my fortune,
make me invisible to hide from my wife,
and the most important part,
put me in touch with my dad in heaven.
I gotta tell you, I'm not a wizard,
I have no idea how I made you disappear.
I can't do anything you want me to.
My dad sent you! There must be a reason.
So you're staying with me.
This is the house
where I've hidden my family.
So welcome to your new home.
Blanquita, give me some milk! I'm thirsty.
- He doesn't know what he's talking about.
- Mom!
- I have to look over
- I have nothing to say to him
- Mom!
- What do you want?
- Okay.
- See what he wants from us.
- He thinks he can squeeze us again.
- Mom!
- So then talk to him
- Mom!
It's not good at all,
what're you talking about?
- That's what I'm saying
- Mom!
Juanquini, let me introduce my family.
And now, your family.
You'll be here a while.
Subtitle translation by Patricia Paz
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