The Unusual Suspects (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

I'm gonna get that bitch.
Isn't her husband
a gangster or something?
Not Rae.
The other bitch
that double crossed us.
Ugh, you've lost me now.
Roxanne teamed up with Rae
to do the dirty on us
so she could keep
all the money for herself.
That's crazy.
Roxanne set us up. No question.
Sergeant, you must
find this necklace.
It's a diamond and emerald necklace.
Huge emeralds with multiple
diamonds around it.
It's worth millions of dollars.
I really must find it.
I am so, so sorry. I made a mistake.
Love hurts, babe.
Don't shoot.
Stop her.
I'm sorry. So sorry.
Go and get her.
What are you waiting for?
She's confessing. Arrest her.
I swear, I did not steal nothing.
I overstayed my visa by accident.
Scrambled as an omelette.
What happened to it?
Probably illegal malware.
How does that happen?
On purpose.
So, who else had access to this room
other than you and your husband?
So what's your gut, Lin?
Professional job?
Amateur job.
This one doesn't even go
all the way through.
So how was it opened?
With the combination.
The fire was supposed
to cover their tracks.
Find anything?
Bloody hell.
This is absolutely ridiculous.
Hey, I didn't do it.
Why would I steal
from my own family, huh?
Yeah, that's a great question.
Let's see how you answer it after
a night in the lock up, shall we?
Your doppelganger's
in a donation bin.
Wanna tell me what
the hell is going on?
As her legal counsel,
I'd advise her against it.
Birdie knows her stuff.
She defended thieves and rapists.
Prosecuted them.
Bottom line, you don't
want to know, darling. I love you.
Now let the women talk.
What the hell, Sara.
You were supposed to act drunk,
not get drunk.
You nearly burnt my house down.
Perhaps I should have.
What's that supposed to mean?
And the CCTV?
What drugs are you on, Birdie?
You lot were all over the house.
You were popping up and down
like meerkats.
I was trying to keep
you out of jail.
Too late.
Cops suspect an inside job.
They've arrested Jordan.
They've taken Amy to Villawood.
She's in detention.
She sacrificed herself to save us.
Save us?
You've got a nerve, Roxanne.
You set us up.
What's this madwoman on about?
She thinks you double crossed us.
Rae stiffed us.
She stole the necklace
and left us with nothing.
Our money is gone?
What money?
There is no money, just neatly cut
paper in overnight bags
that retail at 3K a pop.
God, I trusted that fake-boobed
lizard-necked thieving
I'll kill her.
No. Rox, you can't.
She's right. The cops will be
watching you like a hawk.
Oh, that thieving fucking bag lady.
I will pay her a visit.
I don't think so, Sara.
I'll go. I've faced down
scarier crims than Rae.
Oh, Birdie, sit down.
A light breeze'd blow you over.
Well, I'm not going to fight her.
I was going to reason with her.
What, like Harry the Hammer reasoned
with his associates?
I'll talk to her.
She'll listen to me.
No, I stuffed up,
as you've all pointed out.
I will fix it.
Evie, give me my car keys.
Get back here.
Oh, wow, I'm not putting
my hand in there.
Suck it up, princess.
Go get our money.
Fuck. They all look
the fucking same.
Which fucken road?
Well, if a few hundred carats
fall from the sky, let me know.
So, the word's on the street.
With Jordan still in lock up,
if anyone else tries to move that
necklace, my snitch will tell me.
Who is your snitch?
Must be happy hour somewhere.
One more stop first.
Life-work balance, Lin.
You don't want to be single forever.
What, like you?
Call them from the bar.
Why are you calling me?
Can you text me Rae's address?
No, I can't. It will leave a record.
I am so sick of the government
eroding our personal freedoms.
Just memorise the fucken address,
Hang up the phone.
Well, can you give me
the address first?
17 St Marks Road, Point Piper.
Hang up.
Rae, we need to talk.
Oh, come on, Rae. The joke's over.
OK, Rae, this is how
it's going to go down.
You're going to give me
my money right now.
Oh, God.
Oh, God oh, God, oh, God,
oh, God oh, God.
Dean Wilson,
this is Detective Claudia Lin
from Robbery
and Serious Crime Squad.
If you can give me a call back
on this number, thanks.
Jordan Waters
couldn't lie straight in bed.
But is it too obvious?
Nothing's obvious in your local.
I meant, has he been set up?
OK, great, thanks.
Uniform's have got something
on the neighbour's CCTV.
Tomorrow, Lin.
It's a trinket,
it's not a terrorist plot.
We have a suspect, we're ahead.
Finish your drink, or at least
let me finish mine and then yours
Dean Wilson's on the 'gram.
What did I just say?
This is called working for promotion.
You know that thing that straight
white guys get just for turning up?
We're used as landfill these days.
Oh, boo-hoo.
Come on, let's go
before I burst into tears.
Deano's at The Rocks.
He's got a hot date.
Bye, Daddy.
Stay safe, son.
Give me back my money, bitch, or I'm
gonna tear you limb from limb
Hello, Sara.
Is it a bad time? I can come back.
No, I'm just preparing dinner.
Come in.
Meet Imelda.
We developed a taste
for Latin cuisine in Bogota.
Let me tell you,
my ropa vieja's to die for.
Oh, that's Rocco with ah,
some of his, well, ex-colleagues,
I suppose you'd call them.
I think there's been
a misunderstanding, Rae.
That necklace was stolen
to help people in real need.
(CHUCKLES) In real need?
What, like you?
Like Amy. She will be deported,
with nothing.
And Evie is trying to get her kid
back from her parasite husband.
Oh. That's sad.
Not my problem, though.
What about honour among thieves?
Like aren't we all struggling
Yes, except you've never had to
struggle for anything in your life.
Oh, save me a lecture.
You're a crook, I'm a businesswoman.
Let's start there.
Or let's start here.
In this business,
you are way out of your depth.
See, this man is such a kind soul.
Shame he disappeared.
You know, I could never have kids.
In some ways you ducked a bullet,
but I don't see what that's got
to do with it
Well, it's just I've seen your kids
on social media
and it must have been humiliating
for poor Charlie
to see your fall from grace.
I bet she's bullied.
And God, I can't imagine
what it'd be like
if something happened to one of mine
except, well, I don't have any.
I mean, maybe I did dodge a bullet,
but still, I wonder.
Anyway, how do we keep kids safe?
You know, they're always
on their phones and so vulnerable.
Do you know,
a perfectly well adjusted girl
jumped off The Gap last week?
Yeah, terrible.
So sad.
Anyway, run along now, Sara.
Before this gets ugly.
Client ordered
the best safe we've got.
Titanium, break-proof.
Not that break-proof.
It was cracked.
Do you know anything about that?
No way. I'm just an installer.
I should really get back.
I'm here with Roxanne Waters'
sister, actually.
Got lucky there.
Roxanne's sister?
Yeah, Gigi. We're sort of dating.
She's just over there.
There was a break-in at your place.
These detectives
are just following up.
Roxanne didn't mention a sister.
Oh, that's because I'm not
actually her sister.
It was a funny misunderstanding.
But you live with her.
No. I live across the road from her.
Do you think I'm Roxanne's sister
But, look, I picked you up from
there this afternoon.
You, you were at the Waters'
house this afternoon? Why?
I made a brief appearance
at the party.
Such an Aussie Sydney thing to do.
Gigi, I left all the information
about the safe with you.
Yes. And I gave it to Roxanne.
Maybe we should continue
this conversation in private.
Why don't you come down
to the station and have a chat, Gigi?
You know, we can
straighten all this out.
No thank you.
We're actually on our first date
and it's going really well.
I think maybe
you should go with them.
She's a monster.
She threatened my kids.
This has all gone too far.
Who are you calling?
The police.
You can't do that.
I have to protect my family.
It's not just about you.
We would all go to jail.
Rae threatened you
because you went after the money.
So stop going after it and I'm sure
she will leave us alone.
That's why we chose her.
We chose her because we thought
she was our friend.
Everything's changed.
Yes, everything has changed.
We will be lucky
if we walk away from this at all.
We have no money and we might
all still go to jail.
We have to start acting normal
and get on with our lives.
It was a crazy plan. It didn't work.
Now move on.
How can you be so cold?
If I gave up every time
something was taken away from me,
I would have laid down
and died a long time ago.
We just have to do it the hard way.
We were having such a great time.
You know, he went and got me
a drink, but then he came back
with these two people and they said,
"No, you have to go," and
I didn't He just, he didn't
believe in me at all.
He sent me away like I was nothing.
Just come home, darling.
I'll make you a jaffle.
I'm at the police station.
Don't you say another
word without me there.
I'm on my way.
I'll ask Evie to look in on you and
call Meals on Wheels or something.
I don't need food.
I need vape juice and gin.
I'm offering half a million dollars
for the return of my necklace.
I'm going to flush out the truth,
and free my son of you
once and for all.
He's free of me. He's all yours.
Goodbye, Jeannie. I hope
you're very happy together.
Bye, Grandma.
Um, I'm Detective Lin,
and this is my partner
Well, well, well.
Hello, handsome.
Hello, Birdie.
I heard you'd retired.
Ah, wound down.
I keep my hand in.
Gigi is a friend.
Do you know, your partner and I,
we, we locked up some of Australia's
most wanted back in the day?
He was quite a hit
in the courtroom.
You still married, Detective?
Mmm. I'm still young.
There's plenty of time
to get it right. After you.
After you.
No, no, after you.
There you are, fleeing the crime
scene for a supposed date.
Oh, my God.
If it were a crime to flirt
with a Sydney tradie,
we'd all be behind bars.
Just stating the facts.
Well, try these facts
and see it from where we sit.
Gigi arrives
Knowing there's a children's party
on and everyone's occupied.
She sneaks upstairs and swipes
a necklace from a safe
installed by a bloke she tricked
into revealing the combination
By pretending to be
Roxanne's sister.
She starts a fire to create chaos
And is out again in time to be
collected by Dean for the date
Conveniently arranged.
Which was meant to be her alibi.
Oh, please.
This is hearsay, conflation
and a lot of imagination.
Not when in relation
to a known jewel thief.
You're famous
in the Philippines, Gigi.
Infamous. It's different.
So you see, she has form.
It was a misunderstanding.
An accident. I paid for it.
No, your parents paid for it.
They pay for everything.
And the video still got out.
So they sent you to Australia to
stop the damage to their reputation.
They made you become a cleaner.
You wouldn't like that.
Yeah. I wouldn't like that, either.
So you decided
to take what you wanted.
Roxanne Waters' necklace.
We know you coveted her bling, Gigi.
You posted pictures on your socials.
Oh, Andrew.
I thought the police were supposed
to be good here in Australia.
This is pure speculation
and you know it.
My client will not be answering
any further questions.
Yes, I need some alone time
with my lawyer.
Birdie, we'll consider a plea
if she returns the necklace.
What's that?
Mummy loved instant noodles
when she was growing up
in the Philippines.
Who wants to crack an egg?
Where's Amy?
Where's Daddy?
I wanna go home.
In English, Mummy.
Who wants to watch cartoons?
Hi, this is Amy. Please leave
a message and I'll call you back.
What's happening now?
I'm connecting to what the universe
is trying to tell me.
I know it's not my destiny
to go to jail so
You won't.
There's no actual evidence.
Their case
is entirely circumstantial.
I know.
And they don't know what I know.
Which is what?
Sara's broke.
Evie's husband is a bad man and Sara
can't pay her wages anymore.
Jordan stole Amy's pension fund
and ruined Roxanne's life.
Oh, and that necklace doesn't
even belong to Roxanne.
I see.
Then there's everything
that happened there today.
Sara jumping into the pool.
And what was Evie doing
on the balcony?
And how was Amy involved?
Then there's you
and your sound complaint.
Your boring, fiddly accounting?
You don't like children, Birdie?
No, I didn't believe it
for a second. For a second.
I am going to fix this.
Oh, I know you will.
You're my best Australian friend
and most promising client.
You're going to get
both of us out of this.
I believe in you, Birdie.
SARA: Well, I for one say
we let Gigi go down.
EVIE: What? No way.
I promised her family
I'd look after her.
Were you listening
to a word she said?
Gigi can bust this whole
thing open like a pinata.
Well, Birdie can convince her that
it's in her best interests,
because it is.
She's young.
Jail will be character building.
She can build a following.
Redeem herself.
Become an influencer of note.
A jailbird influencer?
It's a win-win.
Oh, a win for you, maybe.
We should send you to jail, Sara.
You might learn some empathy.
Oh, please.
You defended paedophiles.
I prosecuted them.
Stop, will you?
You're both being as awful
as my monster-in-law.
Excuse me, I am not a racist.
Evie is like family.
Tell her, Evie.
I'm sorry Sara, but it's true.
I know you don't mean it,
but you think your feelings
are more important than ours. Right?
Gigi is not going to jail for us,
end of story.
Fine, Jordan can take the rap.
He's going down anyway.
He's the father of my children.
What about Jeannie? She deserves it.
She's in a wheelchair. How would she
even get up the stairs?
Exactly. And what evidence?
Detective Moran runs a tight ship.
It actually gives me hope
in the criminal justice system.
Oh, great, Birdie. How comforting.
OK, we need some viler than Jeannie
and more crooked than Rae.
A real lying, cheating,
scheming scumba
Oh, my God, I know exactly
who to pin this on.
Evie, what the fuck?
I'm sorry I didn't
take up your offer.
What do you want?
You were right about Sara.
She has the morals of a prostitute.
I know a lot of prostitutes and most
have way more morals than Sara.
So what?
She's having an affair with Jordan.
Poor bastard.
And they stole that necklace,
you know?
The one in the news.
I knew Jordie was in on it
the moment I heard about it.
And Jeannie has offered
half a million dollars reward
for its return.
Do you know where it is?
Jordan was arrested
before he got it out of the house,
and Sara doesn't know where it is.
But I saw you with Jordan.
Yeah. I was with him all afternoon.
He wasn't stealing a necklace.
Because Sara was stealing it.
Sara was passed out.
I saw her on the sofa.
No. That was a mannequin.
Sara was upstairs,
drilling into the safe.
I think we would have noticed
if it was a mannequin on the couch.
Oh, my God.
Sara and Jordan must have been
making you their alibi.
Those two are incredible.
Evil beyond words.
I'm Jordie's fucken alibi?
Yeah. He must think
you're a pushover.
He said he loved my work.
Yeah, I know.
He didn't put down any cash.
Typical Eastern Suburbs
fucken wanker.
How do you know all this, anyway?
Sara drinks too much,
then talks too much
and she forgets I'm even there.
And the police searched,
didn't find the necklace.
And then I saw you, you know,
sniffy-sniffying with Jordan,
so you must know
where he keeps his secret things
that he doesn't want his wife
to know about.
Help me find it,
and we'll split the reward.
How do we get in?
Roxanne moved out, so I can let
you in before I look in on Jeannie.
Tomorrow morning.
Not before.
Did he buy it?
I don't know.
I think so.
He bought it, alright.
He's on the move.
He is so predictable.
Revenge is going to be so sweet.
Don't let anyone see you.
No-one ever does.
Jeannie, are you home?
It's Birdie.
Making sure you have
enough sustenance.
You're an angel.
I know.
Stop complaining, matey.
Coins are still money.
It's not my fault
if you can't count.
The rat is approaching
the cheese, over.
Oh, you can't blame Jordan
for falling for Roxanne.
I mean, I fell for
Gigi's poor little rich girl story.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Mmm, let's take this
out on the deck.
No. Glare gives me a headache.
Oh, why don't you pop on
your sunnies? Here.
Where's my vape?
Oh, here, let's look.
Maybe it's out here.
No vape out there.
Maybe the vape is here.
Hang about, what's that?
Oh. Intruder.
Oh, well spotted.
It's him. It's him.
It's him!
Stand back.
Alright, I'll do it.
Stop, you thief.
Detective Moran, I'm at the Waters'.
Jeannie is being attacked
by a burglar.
Got him.
Citizen's arrest.
Have you seen the intruder before,
Mrs Waters?
Yes, he was the garbage artist.
I recognised him immediately.
I saw him after the fire.
He was wearing goggles,
and he ran when he saw the police.
Got something.
I'm guilty only of being
an opportunist, detectives.
I may even be willing
to push to one side
the vicious assault on my person
if Mrs Waters Senior
gives me the promised reward
for solving this crime.
You know that confessing
won't qualify you for the reward.
I had nothing to do with the theft.
But I know who did.
Ooh, we're listening.
It was Sara Beasley
and Jordan Waters.
I mean, those rich little fucks
are having an affair.
They decided to steal Jordan's
inheritance back from the wife
that's leaving him.
How do you know this?
I was with him on the day,
but he didn't think that I'd noticed
what they were up to.
I went back only to see
if I could locate the necklace.
Only for the reward, of course.
I wouldn't want that
to be misunderstood.
'Course not.
So did Jordan and Sara
come into possession of your drill?
That's not my drill.
Those are your initials
engraved in the base?
And we found it in your studio.
Looks like it was used
to drill the safe.
Forensics aren't back, but my gut
tells me it'll be an exact match.
It was Sara. She must have broken in
and planted it.
She's trying to set me up.
Sara and her nanny.
Oh, fuck, it was Evie.
So it was Jordan and Sara
and Sara's nanny, Evie.
No, it was Evie and Sara.
Fuck. Sara and Evie.
So Sara set Nick up?
No, Nick set Sara up
with the paparazzi photos.
He tried to bribe me
to keep me quiet once I found out.
But she's too loyal.
She told me everything.
It was actually a real
bonding moment for us.
Sadly, the whole thing
came out rather publicly.
The whole sordid affair was splashed
across social media.
The tabloids had a field day.
And unfortunately
the internet's forever.
Why are you trying to turn
everyone against me?
I don't really know Sara
and I've never seen Jordan.
I'm just hidden away in the house.
I'm so tired from
running after these kids
and dealing with these drunkards.
The old drunk, she's always yelling,
"Get me a drink. One more drink.
"Where's my drink? Put me upstairs.
"Why did you leave me here?
Get me downstairs."
I don't know nothing except I want
to escape these awful people.
Please deport me.
It was Nick's idea
to come to the party.
He was going to sell me
some of his art.
He went missing for ages
while the band was playing.
You know, I must have told him Sara
had a thing for me at uni.
That's why he's trying
to pin it on me.
Everyone knows
he's obsessed with Sara Beasley.
My husband would never step out
on me with that woman.
He has standards.
And besides, Sara Beasley
was wasted.
There's no way she did anything
requiring hand-eye coordination.
So, I had one too many spritzers,
and had a little snooze on the sofa.
I've been going through hell
with Nick popping up everywhere,
trying to ruin my life.
And I'm just grateful my husband
stood by me, literally.
He sat next to me in the garage
all afternoon.
And when I woke up, we had the most
incredible heart-to-heart.
And we were so happy afterwards,
we jumped in the pool, like idiots.
I think you'll find there
were many witnesses to that.
That party will always hold
a special place in my heart.
Sara and I connected in a way
that we just haven't before,
and jumping in the pool,
it just felt like the right
thing to do.
I don't know, I can't
put it any other way.
It wasit was cathartic.
That gives them an alibi.
But how did Nick know
the combination to the safe?
Well, if the client didn't
set their own combination,
then anyone with Google
could open the safe.
Gigi didn't tell me.
I had to set a new combination.
Oh, my God.
That girl is the worst cleaner
I have ever come across.
Sit down, please, Mrs Waters.
Nick gave me this.
He wanted me to put it
on Sara's computer.
But I promise I did not do it.
It's Russian malware.
Same as was used to scramble
the CCTV remotely.
Nick gave Evie that USB
four weeks ago.
So he was planning to set Sara up
from the beginning.
It's a pretty elaborate plan.
Yeah, he's a twisted bugger.
I take my hat off to you for putting
it all together, Lin.
We just have one more question
for you, Mr Parker Smith.
If, as you say, you're just a guest
at a kid's birthday party,
why were you leaving the house
like a man fleeing a crime scene?
I've been set up.
They all say that.
I'm innocent.
In my experience.
Your young friend's off the hook.
So, how about that drink we never
had 15 years ago?
I'll tell the cat not to wait up.
I'd quite like to meet your cat.
She's a killer.
I bet she is.
Go on.
Your friend called me.
Told me why you didn't
tell me the truth.
Because I'm not just a cleaner.
But I am just a safe installer.
Dean, you are so much more than that.
Well, that was fun.
Thanks for wasting my fucken time.
Let's go home.
No, Jordan. It's not my home anymore.
I'll bring the boys around
for a visit on the weekend.
We can work out
a shared custody arrangement.
Oh, come on Roxanne.
I told you I was in the clear.
The police jumped to conclusions.
I'm an innocent man.
I'll beat the rap,
just like I beat this one.
They don't send guys like me
to jail.
Goodbye, Jordan.
WOMAN: You done with him, Andy?
Ah, yeah.
Yeah, he's all yours.
Jordan Waters, you are under arrest
for violating the conditions
of your bail
Oh, come on.
Well, your drug test
came back positive, mate.
Welcome home.
Well, that went better
than I expected.
I've had it with people
treating me like a sucker.
I am not a sucker.
Neither, am I.
I want our money back.
I want to wring Rae's neck.
So, do I.
Let's get our money back.
You can't.
The police are watching us.
No they're not.
They've charged Nick.
It's too risky.
Look, if we get caught
we can say to the cops
that we heard that Nick had passed
the necklace on to Rae,
a known mover of stolen goods.
And you decided to do
a home invasion?
No, we're powerful women, Evie,
that need to show that bitch
that women
don't fuck other women over.
OK, sorry girls,
but this is where I get off.
I've got a hot date
and a dodgy knee.
But if you get that money back,
I want my cut.
I'll see you round.
Evie, we're not letting Amy
go home with nothing.
We all have nothing, OK?
And Amy? Amy has a family back home.
Oh, family, family, family.
Jesus. Evie,
you're like a broken record.
Family doesn't replace
two million dollars.
Sara, she threatened your kids.
That was her second mistake.
Fuck Rae. She's going down.
OK, come on.
I think this is it.
Roxanne, you do the bathroom, OK?
I'll take the desk.
You take the walk in.
Evie. You leave them on.
We can't work in the dark.
She'll be at her spin class
for at least an hour.
Plus drinks.
Have you ever seen such bad taste?
I mean, it looks like a brothel.
You'd know what that looks like.
Now what in the name of a shallow
grave are you whores doing
in my bedroom?
Jesus Christ, Rae.
Bitch, you'd better have our money.
No, no, you gambled and you lost.
So get out before I do something
that you regret.
Sara, let's go.
We need that money.
Our gamble was trusting you.
We took the risk and you walk away
with our money?
I don't think so.
We're not leaving without it.
So you want a pair of concrete
Jimmy Choos, do you?
Fuck your gangster crap.
Keep what you're owed
and give us our share.
You still walk away
with two million dollars
for doing practically nothing.
Get out of my house.
Get her off.
Oh, you thieving fucking cow.
Is she dead?
She's dead.
We have to go now. Come on.
Come on.
I killed her.
No. It was self-defence.
Rae pulled the gun on us.
You didn't have a choice.
You were protecting your friends.
We left no fingerprints behind.
It might look like a suicide.
Swear to silence, Sara.
I swear, if we get away with this
one I'll change my ways.
I can be a good person.
I know I can.
These are images from social
media, day of the party.
Why are these four women wearing
cheap children's smart watches?
Because they have
a walkie-talkie function.
No phone records.
The garage goes on the loop at ten
minutes before the rest of the house.
Think about it.
Sara pretends to be drunk.
Roxanne gets Jordan
to put Sara in the garage.
And then they replace
her with a mannequin.
So you think
Nick was telling the truth.
I think he thought he was.
He did say Evie told him the story
about Sara and Jordan.
And you know, lies are more
convincing when they're close
to the truth.
What if Sara screwed up the drilling,
Roxanne couldn't keep the band
playing, and we know she tried.
So she gives her the combination
and that is why Mrs Waters Senior
was heard
going on about the maids, because
Evie went up to check on her.
Though I'm still not sure what Sara
was doing in the pool.
Anyway, as we closed in on Gigi,
they panicked
and, well, they decide to pin it
on Sara's nemesis, Nick,
because they couldn't let a sister
go down for the crime,
which I kinda respect.
The guy's a shark,
a convicted shark, so let it go.
We got our man.
You're in Homicide now, Lin.
You should use
that overactive imagination there.
Shall we test your theory on Birdie?
No, forget about it. I'm out of here.
Don't you tell her any of this.
I promise you, I won't.
He's all yours.
Oh, thanks very much.
What was all that about?
Oh, just Lin
bingeing too much crime TV.
What do you want?
Whatever you're having.
Sex on the beach, please.
Hope the waves are big.
I'll swim between the flags.
Oh, my God.
Rox. Scared me half to death.
You're not still paranoid?
I'm paranoid all day every day,
and not just because I'm a killer,
but that a gangster
might pop up and shoot me,
or a cop will arrest me.
I mean, it's too weird
that they haven't come after me,
don't you think?
Just shoosh, Sara. Enjoy the day.
Evie and I
have gone to a lot of trouble.
Excuse me, so, have I?
It's funny you work for Evie now.
We work together, equally.
I'm an executive.
Sure, babe.
I'm Love Your Nanny Communications
and Social Media Director.
That's my full title.
And you can't talk.
You're on the clinic floor.
But this time, I own the floor, Sara,
free and clear.
The clue is in the name.
Come in for a touch-up. A freebie.
You could use one.
You had me at freebie.
Thank you.
This looks amazing.
So much welcome.
Starving, Mummy.
Don't worry, I've made your
favourite. Pancit-kanton.
Is it gluten free?
Go and get yourself a kombucha.
Hey. welcome home, Evie.
Look, it's Melanie.
Hi, Melanie.
Welcome to Sydney,
mannies and nannies.
Come in, come in. Come in.
This is so nice.
Little Beasleys, this is my Melanie.
Laro tayo ng taguan.
What did you say?
Quick, don't miss out.
Oh, ah, Sara, can you get that?
Hello, Sara.
So as you can see, the rumours
of my death are greatly exaggerated.
What rumours?
Are my kids safe?
Oh, of course they're safe.
I'm not a monster.
The kids were never
in danger, not for a second.
As if I'd let that happen.
What did you let happen, Evie?
I don't understand.
I protected us.
You protected us from what?
From you. You have no off switch.
You would have gotten
all of us caught.
Oh, for Christ's sake, Evie,
just put her out of her misery
and tell them.
As soon as Birdie said
What will bring us down
is what we do afterwards.
No-one can spend the money quickly.
That's how people get caught.
I knew Sara would sink us.
By then we'll have done the heist.
Birdie just said we can't
spend that money fast.
That doesn't apply to me.
So I went to Rae.
So, how're you going to
get them to go for it?
I won't have to. Roxanne will.
They've been trying to think of who
can sell the necklace for days,
so my guess
is she will think of it herself.
But if she doesn't, invite her here
to your next trunk sale.
Such fun.
I always wanted to be an actress.
You played me for a fool.
Yes, but God it all went off
the rails when you two wouldn't take
the doublecross lying down.
From then on, well,
it was a mad scramble to
Try and stay ahead of you.
I can't stop her.
You have to scare her off.
Run along now, Sara,
before this gets ugly.
But you still wanted revenge, so
It's a replica. Only shoots blanks.
Pig's blood.
You know I'm vegan.
The plan was Rae was
going to threaten you.
Get out of my house. Now.
Fuck your gangster crap.
I was meant to grab the gun
and shoot her.
But you were too brave.
She's dead.
So I'm really not a murderer?
No. You're my business partner and
a very good social media manager.
Communications Director.
Yes, and Communications Director.
And Rox's big mouth would have
sent all of us to jail,
so I only told one person.
On my trip to collect Melanie
and sign the house over to Modesto,
I paid Amy a visit.
You knew, and you
didn't tell me, Amy?
Oh, my God, Rox. I was so depressed.
So Evie told me to lift my spirits.
Oh, I'm so excited.
I'm off to look at a house. Whoo.
What about my spirits?
If I hadn't done something,
we would all be in jail.
And I wouldn't have gotten
my Melanie to Sydney.
Oh, my God, Evie.
Never underestimate a nanny.
So we're going to get our money?
Wanna know what eight mill
in cash really looks like?
Spoiler alert, it doesn't fit
into two overnight bags.
And so it goes.
Remind me.
I told you I was
a magnet for miracles.
To losing everything.
ALL: Everything.
I love my nanny.
We love your nanny.
Business partner.
Captions by Red Bee Media
(c) SBS Australia 2021
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