The Valhalla Murders (2019) s01e04 Episode Script


- Where do you want me to start?
- Just Just anywhere.
[Arnar] Where are you?
I'm on my way.
Toti and I are at the station with
seven boxes of records from the Ministry.
- We have to start going through all this.
- I'm on my way.
I'm just around the corner.
Okay, bye.
[Helga] Did you get
ahold of the parents?
[Hugrun] Yes, we did.
Whose parents?
We need a DNA sample to confirm
that these are Tomas' bones.
How does this relate to the case?
Katrin thinks the bones from
Hvalfjordur belonged to Tomas.
He disappeared from Valhalla.
Helga, we didn't see any gray cars
with a broken taillight by the docks.
Not in Borgarnes either.
We just got CCTV footage from
the mall, and Disa is reviewing it now.
We're not sure about the exact date
So we haven't got anything?
Fingerprints? Footprints?
DNA? Witnesses? Anything?
We couldn't lift anything from
the Valhalla photographs.
We're trying to put the pieces together.
- I'll let you know if anything comes up.
- Okay, thanks.
Can you take this?
- Have you finished this?
- Yes.
I'm going to get
Disa to help us.
Yeah, sure.
- Hi.
- Hi, can you help us with this?
- Sure, what
- We need your help with this.
What are we doing here?
We need to find Gudmundur
Finnbogason in these files.
And here you go.
This is just
- Tea?
- Thanks.
[Kata mumbling]
[Arnar] Do you mind, Kata?
You're reading out loud.
[Kata mumbling]
Wait! Wait, wait.
Gudmundur Finnbogason.
He's mentioned in a
testimony from one of the boys.
Is that the Gummi
who took the photo?
It could be. Here! Gudmundur
Finnbogason mentioned again
by another boy.
This is our guy.
No, it's too late. I've made up my mind.
- I can't do this any longer.
- Gummi?
- I have to go.
- Is everything all right?
Yes, of course. Why?
- You left without saying goodbye.
- I just have to run a quick errand.
It can't take that long
to find Gudmundur's address.
[Erlingur] Well, there are
a few of them listed.
One was born in '45, one in
'87, one in '52, 2004, '63, '97
It's Asparhvarf 15.
Asparhvarf 15?
Yes, in Kopavogur.
And he's a surgeon at the Clinic.
Disa and Toti, you go to the Clinic.
We'll go to his house.
Helga, have we tried his cellphone?
Yes, he's not answering.
Are you almost there?
We're just about to arrive.
Try calling his house.
Will do.
Yes, I'm on my way.
I can get myself there.
I told you, I'm not sending you anything.
I'm getting it all together now.
I'll bring it with me.
I just want to tell the truth
and come clean with everything.
Listen, I don't have time
to talk to you now.
[doorbell rings]
[Kata] Gudmundur?
This is the police.
Gudmundur? This is the police.
Go get the crowbar
from the trunk of the car.
Do you hear me, Gudmundur?
This is the police.
We're coming in.
Like that. In. Yes, in.
He's still alive!
Call an ambulance! Gudmundur.
- I need an ambulance.
- We're getting help.
A stabbing.
- Suspect is possibly still at the scene.
- We're getting help.
It's okay. Help is on the way.
Help is on the way.
Goddamn it!
Get in here, all of you.
Why the hell are we always trailing
one step behind this son of a bitch?
The National Police Commissioner
and the entire nation
is breathing down my neck,
and now the Minister of Justice is asking
what the police department
might be lacking.
What we might be lacking!?
What can I possibly tell him?
What do you need? Go ahead, name it.
What the hell do you need?
Everyone is doing their best.
- Is that right?
- Yes.
You could have fooled me.
He was just about to walk out
the door when he hung up on me.
He was on his way here.
And what? Did he say anything else?
No, just that he had some photographs,
which showed the truth about Valhalla.
Have they found those photos?
They're still examining the crime scene.
But we're still on with
the Valhalla boys, right?
Yes, I spoke to two of them yesterday.
- We'll tape the interview tomorrow.
- Okay.
What about Petur Alfredsson?
I just can't reach him.
Okay, I'll speak to him.
It's crucial that we include
him, as he authored the report.
We have tread carefully with
this story, Selma. Very carefully.
The nation is devastated.
Every other person is
afraid to leave their home.
Everyone is going to be glued to
their screens. You realize that, right?
So, they just said on the news
that there was another murder.
That's horrible.
Listen I made some lasagna for Kari.
You can heat it up if you like.
Thanks, but I'm not hungry.
I spoke to him this morning.
Oh? What did he say?
Did something happen or?
Nothing of your concern.
He just seems so down these days.
You can talk to me, Kata.
Something is clearly bothering him.
He's such a sensitive boy.
Mom, he's 16 years old, he just
started high school, there's a lot
Children his age need support and love.
It's so easy to tell others
how to raise their children.
What do you mean?
Maybe you should just focus
on being a good grandmother
and stay out of my business.
You know that we're not allowed
to have contact with him.
Are you coming?
Still, he has the right to know
that our father has passed away.
Of course.
This just isn't the right time for it.
Leave it to us.
Good morning, Sleeping Beauty.
[Disa] Yes, okay. Okay, thank
you very much. Yes, goodbye.
Yes, okay. Yes,
thank you. Goodbye.
No, that's not you?
Okay, then. Yes,
thank you. Goodbye.
Before we get started, I want to thank
you both for coming to do this interview.
I know this is difficult for you,
and we'll take all the time we need.
And if there's anything you don't want
to discuss, we'll skip it. Okay?
When you're ready,
please describe,
in as much detail as possible,
what it was like at Valhalla.
I'm not sure how to describe it
to those who have never
experienced anything like it.
When you're exposed to beatings
and violence at such an early age,
everything somehow
turns crazy in your head.
Everything you think you know
about life and the world
is somehow turned upside down.
What's it been like
to relive it,
in light of the recent murders,
which seem to be connected to Valhalla?
I try not to think about it too much
and to not let it affect me, but
if I'm to be completely honest, then
I couldn't possibly mourn those people
after what they did to us.
How about you, Benedikt?
Do you have the same experience?
Can you tell us anything
about the other boys?
Have you been in contact
through the years?
No, there hasn't been much contact.
After all, some of them are dead.
Others have been in and
out of prison their entire lives.
You have to keep in mind that
most of us come from broken homes
and then we wind up in that hellhole.
I couldn't even tell my wife about
some of the things that happened there.
According to the state's report,
Valhalla was a model institution.
But your account paints
a completely different picture.
Could you explain that?
That inquiry was a total crock.
Nobody wanted to listen to us.
We told them about everything, but none
of it wound up in that goddamn report.
The beatings probably
weren't even the worst part.
The Valhalla staff didn't just
abuse us mentally and physically.
They allowed some man
to come a few times each month
late at night
and he raped us.
I'm sorry.
I can't do this. I have to go.
Hlynur Aegisson, abroad.
What about these two?
I'm just not sure yet.
No, this is taking way too long.
There must be some list of every
boy who stayed at Valhalla.
[Arnar] There was no list in the
files we received from the Ministry.
- No.
- No.
Well, then we have to
look at all the files again,
because we must
have overlooked something.
And he raped us.
I'm sorry.
I can't do this. I'm sorry.
Whoa, this is devastating.
- Did you get in touch with Petur?
- Yes, he's coming for an interview tonight.
Okay, excellent work.
Yes, put him through.
I'm sorry, who is this?
We'll call the police first
and notify them.
Public safety always comes first.
- Helgi, you know
- End of discussion.
At least let me speak to the guy.
- It could give us
- Selma!
Focus on your segment and call the police.
Or do you want
me to do it for you?
Hey, Selma just called.
And what?
You're on your way to
the Holmsheidi prison,
to question our friend
Andres Hauksson.
What does Andres want this time?
- He says he knows who the killer is.
- Bullshit.
He wants to be transferred
to the halfway house
because his daughter
is getting into trouble.
- No, it's different this time.
- Why?
This is Andres.
- Was he one of the Valhalla boys?
- So it seems.
I think it's best that I do the talking.
No problem.
- Hi, I'm Arnar.
- Hi.
Nice to see you again.
Man, I could use some coffee.
Do you want coffee?
No, thanks.
Our sources tell us you called the
media with information about Valhalla.
What can you tell us about that?
Milk? Sugar?
Andres, just tell us what you know.
What I know?
I know you guys have
no idea what you're doing.
You want it to look like
you have it all together,
but you're just as fucked up
as the rest of us.
At least of us on the inside have
the guts to admit we're fucked up.
Yeah, I suppose you're absolutely right.
We're just as fucked up as everyone else.
How are you doing in here?
I get by.
I hear you.
One day at a time.
And your daughter?
How is she doing?
It says here that you have a daughter,
age 13.
Does she come here?
Does she sometimes visit?
What fucking bullshit is this?
I didn't come here to discuss this.
Don't you say another word
about my daughter.
Okay, just as I expected.
Hey, hey. Steini.
- Steini who?
- Halfway house or I won't say another word.
- You're in no position to make demands.
- Kata, I need to get to the halfway house.
My daughter is headed for trouble.
I can't help her from here.
If your information is good enough,
I promise to do everything
in my power to get you transferred.
Steinthor Jonsson, total psychopath.
Steinthor Jonsson is incarcerated.
He was released about a month ago.
Why do you think he is the killer?
It was all he talked about
after he found God.
Warrior for Jesus. Eye for an eye.
Tooth for a tooth. Life for a life.
Did he explicitly say he
was going to kill them?
He strongly hinted at it.
And I believed him.
Men who have killed once
are very likely to kill again.
Steini has never done time for murder.
No, he has never done time for murder.
What's it like to be so stupid?
Who did he kill?
How did he kill Tomas?
I don't know.
He just killed him.
We all knew it.
Steini used to beat us younger boys.
Only Tommi stood up to him.
After Tommi disappeared,
Steini changed.
How so?
He just stopped beating us.
He got all introverted and weird.
Tommi never would've run away that night.
Why not?
Because it was pitch dark and
there was a blinding snow storm.
Tommi wasn't stupid.
Now, you better get me that transfer.
Hey, hey. What is this crap?
What about the halfway house?
I'll do my very best.
Your best? You promised!
If the information was good enough
If you can't be trusted,
you fucking bitch,
don't think for a second
you will survive for long in this world.
- I've got connections out there.
- Hey!
Okay, I'm calm, I'm calm.
Thank you.
Did you get anything out of Andres?
He mentioned Steinthor
Jonsson, who you apparently know.
Oh? What about Steini?
He's one of the Valhalla boys,
according to Andres. Could be the killer.
- It's nonsense. He wants that transfer.
- But we've got to check it out.
Yeah, sure.
I'll run a check on Steinthor.
Kata, a Dagny and a
Kristjan are here to see you.
Tomas' parents.
Yes, of course.
- Want me to handle it?
- No, I can do it.
Dagny and Kristjan?
- Hi.
- Kata.
It never even occurred to me
that this could be our Tomas
- because he was found in Hvalfjordur.
- At present, this is only a theory,
and that's why we need
to run a DNA test.
This is the first tooth he lost.
Kristjan was teaching him
how to ride a bike.
You see, the bike didn't have
any training wheels.
Normally, I would support him
but he insisted
that I let go, so I did
and he fell.
It wasn't serious or anything,
but still, he lost the tooth.
Thank you.
We were always told that he
ran away and died of exposure.
Kristjan himself even
went searching for him
for months.
We were almost divorced.
Kristjan went to rehab
and I was left all alone.
We were so focused on ourselves
that we forgot about our child.
He started hanging with much
older kids, drinking and smoking.
He kept getting into trouble.
And then finally
the Child Protection Agency
removed him from us.
Do you know if he had an
altercation with anyone at Valhalla?
An altercation with anyone?
He at least never mentioned
anything about it to us.
Then again, we weren't allowed
to see or visit him that much.
I'm afraid I have to ask you
to take a look at something.
Do you recognize these clothes?
Are these
the clothes that were found
in Hvalfjordur?
I will contact you
as soon as we have the results.
Thirty years.
It took you 30 years.
I have to get out of here for a while.
Okay, I'll join you.
- My son.
- Yeah.
High school kid.
Well then, what's it like to
be back on this cold island?
It's pretty much what I expected.
Wasn't your dad sick or something?
Have you been able to visit him?
Is he seriously ill, or?
I'm sorry to hear that.
I hope you manage to see him again,
before you go back to Oslo.
That might be difficult.
Yeah, so he passed away last night.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
That's life.
- Excuse me, do you mind if I also listen?
- Go ahead.
It was kind of like
living in a nightmare.
I thought for years that I had
simply made most of it up.
They put drugs into our soda
and we were raped.
We were taken down to the basement
into a dark room where you
couldn't really see anything.
I remember the sounds, though.
The dripping water.
It was like a shower or a leaky faucet.
Then the breathing.
And the moaning.
Then he left me
a present
with his knife.
These startling accounts confirm
that the official Ministry report
does not tell the whole story of Valhalla.
Would you agree?
Yes, well, we couldn't include
unconfirmed stories and possible falsehoods
in an official, state-sanctioned report.
Are you implying that these men
who have now come forward are lying?
No, no, not at all.
But the staff always denied
these accusations.
Why were the staff given
the benefit of the doubt over these men?
Simply because we were unable to find
any evidence to support their allegations.
- So there was an investigation?
- Of course.
But you have to agree that this
does not look good for the Ministry.
Look, if you're asking if I would
have done things differently, if given
another chance, then the answer is yes.
- Do you take responsibility for this?
- I do.
This society is out of its mind.
I've got to take care of something.
Hi, my name is Katrin. I'm with
the Criminal Investigations Department.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I just wanted to ask
Telma a few questions.
I thought she had already
answered all your questions.
We just need to clarify a few details.
Oh? Come on in then.
Thank you.
I hadn't planned on going to the party.
But my friend called me and said
that a boy she liked would be there.
So I decided to go with her.
How many people were there?
Twenty, maybe more.
I didn't know everybody there.
What happened?
When people started snorting stuff,
I wanted to leave.
But my friend asked me
to stick around because of that boy.
And then what?
We just kept on drinking.
I went outside for a smoke and started
chatting with some older boys.
When I came back inside,
everybody was leaving,
so I started looking for my friend.
But I couldn't find her.
I was pretty drunk at that point.
So I laid down in a bed
and fell asleep.
Everything you remember
can be of help to us.
I woke up when
they were fondling me.
And I froze.
I didn't dare move.
I tried to say something,
but they rolled me over to my stomach
and started undressing me.
They took my pants off first.
One of the boys said he'd always
wanted to take a girl from behind.
And then they took turns.
While one of them was on top of me,
another had his hand over my mouth.
I know this is difficult for you.
I have a few photos
I would like to show you.
You don't have to look at them,
not if you don't want to.
It's okay, I can do it.
Do you recognize any of these boys?
Are any of these boys
the ones who did this?
These two were there.
How about this one? Was he there?
Do you remember if this one was there?
[Johanna] That's enough. Stop it!
Was this one at the party?
Do you remember this boy?
- We're done.
- Take a better look. Do you remember?
- We are done here!
- Of course, sorry.
Thank you. All of this helps.
We'll be in touch.
There was one thing.
The one who recorded the
video was wearing a red hoodie.
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