The Victims' Game (2020) s01e04 Episode Script


The Victims' Game is a work of fiction
that includes scenes
of violence and suicide.
The scenes might cause
uneasiness or discomfort
and can be offensive to some people.
Viewer discretion and
professional assistance are advised.
[plastic rustles]
[Ping-yao] Sir, take a look.
It's good, right?
[Mr. Ko] Why do you think
we'd want to collect your artworks?
[Ping-yao] Hold on.
It's because I have potential.
I have endless possibilities.
Besides, I just need someone
to spot my talent.
Sir, you are the one.
[tongue clicks]
I don't mean to belittle you.
You paint very delicately.
You can imitate works of impressionism
and fauvism very well.
I can't see the soul in your artwork.
My soul is up to you to create.
Trust me.
Give me a chance.
I definitely won't let you down.
- Look
- [bell rings]
Hey, Ms. Hsiang.
- Hey, Mr. Ko, it's been a while.
- [Mr. Ko] It's been a while.
Did the Japanese
cultural exhibition go well?
[woman] It was fine. It just ended.
[Mr. Ko] Visit us often.
- Certainly. I must come and have a look.
- [Mr. Ko] Uh-huh.
- Mr. Ko.
- [Mr. Ko] Huh?
- I would like to know who carved this.
- [Mr. Ko hisses]
[Mr. Ko] This I don't know.
Hey, Ping-yao. Come here.
This is Ms. Hsiang, the chairwoman
of the Association of Art Critics.
She's also the founder
of Vision Arts Foundation.
Ms. Hsiang just had
an exhibition in Japan.
- Oh.
- [Ms. Hsiang] Nice to meet you.
[Ms. Hsiang snickers]
- Uh, nice to meet you.
- [Ms. Hsiang] Just call me Sherry.
Nice to meet you.
- [Sherry] Mr. Ko.
- [Mr. Ko] Huh?
Can you look up the artist who made it?
[Mr. Ko] Ping-yao, who brought this here?
- This one.
- [Ping-yao] I did.
- You brought it?
- [Ping-yao] Yes.
Do you know who made it?
[Sherry] I'm looking for exhibits
to display next year.
[Mr. Ko] I see.
[Sherry] I think I would like
to have a chat with this artist.
Do you know the name of this artwork?
It's called The Shadow.
The Shadow?
[eerie music]
It's carved from a single piece of wood.
It's not joined together.
What's more, look at the middle.
All the details are well presented.
I have more in my car.
[in English]
[Sherry in Mandarin]
Show me.
That way, please.
[bell rings]
[door closes]
[mallet thumps]
[engines squeaking]
[mallet and chisel thud]
[Ping-jung] Did you sell it?
I got a good price for it.
What about my wood sculptures?
They are at the gallery.
[Ping-yao] They want to take another look.
[radio button clicks]
[low static]
[Sherry] Dear listeners, hello!
Welcome to Vision Gallery.
I'm your host, Sherry.
We're very pleased to invite
a very special wood sculptor,
Mr. Chuang Ping-yao to our show today.
Uh, Ping-yao and I met three years ago
because of his artwork, The Shadow.
I'm very happy to invite him
to the show today
to share with you his creative concept.
Here, Ping-yao.
Say hi to the listeners.
[Ping-yao] Hello, everyone,
I'm Chuang Ping-yao.
[Sherry] Ping-yao,
do you know why your artworks
have always attracted me?
[Ping-yao] I think it's because
you don't dislike me.
[Sherry and Ping-yao laughing]
[Sherry] Of course not.
Why are you so humble?
You're very gifted.
I have to say, it's always amazing
when you produce something new.
Your artworks are like
a light in the dark.
Even if the light is very dim,
it can still attract everyone's attention.
[Ping-yao] Mm, thank you.
I think I do my best to express
the most genuine and sincere emotions
through my artworks.
[Sherry] Exactly, it is
this sincerity and genuineness
- [wood cracks]
- that make me so fond of your artworks.
- [Ping-jung screams in anger]
- You should tell the listeners about
- how you first created The Shadow.
- Chuang Ping-yao.
[Sherry] I remember it had to do with
a story that your mom told you, right?
[Ping-yao] I remember, when I was a kid,
my mom told me a story about two dogs.
One is called Lucky, and the other, Black.
They both hate their shadows.
However, when the sun is out,
shadows appear.
Lucky thinks that by shutting his eyes,
he won't see his shadow.
But he doesn't expect Black
to be hiding under his shadow.
By doing so, Black can't see
his own shadow.
I think this is the concept
when I created The Shadow.
[Sherry] Wow! Thank you, Ping-yao.
Everyone, now you'll understand
that most of the creative ideas
of every artist
actually come from
an interesting story in their lives.
[silent sobbing]
[low static]
[theme music]
[birds chirping]
[water gushing]
[light splash]
[paper rustles]
[ominous music]
[Kuang-yung] Hello, Peng Yi-ling.
I know you might find this abrupt.
Are you wondering why
you received this letter?
I am the sinner who killed
your dad 40 years ago,
Liu Kuang-yung.
I don't dare to ask for your forgiveness.
I only hope that my death
can relieve you of your suffering,
so that you will no longer be angry.
[paper crumples]
[water gushing]
[insects chirping]
[eerie music]
[eerie music continues]
[Liao] Did you contact
your brother recently?
Who does he usually contact?
Or where would he go?
[deep inhale]
[Ping-yao] I really don't know
where he would go.
What about his family?
Friends and relatives?
[heavy sigh]
I really don't know.
- Who are you lying to?
- [metal clanks]
Your number was on his call records.
You don't know anything? Huh?
[paper rustles]
[Cheng-kuan] Your brother went missing
after the news came out.
Do you know what this means?
It means he might be behind
the warehouse homicide.
[deep sigh]
How is it related to me?
Are you acting dumb?
How is this not related to you?
He's your brother!
He's not just missing.
[Liao] We don't know
if he's dead or alive.
[Cheng-kuan] You've taken advantage
of him for so long. He's now in danger.
Do you have any conscience, huh?
[deep breathing]
I used him.
So what?
What is conscience?
After my brother lost his eyesight,
my parents made a lot of effort for him.
They spent so much money and time on him.
Do you have any idea?
Who took over
after my parents died? I did.
I took care of him.
I handled all of his meals,
necessities, and accommodation.
Why would I feel bad?
I don't feel bad at all!
If you were me, what would you do?
Excuse me.
[Ping-yao] Was I wrong
to sell his lousy artworks?
I just happened to do so.
[deep sigh]
[doorknob clanks]
Fuck, this guy is really sick.
Just listening to him
is giving me a heart attack.
- [lighter clicks]
- Kuan.
- Yes?
- Does he really have something to do
with Chuang Ping-jung's case?
[Cheng-kuan exhales]
Get the paperwork done. Let him go.
You're going to let him go?
Why don't you arrest him?
No, we arrest
[phone ringing]
[ringing continues]
[operator] You have reached
the voicemail
[keypad clacking]
[Ta-tse] Hey, the scoop
on Chuang Ping-yao was really good.
This time, it's a double bonus.
Thank you.
What is it?
You usually gloat when you get a scoop.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
- I'm just a bit more tired lately.
- [Ta-tse] Ah.
How's the Last Wish Murders story going?
There's no progress yet.
Information is kept strictly confidential.
You're on great terms with the police.
Seize this opportunity.
Pull yourself together.
If you don't, Yu-hsuan will surpass you.
- Mm-hm.
- [Ta-tse] Get back to work.
I seem to remember it.
I've heard of it before.
[journalist 1] What? That happened
almost 40 years ago.
Stop dissing me.
[journalist 2] Yu-hsuan,
you're really awesome.
You're faster than cable TV.
You even have photos.
[Yu-hsuan] It's not like that.
It's because I used to work
on local news in that area.
- [phone beeps, vibrates]
- I know the local police
and I happened to be nearby.
It was sheer luck.
Eh, why was he the only one
among those four murderers
that wasn't sentenced to death?
- [Yu-hsuan] He was a minor.
- [journalist 3] Oh.
Liu Kuang-yung was only 17 years old then.
[journalist 2] Isn't that lucky of him?
[journalist 1] It's been years.
He only killed himself out of guilt now.
Isn't that really insincere?
Chou Yu-hsuan.
[Yu-hsuan] Yes.
[Hai-yin] Did you take this photo?
Yes, what's wrong?
You said the corpse
was totally decomposed.
How are they sure it's Liu Kuang-yung?
Well The victim's daughter reported it
to the police.
She visits the suspension bridge
on the anniversary to mourn for her dad.
She received the will Liu Kuang-yung
wrote her this morning at the bridge.
- Do you have the original photo?
- Yes.
Send it to me.
[broadcaster 1] We once had
a special program about
the top ten kidnapping murders,
which introduced Liu Kuang-yung,
who escaped death sentence.
He would have been 56 years old now.
Back then, Liu Kuang-yung
and his colleague, Chen Chi-shan,
kidnapped the head builder,
Peng Tsung-ming,
for a ransom of two million dollars.
However, after receiving the ransom,
they still killed Peng.
Liu Kuang-yung was only 17 years old then.
According to Criminal Law,
criminals under 17 years old
or over 80 years old,
are exempted from the death sentence
and life imprisonment.
Therefore, he escaped death.
Ms. Peng, please tell us.
- What's your view on Liu's suicide?
- Did you see the corpse?
Do you take his suicide as an apology?
[broadcaster 1] We've found the victim,
Peng Tsung-ming's daughter, Peng Yi-ling.
After her father died,
she and her mother
made a living running a food stall.
However, about a month ago,
her mother passed away,
leaving Peng Yi-ling all by herself.
Even though it's been almost 40 years
since her father was killed,
it seems that Peng Yi-ling
hasn't moved on from her loss.
[indistinct chatter]
[car door opens]
[car door closes]
[Hai-yin] Liu Kuang-yung wrote in his will
that he hoped to be forgiven
by the victim's daughter.
It seems like it was his last wish.
[rain pelts]
[Hai-yin] They couldn't identify
the body right away.
These are all similar to what you said
about the Last Wish Murders.
that body is Chuang Ping-jung
it is all my fault.
Does this mean that
Liu Kuang-yung also saw
his last wish fulfilled?
[thunder rumbles]
The body hasn't been identified
as Chuang Ping-jung yet.
[car door closes]
[leather squeaks]
[phone rings]
- Chen Yao-hui.
- [Hui] Hello?
When are you doing
Liu Kuang-yung's autopsy?
[Hui] I already did it.
[water pelters]
[Hui] You're here.
[door thuds closed]
[haunting music]
[Yi-jen] It's Chuang Ping-jung.
[Hui] What? How did you know?
The dental X-ray is a match
for Chuang Ping-jung.
There's also a fatal dosage of fentanyl.
There's no water in his lungs or trachea.
He was dead before he hit the waters.
- But it's quite odd.
- [leather rustles]
The physical appearance of this corpse
indicates he died over a week ago.
However, in the autopsy,
the condition of the organs indicates
that the time of death
was within the last three days.
- [squelches]
- [Hui] Is this some sort of algae?
Should we check for its species?
[Yi-jen] I'll do it.
Does Chao Cheng-kuan know?
[Hui] I told him
right after you called me.
[gloomy music]
[loud bang]
[door opens]
[Liao] We were misled
about the victim's identity again.
What is the murderer thinking?
What trick is this?
[sucks air through teeth]
[water gushing]
[birds chirping]
[suspenseful music]
[light footsteps]
The body was so decomposed.
[Hai-yin] So he should have been dead
for some time, right?
Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
The body was smeared
with pseudomonas aeruginosa
to speed up the decomposition.
- So the victim is
- Chuang Ping-jung.
[heavy exhale]
[suspenseful music]
My news article fulfilled his last wish.
It only takes one person to know the truth
to fulfill Chuang Ping-jung's last wish.
Before your news article was published,
Chuang Ping-jung was already dead.
According to the pattern,
Liu Kuang-yung would be next.
[distant footsteps]
[Ping-jung] It's a pleasure to meet you.
I hope you find her soon.
She's been waiting for you
for a long time.
[wood clacks]
[paper rustles]
[Liao] Mm-hm.
Okay, thank you.
[phone clanks]
Liu Kuang-yung's wife just called.
She said Liu Kuang-yung left home
early in the morning.
She's waiting for us.
The handwriting matches Liu Kuang-yung's.
[Liao] Again?
It's a serial murder.
[tense music]
[paper rustles]
[Cheng-kuan] Liao.
- Let's go.
- [Liao] Uh, okay.
Get to work. Make money.
- [thunder rumbles]
- [rain patters]
[Hai-yin] Do you have
Liu Kuang-yung's address?
What are you doing?
I just confirmed that no other media
has a recent photo of Liu Kuang-yung.
[Hai-yin] It means, apart from the police,
no one knows what Liu Kuang-yung
looks like since he was 17 years old.
It's the same with Peng Yi-ling.
Can you at least tell me
which district he lives in?
Peng Yi-ling also lives
in Jiagang District.
This can't be a coincidence.
[engine starts]
[Hai-yin] Anyway, we don't
have any other choices.
Let's take a look first.
[engine revs]
[knocks on door]
[Liao] Is anybody home?
[door clanks open]
[Cheng-kuan] Uh.
[Mrs. Liu] He isn't my husband?
[Cheng-kuan] Mm-hm.
But the handwriting on this will
[Cheng-kuan] Yes.
But Liu Kuang-yung
has been ruled out as the victim.
I don't get it.
- But the news said
- [Cheng-kuan] Mrs. Liu.
We can't explain too much to you.
You just need to know
that the victim isn't Liu Kuang-yung.
We have to find him right away.
[Liao] Where does he usually go
or who does he usually contact?
No one.
My husband doesn't have any friends.
Did he seem odd?
Mrs. Liu.
[Cheng-kuan] You have to understand
that this is a serial murder.
Your husband might be in danger.
In order to protect him,
please think very carefully.
Since we moved here last year,
he hasn't talked that much.
He became quieter.
He also came home later than usual.
[Cheng-kuan] What about last year?
Did anything happen last year?
[journalist 4] Ms. Peng
[journalist 5] Can you answer us?
[journalist 4] Ms. Peng, can you
come out here for an interview?
[Yi-ling] I don't want to be interviewed.
[journalist 4] Do you accept
Mr. Liu's suicide as his apology?
Maybe you can just nod or shake your head.
- [door closes]
- [journalist 5] Ms. Peng.
Can we come over later or tomorrow?
- [car door opens]
- [Hai-yin] Hey, hold on.
Wait for a second.
[journalist 4] Forget it, let's go.
[car door closes]
One day, someone found him by the sea.
A man saw him.
He was very drunk.
He was walking back and forth
on the banks.
[Mrs. Liu] Then he fell.
Luckily, that man saw him.
[gloomy music]
I later discovered
that he didn't fall over.
- Was it a suicide attempt?
- [Mrs. Liu sniffing]
After that, he said he wanted to move.
[Mrs. Liu] I thought it was for the best.
A new environment might be good for him.
That's why we moved here.
[hurried footsteps]
Chen-chen, come here.
Good girl.
- [Mrs. Liu] Sit still.
- Who is she?
Our neighbor's child.
I am a nanny.
My husband didn't want kids.
I didn't mind.
[Mrs. Liu] As a nanny,
I can play with kids as well.
[Cheng-kuan] Do you know about
Liu Kuang-yung's criminal record?
I do.
[Mrs. Liu] And
I also know how much he regrets it.
- [car beeps]
- [car door opens]
[car door closes]
[car engine starts]
[phone rings]
[Fatso] Hello, Yi-jen?
- Have you found him?
- [Fatso yawns]
[Fatso] Not yet.
Kuan won't let us clock out.
He said he has new information on
Liu Kuang-yung and wants us to stand by.
- Do you have any new clues, Yi-jen?
- [Hai-yin] Fang Yi-jen.
[Fatso] Any new clues, Yi-jen?
- Hello?
- [Kuang-yung] Ms. Peng!
Ms. Peng!
- [door opens]
- Are you closed today?
[Yi-ling] Come in.
Fang Yi-jen, is that him?
- [car door opens]
- Fang Yi-jen.
[journalist 6] The kidnapping murder case
of Peng Tsung-ming that shocked Taiwan.
Peng's daughter, Peng Yi-ling,
brings flowers every year
to mourn for her father at Jiuyi Pond.
- Earlier, Peng Yi-ling found the body
- [Yi-ling] All day long,
- of the kidnapper, Liu Kuang-yung.
- those reporters made me
[journalist 6] I'm here at Peng Yi-ling's
food stall to interview her.
But it seems that Peng's daughter
is still in mourning.
- She refused to talk.
- [Yi-ling] Wonton soup?
- Here's the footage from earlier today.
- Sure.
- Mm-hm.
- [reporters chatter indistinctly]
- [Yi-ling] We're closed today.
- Ma'am.
- [Yi-ling] We're closed today.
- We just
I know. We've been around,
but there aren't any other stalls.
We'll be quick.
Uh, two bowls of braised pork rice,
fish ball soup, and a mixed platter.
[Hai-yin] Thank you.
- [chair clanks]
- [Yi-ling] Take a seat.
[broadcaster 1] We once had
a special program
about the top ten kidnapping murders,
which introduced Liu Kuang-yung,
who escaped death sentence.
He would be 56 years old now.
Back then, Liu Kuang-yung
and his colleague, Chen Chi-shan,
kidnapped the head builder,
Peng Tsung-ming,
for a ransom of two million dollars.
However, after receiving the ransom,
they still killed Peng.
Liu Kuang-yung was only 17 years old then.
- [fire crackles]
- According to Criminal Law,
criminals under 17 years old
or over 80 years old
- are exempt from the death sentence
- [broadcaster 2] Next, a social news.
This morning on the beach
in Chengbei District,
- a couple was jogging along the coast
- [Hai-yin] Thank you.
when they found a 20-year-old male corpse
with dismembered legs and arms.
[broadcaster 2] The police
are still searching for the limbs.
Based on the current clues, police
preliminarily consider the murderer
- Wonton soup.
- Okay.
[bowl thuds]
I remember you once told me
if that jerk was dead,
you might feel a bit better.
Don't think too much.
This is actually good.
[Kuang-yung] You can
move on with your life.
[Yi-ling] Yes.
[chopsticks clink]
[money rustles]
[coins clatter]
[coins clinking]
[spoon clanks]
[chair clatters]
[haunting music]
[bus beeping]
- [car door opens]
- [hurried footsteps]
- [car door closes]
- [bus engine revs]
[car door closes]
[car engine starts]
[car engine revs]
[tense music]
[Hai-yin] Is this
the direction to his home?
[police] Attention, Third Corps.
We have Liu Kuang-yung's location.
He's approaching Sijiaoting Station.
All personnel, head over there now.
Arrest him on sight.
[suspenseful music]
[tires screech]
[music intensifies]
- Is he going to lie on the tracks?
- [car door opens]
- [car door closes]
- [hurried footsteps]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music continues]
Inform the police.
- What are you doing?
- I'm going to the police.
Don't inform the police.
- Don't inform the police.
- Hey!
[shoes squeak]
[tense music]
[muffled female voice on speaker.
[train horn honks]
[hurried footsteps]
[Liao] Liu Kuang-yung, stop!
- Liu Kuang-yung!
- [Hai-yin gasps]
[train whooshes]
[Yi-jen] Chiang Hsiao-meng.
- [Liao] Fuck, where is he?
- [Fatso] On the track.
[Liao] Liu Kuang-yung!
- [Cheng-kuan] Don't move!
- [Liao] Get down!
- Don't move!
- Liu Kuang-yung, where are you going?
[Liao] Get down!
[Fatso] Get down! Don't move!
[Cheng-kuan] Take him away.
[Liao] Get up.
Get up.
[Fatso] Move.
[Liao] Behave!
[tense music]
Thank you.
How did you know
he was going to the station?
I noticed Liu Kuang-yung
doesn't have a car.
He usually takes the bus.
I had someone look into it.
A bus driver on the night shift
reported that he saw him
on the reserved bus to Sijiaoting Station.
We headed right there.
- [Cheng-kuan] Hey, Liao?
- Yes?
[Cheng-kuan] What did you find on him?
Nothing, just some coins
and identification.
[Fatso] Kuan.
Why did Liu Kuang-yung run when he saw us?
I asked him in the car,
but he wouldn't answer.
[Hai-yin] You went overboard just now.
It's his choice
if he wants to commit suicide.
You thought you saw Hsiao-meng, right?
If it had been Hsiao-meng today,
would you say that too?
[Hai-yin sighs]
[siren wails]
[tense music]
[tense music continues]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[screen door squeaks]
- [Cheng-kuan clears throat]
- [door closes]
[Cheng-kuan] Mr. Liu.
Do you know why we looked for you?
[Liao] Here, take a look.
Do you know them?
Do you know them or not?
[photo rustles]
[Cheng-kuan] This body
It was found in Jiuyi Pond this morning,
but it was mistaken as you.
On the suspension bridge,
we also found your will.
What was your will doing there?
[lock clicks]
[Cheng-kuan] Are you involved
in this murder?
If not, why did you run
when you saw the police?
[Liao] Mr. Liu, please talk to us.
You're in grave danger, do you understand?
Please tell us everything that you know.
Liu Kuang-yung.
[Cheng-kuan] Do you know that your wife
is worried about you?
She didn't know what happened,
but she's been crying all day.
She kept telling me
that you're a very kind man.
She refuses to believe
you're capable of murder.
[Cheng-kuan] For your wife's sake,
shouldn't you explain
what exactly happened?
[suspenseful music]
They weren't murdered.
[Kuang-yung] They all killed themselves.
[Cheng-kuan] They killed themselves?
What does that mean?
How do you know they killed themselves?
Liu Kuang-yung, explain it to us.
[door opens]
We didn't get to the point
after hours of questioning.
Whatever it is,
we can be sure that Liu Kuang-yung
is involved in this case.
Kuan, do you think what he said is true?
[Fatso] Those people killed themselves?
[Cheng-kuan] Do you think
it's that simple?
- Where is his wife? Is she here?
- [Fatso] She's here in the office.
Go over to her. I'll catch up.
[phone rings]
Hello, sir?
Excuse me. Do you have a minute?
I have a plan to discuss with you.
[door opens]
[door closes]
- [door squeaks]
- [Liao] Kuan.
[Mrs. Liu] How is my husband?
Where is he? Where?
Mrs. Liu, calm down.
I talked to your husband.
Here, let's sit and talk.
Did he say anything?
I realized that your husband
is involved in a murder case
we are investigating.
[Cheng-kuan] Mrs. Liu.
In order to stop the murders,
the police need your help.
[Yi-jen] Where were you going?
The money on the table.
Did you buy a ticket with it?
Tell me where you're going.
[photo rustles]
[Yi-jen] How are you related
to Chiang Hsiao-meng?
Tell me, does she also
want to kill herself?
- [metal clanks]
- Tell me.
[breathing heavily]
Please tell me.
- [Cheng-kuan] Liao, get the car.
- [Liao] Yes.
Does Chiang Hsiao-meng
also want to kill herself?
Tell me.
Does Chiang Hsiao-meng
[door opens, squeaks]
[Cheng-kuan] Mr. Liu.
You can leave.
[door closes]
[Cheng-kuan] Remember, keep an eye on him.
Inform me if anything comes up.
We'll be nearby.
[insects chirping]
[thrilling music]
The car key.
- [Liao] Here.
- Let's go.
[hurried footsteps]
[car whooshes]
[tense music]
[tense music continues]
- [Mrs. Liu] You're really hungry.
- Yes.
- [Mrs. Liu] Is it good?
- Yes.
Do you remember the first time
I made these noodles for you?
The first time I went to your home.
I remember
you were also in a terrible mood that day.
[Mrs. Liu] But after having
the noodles, you smiled.
I remember it.
[Mrs. Liu] As long as
As long as we're together,
there's nothing we can't overcome.
Thank you.
Liao, get some sleep.
I'll wake you up in two hours.
I'm going to have a smoke first.
You want to smoke?
Do you want them to know we're here?
Just go to sleep.
[chair cranks]
- [Liao exhales]
- [Cheng-kuan sighs]
[Kuang-yung] My dear.
Can you make me another bowl of noodles?
[beads clatter]
[phone vibrates]
[soft voice]
I see.
[gloomy music]
[door clanks close]
[gloomy music]
[chair clatters]
[doorknob clanking]
[Mrs. Liu] Dear.
Dear, open the door.
Liu Kuang-yung!
Liu Kuang-yung, open the door!
- Liu Kuang-yung
- [tapping on door]
Liu Kuang-yung, open the door!
Liu Kuang-yung
[gloomy music]
[rain pattering]
[Hai-yin coughs]
[young Hai-yin] Mom.
Dad, wake up.
Mom, wake up!
Dad, wake up!
- Help!
- [tapping on door]
Help! Help!
[closing theme music]
Afraid to reach out ♪
Pretending not to care ♪
It's okay, I'm persuading
Myself every day ♪
Still rooted in place ♪
Waiting for you and for myself ♪
And walk into my heart ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
How I wish to have you ♪
To make my existence worthwhile ♪
Afraid to reach out ♪
Pretending not to care ♪
It's okay, I'm persuading
Myself every day ♪
Still rooted in place ♪
Waiting for you and for myself ♪
And walk into my heart ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
How I wish to have you ♪
To make my existence worthwhile ♪
Do you truly ♪
Accept me for all that I am ♪
I'm willing to bet all my love on it ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
How I wish to have you ♪
To make my existence worthwhile ♪
[Mrs. Liu] Can someone
tell me what is going on?
What made my husband attempt suicide?
[reporter] Coincidentally, Liu Kuang-yung
committed suicide at this point.
Could he be behind all these murders?
[Yung-yi] It's highly possible.
I think he's the mastermind.
[Cheng-hao] Kuang-yung called
and asked for you.
- [Hsiao-meng] What for?
- [Cheng-hao] How would I know?
[Yi-jen] I need to go in there.
He himself is our evidence!
Liu Kuang-yung, is another person
going to take their life?
- [Cheng-kuan] Is there?
- Stop!
[Hai-yin] What if the next one
is Hsiao-meng?
What if Hsiao-meng
is going to kill herself?
I found out that he called the same number
twice on the day before he left the house.
The next person must be there.
Fang Yi-jen, we can stop this.
- [nurse] His heartbeat
- [Hai-yin] We can't have another victim.
[doctor] Three, two, one, clear.
[Yi-jen] You can't publish
Chuang Tsung-chien's story.
- [Hai-yin] Why?
- Take it down.
Take it back!
[Yi-jen] Yu Cheng-hao
wanted to be a woman.
Su Ko-yun wanted her album to be released.
Chang Tsung-chien
wanted his company ruined.
All those things were accomplished
following their deaths.
So Chuang Ping-jung's last wish
[Hai-yin] If
that body is Chuang Ping-jung
it is all my fault.
[Kuan-chung] At the beginning,
the script is actually
focused on a group of people
who wanted to let go
and those who wanted to hold on.
Yes, I think what's interesting
about this story
is that we have a character
with Asperger syndrome.
Basically, he can't read
people's emotions.
We sort of went on a journey
with this character
in the story,
from being unable to understand emotions
to empathizing
with those who wanted to let go
and those who wanted to hold on.
I'm playing Fang Yi-jen in this series.
He is a forensic investigator.
[Hsiao-chuan] He's an investigator
with Asperger syndrome.
You can imagine that professionally,
he is more absorbed in his work.
In terms of the story,
- when he was younger,
- [Hsiao-meng] Dad!
- he was married once.
- One second!
[Hsiao-chuan] He has a daughter.
The hardest task in his life
is actually
It's getting along with people.
Getting along with his family.
[Hsun-wei] I remember on the first shoot,
he was at the hostess club.
He held up a photo
and kept questioning a hostess.
He suddenly made a gesture.
He would touch his ear
and adjust his glasses.
Then he would blink unnaturally.
When I saw it,
I thought that it fitted the image
of Fang Yi-jen so well.
After that take, I asked
if he had designed those gestures.
He said he didn't.
He just naturally
had that physical reaction.
I said, "Okay, let's keep it."
[indistinct chatter]
[Hsun-wei] Working with Hsiao-chuan
in creating the character, Fang Yi-jen,
is also beneficial to the director.
He portrays his character
in a genuine way.
He doesn't act out of character
to attain certain results.
Therefore, I think that
when Fang Yi-jen is portrayed,
he will be presented true to life.
The audience will be able
to look at this story
from his perspective.
Get out! I want someone else!
[Hsun-wei] As for Hsu Hai-yin
played by Wei-ning
In order to get the information she needs,
- she
- [manager] Hai-yin!
- It's been a long time. Welcome.
- She would do anything,
regardless of the consequences.
[Hsun-wei] For such a character,
she needs to be
very versatile or very fickle.
She's able to tackle or handle
every situation
or every person she encounters.
[Wei-ning] In the beginning,
Hai-yin was very ambitious.
But when she met Fang Yi-jen
and got involved in the entire case,
the plot, she slowly went from
having an ambitious perspective
to softening her attitude.
She slowly begins to accept the trauma
she once buried in her mind
and let it heal.
I think that she and Fang Yi-jen are
They make an interesting
partnership and relationship.
Hsu Hai-yin notices from
- Yi-jen!
- her questions to Fang Yi-jen
just how much
he actually loves his daughter,
and how deep his love is for her.
[Wei-ning] I think this also projects
on to Hai-yin's desire to be with her dad.
It's because her dad
is the missing piece in her life.
But the biggest turning point is
- when she realizes her ambition
- So Chuang Ping-jung's last wish
- really hurt someone.
- might be for his work to be acknowledged.
[Wei-ning] Fulfilling his last wish
has made him take his own life.
I think Hai-yin was
She went blank.
That moment, she probably
[imitates popping]
She changed.
It's because she was out
to stop the murders.
The last thing she wanted
was to see anyone commit suicide.
[Kuan-chung] Hsu Hai-yin's image is that
of a cold, beautiful reporter.
Back then, our concept,
when she meets the older woman,
was for her to be in a ponytail.
She'd look more endearing.
That scene with Su Ko-yun's mom
was in a stir-fry stall.
There are lots of napkin holders
on the walls.
I remember in that shoot,
she was tying her hair up
as she walked to the stall.
Then she noticed the napkins
and drew one out to wipe off her lipstick.
That was quite a surprise.
She performed in many ways
that were unexpected.
[indistinct chatter]
[director] Action!
[Han-hsien] The Victims' Game is full
of suspense and deductive reasoning.
It also has the most
mind-boggling serial murder cases,
stylized characters, and performances.
But through this story,
what we want is to portray a father.
How a father who can't
express his emotions
love to learn how to love
and bring love back.
It's a story
about bringing his daughter back.
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