The Village (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Sins of the Fathers

Gautham Gautham!
Gautham, wake up.
Gautham wake up.
Gautham, please! Please wake up!
It's already late!
Wake up!
We are all ready.
We are waiting for you.
Leave me.
- Get up!
- Not today.
You smell so good.
That's what I'm saying.
No. Not today.
Get up! Behave yourself.
That's the problem.
It's already up.
Eww! You don't sound like a doctor!
I'm behaving like your husband now.
A dirty husband.
Gautham, look at the time.
We can't postpone this. Get up.
It's already late.
Let's go tomorrow.
Go and brush your teeth first.
Like that has stopped you before!
Mom! Dad! Wake up!
Road trip day!
Didn't I tell you we shouldn't have kids?
Now see.
Knock on the door before entering.
Where are your manners, dear?
Oh! Really?
Come on, Hectic.
Watch me now!
I came all the way here to squash you.
But you don't look strong enough.
I'm going easy on you,
so that your brain stays intact.
Let me sleep for an hour Please.
- No!
- No!
- Wake up! Road trip!
- Wake up! Road trip!
- Wake up! Road trip!
- Wake up! Road trip!
Neha! Maya!
- Brother
- Yes, sir?
Karu, Peter, are you both alright?
I am fine.
Just a few scratches.
- My specs.
- It will heal soon.
- Peter!
- I think I've fractured my ankle.
What are you saying?
Doctor, please check him.
What happened?
I am going to apply some pressure.
It will hurt. I need to
check if it's broken.
Just bear the pain.
Hey! What are you doing?
My leg's broken!
It hurts!
It hurts real bad.
Bear it for a while.
- Hold in there.
- I hope you know what you're doing!
It's hurting!
Peter sir, believe me. I am a doctor, sir.
You keep forgetting that.
Did you just address me
as "Peter sir"? Isn't that nice?
Shut up, you fool!
Doesn't seem to be broken.
Don't put any pressure on this leg.
I had painkillers in my kit.
They're all gone.
Give me that bag.
this is my painkiller.
Enough! Stop!
Peter sir, you're a strong man!
"Strong man?" "Peter sir?"
He finally understands my greatness.
Karu, give me a hand.
- Slow.
- Careful.
Thankfully, we have a doctor
with us in this situation.
If not for me, you guys wouldn't
have been in this situation.
Leave it, brother.
It doesn't matter whether
the egg or hen came first.
It's all in the past.
We buried it deep, a long time ago.
You don't have to reason it now.
These creepers!
Thanks to these creepers, we were saved.
What a deep pit!
Let's go.
Come on.
Where are we?
- This is our old mine.
- A mine?
Yes. Once upon a time,
we used to work here.
There is nothing left to dig
but this was our mine.
Only the shell remains now
and it has gradually turned into a cave.
What is that?
What about all that?
You guys said this was a mine.
What is a broken car doing here?
We are not the first ones
to get trapped in here.
This belongs to my daughter!
Sir, this is my daughter's clip!
Wait, stop!
Brother! Wait! Stop!
What are you looking for?
- Brother.
- What is it?
- Maya!
- Brother.
- Maya!
- Brother
Neha! Maya!
They are here somewhere!
How am I going to find them?
It's all my fault.
I shouldn't have left them alone there.
I shouldn't have.
She is just a little girl.
She would've been scared.
If something happens to them
Where do I find them?
Brother, don't cry.
- Get up.
- Come on, get up.
Look, now that we know
they're definitely here
don't lose heart.
I am sure that
we will rescue your family at any cost.
Brother, we are here with you.
We've got this.
it's a summoning song!
This is
I know this
Our Goddess
There you are! You traitor!
Help me! Please!
Leave her.
Leave her
Don't scream or else he'll come.
Here take the doll. Have it.
Don't be scared.
I need some water
I think we are near the factory.
This is our last chance.
Come on, let's return.
They have got guns and knives.
All you have are tweezers.
You can do nothing with it.
So, shut up!
Let's go.
You morons, who are here to die!
Don't you recognize me, Dad?
It's me, Sakthi.
Sakthi, this creature is not your father.
Look at his appearance!
He has turned into something worse.
This is a monster!
But how What is going on here?
Sakthi! This is not your father!
This looks like that strange
creature we saw earlier. Shoot!
Shoot him!
Wait. Don't shoot.
He might know where my family is.
Your blood scent
has ratted you out!
Dad, so you're alive?
We thought you died
during the tsunami.
How did you survive, Dad?
Our Mother Goddess
never gives up on her race.
She's not like these filth!
Goddess never discriminate.
Hey! Shoot him.
What are you looking at?
Shoot him down!
Shoot! What are you wondering?
- Dad! Leave him!
- Shoot him, sir!
I said, leave him!
Shoot him, sir!
What are you wondering?
Leave him!
I said, leave him!
Karu, figure out how to get
out of here.
Sakthi, your dad is waking up.
Look here, are you alright?
She is alive.
You! Where is his wife and kid?
Are you going to tell us or
should I gouge your eyes out?
Where are they?
What did you do to them?
Tell us, where are they?
They are now part of my family.
So forget them!
Hey! I will--
- Brother! Wait!
- Hey!
Tell me Where is
my wife and daughter?
Speak up!
Dad dad
Dad! What I must do? Tell me.
Name it and I'll do it.
Don't call yourself my son!
I should've slit your throat
the day you were born.
My son
My blood
A boon given to me by the Goddess!
He will come!
Enough! Stop rambling.
Now, it's time to beat you up.
Peter, hold him.
Let's see how much he can take.
Tell us! You old fool!
- Where are they?
- Where have you held them?
Speak up or else
Spit it out, you fool!
- Where have you held them?
- Speak up!
The Goddess
has sent your wife and child to us.
Her anger towards us has subsided.
She has forgiven and accepted us.
Stop talking like a fool!
You moron! Out with it!
What did you do to them?
- Are you going to say or not?
- Speak!
Tell us or else
Our army is coming.
Our army is coming.
Their time is up!
Stop laughing, you old fool!
My brave warriors!
Get them!
Peter, watch out!
- Careful!
- Stay together!
Get them all!
Water that kid wants water.
I told you not to move from there!
What the hell are you doing here?
Go back!
That is my medical kit.
Where is my family?
Tell me! Where have you kept them?
So, you're a doctor?
Now, give the medication
for the pain you've caused me.
What you are looking at?
Give him.
I've given you the medicine.
Now tell me.
Where are they?
Take her and feed her to our boys.
She's ruined.
Leave her alone.
What species are you all?
What do you want?
Why are you behaving like a beast?
Stop it, Dad!
Yes. I am a beast!
There is a connection between
what you both want to know!
I'll tell you.
After you left that infertile land
that company paid us money.
Well! Well!
We didn't know that
the money would ruin us
along with that land.
Lantanite? Kattiyal?
Did you watch any movie recently?
Have you lost your mind?
I know you very well.
I know that once I am gone,
you will dig out everything
that I buried years ago.
I myself will tell
you why you shouldn't do that.
In Kattiyal
I started a secret underground lab
masquerading as a pharma company.
We portrayed as if we were
experimenting with Lantanite.
- Jagan.
- Sir?
We have tried numerous
times and have failed but
we must succeed this
time, at least for Prakash's sake.
You come with me.
Let's get started.
Bring it.
For years, I locked myself in there.
All for a serum!
Just to discover a serum that
could make you walk again.
every attempt only pushed me
away from that goal.
We failed miserably.
As time passed, the money they
paid was as good as nothing.
Everything fell apart.
Crop seeds turned to ashes, and the soil
turned infertile in the exposed lands.
Even mother's milk and
cow milk dried up.
God! We can't bear this!
Woman turned infertile.
They gave birth to only stillborn.
Even the sparrows in our
village couldn't give birth.
Our world was ruined and
the air was polluted.
Our lives turned bitter.
Our whole Amaran dynasty was destroyed.
Take notes.
We experimented on different animals
each time.
We were creating
something against nature
Something very dangerous
Things went out of our hands.
We realized that we were creating
something beyond our control.
It spread inside the lab
and reached outside the factory.
It spread everywhere.
Alright! So what?
Your father couldn't accept the defeat.
I couldn't endure the guilt.
Put an end to Exogenyx!
I saw a whole village get
destroyed before my eyes
But the desperation to make you walk
blinded the humanity within me.
Let us in!
I'm still coughing up money for
covering up my past sins.
Destroy them!
Those were difficult times.
The poison polluted the air like wildfire.
That's Satan's nest!
The Goddess doesn't like those Satans.
Hence she is furious.
Look at the smoke emitting from there.
It's nothing but the
demon that will kill us!
- We want to flee this place.
- What do you mean?
Where can you go without our Goddess?
Be patient.
Our Goddess will save us.
- When? After everyone's dead?
- Hey!
You are being so unfair.
I had a child after a long penance.
But my kid died within a year.
The Goddess did not save my child.
Do you think that she
will save the others?
We don't trust your family
or this stone idol anymore.
- We are moving to Navamalai!
- You want to move to Navamalai?
Yes. Sakthivel and Karunagam are there.
We will find a better life there.
We are leaving.
Will you move there?
Who gave you the permission to
abandon your mother land?
You body and the land you live in,
doesn't belong to you.
It belongs to the Goddess
and our Amaran dynasty!
We are leaving.
Our bodies can't take it anymore.
Our lives are ruined.
We can't live here even for a minute.
It's our Goddess who
decides all your destiny!
Her anger is making her hungry
for more blood.
What must we do to subside her anger?
Chase those bastards away!
You are the reason why all
five prime elements punished us.
The punishment the Goddess inflicted on us
for giving birth to a traitor like you.
None of our atonements
could satisfy our Goddess.
The factory land and the land
these filth lived in
turned everything here into poison!
In order to put an end to that,
we collectively made a decision.
Watch out!
That warning
That warning is when I realized
In order to stop the
hazardous thing we did
for once and forever
A sign from God.
Do not lock gate number four.
Let it be open. Out.
I need the camcorder footage.
Don't forget it.
I was so selfish
that I did not think
about the consequences.
I believed that it was there to
destroy all the evidence.
That tsunami!
There was no one there
when we entered.
We thought that our job
was going to be easy
and we can get back home soon.
Are you alright?
Yes, I'm alright.
I hope you're okay!
- I'm okay.
- Is everyone okay?
Come on then.
Come on.
Watch your step.
Wait. Wait.
Floods! Run!
Everybody run
- Run!
- Run inside.
- Run inside.
- Go inside.
- Run! The water is gushing in!
- Brother!
- Subadhra, come.
- My leg is stuck
You get inside.
Brother! We lost her.
O Goddess!
Our Goddess spoke through her.
My life.
I lost her.
She sacrificed herself for us.
What's your point?
Even God doesn't want me to walk, right?
Whatever we did there,
to make you walk again,
was beyond human perception and reality.
Do not open that cave.
There is no treasure inside it.
That place is haunted!
You'll only find ghosts in there.
A made-up story to cover
up your absence as a father!
No, Prakash.
Trust me, that place
Stop irritating me.
You had all the money in the world.
What the hell were you doing
with it all these years?
You don't give a shit about my cure.
Accept that fact!
Everything that happened
there was a mistake.
That's why I'm handing over
that company to the board.
Come again!
What about me?
Do you want me to beg in the streets?
Your inheritance will reach you.
Jagan will take care of that.
This house,
all the money you'll ever need,
and people at your service.
You will have everything you need.
But Exogenyx
that company
you don't need that.
That is my sin!
Let it die with me.
It's nothing but the devil.
You don't need that.
What do you mean, Dad?
Devil? What rubbish?
Is this why you wanted to see me?
Will you never spare a thought for me?
Yes, I have and that's why
I have made this decision.
You don't need Exogenyx.
It will take you down a path
that you can't come back from.
But your experiments are
my last hope, Dad.
What will I do if you snatch
that away from me too?
You are desperate, Prakash.
Your desperation will cloud
your judgment.
I thought I knew myself very well.
But you seem to know more
about me than myself.
This is my burden.
Let my wrong deeds die with me.
All these years
I was waiting for this.
Just to hear you say these words.
Only now I understood you completely.
You have done so much.
And all that, just for me!
- I'm sorry, Dad.
- It's okay, my son.
I am desperate.
Prakash Prakash
I can't live on the wheelchair forever.
- Prakash! Don't do this.
- I hate you, Father.
- I hate you so much.
- Prakash!
Where were you when I
desperately needed you?
I hate you, Dad!
I know
You don't have to say anything.
For once
just do something for me.
Just die.
That's all I want.
Die for me.
Thanks, Dad.
We were trapped inside for months.
We starved without food and water.
We resorted to insane measures
in order to survive.
Our Goddess has not given up on us.
She has not only saved us.
In fact she has blessed the pure
Amaran dynasty with more powers!
Our blood and the Goddess we pray to,
has together saved our clan.
For all the injustice that was
inflicted on us
it's time to exact revenge.
Goddess spoke to me.
She commanded that we raise a huge army.
She said that it is the only way that
we can eliminate them from this world.
Are you nuts?
Still clinging on to such
superstitious beliefs?
He wants us to believe that
the dead spoke to him.
- Yes. She spoke to me.
- "Please come to our doorstep, O Mother"
- She speaks to me.
- "Raise! Our Goddess is calling you"
I can hear her.
Get up! Get up!
Get up, my dear!
Our time has come.
What are you waiting for?
Get up!
Goddess, your words have come true!
- Whom are you talking to?
- Don't you see, Brother?
She's standing right there.
She has come back to us.
She has come back as the Goddess herself.
My Subadhra is here.
- What do you mean?
- She is here to protect us!
O Goddess!
Mother Goddess!
Are you serious, brother?
Hail our Mother Goddess,
for she has saved us!
Our Goddess hasn't given up on us!
O Goddess! You have shown us the path.
You didn't break our trust, O Goddess.
You have shown us the way, O Goddess.
O Goddess!
It's burning! It's burning!
O Goddess, the protector of our clan!
The boon that you have given us.
Vettaiyan! Come!
Come! Come!
- What the hell?
- Move!
There is a way on the east side.
Let's move.
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