The Walking Dead: Origins (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Carol's Story

You hurt my son.
I swear you'll never see us again.
I know.
MCBRIDE: To understand Carol Peletier,
you have to see every side of her,
and there are many.
So much of Carol's journey
centers on her attempt
to heal her pain
pain from loss, pain from abuse,
pain from this new world.
And that pain lights a fire in her
that takes her from a caring,
meek people-pleaser
Washed my clothes.
Well, best I could.
to a warrior.
How does that happen?
You're about to find out.
This is Carol's story.
Come on, get 'em!
At the beginning of the apocalypse,
Carol is at a camp for survivors
with her daughter, Sophia
and her abusive husband, Ed.
Now, I am done talking. Come on.
- No, no. Carol, you don't have
You don't tell me what! I tell you what!
- You think you can
- Get off her!
She's learned
all about emotional survival
from her marriage with Ed,
and this new world forces her to adapt
even more quickly to protect Sophia.
Why don't you stay here?
Keep your daddy company.
Come on.
What'd I say?
- Oh!
After Ed's been bitten,
Carol takes a crucial final step
in that part of her life
for making sure that Ed will never
hurt her or Sophia again.
The good news is Ed is gone.
The bad news is that our group
needs to find a place to call home.
But while on the road,
they encounter something
they've never seen before
a massive walker herd.
Shh, shh.
Shh, shh.
There's two Walkers after my baby.
Rick goes to find her
but he returns empty-handed.
She's 12. She can't be
out there on her own.
- You didn't find anything?
- I know this is hard.
But I'm asking you not to panic.
We know she was out there.
And we tracked her for a while.
Daryl, the group's best
hunter and tracker,
continues to search.
But when he returns
with only Sophia's doll
Carol can't contain her grief.
I believe this one
it bloomed for your little girl.
And when they do eventually find out
the horrifying truth
of what happened to Sophia
Daryl is there to hold her up.
Sophia's death is devastating for Carol,
but it also forces her to change.
After leaving Hershel's farm
and finding an abandoned prison,
the next version
of Carol begins to emerge.
As she hones her fighting skills,
her old meek self burns away.
You ain't like you was back in the camp.
I'm not.
As Carol's confidence grows,
she takes more initiative
within the group.
Carol becomes determined
to teach the children in the group
whatever skills she can
to help them survive.
Today, we're talking about knives
how to use them,
how to be safe with them.
And when two young girls
lose their father,
she takes them under her wing.
CAROL: Your daddy asked me
to protect you
like you're my own, and I will.
It's time someone told you the truth.
Honey, you're weak.
I know. I'm sorry.
If you want to live,
you have to become strong.
But the apocalypse
is relentless in its cruelty,
and a flu ravages the prison community,
forcing Carol to make
a life-and-death decision
that she sees as the greater good.
Is there anything you
wouldn't do for the people here?
did you kill Karen and David?
She stands by her decision.
They would have drowned
in their own blood.
They were suffering. I made it quick.
CAROL: We needed the bodies gone.
We needed to stop it from spreading.
They were the only ones who were sick.
They were a threat.
I was trying to save lives.
I had to try.
Somebody had to.
But Rick feels he can't trust her,
and so he casts her out.
Being banished makes Carol
have to dig even deeper.
After the fall of the prison,
she reunites with Tyreese,
Lizzie, Mika, and Judith,
and they decide to head
to a place called Terminus.
"Sanctuary for all, community for all.
Those who arrive survive".
On the way to Terminus,
Carol continues to teach
Lizzie and Mika survival skills.
She tries to toughen them up in a way
that she never had the chance
to do with Sophia.
What was she like?
She was sweet.
She didn't have a mean bone in her body.
Is that why she isn't here now?
But she tragically underestimated
the psychological damage
Lizzie had suffered
No, no, no!
No, no, no, no, no!
No! No!!
You could have died!
It's the same thing!
You killed her! You killed her!
It's the same thing!
What if I killed you?!
What if I killed you?!
and the threat that she posed
to her own sister.
Don't worry.
She'll come back.
I didn't hurt her brain.
Judith can change, too.
Once again, Carol has to make
a devastating decision
for the greater good,
this time to protect Judith.
Please don't be mad at me. I'm sorry.
You just just look at
the flowers, Lizzie.
Just look at the flowers.
Just Just look at the flowers.
After laying Lizzie to rest,
Carol is determined
to get Judith back to Rick safely,
so they continue their journey
to Terminus.
When they arrive, she senses
that the group is in trouble
and needs her help.
For the first time,
Carol's warrior side emerges.
This is Carol's moment of redemption.
She strikes
like an avenging angel.
She finds Rick and Daryl
and the rest of the people
that she's come to consider family.
- Where are they?!
And she saves them.
It's the ultimate reset for Carol,
and while it can't make up
for all of the people
that she's lost,
it is a pretty sweet win.
I sent you away to this,
and now we're joining you.
Will you have us?
Thank you.
Being back in the family
also gives her a chance
to reconnect with Daryl,
and they open up to each other.
It's like you were a kid.
You're a man.
What about you?
Who I was
she got burned away.
We ain't ashes.
The group is anxious to find
a safe place to shelter,
and they end up
at the community of Alexandria.
When the leader, Deanna,
interviews Carol,
like she does with all the newcomers,
Carol presents a version of herself
she knows Deanna will accept
without question.
Always had dinner on the table
for Ed when he came home.
I miss that stupid,
wonderful man every day.
She makes the Alexandrians see her
as she wants to be seen,
even if it surprises
some of her friends.
Take a shower. I'm gonna wash that vest.
We need to keep up
appearances, even you.
I ain't starting now.
I'm gonna hose you down in your sleep.
You look ridiculous.
But behind Carol's
Suzy Homemaker facade,
the warrior remains ready
to strike at a moment's notice.
Get comfortable here,
let our guard down,
this place is gonna make us weak.
The group decides to stockpile some guns
just in case anything goes sideways.
They choose the night of a welcome party
to make their move.
You know what's great about this place?
Get to be invisible again.
And she was invisible
to almost everyone.
What are you doing?
You've got to promise me
you can keep it secret that I came here.
But I have to tell my mom.
I mean, I tell my mom everything.
Wrong answer, Sam.
You can never tell anyone,
especially your mom.
Because if you do
one morning, you'll wake up
and you won't be in your bed.
You'll be outside the walls.
The monsters will come,
the ones out there,
and they will tear you apart
and eat you up
all while you're still alive.
you can promise not to ever
tell anyone what you saw here.
And you'll get cookies.
Sam keeps Carol's secret
and she honors her side
of the bargain by inviting
Sam over to make cookies.
But she quickly realizes
that Sam's living in
an abusive household
and her protective instincts kick in.
CAROL: Said he can hear his dad yelling.
Things breaking, his mom crying.
Last month, it got quiet
right in the middle of it
when he went out and
found her on the floor.
Why do you care what happens to Jessie?
You know why.
This is a scenario Carol
knows all too well,
and she's not going to
let another kid suffer.
I could kill you right now.
I could.
I will.
And then
who would believe I did it
because I didn't like you?
- No one.
You're a small, weak nothing.
With the world how it is,
you're even weaker.
Play your cards right,
maybe you don't have to die.
And I want my dish back clean
when you're done.
But there's an even bigger threat
to the Alexandria community
a feral group who call
themselves the Wolves.
Carol is the first to spot the attack.
And she leaps into action.
Carol's fears about
the Alexandrians being weak
are well-founded.
And there's several losses.
We see the toll all these deaths
are taking on Carol.
She's literally keeping a list
of how many people she's killed.
Not long after the attack,
the community is threatened
by another group
called the Saviors.
WOMAN: Stop!
Or she's dead.
Carol and Maggie are taken hostage.
Even after Carol
overpowers their captors
and helps Maggie escape
she's reluctant to take
another life.
Until her friend Maggie
is directly threatened.
Lying bitch!
And she feels the weight of
all the deaths she's caused.
I think I might have killed 18 people.
What the hell?! [SCREAMS]
In that moment, Carol realizes
that all this killing
is just too much to bear.
If you care about people,
there are people to protect,
there are people that you will kill for.
If you don't want to kill
or if you can't,
then you have to get away from them.
On the road to who knows where,
she encounters another group of saviors.
And she's forced to defend herself.
It doesn't have to be this way.
You can turn back and you can go home.
Nobody has to get hurt.
It's looking like
someone's got to get hurt.
Don't! Please!
MCBRIDE: After being seriously wounded,
Carol is rescued by Morgan
and taken to a strange new community.
What is this place?
Welcome to the Kingdom.
I forgot to say that
Ezekiel has a tiger.
Her first impression with
Ezekiel and the tiger
So, tell me.
What do you think of the Kingdom, Carol?
What do you think of the king?
It's all ridiculous.
I don't know what the hell's going on
in the most wonderful way. [LAUGHS]
It's It's a lot. He is, um
- I don't know, it
- Stop.
This place is a damn circus.
She's in no mood for any of this.
By all means, fair maiden, have one.
The sweet and innocent act
you've been doing,
it's quite clever.
Worked on me.
Blend in, led people to trust you,
acquire what you need from them,
and then you're gone,
as if you were never there.
It's the first time in a long time
that somebody's seen Carol
for who she is,
and it feels good.
And she decides to make her home
not too far from the Kingdom.
She spends her days alone,
satisfied in her solitude,
despite occasional visits from Ezekiel.
Until one day she gets a visit
from a very familiar face.
The Saviors, did they come?
Is everybody back home okay?
We got 'em all.
Made a deal with the rest of 'em,
like Ezekiel.
Everyone's alright.
But what Daryl told her wasn't true.
Do you want to know what
happened in Alexandria?
Negan killed Glenn and Abraham.
Beat 'em to death with a baseball bat.
Now the Saviors have Alexandria,
and Rick and everybody else.
Everything they do is
for the Saviors now.
Jesus want Rick and
the rest here because
Rick wants to fight them.
Faced with the horror of the truth,
Carol realizes she can't stay
in retreat any longer.
I'm gonna be here now.
We have to get ready.
We have to fight.
We do.
As Carol becomes closer
to the Kingdom community,
she opens up to an
orphaned boy named Henry
and begins to teach him survival skills.
I told you not to follow me!
I'm not scared.
Then you're stupid.
You need fighters, so I'm fighting.
Can't just walk around with that stick.
You know how to use it?
I watched you train people.
Stay close.
Henry is persistent in wanting to
join the fight against the Saviors.
You know I can help.
So Carol gently reminds him
that the battlefield
is no place for a child.
Henry, if you go out there
during the attack, you'll die.
Carol's version of gentle.
She feels torn about letting
another child into her heart.
So when Henry goes
missing after a battle,
Carol can't help but put a wall up.
Just go.
In spite of herself,
Carol goes to search for Henry.
HENRY: Help me!
It's a real turning point for Carol.
She's risked caring about Henry,
risked opening her heart
to another child.
You were right.
I was afraid.
Yeah, you were.
I saw it.
But you are no coward.
With Ezekiel by her side and
the war with the Saviors won,
Carol allows herself
to find hope again, and love.
You're still carrying
that old ring around?
Oh, y-yeah.
I-I'm not saying yes.
I just thought
I'd try it on for a while,
- you know.
- Whatever you say.
No, d-d-don't, don't.
I wrote a speech.
I'm sure you did.
And you can read it to me later.
And with that, Carol becomes
the queen of the Kingdom.
She and Ezekiel adopt Henry
and ruler over the Kingdom
as he grows up to be a young man.
And like any good mother,
she wants what's best for her child.
So she and Henry travel
to the Hilltop community
so that he could become
an apprentice blacksmith.
On their way, Carol asks an old friend
to watch out for Henry
while he studies at Hilltop.
DARYL: Want to tell me
why you're really here?
I want you to come with us.
I can't stay at Hilltop.
We've got problems
of our own at the Kingdom.
I'd just feel really a lot better
if you were there with him.
You want me to babysit your boy?
If she has to leave Henry behind,
there's no one better
to protect him than Daryl.
I'm gonna make you proud.
You already have.
But instead of staying out of trouble,
Henry becomes entangled
with a terrifying new group
who live amongst the walkers.
The communities realize
that they must come together
to face this threat,
and an agreement is made
at the Kingdom.
John Hancock
eat your heart out.
Carol is finally reunited with her son,
her dear friend, and even
Do you remember us?
I've been drawing pictures
of you since I was little.
You're Carol and you're the king.
For a beautiful moment, she's surrounded
by everyone she loves the most.
But little does she know that Henry
is at the center of the conflict,
having fallen in love with Lydia,
the daughter of the Whisperers'
leader, Alpha.
Concerned that Hilltop will be attacked
by the Whisperers, Carol volunteers
to go help defend the community.
But despite everything she's
done to protect the children
in her life,
she's about to experience
another devastating loss.
Just look at me.
Just look at me.
After losing her son, Carol
leaves everything else behind.
I'm going to Alexandria
tomorrow with the others.
I know you have to do this.
But I will never stop loving you.
And I'll never regret the fairy tale.
On their way to Alexandria,
Lydia expresses her guilt
over Henry's death.
Henry said I was a good person.
He was wrong.
As long as I'm one of you,
it's never gonna stop.
You know I'm right.
This is how you keep
from losing anyone else.
[VOICE BREAKING] Please, Carol.
Please, just do it.
Do it for Henry.
Come on, we have to go.
Come on.
She doesn't blame Lydia,
but she can't stay.
She moves to the Oceanside
community to escape it all
Did you miss me? [LAUGHS]
- Not really.
- I'll take that.
until she's visited by Daryl,
who asks her to come home.
Sorry if I didn't want my best friend
to spend her whole life on a boat.
Best friend?
What are you, 10?
Should we have matching bracelets now?
Oh, my God, forget it.
No, I could make some
with fisherman's twine.
What's your favorite color? Green? Blue?
Black. Definitely black.
I got an idea. Why don't
we eat and not talk?
Should we make a
matching collar for Dog?
But the moment doesn't last long
'cause Alpha has returned.
Your boy screamed your name
just before we took his head.
DARYL: Stop.
I apologize for my friend.
We have not slept.
And you know what she lost.
I forgive you, mother to mother.
MCBRIDE: But Alpha's forgiveness
means nothing to her.
And Carol will make a deal
with the devil to take her out.
What if you didn't have to die?
Didn't know you had a say
on the kangaroo council
deciding my fate.
I'm not here for the council.
I'm getting that.
What I don't get is coming down here
and dealing with me when it seems to me
you ought to be lining up
the ol' skin queen
in your crosshairs.
What do you think this is?
The stones on you
Are you in or out?
But setting Negan free is only
part of Carol's plan.
Carol crosses Alpha's border
and manages to take a Whisperer hostage.
When the captured Whisperer reveals
that Alpha has told her followers
that she killed Lydia
She did.
And I am willing to
give my life for her.
Carol exposes Alpha's lie.
Your mother told her people
that she killed you.
You said you wanted my help.
I did.
You used me.
Lydia, I'm sorry.
You're just like her.
You said you wanted me to choose a side?
I choose mine.
You can't go out there.
It's too dangerous.
You can't stop me.
- Unh!
- Aah.
Carol puts herself in increasingly
dangerous situations
in her pursuit of Alpha.
You could have lost a foot.
They laid traps. That means
we're getting closer.
Will you stop this shit?
You want her dead so bad,
you don't even care what happens to you.
But it was true, and Daryl could see it.
Come here.
She's not worth it.
She's not.
Look at me.
She's a dead woman, anyway.
We have a future.
Don't let her take that, too.
She takes Daryl's comfort
to heart and relents,
but then
she sees Alpha.
Carol's not gonna miss
another opportunity to get her.
Even if that means following her
inside an abandoned mine shaft.
In a rush to get her revenge
Carol leads herself and her friends
right into Alpha's trap.
While the group searches
desperately for a way out,
Daryl tries to reach her again.
You gotta promise.
We fight for our future.
We don't fight for revenge.
I promise.
But when the group makes
a startling discovery
Somebody left this crate of dynamite.
Yeah, okay, that's really cool.
But maybe somebody left it there
because it's obviously
insanely dangerous.
Carol gets an idea.
She's not gonna pass up the opportunity
to destroy Alpha's horde.
DARYL: Take my hand.
Come on.
DARYL: But you gotta come back with me.
When the dynamite goes off,
it nearly spells doom for Carol
and her friends.
But before everyone is able to escape,
the rest of the dynamite explodes.
She broke her promise to Daryl,
and that decision led to
someone he cared about
being trapped inside the mine.
[VOICE BREAKING] You were right
about everything.
Just say it.
No, please.
Say it!
Please say it!
Carol finally begins to realize
how reckless
and dangerous her desire
for revenge has become.
You should hate me.
You seem to hate yourself so much.
I'm gonna kill her.
Will you hate me then?
I won't be thinking about you.
Despite being consumed
with anger and grief,
she still values
her friendship with Daryl.
Now, please don't hate me.
I'm never gonna hate you.
They barely have time to mend fences
before Alpha attacks Hilltop
alongside Negan.
She can only watch as friends
and neighbors
suffer the consequences of her actions.
Carol is at one of
her lowest points yet.
But in a flash
everything changes.
Took you long enough.
She had her revenge,
but the nightmare wasn't over quite yet.
ALPHA: Carol.
I'm always watching.
All the pain and loss of every death
comes back to haunt her.
And it is horrific.
You are lost.
So was your boy.
You sent him away.
And he never came back.
He died out here, alone and afraid.
Just like Sophia.
You feel guilt.
People were hurt
in the name of vengeance.
And now you can't go back.
They won't accept what you've done.
Maybe they will if you say you're sorry.
"I'm sorry you're mad at me.
P-Please don't be mad at me.
I'm sorry!"
MCBRIDE: Tormented
and distracted by grief,
she's trapped under a rotting
shed as walkers approach.
You always knew how this would end.
No one's coming to save you.
Alpha couldn't defeat her in life
and she's not about to
let her defeat her in death.
It's never too late.
Having faced her darkest inner demons,
she returns to Hilltop to face the music
about putting her friends in danger.
If I could go back
I'm so sorry, Kelly, for everything.
You think that the way you are
is is a weakness?
I heard the stories about you,
in the old days.
We all have.
That you you'd just go off.
And do the thing that only you can do.
Lone wolf.
That's your superpower.
You can't give up everything
about yourself because
bad things happen.
But she's still in pain
when she's visited by Lydia.
I don't have you for what you did.
I know that sounds awful, but
she was never really my mother.
Not in the way that matters.
So thanks.
And I-I I'd like it
if we can still talk.
You need to be yourself.
You need to find your own way.
I'm not looking for
another mom, you know?
That's not what this has to be.
It can be something else.
So can you.
As the war with the Whisperers
nears its end,
Carol decides that
the only way to defeat
Alpha's remaining horde
is to sacrifice herself.
I told you to go.
You told me to find my own way.
You get what you wanted?
And I won't.
Not really.
Well, you still got me.
With the Whisperers defeated,
Carol's focus continues
to be on surviving
while protecting those around her.
Carol's evolution has progressed
through many phases over the years.
And while the apocalypse
has taken so much from Carol,
it's given her so many opportunities
for rebirth.
Drop it.
As every version of herself burns away,
each transformation leaves her
stronger, clearer, and wiser.
Things can change
really fast in this world.
It's hard to know what's next for Carol.
But her story isn't over yet.
Sure you're okay?
Oh, yeah. Back to it.
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