The Watch (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Twilight Canyons

VIMES: Carcer can't control
the dragon without a key.
ANGUA: Whatever it is,
it's most likely in the hands
of the statue of King Veltrick
- But what was he holding?
- Gawain. A sword.
ANGUA: At least we know
what this is now.
VIMES: But Carcer knows
there's a sword too.
- and he'll be looking for it.
- SYBIL: Jocasta Wiggs.
We find her,
we find the sword.
- You're a werewolf.
- I'm not just this.
Like you're not just a human.
What happened to
Sergeant Swires?
I will join you, Vimes.
SYBIL: Our first arrest.
We're actually
quite good at this, aren't we?
WONSE: When are you gonna tell
me who this is all for?
When everyone's dead.
No full moon tonight.
- You fed the prisoner.
- Cheery's busy.
- What?
- Nothing. It's just
When we first met,
you only came down here to
What are you doing down here?
- He's got hands.
And he has rights.
You know, rights?
Cutlery, boardgames,
magazines, hour's exercise a day?
We should take him for a walk.
Maybe, sometime,
you and I could
Why would it take two people
to walk a prisoner?
SKIMMER: A walk would be nice.
It wouldn't.
Just a little bit of your blood.
Then you can have
a snake, yeah? Snakey?
Vetinari's left us out in the cold.
Ooh, just a bit
There you go.
Goodboy, there you go.
Can't find Carcer. The sword.
And these tests, is all this
really gonna help us kill that dragon?
You've upset him.
Ooh, it's okay.
Oh, snakey, snakey.
That's for you.
There you go.
Oh, that's it.
When I was in
Carcer's head
I saw myself.
Older than I am now.
And I wasn't alone, Cheery.
Imagine that, huh?
CHEERY: Who knows
what's in Carcer's head?
But I do know that there's
someone for everyone, Captain.
Is that little shit
singing at us?
Let him out.
Better get my tambourine.
- It's the dragon!
The dragon's feeding
all the time now.
- Hey, hands off.
- CARROT: Excuse me.
Thank you.
I found this, Corporal.
There's papers inside.
Oh, dear. Who was that?
Member of the Koom Valley
Re-enactment Society.
Probably on his way home
from one of their gaming nights.
Met a couple in The Drum.
Cool guys.
Well, the legend does speak of the
Noble dragon being partial to virgins.
Doesn't mean any of the victims
were virgins, Lady Ramkin.
The first was
a stamp collector.
The second,
a struggling singer,
songwriter, model cart
enthusiast and bookkeeper.
And the third was a spinster
who lived in an abattoir
with her aunt
and two Alsatians.
There's absolutely
no connection there.
Probably an old superstition.
Yeah. We're all safe.
Aren't we?
- Yeah, totally.
- I'm very safe.
So, seeing as we've
made no progress
in locating the sword which
might subdue this beast,
I thought the least I could do
would be to try and stop Carcer
from putting his hands on it.
- So, you've found him?
- Her.
I tracked Wonse
through the night.
I almost caught her
but my cover was blown.
- You lost her?
- Most of her.
Do you think you can help?
Tell her.
She already knows.
Find Wonse, find Carcer.
Stop him controlling the dragon.
- Maybe figure out
- I'm not talking about that.
Take it from me,
one day, it'll be too late.
Talk to her.
Just start with
the small stuff.
Try it out on me, go on.
Do you like bread?
Do you like bread?
Do Do you like bread?
Do you like bread?
VIMES: Those squeaky boots
blew your cover, did they?
- They're new.
- Another flawed plan.
What's your point, Vimes?
You just go charging in
like you can do whatever you want.
Kidnapping guild members,
strutting round
Unseen University without a care.
Because if things go wrong,
you've got less to lose.
I've lost plenty, Vimes.
How much them boots cost?
My ten dollar boots don't make a sound
but the bastards leak.
Then the soles will wear thin.
But, eyes closed,
I'll know where I am
in this city
just by the feel of the stone
beneath my toes.
Your feet will stay dry
for ten years.
In the same time,
I'll spend 300, 400 dollars
and my feet will still be wet.
What is this?
The Captain Sam Vimes "boots theory"
on socioeconomic unfairness?
No, it's just
That's good.
I'm gonna keep that.
It's just, I realise the reason
the rich are so rich
and the poor stay poor
is 'cause the rich spend less money.
You have no idea
what I do with my money.
Trail ends over there,
in that diner.
All I can smell is Wonse,
a few guys and a lot of cheap perfume.
Okay, team. Heads up.
Eyes on me. Here's the plan.
My plan, right,
it'll require stealth and cunning
She's already gone in there
with an axe, hasn't she?
Shh. Bad boots.
They're new. Sorry to
disturb you all, ladies.
"A few guys."
Where's Wonse?
There. In the back.
IGOR: Table for five, is it?
- Are you Igor?
- Who wants to know?
We're The City Watch.
Well, most of us.
Take out the trash!
I'll unstitch your other hand
and staple it to your face.
How about that?
We'd, er, like to
ask you a few questions.
We're closing.
Drink up, ladies.
It's just her cloak.
Wonse faked the trail.
Drag goblins.
The worst kind.
My spy pigeon heard
of this place from a rat.
He said there's a woman.
The one we're looking for.
Jocasta Wiggs.
She's kept away
from the others.
And she still has the sword?
We'll find out.
When I hold it?
The Grimoire dictates
the dragon will present itself,
obey you.
The rat also said
the creatures they keep in
here howl through the night.
That he's never
known such fury.
Talkative rat.
Get ready.
Here at Twilight Canyons, spell-casting,
vampire mesmerism
and orgies of the undead
are only permitted
in designated areas.
- Visitors?
- Mifelle? Have you come for me, Mifelle?
- Get away from me, lady.
Take your hands
off him, Contessa.
Can't you see
it's not Michelle?
Would you like a cup
of tea, Michelle?
MOTHER: (OVER PA) Remember.
Twilight Canyons is a safe community.
Violence will not be tolerated.
Jocasta Wiggs.
No. It can't be.
I'm out.
Shit, I'm out. What now?
Has anybody got
anything to say?
'Cause now's the time.
All right, I'll start.
Do you remember that time you all
woke up and nobody had any eyebrows?
- Mmm.
- It wasn't those tiny blue men.
It was me.
That was you?
- Why? Why?
- Eyebrow experiment.
If we are going to die,
let's die with our boots on,
shall we?
What did that
little one just say?
No idea.
CARCER: Jocasta?
- Have you come for me?
- Not for you.
Give us Gawain.
The sword.
She doesn't know
what we're talking about.
She barely knows herself.
Time has taken her memories.
You've been erased.
In this story,
I don't remember your face at all.
(GRUNTS) Damn it!
The sword.
- Who paid you to stitch us up?
- Talk, you stitchy little shit.
- Lady Ramkin!
What? It's not even
his real hand.
All right, Igor, fancy
some more stitching 'round the mouth?
- Captain?
- Cheery?
- Done with that needle?
- Almost.
- VIMES: Well?
- Captain, I don't like this.
- I love this.
- So do I.
It was a woman.
I think she was
some kind of a wizard.
Or a witch.
She was with this guy.
Heard 'em say they was heading
for some kind of a facility.
A dangerous place.
That's all I know.
CARCER: That's Veltrick.
So that's
That's her?
She did all these.
Must have been years ago.
She was trying to not
let the memories go
but they've finally
let her go.
CARCER: Why risk their lives
stealing from the Assassins' Guild?
Did the sword call to her?
Well, if it did,
it wasn't just her.
There were two of them.
Look, they fled
the guild together.
And were chased
by the Assassins.
Sailed across
the great sea at Quirm,
into the Uberwaldian Mountains.
Their journey must
have been tortuous.
They passed through
Koom Valley, Sto Lat.
Assassins in pursuit
and Jocasta getting weaker all the time.
What magic is so powerful
that it can drive
two women to the edge
of the world?
Maybe it wanted
to be destroyed.
To be thrown into nothing,
erased from existence.
CARCER: But they didn't
throw it away.
Jocasta was betrayed.
- The other one still has it.
- Perpetua.
There was a tomb
with that name.
Above hers.
Assassins are buried with
the weapons they're carrying
at the moment of their death.
If she still had the sword
when she died,
we know where to find it.
- Where's the other one?
Find him. Catch up.
Would Cohen the Barbarian
please report to reception.
Your chiropodist,
Carol, has arrived.
Well, we've got nothing
we can use from Stitchyman.
Soon, Carcer will have the sword
and we'll all be dead.
(EXHALES) You know,
if there's one thing
I've learnt in all these years
Is that no matter
how bad things look,
something always
comes along.
Take our little friend here.
- Spike.
Spike helped us escape
right when we
needed him most,
all because Cheery showed
a moment's kindness.
Now, we can either sit
and drink and despair,
or we can have faith
that someone, somewhere
is seeing all those
little things that barely get noticed.
Someone knows they add up.
They matter.
I think I'm gonna be sick now.
Nobody's gonna help us.
We're on our own.
We've got nothing.
What's Twilight Canyons?
to Twilight Canyons.
- This is a safe community
- (GASPS) Visitors!
Is it Mifelle?
Don't be stupid, Contessa.
How could they
all be Michelle?
Somebody sent us a message.
I did.
Sergeant Swires?
Don't call me Sergeant.
And don't expect me
to call you Captain.
Something strange
has happened here.
- I saw someone.
- Carcer.
He hasn't changed
since that night. How is that possible?
We're still working on it.
Are you all right, Colin?
Swires, I, uh, I didn't know
What, that this is where we go
when they pension us off,
if we're lucky? (CHUCKLES)
Just 'cause you don't see us any more,
doesn't mean we're not still there.
This is who he came to see.
Be gentle with her.
She's not well.
WONSE: Here, Jocasta.
And Perpetua.
WONSE: Raise it to the sky.
- The dragon will complete the ritual
- Not here.
WONSE: Then where?
Let's go.
The wonders this pair
must've seen together.
Jocasta, did you tell Carcer
where to find the sword?
No. She can't tell
you anything.
And all I know about her is that
she was once in The Assassins' Guild.
Whatever she was,
she isn't any more.
She did all this before
her memory finally faded.
Means nothing to her now.
These drawings must've
told Carcer something.
Otherwise he'd still be here.
We need more
than she can give us.
PERPETUA: This should be enough to keep
her here for the rest of her days.
She needs the cane
to support her.
Perpetua Rose Jones.
Ah, Michelle.
You're not Michelle.
Let me get
a better look at you.
Would you like
a cup of tea, Michelle?
Yes, that'd
thank you.
All out of Basilisk Piss, though.
All vampires, please be aware
that the soup of the day
may contain garlic
and priest croutons.
Madam, you forgot your
I know, but she will not be
able to take those with her.
You're not afraid?
Growing up in the mines,
I always knew you were there
even though
I never saw you.
I suppose you must be
here a lot more, though?
All the old folk?
Nights. Weekends.
And they've started calling me Michelle.
It must get quite tiring? Dull?
Actually it does.
Nobody ever
understood that before.
It gets lonely.
I can imagine.
Would you like to go
for a drink sometime?
Uh, nothing. Nothing.
I should go.
Dammit, which way did she go?
WYNONA: Ah, Michelle. At last.
Can't take it with you
CARCER: This is where
they dumped us as kids.
We start here.
Light a fire they'll all see.
Why isn't it working?
WONSE: It's the hilt.
What now?
You had a cane with you
when you were brought here.
See? Look at the hilt.
Look closely.
It's the same hilt as the sword's.
the woman who brought
Jocasta here,
she split the sword in two.
took the blade with her,
and left Jocasta
with the real hilt.
Who trained this kid, Vimes?
Why do you assume
it wasn't me?
Because this is the cane.
When Jocasta stopped walking,
she let me borrow it.
I never noticed
the hilt before.
Carcer doesn't have
what he needs.
Well sooner or later,
he'll be back.
All right, listen up.
Here's the plan.
Are those um,
Carcer's goblins?
Oh, they're all right.
I mean that one there's
the best arse wiper
in the whole place.
Okay, then.
Right. Lady Ramkin?
You, the arse wiper
and the other one will deal with Wonse.
Rest of us will hide
in here with Jocasta and the hilt.
They're the bait.
And if anyone sees that sword,
grab it.
There's never any fighting
in Twilight Canyons
Well, there's gonna be
fighting now all right.
So you better get
those ol' farts and get them to safety.
Oh, you don't understand.
Listen to me
No you listen to me,
I've had it up to here
with people telling me
how to do my job.
So, I am putting
my thing down
- So you have a thing?
- Yes. Yes I do.
And it's going down.
My plan, my way, for once.
All right?
I know that sound
Take the sword.
Lady Ramkin.
I see you've got the sword.
And you've still
got those boots.
They're new.
He's breaking them in for me.
SWIRES: Hello, Carcer.
Give me the hilt.
That's no way
to greet an old friend.
Are you going to give it to me
or do I have to take
another handful of hair?
Help yourself.
I was hoping you'd say that.
I was hoping you'd say that.
And I was hoping
you'd say that.
It's over, Carcer.
MOTHER: (OVER PA) Your attention please.
Your attention please.
Imminent violence
has been detected.
The displacement
spell is now active.
The displacement
spell is now active.
- Whoa.
CARCER: What is happening?
VIMES: How are you still alive?
How are you still a kid?
CARCER: I was never a kid.
I had to grow up
and take care of myself
'cause no one else would.
Took care of you, remember?
You hate me for what I did.
It's not just what you did.
It's everything you're gonna do.
Why'd you want
to burn the city?
To pay it back.
Tell me.
You think you wanna know
but you don't.
You really don't.
VIMES: What happened
to you that night?
After I fell,
I hit the ground.
But not this ground.
I found myself
MOTHER: There will be jingo
in the day-room in ten minutes.
Non bi-heads
especially welcome.
Something just broke the curse.
A greater power
We're done dancing.
What happens when this thing
comes together?
- Does the dragon
- Last time she held this thing
there was no dragon.
So who knows?
You should all clear out.
We're going nowhere, Captain.
If it comes,
we'll use the sword to send it away.
End this.
This is it.
SWORD: No, that's
just my theme tune.
Scares the shit out
of Barbarian Hordes.
Also aardvarks.
SWORD: It's my stage name,
love. Call me Wayne.
The key to controlling
the dragon
is a talking sword called Wayne?
WAYNE: Ancient magical artefacts
are used in many rituals.
How do we use you
to get rid of the dragon?
WAYNE: Demon summoning.
Witch control.
Answer us, Wayne
or I'll slap you with this hand.
WAYNE: Slap away
but I'm afraid
all my black magic gigs blur into one.
I know you
You spoke to us.
WAYNE: Indeed.
Only to you.
Only to them?
WAYNE: Only true lovers
can hear Wayne.
- But I'm not.
- No, no lovers here.
- We're colleagues.
- And really good friends.
Turn it down, Carrot.
WAYNE: This, my friends,
is the "Way of Wayne."
If you hear me,
you got some kind
of love in you.
The Assassins' Code
forbids them
from being governed
by their feelings.
There is no love there.
Their love was too powerful.
WAYNE: Exactly.
The sword
Wayne, he
He didn't reach out to them.
They woke him up.
WAYNE: I knew those two ladies
were in love before they did.
That's what this is.
Two people wanting to see
the world together.
Share everything.
Before the Twilight took 'em.
WAYNE: Let me tell you,
love is the most magical,
elemental power
in the universe.
It can change realities.
Unlock closed hearts
and closed minds.
If this lady ever remembered
she was in love,
she'd remember everything.
What if he's right, Captain?
If love
that power really can unlock
a closed mind?
If Jocasta remembers
her feelings,
maybe she'll remember
more about Wayne,
tell us how to use him.
She spent all that
time with him.
Maybe he let something slip.
I found this.
I thought it felt
like punishment
but it was about protection.
"This should be enough to keep her here
for the rest of her days.
"She needs the cane
to support her.
"Perpetua Rose Jones."
No violence here.
No one could hurt her.
SYBIL: Is there more
to it than that?
The letter already
led us to the hilt.
We're missing something.
It'll be between those lines.
Or behind them.
Unseen University.
Reading room.
We take this in there
with Jocasta,
get her to look at the lines
maybe it'll unlock something.
Maybe she'll remember.
Come on.
There's still a place
in The Watch House for you, Sergeant.
Ah, I belong in here
with this lot.
Just as you belong
out there with your lot.
World's never needed The Watch
more than it does now.
Welcome back.
We remind you that as a mortal being
in an inter-dimensional eternity,
you must please
keep away from the edge.
If you fall,
you will fall forever.
And die forever in eternal,
endless agony.
Thank you. Enjoy your visit
to The Observers' Realm.
OBSERVERS: Carcer Dun.
We sentence you to erasure
for attempting to reveal
our existence to another mortal.
Ours is the only Watch.
The Great Watch that keeps
all things in their rightful place.
That storm
was the wizards' fault.
I never asked
to be sent to the future.
OBSERVERS: The anomaly of
your presence there was only tolerated
because you agreed to go back
and destroy this version
of our ultimate enemies.
The ones whose rise
threatens the natural order
of reality.
The Watch?
They're still nothing back there.
OBSERVERS: They are beginning
to believe in themselves.
This will inspire
others to believe
and then the mess
of human feeling and imagination
will rot reality from inside.
That's what you
you don't get.
You want everything to be
only what you can see.
There must be stability.
That's why you still need me.
There is no atom of hope.
No molecule of love.
I can understand things that you don't.
Look into a man's eyes
and know what's behind them.
Do not fail us again,
Carcer Dun
or you will cease to exist.
I won't fail.
OBSERVERS: Bye then.
So is there like a door
I can use
Thank you.
You two go in with Jocasta.
I don't think
that's a good idea.
Let's get this over with.
CHEERY: You're not getting
any better, are you?
JOCASTA: (READING) "This should be
enough to keep her here."
"Keep her here."
"She's sick."
(ECHOES) "I can't run
with her any more."
Keep reading.
"Keep her safe,
I can't protect her.
(ECHOES) "Jocasta my love,
I will try to lead the Assassins away.
"When you feel alone,
"just hold the hilt
and I will be near."
I can
I can feel.
You left The Guild because
You can't kill and love.
But you hope you can.
You want to run with her?
I just want to know.
You think you'll never catch her.
You remember
don't you?
The night the sword
spoke to you.
The night you took him,
you went running with him.
With Perpetua
There's more in you
than you realise.
You remember
you used to dream
about others
other artefacts.
In this place I can remember,
remember nothing but love.
How long can I stay here?
Nothing lasts.
Some things do.
CARCER: Blood.
Whose is it?
Took some while you were sleeping
in case I ever needed
to trace you.
The spell should've found you.
But you were
It was them, wasn't it?
The ones you're afraid of?
The Watch must have found
something we missed.
VETINARI: I should take you
off the case more often, Vimes.
VIMES: It was very effective, sir.
We have the sword
in our custody
VETINARI: So the interrogation
has begun?
We must question the sword, Vimes.
See if he can help us
find the remaining artefacts.
I was going to impound him, sir.
To keep him from being used.
Best way of
VETINARI: When our streets
were overrun with crime,
we thought the best way
of stopping it was
to arrest the criminals.
Lock them up.
Punish them.
But in the end,
the solution to the problem was control.
Look inside the chest, Vimes.
The remains of many
of the bounty hunters
who came to solve
our latest problem.
You see, Vimes?
You can't kill
a beast by feeding it.
You're talking about
controlling the Dragon
yourself, sir?
Need I remind you, Vimes?
That failure to comply
with my orders
can only be fatal.
You could talk all night
But it won't get better
There's a strong storm comin'
We won't make a sound
So have either of you ladeyz
heard these rumours
about the dragon's feeding habits?
CARCER: You the head
of The Thieves' Guild?
Private party. Piss off.
Excuse us.
We heard Lord Vetinari
has sanctioned you
to hand over your profits
to Doctor Cruces
at The Assassins' Guild.
- Well
- It's not an appropriate punishment
for trying to murder her.
It's a humiliation.
Who are you?
We want you to steal something.
A sword
A sword that
will give you power
they can never take away.
A sword that's with someone
whose conscience is his weakness.
Who will never know real power.
Silence is deafening
CARCER: Look at what
the Noble dragon's done to this city.
People live in fear.
Is it goodbye for us
CARCER: They put their faith
in useless potions and charms
and backstreet magic.
Some even believe that
Vetinari will protect them.
I gave you my trust, trust, trust
Guess it wasn't enough
CARCER: But the sword
is the only way to control the dragon.
With the sword, the city is yours.
And it's in the hands of a fool
who can't hold onto anything.
All you have to do
is take it from him.
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