The Wedding Coach (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

A Royal Pain

I'm Jamie Lee, comedian,
actress, author and former bride.
A few years ago, I got married.
Was it magical? Kinda.
Was planning it a bit of a nightmare?
[dramatic music intensifying]
In fact,
I found wedding planning so ridiculous
that I wrote a book about it!
Here's the thing.
The wedding industry wants you to believe
that everything should be perfect,
but that's some bullshit.
There's no need for a wedding expert.
You just need someone who's lived
through it to do your dirty work.
I'll be there to help couples
get to the finish line,
and I'll be bringing along
some of my friends to help.
Consider me the wedding coach!
Do I have pit stains?
Ooh, la, la, la, la
Do, do, do, do, do, do it ♪
Ooh, la, la, la, la
Do, do, do, do, do, do it ♪
- You're not even teaching me nothing.
- Yu-huh, I just told you what to do.
[Lee] That's Markesha.
She's getting married
to the man of her dreams, Brandon,
in Atlanta, Georgia,
and it's only five days away.
Twerk, twerk, twerk in the kitchen ♪
All she wants is a wedding
to rival the royals,
but issues with their friends and families
threaten to make this
a little less William and Kate
and more of the kind of upsetting
royal weddings of the 17th century.
This can't end with a beheading.
So I'm here to make sure Queen Markesha
doesn't get dethroned by her own wedding.
I am bringing along my friend,
actress Alesha Renee.
She's been a bridesmaid a lot,
more times than most people.
Alesha and I, we've got this.
[upbeat music plays]
Now my car's not moving.
'Cause the race over, that's why.
The moment I met Markesha
was a vibe I never felt before.
Once I saw her, I was like,
"Oh, she's beautiful."
He just likes what I had on.
I had booty shorts.
For the record,
I wasn't looking at her shorts.
I just looked at her face, and I knew then
there was something special about her.
We were dancing the whole night,
and even after that,
we were still talking in the parking lot
till maybe four in the morning.
What's gonna happen when I get really old
and I can't even walk anymore
and need a wheelchair?
- What are we gonna do?
- We'll figure that out.
[Markesha] I am so happy.
Brandon is my best friend.
He loves me for me.
I don't know what I'd be
or what I would do without her.
See, you got to turn it
like a steering wheel.
I love nerds. Nerds are a turn-on.
[both laughing]
[Brandon] We dated four and a half years
before we got engaged.
[Markesha] It was the right time
and this time with the right person.
I've been married before.
The first time I got married I was 25.
There was nothing special about it.
That wedding was planned last minute,
so I didn't get to do the things
that I wanted to do
as far as the decorations,
including the dress, the hair.
So, when Brandon proposed to me,
that was my chance at love again,
and I want to be a part of everything
in this wedding this time.
- I have my king.
- [Brandon] I have my queen.
So it just felt right that we have a king
and queen royalty-themed wedding.
[classical music plays]
We're getting married in a church
that looks like a castle.
There's gonna be diamonds everywhere.
- Gold, satin
- [Brandon] Don't forget blue.
[Markesha] Blue.
Yeah, blue represents royalty.
There will probably be
about 110 to 120 people.
[Markesha] One thing
I have noticed about this wedding
is that it is showing me
a lot of people's true colors
and how much pressure
family can put on you.
We have a lot of friends cancel at,
you know, very last second,
so now it's a stressful situation.
[Markesha] My wedding singer canceled.
He couldn't do it.
Now, my friend,
she was supposed to come to Atlanta
to help me do my hair,
but, unfortunately,
she is not gonna be able to make it.
Everything is falling apart.
Don't do it, like,
heavy-handed like you did last time.
Hopefully, Jamie can, you know,
help make it better. I don't know.
It would be helpful to have
an extra person with me by my side.
I just want my girl happy
at the end of the day.
[upbeat electronic music plays]
- [Markesha] Hello!
- [Lee] Hi!
- Nice to meet you.
- [Markesha] Nice to meet you, too.
- [Lee gasps] Did you make these?
- [Markesha] Yes.
Have you just had like glitter and paint
all over your apartment?
Yeah, we actually used some nail polish
to get some of it off the floors.
- [Lee] OK.
- I had gold paint all over the floors.
- Oh, my goodness.
- I had glitter and glue everywhere.
Are you just like
perpetually high from the fumes?
- Yes, we did get high off the fumes.
- [Lee] Cool.
- At least that's a perk.
- [laughs]
"Yeah, I'm killing my brain cells,
but I'm feeling good."
Yeah. [laughs]
I'm doing some DIY projects
for this wedding
because, you know,
it's an important thing for me.
I want to be involved
with the planning this time.
I have so many questions for you.
I don't even know where to start.
Um, OK, the photographer.
Talk to me about that.
I didn't get to do pictures
at my first wedding.
- So I wanna make sure these are perfect.
- Yeah.
We're using the same photographer
at our wedding
that we did in our engagement photos,
but the angles in our engagement photos
were pretty off.
Brandon looked wonderful.
He looked like
he should be on GQ magazine.
But when it came to me,
the lazy eye, I look crazy.
That's my concern
with him doing the wedding.
So, why are we using the same photographer
if we didn't love the photos?
Because he's a good friend of mine,
and, you know,
I always give people second chances.
- That's nice of you.
- So
- What's his name?
- Marcus.
OK, Marcus, we gotta shape up or ship out.
- Exactly.
- Um
- [giggles]
- OK, so what's going on with Whitney?
Well, my best friend Whitney,
I asked him to sing,
he's a wonderful singer.
His name's Whitney, so you're like,
"All Whitneys are talented."
- Right. They all have beautiful voices.
- Yes.
He has a wonderful voice,
and when he told me that,
you know, he really couldn't do it,
I was disappointed.
Also, I haven't seen him in almost a year.
So it was also an opportunity
to connect with your friend.
Connect with him,
and we can do crafts and stuff together.
- I have no one here to help me.
- Right.
So it's like, "not only would I like
to be surrounded by friends, I need help"?
So what's going on
with the dance situation?
So, I have a stepfather
that I've known all my life.
He's been there for me.
- [Lee] You're close with your stepdad.
- Yes.
And then, me and my biological father,
in the beginning,
we didn't have a close relationship.
We didn't get close
until after I graduated high school.
[Lee] OK.
Now, it's just uncomfortable for me
because I don't wanna choose
between dancing with the stepfather
and my biological father
because I love them both equally.
If I would pick my dad,
my mom would be mad.
She'd say, "Your stepdad would be hurt
because he was there for you."
What would you want?
It's my day, it's Brandon's day,
it's about us,
but if there's tension
it's gonna be uncomfortable.
I totally, totally get it.
It would be nice to have some people
that's supporting me,
and I feel like I'm not getting that.
- So yeah.
- Mm, I'm so sorry, friend.
- Weddings! What a magical time.
- I can't wait for it to be over.
- It's stressful as shit. [laughs]
- Yeah.
And I hear it from so many brides.
I felt it when I was getting married.
Everyone's like,
"Ah, best time of your life, right?"
And I was like, "Are you insane?"
- I cried every day last week.
- Yeah!
You're gonna be fine. It's gonna be fine.
- OK. That released some anxiety.
- OK.
- I really hope it does.
- [laughs] It does.
OK, good.
We're days away from the wedding,
and between a last minute dropout
and some serious family drama,
the pressure is mounting.
So I am stepping in,
professional bridesmaid,
to make sure that these two
get hitched without a hitch.
When I got to Atlanta yesterday,
I went to a craft store
and went a little nuts and I made you
- What is [laughs]
- It's your very own scepter.
This was my thought.
I was like, a scepter,
obviously like very royal and regal.
But also it's kind of a weapon,
so you can knock out all of your anxiety,
and knock away all the bad feelings
left by all these crummy friends
who are letting you down.
You can also dust things.
It has a lot of different uses.
Yes. [laughing] I love it.
- [Lee] You are the queen of your wedding.
- [Markesha] Thank you so much.
[upbeat rock music plays]
- Alesha Renee, thank you for being here.
- Of course. Come on now.
And also, thank you for helping me
with this particular wedding
because I think
they really need the backup.
- Yeah.
- You have been a bridesmaid
Tell tell the world.
- Nine times.
- Nine times.
- Nine times.
- Yeah.
- [Markesha] Hello! How are you?
- [Lee] Oh, my goodness.
We need to make sure that Markesha feels
like the queen she deserves to be.
- Duh-duh-duh-duh! [laughs]
- Hear-ye, hear-ye!
OK, well, you guys had photos taken.
- [Markesha] Mm-hmm.
- You don't love them.
I wanna look slim in my pictures
and get the little gobbler out of the way.
You do not have a gobbler.
- [they laugh]
- He had bad angles.
I only get one chance at it,
so if you could please help me.
[Lee] Right.
These are the photos that the great,
great, great, great, great grandkids go
- "Oh, she was hot!"
- "She was servin' it!"
OK, well,
I would like us to try and step in
and help you guys with some poses.
Here's the thing
about wedding photography.
Just because you can't secure
some like elite fashion photographer,
that does not mean panic.
You can totally elevate your pics
in how you pose and angle yourself.
Grab your phone, grab a friend,
and take some practice pics.
Help the photog help you.
Maybe we'll start out over here,
kind of in the shade.
- This is just kind of a classic.
- OK, gotcha.
I call this, you know, "adult prom."
She does a lot of red carpets,
so listen to her.
- You said you want the slimming effect?
- Yes.
Body back. Stand up, Markesha.
So, turn your body. Mirror my body.
- Pop this leg out.
- Pop it!
[Renee] Yes. Boom.
- [Lee] Here we go!
- [camera shutter clicking]
- Ooh, it looks so good!
- You see what I'm saying?
My various experience
in front of the camera and on red carpets
taught me to know my postures
- [Lee] Yes, shoulders back.
- [Renee] Shoulders always back.
[laughs] Something
Something along these lines.
- If it hurts, it looks great.
- [Lee] Mm!
When in doubt, there's always the,
"What's on my shoe?"
[Markesha laughs]
You just kind of look down,
deep in thought like,
"What is on my shoe?"
[camera shutter clicks]
- So good. Dying.
- Oh, yeah, I like that.
- [Lee] We wanna see those wedding boobs.
- [Brandon] Lawd, have mercy!
[Lee] Oh, she looks like
she's gonna murder me, I love it.
One of my favorite ones.
Start with the butt, end with the face.
We have to remember these poses
because we can't mess this up.
This is my money being spent,
so I gotta make sure this is perfect.
[whispers] Actually, it's my money.
Yeah, you're right.
We want everybody who sees these pictures
to be like, "Wow. These are phenomenal."
[Lee] OK, and go in for the kiss.
[Renee] That's the shot.
I would print that and put it on the wall.
- Really?
- Yeah, I would.
[Lee] OK, good.
[upbeat music playing]
Markesha has been counting on Whitney
to be her singer.
Now he has pretty much
just left her in the dust.
[Renee] High and dry.
[Lee] Having to find a new singer
the week of your wedding
- Not ideal.
- No.
you just have to cast a wider net,
and there is no net wider
than the Internet.
So tell us what exactly
you're looking for.
So, I'm looking for somebody
with a soulful voice.
I want something live,
something people can feel.
[Renee] Mm-hmm.
You know, it's an important thing
for my big entrance
as I'm gonna be walking down the aisle.
I want it to be memorable.
It's a big place to get married,
so we want to make sure
that the voice travels towards the back.
I don't want to hear, "Huh?"
Because people will say that.
- Yeah. Black churches, for sure.
- [Lee] Yeah.
- "Can't hear you!"
- "Sing, baby. Sing louder."
So if I don't find anybody today,
I honestly don't know what else to do.
- Hi, I'm Jamie.
- I'm Kellan.
[Lee] Great to meet you.
Just whatever you're feeling sort of
in your bones. We want to hear that.
Amazing grace ♪
How sweet the sound ♪
That saved a wretch ♪
Like me ♪
- OK.
- OK.
- [Kellan] Thank you.
- OK.
I won't be mad if that song
gets stuck in your head.
- [chuckles]
- OK, here's the thing with Kellan.
I love the confidence.
- But not the right fit.
- Yeah.
- [Renee] Hi!
- [Lee] Hey!
- [Renee] How are you?
- How you doin'?
How are you? What's your name?
My name's Blake.
[Lee] Blake, I love your voice.
Markesha is a great girl
And she's getting married ♪
[Lee] Woo!
Markesha, yeah
Markesha, yeah ♪
Mar ♪
[strums guitar chords]
- Thank you so much.
- [Blake] Yeah, no problem.
Having a country singer at a wedding,
it's a little like Monday Night Football.
[in deep voice] It's like,
"Are you ready for some Markesha?"
No. [laughs]
- Hi.
- [Lee] Hi. Oh, my goodness.
Take a little step on up.
Go for it.
[piano playing]
Look back over time
And I'm so amazed to say ♪
My heart belongs to you ♪
Baby, yeah ♪
Yes. Well done.
- [Markesha] Thank you.
- Thank you.
That's what I'm talking about.
[Lee] Great voice. Fashion icon.
- Very talented.
- And different.
OK, so we have one more.
- What is your name?
- Jekarra.
Nice to meet you.
I actually wrote a wedding song.
It's called "Yes to Forever."
- "Yes to Forever."
- [Renee] OK.
You asked me my name
Said, can you take me on a date ♪
And I said, "OK" ♪
But I didn't know I was saying yes ♪
Yes to forever ♪
[Renee] Yes!
That was the first time in a week
that I actually cried happy tears.
- Good!
- [Renee] Mm!
So, I feel more confident about it.
I'm like, "Whitney who?"
Hey, I know I'm the cream
that's holding this Oreo together,
but that made me wanna go
- [Renee] Oh, we are!
- [all laughing]
I didn't realize that!
[upbeat music playing]
- [Lee] Hi!
- [Markesha] Hello!
- This is my mom.
- [Lee] How's it going?
- Going well.
- Good?
- Yeah, she's showing me her plates.
- [Markesha] She don't like 'em.
- Oh.
- No, I don't really care for them.
Oh. What do you want? [laughs]
During wedding planning,
moms believe "mother knows best,"
when really, mother just knows
"loudest and with more conviction."
What's the latest
with Dad and the first dance?
So, my mom feels
my stepfather should dance with me.
- [Lee] Yeah.
- He raised her.
So, he's been the only father that she
No, that's not fair.
And I told my dad that,
and he got a little upset.
He didn't feel that that was right.
Well, he needs to get over it.
Does it bother you
that Markesha's hurt by it?
That bothers me.
Because it's exhausting,
and you're already exhausted.
You have so much stuff to be done,
and we only have a couple more days.
Then you're also walking around
with the emotional baggage.
This is someone
who is really trying to handle a lot,
you know, down to the plates.
Because you're afraid
he won't be in your life anymore?
- Yeah.
- And I don't want that to happen to her.
I'll start tearing up.
My main thing is,
I just want to make sure you're good.
Which one would you like to dance with?
I didn't want to pick it.
That's why it took me till last minute.
I didn't want to do that
'cause somebody would be mad.
But, you know, it's your decision.
It's your wedding.
You're great. What a great mom.
- Big fan.
- [they laugh]
Big fan of this mom.
I feel great because I'm not always able
to open up to my mother.
Now, if Jamie Lee wasn't there,
it probably would have been another story.
Don't worry. I got you.
Couples feel a lot of pressure
to make everyone in their families happy.
that's a needle you just can't thread.
With her mom now
giving the decision back to her,
it's time to get Dad on board, too,
which might be a lot harder.
You can keep the plates, OK?
After all of this.
- What?
- [Lee] Oh, my God!
[laughing] Keep the plates!
I got so emotional
over those plates just now.
[upbeat music playing]
How are you feeling?
Are you overwhelmed or are you
I am overwhelmed.
So, I'm freaking out about this rehearsal,
making sure that everybody's doing
what they're supposed to do.
Hey, Dad.
I don't know how to handle this issue
with my biological father and stepfather.
I just don't want someone to feel
as if I'm picking a side.
It's tricky when a non-family member, me,
tries to address a delicate family issue.
The phrase "butt out" comes to mind,
but I believe
it ultimately could be helpful.
I'm an outside perspective looking in,
trying to help prioritize
Markesha's happiness.
I'm hoping her dad
will see it that way as well.
- How are you feeling about the wedding?
- Quite good. Oh, I'm happy for her.
- These things are always insane.
- [Mark] Mm-hmm.
The thing that's hard,
is that when you're planning a wedding,
you have to deal with one issue
on top of the other.
I know there was an issue
with the dance with you and her
and Mom wanting Markesha's stepdad
to dance with her.
[Mark] Mm-hmm.
[Lee] Where are we at with that?
[indistinct background chatter]
Yeah, I mean, that bothered me, it did.
You know what I mean?
That really kind of upset me.
I got nervous because I was like
I know at my wedding,
there was a lot of family tension.
- I do not want that to happen.
- [Mark] I respect that.
- It's one day.
- [Mark] Yeah.
It's one day
where everyone has to get along.
Whatever my daughters want,
it's fine with me.
- That's good.
- [Mark] I respect that.
I would never do anything
or cause any tension to spoil her day.
The decision's hers.
[indistinct background chatter]
Hey, buddy.
[sighs] Alright.
So, I talked to your dad.
I just want to let you know,
I had a really nice chat with him,
and I think that things are gonna go
very smoothly tomorrow.
I do not anticipate
any flare-ups or tension.
He said he is fine
with whatever you choose.
- Thank you so much.
- I got you.
You're the best.
I feel great that the decision is mine.
I just need everybody
to get along for 24 hours,
and then after that,
they can just go home and be mad.
- But I will be watching him and your mom.
- Please do.
- I'm like on high alert for you.
- [laughs]
Mission accomplished,
at least for the moment.
[classical violin music playing]
Wedding day is here!
Now, we have to be prepared
for the problems
that come up at the actual wedding.
- Alert, ready.
- [laughs]
On the prowl.
That's very on the prowl. [laughs]
Here we go.
Oh, it's so pretty and clean in here.
- [upbeat music plays]
- [Markesha] Alright.
Alright, so I guess we can
hang up our dresses on this rack.
[music continues]
Where's my sister?
Where's the other two bridesmaids?
[man 1] What time are we gonna
start getting dressed?
[Brandon] Shoot.
Probably in the next 30 minutes or so.
What's up, buddy?
Where are you at right now?
- [man 2] Thirty minutes from there.
- You gonna head here now?
- [man 2] Yeah, I'll get there right now.
- Alright, cool.
- [man 2] Alright.
- Alright, later.
Happy wedding day!
[Markesha] Hello!
It's wedding time!
- Hi, beauty.
- Hello.
Are you doing your own makeup?
Yeah, my bridesmaid ditched,
but she is going to be here.
[Renee] Why aren't they here?
- [Markesha] I know, right?
- [ringing tone]
[Renee] What's with people thinking
bridal duties are optional?
Oh, hello?
- Did we wake you?
- [bridesmaid] No.
Oh, OK, we just wanted to see,
um, what your ETA was,
because we're getting ready,
and we want all the bridesmaids around
because we actually have some stuff
that we could help Markesha with upstairs.
There's work to be done, darlin'.
[bridesmaid] Oh.
[Markesha] Time is ticking.
- [bridesmaid] Alright. Maybe 30 minutes?
- OK.
OK, thank you so much.
Markesha has had a lot of friends
let her down throughout this process,
so I want the bridesmaids
to rally for her.
I need them to be there for her.
We want to make sure that, you know,
those duties are taken care of.
I know how much tension Markesha
has incurred throughout this process.
I just don't want it touching today.
I'm so annoyed.
[Renee] Hello, hello.
- Can you clean up these brows for me?
- I wanted to say that.
[classical violin music playing]
[Renee] How's it going?
It's nerve-wracking
'cause it's almost two o'clock.
[music continues]
- Wait, the wedding is in
- [Renee] One hour.
[Lee] An hour
and there's boxes everywhere?
[music stops]
I felt like all the blood
drain out of my body just now.
We're just helping out. We were wondering
if we could help you carry anything or
As with any wedding,
you should expect to get down to the wire
with last-minute details,
but we're not talking details here,
this wedding is not ready to go.
- Do y'all know how to tie sashes?
- [Renee] We sure do.
- So these all have to be done?
- [woman] Yeah.
- J, get on it. I'm on my fourth.
- It helps to dance while doing it.
[Renee] You better get it together.
You don't happen to have any cups in here?
God, I know that you're handling
more macro issues,
but today is about Markesha
and I just really could use
some cups right now.
[tense music playing]
Good talk.
Do you end it with "good talk"?
I don't even know.
[indistinct chatter]
- [Markesha] Hello!
- Hello.
How are you?
[Lee] Can we get some bridesmaids?
When you say yes
to being a part of the bridal party,
and you find out it's DIY,
like, it's all hands on deck, dude.
[Lee] Where are they?
["The Hall of the Mountain King" playing]
[Renee] All bridesmaids on deck.
We need to all get on the same page.
So, we need to finish up these tables.
[music continues]
[music crescendos]
Markesha's in there and she needs help
with her dress, so let's go do that.
[slow piano music playing]
- [Markesha] I'm just nervous right now.
- [Lee] Don't be nervous.
So, I was wondering, do I walk out
this way, go outside, go up the stairs?
[Lee] Right. Let me find out for you.
It's a long walk in these shoes, people.
Why are they going? Why are they going?
OK, Bridal 101.
You can't start the ceremony
without the bride in place.
[whispers] Sorry to interrupt.
Markesha's still down in the bridal suite.
Should someone go get her
and bring her up here?
She has to walk around the building
to this door right here.
- Does she know that?
- Yes.
She didn't seem to know that.
But when it does happen,
the key is to not flip the F out.
[whispers] This is fucking bonkers.
Hi, how are you?
[tense instrumental music plays]
So, you are going to walk
around the building
to those front doors,
and they'll meet you there.
- OK, Kesh!
- [women] Woo!
- [Lee] Go get married!
- [Renee] Go get them!
- And then there were two.
- And then there were two.
- Come on, J.
- OK, let's go.
Wait, you left me hanging,
I wanted to hook arms with you.
- No, you have to come. We don't have time.
- OK.
[Renee laughing]
Our Father ♪
Which art ♪
In Heaven ♪
And the glory ♪
Forever ♪
And ever ♪
Amen ♪
[officiant] Brandon Murray,
will you have this woman,
will you love her, comfort her,
in sickness and in health
so long as you both shall live?
I will.
[officiant] Markesha,
will you love him, comfort him,
honor and keep him
in sickness and in health
so long as you both shall live?
I will.
[pleasant guitar music plays]
I pronounce you husband and wife.
You may kiss your bride.
- [cheers]
- [woman] Yeah, baby!
[guests cheering]
[cheering continues]
[Lee] Yay! You did it! Mwah!
- [Renee] Air kisses!
- [Lee] Air kisses!
- Congrats, Brandon!
- [Brandon] Thank you.
Now, we just have to deal
with the photographer.
Yeah, we won't really see her ring
if she's back there.
- Face the other way.
- Maybe we'll face the other way.
[Markesha] Turn around.
- [Lee] Yeah.
- [Brandon] OK.
The photographer's wearing cargo shorts.
I'm sorry, but can you not wear
all black or something?
[Lee] You're looking great, baby.
- Remember what we talked about?
- [Lee] I like this.
- Show that sexy ring.
- [Lee] Yep.
- [Renee] Yes!
- [Lee] Yes!
One, two, three,
OK, one more.
Yay! Those were great.
- [upbeat music playing]
- [indistinct chatter]
- Yay!
- [Jekarra giggles]
You were so great!
[man] Ladies and gentlemen,
please help me welcome
for the first time as a married couple,
Brandon and Markesha.
[guests cheering]
[man] Ladies and gentlemen, please turn
your attention to the dance floor.
It's time for the father-daughter dance.
- [piano plays]
- [Lee mutters] Oh, no.
The situation for the daddy-daughter dance
has been stressful,
'cause she's been,
you know, losing sleep over it.
I wish there was something I could do,
but it's something I gotta stay away from.
But I'm here for her.
[Lee] I don't know.
Who do you think she'll pick?
[Renee] I don't know.
I really don't know who to dance with.
I will either disappoint my stepfather
or disappoint my dad.
I just want to make everybody happy
at this moment.
Come on, Clyde.
[guests cheering]
[gentle guitar music plays]
[Lee] OK, check out Dad keeping his cool.
- OK.
- Call Mark?
- Dad.
- Mark.
[Markesha] Dad!
Alright. Thank you.
[Renee] Oh, that's so sweet.
Did you see that?
- The stepdad called over the biodad.
- [Lee] Aw! That's so nice.
What's up?
[Markesha laughing]
That was so sweet.
Wave at the crowd.
[both laughing]
- [Mark] I love you.
- [Markesha] Love you, Dad.
[all laughing]
[Lee] Aw!
Y'all get on the floor, man!
Come on! Come on! Come on!
So it's official.
We are now Mr. and Mrs. Murray,
king and queen.
[Markesha] I had my dream royal wedding.
I had my royal dress.
This wedding planning situation
has been very stressful.
But at the end of the day,
we're married, were happy.
Thank you so much,
Jamie Lee, because without you,
I would be a total hot mess.
- It's going so well, right?
- Yes, it is.
[Lee] I feel like
everybody's getting along.
The wedding planning is over.
Thank you so much for helping us.
Hey, I love you, guys.
- Mission accomplished!
- Yeah! Mm!
- [Lee] Wedding perfection is not a thing.
- [Renee] Not a thing.
When we're talking about a royal theme,
royalty is deeply imperfect.
- Yes.
- OK, lots of drama.
- There's a few court jesters in there.
- [Lee] Yes!
So I think that it makes the theme
even more royal, I say.
All hail Queen Markesha.
[upbeat music plays]
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