The Wedding Planners (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Wedding of Champions

Izzy Donnelly
Do you accept this
token of my undying love?
I do! I do!
Race you!
(IZZY) I beat you.
All right. You got this one!
Hey you lovebirds!
James! Man, it's been forever.
Your brother leaves for New York
and forgets about all the little people.
Sorry, who are you?
He's just sour because
he placed a big bet
that you'd win
America's Next Fashionista.
I mean, I think that we can
all agree that Stephen Hawson
is a horrible mentor and
you really should have won!
Well, had I had won,
I wouldn't be able to plan your wedding.
So. Who's the real winner? Not sure.
On that note, Jon and I
have had a change of heart.
We love the Art Gallery
idea for the venue.
But we kind of want to get
married in a place that has
a little bit more meaning for us.
Yeah, like right here.
Here? As in the roller rink here?
It's where Izzy and I first met.
And where I first fell in love with you.
It's also where I first
beat you at Foosball.
To be honest, she's never won since.
- That never happened.
- Sure.
A wedding on wheels. That's a first.
I mean, they do birthday parties,
so I'm sure we could organize a wedding.
No problem.
A wedding? Here?
That's what I said.
You want to get married
here before the thirty-first,
be my guest.
After that, we're closed for
renovations 'til the new year.
The thirty-first is this Saturday! No?
Iz, what do you say? Yes, right?
It will be completely different
after the renovations.
- Exactly.
- Don't knock it 'til you see the lasers.
And what about our parents?
I thought we'd give them more time
to warm them up to the idea.
- Uh-huh.
- You know what?
I'm sure your parents know
that you love this spot so much.
And I think they'll
understand the timeline
because of that. Right?
Come on, it's a roller rink!
Full disclosure. They
aren't exactly talking.
And they don't exactly
know we're getting married.
Oh! This just gets better by the minute.
So we're waiting for
the lasers then, yeah?
We'll have a few days
to get them together,
and then get them on
board with the wedding.
And plan a wedding!
Iz. Come on.
We've always liked the
challenge. Let's do this.
Let's do it.
That's what I'm talking about.
We'll book it.
Sorry what?
- The rink for our wedding.
- Our wedding.
Oh! Cool.
All for love all for us ♪
We'll get through this ♪
You always knew that
the way would be ♪
All for love and love for all ♪
(PAIGE) Of course.
Thanks for letting me know.
Take care.
Hey, how's it going?
Not so good. Another couple
canceled their consultation.
I guess they got cold feet
without Mom being here.
No. No no no no. I'm sure it's not that.
People really trusted her.
Paige. You're doing great.
- Let me buy you lunch.
Oh, hold on. I have another call.
Clarkson Wedding Essentials.
Paige speaking.
Hi. My name is Matt McCurdy.
(MATT) I was hoping to
surprise my fiancé
with a consultation
at the Champions Club.
Today, if possible.
Today! Ah
I can make that work. Yes!
Okay good.
- I will see you in half an hour.
- (MATT) Sure.
Okay. Great.
Hannah, you won't believe this.
I've got a meeting with Matt McCurdy.
Stop! Matt McCurdy?
Paige he is a dreamboat.
Get him to sign my jersey.
Okay. We're talking
about weddings not hockey.
Wait wait wait. Does this mean
Bryony is going to be there?
Oh, you're on first-name
basis with Bryony Bright?
Like the rest of the country,
I was glued to the figure
skating last Olympics.
You remember her free skate?
She's so good!
Ah. Three gold medals and
a Stanley Cup between them.
They're definitely a power couple.
Hey, why'd you call?
We can talk about it later.
We might need to cancel the art gallery
because we're booking a
wedding at the roller rink.
I got to go, but tell Bryony I say Hi!
So! First things first.
Your parents. What's the deal with that?
They used to be best friends.
They bowled together
every single Wednesday night for years.
Then they had a little
bit of a falling out
after my folks won the lottery.
Money changes people.
After that, my parents
pretty much retired.
Then they moved to the
other side of town, and,
you know, they got new things.
And new friends.
Iz. It really wasn't
like that, it's just,
things were different.
Besides, my parents miss your parents.
I know they do.
Mine too.
One stupid bowling competition
turned into years of resentment.
Okay. Then I say we skip the
drama, do a surprise wedding.
And then no one has time
to be angry about any of it.
That is a really good idea.
Well listen. Because they show up,
the rink reminds them
of the good old times.
And we get married and it's done!
It might not be that easy.
They haven't spoken for years.
I don't know. Weddings
bring people together.
You never know, your
parents might surprise you.
Look, I'm an only child.
If my Mom has nothing to
do with the wedding planning
she'll be devastated.
I mean, if anyone can warm
my Dad up to the idea,
- it's my Mom.
- Okay. Let's start with the Moms then.
Tell them whatever you
need to get them here ASAP.
- Oh! Parent Trapping!
- Yes! Bring them all up to speed.
And I'll be in touch
this week with a schedule.
What do you say?
Go team!
Matt! Hi.
You must be Bryony. So nice to meet you.
This is such a great spot.
Yeah. We both like coming
here when we're in town.
It's a selfie free zone.
I'm sorry, what was your name?
Oh, ah, Paige!
Paige Karam, from Clarkson
Wedding Essentials.
I invited Paige. A little
engagement present.
I'm back on the road again next week,
and I didn't want to wait
until after the playoffs
to start planning the wedding.
Hon, thank you, that's so thoughtful!
But I was thinking the same thing
Bryony, Matt, such a pleasure.
I am a huge fan!
Matt, this is Sally from Premium Bridal.
What a lovely surprise.
I knew this would be
the wedding of the year,
but, two planners?
I guess we're both just
excited to get this started.
Ah. Well
Then let's have a little bubbly
as a toast to your engagement.
(BRYONY) Sally, you
really shouldn't have!
This is just the beginning.
You just wait until you see
the couture wedding gown
that I can have designed just for you.
You're the best.
Well Clarkson did Joe Bondell's
wedding last year.
- And it was a lot of fun.
- Yes.
And my brother, James Clarkson,
you might have heard of him from
"America's Next Fashionista",
well, he just returned from
New York to be our in-house
Gown Whisperer.
Well. You two seem to be
the best at what you do.
What do you say to a
little healthy competition?
And you better bring your 'A' Game.
We've been approached by
Ice and Blade Magazine to do
a little spread on our wedding,
so the winner gets national coverage.
Why don't we talk about
our dislikes, likes now.
And meet Saturday? Best pitch wins.
(SALLY) Fantastic.
(BRYONY) Cheers!
Okay, so I think the
license can be rushed
if we're really really nice to Lisa.
Can I leave that to you?
Oh, I'm probably not the best person
to tussle with the City Clerk.
Sounds more like a Paige job. No?
Yeah. We need all hands on deck
if we're pulling this
wedding off in a week.
Rushing this really make sense?
His parents won an actual
lottery, they could get married
wherever they want and
they choose a roller rink.
James, Jon is one of
your oldest friends.
Let's be supportive of his day.
Positive vibes only!
I only do 'old friends'.
I haven't spoken to
Jon in like four years.
And he obviously doesn't
know me anymore if he thinks
I'm going to get on roller skates.
This wedding is about
the couple and their love
for one another and their wishes.
Not about you and your things.
What? Christopher?
(HANNAH) What?
(JAMES) Is he at Bei Panini?
(HANNAH) Christopher owns Bei Panini.
He's there all the time.
What in the world is Stephen
doing in Hartbridge?
Also, I still think we should wait
to bring in the Dads
until the rehearsal dinner.
And that way you could
create something light
and positive to distract them.
So can I leave that to you?
I think I can handle a couple
of retirees on roller skates.
Thank you.
I don't know. They
can be hell on wheels.
Hannah Banana with an H bomb. Whoa!
This should be fun!
I can't wait to see
what you come up with.
Either one of us would do
a beautiful job for them.
Or, we could join forces and show them
something no one's ever seen before.
My offer still stands, you know.
Thanks for asking again, Sally, but
we don't want to sell the company.
Then you'd better bring it.
Because if you can't land
big clients like these,
you'll have to sell anyway.
Whether you like it or not.
Don't you worry about
Clarkson or me bringing it.
May the best planner win! Hmm!
Mama drama time. How you feeling?
I'm doing okay.
Izzy, on the other hand,
doesn't seem to be handling
the pressure so well.
Poor girl didn't even sleep last night.
She woke up this morning
with like a weird rash
on her arm.
I didn't need to know that part.
She just really wants
it to work, you know?
(JAMES) If you need me I am right here.
I am great with Moms.
I believe you.
How'd it go this morning?
(TALKS FAST) It was good! We
got our nails done. Had coffee.
Did you know the place
we got our nails done
has bottomless coffee?
I did not know that.
Hey, do you think this is a good idea?
I think I could use another
coffee. Do you want a coffee?
I think you've had enough coffee.
Is there ever too much
coffee? Can I have a coffee?
Okay, Iz, just focus.
Let's go over the game plan.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Thank you.
We'll take things slow.
We'll make them comfortable,
keep it light and friendly
and then when the time's
right, we tell them.
- Hey Mom!
- Honey!
Izzy, I didn't know you were
going to join us for lunch.
(DEB) They have the cutest little
- Deb.
- What are you doing
- We're getting married on Saturday!
- Iz! Game plan!
- Backup!
- Married?
You just started dating.
When did you get engaged?
Hey, Moms.
Did somebody call for a wildly charming
wedding party whisperer?
This Saturday?
It's not exactly how we planned it but
the roller rink isn't going
to be ready when we wanted.
I'm sorry. You're getting
married at the roller rink?
You didn't think that we could
pay for something better?
No! No one is paying for anything.
- Izzy and I are going to take care of it. Right?
- Yeah.
We totally didn't want this
to be about money at all.
We just wanted our families to be there
on the day that we start our family.
Your Father hates surprises.
So does yours!
Which is why we are going to
need help from both of you.
How can we get them on board?
(DEB) They did always
love to bowl together.
(HANNAH) Hey Paige.
Do you know who Mom's
second go-to Officiant was?
The one I had originally
booked for Jon and Izzy's
first date can't do this Saturday.
This Saturday? Whoa!
Okay, I booked a big
pitch for Matt and Bryony
and I was really hoping
we could do it together.
Yeah, sorry, I can't.
The venue has an issue
that can only be solved
if we bump the wedding to this Saturday.
When it rains it pours.
You know what? Rain is good
luck in this business. Right?
Maybe not for this wedding.
They want to be wowed.
They want something big and spectacular.
I've never done anything like this.
Not on this scale.
Put your umbrella away,
sis. I got you covered.
I love spaghetti.
I love spaghetti.
It's the password for the site
of Mom's old wedding
videos that I digitized.
Inspiration for your pitch.
Capital L.
I Love Spaghetti.
Hannah, this is great.
Okay, I will call every single Officiant
in the greater Hartbridge area.
We got this! We got this!
Here we go.
I always like to have
something on hand to toast
the bride when she
finds her perfect dress.
Two lime spritzers.
I haven't had one of these in years.
Oh, you've had these before?
We'd have one after our
bowling on Wednesday nights.
- Well, it was more like two or three.
Seems like a long time ago.
(IZZY) Okay, I think I'm ready.
This isn't right.
The dress!
You could see it on her
face when she walked out.
It's not the right dress!
I mean it's cute. It could work.
Honey, you're not getting
a dress that works.
It's got to be the one!
You'll have to keep trying.
Mom, we don't have that much time.
Hey. Don't you worry about that.
I have the perfect dress just for you.
Come this way with me.
For big inspiration.
Paige darling, I have been
privileged to be a part
of some of the most beautiful weddings.
But sometimes it's the simplest ones
that are the most impressive.
Because that's where the love
gets to really shine through.
Joel and Felicia.
They wanted to introduce
a personal element to their wedding.
Felicia and Joel.
We used lavender from her
father's lavender fields
in the bouquet.
A few sprigs.
A little for elegance,
a little for serenity.
A little piece of home
that they could take
in their life together.
Know the client and you'll know the way.
Know the client and you'll know the way.
(NATALIE) Maybe we can
get everyone together
and have a bowling night.
You really think that's a good idea?
I mean, that's what they
fought over in the first place.
So, Jon and Izzy thought
bowling would be super fun.
It was something they
always like to do, right?
And that way everybody
will be focused on the game,
as opposed to freaking
out about the wedding.
I don't know how our
husbands can freak out
when they see how happy
Jon and Izzy are together.
I think she's ready.
Look at you!
You look stunning!
Something we can all agree on.
I love the top half.
I'm just worried about
tripping in my skates.
Oh, well, we keep the bodice.
And then I'm thinking
we raise the hem line
up to tea-length. Which would be gorge.
And maybe even up the
tulle which would give it
a bit more whimsy and
movement when you're skating.
It's the one!
Honey, we're so happy!
Thank you so much for being here.
There's nowhere else we'd rather be.
Three, two, one
Hi Dad!
Jon and I were wondering what
you're doing Friday night?
Oh, there's a hockey game on Friday.
Don, there's always a hockey game on!
Well, Jon and I are going bowling,
and we wanted to know if
you and Mom could join?
I haven't bowled in years.
Not since Rick and I were defeated
in the 50,000 dollar Sweeps.
That was twelve years ago!
Then he goes and wins the lottery.
It really broke up the team.
Well, we would really
love if you could join.
Seven PM sharp?
Ah, but Friday night,
your Mother and I have
dinner at the Club, Jon.
Yeah, but honey, you're
always saying how stuffy
everybody is at the club.
Oh, seriously, you'd think
it costs them money to laugh!
Then come laugh with us, Dad.
- What do you think, hon?
- Yeah!
- Let's do it.
- Yeah.
Sure, sweetheart. Sounds fun.
All right, Jonny boy.
I guess I could dust off my
lucky bowling shoes for you.
Okay, great!
We'll meet you at the alley.
Seven sharp! Okay? Okay. Bye bye.
Parents Trapped!
Are you sure you got this
whole rehearsal dinner
Hey! You okay?
Yeah. I'm going to get us some coffees.
Want to get us a table?
Sure. Yeah yeah.
Of all the cafés in
the eastern seaboard
Fancy running into you here.
It's the only place around
with a decent espresso.
You came all the way from
New York for an espresso?
What I have come here for
is none of your concern
as we are not currently
working together.
I'm impressed with the Italian
tones and the right pour.
Oh, thank you.
It's really nice.
Okay, what are you doing in Hartbridge?
Are you here to woo me back?
Actually, I'm being
wooed by Premium Bridal
to design a wedding
gown for Bryony Bright.
So you're doing bridal wear now?
Yeah, the thought would have
had never crossed my mind,
but turns out, the money in gown design
is brilliantly persuasive.
It seems like it could
be an amusing distraction.
And you had no idea that I was here?
Sally mentioned you were
altering bridal gowns
for the locals.
Sally does has such a
colorful way with words
Who would have thought James Clarkson
would choose to work in bridal wear?
I'm helping my sisters out.
You like being a big
fish in a little pond.
This big fish is on a pond-cation.
I know how wrong I was.
I should have never
created my own collection
without talking to you.
You were my mentor, my boss.
It was selfish.
I wanted my own designs
with my name on it.
And I used your resources to do it.
I just
I want you to know how sorry I am.
It's nice to hear.
I guess I'll see you back
in New York soon then.
- Does that mean
- We'll see.
I'll send you some sketches.
Oh, please tell me that there's
a decent fabric store here
other than the one at the mall?
I'm sorry Judy.
We're not in The Garment
District anymore.
Yes I can count how many months.
Yes I know it's hard to
pinpoint the exact weekend
when they'll bloom, but
I have a couple who would
really love cherry blossoms, and
I was hoping to get an expert
reading for the next year.
No no no no, please,
I've already been on hold,
I just Ah
I just want to control the weather.
Ha ha ha ha.
Every single day ♪
I miss you ♪
Every single day ♪
I want to be with you ♪
Every single day ♪
I wish you'd stay ♪
Every single day ♪
Hey Dad. It's me.
Things have really
been crazy around here.
I know you're busy, but we
could really use a visit.
What do you think?
I don't think I've ever owned
a suit that fits this well.
Well, most men haven't.
I think I look pretty good!
Pretty good?
I may not have won,
but I did win a record
three challenges on
"America's Next Fashionista".
This my friend looks sharp.
For the record, that guy,
Stephen, from your show?
He sucks.
Well that guy Stephen,
is a fashion mogul.
Might be a bit safe and conventional,
but a mogul nonetheless.
You will be too one day.
Oh, safe and conventional?
I kind of see you as more rocket
man and unconventional.
But a, you know, a mogul none the less.
If that's what you want.
I miss hanging out with you, Bud.
It's Izzy.
Ho ho hold on. Hold on. Slow down.
Oh no.
I know, I'm sorry.
I know you really wanted
her to be there. But
Yeah yeah yeah. Of course.
Okay. Bye bye.
What's going on?
Izzy's Grandma's not well enough
to make it for the wedding.
I gotta go.
Hey, thank you so much for helping on
the Jon and Izzy wedding this weekend.
How could I say no.
An elevated snack bar menu.
At the roller rink.
It's going to be the best wedding ever.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
Here's hoping.
You know, I was thinking,
I haven't been to the rink in years.
I can't imagine the snack
bar has much of a kitchen.
Well, we're headed there this afternoon
for a final venue tour. Do you
want to come and check it out?
- Sure.
- Okay great.
See you there.
Thank you so much.
(HANNAH) Vince is opening it up
to the public in about an hour.
So we should get planning.
(IZZY) Then we have our
own private date night!
Or our very own work night.
So, I have a vision.
Let me know your thoughts.
I'm thinking the entire
ceremony is centered
at the center of the rink.
We'll have some high
top tables, surrounding.
We'll soften it with
some balloon arches.
It will look amazing.
I also want to ask you
about accessibility.
Are there any mobility issues
we should know about?
My Grandma's too sick to fly.
Oh no. I'm so sorry Izzy.
We can definitely still include
her in the ceremony.
We could video chat her in.
That's a good idea!
It'll be just like she's here. Right?
Do you want to postpone?
We'd lose the rink! It's
fine. I'm fine. It's fine.
Well, I don't know.
Maybe you want to take a
little spin around the rink?
Practice before Saturday?
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
You guys want to join?
Oh, no. I got to get to work.
I have to figure out, you know,
where the buffet table goes,
the dessert table, table decor.
Catering things.
We could plan and
skate at the same time?
Yeah? You want to multi-task.
You're a multi-tasker?
I'm a very good multi-tasker.
But I'm a terrible skater.
How terrible?
Someone's going to need
to catch me if I fall.
- What size shoes?
- Eleven and a half.
Meet me on the dance floor ♪
Go to Rome and go to Paris ♪
The DJ's gonna get us there ♪
If you just meet me
on the dance floor ♪
Go to London go to Vegas ♪
Hey DJ take us anywhere ♪
If you just meet me
on the dance floor ♪
(CHRISTOPHER) Whoa whoa whoa whoa!
We got nothing in our pockets ♪
But I know that we ain't
stopping tonight ♪
- (VINCE) Hey!
Those skates are five bucks an hour!
I'll cover it!
What a coincidence!
You guys are also here.
- Hey. I saw you on TV. That was fantastic.
- Thank you.
You should be really
proud of yourself
Is this a joke?
No, Don, this is bowling!
- And who are you?
- Who cares?
(DEB) It's time to
let bygones be bygones.
You know what? Let's go get
our shoes and some snacks.
Okay, but what is he
They're also here. Weird.
Come on.
Don't be a baby.
- Fine.
- You're going to love it.
Staring at the pins isn't
going to make them fall over!
All right, all right! If
you're so eager to lose.
I'm just getting warmed up.
Whatever you do, keep
your toe behind that line.
It's on!
(RICK) We can get a lighter
ball for you, if you want.
Nice spare in that last frame.
If I would have just thrown a
strike, I would have had you.
Dream on.
Sounds like you guys
have earned your supper!
Supper! Huh? Ha ha!
- Wow.
- Let's sit.
Yes. come.
Yes, of course.
(IZZY) James, this is beautiful!
Ah, it's nothing.
Good job, bro.
- It was all you.
- Hmm. Yeah, it was.
(NATALIE) Look at that picture!
Donny, you're getting old.
At least my bowling
shirt still fits, Ricky.
It was surprisingly fun to
bowl with you again today.
Even though your foot
slipped over the line
on that last shot.
It did not.
And besides, stepping
over the line does not win
bowling games, throwing
strikes wins bowling games.
Well, I would have thrown more strikes
if my arthritis wasn't acting up.
(JON) Okay, guys.
I think we had fun today, right?
Come on Rick, you always
used to stretch the rules
when we played in the league.
You didn't mind when his
strikes were helping you win!
- Mom!
- That's right!
Ah! So you admit it!
So Rick cheated. Can
we please let it go?
I don't think Dad cheated.
Thank you son!
(DON) He can say he
didn't cheat all he wants.
But I saw it!
Everyone, it's just a game!
This is not just a
game! This is our life!
We're supposed to be family!
Jon and I brought you
guys here to tell you
that we're getting married
and the wedding is tomorrow.
We just wanted all of you
to put the past behind.
And we thought if we came here
you guys would remember
how much fun we used to have.
But clearly, I was wrong.
You know what, if you guys
can't put whatever pettiness
this is behind you,
then don't come tomorrow.
I got to say,
Izzy and Jon really wanted
all of you here tonight.
So you could all forget
the past and celebrate
the future that they're
starting together.
(DEB) You two need to fix this.
(NATALIE) Are you two going to miss
your kids' wedding over this?
Who's hungry?
Hey, any sign of Don and Rick?
(JAMES ON WALKIE) Nope. No sign at all.
Didn't plan for this.
(V.O.) This is how Premium
Bridal will create
that perfect day for the two of you.
And all your dreams come true.
Because if it's going to be Bridal,
it's got to be Premium.
(SALLY) All for love, and love for all.
Wow! Thank you.
(BRYONY) Paige, we'd love to
see what you have prepared.
Yes. Um
So I was thinking
For a Spring Wedding, a
color palate of gold, white
and cherry blossoms.
With a martini bar made of ice and um
I'm sorry. I can't do this.
I would be honored to
help you plan your wedding,
but I'm in the business
of love, and to me
Love shouldn't be a competition.
The heart of our family
business is to work with
the couple to create their perfect day.
And sometimes
Simple is just simply better.
If you'll excuse me,
I should probably go.
There's a wedding at
the roller skating rink
that I really should really help
my brother and sister with.
You don't mind taking another
look for them just in case.
Do you? Thanks brother.
All right.
I can't believe they wouldn't come.
Oh. Yeah, we gave them a few
hours last night to work it out.
But when I got back, Rick
and Don were already gone.
I guess we'll have to tell Izzy.
Yeah, whatever you need.
Would you stand up with me today?
None of this would have come
together if it wasn't for you.
So thank you.
You've been a really good friend.
Yeah. I think I could do that.
Come in.
Oh, it's just you.
I'm sorry. I didn't
Are they here?
Jon wanted me to give you this.
I got your present.
I don't exactly have time
to beat you at video games.
I have a wedding to get to.
Our Dad's aren't coming, Iz.
Yeah, I guess we always knew
there was a chance they wouldn't come.
We managed to plan a
whole wedding in a week.
But I guess getting over
old grudges takes more time.
We tried, huh?
What do you want to do?
Well if they need more time
They can have it.
Because we're getting married today.
And we'll be married
for a very long time.
Are you ready?
You bet I am.
(HANNAH) Yes, I'm traveling
with the bride as we speak.
Wait! Kailyn hold the music.
(DON) Izzy!
They said you weren't feeling
well. Are you all right?
I'm doing much better, dear.
These two knuckleheads picked me up.
You went to get Grandma?
Drove all through the night.
Put on some Hendrix,
drank a lot of coffee.
- A lot of bad coffee.
- Terrible coffee.
We love you, Izzy.
We're sorry we made this so difficult.
This is so amazing that
everybody's together.
Should we get started?
No. Not quite yet.
Nat and I had our own little
scavenger hunt last night too.
We want to make sure that
you and Jon start your lives
together off right.
So, a little tradition.
- First up, something old.
- Rude.
Sorry Mom.
Your Grandma is not your something old.
My skates!
And something new.
(RICK) It's a down payment
on your first home.
From all of us. Together.
This is too much. We can't accept it.
Well, we're not all going
to fit into your little
apartment when we come to
visit our grandchildren.
Thank you.
Something borrowed.
This was the veil that I
wore when I married Rick.
You wore it beautifully, honey.
It's stunning.
And Something blue.
This is the wedding ring
your Grandpa gave me.
Thank you.
Everything okay?
Hey Hannah, how are
we looking out there?
I got a groom here who would
like to get married soon.
Very true.
(HANNAH) Yes, everything's great.
Just hold for one minute.
One minute.
Let's do it.
You made it!
- Hi.
- Hi.
You look amazing.
Shall we?
We shall.
- Hey.
- Hey!
- How did the pitch go?
- I'll tell you later.
We are gathered here today
to celebrate the union of
Jon and Izzy.
Jon. I cannot picture
my life without you.
You make me laugh in a
way that no one else can.
You support and challenge me
everyday in the best way possible.
I promise to love and support you
in everything that you do.
Except for when you think that pineapple
is an appropriate pizza topping.
Now that I will just never get behind.
I am so excited to officially call you
my husband, and my teammate for life.
Izzy Donnelly, you know
I've been in love with you
for fifteen years.
On this rink, all those years ago,
I don't know if you remember,
but you challenged me to a race,
and you skated away with my heart.
And I honestly feel I'm
the luckiest man alive
to have been skating
next to you ever since.
I love you more than ever before.
And I take you as my bride
and I cannot wait to
start a family with you.
In the presence of your
closest friends and family,
it is my honor to pronounce
you now, husband and wife.
You may kiss the bride.
(IZZY) Sorry.
'Cause I wanna get loved ♪
Get loved, get loved ♪
Get loved, get loved ♪
I would give it all up for you ♪
All up for you ♪
You know that I'd do it ♪
'Cause I wanna get loved ♪
Get loved, get loved ♪
Get loved, get loved ♪
This is so cool.
It's not bad. It's not bad.
Come on you guys gotta skate!
Oh no. I don't want to.
Maybe he wants to. He'd love to.
Yeah Buddy!
(AMBER) Get it!
Hey you two!
This is so cute.
Yeah, it looks really fun.
Well, it's the perfect
wedding for the couple.
I can't take credit for it though.
My siblings pulled this one off.
Well, it seems like you
have a pretty solid team.
And we'd like to
plan our wedding with
Clarkson Wedding Essentials.
We really loved what you said.
Thank you for being honest with us.
We'll be in touch.
Thank you.
Know your client, and
you'll know the way.
Well, that was a crazy week!
The craziest.
But this is the best night of my life.
Mine too.
Hey can we never get married again?
- Never!
- Okay. Yeah. Good.
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
Shall we?
Next time on The Wedding Planners
Dad. How's it going?
Jimmy Junior.
Just James.
How much of our wedding feels
like my childhood dreams?
Look at you!
So you two are adorable.
I need you to contain Nav.
He's turning Amber against me.
Where's my cousin hiding?
Where's your individuality?
I should of been here
for your Mother's funeral.
Just leave me alone.
Yeah, relax.
You just try to kick me out
of my own daughter's wedding.
Let's all just take a minute. Shall we?
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