The Wheel of Time: Origins (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Saidin, Saidar, Stone

Born in the Spine of the World,
its waters flow almost entirely unimpeded
until it finds itself here,
when the island of Tar Valon splits
the mighty River Erinin into two halves.
Thousands of years ago,
long before the walls of our great city
were raised by Ogier hands,
there existed a great era of humanity.
The Age of Legends was
a time of advancement.
Philosophy, science, technology
What little knowledge
survived the Breaking
alludes to incredible progress.
Society benefited
through true collaboration
as Female and Male Aes Sedai
worked together
with each half of the One Power.
Saidar and Saidin.
Woman and man.
Halves of the whole.
Two paths from the same source,
the True Source.
When men touch Saidin,
it is wild and unwieldy,
a raging torrent resisting.
And after the Dark One corrupted Saidin,
the madness is unavoidable.
Tainted upstream,
the two cannot be separated.
When women touch
the True Source with Saidar,
we surrender and guide.
In its gentleness,
we find its infinite power.
To master these waters
will take time and practice.
My daughters, let us begin.
Empty yourself of your thoughts.
The only thing in your mind
is the bud of the flower. Only that.
You can see every detail, every vein,
every leaf, every curve
Feel it, know it.
You and the bud are one.
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