The Witcher: Blood Origin 2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Of Mages, Malice, and Monstrous Mayhem

Merwyn's dream had become a reality.
Once Eredin's scouting party found
a suitable world, she'd conquer it,
civilizing any inhabitants
who welcomed her empire
and erasing those
who would resist its glory.
Locate food sources above all else.
There will be no civilizing other worlds
till we settle the lowborn here.
Watch Balor as you would
a viper at your feet.
I'll keep Fenrik in my blade's shadow.
He won't risk her.
If you'll do the honors, Balor.
Chief Sage.
May the spirit of Solryth guide you.
Let the new golden age begin.
What is this place?
Look for water.
Scan the horizon for signs of life.
Smoke from fires, anything.
Do you mean to sacrifice them?
Fenrik, you're not my blood.
But you're my blood in heart.
You are the part of me
that I value the most.
What in the name of all the gods
I gave you everything you wanted,
and still you betrayed me.
On me!
Wherever this takes you,
may you burn for all eternity.
Now you've transformed,
what will you do
with such wonderful Chaos?
I'm going to take
what I've always deserved.
Empire grain store.
They're starving down here.
It won't take much.
Good luck.
I've returned with the empress' prisoner.
The Book of Monoliths.
Syndril was a genius,
but he didn't realize the full potential
of his magical equations.
This one, in particular.
If I'm right, it allows travel
not just between worlds.
We could travel through time itself.
Leave us.
Wasn't easy.
Still, I always deliver what I promise.
So I'll take what I'm owed and leave.
Xin'trean air doesn't agree with me.
And what of the Lark?
Dead. As promised.
Along with some others
who joined her along the way.
You can have them for free.
You're relieved.
Secure the square.
Move it, move it, move it. Let's go!
- Out front, now!
- Meldof, two up top.
- Don't let them get to the war horn!
- Sound the alarm!
To arms
One of Father's favorite prizes.
Had this been another time,
I'd have returned this to you.
- No
- Stay there.
But these are new days.
A bright future lies ahead.
Regretfully, not for you.
You're a sellsword and Ghost Tribe.
So you see why I can't let you go.
You will honor our agreement.
From the legends that I've read,
your Ghost Tribe was honorable
above all else.
And yet here you are, a betrayer,
selling out your fellow warriors
for a bit of metal!
A disgrace to your ancestors.
- I'll skin you alive.
- Take her to the square.
Behead her with the sword
she betrayed her friends for.
I'll haunt you for eternity.
And place her head on the city gates
as a warning to malcontents.
May your womb rot,
and your name be forgotten.
Best get that riot
happening quick.
Go do your thing, Lark.
People of Xin'trea!
We mean you no harm.
We're here for justice.
The grain behind these doors is yours.
Every grain store in this city
belongs to you.
Grain grown by you, the lowborn,
to fatten her empire's armies,
feeding off your blood, sweat and tears.
- All while your own children starve.
- That's right!
She's the Lark.
Take what's yours!
The Lark?
It's empty.
- It's empty!
- How are we
- Don't care about the lowborn!
- Shit.
Those bastards!
They've left us nothing!
- How will we survive?
- It's gone!
This is the future under the empress
and her bloody empire.
All that lies ahead for you,
for your children, is starvation.
We need to rise up.
I know you're scared,
but we'll never have this chance again.
Together, we can win.
- an army
- We can't
We are the Black Rose ♪
Let no one doubt our cause ♪
Rise up and let them feel our thorns ♪
And freedom will be ours ♪
We are the black-thorned rose ♪
Singing songs for the unsung ♪
Rise up and let them hear our roar ♪
The lowborns' day has come ♪
Go! Spread the word!
Let them know
this is the day the lowborns rise!
- Yeah!
- The day Xin'trea becomes yours!
Let them feel your thorns!
Freedom and food for all!
- Yeah!
- Arm yourselves!
I thought my magic was powerful.
Well done.
If I fall, you owe me a song,
and I want both me stones in it.
Uthrok Mighty Cock.
He who had two enormous balls
that slew an empire!
Hark that Lark!
On me, you magnificent bastards!
Let's get inside.
What's happened to you?
You have questions.
Everything that you've heard is true.
I had Alvitir killed.
And your family.
All of Dog Clan.
I knew everyone that I loved would die,
and I said yes.
Without a second breath.
I was going to be
a footnote in someone else's story.
I was a fertile thing to be traded.
I was unseen, Fjall!
I saw you.
The old ways had to die.
As much as I loved my brother,
he would have just made the same mistakes
as every king before him.
But the army and mages are on my side.
They are civilizing other worlds
as we speak.
I will lead us into a new golden age.
And I want you by my side.
I know you'll need time.
You truly are demented.
Do you honestly think
I could forgive you after what you did?
Do you know the sacrifices
my clan had to make just to protect you?
The horrors we inflicted on others
in your name?
And you betrayed us.
You're a monster.
I should know.
- This way.
- Move!
The prisoner's got free!
You had to be rude about it.
- Focus.
- You focus.
It won't open.
The locks must be dimeritium.
Pissing time before
there's soldiers on our arses 'ere.
That wasn't us.
Get ready.
Done sightseeing?
Bit of color on your face suits you,
so it does.
- Which way to the monolith?
- It's up ahead.
- Where are all the guards?
- Hopefully heading towards the riot.
- Wait.
- Up there!
Go. Destroy the monolith.
We'll hold them here.
Stay alive.
I'll do my best. You mind yourself.
Go, go, go, go!
- To the throne room.
- Kill him on sight.
- Move!
- Strap your tits.
A bit of color suits you too.
- Thanks.
- Fuck me, was it always this tirin'?
Come on, big lad.
We're only just getting started.
No retreat!
Wait, wait, wait.
We're losing control of the lower city.
- We must get you to the Yaruga Barracks.
- No. Just take me to my chambers first.
That's her. Okay, go.
We can make it from here.
- Good hunting.
- And you.
Let's get to the monolith.
You're her.
The Lark.
I thought you'd be
We've more in common than not,
from what I gather.
Both abandoned lives written for us
to write our own.
Everything I have done
has been for elfkind,
and I will not apologize for that, Lark.
You've no idea what elfkind even is.
- You're just another spoiled princess.
- I am Empress!
You are a child
given the reins of a warhorse.
You don't speak for elfkind.
What, and you do?
They speak for themselves now.
Small minds will always fear
what they don't understand.
Take your revenge, then,
and be done with it, little Lark.
The thought of watching
the life drain from your eyes fed me.
Nourished my broken heart
all this long way.
The closer I got, a thought
kept eating away at me.
That what you did was right.
Wiping out the monarchies.
And the clans.
We were the monarchies' boots
on the necks of the people.
We were their blade,
without question.
But you are just more of the same.
You changed nothing.
You're just another boot
looking for more necks.
You hear that?
That's the future of elfkind.
And the songs they sing
will not be of you,
but of freedom.
You want to control your own story.
I've given you a choice.
Leave the blade as it is,
and a physic might find you.
Save you.
You'll live long enough
to watch your world crumble around you.
Face your wrongs.
Or pull it out
and bleed to death a coward.
No one will know.
No one but you.
Sir! There's been an uprising.
You have corrupted everything.
This ends now!
How can he control fire?
Do you feel that?
- The Chaos energy from the other world.
- Yeah.
Don't mind me, love.
you wouldn't know the way
to the royal mint, would you?
Oh, here they are!
You're a lovely lookin' uprising.
Enjoy your freedom while it lasts.
Oh, by the way,
they have peaches in the kitchen.
Remember me.
Fjall, move!
All my life,
people like you have dismissed me.
No longer.
I control Chaos!
I don't need any of you.
We need to use his power against him.
I'll merge my power with his Chaos energy
to shatter the monolith.
Bind me to him!
Isn't it amazing how unscary something is
when you can see its arsehole?
- No!
- Fjall!
Fjall's gone.
Come to me, oh, lover ♪
Your unborn is yearning ♪
Come to me, oh, lover ♪
My heart is still burning ♪
My soul daily yearning ♪
To feel the cold river swirling ♪
To join you once more ♪
In the next world eternal ♪
Come back to me.
I can't.
I'll wait for you
in the great halls of Caer Aenwyn.
Live, Éile.
I love you.
What are you doing?
With a final touch,
- the great mage shattered
- Syndril!
- his greatest creation
- Syndril!
not realizing the energy released
would shatter space and time itself.
The fragile veils between worlds
had been ripped apart.
Planes of existence began to cross.
Skies warred with skies.
Night fed upon day.
Multiple worlds crossed through
each other,
scattering species like seeds
as they merged.
This was the Conjunction of the Spheres.
Every living thing fell
And then
the Continent awoke.
Strange ships lay wrecked,
having cast an even stranger cargo
on Elven shores.
Humans, cast forever
and far from their own world.
Mankind now walked among elves.
Where am I?
What are you?
Where did you come from?
Help me!
Nothing would ever be the same again.
Where once there were
Two standing stones ♪
Facing proudly in a field ♪
One lies broken on its side ♪
Since the meeting of the spheres ♪
Beneath that stone, a warrior ♪
Whose bravery knew no bounds ♪
Who gave his life so you'd be free ♪
And a tyrant be overthrown ♪
They said he had a heart of stone ♪
No love or tender touch, no ♪
Till a singing lark sang her song ♪
And cracked his heart in two ♪
They battled through a land so cruel ♪
Where lowborn starved and toiled ♪
Fighting to avenge their clans ♪
And free the commonborn ♪
I am that lark, that standing stone ♪
Standing by my lover's side ♪
My voice is dying in the wind ♪
As our story starts to fade ♪
I'll feel your warmth no more
My love ♪
I'll feel your warmth no more ♪
But from our love, a seed has grown ♪
A seed to save our world ♪
Come eat.
Éile and Fjall had seeded new life.
A child carrying a blood like no other,
one marked by beast and magic.
I haven't had food like this
since leaving Ard Fuile.
Are you sure
you've no Dwarven blood in you at all?
I don't know. What do you think?
A few generations back, maybe.
Makes us family, so it does.
It happened, Ithlinne.
I slayed a beast, just like you said.
Only it wasn't the beast I expected.
Can you?
Are you sure?
The time of the spheres
is upon us.
Aen Seidhe lost across the skies.
Cast adrift in time.
Ever searching for love
- Lost.
- And left behind.
The Lark's seed shall carry forth
the first note of a song
that ends all times
And one of her blood shall sing the last.
the last
Wait, what?
Who? Which one of their blood?
Sing the Song of the Seven, Sandpiper.
So the oppressed may find
hope and strength
in the tale of their ancestors,
and be ready
for the great change to come.
- Go on, then.
- Okay.
- Aah!
- Bad luck.
Too bad, too bad.
You're nothing, you're less
You're broken, a mess ♪
Defeated and hopeless
You'll sink to the depths ♪
The oppressors are mighty
Way greater in strength ♪
Let history warn you
Resistance means death ♪
Forget all they've told you
For history's fine glow ♪
Is tarnished by those
Who don't want you to know ♪
The power of your stories
Your songs, and yourselves ♪
To take back the land
For the dwarves and the elves ♪
So sing loud and proud
The Song of the Seven ♪
Be you halfling or gnome
Be you Dwarven or Elven ♪
You carry their stories
No oppressor can hide them ♪
Carry their glories and rise ♪
We will rise ♪
Bonded in a blood quest
For vengeance and truth ♪
Destined to fail but the Seven refused ♪
Seven warriors apart unite as one fist ♪
The empire would crush them
But they said, "Fuck this" ♪
They said, "Fuck this" ♪
They rallied the people
With brave deed and song ♪
Their courage has shown them
The right from the wrong ♪
The power of a story
Put fire in their veins ♪
The people will rise up
To bring forth a change ♪
So sing loud and proud
The Song of the Seven ♪
Be you halfling or gnome
Be you Dwarven or Elven ♪
You carry their stories
No oppressor can hide them ♪
Carry their glories and rise ♪
We will rise ♪
We will rise ♪
Oh, we will rise ♪
We will rise ♪
Oh ♪
We will rise ♪
Oh ♪
Sing loud and proud
The Song of the Seven ♪
Be you halfling or gnome
Be you Dwarven or Elven ♪
You carry their stories
No oppressor can hide them ♪
Carry their glories and rise ♪
We will rise ♪
Sing loud and proud
The Song of the Seven ♪
Be you halfling or gnome
Be you Dwarven or Elven ♪
You carry their stories
No oppressor can hide them ♪
Carry their glories and rise ♪
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